These Are a Few of My Favorite Card Tricks to Do...Obviously

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a very limited number of basic effects finding a card i mean it's been selected well that's an effect you thought of a card oh yeah yeah can you say it out loud for the first time spayed five five spades yeah where do you want it to be in the deck middle bottom top second you decide top here top yeah look look the card's not in the deck it just traveled through the air sigh and it landed under your watch look under your watch turn your wrist over [Laughter] well it doesn't matter whether you find it under an ashtray or up behind a picture on the wall or in somebody's shoe it's still the effect of finding an unknown card although there are thousands of tricks there are only what you might call 20 basic effects of course that's the way you take eight notes in an octave on a piano i mean the number of variations they get are fantastic growing up i took cards with me everywhere that i would go i never dreamed that those 52 cards would take me all over the world let them see it don't let me stop everybody else see it y'all see it yeah they say yeah oh they say here and they can't believe that you put it in like that this is the one you take the deck and i don't think all right is this just a chance to throw cards at my balls i got it did you feel what i just did no please tell me i didn't put it in my pocket don't do that this pocket i mean it's just [Music] i was excited to travel to england to perform for professor stephen hawking one of the world's greatest signs he has suffered from a degenerative disease since the age of 21 and even simple communication takes enormous effort his staff also told me he hadn't been feeling well and wouldn't be responsive so stephen name any card that you want out loud any single card and i obviously did not influence you and don't know what you're gonna say i know diamonds you said the nine of diamonds and i didn't influence you at all that's fair you could have thought of any card and i put this deck of cards in front of you before we began i don't even want to touch this because i don't want you to think that i'm cheating stephen but can you open up this box that i put here before it began but keep it in everybody's site and let steven see it open the box and one card one card is at the face of the deck turn the deck over and let stephen and everybody see what card is and show them as well [Music] and steven you could have thought of any single card in the deck that's 52 different choices amazing i don't know how you did it
Channel: David Blaine
Views: 2,199,960
Rating: 4.967185 out of 5
Keywords: Magician, Magic, Endurance Artist, DavidBlaine, Blaine, StephenHawking, Psy, JonStewart, DaiVernon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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