There's a fine line between weird and cool

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happy day i'm glad and do you want to see the coolest thing in the world look at the way these shells appear out of nowhere i'm sure someone has some kind of phobia this would absolutely terrify them but for me i was like this is like almost satisfying what have you ever seen shells appear from sand on the beach no i haven't but that's really cool i just wouldn't want to walk on it i feel like this is good for looking terrible for walking because i could imagine people cutting their feet up pretty bad on these you just wouldn't expect it either because the sand is so smooth but i think like in the foreground here you can kind of tell that there's like all these little holes and like something must have sunk in scary this is one of the coolest things i've seen but i think that a lot of you guys are gonna be like what it's also quite disturbing okay so this steer is very very bloated right so bloated that the stairs in pain gassy a lot of gas all right hey guys this is blake uh here there's a steer that's bloated pretty good okay that looked pretty messed up but the steer didn't feel anything bloat is just free gas accumulating in the room and unable to get out so we put a device in called a trokar which you can see he punched in the skin was of course blocked look how much smaller he's getting um letting all the gas out and the steer is going to feel a lot better tell me that's not kind of cool imagine how comfortable he'd be after don't imagine the smell alright nobody's farts smell good but there's something like satisfying about this there's something like about this so these guys are dumpster divers right and they found all of these cherries like tons and tons of cherries and at first i was like a little bit concerned but if you look at these cherries these didn't go bad it's like insane how much stuff that's perfectly edible gets thrown out so she's taking the cherries putting them in her kitchen get giving them a good clean a good wash with some vegetable wash look how edible those are those are mint condition she's whipping up some cream because she knows how to eat cherries the right way and just having everybody in the neighborhood over so they can all eat some cherries how cool man this really makes me want cherries dipped in cream i always admire people applying a sheet mask the right way there's a method to it and every time i put one on i mean maybe because my forehead's really small i get it all over the place i get it in my hair there's always these crazy spaces the eye holes in the sheet masks that i buy maybe they're a lot bigger but i also have these spaces like beside the nose and this guy here is really good at closing up all of the spaces so much so that it almost looks like his skin i look scary when i'm wearing a sheet mask but like this guy's borderline looking normal all right look how he closes this up pushing it in i would have never thought to do that oh my goodness yeah that that's me but it looks like his holes are a lot easier to close than these like how you're gonna close this up push it in i don't know here we have the definitive guide on how to shave don't shave up okay well thanks for the late breaking news shave down shave side to side and then if you have to absolutely have to which i have to because i like smoothness shave up well thank you i'll definitely keep that in mind actually i have waxing strips and i'm not afraid to use them this is just what a stunning harmony i love it i love it so much makes me want to sing with my mom some kind of malay song i don't know something that i really took for granted my whole life is harmonies and ever since me and my brother tried to make a song that sounded nice together the harmony was one of the hardest parts and we actually had to like get the advice of a trained singer that we know to like kind of teach us how it's done and he gave us like these interesting details about how when he's doing it he doesn't do the s's because it like sounds really strong he doesn't want to um step on the main person he wants to compliment it and just like complimentary singing is so satisfying for me to watch now this man right here i'm shannon and i'm an arctic surfer i was doing them by two great white sharks it's the only double shark attack ever recorded now i surf freezing waters to stay away from the sharks modern problems require modern solutions this guy really got attacked by a shark refuses to surf in nice temperatures and goes all the way to the arctic to do it this is a man who loves his sport but i do wonder has he ever heard of leopard seals i hope not and i hope they don't attack people let me ask one fatality that's it if you've ever watched planet earth and there's penguins and a leopard seal is nearby just turn off your tv and walk away do not watch that do not subject yourself to that this is cool in a way the plants are probably going to be pregnant but also known as shampoo ginger contains a ginger scented liquid that pours out of the brax when squeezed thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties avapui can repair dry and damaged hair help with dandruff nourish the scalp improve hair growth why'd you have to call it awapui hawaiians use this liquid as a shampoo conditioner and body wash and it's sometimes an ingredient in hair products found in grocery stores and salons put it in a bottle and sell it to me why is it so juicy why can't we just like put it pure in a bottle and give it to me i want a shampoo conditioner body wash scalp nourishing anti-dandruff i want this this miracle cure ginger speaking of that until then though this is how you shampoo your hair for real you take the shampoo and you actually get it to sud up i actually tried this the other day and i don't know if it worked but apparently this is the proper way to do it i know i thought that was pretty cool cool because it's easy and it's within reach unlike the ginger plant so i've never thought about how i can be more eco-friendly with ketchup but apparently there's a way bottle of ketchup is 488 and only 9 of plastics are actually recycled i get ketchup in the aluminum tin not only is it cheaper but aluminum is 100 and indefinitely recyclable we just keep using our old bottles that's pretty cool i would have never thought to buy ketchup in a tin and now i just might it's just gonna be a huge mess to unpack but i don't know i guess small price to pay for getting cheaper ketchup that you can recycle the aluminum this is one of my favorite things ever angeline doesn't know enough words so i like to watch it vicariously and use all your dog's favorite words yeah they were very good pups today they went for a walk yeah the walk was really good on the walk we saw a few puppies but then um motley found a stick and a ball yeah i like how they both look at each other like are you hearing this my dog really really does that as well i don't know if it's specifically a german shepherd thing i think there's something about like just trying to like get his ear like kind of closer to the