THERE IS GOOD NEWS - The Restoration of Peter

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well that was not a Disney kid growing up in fact the first time I ever saw a Disney movie was in high school I broke my femur and while I was laid up one of the ladies taking care of me decided we were gonna have a Disney day and we just watched one after another which I don't know what your distress hold is mine was about three until it started to feel like all these little dancing singing animals were conspiring to steal my sanity so it wasn't until later that I saw one in the movie theater it was Lion King which yeah you've heard him okay so you remember the part I'm about to spoil the plot everybody good with that okay yeah I know shocking you remember when the the King Land the Father Mufasa falls and he's not getting up he's dead I remember watching that in the theater and between the seats in front of me I watched this little boy's face turn up to his dad and go why isn't he getting up daddy I was like okay that's the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life I'm like Disney why do that to children but even more memorable to me was in the movie The Young Lions response Simba do you remember it now the reality is there were larger forces at play in the death of his father in that moment yet it was undeniable that it was his willful act of defiance against his dad that contributed to that chaos and do you remember when that landed on him when the reality of that that that I'm a part of the chaos I now see do you remember his response he ran and he lived a different life now was it the worst life ever was it a life of crime no I mean he made some little buddies who couldn't Matata and all that stuff but he was miles from where he was supposed to be and from who he was supposed to be and in running he abandoned a world that desperately needed him to engage now why do I mention that because I haven't been in ministry all that long but I see that play out all the time of people saying I was about the things of God walking with Him and then something happened and I'm not the worst guy you've ever seen but I'm over here like I remember I was at a bar once and talking with this dude that was smashed we were talking in the midst that he brings up asked me what I do and I tell him I'm a pastor and as soon as I say that he goes man I used to be in young life and then he looked at himself like what happened like I was involved and the things God was doing and then something happened along the way and then now I'm here I remember I was at a store in the mall a luggage store buying some stuff for a trip and the lady asked me where are you going and I said I'm going to Venezuela on a mission trip and as soon as I said that she lit up and she was like oh we used to love doing stuff like that and then she cut off mid-sentence broke eye contact never looked at me again said yeah my brother still does stuff like that and it was like you could just see this wave of shame crash over her that there was a time where I was excited about the possibilities of what God might do with my life and if something happened and I'm not the worst human you've ever met but I'm just I'm here now are you forgetting other people I think about my own life think I don't know if you grew up going to camp I did but for me at my camp first couple days summer camp I buddy acted crazy drinking 40s climbing buildings it was nuts wish none of that's made up by the way camp in Mississippi but I remember on Thursday night man everybody got saved right after a couple days a lack of sleep and malnutrition sood had everybody in a emotionally volatile state and they'd get us all in there and the band would get our emotions all stirred up and then the speaker would get up and get us all riled up and by the end of the night I remember everybody was cry and luck and pinkie swaying so you're friends are friends forever and right at the emotional pitch it was open mic night and one by one we'd get up there and guys would get you all to know just got saved we're like didn't he get safe last year don't interrupt him that's the thing he does like okay all right but for most of us we would get up there and we would offer big promises of what we were going to do for God met by Hardy affirmations from the crowd that's what everybody know I'm never gonna spin again he's had such a good week here at camp I think I think it's true I think it's over for him I'm gonna tie everyone in the world about Christ he is the next Billy Graham he is prophesying right now and on we would all do it but there wasn't a one of us that two weeks later hadn't broken every promise and we would be back in our bedrooms surrounded by the same addictions going what's wrong with me so I guess this whole walk with Jesus and him use people in their life it's true for some people but not not somebody like me so I'm not gonna be the worst person you've ever met but I'm just gonna live over here and you go why are we talking about this cuz the question for today is what does God think of you what does God think of you when you are an absolute failure well that's where we're going today so welcome to passionate City Church we're gonna do it today by looking at the life of Peter Peter was one of Jesus earliest and closest disciples and he was the one that was like all heart but half mind you know I'm