Therapy Gone Terribly Wrong: Hilarious Reddit Stories of When Talking Gets Awkward

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serious did you ever regret talking to a therapist psychiatrist why I've been seeing a therapist for a year and it's been great some sessions are better than others but it's helped me considerably with my issues of anxiety and depression however she suggested that I try one of the group classes and I was hesitant but I figured that the worst that could happen was a bad experience and signed up for one it went fine until the doctor teacher asked to share what was bothering us I was not at all prepared for this it takes a long time for me to open up to someone other than a doctor about this stuff I was not remotely okay with sharing this information with total strangers I basically had an anxiety attack while waiting for my turn and did my best to hide it when I was asked to speak but I wasn't able to form coherent sentences the doctor reminded me to try some of the basic anxiety coping mechanisms and I basically clammed up after that I spent the rest of the class trying to not dwell on the fact that I had a freaking anxiety attack right in front of people I felt worse after that than I did before I stared seeking help it only really took me a week or so to feel normal again but there is no freaking way that I'll ever do any kind of group therapy again group therapy is not for everyone you tried it and that is a good start keep working with your therapist but tell your therapist about your experience with the group session I did I found it really difficult to talk about things and it was emotionally draining I'm a reserved kind of guy and I don't talk about that kind of thing so opening up was unnatural and too much to deal with for me I also saw a Christian therapist which in hindsight maybe wasn't the best idea for someone questioning their sexuality there was a time when I felt down a lot so I figured seeing a therapist might be a smart move she told me emotions are a triangle of happy sad and angry if I recall correctly whenever you feel sad or angry just think about things that make you happy that's it that's all there is to it apparently thanks Doc I am happy I should focus on what makes me angry and sad instead yet when I was in my late teens's therapist suggested I should only think happy thoughts that the abuse I received was my own fault for not standing up for myself and when all of that didn't work she prescribed a high dose of Xanax for me literally said she would be beating the crap out of her own daughter if she found out she was cutting herself like me back then I thought this was the norm and she was right a better therapist later on told me that she was messed up and demanded the company she was with to make sure she wouldn't ever have another client again apparently she got many many complaints as she did this to many of her clients as a professional therapist I find it unbelievable that someone can go through an accredited program and come out with not one out of understanding basic therapy skills I'm so sorry you went through that yes husband and I went to marriage counseling after a large marriage altering event he chose a Christian counselor I had misgivings but went anyway chick basically spent every session telling us to read some workbook she was selling not even one she had written and then ended in prayer yay not helpful at all we ended up only going a handful of times and working things out on our own instead yes more or less every time I see her don't know if it just my therapist or it's like this all the time but she doesnt seem to understand the things she suggests don't work for me she is also very antagonizing and it feels like she blames me for the way I am as if I am bringing it on myself or something this doesn't mean to say I regret opening up about my problems because I find talking to my mum and my brother helps a lot kind of but not really the time I went in my adult years I had two issues anxiety attacks when answering the phone in a new job and no empathy the anxiety was an easy fix but the no empathy was caused by me being a sociopath which I wasn't aware of most people feel comma optionally think comma do seasick dog feel sad maybe think that dog is sad it makes me sad Comfort dog but I think comma optionally feel comma do seasick dog think that makes most people sad Comfort dog carry on with day unaffected we did some sessions on identifying correct reactions a lot of which I was already doing which is supposedly impressive for someone without natural feeling but mostly it just suck to find out I was naturally broken and it can't really be cured I have to manually care my natural state is being in butthole it's good to know but not particularly motivating knowledge we are all broken just in different ways common am a psychologist and I would be happy if most of my clients had as much self-awareness as you do yup she died and understand what I told her and kept talking to me like was I a child I mean I was but a child back then but she died and change her approach after several failed sessions and I didn't want to hear when I said that this method wasn't working but neither would she listen to when my mom told her to change approach so after roughly half a year I stopped seeing her and my nine y o self concluded that if someone whose job it is to help people with problems could not help me then no one could and after that I held every feeling back and hid my emotions cause no one could help me and I died and want to appear weak mixed at first I had a bad one that kept making me wheel of a traumatic experience that actually made me much worse I switched to CBT cognitive