101 RuneLite Tips & Tricks

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[intro] Whats going on guys, my names theoatrix and  welcome to 101 runelite tips and tricks.  This is a long video, so lets get right into it… By default, there’s a plugin on runelite called  Grand Exchange… If you go to the plugin settings,   and change the search mode to fuzzy, you can  search for items in short form. For example,   you can type sara for saradomin,  or bowfa is another one. While training agility, its pretty common  to watch a video or movie while you train.   Well this screen setup is a way to train  agility while keeping your eyes on the   movie youre watching. You need the 117 hd  plugin, and you turn the contrast to 500%,   then the brightness to 1. Then you turn off  all lighting and change the sky to the default   black. Then go into the default runelite plugin  settings, and change the window opacity to 20%. To train your prayer really quickly,  you can setup your window to left click,   and press the hotkey for your inventory  repeatedly. To do this, you hold alt,   and drag your inventory over the altar  on resizeable modern mode. Then you set   the left click option for the bones to  use, using the menu entry swapper plugin. On the runelite plugin hub, there’s  a plugin called action progress. With   this turned on, you can see how long  a processing action is going to take. Back in runescape 2, and currently in runescape  3, you might remember when using a bank,   the items instantly move, rather than waiting for  the next gametick. Well there’s a plugin called   Instant Inventory which brings this functionality  to oldschool. It can be useful for knowing whether   you actually deposited or dropped an item, rather  than having to wait for the next game tick. By default on runelite, there’s a  plugin called Chat Commands.With this   plugin active, there’s some useful  chat shortcuts you can use. Control   Backspace will clear your typed message,  and control W will clear a single word. Another default plugin with useful shortcuts  is world hopper. With this one, you can press   control shift left, and control shift right to  go back or forward a world. You can also type   double colon hop and then a world to hop, which  can be useful for activities like shooting stars. On the plugin hub, you can install a plugin called  Pickpocket guardian. This plugin stops you from   pickpocketing when youre below a certain hitpoints  threshold… Extremely useful for hardcore ironmen. Now, we all know that RuneScape is our go-to  adventure, but if you're itching for a new quest,   consider trying this free to play game. With more  than 80 million downloads, this game has stunning   graphics, strategic gameplay and over 800 unique  champions. I’m talking about Raid Shadow Legends,   and for the next few months, you can partake  in an extraordinary crossover between RAID and   Monster Hunter. From January 9th through to  March 5th, players can partake in the event,   collecting five Monster Hunter-themed Legendary  Champions. Also, anyone can obtain the Rathalos   Blademaster Legendary Champion by logging into  RAID for seven days anytime from now until   February 27th. You can get the other 4 monster  hunter themed champions through in-game events,   so check in-game to see how you can get these. So get into this crossover now,   click the link in the description or  scan the qr code to download raid. In other news, raid added the cursed city  last month which has proven to be very   rewarding but challenging content.  There’s 100 stages to complete,   with stages where you have to  defeat multiple bosses at once. If you use my link to download raid,  you get huge bonuses for your account,   like silver, xp brews and chicken. Also, once youre in game,   old and new players can use the promo  code RAIDXMAS for some extra rewards.  Once youre in, you can add me as a friend under  the name “TheoatrixOSRS”... and you should join   my clan by typing “Theoatrix” into the clan menu. So click the link in the description or scan the   qr code and ill see you out on the battlefield. Thanks to raid for sponsoring this video Lets get back to 101 runelite tips and tricks. Bank tags are an extremely  useful default runelite function,   but there’s a number of bank tag plugins  you can get to make it even more useful.  You can right click your deposit inventory or  equipment button to add a bank tag to all of   the items. With bank tag layouts, you can  right click the bank tag and enable layout   to automatically sort your tab. “bank equipment stat filter” lets   you filter items by attack style and  slot to see what your best items are. The default Attack Styles plugin has a few  notable features. You can remove attack   styles from the menu, for example you could  remove the defensive style if youre on a pure   account. There’s also an option to hide  auto retaliate, so that way if youre on a   level 3 skiller, you can ensure that you dont  accidentally turn it on and fight something. While training combat afk, it can be a  bit tricky to know when youre going to   lose aggression. Well theres a plugin called  npc aggression timer to let you know when you   need to reset. This is useful on slayer tasks  where the monster is aggressive, or at crabs. Next i have 2 useful wilderness plugins.  