TheOdd1sOut Leaked How YouTube Abuses Animators...

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ladies and gentlemen the world is decaying around us and here we are merely enjoying our existence one day at a time and the odd ones out just dropped a video talking about how he misses YouTube rewinds now the irony is YouTube rewinds were some of the most unanimously hated things on the internet and I also missed the YouTube rewinds for multiple reasons on the one hand uh if you remember YouTube Rewind back in like 2018 2019 the entire Community really came together to [ __ ] on them and YouTube actually did try to have some sort of person it instead of just being this completely corporate uh machine that just exists to copyright strike you falsely so I do miss YouTube rewinds even though I acknowledge that they were absolutely awful but I think that this is more than just missing YouTube rewinds YouTube rewinds leaving mean so much more for the actual state of YouTube as a whole YouTube decided to absolutely throw away their personality and completely absorb the soulless Juggernaut machine that they have ended up becoming this is the deserved downfall of the YouTube rewinds watching them slowly Decay and die into absolute nothingness it's kind of ironic that the most disliked video on all of YouTube is I think YouTube Rewind 2018 so that's insane I don't think I've ever reacted to an odd ones out video but I like his stuff so this is exciting uh I have to say his nose is scary and bro these fingers are horrifying ladies and Gentlemen let's see what we got guys I have a brilliant idea what if we do the in my feelings challenge what do you think what's the in my feelings challenge no this is where the YouTube rewinds were actually filmed it was that dance people did outside of their moving cars in 2018 that yeah I didn't even what stupid I know it's weird to me that YouTube Rewind 2018 there it is the 2018 the legendary YouTube Rewind that is the most disliked video on all of YouTube to this day I still look back at PewDiePie [ __ ] on this YouTube Rewind with absolute Glee it was one of the most insanely cool moments in in my experience with YouTube came out over 5 years ago that's absolutely insane oh my God 5 years ago since the YouTube Rewind 2018 oh my God that's crazy which makes it old enough to be something to reminisce about ah fortnite and Marquez brownley Ah that's hot there's a fresh generation of iPad kids who don't get to experience the yearly tradition of coming of everyone coming together to [ __ ] on YouTube rewinds it was such a glorious time where so much would happen on YouTube over the course of the year and then YouTube Rewind would happen where they're supposed to talk about all the biggest things that happened and they would just talk about things that didn't get involved in any form of controversy at all which ended up just being things that were completely pointless to you de bwind PewDiePie versus TC series and they didn't include that in YouTube Rewind bro together as a community and watching the newest YouTube Rewind and absolutely ha yes yes dude hating YouTube Rewind really brought people together in case you all forgot the website used to make these celebratory videos showcasing all the important events and and what's so insane is like they did this because YouTube wanted to be part of the community seeing YouTube stop doing the YouTube Rewind is on the one hand the YouTube rewinds got worse and worse and worse as the years went by and they became more and more pathetic and more corporatized however the tragedy of it was it just it made YouTube become even more soulless somehow as soulless as these were at least they were something you know like here look at 2017 the YouTube Rewind they had all the slime videos the fidget spinner videos you got people in the community not a single one that's controversial memes that had happened throughout the year and then YouTube Rewind was the last one where they just made a a watch Mojo list and just disappointed the universe and all these YouTubers would get together and do a silly little dance and everyone had a grand old time and since these videos were why is he doing this with a skeleton in his room no produced by the very platform you're currently watching this on rewinds would always receive insane amounts of views insane amounts of promotion and an insane budget a lot of attention yeah [ __ ] dude that's a lot of views now according to my memory YouTube rewinds were pretty well received until 2017 at first but yeah you see as time went on the general public and the YouTubers involved started to grow weary more than weary okay let's let's really look at this for what it was YouTube used to be this tiny little place for a lot of people that just wanted to make content for fun all right and then it became some massive Juggernaut in the industry and in the the entire universe started promoting [ __ ] through YouTube Once you got the 20 2018 YouTube Rewind half the people