Isaiah 60-62 • Prophecies of the Millennial Kingdom

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hi everybody we're going to get into isaiah tonight so open your bibles to isaiah chapter 60. boy we're zeroing in on these final chapters uh of the prophecies of isaiah and we're going to be looking at three chapters tonight and we're going to start off here looking at some things that i'm going to show you on the screen because isaiah 60 contains prophecies about the day of the lord and how god is going to make jerusalem the center of the earth during the time of the millennial kingdom and that's what that's going to be the predominant theme here going into these chapters so i want you to be thinking about essentially the millennial kingdom but you know the millennial kingdom which is the 1 000 year reign of christ on the earth is followed closely or i should say preceded closely by several events there at the end of the great tribulation that we have to keep in mind because the prophecies of isaiah in these chapters are going to talk about and touch on some of those events so i thought what might be good for us to do here starting off this study here in isaiah was to go through and remind ourselves of just the outline of the the the day of the lord and so we'll put these up on the screen for you so that you can see them the the day of the lord is essentially uh kicked off with the catching away of the church so that's the first thing now we call that the rapture so the church is caught up to be with the lord meet the lord in the air and shortly after that period the antichrist will be revealed to the world and the great tribulation begins at that point now the great tribulation of course is a seven year period of time there's a whole lot going on during that time but at the very end of the great tribulation period the nations will gather to destroy israel and it will look very much like they're about to accomplish that and that is when jesus is going to physically return to the earth the battle of armageddon is what will ensue against the the nations and jesus and and of course he will he will overcome the uh the armies that are arrayed against him and against israel and after that great victory the lord will establish his throne in jerusalem and that will begin that period of time that we call the millennial kingdom or that 1 000 year reign of christ so this is a very interesting [Music] sort of a timeline for us to keep in mind as we begin to enter into these passages but i want to actually begin our study of isaiah tonight with some passages from the book of zechariah and i want to show you these on the screen first of all from zechariah 14 verses 2 through 4 this is the prophecy about the nations coming against jerusalem at the end of the tribulation period and it says for i will gather all the nations against jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken and the house is plundered and the women raped half of the city shall go out into exile but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city then the lord will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle on that day now listen look at this this is incredible his feet shall stand on the mount of olives that lies before jerusalem on the east isn't that an amazing prophecy so it tells us that there's going to be this attack from the nations against jerusalem and it will look very very dire for the people of jerusalem at that time it tells us here that the the nation will be plundered the women will be ravaged and many of the people from the city will be carried off into some sort of an exile but some will remain in the city and jesus will then return and it is interesting that it says the lord will go out and fight against those nations and the word lord there is the tetragrammaton yahweh yahweh will go and fight and we know that that is jesus so that is yet another distinctive marker concerning jesus and his deity but i want to show you what zechariah goes on to say in the same chapter as we skip down to verses 8 and 9. look at this on that day living waters shall flow out from jerusalem half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea it shall continue in summer as in winter and the lord and again yahweh will be king over all the earth on that day the lord will be one and this name one so incredible incredible prophecies from the book of zechariah that are going to figure very prominently into our study of isaiah chapter 60 so if you have your bible open we're we're getting uh and we'll get a great deal of prophetic insight here uh concerning uh the millennial kingdom but i want to remind you as we get into this chapter and the following chapters as well these prophecies pertain to israel that's so important don't read the church into these prophecies okay the church is not involved in these in this prophetic insight these pertain to israel all right very important that we keep that clear let's begin verse 1 arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you and the you there is israel for behold darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the peoples but the lord will arise upon you israel and his glory will be seen upon you those first two verses are such an incredible picture of the tribulation period the tribulation period will be a time of intense darkness that will cover the land and cover the peoples of the earth and yet at the very conclusion of the great tribulation when the lord returns in what we call the second coming the light of the lord the glory of the lord will rise upon the nation of israel and that is what this prophecy is saying even when all this thick darkness is covering the the peoples of the world the glory of the lord will be seen upon israel god is going to honor israel in ways that they have never been honored before and we're going to see that throughout the course of these chapters look what it goes on to say verse 3 and nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising lift up your eyes all around and see they all gather together they come to you your sons shall come from afar and your daughters shall be carried on the hip these two verses are also incredible it says that all the nations and this is after the defeat of armageddon and after the war when the lord is established his throne in jerusalem the nations that are remaining are going to