Wilderness Player Alarms is on the plugin hub, and   this flashes your screen when a player enters your  area. There’s also the wilderness lines plugin   which tells you where multicombat areas are, as  well as the level 20 and 30 wilderness lines. “Dude Where’s my stuff” is a  great plugin for ultimate ironmen,   which shows what you have in death storage,  as well as how much money you have in coffers. If youre new to pking or bossing, you  might be struggling with combo eating   and potions. Well theres a plugin  called “consumable cooldown” which   tells you how many gameticks until you can  consume the next piece of food or potion. The “CLUE JUGGLING TIMER” plugin  displays a countdown when you drop   a clue scroll on the ground so that  you know when to reset the timer. By default on runelite, theres a plugin  called interact highlight. With this on,   objects and npcs that you  hover over will get an outline. In the plugin hub, you can find  “video recorder” which does exactly   what the name suggests. You can set  hotkeys to start and stop recording,   and the files are automatically  saved to your runelite folder. Theres a plugin called “Discord Rare Drop  Notificater” which you can set up to send   a discord message when you receive a rare  drop. It can also include a screenshot. In the “Bank” plugin, which is installed on  runelite by default, I strongly suggest turning on   the keyboard bankpin setting. This lets you type  your bank pin, instead of the annoying click menu. Another default plugin is “Screenshot”  which automatically takes a screenshot when   certain things happen in game. By default,  only some of the scenarios are selected,   but you can set automatic screenshots for things  like boss kills, valuable drops and deaths. In the plugin hub, you can install  “unpotted reminder” which does what   the title suggests. It displays a coloured  box when you need to resip a boost potion. There’s a plugin called Tick Tracker which is  useful for finding which worlds are reliable.   It tracks the timing variance on gameticks,  so you can tell if any worlds are unstable. On the plugin hub, a plugin called NMZ Optimal  Points can aid you in getting the maximum   points per hour in the nightmare zone. The plugin  highlights the monster that gives the most points,   so you can target the high point ones then use  powerups to get rid of the low point monsters. If youre playing oldschool on a computer  with poor performance, there’s a number   of plugins you can install to improve your  gameplay. There’s a plugin called low detail,   which removes extra object detail and  textures.. There’s fps control where   you can lower the framerate, and there’s  area specific plugins, like prfdinnas,   fossil island and low detail chambers which  improve the performance in those areas. The “Model Exporter” plugin is a  must for animators. It lets you use   runescape in-game models in 3d programs like  blender. If youve seen my last few videos,   they all have animations which  used the model exporter plugin. If you miss oldschool as it was  on release, then you can install   a plugin called “No New Items” which only  allows you to use items that were in 2007. There’s a default plugin called Player  Indicators which is useful for wilderness   content. You can turn on highlights  for other players in the wilderness,   and you can set names to show up on your minimap. On runelite, there’s 3 main graphics settings  that you can set. There’s default runescape,   there’s GPU mode, and there’s 117  HD. GPU mode smooths the edges,   and 117 hd brings back the old HD mode which  was released to runescape in july of 2008. The radius markers plugin makes akka a breeze in  the tombs of amascut. If you copy the settings   that I have in the description, then paste them  into your radius markers plugin, it will tell   you exactly what attack style akka is using,  which makes the whole fight 10 times easier.. Within the tombs, its useful to know  the enemies health as a percentage to   know when certain specials are going to  happen. You should install the “monster   hp percentage” plugin to easily see the percent. A plugin automatically installed on runelite, but  is turned off by default, is a plugin called “Roof   Removal”. It can selectively hide roofs, where  hovering your mouse over a house removes the roof. On GPU mode and 117 HD, you can extend  the render distance. This allows you   to click directly to altars, letting you  train runecrafting more relaxed. This can   be done at the astral altar on lunar  isle, and also at the ourania altar. A default plugin called “Friend’s  notes” is a neat way to keep track   of things like loans or splits  with people on your friends list. Before you get your slayer helmet, you  might find that you forget your enchanted   gem to check how many monsters  you have left. Well you can use   the default Slayer plugin to store your  task information and monsters remaining. Another default plugin, which is called  “instance map” is a useful plugin for   navigating through quest dungeons and with  scouting within the chambers of xeric. A plugin hub plugin called Banked  Experience shows you what level you   can gain from the supplies that you  have in your bank. It includes most   skilling methods and materials, and  its particularly useful for ironmen. When training thieving, you can  set up your client so that you   dont have to move the mouse at all.  