that they actually included in YouTube Rewind weren't even YouTubers anymore it was like Will Smith who was a famous actor that happened to have a YouTube channel it was like freaking talk show hosts that were on television that just happened to have YouTube channels too these were the people that they actually started featuring because YouTube corporatized itself and was so excited to finally get be counted as some sort of legitimate platform for real celebrities and that's what really started rubbing people the wrong way people were throwing around words like cringe and this isn't what you I mean I still do that yoube represents I mean I still do that and that's hot that's hot hot and it all accumulated to YouTube's magnum opus YouTube Rewind 2018 the most colossal [ __ ] storm of any YouTube Rewind ever it it was so legendarily bad 2018 everyone controls rewind where they used to make believe that yes people control rewind this YouTube Rewind is in the hands of the community well # YouTube Rewind which is a video that was so universally hated that it holds the world record I'm still so happy that it's the most disliked YouTube video of all time and I am so happy that they didn't like oh my God I am literally so happy that they didn't like turn off the the dislikes I don't think my nuor channel even existed at 2018 on Nu Taco I definitely left a dislike but we're going to have to we're going to have to pull this up right now just for a second to drop a a little a dislike on it on on nuor there we go there we go very nice can't believe they turned off the dislikes let's all take a MoDOT of silence for the 19 million dislikes before they got removed for most disliked video ever a record it will now hold perpetually because of the whole dislike thing the audience wasn't happy the YouTubers involved weren't happy until finally YouTube snapped and was like all right fine if no one wants it we'll stop doing it we were just don't forget about 2019 2019 was glorious because that's when they really said you know what we're just going to make a glorified watch Mojo list where we're just going to put a list of the top 10 most viewed videos on YouTube doing this as a favor anyways and so YouTube discontinued the rewind project in depth dude don't forget 2019 bro with 2018 being the last time we ever got a rewind okay all right he's definitely going to mention it he's teeing this up he's teeing it up what what what about me James you weren't a YouTube Rewind you were a sad baby excuse you were a you should have been aborted how dare you even consider yourself worthy of being called a rewind holy [ __ ] oh my God the Veritas the gravitas in this man's voice 2019 a top 10 video really at least 2011 had Rebecca Black hosting damn leave 2019 oh before I tell you the top 10 ways should have swallowed and now I'm going to hurt you they should have pulled out so getting back to the actual last YouTube Rewind you know the one with the most dislikes in the whole world if we skip to 3 minutes and 2 seconds into that video we see guys let's do the M challenge oh jeez that's me I know I'm a little late to the party but since we've all had enough no way no way he is having his Vindication moment there is no way oh my God he just wanted to make an exposed video 5 years ago and he was working up he was working up the energy to make it he finally got around 5 years later to make his video calling it out that is way too funny time to grow and reflect as people I would like to finally share some of my thoughts and experiences working on YouTube Rewind 2018 the first thing I want to talk about is how none of the YouTubers bro got that Jake ass involved got any type of monetary compensation at least none of the ones I talked to did this was a big issue that a lot of other YouTubers had wait YouTube Rewind didn't well I mean it makes sense that they didn't pay it was like this big uh respect thing their expose videos but I personally was not bothered by it was I getting paid in exposure no yes in fact I actually lost money doing this because I had to get my friend rush to animate some of the scenes so I you know paid him for his work wow paying for his work what a world we live in but what I'm trying to tell you is that as much as I'm about to complain about YouTube Rewind don't feel any sort of empathy for me okay I I did this to myself I think the best piece of advice listen I don't have empathy towards YouTubers unless I actually know them personally because I always am living in this constant bubble of fear and ipulation where I think that everyone's just gaslighting me to get me to be emotionally consistent with wanting to support them I don't trust a word that comes out of anyone's mouth not even this this guy that looks like a living sperm I could give you is that if YouTube ever reaches out to you and is like hey do you want to be a part of rewind you should say yes you should absolutely say yes you get a clickbait ass video out of it let me read the script first but I didn't