talking about like a ready fire aim kind of guy which isn't a bad thing to be makes a good fullback you know you don't need one that's trying to think everything through let me just put your head down and go man right and it works for some people and so in the middle of Jesus ministry there was a moment where he asked his disciples who do you say I am and Peter was the only one that had the courage to step forward and say I think you're the son of God you go that's right Peter and you had a moment later when Jesus said and I'm going to the cross for you Peter's the one that stepped up and rebuked him so don't you talk about crosses around here and began to rebuke the Messiah and Jesus had to give them like a front-end alignment like you don't rebuke the Son of God like that's not how this works when the night Jesus was betrayed Jesus asked his disciples to pray with him and they kept falling asleep soldiers came in to arrest Jesus and you remember when they woke up Peter was the one that pulled out his fishing knife to go to war against him remember that which is weird because the text tells us he grabs his fishing knife but Luke says there were two swords we them and yet he grabs a knife it was like get behind me Messiah right and you remember he tries to kill one guy and just hits him in the ear he's trying to end a dude and gets to gets a lobe he just wasn't an organized guy Jesus tells him and knock it off and they arrest Jesus and they lead him to that courtyard and Peter and John follow and they're in the midst of his entire social sphere with all the adrenaline set down he watches his whole world mock and reject Jesus and in that context somebody says to him hey aren't you with that guy no I don't know him you sure cuz I thought I saw you with him aren't you one of his guys no I don't know him no you kind of sound like him I think you're one of his people no I don't know him and just to prove he's not one of those Jesus people he starts cussing again like a sailor and the text tells us not only did that roosters start crowing it says that Jesus looked right at Peter and do you remember his response he ran and he cried and there's a lot of shame in Peter when we arrived in our text today yes the text begins it says after this Jesus appeared again to his disciples by the sea of Tiberias and he revealed himself in this way now what's after this that this is the death burial and resurrection of Jesus and he starts appearing to people so there's excitement Jesus is back from the grave but there's confusion he's not explaining it but there's hope building and in the midst of that an angel comes to one of the women and says go tell the disciples and Peter to meet him by the sea of Tiberias and I think the Angels threw in the and Peter because he probably wouldn't have showed up otherwise because they probably didn't think he was invited anymore this is for the people who are still following him and I I messed up but they get to and Peter so he shows up and yet as we arrive in this text when he gets there verse 3 it says Simon Peter says to them I'm going fishing now commentators divided on the significance of that some people say they're just going to kill some time have some fun but it says later in the text I fished all night you don't fish all night for fun some people said well maybe they're trying to make some side money and you don't know you got to understand who's talking and what they just said this is Peter saying I'm going fishing like it'd be like if I came to my wife tomorrow and said the sentence to her I am going to play basketball she would get the mental image in her head of me going down to the gym and doing my best to get the ball into the hoop right she'd be right and you're not old enough to remember Michael Jordan when he held a press conference after that unfortunate little foray into baseball and said the exact same sentence I am going to play basketball no one asked him at the press conference what do you mean Mike like with your kids in the driveway what are you talking about everybody understood this is Jordan talking about basketball this is career booth this is Peter a career fisherman just like his father before him right up until the moment Jesus intersect in his life and Jesus said put the nets down Peter I have a whole new life for you with me but Peter betrayed him so Peter gets there and says you know what guys I'm just gonna go fishing I'm not gonna be the worst guy you met but I'm just gonna be over here and I'll be honest I run into a lot of people like him but what's he do does he just become a pity party and just write in his journal all this lost feelings not necessarily although some of us do that I think for Peter he does what a lot of us in here does he just goes to work and gets busy and I meet a lot of people that the way they wall out the shame from bad choices they made in the past or tragic things that happened to them in the past is they just pinball between busyness and distraction and so let me get into my work and it may be good redemptive work but you just get into the work what to prove you are somebody to try to silence the voice of condemnation in your head that your mother or your father said to you or just a wall out the shame from bad decisions you made let me just dive into something I feel like I can win at and when that's insufficient let me just get something to