come to israel and they are going to seek the face of the lord not only that but they're going to bring jews with them who have been said who had settled in their lands they're going to bring sons and daughters back to israel when they come and it says and that's why it says that that your sons and your daughters will be carried on there on the hip they will be literally brought to you back to to the place um now not just the sons and daughters will be brought i want you to see what it goes on to say in verse 5. then you you and again you as israel shall see and be radiant your heart shall thrill and exalt because the abundance of the sea and by the way the word sea is often a picture of the nations okay so the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you and the wealth of the nations shall come to you so during this time after the great tribulation we're now into the millennial kingdom the prophecy of isaiah says that the nations that surrender to the lord jesus christ recognizing his lordship recognizing his rulership of the world over the world at that time they're not only going to bring the sons and daughters of israel back to their homeland to live but they're going to bring wealth and they're going to bring restoration because you see the nations of the world will have pillaged and plundered israel for the last several years and they're going to be returning all those things they're going to be bringing that back and more they're going to be bringing their own wealth and israel will be restored through the wealth of the nations in verse 6 it goes on to say that a multitude of camels shall cover you the young camels of midian and ephah all those from sheba shall come they shall bring gold and frankincense and shall bring good news notice that they're going to bring the praises of the lord they're going to bring good news and the praises of the lord the the nations are going to come to jerusalem and they're going to bow down before the lord and they're going to praise him and worship him and they're also going to bring testimonies of god's goodness and and and so forth and it's going to be an incredible time at the very beginning of the millennial kingdom verse 7 says all the flocks of kedar shall be gathered to you the rams of nabioth shall minister to you they shall come up with acceptance on my altar and i will beautify my beautiful house who are these that fly like a cloud and like doves to their windows for the coastland shall hope for me the ships of tarshish first to bring your children from afar we've already made reference to that they're silver and gold with them for the name of the lord your god and for the holy one of israel because he has made you beautiful and again you is israel zion if you will he has made the lord is going to make jerusalem israel jerusalem is going to be the capital of the world during the millennial kingdom it's interesting isn't it that just recently through the united states of america the jerusalem was once again recognized as the capital of israel now that's a small step in the right direction but it's going to be the capital of the world one day with jesus ruling and reigning from that place incredible time look what it goes on to say in verse 10 10 foreigners shall build up your walls in other words people are going to come from the nations to jerusalem to rebuild the ruins the ruins that they caused the ruins that wars and no doubt bombs and and other things have ruined and destroyed over the years they're going to come and they're going to personally build rebuild those things it goes on to say in verse 10 and they're kings and i'm sure that would include any kind of ruler presidents prime ministers or whatever shall minister to you even high government officials are going to come and bring provisions and blessings for the jewish people god says for in my wrath i struck you but in my favor i have had mercy on you verse 11. this is interesting your gates shall be opened continually day and night they shall not be shut that people may bring to you the wealth of the nations with their kings led in procession isn't that amazing so we're told that provisions and blessings are literally going to pour into the city of jerusalem day and night they're they're not even going to close the gates at night because there's going to be this constant flow of provisions coming from the nations of the world and that it's just going to be hard to even hold it all he says in verse 13 the glory of lebanon shall come to you the cyprus the the plain and the pine to beautify the place of my sanctuary and i will make the place of my feet glorious the sons of those who afflicted you shall come bending low to you and all who despised you and that talks about the nations who currently despise israel shall bow down at your feet they shall call you the city of the lord the zion of the holy one of israel whereas you have been forsaken and hated with no one passing through i will make you majestic forever a joy from age to age people are going to literally speak of jerusalem now where they used to speak negatively about the city of jerusalem they're going to come and they're going to consider it majestic because the lord is there you shall suck the milk of nations you shall nurse at the breast of kings and you shall know that i the lord yahweh am your savior and your redeemer the mighty one of jacob instead of bronze i will bring gold you remember bronze is the medal of sin but the lord says now instead of bronze i will bring gold and instead of iron i will bring silver instead of wood bronze instead of stones iron i will make your overseers peace and your task masters righteousness oh that's incredible see the change that's going on for israel whereas their overseers and their task masters were the nations that conquered them over the years their new overseer during the time of the millennial kingdom is going to be peace their new task master is going to be righteousness violence verse 18 shall be no more heard in your land and that'll certainly be a change for israel won't it devastation or destruction within your borders you shall call your walls excuse me salvation and your gates praise the sun now this is very interesting the sun shall be no more your light by day nor for brightness shall the moon give you light but the lord will be your everlasting light and your god will be