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all right hello dance two one more Frozen because you got taser bro okay so I'm dead wow [Laughter] man come on all right good work good work good work well thank you guys are we there like being honest did we not see that coming I just go ahead and went oh nice bye I know friendly fire at all in these houses behind us it's a bunch of meth heads right they've got this big operation going on and we need to get in there oh my God mate I'm trying to focus here mate oh wait that's awesome [Laughter] you were talking pretty loud Josh all right Lads everyone on me everyone on me Lads let's go in here okay okay wait how do you tease I have that laser on you grow up laughs let's get a nice after a Crouch walk you know you want to get a nice [ __ ] oh my god oh look at this control someone needs to get the civilian okay if you go behind her you've got to cover whoa hey she's friendly no one else has to die hey so I reported her instead I got about five though [Music] oh we're a dog in front of you yes of course isn't it JJ well I got battering ram you're not actually no guys stop JJ JJ seeing as you're the big man who shoots civilians off you go go go go clear the building wait see someone he got another civilian Lads uh let's just kill him let's see what he does that come out stay in the day this is something bro I'm watching this camera oh yeah how do I do that see you can switch Yeah press T and keep switching let's not just cover that oh I hear people [ __ ] oh my God that's officer down all right all right well um okay all right well he's out of the way so oh he's shooting the door it's a breach and shotgun God damn it wait all right well there's someone definitely there yeah I ain't going in there wait should I throw a grenade in yeah go go ahead okay I got one ready okay okay in the left the left left door left door left door in there am I meant to be finding anything in the gap I missed I'm throwing mine now oh no I missed I missed the door oh my God I'm hot another one Jesus I got it okay all right I missed ah it's a guy there's another guy in the left in the left field there's another guy in there best don't walk in front of him when he's shooting like that okay I've reported him dead stuff passed down there you go and you'll revived me how my view what is this all right evidence secured apparently wait what if I do this this might revive JJ I'm peeking this door yeah I can revive him with this you can no um this looks messy this looks very messy ground by the way I found some meth objective complete it's upstairs your head I'm doing the downstairs room okay I'm with you I'm with you that's how do we get Genji back we have to restart it we started getting back I think I think he's a bit of a liability you can watch and learn [ __ ] you wait what if I do this civilian civilian nothing much so you press F put hands up and then you can okay [Laughter] yeah honestly I rate it honestly [ __ ] stop Zachary you shot me oh my God you killed him in the corner quiet walk yeah sneaky beaky like you press q and E you can lean there's no one here it's like it's like battering ram the door yeah before you do that yeah I've got like a mirror I can look underneath right okay that's weird what does it say just so you're around there's a lot of boys in here oh yeah so we can get his door locked you want to whack out what a battering ram it barramamic go for it barramamic go check out this window can I try it I'll tell you opened it let's try this one this one no civilian oh this is the floor hands on the floor hands in here oh he's an adult I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna put this woman in cuffs no killing her okay clear the room around this door dick all right okay get ready oh my God oh my god oh wait it said where's you go back door I think the door was uh there was a bomb I never sucked at the door oh my God I just wanted to Barry grab something yeah I guess the guy going home fire right giving our boys are dead let's just oh my God didn't get anywhere we just kill each other one died Simon batteries one minute I was like yes the doors open the next minute okay this is all serious one all right yeah and press extra hands off and then you can go behind and then restrain oh good behind no say less ons that's big that's big I'm closing down the angles I see someone oh it's fake wait trailers incoming what does that mean I don't know probably not good where is Vic oh there I'm looking through this window you got your American Investment mirror under no I've got uh I've got Regional shotgun here I'm gonna be around this door all right let's look on the first dog on the front door yep yeah all right okay so I can see no one okay and there's no trap on the door so you can we could be able to breach this door fine we could we could just open it nice and quietly yeah nice nice make sure no one's in here Josh check that door don't go in the door yet so no no no there's meth in the fridge okay just go check to check the doors you check the doors so that's let's go for the living room door first one you guys JJ don't do it don't do it okay so there's just eyeing up a door bro in the background of this room in the room I'm currently under there is a guy whatever he's a villain I'm not about to find out when we go preaching but there is a trap how do we get rid of the Trap so we should be able to run away if you peek the door it's locked okay I got a pick lock I think right it says yeah let's not pick it real quick it says press F to equip lock pick and yeah I don't want to die again I'll do it I'll do it everyone move back I'm trying to peek the door back up okay back up see the bottom yeah if you want to hear Chris wire cut as you can cut the wire why don't we just throw a grenade in there if that sounds more fun I'll equip wire cutters here we go there's a trap on the floor okay cut that wire like [Laughter] up here yeah I can see them right there let's get great out there and we can um we can work out what we're gonna do it oh she's white so she's scared don't worry follow follow yeah get his hood up in the corner bro I thought we had the weapon there's no one here someone's screaming there over here oh here we go get down right arrest on your knees get on your knees Vic Vic chills okay we're gonna report with that rest of the door this way got another I've got another one we'll go that way go the way you guys are going collecting