distract me so I don't have to deal with this and we pinball from busyness to distraction Peter looks in this moment says man I don't know how to deal with all this I'm just gonna do what I know I'm going fishing and let me take a step away from what God wants to do in my life and it says in the same text and his disciples said we'll go with you Peter was a leader and so he influences him you are to by the way you know that right none of us sin alone we all influence people every single one of us I remember from me when I was in my mid-20s I had a young man come to me and said I need ask for your forgiveness I said what do you mean you need ask for my forgiveness and he said man he said when I was in high school you were one of the youth leaders in my camp he said now it's new to this whole Jesus thing and I showed up there and y'all we're talking about Jesus and I was starting to believe this is legitimate and then I came into this rec room and you and some of your buddies were joking and you were making some really inappropriate jokes and I thought oh that's really how it is they said and I walked away from all this he said and it took me a long time to get back and I'm not putting on you all the decisions I made between there but I judged you harshly for all these years and I'm asking you to forgive me and when he said that I realized I didn't even remember the moment he was talking about but I didn't dispute it but hit me in that moment I'm not responsible for every decision he made in life but my words carry weight and so do yours our lives carry weight and I talk to a lot of people who say it's just my life it's just my decisions no it's not you think you're there aren't little people watching you cousins and nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters that don't look to you for guidance and so Peter says I'm going fishing I'm just gonna take this step and they go with him and yet I love it the text says and they went out and they got into the boat but that night they caught nothing that's God's doing that's God in love jacking with his kids cuz that's what he does what is he just gonna let you go would you do that you had a little niece or nephew running down to a busy street would you be like it's not my kid now you go after him and you grab him even if the grabbing hurts you think God's just gonna let his disciples roll off no I'm coming for you you think he's just gonna let you run away someone made him his image no he's coming for you that's what tonight's about and you go well how do I know well let me tell you one way you know God is coming after you often he will begin by complicating things the way you are living your life is not working and so it says that night they caught nothing but verse 4 says but just as day was breaking Jesus stood on the shore he's coming for them but then it says but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus now why didn't they know these are guys who live side-by-side with him for three years how did they not recognize him was he too far away text says later who's 100 yards off was it his disfigurement because we find out in Revelation he still bears his scars is it just disbelief that they're like I can't believe it was Jesus here cuz I saw him die what is it well I'll tell you what I think and I think I got biblical evidence for it I think they don't recognize him in this moment because of his a sense of humor because you see it throughout his resurrection appearances he's constantly messing with people I mean you see a one chapter before Mary goes to anoint the body and she shows up at the tomb and the stones rolled away so she sees Jesus's body is gone so she starts crying and then Jesus shows up and says why are you crying he knows why she's crying and then he says who you're looking for he knows who she's looking for and then she starts saying well I'm looking for Jesus I can't find him and they started this conversation you're like what is going on here and then John tells you she thought he was the gardener why did she think he was the gardener I'll tell you what he wasn't doing it wasn't glowing and floating towards her me like why are you crying she's like I guess gardeners float around here I'm looking for Jesus now he was like messing with the bushes if some like hey why you crying and he just let it ride for a second then he was like hey marriage like Jesus why do ya right or Luke tells us the two of the disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus seven miles and it says Jesus walked up to him but they were prevented from seeing who he is so he walks up to him and says hey what are you guys talking about and they said are you the only one in Jerusalem that doesn't know these things and he says what things and so they start telling him about his own death burial and resurrection and for seven miles they walk and he's like wasn't that different phil scripture though and he kind of unpacked it for him and they walk in assist when they get to Emmaus that he pretended is what the text says to walk past him he's like alright well I guess I'll see you cats later and he starts to walk off and they're like hey man you wanna come to dinner he's like I guess and he waits right into the prayer moment when he's breaking bread and he's like dude it's me and then he disappears so read the text they run the seven miles back get to Jerusalem go to