behavioral therapy where I didn't speak about specific things at all just retrained my brain handle experiences differently that was fantastic best thing I could ever have done only took about eight or ten weeks appointments and the results lasted forever the kicker here is that you did the dang work on CBT I do CBT therapy for addictions and some of my clients don't do the dang homework and processes outside of my office and then wonder why nothing ever changes like holy crap it is work to help yourself put in the effort into you I wouldn't say I ever regretted anything but it took a lot of time and patience to find the right therapist I don't really know how to explain it but you just kinda have to find one that you click with I eventually did but she was a psychiatrist so I could only see her every eight weeks and her job was mostly about adjusting my meds and trying to help me find a psychologist I could also click with yes very much so I struggled a lot as a teen with bullying at school and what amounted to what I now recognize as emotional abuse at home I was very depressed and anxious I started having thoughts of suicide at age 13. I eventually convinced my parents to let me see a psychiatrist though they didn't really think there was a problem I was a HS freshman at the time so 1516. I liked the doctor a lot at first he was friendly he really listened to me talk about my issues and he was the only sympathetic adult in my life at that point I thought after a while he told me the way I was being treated at home was very wrong and he wanted me to bring my dad into a session so we could all talk about it together he felt that if he were mediating the conversation my dad might actually take my feeling seriously I thought wow this is great I will finally be heard the next time I came in I brought my dad but the doc did a complete 180 talk talking about me with my dad as if I weren't even there he told him he was doing a good job as a parent but I was just a bad and rebellious kid who did everything for attention the best thing to do he said was ignore my attention seeking behaviors and not validate them in any way he said he didn't believe I was really depressed at all and was faking to get to drugs a friend had died in a car accident just a few days before so I was already in an emotionally vulnerable place whenever I tried to speak they'd just talk over me like I was just something not a person with feelings I started to cry so the doctor pointed at me and said pretty triumphantly see she's crying now because she knows I'm right I can't be right because I'm old isn't that right down here for real Sal you can't stand for an adult to be right I tuned out whatever was being said after that just quietly cried while they continued discussing me and my issues with authority or whatever home life worsened after that because now there was even less of a chance for me to ever be listened to or taken seriously I self-medicated with drugs and alcohol it was many years before I felt comfortable seeking help again that butthole is probably retired or dead by now but Frick him I'm still salty about it yes she repeated what I have to do is changing my personality feeling depressed and anxious is about my personality interesting not completely I'm mostly convinced my therapist and I just weren't a good match and that she was too mild for the size of my issues combined with me not being able to explain the size of my issues very well I came to therapy with one major problem and through the process after asking questions she made it about something completely different I wanted to talk about my problems but she wanted to talk about completely other stuff in this case mostly my parents not denying it my parents had been a problem factor for most of my life so I don't blame her cause the stories I told about my parents were quite problematic but I already knew that and had accepted that my parents weren't the reason I went to therapy now since this was my first time having therapy I kinda told myself that she knew what she was doing and that maybe my parents did play a bigger Factor than I thought however nearing the end of therapy and afterwards I didn't feel like anything was solved at all even if my main problem was my parents it ended up in just accepting that they were crap which I already knew my actual problem wasn't solved in any way and it pretty much just ended up being a waste of time and money the only useful thing I got out of it was General cognitive therapy strategies which deal with generally figuring out where your actions and thought patterns originate from therefore I don't completely regret it and also because it taught me how to act next time I ever seek therapy and that is to be very clear about what is bothering you and what it is you want to solve I do want to stress that there is rarely a reason to not go to therapy cause I feel like the thread may be a derivative of that question therapy can definitely help a great deal even if just for the sake of spilling your thoughts to someone my mistake was that I kinda went along with whatever my therapist said or asked you need to remember that you are the one this therapy is meant for and you need to be the one walking out the door feeling at least the slightest bit lighter or more understand good the therapist life isn't affected much they will do whatever they think will help you and if you agree too soon they won't keep digging it's necessary for you to do some actual prepping beforehand to make clear for yourself what it is you want and need stay your ground don't quit until you get the results you want and therapy could be a really really great thing yes I told one I wanted to hang myself once