OSRS 1-99 Combat Training Guide

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what's going on guys my name's Theo attrex and today I'm presenting my complete melee combat training guide throughout this video I'll show you how the bonuses work I'll talk a bit about gear and weaponry and what types of items you should focus on getting and then everything you need to know about the best training methods in the game and I'll also give a little summary of bossing and the pets from combat towards the end starting off with your bonuses and levels anything revolving around attack in old school runescape correlates to your accuracy it doesn't change how much you hit but it increases how often you'll hit increasing your attack level also allows you to wear more weapons which gives you an increased attack bonus your strength level solely changes your max hit and there's no change to your accuracy at all you can also wear some extra weapons by having a higher strength level and your strength bonus mainly comes from your weapon but there is a lot of gear that also boosts your attack and strength bonuses as well your defence level lowers the chance of you getting hit but it doesn't change anything to the max hit that you'll take increasing your defense level also increases the armor that you can wear which gives you more of a defence bonus making you get hit far less often with the higher level gear now I'd like to talk about weaponry and in almost all cases of training combat in old school a weapon that has a higher attack speed is usually the best choice slow weapons usually hit a bit higher but faster weapons attack more consistently and overall will give you a better experience rate and faster damage per second at low levels all of these scimitars are the best for training your melee combat in terms of training your attack strength and event your attack level takes slight priority over strength at lower levels since you need to unlock those better weapons all the way up to level 40 the rune scimitar is the best for you to use however members unlock the brine saber which actually gives a slightly better slash and strength bonus in comparison to the rune scimitar it does cost a little bit more but for those that have the money is can speed up your training at a lower level once you reach level 50 attack and level 50 strength you can start wearing granite items there's a few new granite weapons in the game and the best one available is the granite hammer it is quite expensive so the granite longsword is another great option at this level if you reach level 55 slayer the best in slot item at 50 attack is actually belief bladed sword and it gives a far better attack bonus than the granite hammer but not quite a higher strength boner however it does give a much better attack bonus making it better than the granite hammer for training and a lot cheaper as well once you reach level 60 attack you unlock dragon weaponry and the dragon scimitar is what you should be aiming for as it's the best weapon for you to train with at this level and it's a lot cheaper than a lot of the other weapons wearing the dragon scimitar needs monkey madness and for those that haven't completed monkey madness there are a couple of options available that still give decently good bonuses [Music] once your attack and strength level equal 130 by adding them both together you're allowed to access the warrior guild and inside the Warriors guild you can get defenders these defenders require a defense level to wear however they give very high attack and strength bonuses as well as defensive bonuses making them a very important shield slot item for when you're training your melee combats as soon as you can enter the warrior guild I'd recommend grinding out to the dragon defender because overall that's going to do a huge difference to your XP rates once you reach level 70 attack you unlock a few more options for training your attack and defense above level 70 I highly recommend using the abyssal whip but for training your strength you have a few different options the saradomin sword is a very cheap strength training option the abyssal bludgeon is the best two-handed strength training weapon and then once you reach level 75 attack you unlock the best melee training weapon in the game the garage 0pr also at level 75 you unlock the abyssal tentacle the Blessed Sora sword and the staff of the Dead which are all very powerful melee weapons however the abyssal tentacle and the Blessed Serra sword both are degradable therefore it costs quite a lot to attack with it now I'd like to talk about armor and when you're choosing your armor you always need to take note of the attack style of your opponent against monsters or players that used me lay or ranged metal armor and shields will give you the highest defense bonus against magic dragon hide and other range gear provides the highest magic defense when training you should try focusing on items that will boost your attack bonus and your strength bonus of course your weapon is the most important for these bonuses but your armor and everything else you wear really does contribute to your overall damage and XP rates I'd like to quickly go over each item slot to give you guys the best in slots plus a few different alternatives I'm not going to go into depth because that would take a lot of time but I'll very quickly list through them in terms of headgear the best thing you should go out of your way to get is the helm of Nate is not the serpentine helm gives the same strength bonus however gives a higher defense bonus than the Nate is not and you should always know that the Slayer helmet or the black mask will always give the best boost on a slayer task in terms of body armor the highest strength bonus comes from the fighter torso and the Bandos chest plate however the Barrows chest plate has a far better defence bonus than the fighter torso in the leg slot the only items that give us strength bonus there are the band ozt assets and the obsidian plate legs I highly suggest using the obsidian plate legs and once you can afford it the banlist assets are your best in slot in the shield slot all of the defenders are the best for the highest damage per second the dragon fire shield gives a high strength bonus and at very low levels when you haven't unlocked the defender