the Upper Room find the other disciples like we just saw Jesus he's alive we walked with him for seven miles and he didn't tell us who he was which was kind of weird can you reveal himself and disappear but he's alive we saw him and while they are explaining this to the other disciples Jesus appears in their midst terrifies them because he doesn't go through a door just appears I think he's a ghost and the crazy thing is he terrifies them by saying peace be with you and then he says do you have any fish and he starts eating fish it's what scholars call an internal proof in the Bible it's one of the things within the story that helps you know the Bible is true because nobody would make that up that he's like I'm back from the dead is that salmon can I jump in on that okay well that's good that's you should try this right what is that why mention all this why are we doing this in verse five if you haven't there's a one older translation that says he calls him brothers which i think is unfortunate he doesn't use the word brothers he used the word for children and he uses the diminutive masculine form he calls them little boys and then he asks them a question and there's a lot of ways to ask questions he asked it in a way that assumes a negative answer when Jesus rolls up on the shore he says to them in verse five little boys you don't have any fish dear the way you're living your life it's not really working is it and I love it it says and they answered him no and he said to them cast a net on the right side of the boat and you'll find some so they cast it now they were not able to hold it in because the quantity of fish now some of you hear that you know I've heard the story before Castaneda no fish switch sides a bunch of fish I've heard this before well maybe you heard it here maybe you heard it in new chapter 7 because this isn't the first time Jesus did this miracle he does it here and he did it at the beginning of his ministry on the day he first called Peter to walk with him and I love the way the movie Jesus of Nazareth does it I don't know if you're kind of sort of Jesus movies they're not all good some of the early ones the acting is weird so you can't understand the conversation like when Jesus first asked Peter to go back out to fish he was like but we fished all night and caught nothing yet at your will we will go and you're like I don't understand what that's what's happened but I love the movie Jesus of Nazareth because you feel the frustration in those statements that is Jesus and Andrew walk up to him they're like hey let's go back out and fish why not he was like I'll tell you why not cuz I just fished all night and I got nothing let's go back out again he's like I just told you that's a bad I mean he's frustrated about it and yet he goes back out there with his brother and Jesus and they get out there and he starts fishing there's no fish and Jesus like why don't you switch sides the boat he's like Oh shoosh ugh that's the secret fish over here really who is this guy Andrew are you serious what do you do for a living you're a carpenter well they keep telling me how to fish and he's just so frustrated until he finally does it and then there's so many fish she can't hold it in and I love it cuz you see on his face that it dawns on him God just stepped into my boat God just stepped into my boat and you remember his response he hid his knees and he said get away from me because I am NOT a good person and you remember Jesus's response he said no no I came for you and you're mine now and I have a whole new life for you Peter don't miss this here in the moment of Peters greatest failure Jesus recreates the miracle he first used to call Peter to walk with Him how does God respond to Pete earnest failure he recreates the miracle that sends a message the relationship is still open I'm creating the moment of connection again to let you know Peter you are not too far gone and neither are you that's why John looks at him and it says the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter it's the Lord this isn't Nathaniel fig tree it's not Matthews tax-collecting booth this is for you Peter he's calling you and it's the same with you how does God treat you and your failure is he harsh does he yell at you some of you think that some of you you hear a voice of condemnation in your head constantly recounting your failures constantly repeating the voice of your childhood that called you a loser that you won't make it I don't know what it was for you but some of you hear that voice and you've attributed it to God you imagined him on the shore with an angry tone hey get out of that boat some of you think he talks that way but he's not like that he's playful he's kind he reads creates the miracle to let Peter know the door is still open and Peter does something I'm hoping many of you will do today he stops running away from God and starts moving towards him and it says that when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he put on his outer garment for he was stripped for work and he threw himself into the sea I love that no more walling off the shame and busyness or distraction I'm moving towards him not away from him was it no he puts on his clothes to dive in the water which nobody does that and it says he threw himself into the sea it's not a dive that doesn't look pretty it's a mess cuz he's a mess and john wants