and his response was that's interesting that's a typically male way to die he offered no help just confuse me talking about things that didn't apply to me after getting into her argument with my friend who was with me for support I went to see a therapist in my teens as I had developed an eating disorder I made it very clear to her that I one was okay with my appearance quite happy with it I was and still am naturally skinny and fit and loved my body too loved food enjoyed cooking 3. the not being able to eat was likely stress related due to the pressure of my studies and I hated every minutes of it because I missed food she determined I was anorexic hated the way I looked and was choosing not to eat to punish myself she would often comment on my looks and how I dressed she then forced me to keep her food diary even after I told her doing so was stressing me out even more she never addressed the actual root of the problem or ever listened to what I had to say and made me scared to ever seek therapy out again during my first year at Uni I developed severe social anxiety in my second year I went to a counselor at Uni to try and get over it I didn't obviously know what it was I saw him every week for about eight weeks always it would come back to my parents and my childhood every time no matter what we talked about it was like he had one tool at his disposal and was determined to make it fit finally out of the blue he said you don't really want to be treated so I can no longer help you and that was it obviously almost 20 years later I am completely on top of this now that it's blown up into full-on avoidance so in a way the problem took care of itself thanks random uni counselor I've found that avoidance does make things worse for me and it was mentioned briefly in this one psych module I took but yes colon is definitely a tough one yep my therapist who has been seeing for a year prior for other reasons had incredibly unreasonable expectations for a new relationship of mine talking about true love and how some people just get so lucky finding their person so young I remember having misgivings at the time but continued seeing her started having relationship problems so brought him with me to the therapist turns out it was the beginning stages of abuse on his part but my therapist said nothing therapists started getting erratic and giving contradictory advice in the same session ended up having to dump the therapist before dumping the show ironically this therapist is supposedly the best in my area for post-abuse counseling I'm scared for you now LOL I went to see one for social anxiety and ended up being quizzed about my sex life within 10 minutes she asked me without prompting if I was a virgin and then just kind of IDK recoiled when I said well yeah that then became the new topic of conversation despite that not being the source of my anxiety or something I really care about that much she was weirdly Freudian about it all hypothesizing my lack of sex to be the source of my anxiety and asking repeatedly about my relationship with my mother when I eventually navigated the conversation back to my anxiety in the abstract she seemed kind of IDK disinterested I eventually just left without scheduling another meeting one stroke 10 would not recommend I don't know if this counts but I regret ever talking to my doctors about my anxiety depression honestly I don't think they understand how to deal with it very well they either give you some crappy talk you've heard a thousand times before online that changes nothing or shoved on soul-sucking pills into your hand I've dealt with it better through friends nothing has helped me more than sitting down and having a drunk conversation with a friend who I consider a brother to me and just spilling my heart out to him and have him understand and even relate to a lot of the problems I have professionals just don't feel genuine to me it's like they've given this advice a million times before and it just feels like it's automated advice at this point they might as well just hand you a slip with all the info on it and say better yep as a team I had a few sessions with a psychologist I wanted to go in order to talk about some historical trauma but my father was paying for the sessions because he wanted me to figure out how to better adapt to life with his new batshit crazy wife after a few sessions I found out that the psychologist was having regular discussions over the phone with my father and disclosing what I was saying during our sessions I promptly freaked out and then refused to seek psychological help which I really needed for close to a decade I told my first therapist that I have anger issues that I really need help working through because it's destroying my life she just shook her head and goes oh I don't believe you have anger issues I showed her a picture of the hole in my living room wall from where I put my fist through it that was an accident I'm sure you're such a sweet girl you could never have anger issues I tried to talk to that same therapist about my abusive controlling mother she informed me that she could be my new mother so anyway after I am ceremoniously fired her I tried a new therapist she really seemed to enjoy getting all the hot gossip about my awful mother but had zero advice to give me well that's not true she did give me advice once I told her about my social anxiety-induced panic attacks every time I'm in an unfamiliar place and she suggested that I go to a very crowded local Amphitheater and just hang around and try to make friends with the strangers there I don't see any therapists anymore now Eep this once there was an ed sahiatrist home once she found out that I am engaged asked me