the zamorak book or the obsidian shield both give decent bonuses for training in the Cape slot the infernal Cape from the inferno is now the best in slot Cape in the game second is the fire Cape from the fight caves also the obsidian Cape is pretty good at a low level for the defence bonuses in the next slot the amulet of torture is the best in slot but the amulet of fury and the amulet of glory provide good attack bonuses and some strength bonuses as well all of the gloves from the recipe for disaster quest are the best in your hand slot however the regen bracelet granite gloves and the combat bracelet are all alternatives if you haven't started or completed the quest in terms of your boot slot climbing boots are awesome for very low levels giving a nice boost in your strength bonus and the best in slot are the primordial boots with dragon boots in second in your ring slot the best item for training is the Berserker ring imbued from The Nightmare Zone I spoke earlier about obsidian and with level 60 defense you can wear the whole obsidian set and it gives you a 10% damage and accuracy boost to the melee obsidian weapons you can also wear the Berserker necklace to increase that boost but those items are also good on their own each one of the obsidian pieces gives a strength bonus and the cost in comparison to band oz is very cheap now I'd like to go over how to train your combat XP very quickly at a low level and that is via questing as a member you can complete the waterfall quest which has absolutely no requirements and will get you from level 1 to 30 attack and strength instantly there's a range of other quests available that give huge XP rewards with very low requirements as a member the most notable ones are the fight arena and the tree gnome village quest a free-to-play player you still do have some options for massive XP rewards the Vampire Slayer quest can be done at a very low level for a 5000 attack XP reward and then the dragon slayer quest that keeps massive XP rewards after completing at a low level there's so many places to train in Brune scape in this segment I'm gonna go over about 5 to 10 different methods that are suitable for fast XP and some of these will give you a decent amount of money as a free-to-play player the best place to start training is at the chickens and cows in Lumbridge once you're above around level 30 combat you can head over to the hill giants in the edge field dungeon a recent addition to old school runescape brought aboard the hill giant BOTS where by killing the hill giants you get a key that gives you access to fighting oh boy this really spices up your training and oboe is killable with melee but be very careful because he is quite powerful once you reach a higher combat level you can attack Maus Giants in the varix sewers and from the Maus Giants you can get a mossy key to fight the Maus giant boss Brier fighter and this boss surprisingly is easier than oh boy and both oboe and Brier fighter have very lucrative drops for low-level accounts and give you a taste of what bossing is like in runescape free-to-play players can also take advantage of the stronghold of security there's flash crawlers on the second level which are great for low levels there spiders for some more afk kind of training and cruise for a bit of money and the last three to play training spot I'd like to mention is the ogre s worriers located at corsair cove these guys drop a lot of rune items and high-value drops these are mainly for players above level 80 in melee combat as a low-level member you have access to a way larger variety of options rock crabs just north of relic are are an easily accessible training spot for low levels and Braque crabs are very weak targets with a lot of hit points an addition unique to old-school use sand crabs located just south of the hosts sidious house anze are sand crabs are very similar to rock crabs with a very low combat level and higher hair points than rock crabs the experiments they have very low attack bonuses and they have 100 hit points this is an excellent place to Train at a low level but experiments have zero valuable drops so if you want something that is a little bit profitable at a low level you can kill chaos druids at Edgeville dungeon taverley dungeon or the chaos druid tower these guys drop a lot of high-level herbs which will really add up at a low level the most efficient way to train your combat levels in runescape in terms of going for the max cape is to train your combat through slayer it's recommended to start slayer when you have at least level 70 combat in order to use the faerie Slayer master and have access to good gear and teleports the damage and accuracy bonus from the Slayer helmet and the black mask make your Slayer tasks great meal a XP at the same time as training the Slayer skill and a lot of the Slayer monsters have very valuable drops meaning you'll make a lot of money going through to level 99 Slayer and on your journey to 99 Slayer you're pretty much guaranteed to get 99 in a lot of the combat stats some Slayer tasks cannot efficiently be done with me lay only but in the long run if you're going for the fastest overall total level the best way to train is consistently through Slayer now I'd like to go over the methods that give the fastest XP in the game and the first one is the nightmare zone to partake in the nightmare zone you need at least 5 of the quests completed that have bosses I also recommend having at least around level 60 combat before you take part in the nightmare zone otherwise the XP rates are not worth your time the thing about the nightmare zone is you have access to overloads and absorption potions which negates the cost of super combat potions boosts your stats more and you also don't need prayer potions due to the absorptions the herb boxes can be done for profit over time and the nightmare zone is something that can be done very afk as well in order to get the fastest melee combat XP at the nightmare zone you need to look out for the power surge powerup pairing that powerup with special attack items like the granite wall or the dragon claws it's possible to get well over 100k XP per hour wearing full Duroc at the nightmare zone and lowering your hair points to one using the locator orb or the two woven Rock cake is another very common and