These Animal Crossing Islands are SO COOL!

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you can learn a lot about a person from the way they play Animal Crossing so what better way to judge my fan base than by asking for their dream addresses and touring some of them in this video here we are on island number one and if you want to see me tour your Animal Crossing Island leave your dream address down below and I might do it in a future video also subscribe because I want to hit 100K and get that silver plaque already please this first eyelid is called Toe bean and it's by Anne-Marie they said it's an all Cat Island and it's set in the fall so very excited to see how it's gonna go I was gonna just head to the entrance but um they left some goodies here by resident services let's see what they are stockings oh it's a full-on outfit oh my God I'm ready to cosplay whatever they're gonna give me um I'm living for this oh I'm here to feel my cat fantasy and the entrance is right here by the airport so this is fun and to nobody's surprise it's all cat villagers like they said it was we have Tangy Bob Tom Olivia Raymond Rudy Punchy Rosie Kiki and Cat okay this person has taste I live for that also sorry my face was in the way there they are they also have three residents John Rose and Mimi right away this entrance ooh love how open and Serene it is above all the flowers too I guess I'm going this way because I already am oh this is cute love the path oh my God and a fish mart how fitting for a cat Island you have all the fish ready to go for all the cat villagers oh my God it's Marlin and Dory are they on the way to look for Nemo I wonder if Nemo's somewhere on this island too let's keep an eye out for that oh my God and they actually managed to decorate their dock too this is something that I literally never do so shout out to anybody who actually does this uh you're more put together than I am I love the way they decorated this beach overall because it's so small but like they still managed to do a good job and then the path continues on up this way and it looks like we have a farm here whoa every single available crop here ready to go including all four of the pumpkins love that yes I do and then we have a little bee farm over here ooh save the bees and then we have an orchard with all the fruit ready to go is this like a little farmer's market oh this is cute wait this is so cute oh my God and there's like a little kitchen right over here right by your house that's smart and then we have the first house right over here I believe this was John's house hopefully it's decorated sorry if it isn't oh my God it is whoa oh it's like a little shopping mart wait this is actually cool oh my God wait what is this item right over here is this an item in the game it's like a like a shopping mart thing what is this like a treadmill oh shout out to any cashiers who are watching this video I used to be one too so I feel your pain and then what's on up here I'm curious the second floor of the farmer's Mart it's yep just as I suspected like a little chill area I'm assuming this is where no this isn't where they live this is like a coffee shop oh I left this coffee shop it's nice and cozy there's like a place here to chill with your friends and then like actual tables too with food are these like fluffy pancakes I really need to unlock all the recipes in this game because I don't know half of the ones that are available we have these cupcakes over here oh and I love this little workbench back here too how convenient if you need to get some crafting done why not just do it in a cafe love that so continuing on from John's house we're gonna just head on up this way oh my God and I'd love to go say hey to the museum but first things first we have an icon right over here Miss Rosie me and her look at us twinning two blue cats on the beach she deserves more love she is one of the fan faves in this game but like I'm not seeing enough hype for her anymore we need to change that we as a society need to change that remember the days when she was the number one fan fave can we go back to those days please and then we have a museum right over here love these like little banners with the owls on them that's actually so cool oh my God and then there's like a little observation deck up here giving us what we deserved in this game I love your big brain why don't we have an observation deck imagine if you were able to collect all like the astronomical items or whatever they're called and give them to Celeste and she's like wow I never realized so many people here loved astrology maybe I'll move here and open up an observation deck you see how we could have had that Nintendo love this Cafe here this is a cute Cafe as well where does this path over here go it goes right behind the farm from before oh and we can sneak on up this way and it leads to over here oh this is Town Hall okay fun we're back at Town Hall already I'm gonna go up this bridge and see what's over here I see a house over there and another cat oh my God it's my twin hey girl this is the second house I'm curious how this house is gonna look is it gonna be like another shop or an actual house oh it's an actual house ooh this is cute love The Vibes oh my God in a betta fish and a goldfish this person loves their fish I respect that it makes sense it's a cat Island wait and then there's like this nice little TV Zone area right over here I love the way they decorated this because it's so spacious but there's still like so much going on I could never y'all know me I love to clutter the out of my homes and then we have a kitchen oh wait this is oh my God you like walk in right away and there's an island wait this is like this is cute this is cute me get out of the way I want to take a photo of this um yeah hide behind the pole this is a cute kitchen I love the angle I like this layout this layout is really cool and like everything here just works we have like this giant ass counter over here 10 out of 10 kitchen design