Charles won't be Harry's PR tool… it wouldn't just be a 'Hello Papa' if they met, says Royal expert

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my first reaction was well obviously King Charles's diary is too busy because people don't realize that they literally and I think I might have said this to you before have appointments every 20 minutes and uh it's hard to for for a sort of Rogue appointment to come in and I think all the royal family experiened this with the late Queen you know if they wanted to chat to her you know for more than five minutes it was hard to get an appointment with her also she put them off now but then I thought well Charles is really uh should be making time to see Harry because it doesn't look good for him uh it makes him look like an uncaring father there's his his son who lives 5,000 miles away he's coming back to celebrate the uh success of his Invictus games which you know probably is one of the successes we all remember and maybe it would be nice if Charles had made time to see him but then maybe they maybe they spoken on the telephone at length I just cannot believe that Harry would come over here and at least not speak to his father even if he didn't see him father son he could go have breakfast with his father he could uh go have dinner with his father he could um do things that his father does uh we all have to do we all have to eat and drink and and uh and he could have done that there's always be a way if you wanted it you know I know that because you know I have a busy diary and yet I know if I to see my children I would make sure I did that so I don't feel that's uh that's um I think I think Harry uh has to um I think realize that you can't do what he did and just Breeze in and out when it suits you you can't just do say damaging things about about your brother um stupid things like we had a fight you know I mean who cares I mean every every brother's had fight fight with my brother you know it just happens it's just normal and make that a big story and a big event or not remember where he was when the queen mother died but it does remember great detail about uh how he dislikes his brother and uh and our uh Queen Camila uh tips a press off I mean how ridiculous is that and yet you know he can't just walk in and out when it suits him and not now I think um well maybe you know there's always a time I mean you know every it's always there's always a time when he can return when he wants to return When perhaps he wants to contribute something to uh something to our country without getting paid for it do something like he used to do like he visit hospitals with children and and and very sick children where he was he was just fantastic with them I can't tell you this this this just by his presence used to bring Smiles on the faces of all these very unwell kids and yet he uh doesn't want to do that anymore so uh he prefers the life in Los Angeles I don't know what he does all day I mean it's he must be pretty bored a lot of the time but you know one of the big things the problem is that they've got two children that are a prince and a princess and that they don't come and see their cousins and they find that strange as well so not only Harry get short shrift from the King I'm sure the children wouldn't if they came I'm sure he'd be grateful to see his grandchildren but it hasn't happened and uh that's a shame anything is possible here but I think it's how it looks really isn't it he is our head of state he is our Monarch he's the father of Harry it would look nice if they met he probably he doesn't want it to be used as a PR opportunity or maybe Harry's being the one being difficult um and it looks like it's Harry as being the one that is making it difficult but it may be the other way around or maybe they've just said look it's not going to work this time but you would think Harry would be very very keen to see his father we don't know when he's going to be over here again but um and you know maybe get a bit of Praise from his father for you know for at least having having done something successfully everything is done by appointment which is why it's it's such a rigid uh it's such a rigid life and the Queen used to say that that the younger members of the royal family find that sort of rigid routine very very difficult because none of us live like that anymore but it's a very old-fashioned way of life um except you don't have all the time in the world I mean I noticed that probably just over a year ago uh Camila was doing something at Clarence House and I think she really wanted Charles to join in but he literally walked into the room from a meeting he was having downstairs and stayed there for five minutes and she said oh my husband's got to go now so that gives you an idea that even for his wife he can't always spare the time and this wouldn't be just uh hello Dad how are you or hello Papa how are you you know Harry would want to say more because you know we have some idea of what Harry's like and he's not just gonna you know make make it all light-hearted he's going to see this as his opportunity to dive in and I'm sure Charles doesn't want that William is pretty still angry about it I look I I uh you know this that's the saddest of all you know because you know those two were inseparable I mean they did everything together they were just Inseparable after their mother died they had each other they comforted each other they cried with each other they they but and then they did everything together they skied together they they did everything together they um joined the Royal Air Force together they did air Flight Training together and uh you know William because of his rank in the royal family couldn't go to war but Harry did and he and he was and he was a great hero you know and he was he was he did his service and for that we mustn't forget but you know you can soon forget the good things when you get nasty things said about about the royal family and uh I think that still probably hurts with a few of them I think certainly with William probably with Camila although Camila is very forgiving but um and I think the king look I know I know however busy you are you've always got time for your children and nothing in my view is more important than family and perhaps Harry should remember that sometimes I think it's a great shame but I do think they feel they don't want to play to the audience which is us you know perhaps they you know why should we let the audience know why should we let everyone know what our private lives are you know we're just going to keep it very low-key and quiet there's always that niggling feeling that that you know perhaps Harry has seen William without any of us knowing but simply because of the situation that Kate's in but we will never know unless they choose to tell us and of course Harry is is pretty verbose about what he says so I I just wish I really knew but I none of us know none of us though and we won't be sure unless we see a photograph or somebody announces that they have met if they don't see each other at all and it looks like you know they won't I I don't I think the relationship is is gradually getting more and more distant because the longer you leave these things the harder it is to actually mentally adjust the fact that you want to see them because there's always a reason not to and it's easier not to if you've had a with someone it's really much easier to leave it and the longer it goes on the more difficult it gets everyone said of course you're in an illness can bring a family together but this clearly hasn't happened yet
Channel: The Sun
Views: 96,094
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Keywords: The Sun, news, breaking news, Harry meghan, Meghan, meghan markle, prince william, meghan markle speech, harry and meghan, prince harry, prince harry prince william, meghan and harry, royal family, meghan and harry latest news, harry and meghan markle, british royal family, royals, harry meghan interview, meghan markle latest news, meghan netflix, harry and meghan latest news, richard fitzwilliams, richard fitzwilliams royals, richard fitzwilliams meghan markle
Id: v6H3p0Ijkk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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