your glory the supernatural glory of the lord is going to outshine the light of the sun and the light of the moon verse 20. you'll your son shall no more go down nor your moon withdraw itself for the lord will be your everlasting light and your days of mourning and that's not mourning as in m o m-o-r-n but morning as in m-o-u-r-n your days of mourning shall be ended your people shall all be righteous they shall possess the land forever the branch of my planting that's israel the branch of the lord's planting the work of my hands that i might be glorified the least one shall become a clan and the smallest one a mighty nation i am the lord in its time i will hasten it in other words when these things begin to happen they will happen quickly so isaiah chapter 60 is just full of incredible prophecies of the coming of the lord the restoration of israel the glorification of israel which brings glory to the lord himself and how the nations will come seek the lord and restore israel with their wealth and beauty so what an incredible passage now isaiah chapter 61 continues prophecies concerning the millennial kingdom but we do know that the first couple of verses of this chapter relate to our lord's first coming look what it says verse 1 the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the year of the lord's favor and the day of vengeance to our god to comfort all who mourn to grant to those who mourn in zion to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes the oil of gladness instead of mourning the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit that they may be called oaks of righteousness the planting of the lord that he may be glorified now you'll remember if you remember your gospels pretty well that jesus came into the synagogue in nazareth the area where he was raised and he was asked to read from the scriptures and comment which was often allowed when traveling rabbis would go to a new area and so we're told that jesus opened up the scroll to the prophet isaiah and he read this passage but you'll notice if you read about that and we're not going to take time to do it this evening but when you read that passage for example in luke you'll find that jesus stopped in the middle of verse 2 and he did not read on in fact he ended by saying to proclaim the year of the lord's favor and then he stopped there but did you notice what he goes on to say it goes on to say and the day of vengeance of our god well that's not what jesus came to do in his first coming and so up through the middle of verse 2 that applied to jesus's first coming how do we know that well it's because jesus rolled up the scroll sat down and addressed the people in the synagogue and he said this day the prophecies of isaiah are fulfilled in your hearing and of course you'll remember that that caused quite a stir there in the synagogue that day but he specifically stopped in the middle of verse two and of course it's verse two to us there weren't verse divisions and chapter divisions in the lord's day as we've mentioned previously or recently verse and chapter divisions didn't come around till the 16th century so jesus simply opened up a scroll and began to read but he stopped in what to us is the middle of verse 2 because the rest of it has to do with his second coming has to do with the the judgment and the vengeance of the lord that is brought upon the face of the earth in his second coming so this is a very important thing that we see in the prophecy of scripture that sometimes we can have one single passage that encompasses two very separated events in biblical history verses 1 through the middle of verse 2 pertains to the first coming of jesus the middle of verse 2 or the last part of verse 2 and onward refers to his second coming and so right now we've got about 2 000 years between those two sections but if you don't understand that and if you don't understand that prophecy can do that you're going to be confused by a lot of prophecy by trying to clump it all into the same time frame look what it goes on to say in verse 4 they shall build up the ancient ruins they shall raise up the former devastations they shall repair the ruined cities the devastations of many generations this is another prophecy about the nations after the time of judgment during the millennial kingdom who will return to build up the the city of jerusalem and the i'm i'm assuming many other cities in israel it says strangers in verse 5 shall stand and tend your flocks foreigners shall be your plowmen and vinedressers but you and that's referring to the people of israel shall be called the priests of the lord they shall speak of you as the ministers of god you shall eat the wealth of the nations and in their glory you shall boast so once again we see that the lord is prophesying this great time of blessing when israel will be considered blessed by the lord the ministers of the lord verse 7 says instead of your shame there shall be a double portion instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion they shall have everlasting joy for i the lord love justice i hate robbery and wrong i will faithfully give them their recompense and i will make an everlasting covenant with them their offspring shall be known among the nations and their descendants in the midst of the peoples all who see them shall acknowledge them that they are the offspring or rather an offspring the lord has blessed i will greatly rejoice in the lord my soul shall exalt in my god for he has clothed me with garments of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels for as the earth brings forth its sprouts and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up so the lord will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations this is going to be an incredible time during the millennial kingdom when the righteousness the beauty and the peace that god establishes in zion in israel and in the capital city of jerusalem that will now spill over into the nations it's just going to be an amazing time when people are going to turn to the lord now chapter 62 is going to continue with the theme of israel's future glory when the lord establishes his throne in zion during the millennial kingdom verse 1 for zion's sake i will not keep silent and for jerusalem's sake i will not be quiet until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a burning torch the nations