love like the like the pink elements as well this is cool no notes just wow amazing 10 out of 10. I might steal this design if that's okay with you oh my God again whoa this is Smart Designs is that Jack on the wall oh my God beautiful just for that alone 100 out of ten but I love this like the aquarium wall to make like like using the aquarium wallpaper and then putting that little like counter border thing I don't know what it's called to like make it look like it's a fish tank that's built into the wall amazing 10 out of 10 once again and I love this area overall it's just super chill to like not take the focus away from the Main Attraction which is the fish tank also this hamsters here shout out to this hamster and the squeakquoid more importantly love that now hold on is this a bathroom ooh with a toilet and a bidet oh that's how you know this person's fancy they have a bidet this person has this Exquisite taste and you know what the most tasteful thing about this bathroom is the rubber ducky shower curtains ooh and coming up here we have a nice blue bedroom again 10 out of 10 for all the blue elements up here love the next the Goldfish over here and all these photos love the decor wait what are those up there what is that is that the poster you get for completing the Art Exhibit that's what it looks like I've never actually seen it before because you know I've never completed the Art Exhibit also shout out to this player because they managed to complete the Art Exhibit I could never so I respect your dedication and then last but not least we have the basement right down here and I am so curious to see what the basement of this house looks like like ooh it's oh my God it's cool it's like an actual basement wow who could have seen that coming I mean like I get that 70s shows Vibes but that's mainly just because like this is a nice chill place to chill in the basement I love how like realistic it is oh my God also the Jack poster back there do you get that from scanning as amiibo I guess so I like the KK Slider poster over there it's really cool this basement overall just looks so like realistic and so lived in I live I live for it 10 out of 10 house I mean like for me houses in general if you're able to decorate them I automatically respect you because I could never I have never once fully decorated one of my houses in this game so Props to you for the dedication all right and continuing on with the island coming off this way back over the bridge I guess we're gonna have to go back to town hall to get over to the rest of the island we have to go this way or do we go this way so according to the map I guess it would make sense to go up here because right over here there's the shopping district ooh this is the fun shopping district another fellow Cat hello hello to the cat down there oh my God they're looking at me this shopping district very fun overall it looks like this is the only way to get up here so smart of me to come up here first so how do we get over to the rest of the island this is a mystery now we're gonna have to figure this out something tells me I have to cross this bridge say hi to Punchy hello Punchy oh my God another 10 out of 10 cat on this island look at both of us cats here servant kitty kitty meow meow coming down this way we have another beach with a single beach chair Bob oh my God Bob hanging out with the pink and purple peach chairs this is Bob's Beach I know that for a fact this is Bob's Beach he owns it I shouldn't be allowed here sorry I'll leave you alone we're gonna cross this bridge and it comes to this little food truck stand oh this is cool are these like custom designs or are those like actual designs in the how did you design this are those actual designs available in the truck but this is cool this little area oh my god with like a little garbage section and an ice cream truck over here and then we have this villager hello John oh my God John I was just in your house earlier sorry for invading we have this house right over here and this person has a juice bar with all these protein shakes they're a gym rat so something tells me this is a jock cat oh it's Rudy oh my God right Rudy I forgot about you my house is your house especially since this is your dream in fact you should be saying this to me so true Rudy so true indeed I did not expect Rudy to just have a full-fledged gym in here with the stove and a mini fridge the stench of this house I'm afraid to find out so let's leave immediately love the design of that gem by the way it should make that clear that was a cool gym and then this cute little path over here oh my God this playground how do you get to the playground up there wait somebody lives there whose house is that oh and there's like a little Hoppity Hoppity thing over here what does this lead to the beach where I just was oh I did not realize you can come over here too that's smart this next house back here um who does this house belong to I love the purple and the blue Rosie's house of course it's Rosie's house no of course it makes sense she's got her blue roses shout out the movie um I know they belong to Apollo but still you get it and then oh my gosh we have another icon right over here miss Tangy whose house is this one this is an Apple Cafe who lives in here oh Tanki owning an Apple Cafe I would not have expected that but I respect the decision because it would be weird for her to have an orange Cafe when you really think about it and then this cat over here is an ooh this is a Halloween a Spirit Halloween and Animal Crossing oh my God they really are everywhere aren't they oh my God this is an actual Spirit Halloween wait what the hell this is so cool and Kiki owns it I just love having company it's a nice way to mix things up every once in a while kitty cat please stay as long as you like I'd love to stay here as long as I like Kiki oh my God like look at all these costumes ready to go the skeleton mask and the mummy mask from New Leaf I did not realize those were items in this game