know that in 18 and I also didn't know that in 2017 if you look at YouTube Rewind 2017 and watch it was also pretty hated all the way to the end keep going right there right there in the credits is V and J doing a floss in space it was a lot that was beautiful that was Art cooler back then they also wanted all the animators to animate our characters in the middle of a jello fight and I think they wanted to put our cartoon characters over footage of real life YouTubers in the middle of a but that was look horrible fight but they gave us no direction and I don't think they ever filmed a scene where they were like okay real life YouTubers remember to leave that spot empty because that's where the animated gu is going to go cuz you know they got to plan that kind of stuff out ahead of time right so instead they just threw our unusable animated jello fight with no background at the very end as this extremely out of place post credit scene oh my God there's that is that is incredibly awkward dude I love when I hear like the behind the scenes random [ __ ] that uh that YouTubers actually know about all this stuff that only they would be able to expose that is so lame oh my God so 2017 was pretty uneventful for me like yeah I was in YouTube Rewind but you know I was in the credits who was going to stick around and watch the credits you know but 2018 was going to be my year rewind wanted me back and this time they were giving me a speaking role holy sh my that is so you are so lucky your reputation has been saved mine was going to be guys let's do the in my feelings Challenge and oh my god dude it's like so out of place it's like literally word vomits of different random Trends getting YouTubers that had nothing to do with anything say it and then the YouTuber Swoozie who would be in his real life human form would say right and then we'd fist bump Who Framed Roger Rabbit style so do you remember that Trend in 2018 where people were doing that dance outside of their moving car apparently that was called the in my feelings I I did not even know that I still don't know that challenge back in the best moment in the YouTube Rewind was Jaden animations sneaking in PewDiePie's chair because PewDiePie was basically being blacklisted by YouTube at the time even though he was the biggest Creator just because he got into controversy so the fact that Jaden animation snuck in a YouTube Easter egg uh for a PewDiePie Easter egg in the YouTube Rewind despite the fact that YouTube did everything in their power to ignore the fact that PewDiePie existed that was the most epic moment in YouTube Rewind for sure 2018 I didn't even know it was called that I thought it was called stupid now if you've at all watched YouTube Rewind 2018 everyone controls rewind # YouTube Rewind you might be wondering why after I specifically suggest we do the in my feelings challenge that not a single YouTuber or talk show host can be seen dancing outside of a moving vehicle that's because YouTube because that's dangerous I I have gotten Community guideline strikes on my YouTube channel for people doing like a flip like reacting to a meme of someone doing a flip on a car I've gotten a strike because it's putting yourself in danger with a motorized vehicle didn't want to promote unsafe Behavior yeah so there they're going to talk about the line because sure that's something that happen on YouTube but they're not going to actually show anyone doing anything next to a car because that's endangering your so they didn't want to show anyone dancing outside of a car so they weren't really doing the challenge then were they YouTube if you don't want to promote unsafe Behavior don't dude I love how they animate his butt in every single shot theyo stay on that Adventure Time sauce this is like every time Jake turns around Behavior don't promote the in my fing feelings challenge kids are still going to look up the in my feelings Challenge and then why no one looked it up because it was such a random line and a throwaway line in such a huge listen James I know that you feel like it was an important moment because it was your thing but no one actually heard that line and was like oh there's prop that probably is a thing that exists watch multiple videos of people dancing outside of cars on YouTube we don't want to promote unsafe Behavior it's on your platform dog you know looking back that should have been my first red flag but I was still optimis I exed to be of this hug and I knew were going be YouTubers involved but I was going to be one of the few animated ones I was going to stand out but Jaden stood out so much more with the PewDiePie Easter egg I hope he mentions that cuz in my if he doesn't mention that I'll go show it to you that was one of the most badass things ever I was going to be the odd one out [Music] knowing he said the thing find handled animation in 17 when they asked me to be a part of 2018 I told them hey love the line but I think it would be a good idea if we met in person you know and