shall see your righteousness and all the kings your glory and you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the lord will give so israel is going to receive a new name from the lord you shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the lord and a royal diadem in the hand of your god you shall no more be termed forsaken and your land shall no more be termed desolate but you shall be called my delight is in her and your land married for the lord delights in you and your land shall be married for as a young man marries a young woman so shall your sons marry you and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your god rejoice over you the lord is speaking here to jerusalem on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the day and all the night they shall never be silent you who put the lord in remembrance take no rest and give him no rest until he establishes jerusalem and look at this and makes it a praise in the earth the lord is going to make jerusalem a praise in the earth but he sets these watchmen if you will on the walls to continue to remind the lord of these promises until they are fulfilled incredible picture the lord has sworn by his right hand and by his mighty arm i will not again give you grain to be food for your enemies and foreigners shall not drink your wine for which you have labored but those who garner it shall eat it and praise the lord and those who gather it shall drink it in the courts of my sanctuary you know this is a reference to something that's been happening way back in the days of judges we begin to read about how when the nation of israel walked in disobedience to the lord god would raise up one of their neighbors to come and plunder them and they they the jews would raise up their crops and begin to harvest their their their grapes from the vineyards and their wheat from the fields and so on and so forth and just at the time of harvest those other plundering nations would come raging into the land and they would steal everything that the jews had worked so hard to make and to grow and now the lord promises in verse 9 actually verses 8 and 9 that no longer will foreigners drink their wine no longer will others come and eat what they have labored for but they themselves will receive the blessing of their own work and they will praise the lord for it verse 10 says go through go through the gates prepare the way for the people build up build up the highway clear it of stones lift up a signal over the peoples behold the lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth say to the daughter of zion behold your salvation comes behold his reward is with him and his recompense before him and they shall be called the holy people the redeemed of the lord and you shall be called sought out a city not forsaken wow these are such incredible chapters here in the book of isaiah such beautiful passages that speak of the millennial kingdom the restoration of israel and how it's going to happen how those things are going to take place and how the beauty of the lord ruling and reigning from jerusalem will go out and affect the rest of the world these are such lovely lovely passages now a lot of people ask where's the church at this time because i've been very clear to tell you these prophecies have to do with israel and not the church and that's true they are not speaking of the church they're speaking of the people of israel they're speaking of the glory of israel the blessings of israel and that is what god is going to do mightily through that time of the great or the millennial kingdom so where is the church at this time well the church is the bride of christ the church is like any bride right beside her husband and we will be there and we will be ruling and reigning with him during that time we're told in the new testament how exactly that rulership is going to be seen or played out and what role we're going to play during the millennial kingdom we're not completely sure of the details the lord has kept us from having of many of those details but we simply know that we will rule and reign with him during that time just as the bride you know the the wife literally of the king normally would also rule by his side and remember the church is the bride of christ so that's where the church is going to be we are going to return with the lord to the earth we're going to be coming back with him and how much we're going to be involved in the battle of armageddon i don't know but we are going to be returning with him and ruling and reigning with him as well so that's where we're going to stop for tonight and we're going to carry on in chapter 63 and i'm not exactly sure how far we're going to get next week depends on how quickly we get through we might be able to get through all the remaining chapters of isaiah or we might take an extra week after that we'll just have to wait and see but either way these are beautiful and incredible verses to look at so let's close in prayer shall we heavenly father we thank you we thank you for your goodness we thank you for the prophetic insight that you give here in the book of isaiah we thank you for the rich blessing of being able to have these insights from the scripture to know your plan for israel your plan for zion and lord it's a glorious plan and we just rejoice in it father and we rejoice in you through jesus christ our lord and we thank you god that you've given us these scriptures to pour through and to study and to learn and understand more about the day of the lord father prepare our hearts prepare our hearts for what is to come prepare our hearts for the world in which we live and the things that are are happening all around the world and i pray lord god that you'd keep us in the hollow of your hand protect us guide us direct us our prayer lord is for the peace of jerusalem and our prayer is for the coming of our lord come lord jesus we ask this in that precious name the precious name of jesus christ our savior amen thanks so much god bless you you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Ontario
Views: 9,116
Rating: 4.8870969 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Bible teaching, Thru-the-Bible, verse by verse, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament
Id: wDYXv0kehyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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