Therapist Reacts to LUCA

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silence your bruise challenge your brooms your broom can you still hear it nope just you good now i think in every community i've ever been the other is vilified and someone to be afraid of everyone is horrified and disgusted by you because you are monsters if we share who we are just to share who we are not with an agenda to convert anyone to our way of thinking not with an agenda to change anybody else but just to share who we are we're all healthier for it and we're not living in fear there is joy and growth on the other side of fear and insecurity and that's when we should say celencial bruno and just plop head cylinder bruno you taught me that by reverse gatekeeping you're just wallowing yourself off oh damn son get this man a mic so he can drop it there's a mic on his phone it counts welcome to cinema therapy i am alan searight professional filmmaker who needs therapy and i'm jonathan decker a licensed therapist who loves movies what are we doing today well uh i thought i'd have you react as you often do to a film and this film is about two fish friends luca luca is the film you are crushing it today this is great fish friend jonathan otherwise luca colon two fish friends go for an adventure exclamation point okay i'm excited to watch this we're definitely using that we're using that the energy is off the charts let's do this they're two minutes late is there a boat uh huh did you hide yes mom because if they catch even a glimpse of you you think they come around to meet new friends no make small talk they're here to do murders [Laughter] did you see her eyes when she said that they like narrowed into slits he did not have motors look huh what's on your mind i i i will i was just wondering where do boats come from the land monster town just above the surface and beat a guy at cards there once mom what are you doing he's old enough to hear about it you've been to the surface and and done the change no not the end shut it down i was just shut it down yeah well the curious fish gets caught we do not talk think discuss contemplate or go anywhere near the surface got it yes mom here now let's get back to work oh man hey the fish have the dumbest little faces i love you right i know mom we're gonna see later that the people on land talk about them as the sea monsters sure right which we're all familiar with sea monsters oceanic monsters but they talk about the people as land monsters and right out of the gate the i see a big theme throughout luca is fear of the other fear of people who are different and then telling stories to like instill fear of the other and that gets passed from generation to generation to generation and i love about pixar films and movies in general where we take these fantastical elements we can explore something from real life but strip it of race or sexuality or religion and just focus on the principle that we're talking about and then it can be for everybody right so luca meets a boy who is also a fish face also a fish face we're just gonna call him fish faces for the rest of the episode and luke is freaking out about it because he's not allowed up there but he's super curious and this alberta kid is great and he's made a friend and he's got a whole new world ahead of him and it's just yeah it's just amazing you wanna help me yeah wait no i can't i gotta go home right this second yeah if my parents found out i was up here it would be bad so thank you but goodbye forever okay but now i i really do have to go okay bye i just keep hearing the uh i have to go like now like right now okay spongebob thing two hours later it's even better than the picture yeah it is this is so relatable to my childhood oh yeah see you tomorrow he smiles because he's like i know i'll be back be back even i shouldn't be there's such a rush here of discovery yeah when you find something that was always forbidden to you and then you just want to explore it and sometimes the things that are forbidden to us are forbidden for a reason sure and other times it comes down to ignorance or fear and luca is experiencing a little bit of both i mean he does have a reason to be afraid of the people in the village but not because they're inherently bad just because they don't understand right right and as falcone says in batman begins and you always fear but you don't understand one thing i i did want to mention about the filmmaking here the design and the animation style in particular makes this film almost look like a stop-motion film i thought that it looked like aardman like the face it looks like artman like pixar literally invented motion blur in a computer graphic did you know this i did not so like when you're moving really quickly the individual pictures will have blur in them you can see it stretched out yeah you can see it stretched out you can change camera settings and you'll get rid of it and it won't be motion blur but it'll look really weird and choppy or if you're spinning something you'll see a circle you won't yeah that's that's exactly how it works and so pixar literally invented motion blur in a computer but some of the stuff like where uh alberto is like running down the hill instead of having his legs blur they do an old-school animation technique where they do partial frames so his leg will be pointed this way but there's also a foot here and a foot up here oh which is like old school 30s animation like looney tunes technique to make it look like you're moving really fast you just have stuttery images computer generated but stop motion style that is really fascinating it's really really interesting one of the things that they're doing and this is