don't you think your fiance will get tired of you and leave you which is nothing at all to do with the current issue what a b my therapist was a freaking prick told him I was lonely and he said I can't be lonely because I was only 22. the second therapist I went to got but that because I said I felt more comfortable working with men than women in the workplace and wanted to argue about it so yeah I'm a bit hesitant to see someone now she treated me like a product and did her job like it from a checklist I wasn't in a good mental state at the time and she pushed too many of my buttons the most notable thing I said to her was stop regurgitating the same mile you find off of the internet and do your freaking job I saw a few therapists through the mental health center at my University a few years ago and I came to regret the whole experience I really hate this outcome because it's made me feel reluctant to revisit therapy even though I can't imagine it being beneficial the first time I saw a therapist for intake he shuffled me into group therapy pretty much immediately I had a hard time dealing with it because it felt very very hard to practice behaviors which is what we were meant to do and even harder to open myself up to talk about my anxieties and experiences the session leaders pretty much said group therapy was a failure for me at the end of the term they suggested I start over with another therapist I did just that and saw the same therapist once a week for five weeks I felt good about seeing him at first because he seemed to focus on concrete ideas I could recognize and pointed out specific action steps I could make to feel better by weeks four and five however the tone seemed to shift and he was being what I would otherwise call a devil's advocate with each example I'd share or story I'd tell he'd take the other person's side no matter how ridiculous and eventually started acting personally wounded by the ways I responded to that I felt more confused and isolated than ever and he started talking about group therapy again I expressed concern but he insisted this process minus the Devil's Advocate step thankfully repeated for about six months with two more therapists and two more near immediate transitions to unsuccessful group therapy the only thing I got out of it was feeling a bit better about being able to respond to peers and give advice perspective but in the end I really felt attacked abandoned and even betrayed and it will be hard for me to ever go to therapy again yep I told her I think I have PTSD because I have all the symptoms and suffered traumatic things she said only people who end up in a d after being battered can have PTSD from abuse if she totally invalidated me and I know it was ignorant as the NHS website States you can have cptsd even from neglect and I experienced a lot worse than just that I just wanted to be evaluated listen to herd but once again I wasn't which was quite horrible to deal with she was saying about how people try to find something to fit a reason and expressed I seem to be seeking too much searching for answers I was searching for answers but that because I wasn't getting proper help and I was struggling to function in normal life sleep Terrors emotional flashbacks severe shame attacks severe anxiety dissociation Etc of course I was looking for answers I also got told that I couldn't get counseling there which wasn't her fault but the NHS fault for referring me to the wrong place I wasn't currently being abused and they wouldn't treat people who had escaped the abuse that was hard because I had been trying to get help for a while and my hopes kept being squashed she also handled it all badly by having me talk about the abuse I experienced which got me into a really bad State then there being no closing down of that I found it really hard to function in the following days and found myself needing to drink to calm my nerves to be around other people at work only time I've ever drank at work I know that's bad but I didn't feel I had another option to not have a nervous breakdown overall it was a terrible experience and nothing came of it anyway I opened myself up to get shot down and told we can't help you it's the invalidation and ignorance that was the worst though it made me lose a lot of Hope and Faith in the Health Care system I can understand them being unable to help because of a referral mistake way way late to this party but yes growing up my mother made me go to therapy she drove me every Tuesday while I sat and talked about my feelings this happened for two years one day she takes me to the therapist's office and runs and before me saying she just needs to talk to her and she takes my appointment after that now my mother and I have back-to-back appointments after a while I noticed my mother was referencing things I had told my therapist private things about how I was feeling regarding the relationship with my mother this happened for another two years before I stopped going altogether I was sick of everything I told anyone by proxy be told to my mother was sick of everyone trying to fix the fact that I just felt neglected and unlove and like I didn't have the guidance that I needed to get through a very difficult time in my life I have gone back to therapy a couple of times since but I can never really feel truly comfortable talking to someone like that again there was so much betrayal that happened there I'm still mending that almost 20 years later my mom ended up going to the same therapist for about 10 years afterwards she really stunted my mother's growth as a single mom as well and it made everything more difficult we're just now getting our footing this sounds like what's happening in my