that way you can show me everything you're planning and I can ask you all the right questions and they agreed and invited me to visit the set the day they were filming swoozie's line so I was there physically behind the camera when Swoozie said right and then fist bumped nothing I got to experience what it was like to be on a real film set with actors and directors he just animated himself onto it why do he have to go to that costumes and catering and makeup and it was a lot honestly for just one line and maybe it was because they had booked Swoozie for a full hour but they had this what is this what is this animated hand bro I feel like odd ones out animations have gotten like elran in scale bro this is horrifying this is the hand that you see on on some poor girl's uncle on on an hentai like brother beautiful man say right and then fist bump nothing no less than 50 times it's one line guys I think we got it and then after like take 87 my stomach sank when the director said okay Swoozie how about you try saying guys let's do the in my feelings challenge wait a minute what no after trying that 87 times he flew him in he wasn't even going to physically be in the shot they flew him in and they were going to give him the they were just going to take his line corporate [ __ ] overlords that's my line are we changing it which line am I animating now do you want me to do both just like how you got Swoozie to do both and what oh you'll pick your favorites I asked the director right there which line was I animating and he said he was going to let me know and then we went oh my God that's insane that is the ultimate disrespect I am not surprised but very disappointed very disappointed come on YouTube bro outside and how could the behind the scenes be worse than the final result that's crazy film Swoozie dance in front of a brick wall and which parts of him dancing was I going to animate my guy next to he said he was going to let me know that too holy [ __ ] so I took all the information that's disgusting I learned that day and referred it back to the other animators what they wanted were two shots they wanted 5 Seconds of our characters dancing and they wanted another shot of all of us sitting around a campfire singing horribly after doing some quick I realized that if all seven of us animators did A 5sec Dance that would be 35 seconds of cartoons dancing which for a YouTube Rewind would be a lot of screen time I had a sinking feeling that they weren't going to be using our full 5sec Clips so they wanted them to animate 5 Seconds when realistically they were just not going to use all of that that is so disrespectful oh my God I can't believe it oh man and they didn't even let me know now for my life-changing speaking role I had to record my line on my own which normally wouldn't be a problem but in late 2018 I had just moved to California and I didn't have my own setup set up and to make the whole situation worse I was only given one week to finish my animation and record my line dude why are they like this why are they like this it's like oh we're going to give you an opportunity now we're going to [ __ ] you every single every single stage of this opportunity that we're giving you but it's an opportunity you're welcome so you know the clock was and he ended up in the most hated YouTube video on the platform right like let's not forget the fact that this YouTube video ended up being like Mega hated ticking now I think the second best piece of advice I could give you is that if you're ever in need of a quick jerry-rigged sound booth go and under a blanket with a microphone that's how I started baby your closet and hide under a comforter in fact hello real life human James here coming to you on a blue he has a face I thought he looked like a little animated sperm all along fun fun fact when I did my interview with Anthony Padilla I did it the day after his like it's kind of hilarious I did it literally the day after um Anthony recorded with James so there was like odd ones out merch all over the place in the actual studio in Anthony Padia studio and I felt like such an [ __ ] cuz like I didn't really bring him anything and James apparently brought him brought him like a a truck full of like cool goodies and prizes different plushies and t-shirts and and pictures and posters and I'm just like ah I didn't bring you anything I felt like such an [ __ ] so thanks James Yeti inside of a bathroom the Acoustics in here are terrible could you imagine voicing a cartoon character in this guys let's do the in my feelings challenge listen in your defense I don't think that would have ruined the video see it doesn't work now all right and now we're here inside of our makeshift sound booth and it works i' this is literally how I used to record my YouTube videos I am getting PTSD flashbacks because holy [ __ ] it used to stink so much I would be sweating drenched in sweat stinking like [ __ ] when I was recording my YouTube videos back in the day when I just started I had a bad