definitely purposeful is the depth of field on the cameras when you're shooting a model my face will be in focus and right behind me will be out of focus and they i think replicated that on purpose it makes for a really interesting fascinating look like we're getting a sort of diorama italy yeah and it's super fun i if there are any pixar people watching this video please sound off in the comments please we would love to talk to you on the show but please sound off in the comments and let us know if that was a thing that you actually did because i love it there's a great bit of performance and the animation is great but wait that was good did you see the height i got hey nice ramping come on let's build another one we gotta ride together if you don't sit on the back and hold on to the front the whole thing falls apart oh and who's holding the ramp the turtle that's faster than you look at how gorgeous the leaves are and all the grass i'm telling you man the rendering is is just unreal never in a million years hey hey hey i know your problem you got a bruno in your head a bruno yeah i get one too sometimes alberto you can't alberto you're gonna die alberto don't put that in your mouth luca it's simple don't listen to stupid bruno why is his name bruno i don't care it doesn't matter silence your bruno lencio bruh wow silence your bruno this does make me want to go to italy again uh last time you were there did you jump homemade vespers no really that's true the turtle these birds just feel like aardman birds too uh-huh [Music] that's a good thinking you come so close to dying as a kid and you're just like bruno yeah only as you guys look back and you're like oh wow that was so we were so close to death so silencio bruno how is that as a like therapeutic technique for the things that that keep us from doing to keep us from becoming what we should be here's what i think one you have to gauge is bruno giving you advice that's actually gonna help you or is he holding you back because you're afraid and sometimes it's hard to gauge because we'll you can always find a reason to not do something right you can always say well i can't do that because i could get hurt or i can't do that because i might get my heart broken or i can't do that because i might fail they might laugh at me this or that reason and then there's i can't do that because i i could die or get paralyzed yeah yeah because if bruno is giving you pause that's a good thing sure if bruno is stopping you dead in your tracks if it's i until it can be perfect i can't do it like that's a bruno you should silence right but if he's like hey a sheet is not a parachute that's not a silencio bruno moment i silenced bruno way too much as a kid and i have the scars to prove it but there but there is joy and growth on the other side of fear and insecurity and that's when we should say silencio bruno and just plow ahead okay then and we're all on a big round of rock floating around a star in the solar system so they've gone into town and met julia only a galaxy full of solar systems and she's expanding luka's mind and then what and then i don't know but next year in advanced astronomy i'm gonna use my school's telescope so maybe i'll find out that thing's huge i wish i could show it to you she reminds me of a charlie brown character sorry too much never hey luca i've been looking everywhere for you oh sorry come on let's go could i maybe borrow this just for tonight you can have it [Music] the universe is literally yours wow thank you luca okay [Music] [Laughter] those aren't fish what yeah julia explained it to me they're fires but like one million times bigger uh no they're not ah soon you'll be ours sweet vespa take a look i thought of every single thing alberto just wants to get this motorcycle with luca and just escape because alberto is lonely his dad abandoned him yeah and luke is his lifeline he's the only friend he's ever had now luke is making new friends and has new interests and alberto is jealous and julia says there's an even bigger one at her school yeah i want to talk to you about that because i definitely was out there so a lot when i was a kid it kind of sounds interesting still empty the reason we're getting a vespa is to live on our own we don't need school we don't need anybody couldn't we just try it just for a few days luca sea monsters can't go to school what do you think is gonna happen when they see your fish face so i mean obviously alberto is you know this is just a typical sort of jealousy and that kind of thing and he's posturing my dad's gonna come back i don't need you i don't need anything but really he's clinging to luca oh yeah like a like a life preserver and that's like is that where most does most jealousy come from you know he was obviously abandoned but is that you know like abandonment or like abandonment issues is that the root cause of that a lot of the time i think jealousy is a human emotion but uh extreme jealousy can often come from that or from feeling from abandonment or from rejection feeling alone feeling isolated we get all jealous and territorial when we put all of our eggs in one basket right we're in one relationship or with one person that my needs my emotional needs my relation leads are all just centered around this one being because then and this happens in abusive relationships you can't have friends unless i sign off on them and those friends can't be a threat to me or the time that we spend together sure and so the solution very often is working on yourself am i okay to be on my own or am i secure enough in this relationship you know if you love someone set them free type thing staying means nothing unless you're free to leave right that's