too I do really miss Halloween from the older games not to like start ranting again but like especially a new Leaf when you used to have to put on masks and go scary villagers to get candy God I missed that I wish they would bring that back and Kiki's neighbor over here is a music person who ooh this is the recording artist of the island I wonder how many Grammys they have first of all who is it who's interested in music on this island oh it's cat oh a Grammy award-winning artist she does look like one let's be honest wait this house is sick I'm gonna steal it once again don't mind me I'm taking photos of it smile for the camera cat thank you yeah if you see me copy this um don't be surprised right in front of cat we have another house right over here this is a spa a Bamboo Spa who owns the spa in this island Olivia mm-hmm Olivia ooh another cool design love how Serene it is also I love how every single house has a workbench and a stove do they actually use the stove you leave them because every time I give them a stove they always end up just using a stove down over here in this corner instead you do realize this is my private dream space Oh sorry I'll leave you alone and then this house right down over here who does this one belong to Raymond oh my God Raymond is a part of the IRS on this island and this ramp up here oh my God it leads to this little play corner I think this is Bob and punchy's house this is Bob's house and this is punchy's house I was right oh my God I love the way you decorated here though this is cute this is what they deserve oh my God just like their own private Carnival with this giant elephant and these froggy chairs gorgeous 10 out of 10 once again um I don't even know if this is the right way to go but I see a campsite right above me oh no I can't go this way oh no I'm stuck I love getting lost on people's islands though because that's just what makes the island more fun so let's figure out which way we need to go can I jump up this way uh this is probably like an unorthodox way to get up here but we are up here at the campsite hello fellow twin how's it going Rose oh my God they have a rose and a Rosie on this island how fun the campsite is fully decorated I love that I love The Vibes of this area oh it looks like you get up through this way wait where does this bridge go wait where am I going now oh my God where am I going I'm just running down this way oh oh there's a bridge right back oh what is this oh my God there's like a proper Bridge back here that leads to this ancient Rock Garden oh my God look at this this is so cool look at the little fairies how did you get the fairies above the rock what is that item it's a custom design that's cool and then right over here we have a little mine that leads to the secret Beach we have another house over here oh this is like a little Quarry area oh my God Tom's a gold miner or I guess he's a gold digger oh my God Tom shout out to El new y'all remember when he used to live there oh I miss him so much they like make gold cat figurines to sell this is a cool house though I really like this this is actually really smart a smart way to decorate we have another player house right over here the lucky Cat Cafe this is cool oh my God it's like an actual restaurant I love this I love all the restaurants on this island really fun I love when people just like make their houses into like actual buildings instead of just player homes because like it really amplifies the lore of the island and just makes the island look so interesting overall ugh this makes me want to build a restaurant on my Island love this design though 10 out of 10 once again and I love how it's just in the middle of a quarry too I would go to a restaurant in the middle of a quarry yeah I would so what's up over here we have a bell tree and some mums what's up this Golden Ladder whoa an actual like Minecart area oh my god oh I don't think I was supposed to oh wait is this like a oh I don't think I'm supposed to be over here wait never mind this is fun though I like this a lot I'm stealing the gold nuggets if we need to get out of this island immediately we can't let them know I committed a crime okay bye I didn't finish exploring this area over here there's like a whole area behind the campsite I want to see what's up there before we head off to the next Island there's a little bamboo farm with a bunch of mushrooms whoa It's like a little mushroom corner with a heart pond a heart pond wait this is fun and then what's over here nature with the waterfall and then up this ramp right over here oh my God another magical area I love how Whimsical this island is and I love the color coordination of all these star fragments with the flowers and then the one purple mum this island overall is great though oh my God and my twin is back hi hi okay um hey bestie don't tell anybody but I stole gold from the Quarry okay bye okay so this next island is by Town me on Twitter I hope I that right and the island is called howly I hope I said that right as well sorry here's the map right over here ooh this is a this is a fun map this island is like a rural Japanese island which y'all know is my vibe and they have teddy on this island as well and they said that their house specifically was inspired by me so we'll definitely check that out but aside from Teddy they also have habuki Petrie Dell the boat my girl Agnes and cephalobot and Coco and also Shino oh my God she better be the villain on this island and Alfonso and of course the player Tau whose house is right nearby resident services but before we head on down there we have more goodies right by Town Hall I will take these and we'll see what they are but first things first I'm actually gonna run to the airport I'm not gonna look at anything real quick because I want to start from the airport so bam okay completely forgot what I saw already ooh we have some cute little items in here I see oh just like some nice little handhelds to like carry on with you as as you explore the island I'm