THERMAL RUNAWAY | Replace the Thermistor | HOW TO

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[Music] how's it guys welcome today from a very hot Durban it's 30 degrees Celsius outside at the moment and with the humility of about 85% so really a warm day what I wanted to talk to you about today was thermal runaway um I've been having a bit of a problem with my end of three I did the th 3d firmware update and ever since I did that when I start printing I get I'm being getting two errors the one error is thermal runaway and the other one is Monte approachment temp printer halted so with these two errors it would stop the print and you'd have to reset the printer losing your print so that was not ideal I've got a couple of the smaller prints out but the bigger prints are all of a sudden a thermal runaway protection error would come in so I put a bit of an investigation I found that I suspected that my thermistor was faulty so I replace the thermistor on the industry and that fixed my problem I haven't had a problem since so I put the alter mr. back one I'm going to show you guys how to replace a thermistor because it's not that difficult it's not that daunting it's quite a simple task so the tools we need for this is we need one Ellingham we need a star screwdriver pair of cutters some cable ties and some black tape this is an optional I'll show you why it's optional now now so I'm just want to take the ultimate stirrer out and at the same time I'm going to put the new thermistor in because this allows us to use the ultimates as a draw wire to pull the new thermistor in so obviously I've bought two new thermistor and we're going to fit that now so let's get straight into it we're going to take the shroud off the front of the industry which is the fan shroud so that is the first job you'll do is we'll just take now you'll notice want to do this that my industry is a little bit different to yours it's a highly modified in the three this is my experimental into three I work on this thing all the time and I do different changes I've moved where the extruder is and yeah it's just a it's a machine to play with them to actually do your own thing so I'm just going to take this fan shroud off and let's screw it up there and we carefully take that out of the way and I'm just going to cut my cable tight yeah now you'll see that this expanding tubing here where that holds the cable it's quite easy to use all you do is if you want to pull so you make it shorter which makes it wider that opens it up so that's my first tip to you just you open it up and make it shorter so I'm just gonna take this and these two here again my motherboard is a MK sgml but this works obviously on the same thing with your with your motherboard so I'll show you where it is like here just remember when you unplug the author mister make sure that you plug the new thermistor in puppy into the same spot so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take the ultimate all now you want to be gentle here there's a screw which I'll take a photograph of afterwards that removes the holes of the mr. in place we want to gently remove that screw and that's where the Philips screwdriver comes in probably the only Philips screw on your whole entire printer alright so there's that and we take that scrap and we gently remove the thermistor now if your thermistor does not come out okay it might be because there's some molten plastic in the way of holding it in place what you can do is you can heat up the the hot in and while it's heating up you can gently put on the must until it pops up as soon as it pops up sexual your printer to cool down and start cooling down this will cool down your printer okay then you can turn it off and we can get back to taking the semester so I had an issue with that the one time we everything was stuck because some plastic had melted up onto the hot end and held everything in place so just heat it up a little bit take the thermistor out and then cool everything down and away you go just be careful the hot end does get very hot okay it should pop out at about 140 or 150 degrees Celsius remember boiling water is 100 degrees Celsius so that's going to burn if you touch it by mistake so we want to just exercise caution around this part of it now I've got my new thermistor here now I could pull the ultimate out and then push the new one in but these expandable tubes here that is holding all the cables in place on it Toria see difficult to push things through so I'm just gonna move my printer a little bit of cross so you can skip my face a little bit but that's fine now we take the plug end of a semester and we take the old thermostat we straightened everything out check carefully we put up our plug on to it and we cut some black tape could be any tape it can be sticky tape it could be masking tape it can be any tape that will hold the old thermistor don't you think sort of it's just a couple foot piece here this is the last trick that I've learned many years ago when you when you pull cable through and make sure that you have a draw wire or something to pull things through to make things easier for you so I'm just going to separate these two and I'm gonna pop the plug in there like that so that it holds nice and tight and doesn't slip up while we're pulling and then we Jane he just put some tape around like such now that should hold everything in place it's meeting that up rights and Lassen tucky compact and that should hold everything in place now we go to the other end into a motherboard area and we trace out the same wire are the same tubing and we expand that all the way back we pull it back as far as we dare go so that it expands all the way out and you get a lot of free play to work with do the same thing on this side and that just opens up your tubing Massey alright so we grab a thermistor wires and we gently gently is the proper to word yet we stop putting the cable through if it doesn't expand it expands a little bit yeah push it inside there that should do it and away you go so we gently going to draw and at the same time we're going to move the chipping app so we throwing as the little distance as possible and as we go all of a sudden a pipe it pops up the other end all right so