With the inventory viewer plugin,   you can see how many coin pouches you have while  your inventory is minimized, then you can press   the hotkey to open your inventory which you  can line up with the npc youre stealing from. By default, there’s a plugin on runelite called   “item identification”. This overlays text  on items that are hard to identify without   right clicking. So this is really  useful with herbs and herb seeds. A useful plugin for the chambers of  xeric is crab stun timers. Knowing   when the crabs will unstun is a  gamechanger for this puzzle room. Having highlighted tiles is one  of the best features of runelite,   which you can activate with the tile  indicators and ground markers plugin. But,   on the plugin hub, you can install a plugin  called tile packs which comes with a huge   range of tile marker configurations. If you’re  learning bosses or raids, this plugin is a must. There’s also a website called runemarkers.net  which includes a range of other useful tile   marker configurations. There’s setups for  gem mining, sepulchre, sand crabs and more. The “Bank Heatmap” plugin overlays colours  on the items in your bank depending on   their value or high alch value. This  is useful when looking at loot tabs. The default “cannon” plugin comes with the  option to show double hit cannon spots,   which is the tiles the monster needs to stand  on for the cannon to hit twice per rotation. Pairing the cannon plugin with NPC indicators  lets you see exactly which tile the monster is   standing on. The npc indicators plugin  is also very useful for the inferno. The default “chat channels” plugin comes with a  number of functions. You can show a message when   someone joins or leaves the chat, or you can set  a kick confirmation screen before kicking players. The “Chat color” plugin lets you customize each  type of message that you might receive in-game.   You can separately change the colour  of incoming and outgoing chat messages,   plus you can change the color of server messages. With runelite, you can change the feel of it to  anything you want. You can use the custom cursor   plugin to bring back some nostalgic cursors.  Or the login screen plugin lets you change the   background of the login screen. And the interface  styles plugin lets you use old design interfaces..  On the plugin hub, you can install  “resource packs” which is similar   to the interface styles plugin, but has more  options. You can completely change the look of   your game client with resource packs, and  theres countless options to choose from. The “Entity hider” plugin can remove  certain objects and characters from   your game client. This is super useful in  populated areas, like at the wintertodt,   star mining, or at guardians of the rift. The “Menu entry swapper” plugin  is a very popular plugin. It’s   particularly useful with thieving  and changing the pickpocket option   to left click. Or you can use it to buy  50 items with your left click at shops. When completing the rogue trader  miniquest after The Feud quest, the   “Runedoku” plugin on the plugin hub  will make the puzzle much faster. With the logout timer default plugin,  you can set the time before you logout   to up to 25 minutes. This is a large  increase from the usual 5 minutes,   and it allows you to afk content for even  longer, for example at shooting stars. Using the default “minimap” plugin, you  can toggle zooming on your minimap. So   when you scroll while hovering over  the minimap, it can zoom out or in,   which can be very useful for  traveling across the map. “Mouse tooltips” is a plugin that shows an  overlay of what youre about to click on,   which is useful at places like the blast  furnace to know where youre clicking. When youre teaming up, you can use  the “Party” plugin paired with “hub   party panel” from the plugin hub to have a live  view of your team’s inventory, gear and stats. By default on runelite, theres a plugin  called “XP Updater”. By turning this on,   and selecting the xp tracking service youre using,   it will automatically update your  stats on these external trackers. When you’re doing forestry, you should go  through the default “woodcutting” runelite plugin   to ensure you have all of the helpers active.  They’ve added helpers for every forestry event. There’s a plugin called “Not empty”  on the plugin hub, and this removes   the empty option from all potions so  that you never make that mistake again. There’s another plugin called “alchblocker”  which hides certain items that you set,   which can stop you from  alching potions or valuables On the world select menu to the right, if you  right click the top bar, theres an option to   refresh worlds, which refreshes both the  player count and the ping for every world. In the plugin just called “runelite” you  can turn on “always on top”. This is great   for playing while you use your computer for other  things. You can have your runelite in the corner,   and clicking on other windows  wont hide your game window. I’ve recently added new mousepad designs  to my merch store. For 48 hours from   this videos release, you can get 30% off  any mousepad using the code “Runelite”. You can turn on the default status bars  plugin which shows your health and prayer   as a bar on the sides of your game menu interface. The default “Special Attack  Counter” plugin is a must for bosses   like the corporeal beast. It displays counters  for the warhammer, arclight, bgs and more. In the default “Run Energy” plugin,  there’s an option to replace the run   orb with the amount of run time  you have left, shown in seconds. Another default plugin called “Regeneration  Meter” shows when your hitpoints and special   attack will next regenerate. This  is useful in a number of situations   like pking and at the nightmare zone. While pking, and especially in LMS,   the “PVP Performance Tracker” plugin will show  some interesting statistics about your fight,   like how many correct protection prayers  were used, and who dealt the most damage. If you’re new to the fight caves, i highly  recommend the “Fight Cave Spawn Predictor”   plugin which can be found on the plugin hub.  