going to hold the lantern because I really like the lantern item we have the entrance right over here [Music] um 10 out of 10 entrance I think y'all know that this is exactly my vibe uh reminds me of fall Brooks old entrance with the thing right over here and this flag and like all the like wall items I'm gonna admit it right now I low-key regret yeah I low-key regret flattening Fallbrook but um you didn't hear that from me I saw somebody on the beach over here it's my girl Agnes oh my God hey bestie for me personally I don't know why but I really love cluttered entrances the fact that you immediately start off with the ramp that just leads to a bunch of houses like I really like that I do and I love how Lush and Serene it is up here as well something tells me I'm gonna really like this island whose house is this let's start off with whoever's this is Petrie oh my God Petrie's a shop owner okay Miss girl boss she is booked and busy not only is she a stem major Baddie but she also owns a business on the side I'm assuming this is like a pharmacy you know judging by those medical bottles back there oh my God like a Shoppers Drug Mart she owned a drugstore wait that's so cool love that for her I really do Shoppers Drug Mart for those who don't know it's basically like CVS in America that's a cute house I wonder who lives in this house next door I wish the villagers would be home you know when you tour the island for the first time just so we can actually see the Interiors whose house is this oh Agnes of course Agnes is front and center as soon as you come to the island yeah of course she is that's what she deserves and this house is cephalobots also front and center my two queens right here oh my God look at this little it's a school oh my God wait what what are you kidding me right here just a school ground with the school and you climb down here to get to it what the this is cool wait this is cool I love this I kind of want to copy it I really do like wow I love this I have no notes once again love the little basketball corner and like how it's perfectly divided from everything and like it's such a nice way to enter there's just one ladder One ladder so like it really feels nice secret like nicely secret and abandoned I don't know how to speak sorry great entrance 10 out of 10. I am gonna go this way let's go this way this time and see what's over here down this path and across the bridge we have Coco chilling in this little like overgrown Campground area I love this fishing Zone oh my God cephalopot my boy this has to be such a weird day and it's only getting weirder I mean who even are you oh he reset so he doesn't remember who I am wait that's so sad okay this area really cool once again another decorated dock I live for that and I love the beach design overall how like it's so minimal it feels very realistic and then continuing up this path I'm assuming this is the campsite considering everything but it doesn't look like there's a campground here so I guess not oh but this little washroom Outhouse thing just right here in the middle oh my God there's a toilet in there I love this area overall though I love how it's decorated it's so Lush and green I think with these weeds specifically it really adds to it so train tracks oh my God y'all know I love abandoned train tracks so already this island is 10 out of 10. wait which way do I go do I go this way or do I go this way this way is calling for me first so we're gonna go through here love the entryway to this and how how crowded it is ooh it leads up to these docks I guess these are just a bunch of boats on the beach there's no docks here Dell the bow of course the boat lives with the boats that does make a lot of sense and then right down this way Agnes excuse me why are you chilling my Teddy's house how did you get here so quick um why like do you mind like why is she in my way she was like she was like preventing me from going in there what was up with that I love the yard I love the way it's decorated I'm very curious to see what it looks like inside ooh it's blue ooh wait I like this oh my God I love this it's blue that's all I have to say it's just a lot of blue everywhere oh my God Teddy hello how are you doing always nice to have a visitor even if this is a dream stick around for a while groof thanks babe I'm always welcome at your house as we all know wait I really like this house I love the way it's all open Concepts and stuff y'all are so talented said who could have thought like me having people who know how to decorate their Islands as a fan base of course I do of course y'all are so talented whose house is this down over here I see a bunch of snack machines everywhere um so already this is a 10 out of 10 yard for me y'all know I love the drink machines oh Kabuki ooh oh my God once again I left the bookshelf back over here and how it looks built in that's cool oh wait it's a wallpaper I thought it was the actual bookshelf item wait that's so cool with like the cobweb up there it makes it look like it's an actual item um yeah once again don't mind me just getting inspiration from my fans that's how y'all keep me oh my God like y'all keep me alive and go in I love this house I love the way I just love it no notes like I'm not a professional when it comes to critiquing things so sorry for the fact that this video is just me being like wow 10 out of 10 this island is amazing the entire time like I don't know how to critique things I don't want to critique things who am I to sit here and tell you how to decorate your Island like that's not up to me decorate your Island how you want but like overall this island is just so cool and like oh my God the abandoned School is right over here uh this is the way I came from right so we'll go up this way love these two Bridges Agnes once again here just watch me go on wait this is a perfect shot Agnes look at the camera yes oh my God look at her serving class as she walks across that bridge you go girl up this ramp over here the museum with like a