mic I had bad Acoustics and I would just be sitting there under a blanket sweating my balls off recording videos you know what maybe Hassan is right maybe it is the hardest job of all time hopefully hear the quality change right away you know like guys let's do the in my feelings challenge see you know we we don't need expensive sound booths to have a good time but back in 2018 I wanted the most important line in my career to be recorded in a professional sound booth luckily I I would not have done that was in luck you see California did he just say luckily I was in luck bro that's like the in a professional sound booth luckily I was in luck bro that's like the Martian guy and Invincible saying I was born at a very young age on Mars where every 60 seconds a minute passed you see California is one of the few places home to something called a YouTube space a YouTube space advertises itself as a place to Aid content creators providing them with facilities to create content for their YouTube channels honestly that's insane I didn't even know that existed and to access said facilities you needed at least 10,000 subscribers that is [ __ ] it's clout accessed what a little weird they put a number on it but I get it I had just moved to California I knew I was going to be hitting this place up all the time when I first went to the YouTube space I didn't call ahead or set up in a dude this is badass what I didn't know this was a real thing appointment or anything because there wasn't an option to do so on the website but I figured they would have to help me out right the line I needed to record was for YouTube Rewind for a YouTube Rewind and you're a YouTube space bro why does she look like the lady from uh from Monsters Inc sorry wasowski we're not helping you we're not helping you ad On's out like Susan personally asked me to be here you know so I drove an hour to the space I went inside showed them a sub count and they said that in order to use the fac facilities I had to fill out all these forms on my computer back home but if wait he had to go back home to fill out the forms ain't no way it's for you to rewind then I drove another hour back oh my God this is horrible home and started filling out the forms but by the time I got to the quizzes I realized huh I think this wild goose chase is probably going to take longer than a week to resolve with time running out I gingerly asked my new friend Aaron if I could use his setup go and he said friends they're so strong this what would I do if dude I would just crash in Evan's house if I'd be in LA and I needed to record something ASAP I would just go to Evan's house and record something wait didn't he move Evano moved said yes and I didn't even have to show him my sub count I mean I showed him any though so of course it was an excuse to show off he he wasn't going to take the line you hear me say in the 2018 rewind was recorded in the game grum's office dude this line that you're like really hyping up a lot was let's do the show your feelings challenge in the most hated video in YouTube history like I don't know he so proud I feel so sad which I think means at the very least gang Grumps deserves to be credited in the description of rewind come on YouTube they were the only ones who took me in when your own company turned me away to be fair they probably had no idea that was a real thing the deadline was fast approaching I mean it was fast approaching as soon as I got it but I've been in crunch mode before and I'm sure the nameless video editors were just trying to hit their impossibly tight deadlines too I reminded myself what I was making all of these sacrifices dude true I have never seen YouTube credit the video editors for their projects holy [ __ ] those guys are probably getting slave wages without even getting recognition at all I don't know why I'm just thinking of that right now Doodle's in my chat right now and doodle is he's one of my editors and a fantastic fellow and I respect I respect doodle all all the little damn much okay but like I'm just realizing now YouTube's never credited people that actually work on their video at all like let's be real here like I just feel like they're like edit this video or we'll just put you in the star laac pit everyone was going to unanimously love this video and what it represents and look up my channel afterwards and subscribe December 6th 2018 then it accidentally became the most hated video ever a day that changed history oops it was raining that day and the world was exposed to what YouTube had been cooking up and they all collectively hated it hated it oh did I oh did I oh what a good time honestly I I was so wholesome the way YouTube came together for this one YouTube everyone on YouTube came together I recently went on a tear rewatching all of PewDiePie's reactions to all of the YouTube rewinds and he how he redid rewinds with the meme edits and brought back like such a state of bliss for me like a lot like to the this isn't pre-at this is rewatched all