How to Make Mice and Rats Disappear in 60 seconds without using Poison or Traps

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[Music] if you have mice or rats in your garden or backyard we have a solution for you their presence as we know can prove to be a problem on health grounds they know on anything they find including wood cardboard and electrical wires another problem are the illnesses that these pests can transmit causing serious health problems through their droppings bites urine and feces mice and rats feed on everything they find around your yard and house and consume almost 10 percent of their weight in a single day rodents however are in fact very intelligent animals capable of avoiding traps of adapting to the most hostile living conditions and of course reproducing very quickly in this video we will show you how keeping mice and rats away from your home has never been easier without poison or traps it will take you just one minute to make this solution and it will work both in the house and in the garden to make this mice and rat repellent the first thing you'll need is a few simple plastic containers next inside the container mix two to three tablespoons of wheat flour and one to two tablespoons of yeast finally add some grated cheese into the mixture place the containers where you have seen rats or mice such as holes cracks and crevices pay special attention to drains in bathrooms and kitchens behind cabinets and appliances in air ducts and ventilation systems in piles of clutter in storage containers in Hollow walls and garages and basements once the myosin rats come across the containers they will be attracted by the smell of the cheese and they will ingest the mixture which will start to ferment in their stomachs the rattle Mouse will be unable to digest it and ultimately they will suffocate the mixture can also be sprinkled and difficult to reach areas or around yards so it's more tempting to the rodent if you've ever had to deal with the presence of these animals at home you will know how annoying and alarming this problem is if you want to check out other methods of repelling these creatures then please subscribe to Natural Health remedies and check out our other videos thanks for watching and bye for now [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Natural Health Remedies
Views: 1,095,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mice and rats diy, mice and rats pest control, mouse trap, how to get rid of rats, how to get rid of mice, pest control, how to kill rats, best mouse trap, mice, how to catch a mouse, rat infestation, rat trap, rodent traps, mouse removal, rodent removal, twin traps, rat traps, eradicate rats
Id: IH5djSo756s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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