little like a little um what is it called Reservoir right like I had one on my Island too a much bigger one I love how small this one is though and it's right in front of the museum love the way this Museum's decorated it's interesting because I do plan on doing something like this for my Island um so you know uh what's up this way Coco excuse me we have a path over here love this path it just leads to this area oh my god with like the little raccoon figurine over there but I love the ramp that leads down to the beach it really reminds me of new Leaf kind of so that's a fun little way to decorate we're gonna go down this way and this path over here leads to a rice field um there are ladders everywhere so we'll climb down there afterwards can I get across from this way I guess I have to sit on the oh my God look at this look at this little Viewpoint right over here Lake oh my God a lake wait how do I see the lake properly all right we're gonna come back around though let's get a better look at this rice field down here I love all the crickets look at the Crickets and all the bugs it just makes this area feel so natural and so like Lively at the same time I love the lake hopefully there's a better view of it elsewhere and then we have these wheat Fields right over here this is like a perfect shot let's like go back here and like angle it maybe get like oh yes from here and then let me get in the frame and actually get in the photo let's just like stare at the camera this is so ethical cane don't you all agree yes I live I really do oh that's cool oh my God cephalobot once again he's here he's here to guide me look I have to follow him he's the leader of this trip where are we headed to King okay you're too slow I'm moving on so I guess we have to go back down the ramp and going this way past Teddy's house I think leads us to this house whose house is this Alfonso's house this is cute oh my God and like a little orange thing right over here oh oranges it feels realistic and like natural like somebody actually owns this Orchard it wasn't just already there like somebody came and planted these trees and now they just Harvest oranges every fall I'm assuming it's Alfonso so I'm gonna go with that something tells me I know who lives in this house right over here of course of course we have Miss girl Miss Shino right over here I will not be speaking to her for obvious reasons but can I just say 10 out of 10 house I love the way this house is decorated once again love the kitchen also I saw the suit Sprites everywhere I love that little detail as well beautiful beautiful this futon and like I love that she has a karaoke machine for a TV instead like that's just so she know I did not mean to talk to you ooh and then this path down here leads to another area I have no idea where I am anymore where am I on the island oh we're right behind Town Hall okay cool oh wow okay I'm actually looking at this area um this is the money shot right over here look at this wow it feels so Lush and abandoned also leaving it at this stage definitely adds to the vibe this is sick overall what the hell oh my God this makes me wish I never upgraded my Nooks cranny oh I could have decorated it like this instead I might be doing this on Camp Braddock just so we're clear so don't be surprised if I end up copying you oh what is this it's like a little arcade slash Ramen Shop area right by the lake oh my God the lake look at the lake back there and you can see all the boats in the distance that's really cool I'm assuming Able Sisters is nearby right no but we have this person house Coco's home oh cute oh my God Agnes is here once again why are you everywhere oh wow oh wow look at this this is cool oh wow Coco has like a view of the lake and she gets to paint the sunrise oh my God in the volcano back there is like a little Hill this is a cool Island overall can I just say that have I already said that this island is really cool what's up here like a little tree whoa whoa um what I'm sorry is this like a temple I don't know what else to say about it I just it's cool whoa I want to get a closer view of it I guess we can come through here oh my God I love that I love that build so much um we're gonna ignore Agnes for a second come up this ramp over here okay love this Fountain yes I do um train tracks right over here that leads to this area where am I once again I'm lost how did I walk past those wheat Fields I have no idea where does this come to whose house am I at oh my God Bo Able Sisters with like a little playground right over here oh I love this area I love this area a lot oh and the little bicycles by Able Sisters oh that's cute that's so cute I am just impressed of this island overall this is a beautiful island um I'm pretty sure I've seen everything oh haven't seen Tao's house yet of course it's right by right by resident services we completely missed that how do I get back to resident services from here uh oh right over here oh there's like a little path that leads up to here oh I was already up here okay so we're gonna come down this way there's Tao's house but before we see that we have another Beach over here ooh oh my God in these two little doggies just chilling by the shore good for them okay we're gonna end off this Tour by looking at Tao's house and seeing what's going on in here the only human person on this island I wonder how their house is decorated I love The Vibes of this a hundred percent and using an actual wall to block out the door that's fun this kitchen back here Love The Vibes and the two little boxes oh my God yeah those are the boxes you start off with if you don't open them they just stay on open forever so that's a fun Pro tip that I always say ooh love this bedroom this bedroom's cool oh my god with like the Rainy wall back there oh I love this oh and I love this like study Corner that's cool the bed I want my actual bedroom to look like this really pretty oh my God the photo of Shino above your bed Shino she now really of all people in another painting