true in romantic relationships it's true in friendships it's true in families we cling so tightly to people because we don't want to lose them and then it's kind of like in star wars the more you tighten your grip target the more star systems will slip through your fingers the the tighter you grasp people the more they oh you're clingy and i love the the arc of one of the several arcs of this film and the lessons of this film is that when we actually love people we love them more than we love our own wants alberto right now doesn't truly love luca he's attached to luca right later he loves him because he wants whatever's going to make luka happy and that is what assures that luca will keep coming back to him yeah you know uh but yeah our jealousy tends to come from insecurity and people who are confident don't have to project it like alberto does people who are confident are just at peace with everyone kind of doing their thing why don't you do it your way and i'll do it my way how about that well i do want to talk about what i call reverse gatekeeping interesting tell me more well with gatekeeping with any community people say well you're not you're not one of us for this or that reason you're not a true star wars fan unless you've read all the novels trust me you don't need to read all the novels to be a star wars fan you're not a true star wars fan unless you like the prequels you're not a true star wars fan unless you hate the prequels you're not a you know all this stuff sure same thing with religion same thing especially people can't keep yeah and i'm not especially qualified to speak to the specifics of race or culture or sexuality other than my own but i do know that it happens in every group oh yeah right i i have friends for people of color and they have others who say you're not black enough right right that type of thing or you're not gay or you're not gay enough or you're you know these types of things now i've been told for various reasons that i'm not a christian and i'm like well you know whatever i'm down with jesus [Music] the important thing is jesus is down with jonah so what i call reverse gatekeeping goes the other way okay you're one of us so you're not allowed to associate outside of us you're one of us look you're part of our church so what are you doing with people who are part of that church you're dealing with those heathens yeah yeah or what do you why are you hanging out with the gay kids or why why do you have black friends you know all sorts of stuff or you hang out with trekkers like what's your deal you're a star wars person star wars fan you have a droid so reverse gatekeeping and i may just have coined that right now or maybe somebody else has a long time but i see that as like you can't leave jono definitely invented this right now you just witnessed the birth of a new idea or at least a new phrase for an idea that's been around forever but if you associate with those outside of this then you're no longer one of us right right you've left the gate and you can't come back in yeah and alberto is doing this with luca where he's like you're associating with a land monster you're becoming friends with julia she's introdu we don't need her and alvarez is getting dangerously close to it's her me yeah which comes from a place of insecurity right people feel the need to deny a part of themselves to fit in and that to me when we talk about luca being like an lgbt plus uh metaphor allegory you could definitely read it that way oh it applies i mean straight up applies yeah absolutely julia your school does it take all kinds of people i mean what if some of them were not human to your point somewhere oh i don't know sea monsters sea monsters i doubt your school would even accept sea monsters right that's a weird joke alberto yeah i know it's kind of hard to imagine so let me just show you come on julia wait we don't have time to goof around [Music] see i knew this was a monster did you hear that this way okay [Music] and he doesn't even care he gets spirit at that point he's just lost you let it get away oh man so whoever the voice actor is that plays hercules is fantastic but the way he's written is just brilliant he's such a like nothing is ever his fault you let them get away i know that guy we all know that guy that guy's the worst before we go back on theme what are you eating today i got the old classic sour power because it's very pixar colored and uh it's delicious i had a bite of that and it gave me a panic attack but i had a caramel apple which to me really works for this film because it's two different worlds blending together in perfect harmony in perfect harmony that is really good by the way it tastes it tastes like a candy apple lisapopcorn.comtherapy you can get a subscription box six different flavors a month which is pretty cool one thing uh as far as filmmaking i keep noticing this trend in pixar films where the scenery and the locales are photo real and then the people are the characters are not a good dinosaur was a lot like that yeah very much so good dinosaur very much looked like a cartoon with the dinosaur but then everything else was just it just looked like real life yeah yeah i like it yeah well and this some things are stylized and some things are not right like a lot of the landscapes are very stylized but that beach you know the pebbles on the beach and the water the water just looks like real water been to that computer in italy stuff like if you didn't know you wouldn't be able to tell you should be like yeah they just filmed some water and then stuck some characters in it yeah like it's freaking amazing so here luca he has to deny his fishness yes he does and it's honestly because