the civilians here why is she flirting with us repeat this girl we do look pretty gangster no traps there oh that was out of this door someone just keep pressing it I'm stuck I guess I'm stuck please please it's a civilian civilians wait where are you next oh my God oh my God why is she running there we go oh my God nice nice Circle bro who's hiding behind the eye on the boiler someone's told me all right let me pick up this gun right all right nice upstairs clear ready yeah we haven't done the rest of the upstairs yeah someone just beat the microwave what was that remember every single Corner though if you're someone waiting so you don't want to like send it on the corner let's do it Mirror Mirror let me write that oh just opened it opened it opened it oh my God you're trying to kill me it was this toilet don't see anyone hey oh my eyes stop stop doing this oh my God let me in man yeah look clear thermite oh okay oh wait okay yeah carry on this way all right mirror he's just uh did you check it it's a pink there's a pink bedroom someone on the bed chilling don't be there chilling they're having a bad time the Supreme clue oh no one in here there's a door here though there's a door here check this one yes let's let this mirror oh my God I know I was hoping it bro he's got a weapon did he nice they did yeah oh sorry sorry well I didn't collect his gun there you go secured evidence for the evidence she's on the bed that's done okay what is she still moving anesthesia okay that's upstairs done right I put out of a misery oh my God oh my God oh that was wrong with you mirror this door there's a door here [Laughter] God this is what do we say less isn't it he's gonna do it yeah what I did it before I reckon you open it and run away I think it'll be fine oh my God there's stuff for a lot like that didn't do [ __ ] there's a flashbang this room's clear good bro these [ __ ] doors person here there's a guy here if you're shooting don't worry nice thanks right oh no oh no one was one wasn't but we take that if you take those glasses all right you just opened that door of course I'm trying to get him to the wife he's trying to hit this no no I'm just just checking in it how do you reload okay my eyes all right outside video back in the house to set one side but it hasn't been cleared wait what's out here though is the garden what's under here look yeah oh God it's under it that's my bad I'm with you bro I'm with you me and Ethan get down we're gonna crack then yeah look she's obviously been held here in the end all right back to the start he's clear up in teams yeah we've got another one very good I mean Simon are in the tunnels all right so I could just there's a Donny here is he dead I find out there's two there's two get down get down on his bed what is this wait why are they running let people outside just running oh my my eyes I got him it's fine I can't catch them I'm trying to catch them outside how about that what just happened all right I'm coming back I'm coming back you guys all right up there yeah we killed two of these criminals Jersey why are you part your big gun he's still on there I have more evidence the name didn't come up I was about to shoot you yeah excuse me have you done this whole side yeah there was evidence here yeah okay I think there's there's another way up this way I think yeah yeah it's clear clear yeah yeah I forgot I can watch him look on it I've got an open screen up oh yeah you're in the cave okay left to the right left or right down get down bro get down oh okay that's this area [Music] okay we did this we've done this we've done the cave all right come come come come oh awesome we'll meet you outside the sandals okay we're outside the tunnels hello this is Lisa's final building okay where's where's the other guy oh there he is I think we've done pretty well because it should have been Lads I mean big star's [ __ ] but I'll take one for the team how did Big Star die out of all of us I just opened it's a guy with a gun in here flank round to left you could get him on the side yeah let's try it all right dude open the door went for it okay JJ Jesus Christ I'm pretty hurt bro man just opened the door and this left me to die but you're dead no no I'm ready to kill him we're inside now I'm home I'm hurt though let's go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs where upstairs there's only one second there's only one step okay so you can flashbang oh what's the shooting time from shot come on stop getting shot shot [Music] I'm dead oh bro I'm finished I'm finished I flash banged up there right no visual uh oh suspects your weapon no no he's fine I had a weapon okay nice to play with us shouldn't have read one anyway [Laughter] her my eyes are [ __ ] today did you turn around did you turn around did you open that door open that door I'm weak oh I can't see anything isn't there there's a door to your writing there is that door do you want to see heaven door locked oh Josh I think there may be a um a trap oh I just got shot in the back okay so I just shot me there's a guy right at the back okay it's hard to shut me wait no try just going for it oh my God I'm really hurting wait oh my god there was someone there is a civilian civilian civilians woman no no it's not on the left Cheers Cheers oh there's weed plugs weed plants I think we I think you guys might have done it nice same she just said nice tattoos she's trying to bang me that's what I'm saying they flirt when they've got a gun point in it make sure you report the rest Stockholm Syndrome you never went into that tunnel did you yeah I think it's the same tunnel oh no because me and Ethan couldn't go up here we go you run away you run away he went away from this is very busy oh there's another one that's a suspect yeah moments later where are you guys in the main house do you know what the thing is I was coming to kill you as well I was coming to kill you guys don't worry you didn't manage to rescue all civilians unfortunately um come on man wait we didn't arrest two suspects I know we shot them all yeah billions Ethan did no no no no no JJ killed him incapacitated we've got F we failed oh no no you know what it's a dub for us it's better than you true at least we've got a grade
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,626,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: z6JWNxibmqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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