to show you that and i love their playful competition you see it in verse 8 john writes the other disciples came in the boat dragging the net full of fish for they were not far from the land but about a hundred yards off said the rest of us just like rode three times come on Peter you can do it just let him just let him do it [Music] and some of you you're hearing you're like you know what man I am far from God but I don't know the right words to say I don't know the rules here I don't know how to do this you don't have to be pretty it doesn't have to look clean it just has to be honest it doesn't have to be a dive it can be a throwing yourself into the sea and it counts and so he arrives on the shore and verse nine and it says when they got out on land they saw a charcoal fire remember that in place with fish laid out on it and bread I love that he's already got fish he doesn't need this he doesn't need anything you're bringing either but he invites him anyway and he says bring some of the fish that you've just caught and in verse 12 it says and Jesus said to them come and have breakfast what does God do to you when you're a failure how does he talk to you does he whip them to yell at them to shout condemnation no he's playful he's gentle he cooked some breakfast why does he do that because you eat breakfast with people you like that's why and I don't know what you've been a part of in life I don't know what your hands touched I don't know what your I've seen I don't know what's been spoken over your life I don't know but all I do know is the heart of God and in the midst of Peter's greatest failure Jesus recreates the moment of connection and says I still want you and that's what he's saying to you that's what he's like I watched an interview not that long ago with George Clooney and as a kid he said he would feel so much guilt over his sin and his failure he would put gravel in his shoes and then put his shoes on and jump off his bunk bed and land on him to punish himself for his sins because he thought that's what God wanted that's about as far from this as you can get that's not what Jesus is like when you're a failure he's kind he's gentle he cooks breakfast the relationship is still open so they sit down and I don't know if Peter was gonna be able to eat much honestly I don't know because he sits him down by a charcoal fire now I don't know if you know this there's fires all over the Bible you probably know that there's fire ever people people starting fires all over the Bible for various reasons charcoal fire is a very specific word actually only shows up two places in the Bible it shows up here and it's the type of fire Peter was warming himself around on the night he denied even knowing Jesus so Jesus recreates the moment of connection I still want you Peter the relationship is open it's not broken but then he recreates the moment of Peter's great failure and says but we have to deal with this we've got to talk about this and so he pulls him in and it says in verse 15 when they had finished breakfast jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of John he never calls him that Peter didn't pick it up about the fire he got it there Jesus never called him by his full name it's like when your mama would call you by your full name of exciting Stuart I gotta go boys why I don't know but it's bad Simon son of John do you love me more than these now commentators divided on what these are some people think it was the disciples because Peter on the night Jesus was betrayed said all these other guys will fall away not me they'll reject you I won't some people think this is Jesus looking at me saying Peter do you still think you're that tough on your own you think you can do whatever God requires on your own you think you can handle life on your own do you still think you're that big a tough guy without the need of my grace that's do what you think other people think and that grammar allows for that these are not the disciples they're the fish that Jesus hold on fish and said do you love me more than these I called you away from fishing to be a Fisher of men I called you to be something more with me Peter you're just gonna settle for a safe income is that is that all you've got as a vision for your life what do you love more Peter what do you want more I don't know which it is part of me thinks Jesus just pointed at a disciple eating fish to cover both like do you love me more than these and just kind of get some both I don't know but he says do you love me more than these he said to him yes Lord you know that I love you he said to him feed my lambs and he said to him a second time Simon son of John do you love me and he said yes Lord you know that I love you and he said 10 my sheep and he said to him a third time Simon son of John do you love me and Peter was grieved because he said to him a third time do you love me he said Lord you know everything you know that I love you and Jesus said feed my sheep now as Jesus being mean here is that what he's doing I used to think he was I used to think he was just rubbing Peters face in it you love me Peter yes Lord okay well didn't look like it a couple nights ago so let's run it again do you love me Peter that's what I thought he was doing that's how I thought God treated us when we fail I don't think that anymore and it's not because I don't want that to be true it's because