There were 'over 30 lies' in Harry and Meghan's Oprah interview

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always loved talking to Angela Levin about all things Royal of course she has literally written the book on Queen Camilla and knows oh so much about the inner workings of the House of Windsor she joins us now from Merry Old England how are you Angela fine thank you very code England but um I'm quite merry well we'll make the most of the time before the gas ends up running out and it ends up costing you a trillion dollars so we'll do our best here okay now what about this that uh we hear that there are creative differences that have seen the person who is making the Harry and Megan show for Netflix walk away from the project geez I wonder which one they're having problems with yes it's been going on a very long time now after the queen passed away um they decided that they want to change things and they wanted to have the documentary after Christmas um and I think that Netflix are up fed up to here with them and they've said no we're going ahead that's a difficult one because they think they're so ground they can control everybody and if Megan says no then there must be no Harry said before the wedding um what Megan wants Megan gets so that's their side and the other side are saying you know we've given you 18 million 20 million who knows how much they've had and we're going to do it our way and we don't want a soft soppy that documentary you want something hard which is Meaningful and you know attacks so it's very interesting I've just heard this morning that it's coming out on the 6th of December I don't know if that's really true but it'll be um I think maybe the royal family will be pleased because before Christmas and if they are ghastly about them perhaps hopefully they will withdraw any invitations but of course it's a one-two punch let's imagine that is the case that it's early December for the TV show the book comes out early January so it's going to be one hell of a couple of months for the royal family even if they somehow Jag a Christmas invite yes um again you know the person who's ghosted it for Harry has is a specialist in writing about the difficulties between uh sons and their awful fathers that's what he's known for so I can't imagine that it's all going to be soft and sweet and any gratitude at all um we've had enough of them absolutely enough moaning and groaning and have you heard about the award they're going to get I love this where they they end up getting an award for calling out institutional racism by calling out the royal family literally nobody has been least deserving an award since Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for just not being George Bush they are getting an award for literally doing nothing yes well they moan a lot but otherwise that's it now what I say is that how many people do we know within the royal family how much how many examples have we got of them being even the slightest bit racist there's only one and that is Harry himself where he wore a swastika on his sleeve when he went to a fancy dress party and absolutely attacking a um a commute a soldier when he was training who came from Pakistan now if anybody needs to be called a racist or behaved like a racist that is definitely Harry I mean it is outrageous they're getting it the other thing about the the um racist thing is only that one member of the royal family said they wondered what's color skin Archie would have Arch is now three and um you know people might say what color hair is he having his father gingered hair there's more interest in that than other people who've got dull brown hair like me and um it's it's just it's just terrible actually because um Megan told Oprah Winfrey that um there was long several conversations when Harry came later because Megan occupied it of course with 45 minutes and Harry came on the last bit he said oh no this was before we were married now have you ever heard of anybody saying before a couple are married what color will your children's skin be they don't know if they're getting engaged if they're getting married they they don't know if they can have children I mean it's a nonsense isn't it it's a non-starter but that's what it is this award for heroism is for um absolutely nothing it's for the Opera Winfrey interview which doesn't have any proof there were over 30 lies in that interview the other thing they complain about is not understanding mental health well since Harry um and William and Catherine had a platform about mental health I don't believe that's right there's loads of doctors wandering around who would be there to help Harriet was still having treatment for his own mental health why didn't he do anything he felt ashamed thank you Harry but she was nearly 40 when she was pregnant and in the UK women of that age have to see their obstetrician every three or four weeks so why didn't she say the obstetrician is bad and said how are you feeling dear or Madam or anything like that um and she she could have said so this is quite obviously I'm not saying she wasn't depressed but it's not the photos of the palace at all and it outrages me I can't tell you they've they've got their Fame they've got their Fortune because of the royal family um and it's hundreds of hundreds of millions isn't it and it's just too ghastly for words that they behave like sport teenagers but also we're getting a bit of a sign that interest might be waning the Spotify podcast that Megan puts out where she moans about all things all the time is now down to 22nd most popular on their list easily beaten by Daily News podcasts and the latest episode is down to 77 where it's beaten by among other things lower Buys so maybe people are starting to vote with their ears I hope so the interesting thing is that people have fed up with just hearing it's all about Megan When She interviewed well the other thing is that she apparently doesn't interview many of the people she which is believed not to even have interviewed um the Canadian prime minister's wife uh it's it's she can't be bothered with that you see it the reason for the poker podcast which seem to be she's got a wonderful opportunity to find another grievance or to say how wonderful she is or that someone in the royal family said to her you must keep on doing the Charities you're doing the world needs you again we don't have a name again before she was married to Harry she did a little not enough for the world to say she must really do it so we're full of nonsense and I'm very very pleased that this is happening in America as well as the UK because it's really enough I think they've blown it now I really think they've blown it with accepting this award Harry is accepting an award for absolutely saying his family is absolutely racist that is just too terrible for words how can he take the money Megan he hasn't had enough uh you know gold trinkets in his life and certainly doesn't have enough money to buy them if he wants to himself he can go to a trophy shop and call himself you know world's greatest spare if he wants to a terrible name for a book and Angela is it true that the parliament in the UK May well investigate a legislation to maybe take away their Royal titles yes I'm really pleased about this now it's interesting because a labor MP labor aren't in power it's conservatives are in power but a labor MP has asked for a private member's Bill and this bill is to take away Royal titles now this um labor MP is an MP for York it's a city in in the north and um because there's been such a uh so many people in New York who don't want prince Andrew that Duke of York to have their name because it's spoiling the image of the city right now it's past one it's if it's it's going to be heard again in Parliament in the middle of December and if that goes through it means that King Charles can choose that law to get rid of Harry and Megan's title as well it won't be just confined to Andrew and I can't wait I just hope it will go through there is a rumor from the House of Lords yesterday um who felt that it was outrageous that he was getting this um honor of being a hero and I think that might push it Forward even more than it is at the moment and I hope that's it let them live their lives let them do what they want but not connected with the royal family they're clinging onto the real family they hate it but they're Clinging On to their titles I mean it's just nonsensical yeah it's almost like they're addicted to the privilege let alone their meal ticket and finally Angela uh Jeffrey Epstein thankfully no longer with us but of course his association with Chris Andrew and Prince Andrew's association with Jeffrey Epstein is still bringing news as well as disgrace to uh the Queen's son apparently Jeffrey Epstein one of the reasons why he wanted to have close ties to Andrew was to be able to frankly shake down the queen yes it obviously felt that if he had the connection with Andrew and whatever they did together or didn't do together he came to a lot of big Do's that the royal family had at Andrew's invitation but his aim we are so I read as well but he thought that he would get loads of money by threatening what he say about Andrew now we don't know anything that he's going to say might be true but he was after the queen that shows you what a ghastly man he Epstein was as if we didn't know before we did but this just um really finishes it off doesn't it yeah just another exclamation point which is next to the underline which is next to the bold print and speaking of print we'll make sure that you read Angela's book about Queen Camilla thank you very much Angela we'll talk to you soon thank you
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 545,212
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Keywords: 6316012263112, fb, fblink, msn, opinion, paulmurray, yt
Id: XFid2upHA0M
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Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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