right never mind point where I would be lucky if I didn't lose subscribers I think the audience knew that none of the YouTubers involved had any say in the creative process yeah I don't think any YouTubers actually the only person that I think got hate from for YouTube Rewind aside from YouTube was Will Smith bro that guy got memd to Oblivion everyone else just kind of did their we were just reading our lines from Jaden Jaden [ __ ] killed it holy [ __ ] bass Jaden YouTube script you know so at least I get to say I'm in the most disliked video in history that's pretty respectable and no one's too mad at me I mean listen that's like what I say listen I was trending on Twitter the other day yeah it was because I was getting death threats but like I trended right so was all of this stress worth it now I got paid listen you're getting you're you're making this video now every penny that you're making on this video is purely because of the amount of suffering you got exposure and the exposure was overwhelmingly negative in fact I think re but all press is good press am I right mind was only positive for one other YouTuber do you have any guesses Jaden animations Jaden anim is he actually going to mention it Jaden go B Jaden B Jaden B Jaden B Jaden mothering animations pulled off the the ultimate Giga Chad Pro Gamer epic move of all time I am still so proud that she's done this to this day biggest prank of 2018 one of the reasons people disliked 2018 because PewDiePie was ignored was because PewDiePie the number one YouTuber at the time wasn't included but Jaden being the genius that she is literal genius the biggest Flex of all time is knew he wasn't going to be included again because he was controversial so she snuck in a Pew a PewDiePie ref reference into her 5-second dance I told you I told you Jaden the goat Jaden the goat I was so excited when I saw this not to mention all the other PewDiePie references but bro this was such a massive insane moment and no one caught it and it made the Final Cut Jaden was crowned the least cringy part of rewind least cringe she was the most based part of rewind that that was such a massive iconic moment and everyone loved her and she got a big boost in subscribers and all I got to say to that is well she didn't get the Boos and subscribers from the rewind she got the Boos and subscribers from PewDiePie's reaction to that's a kind of different thing good good for you Jaden you you were awesome job Jaden how Jaden deserved all all that love you enjoying that cake and eating it too now there were a lot of valid reasons why people disliked 2018s rewind one of them being that the video starts out with Will Smith oh dude it's hilarious at this point Will Smith's biggest L was that he ruined YouTube Rewind ladies and gentlemen the L's only continued slaps dude at the Oscars Bros men takes L after L after L after L myth he's not a YouTuber he he made a YouTube channel he uploaded YouTube videos and YouTube was corporatized Mega corporatized 2018 was so hated not only because they were taking people like PewDiePie and hiding them because they were relatively controversial even though they were massive in the space and impacted the entire freaking uh Channel however I think uh it's super important to note that by starting the you the the YouTube Rewind with Will Smith really just goes to show the fact that YouTube cared about YouTube's recognition by the mainstream more than the actual community that was being fostered on YouTube That's Why YouTube Rewind 2018 was so overwhelmingly negative but they didn't seem to mind when 2016 started out with The Rock and 2017 started with the colar show but whatever and I don't know if you remember what YouTube was likeing 2017 2018 but uh it was in the news a couple of times yeah yeah you know over a few small things yeah yeah however with all of that being said I do genuinely Miss YouTube rewinds getting to wake up and go wow it's December and a new YouTube Rewind just dropped I'm gonna watch it and then I get to see a handful of YouTubers I recognize do a dance and not recognize any of the other YouTubers true true and then I get to see the rest of the internet's reaction to it it's better than Christmas for me even if it's the cringiest video ever oh that's hot we still all watched it together true honestly it like literally so wholesome when Pewdiepie makes his re made his reactions to YouTube Rewind I was so excited as a community and I think that's what I missed the most when YouTube felt more like a community I'm with him I'm with him 100% it really brought YouTube together right now YouTube is Mega fragmented every Niche is kind of really just floating around on its own with so much drama and hate between so many people that just use YouTube for some sort of monetary clout instead of just making content that they love and getting along with people because they like to at this point YouTube has optimized been optimized to the point that the content the best performing content does