sound because they're doubting whether you're gaslighting them or not and they just want to make sure they're hearing the right thing this is a hack that i didn't know nobody taught me it's super easy you could do it today while you're making your craft dinner you can stop a pot from boiling over by putting a wooden spoon on it how i feel like this is common knowledge that probably everybody knows except for me and i'm offended because i very often have pots boiling over very very often i make this magnesium drink at night sometimes it often boils over i wonder if it would stop it maybe i should make some right now this drink overflows on me every night before i go to bed it's going to overflow [Music] oh my god it even works on magnesium sticky i'm sorry in advance but i can't stop watching the silicon nail hack and i was interested in this one because i can get these at my local store will this work on me it looks like it worked pretty good on her but it makes a really big mess you cleaned that up really well that is so clean why didn't anybody teach us this before why did we have to wait until 2020 for this to happen i could have really really used this during the entire quarantine because i was doing my own nails it always looked like a disaster now i'm finally getting them done professionally again i'm very happy with these ones gold foil beautiful rich cat check [Music] what a smart way to use a crappy understare closet that nobody would ever use for anything else other than storage which would become a disgusting ugly storage room that nobody ever wants to go in meow meow meow meow meow meow he's got a little door for himself too of course the toothpaste hack where you take toothpaste put it in a bowl and then you take listerine and then you mix it with the toothpaste and then you make a nice little paste i like this paste and then you put it in a dispenser and you use it as soap it's the best idea ever why haven't i done it already i would like to do it right now the only problem is is that i like to wash my mouth with listerine after i brush my teeth i don't want to combine the two maybe it would be a lot faster to combine the two i don't know speaking of teeth when i got my wisdom teeth removed my face was so gigantic and i remember being absolutely devastated because there was a party that night that i couldn't go to well i mean i could have went but i really didn't want to because my face i looked like mr magoo like i had these giant jowls coming down my face and apparently if you drink a ton of pineapple juice before you get your teeth removed 64 ounces girl whoa please welcome back to factor cap she's still coming down from her operation i look crazy looks pretty swollen right after surgery zero pain why didn't anybody tell me that this is a hack day two definitely a success it's definitely not painful at all it's just really really annoying and why didn't anybody tell me this like entire course of my life could have changed if i wasn't swollen and i got to go to that party like everything would have been different the universe would have changed there's a parallel universe version of me who drank the pineapple juice and wasn't swollen and then went to that party and i want to know what changed bugs growing up bugs growing up everybody likes bugs growing up look at these little guys a bang oh that wasn't a bug these aren't bugs growing up this is inanimate objects growing up oh these are kind of cute that's the coolest thing i've ever seen love those want one evolution is crazy and these bugs are like the finest example of how crazy evolution is that's a bug what this is just really satisfying i it's a little weird but it's also really satisfying like i cannot believe how exact this is i'm in awe of how good this is how cute how stunning how perfect there's really not much to say that's just really cool guys good job i had a lot of fun watching it may have watched it more than once very good slow clap this is just a cool toy you put the little thing in your sleeve you let him sit on you and now you have a friend who goes with you everywhere sometimes i wish that i was born a little bit later just so i could drink pineapple juice have one of these guys on my shoulders put wooden spoons over top of my overflow just you know live a better life unusual things that are normal in japan everything is so cool about japan eating raw eggs is safe well i hope so because i eat raw egg yolks all the time in canada you can rent a boyfriend don't mind if i do trash cans are hard to find oh well that kind of sucks the rotating car park's cool though and eating alone seems like a really good idea especially for ramen when you don't want anyone to talk to or watch you eat just want to go by yourself and when i visit japan there are some places that you have to like wait in line for at like seven a.m to get a seat at one and i can't wait to just do that all day every day this is a cool bottle we're gonna try this here whoosh bottle stop it i just got rick rolled okay i mean it looked really cool though the beginning of the woosh bottle here we have a very cool transition go in give a shake fire in the hole there's a guy in there but he's gonna die perfect all right wow those floors are so shiny the floors are so shiny this place looks so classy there aren't enough places i feel with like the glass room then it does make it feel very officey but i like it because i like open spaces but sometimes i understand that you have to have a wall here otherwise the entire place will cave in and like this is a really good workaround so do you guys remember the tick tock where the guy wakes up and falls off this is how it's done so if you look at this other video of me that also got a few million views right here this ramp that i'm running down that's the same thing when the lights are off that black blends in and it kind of just looks like you fell off the side of a map that didn't load thank you so much i needed that explanation i i needed to show it to you guys because i watched that one and i explained it but it's cooler when you see it it's so cool how synchronized these guys are and they all look so cool i'm so satisfied i would have thought that it was just some sort of edit i would have never imagined them all dressed to the nines standing in their kitchen just going but hey it worked nice you like that you like that you into that [Music] i'm not into that one but i am into this one it's just creative okay it's just creative it's just cool that's all we did today we just looked at cool stuff i hope that you enjoyed this video please check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,482,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, oddly satisfying, oddly satisfying food, oddly satisfying video, satisfying, oddly, food, satisfying videos, satisfying food, tik tok, best tiktok compilation, tiktok, most satisfying video, satisfying video, relaxing video, awkward, strange, weird, almost satisfying, adult swim tiktok
Id: 80lVu4QHuQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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