life now I'm a young adult and my mother feels the need to come into my appointments with me I never get any talking done because most of my problems are about her I'm glad you're sharing your experience so others know they aren't alone I don't regret having talked to a therapist or psychiatrist in principle there is a very dismaying effect if you finally go to one and it isn't the right one for you though so there are specific cases where I would have been better off not going and talking to the specific therapist or psychiatrist in question but going to one in principle is a good idea if you get the right one your life can change dramatically for the better was in and out of various forms of therapy for years with childhood issues While most weren't regret just not the right fit there are some I'll look back on as potentially just as traumatizing as my actual issues or there was one therapist who insisted my disorder was just lack of willpower this coming from a lady who was so fat she struggled to get out of her chair yeah lady you go ahead and preach willpower when you haven't had the willpower to stay fit not even fit just mobile was also obsessed with frog statues and sent me outside to count them while she had a chat with my mum about how hopeless it all was another was a psychiatrist the only one I went to she told my mum there was absolutely no hope of fixing me none at all no hope so as there was absolutely no way to fix me I obviously had to keep going back to her literally if anyone can explain what the frick her logic was there I would love to know also asked me intimate useless details about out my life yes Ms whatever the solution to my deep-seated trauma lies in the cousins I have never spoken to or perhaps the name of my grandparents dog I was super lucky that my mum remained hopeful that there was a solution and pulled me from any therapist that wouldn't work I'm mostly better now for anyone who cares when I told him that I was worried people only hang out with me because I make jokes he said well everyone has their role in a group great I'll just keep trying to be funny all the time and if I ever have an off day everybody will leave thanks Doc vulnerability is my big reason I've never been good with confessing my issues so when I saw the psychiatric nurse last month I felt open and weak which is apparently common amongst young men I've still not attended an appointment with the psychiatrist because I'm afraid of admitting that I have a problem if I talk about it it then becomes an issue I have to deal with my primary diagnosis was one of an ongoing 12-year struggle with depression and a self-defeating personality disorder with potentially undiagnosed ADHD and dyslexia as a child I went to one about a year ago at first it was promising of course she told me to do Sports I'm a sportive guy no problem but she told me I should really start running I hate running it's so boring to me but whatever did some other sports At first she was listening to me and giving me advice but honestly nothing new I talk regularly with my best friend and he gives equally good or better advice everything she told me was kinda obvious stuff that everybody will tell you but then I started to get the feeling that she was working against me longer story my GF at that time started spending a lot of time with a guy friend okay know what I am worth and am not jealous time passes nothing happens because we were on the kinky side we tried a lot and because she was my first to fit that I may be missing out on something whatever I'm shy and just together with her because she was my best friend and confessed her feelings for me what I wanted tell is I have a giant problem with getting to know girls and starting relationships something sexual one day my GF proposes the idea of a kind of open relationship I'm not the convinced but she tells me I'll find a girl to have fun with and hopefully it'll develop into a threesome oh okay then time passes but I find no girl also because I'm anxious and don't want to one evening she starts a topic about polyamorous relationships and such and I read an article she showed me I get a bad feeling all of a sudden and we talk and she admits that she has feelings for someone a punch is in my stomach I already know you guessed right the dude okay did something happen we kisses when we both were drunk some weeks ago and she didn't tell me I was sad Furious and felt betrayed I knew in this moment that he just pressured me into this to not feel bad about her feelings for the guy back to the therapist I told her how I felt and she says I'm wrong I have no right to feel this way and I'm childing what Frick you I'm not telling you anything anymore had a couple sessions but basically lied to her about stuff because I had the feeling she personally stacked me with what she said worked out with my GF after I took some LSD and open up to her again but at the beginning of the year she broke up with me feel like crap at times and consider getting therapy again but know for sure I'm not going to my old therapist don't blame yourself for what your girlfriend did to you and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise even if it's a therapist cheating is wrong and not telling you're so crap like that is even worse I hope you find your peace and happiness in life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 75,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctors, doctor stories, medical stories, nurses, er, emergency, surgery, hospital, dumbest patients, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2023
Id: 1CCWof-ZzBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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