I studied this passage if he wanted to shame Peter what direction where you point backward would he point backward backward but what does he do he points forward do you love me Peter yeah I know you do then let's feed my sheep do you love me Peter yeah I know you do me so let's go let's move on and feed my sheep do you love me Peter yeah I know you do so let's move on let's feed my sheep I think what Jesus is doing here is he's saving Peters life if Jesus did not recreate this moment of dislocation then every time a rooster crowed in the morning it would have been a clarion call to Peter you're a loser you're the one who betrayed him you're the one that walked away you're the one and he would have felt that shame and it would have dominated his present and colored his future I think Jesus recreates the moment of his greatest wound not to hurt Peter but to heal him and he'll do the same with you when God begins to move in your life he will fly forward the hands of grace the relationship is still open and yet I promise you as he draws you near he will say we have to deal with this and he will take you to the moment of your greatest wounds but Jesus will not put his hands on your wounds to hurt you he will do it in order to heal you when I broke my leg it was my femur and it was severely disconnected and I remember as I sat in the hospital bed my doctor came in and said this little hospital can't handle that severe of a break we got to take you downtown but you're not stable enough to put you in an ambulance and move you I'm gonna have to partially set the bone myself and I said are you gonna knock me out and he said no I said is this gonna hurt and he said yes and I remember as he said that nurses begin to file in and hold my body down I was like what is going on and my doctor who's very large man tucked my foot under his arm jumped backwards and then hit my leg which was interesting because you think you'd scream you know but it was so painful that I just went and started sweating profusely but you know what I didn't do I didn't say the leg really you could have hit my shoulder slap me on the hand hit me in the head man why'd you have to hit the leg right I knew he put his hand there not to hurt me but to heal me and God's gonna do the same thing as you draw near to God he's gonna look at that part of your life and I don't know what it is maybe it's a statement your dad said to you long ago that you have absorbed and believed and the deepest part of you that's who you really are maybe it's the approval you never got for your mom maybe it's that thing you did that you don't want to repeat to anybody else not even to yourself but the shame of it haunts you some of you the sins of the past completely determined the way you walk into a room like this whether or not you make eye contact with us how you talk how you speak what kind of work you do and how you go about it some of us are so dominated by the wounds of the past they are dominating our present and determining our future and Jesus wants more than that for you and so he will take you to this place of wounding not to shame you but to take the shame out not to relive the pain but to relieve it you see and so he comes to Peter and says we have to deal with this do you love me yes Lord you know that I love you I know so let's move on Peter do you love me yes I know you do so let's move on Peter do you love me yes I know you do so let's move on don't let the failures of the past determine your future Peter let's move on let's deal with the wound and some of you need to deal with it and that will be a process it'll be moments like this sitting around a fire with trusted people that you confess the darkness to that understand you and one more for you some of you it'll be with the counselor some of you with dear friends some of you it'll be even tonight as you confess your heart to God but you sit around fires like this to deal with the pain and then we rise and move on because the world's full of sheep so Jesus says talking about us that's not a compliment and if you've been in church you've you've heard that I mean sheep are not impressive animals they're not they're nature's victim sheep will die of dehydration like feet from water this and you're like it's right there they can't see it they can't bite hard they can't run fast don't have quills even lizards they'll do a little like that red thing comes out I don't so I don't know what that is they don't even have that Birds they'll kill him they're just and it's that's it and Jesus looks at Peter and says Peter look at the world man just pick your eyes up and look at the horizon they're sheep man look at how dangerous this world is look at how many difficult scary things are in a world right now and look at our high schools look at our junior High's look at these kids do you they don't have the equipment within themselves to deal with the harsh realities around them so Jesus looks at Peter and says so feed them take care of them Peter don't get so wrapped up in your past that you're a self-immolated victim and deny helping those I came to save Peter I love you the relationships open yes this was heinous and we all saw it but my grace is sufficient for you so let's heal the wound and let's move on cable because I want you to feed my sheep and that's its call for you you're not too far gone and he'll put his hand on the wound