of a rice field I love the way all the photos are placed on the wall too it feels like an actual person did it it just feels realistic and I love all the paintings also that photo of that person I saw that photo oh what the hell how do I look at it why am I on the stool oh my God why am I like in the wall okay we're gonna ignore me for now yeah just stand in the corner and think about what you did that person I noticed that person everywhere I wonder who they are love all the boxes and how they're placed it feels once again so realistic overall what's in this room my guess a bathroom no not wait is it no it's not a bathroom ooh oh my God it's like a little like a like a mud room right is that the vibe yeah there's like a door here oh wait that's so cool once again how many times have I said things were cool in this video I'm sorry I don't know what else to say I'm not a professional oh my God like a little area to wash your feet and like garbage like even the garbage just looks so aesthetically pleasing you did that you really did this this room overall I love I really do there's an upstairs and a downstairs I usually go upstairs first so this time let's go downstairs first and see what's in there oh well it's a good thing I have my Lantern clearly this person has their priorities in check they only need space to fix their guitar and they're not the ukulele oh my God a bunk bed or a loft bed I guess that's what it's called we have their bedroom cute bedroom love this bedroom and then like all these bookshelves like a little Library oh this is cute this is really cute I love the way oh my God how bangle on the magazine oh like she she deserves to be the front cover of a magazine the supermodel that you are my girl yes oh my God this island is great overall though once again 10 out of 10. gorgeous no notes cool cute fun there I'm getting all my catchphrases out of the way okay just by judging this town hall and how the surrounding areas look um oh whoa oh my God whoa okay we're in for a treat today aren't we so this next island is called Azealia Bay and it's by Straight kelp on Discord or kelpio here on YouTube I'm looking at the map already and I'm just like ooh this is a cute Island um they said that it is kind of based on like European cities European city core as they described it and they've had this island for two years which wow I could never um so I'm very curious first of all right away this entrance gorgeous I know I was saying before I prefer crowded entrances but like this is a fun entrance I like it's fun it's cool it's very unique I don't know it looks like you're stepping right into a castle which is very fun I've never seen people do that before personally this thing right over here this gate leads back to town hall very crowded which y'all know me I love crowds I love clutter so this island is very enticing already there's so many different ways to go um I'm gonna try to stay on the path though and we'll start down here is this another gate oh my gosh okay I'm already getting distracted uh whoa we're like in this nice Cozy Corner which way do I go oh wait I think I have to go through town all to get to the rest of the island no I don't I can go this way ooh oh my God there's like so many different paths to go to I'm like so intrigued uh we have this little nature Corner area that leads down to the beach love all the flowers on the beach once again like I love the beaches that are Supernatural Butch hello there Butch how's it going Butch definitely looks European too I don't know to me he just looks German so it makes sense that he lives here and then back up this path uh we can either go left or we can go up this diagonal path I'm gonna go up this diagonal path because I see a bakery and I saw that Goldie lives on this island is this her house Olivia back there oh my God is it Goldie oh no it's fauna oh fauna lives here too oh oh my God this is so Italian I'm not European so I don't know if I'm being correct but oh my God it's like a little cafe with like so many windows and plants and wood oh I'm sorry here you are trying to talk to me and I've got my heads in the clouds honeydew her catchphrase is honeydew that's cute oh my God and like all the vines on the ceiling this is a fun Cafe I love the way this Cafe is decorated carrot cake I love carrot cake and then coming down past fauna's house I'm get we're yeah let's just continue up this path very European yeah this is a very European Town it feels like I'm in Paris once again what's over here oh my God like a little Park oh this is where Olivia was oh this park is fun and then this leads back to town hall oh fine okay we figured out where One path goes oh this is so nice and Serene though just like sitting over here and like looking at the waterfall also like the castle walls everywhere it really helps the whole area feel connected you know like you're just in one city okay we're gonna continue up the path or left again so many different ways to go April sisters is right over here though and once again love the way it's decorated oh my gosh like this shopping corner right over here in the outdoors with this mannequin there is nobody on this island who would fit in this dress the body standards in the Animal Crossing Cinematic Universe outrageous But continuing down this way I see ramps that lead up to something we'll go over there later on looks like that's the rest of the island but we have a person and down over there hello who are you Anka oh my God Anka lives here too hello whose house is this a flower shop I just completely grazed over the outside as I ran into the building we'll talk about that in a sec what's the inside looking like who lives here Maple whoa oh my God the Aesthetics 10 out of 10. this is exactly what Maple's house would look like all the bottles on the shelves oh my gosh this is like an actual house it's no five-star Resort are you kidding me this is a five-star resort to me how high are your standards if you don't think this is good enough for you and