It shows you what monsters are spawning next,   as well as where they’re going to spawn. When you’re going for your rogues outfit, the  “Rogues Den” plugin found on the plugin hub makes   it 10 times easier, with tile markers and object  highlights showing you exactly what to do. As a new player to oldschool, the “Shortest  Path” plugin will help you a lot. This is   found on the plugin hub and it lets  you set a target on your world map,   then tells you how to get there. The “better teleport menu” plugin   lets you customize the hotkeys for  each teleport and also hides teleport   locations that you havent unlocked yet. A neat banking plugin is the “recently   banked items” plugin. When you accidentally  deposit everything, or if you misclick an item,   you can right click the bank settings  and view the recently banked items. The “Teleport Maps” plugin creates  a nice teleporting interface for   spirit tree transportation as well  as magic mushtrees on fossil island.  The decimal prices plugin allows you to use   decimals within numbers. So you  can type 2 point 3 m, or 1.53 k. The “Guardians of the Rift Helper”  plugin makes it easier to see which   altars are currently active, and includes  a range of quality of life improvements.  Another useful skilling plugin is “Tempoross”,  which highlights important things while fighting   the boss, like it tells you when the wave is  coming, and highlights double fishing spots.  The “Tombs of Amascut” plugin makes the puzzle  rooms a lot easier within toa. For example,   in the kephri puzzle room, it  instantly shows you the solutions.  You can use the “bird run alert” plugin to notify  yourself when its time to do a birdhouse run. For useful information when raising  a kitten ,you can install the “kitten   tracker” plugin. It alerts you when you need  to feed your kitten, and shows useful timers. When bossing, you can use  the “Thrall Helper” plugin   to remind you that you need to use a thrall. If you’re wondering what gear a player is wearing,   you can install “equipment inspector” and right  click a player to see what items they are.. The “loot lookup” plugin on the plugin hub  allows you to see what a monster drops,   directly from the runelite client. There’s a plugin called “wasted bank space” which   displays a little warning symbol next to items  that can be stored elsewhere, saving bank space. The “barrows doors highlighter” plugin  instantly shows the useable doors in   the barrows dungeon. This saves you  right clicking to find the right doors. You can install the “runewatch” plugin  on the plugin hub to highlight players   that are on runewatch or on  the we do raids watchlist. The “supplies tracker” plugin shows you how many  potions and food you consumed in your session,   which is great for knowing how much  youre spending while bossing or raiding. Within the chambers of xeric, you can customize  the loot beams with the “cox light colors” plugin.  There’s also the “salveamuletchecker”  plugin which reminds you to wear your   salve amulet in the mystics  room within the chambers. The “large logout” plugin  makes your logout button huge,   which is handy for when youre in  the wilderness or on a pvp world. “Bank xp value” is a plugin similar  to banked experience where it shows   the total experience you could gain  from the resources in your bank. In the default “Nightmare zone” plugin, you  can turn on notifications for certain events,   like when your overload runs out, or when  certain powerups appear, like power surge. The “bossing info” plugin  hub plugin is a great way   to track your times and gp per hour when bossing. There’s a plugin called “dps calculator” which can   grab your current gear setup and  calculates the damage per second   against any monster. This saves you manually  entering items into an online dps calculator. The “last seen online” plugin is a way  to show when your friends were last   playing runescape. To view the time, you just  hover over their name on your friends list. A useful plugin for training woodcutting  is one called “tree count”. It displays the   number of players currently chopping each  tree, and since you get up to a +10 boost   when cutting with other players, you can  easily see which tree will give the boost. If you’re a livestreamer going into  the wilderness, you definitely need   the “world hider” plugin. It makes it almost  impossible to find out which world youre on. There’s a plugin called “toa  missing pickaxe indicator” which   reminds you when you havent stored  a picaxe for the akka puzzle room. “Time to level” is a great plugin for tracking how  long its going to take to level up. It shows all   of the efficient training methods, and you can  fully customize it to include your own methods. With the “random event hider”  plugin, you can disable certain   random events from appearing. So that way  you can only show events that give xp. If you’ve been going for blood  shards, you should install the   “blood shard notifier” plugin. It plays a  sound when you receive a blood shard drop. You can install “customizeable xp  drops” to see what youre going to   hit before you actually hit,  calculated from your xp drop. And lastly, the “patch payment” plugin  saves time with finding the payments   for protection. You can just right click a  seed or sapling to see the items required. Anyways that was 101 runelite tips  and tricks. If you enjoyed this video,   be sure to leave a like, and  subscribe for more oldschool content. Be sure to click the link in the description to   install raid shadow legends, and  come join my clan to play with me. Thanks for watching. [outro]
Channel: Theoatrix OSRS
Views: 108,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oldschool runescape, osrs, runelite, osrs runelite, rune lite, rune, lite, runelite plugins, plugins osrs, osrs client, osrs 3rd party client, runelite download, runelite mobile, runelite android, runelite iphone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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