alberto forced his hand right and alberto forces him because he's saying embrace who you are show who you are stand proud before the world but whatever it is that you're hiding you get to decide when the time is that you reveal it and albert's trying to make luka and that's back well and i mean you know albert took away luka's ability to choose uh watch our love simon episode where someone else takes away someone's choice to come out and it's uh gut-wrenching yeah it really is yeah what i do love is um you were talking about how alberto assumes how people are gonna react but luca and alberto have been spending time with uh julia and her father massimo who they're terrified of at first understandably and then they spend time with them and they help him fish and he really gets to see them for who they truly are i.e their character before he learns that they're fish faces well yeah and he and massimo sees through alberto's bluster and everything basically immediately yeah which is weird because i don't know how he can see he's just a pair of eyebrows i love the character design in this movie it's so much fun i also love when julia finds out that luca is a fish face and her response to him is not fear it's just to warn him to look out for him but so now they're doing the what are they doing the the vespa race the bike race they're doing the puerto rosso cup where they have to swim and eat and ride a bike it's apparently an italian like this is an italian triathlon i want to do this and then puke pasta everywhere this actually sounds like fun to me [Music] [Music] also all of her did you notice that all of her little exclamations are cheeses are they every single one is a cheese it's saint some kind of cheese [Music] you really are crazy let's get to the water you no [Music] give me that oh julia are you all right yeah i i'm i'm okay thanks guys we finally see his eyes look at this come on i saw them first their reward is mine we're not afraid of you no but we're afraid of you everyone is horrified and disgusted by you because you are monsters stop they're not monsters oh yeah who are they then i know who they are [Music] they are luca and alberto and they are the winners nice symbolism as he drops his spear what really can't be the winners they are not even people senora mercilese technically legally yes they won we won who cares if they won they're sea monsters that is a great moment of using your privilege and power right there we go another pool idiotic be useful for once in your pathetic lives [Music] oops his expensive sweater you had us worried half to death and you must never do that again i'm sorry you raised her little tail off and kicked so much home and butt and i'm so proud of you and i am so mad at you [Laughter] i've experienced that exact emotion as a parent exact same thing yep so proud of you and i'm so mad at you and kicking human butts the underdogs [Music] as a parent of weird alien monsters i'm always proud of my kids for kicking human butt [Music] [Applause] [Music] inspired by the boys to come out show who they are [Music] i want to talk about what's going on with you actually i'll i'll say my thing later oh it's i'm watching a pixar movie so i'm tearing up that's all okay there's nothing special it's just damn you pixar that's all something that's been on my mind a lot lately is the realization that if we share who we are just to share who we are not with an agenda to convert anyone to our way of thinking not with an agenda to to change anybody else but just to share who we are and if we view our differences as an opportunity to learn and to appreciate one another we're all more real and we're all healthier for it and we're not living in fear i mean so much of the the violence in the world so much of the rejection of the world comes from a place of fear and to me that's the greatest story of luca i love when the when the two fish face women kind of reveal themselves at the end inspired by the boys i love when massimo stands behind the boys and he's like they're my friends you got a problem with that everyone's like no we're good we're good i've talked about it today i'm a straight white christian guy right and my some of my greatest friendships and associations and experiences have been inside of them yeah i've been to islamic mosques i've been to hindu temples and buddhist temples i've been in you know you invite me to your church i'll go you don't go to church okay let's go to wherever you hang out making friends with people whose skin is different than mine whose sexuality is different than mine has been the most enriching rewarding experience of my life and i consider myself a much better person for it right and there are people who try to reverse keep me and say well you can't be one of us by reverse gatekeeping me you're just walling yourself off oh damn son get this man a mic so he can drop it there's a mic on his phone it counts so as i said i think we do a great disservice when we hide parts of who we are to fit in so what we want to know in the comments is who are you where are you from what do you believe what makes you unique share it down below so until next time silencio bruno no no no silencio bruno silencio bruno silencio bruno bruno and watch movies bruno thanks uncle hugo you get to hear me talk i can talk without stopping sometimes for maybe 12 hours and you get to listen so you're lucky
Channel: Cinema Therapy
Views: 809,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematherapy, cinema therapy, mental health, counseling, therapy, mental health therapy, Jonathan Decker, Alan Seawright
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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