fast way to train your combat on top of all those benefits doing some of your training at the nightmare zone will allow you to imbue some of your rings and other items another training method that uses the dark that is killing the monkey guards located on a patrol a very fast way there is using the a portal teleport on the regular spellbook and that takes you literally next to the training spot there's an altar right next to them as well which allows you to stay here pretty much endlessly while using stat boosting prayers as well now I'd like to go over some AFK training spots and the first one is ammonite crabs which are unlocked after completing the bone voyage quest these guys have the same stats as experiments their level 25 and have 100 hit points they also have a very low max here meaning you won't need to bring much food at all there's a lot of spots you can stand to stay at this spot afk for 10 minutes at a time after 10 minutes the crabs will stop reacting to you standing there and they won't attack you keeping you in combat another very afk training spot is at bandits and by using a saradomin or Sam Urick item these guys will stay aggressive to you forever pairing gotham's with a saradomin or zamorak item you can stay afk here for up to 20 minutes until you'll stop attacking and eventually log out there's also the tent nearby that you can exchange banknotes for regular items so if you bring noted food with you you can stay here forever now I have a few moneymakers that come out of melee combat and the first one is revenant the main disadvantage of revenant right now is that they're very crowded with PKS the whole revenant cave is multi combat and within the cave there are revenant ranging from very low to very high combat levels because of this revenants can be done at any level and can be very profitable for any account wearing the bracelet of ether and revenants cannot deal any damage to you whatsoever the Prophet really depends on how much you get peak aid and how lucky you get on the drop table but currently revenants are one of the most lucrative methods in the game another monster that makes quite a bit of money over time is the Green Dragons and these are located throughout the wilderness and are only level 79 combat every kill you get the guaranteed drop of the dragon bones and the green dragon hides and if you pick those up every kill you can easily make up to 500k coins per hour at level 75 Slayer the unlock the gargoyles and these are commonly killed on alt accounts but can be killed on your account for great profits and you can kill these quite afk for a consistent amount of profit gargoyles do have a fairly high defense level meaning you won't get very high XP rates when you're fighting them but a lot of their drops unnoted so that means you'll be able to stay there indefinitely without going to the bank at all the next part of this video is the bosses you can fight with only me lay the two free to play bosses oh boy and bryophyte up are both pretty simple and relatively straightforward bosses sadly pets are not available in free-to-play however these guys drop other unique items like the hill giant Club or Brier fighters essence which can be turned into bryophyte and staff moving into the members bosses as a new boss available in old school runescape that wasn't available back in runescape - known as scooty so the giant mole which lives under falador Park is a great monster to start trying if you'd like to start getting into bossing flinching the chaos elemental is another great option and a lot of the other wilderness bosses are also me liable bosses each one of these also have a pet variant that drops at a rate of one in 2000 which is very common for a pet the varrock set is the most powerful on most of the wilderness bosses and requires 70 attack strength and defense to wear the whole thing two out of the four god wars bosses are killable with meal a krill suits are off is the first one and general Grado which is slightly weaker than krill to taro there's also a lot of slayer bosses that you can kill with melee first off the grotesque guardians which are a gargoyle boss unlocked at 75 slayer there's the abyssal sire which is the boss version of the abyssal demons and this requires level 85 slayer their Cerberus which is a hellhound boss requiring ninety one Slayer and is one of the most profitable bosses per hour in the game the thermonuclear smoke devil is another boss killed with only meal a and requires level 93 Slayer to kill finally the highest level boss out of all of these that I've said is the corporal beast and this one requires above level 90 in all of them they combats that in order to be effective in a team the corporal beast has a drop that is well over 500 million coins right now and players camp at Corp for weeks and months trying to land that drop so that is my 1 to 99 melee combat training guide a couple of final notes firstly that you can train your defense using long range on chin chompers or using ancient magics on defensive casting and this actually gives more experience per hour in defense than using melee one other quick point is that strength can be trained at barbarian fishing without training your hip points at all so that's the end of my 1 to 99 meal a combat guide if you learn something interesting today be sure to leave a like on this video if you're new to my channel be sure to subscribe if you have any training spots that I haven't mentioned that you think other people should know about be sure to type them into the comments and I'll like and pin some of the ones that I think are good anyways guys thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Theoatrix OSRS
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Keywords: 1-99 melee guide osrs, 1-99 melee, 1-99 melee guide, 1-99 melee osrs, 1-99 combat osrs, 1-99 combat guide, osrs 1-99 melee, osrs 1-99 melee guide f2p, 1-99 melee guide p2p, 1-99 melee combat guide, osrs 1-99 combat guide, osrs 99 combat guide, osrs 99 melee guide, 99 melee guide, 99 melee guide osrs, osrs 99 melee, theoatrix combat guide, theoatrix melee guide, melee guide theoatrix, combat guide theoatrix, 1-99 combat guide 2018, 1-99 combat guide osrs p2p
Id: 0YstGGChdhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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