then right outside we have like this flower shop perfect for Maple I will say that again like it's an outdoor shop but it feels like an actual shop like this looks like something that would actually exist I love how realistic Everything feels so far oh the campsite is right over here that's a fun place to put a campsite just like in the corner of the island and it feels like it belongs there too once again like it feels natural and realistic and then I guess we're going to continue down this path over here because this pathway once again very gorgeous there's a coffee sign over there is this a cafe up there before we go there though what's over here oh we were already here okay we've come full circle so now we can go up here and there's a cafe oh oh my God this shot right here this is like the perfect shot wow this is really cool click and then I'm gonna assume this is Goldie's house oh my God Butch is a cafe owner I respect that I respect the grind Butch I love the way this is decorated too once again it's very like City core but it feels cozy so I live I live for that indeed what else is there to see on this map again like this island feels so big because like I've explored so much but I've only seen the bottom left corner there's still the whole rest of the island to go so very intricate overall the way this Island's been decorated oh wow this is like a balcony I guess that's cute and then up here we have a castle is this like a Viewpoint oh yes it is oh my God you can see the house is back there just like ready to go I love how like the player house is like perfectly in the distance so it's like you can still see it but it leads you wanting more over here another balcony whoa look at the beach oh my God fun way to decorate your Beach for sure okay we're gonna go down this way just to see what's this what this little path over here is again I love how like natural it feels oh my God we're on the second tier right now I thought we were on the first tier for a second but look down there this is the second tier I forgot it leads to this house whose house is this Blair oh my God Blair hello a clarinet she's so Squidward tentacle course for that and she has a photo of wisp what's the T with that why does she have a photo of wisp in her room and the shoes she doesn't wear shoes maybe she just likes to look at them maybe that's her vibe but she would 100 wear that jacket that's a cute jacket and then across this little stream over here oh you have to hop to it can I hop to it no I can't oh oh I can okay I did I thought I was gonna have to use this pipe to get over here um before we go inside the house this is intriguing I'm guessing this is the secret Beach no it's just the ocean okay cute though a fun little Viewpoint oh my God it probably looks amazing in first person wait I need to see this whoa you just walk through here through the pergola and you get a perfect view of the ocean back over there love that love that also I've never seen the inside of the pergola like let's look at it q and then over here we have a garden cute cute and then up here there's more crops and then coming this way oh my God there's actually like a lot of forest back here I didn't expect this area to be so big there's like a little wishing well over here and then another player house and the secret Beach right down there can you access the secret beach room here I guess you can that's cool it actually looks like a secret Beach the way it's hidden that's a fun way to decorate it and then we have another house here um oh and a library okay okay we're getting we're getting ahead of ourselves let's just let's go see who's in this house no we need to go see the players house first actually I'm gonna do that and I'm so curious where this pipe goes but we'll we'll explore that in a second let's go in here first oh my god wow there's like so much going on here why does it feel like a huge room the way it's decorated whoa like this little Library Nook these books everywhere as you'd expect in a library Nook and like a TV Corner this is the same size room that you always get why does it feel so big in here and yet it's so crowded and decorated but it doesn't feel cluttered or cramped amazing for sure oh wow what is this oh it's a bedroom oh I've never you rarely see people make the second room a bedroom so this is a cool bedroom this little like getting ready Corner we have these bookshelves over here this is like a study corner with the poster I love I love the bug poster can I just say that this bug poster is so aesthetically pleasing all the bugs are those really all the bugs that you get in this game it feels like there's more bugs than that Animal Crossing New Horizons they didn't get a lot right but they definitely nailed the Aesthetics let's say that this photo of maple here as it should be there's a photo of poppy up there oh my God poppy hello my king in his rightful spot on top ooh okay the basement's not complete clearly but like this side of the basement gorgeous gorgeous movie room wait this is really cool I want this in real life all right now that the house is completed um I want to see where this goes oh it just leads you right back to somewhere is this the entrance oh this is the entrance that was there this entire time how did I not see that all right now who's in this house over here it's Poppy oh my God Papi hello oh my God your house is gorgeous whoa It's like a nice little why does he have a scorpion and okay the Grasshoppers yeah he does love bugs but the Scorpion damn boy you whiling on this island everyone says that my room is so cozy you could put them right to sleep I agree I agree for sure I would sleep in this room minus the bugs of course Murphy what's up I feel like I've said before that I don't like Murphy but like that was Loki a lie Murphy's cute oh this is in his house this is Bo's house I thought this was his house then why were you here it looked like he was looking for Bo he was going in there to like what start a fight with him or something