not to hurt you but to heal you to save your life Johnny Cash had a great career I got hooked on drugs Honorine feta means you could read in his autobiography he's got a whole chapter dedicated to all the cars he wrecked while he was on drugs what I'm started a forest fire almost wiped out an endangered species of Condor he's a mess and he torpedoed his career alienated his friends and his loved ones and his family his whole life went up in flames so in that moment he looked around and said all right and he wouldn't found a cave and he got a flashlight and he said I'm gonna crawl as deep as I can into this cave until the batteries and this flashlight go out and then I'm gonna disappear and that'll be the end of Johnny Cash that's what Shane will do with you it'll make you a turtle up and he did it he crawled him in that cave lights went out and he curled up in a ball and said that's it and then he said the strangest things happened I felt God in that moment of my greatest shame come closer to me than he ever had and said no I still want you get up and he said but I was so deep in there there's no way out so much darkness I don't even see where to go but he just started moving he said in somehow as I started moving I saw the light and I moved towards it and when he got to the mouth of the cave two of his friends are there and he's like I don't even know how they knew where I was and they took him to the hospital because he was still hooked on amphetamines but he began a journey of getting sober getting healed and after that he launched into a stretch of his career where he was doing Crusades with Billy Graham singing about a God who would save even a wretch like me he did movies about Jesus about the Apostle Paul at the very end of his life they were playing his videos on MTV where he was talking about the judgment of God on sin but the grace that's available through Jesus put out on MTV why because he had the clout to show you he had actually lived that story so I don't know how far you've gone I don't know how far you feel it may be a whole life that you had an innocence sincere faith that got derailed a long time ago it may be that it's just been a really hard week I don't know but you're not too far gone God rejoices in coming to those who are in the midst of failure in the midst of shame and saying the relationship is still open I want you the wound can be dealt with by my grace if you let me I will heal it so we'll move on and then join me and I love it he looks at Peter and after saying this he said to him follow me he said in verse 18 truly I say to you when you were young you used to dress yourself walk wherever you wanted when you were old you will stretch out your hands and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go this he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God I love that because we're all gonna die you know that right no one gets out of this life alive death rates what has always been one per person right and yet he looks at Peter and says but your life and your death can bring glory to me and I want that for my life I want my life and even my death to bring glory to him I don't want my life to be dictated by my failures I wanted to be dictated by my faith but I'm someone who believed he could heal a wretch like me and he's me and so he says don't follow me but Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them the one who had been reclining a table close to him and it said Lord whose gonna betray you and when Peter saw him he said to Jesus Lord what about this man and Jesus said to him if it's my will that he remain until I come what's that to you you follow me I love that scene because you get the picture that Jesus stands up from the fire it's time to move on he says Peter follow me Peter looks back I was like what about him points at John and Jesus like what are you worried about him for and he says to him well your mama used to say to you and you were to fight with your brother and sister but what about them they didn't know I'm talking to you about you you follow me well I want you but my boyfriend doesn't win it yeah I'll talk about it right now you you follow me well I want you but no one else in my work we're not talking about that right now you you follow me and you watch what I do with a human life that'll trust you last thing I want to say is I know when you talk about this some people say well man that's all great but you don't know what I've done how can Jesus just wave a hand and dismiss the things that I've been a part of and let me tell you tonight that's not what he does how can Jesus be so gracious to Peter we need to not even know on him it's because Jesus didn't dismiss Peters sin he paid for it Jesus can be gracious here because this happened after this what is this the death burial and resurrection of Jesus he looked at him and said I know what you did Peter and I paid for it I know what you were a part of and I buried it Peter I know what was dominating your life and I put it in a grave Peter and I'm rising telling you I've forgiven it and I'm calling you to move on and it's the same thing he can do for you and for me if you trust him if you trust you
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 49,335
Rating: 4.9023356 out of 5
Id: LposrQy20u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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