we take that plug off I haven't unplugged the thermistor from a motherboard this helps you remember exactly where things are so we all take the black table or for now and we separate the two cables we can pull this through a little bit further so that it's almost all the way through on this end I think for safety let's take our first cable tie and just tie your cable tie around the tubing so that your thermistor tube does not disappear into your your tubing and there okay it goes so there make them nice and tight that part is done now we're going to follow the cable through all right and we're going to plug it in to where the old charism gonna have to be all semester and you remove they're completely out of the way and we plug our new cable directly into that plug in there we go now it's an even love everything alright once everything is deep enough we can link cable tie at the end of our tube the black expandable tube and just you tighten everything up and we put a cable tie on there trim off the ends and that's it now before you close up your mainboard just make sure that all the wires and neat and everything is plugged in properly and that the mr.wai is plugged in you might want to if you want you to put a little bit of hot glue on there just to hold it in place to make sure that it is secure because that is one plug you don't want to for it to fall out okay so now that we've done that it's put a carefully and and slowly we're going to now put we got away from this end of the thermos and now the thermistor has two wires would you gently please be gentle here girls this thing is a little bit on the fragile side we're gonna split the two wires apart we then going to push the thermistor as deep as it can go to the bottom hole all the way in yeah all the way into the bottom hole and the top hole obviously as we are thread goes after that we will gently pry the two wires apart making sure that the felicitous stays in the hole by the two wires apart and we're gonna put our screw a half a turn it's through the two I'm not trying to op it coming down now that it's in the hole what you want to do is you want to pinch the two wires together so that when you slowly tighten up the screw it eventually will hold those two wires in place you don't want to over tighten it because that will cut into the wire and that will destroy your new thermistor so try avoid over-tightening so I'm going to move that back out the wabbit make sure that my thermistor is still in we're going to pinch the wires together and then we are going to slowly tighten up until it's nice you keeping those two wires pinched together so it's nice and then just so that it holds it nice and tight ok I'm going to yeah I'm actually quite happier that it's holding on both sides so all of the screws you want to make sure that the wire is being held on both sides of the screw that part is done we can then put our whole assembly back together so let's get those screws here and then we can put the assembly back together and then screw our friend fan shroud back on and as soon as that is done right once that's all in place we can just clean up our wiring here again now remember mine is slightly different to yours so I've got a different way of wiring things up why these days I'll show you how to set up the way I've set up my machine into really good machine this into three is an amazing machine fantastic by great value prints really well alright now that we've got that all done and cleaned up we can turn the printer on and check our temperatures so obviously now that we've got the new thermistor in there we want to make sure is working so we turn on the printer and I'm reading 29 degrees Celsius 30 degrees Celsius on the on the head which is about right that's what this room is at the moment and ambient temperature so if we heat that up a little bit let's take it up to the temperature up to maybe 115 Steffen nozzle up down to 115 Oh take me to 175 and then see what happens so it's gonna now heat up the nozzle everything will start heating up let's check out temperatures 42 43 48 it's climbing beautifully so I'm happy that the thermistor is reading the temperature off the head and all seems well prepared let's cool this down now do 2 or 3 prints make sure everything is working if something is not right check your thermistor plug is plugged into your motherboard properly and that it is properly mounted into the hot end that is the most important part getting this to mount into the hot in properly and cleanly so guys just take care take your time and do a cautious thing in my next video I'm going to show you how to do the PID settings now the PID settings are away from Marlin - autumn maybe the temperature how it handles temperature rises and falls and prevents that thermal runaway from showing so I'll show that in our next video but from now that is replacing a thermistor in an industry easy it's not a difficult job don't be scared by it and have a great day that's it for today check back soon for more videos if you like this video give us a thumbs up this helps us understand what you would like to see if you want to see more of our videos consider subscribing to our Channel and press the notification icon to be notified when a new video comes out post comments let us know what you want to see tell us if you liked this video or if use any other subject matter that you would like to see please consider supporting us on patreon we buy everything ourselves in this channel and really want to grow this channel god bless you guys love you guys and see you soon Cheers
Channel: FusionSource - 3D Printing
Views: 92,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printer mintemp error, 3d printing, ender 3 3d printer, ender 3 mintemp, ender 3 thermistor replacement, ender 3 trouble shooting, ender 3 upgrades, mintemp bed, mintemp bed printer halted, mintemp error, mintemp error cr10, mintemp error marlin, runaway, temperature, temperature issues, thermal, thermal runaway, thermal runaway 3d printer, thermal runaway ender 3, thermal runaway protection ender 3, thermal runaway protection ender 5, thermistor replacement
Id: CZW7RmTz9wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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