interesting love beau's house though can I say that can I just say this this decorating right over here I might steal this for fall book just so we're clear the way this is exactly how I want Fallbrook to look to the creator of this island I will be copying you when I get back to decorating for Fallbrook just so we're clear like this foresty area back here I love this area so much and like it just feels like it belongs here you know it doesn't feel so Random like everything just flows so naturally so then what's up here this path looks very enticing to me is this another path to the water yes it is see this is cool it's like a little like a little pathway that leads up to here and then this leads to the museum oh my God wait another perfect thing to see in first person whoa look at that look at that that looks so cool doesn't that look this looks like it looks like a shot you'd see in a magazine there's a little shop over here oh I love the little Nook miles tickets it's like a little receipt I guess like a ticket for the museum and then we have more in nature over here um do I want to go that way this way leads back down this way leads to a okay we'll we'll come back to the bridge afterwards uh let's go this way first and see more Mother Nature hello oh it's like a nice little nature walk with all the museum things like the artwork and stuff oh this reminds me of like Brighton oh my God Bo how did you get down over there also person over here hello person who are you Kelly only in Ohio I love all the artwork though and like the museum stuff yeah this is really cool this is a cool way to like display all your extra artifacts and all the fake artwork too I don't think any of these artworks are fake but like if you had a bunch of fake art lying around this is a good way to display them ooh there's like another thing over here oh my God this pathway I I don't think I'm supposed to be going this way what is this bridge okay we're getting distracted we need to we need to stay on the path come I don't have my God scooters look at these scooters and then another thing over here where is this oh my God like a cafe see now it's just the point of the video where like I don't want to speak anymore I just want to stare at everything in awe who lives in here it's the purple house Olivia of course Olivia he lives here right by the canal oh this makes me want to redo Fallbrook though for sure I was planning on redoing Fallbrook anyways I'm definitely going to now oh this is the path that leads back to Able Sisters okay this canal though like I said it looks so realistic this shot like this right here every single shot of this island just looks gorgeous like this right here this is just a random corner of the island but it looks like something you would see on like a professional Instagram or something I'm officially lost by the way so I think we're just gonna go down here because this is a bridge uh look at this bridge this is a sick Bridge oh my God and then we have more stuff right over here oh like a little newspaper stand magazine rack area and then there's a ladder here I see this ladder ooh and it's like a little place you can hang out across the canal absolutely beautiful like wow and this path leads back to resident services and then I guess we'll just go this way because at this point I'm just doing my own thing whoa docs look at all the boats oh my God I'm afraid of water but like I would chill by these docks this is cool whoa whoa indeed okay and then we have Nooks cranny right over here hidden away so perfect it Blends right in Anka's house is over here and Bo oh here you are how'd you get here how's it going oh Goldie's house is back here on the beach wow I was gonna eventually get it right hi girl I love you okay bye the pathway that leads up to Goldie's house on the beach so cool once again so cool I love how Lush and overgrown it is oh and then the path continues down over here to the peninsula and there's a lighthouse on the peninsula I have nothing else I have no more words I just want to sit here and say wow at everything wow there's still so much left to see I don't think we're anywhere near complete like there's still so much like what is this why are we in a farm now oh my God this Farm is just here and it works perfectly once again I'm officially out of words I'm just gonna Vibe now oh God I'm lost [Laughter] wow there's one more house over here I think whose house is this Murphy Oh Murphy lives here I'm so blown away have I seen everything on this island yet I feel like there's still one more thing there's two players AJ I don't think there's a way to get to AJ's house it's on the beach over there maybe AJ's house isn't supposed to be accessible right now as for the rest of the island though I am so blown away by this it feels like there's still more to see but like looking at everything it looks like I've been everywhere I've seen everyone and their houses yes yes I have this island is so cool and like again this is the same size as my Island but it feels so huge I officially have no more words I'm just blown away and with that we're at the end of the video there were so many islands that y'all submitted um so there definitely will be a part two so be on the lookout for that and for now I am back at my house and I'm just gonna chill here with my bug and hope that nobody comes to my house because that would be very very embarrassing
Channel: angry coconut
Views: 35,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing speedbuild, animal crossing island tour, animal crossing: new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, animal crossing speed builds, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing build, acnh speedbuild, new animal crossing, animal crossing ideas, animal crossing speedbuilds, animal crossing let's play, let's play animal crossing, animal crossing design, animal crossing designs, anch
Id: IJ7akW0xh1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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