not feel like personalities anymore it feels like its AI Blended hype moments just kind of strung together in some sort of relatively cohesive story that's probably faked half the time and uh just done in order to get clicks for children where it's kind of insane to see all that happen over time how YouTube really doesn't feel like a community at all but this was a really good video James I agree with you completely I miss the YouTube Community whenever everyone on YouTube just by the fact that they were a YouTuber they got along as long as it's not a top 10 video I welcome back YouTube rewinds with open arms and if they do make a comeback I don't think I'd want to be a part of them the funny thing is um I don't I can't see YouTube Rewind ever really coming back um just purely because I don't think they would know what to do with YouTube Rewind aside from Mr Beast someone who's like actually universally known I feel like even the biggest YouTube creators in niches aren't known by anyone in any other niches like it's actually crazy so so you have people like uh let's say oompaville Okay oompaville has over 5 million subscribers on YouTube right we do our podcast together it's awesome and I'll talk to like another vtuber about oompaville and they'll never hear of him and I'm just going to be mind blown like how could you be like you watch my videos how do you not know that oompaville exists and that's because they are purely in the vtuber realm and they just just aren't aware like they're just not aware of other people necessarily then I'll talk to oompaville about like other friends of mine that are massive massive YouTubers and it'll be like I I have no idea who these people are and it's like how is that possible just the internet has gotten so big and uh the algorithms have gotten so good and people have optimized their content so much for their own niches that there really isn't a YouTube Community the YouTube Community kind of died when PewDiePie got outgrown as a YouTuber like the reason why I look back at PewDiePie versus T series as like this Monumental moment on YouTube and then later Mr Beast passing PewDiePie is because that war was a war of the the personalities and the community versus The War of the corporate Overlord machines and the second PewDiePie lost to t- series and t- series actually passed him I felt like that was a pivotal end to an Era on YouTube and right now YouTube is Mega fragmented the strongest most appealing content right now on YouTube I know you're going to hate to hear this but it's a generated Supercar top 10 videos it's like incredibly pasty cringe and um sad as it is to say I missed that good old days of YouTube the good old days when YouTube used to be a community together and we really did come together to hate YouTube Rewind so this was the really deserve downfall of YouTube not because I got burned in 2018 but because I wouldn't want to Rob another ignorant YouTuber of the once in a-lifetime opportunity to be taken advantage of and work for free and be a part of history for now we just have to live with the nine rewinds we do have but if you're like me and are just dying to see more YouTube Rewind content and I know you are because you're still here I've discovered a pretty massive Easter egg in the description of rewind 2018 is a link to see all the Easter eggs and for your viewing pleasure are 13 brand new shorts that I can only describe as skits that were edited together with existing rewind footage I don't think that's what an Easter egg is huh there's no way YouTube did that why would they do that they're not that funny and are pretty hard to watch but isn't that what rewinds all about no rewind is not about not enjoying it rewinds are about [ __ ] on it together with the homies have a good night that was a really good video um that was such a good video I like the odd ones out videos bro makes good [ __ ] what could I say bro makes good [ __ ] bro just makes [ __ ] that's good and uh I miss the YouTube Community uh and it's kind of really annoying and sad to see YouTube taking advantage of animators just like everybody else taking advantage of animators um kind of wild but that's how the cookie crumbles thank you for joining and stay weird fam if you made it to the end click one of these two videos which also will definitely get me cancelled see you live on game stay weird fam
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 69,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, meme, reddit, stream fails, vtubers, hololive, vtuber nux, nux taku shorts, nux taku streams, theodd1sout, theodd1sout youtube rewind, I Miss YouTube Rewinds, youtube animator, youtube animation, youtube rewind 2018, youtube rewind drama, youtube rewind pewdiepie, jaidenanimations youtube rewind, jaiden animations, nuxanor animation, animator drama, animation drama, animation controversy, youtube drama
Id: xWfvBTsXB_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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