The Worst SUVs to Buy

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rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about five SUVs that won't go a hundred thousand miles reasonably trouble-free, now SUVs are getting more and more popular, look at ford they cut all their car lines except the Mustang and they're making only SUVs and trucks, so SUVs are very popular, but you don't want to get one that doesn't hold up, because let's face it they're not giving the things away, they cost a lot of money even if you buy a used one, you're still gonna pay a lot of money for it, cuz I tell my customers they said, I want a good use SUV, and I'll say why don't you just get a Camry sedan you get a good price on one and they last forever, no I gotta have an SUV, you're gonna pay more because people want them, it's just supply and demand, an suv that probably won't make it trouble-free to a hundred thousand miles is the Chevy Equinox, it's a lower price SUV, it has lower build quality, I had a customer with one, the fuel pump went out at 37,000 miles, my celica here has two hundred and thirty seven thousand miles and still on the original fuel pump, so shame on you GM for making such cheap parts, and I had another customer than Equinox the engine went out at 70,000 miles, you know that's uncalled for, and it wasn't like they weren't taking care of it, I changed a lot regularly it was clean, it was just built poorly and the engines just let loose at 70,000 miles, there are so many better made SUVs than the Chevy Equinox, their just laced with problems yeah just like the rogue they cost less they're cheaper SUV, but in this case you don't get what you don't pay for, now another SUV is the Nissan Rogue yeah it's a cheaper SUV and it certainly is cheaper made, so the old saying you get what you pay for it kind of fits here, although it would be you don't get what you don't pay for, because it's a cheaper SUV, typical of Nissan in general since Renault took over, CVT transmission problems up the wazoo, the CVT transmissions in these are so bad that Nissan doubled its warranty from five years to 10 years, maybe they'll fix it for free when it goes out but I'm saying it's not going to last 100,000 miles and they're pretty much telling you it probably won't, but I gotta give it to Nissan because since they doubled warrant for five years to ten and sixty thousand to a hundred and twenty thousand milesm at least if you are stuck with one and the transmission breaks at 110,000 milesm hey they gotta fix it for free at least and they have a recall on them for a fire hazard that the anti-lock brake pump can leak fluid on a circuit board and start a firem hey who wants a vehicle like thatm maybe they shouldn't call it a rogue cuz it is kind of a rogue it doesn't get along with youm it's rough-and-tumble and it's not something that's that safem so listen to the name rogue and stay away from the Roguesm next comes one of my favorite poorly made SUVsm and that's the Jeep renegadem here I'm using the word Jeep very liberallym because when fiat took over Chrysler of course they wanted the Jeep brand that's a big seller, they decided to have a cheaper one called the Jeep renegade, you've heard the ads with them singing about renegades and all that stuff, they're taking the image about as far as you can possibly take it, and it's so out of context to a Jeep, and believe me those things are horrid, I've seen automatic transmissions go out on those when they had forty thousand miles, they just have no quality and there are no relationship to actual Jeep at all, they're Italian cars, and let's face it the original Jeep made by willys-overland, hey they helped win World War two, and we all know what happens to the Italians in World War two, when the heat got on they just surrendered, don't buy Jeep Renegade again if you want something that's gonna be tough and get you through hard times, I had a customer one, you add modern high level technology to Italian manufacturing, his car he's driving on a road and it just stopped while he's going down highway, the computer thought the car was out of gas, he still had three bars on his fuel gauge, but it just shut the car right off while he was driving it, let the renegade go the way of the rogue hey they're even related by names you know, stick to something that's gonna last longer, isn't gonna fall apart and isn't gonna put your life at risk while you're driving it down the road, now one that I feel certainly won't make it a hundred thousand miles trouble-free, is the Lamborghini uris yes believe it or not Lamborghini now makes an SUV, even they've jumped into the fray, granted they started $200,000, so there aren't too many people out there that are gonna spend that kind of money on an SUV, why a company known for their exotic v12 sports cars decides to make an SUV is beyond me, those things cost a fortune to repair, I have never seen a Lamborghini that had more than maybe 80,000 miles and a fortune had been spent on it to even get it that far, it doesn't use their v12 engine like in their sports car, it's a v8 and it's basically an Audi engine that they've souped up, they added modifications to it but it's basically a German engine, but still it's an Italian exotic car maker, I would stay away from their SUV, now the last SUV that probably won't make it trouble-free to a hundred thousand miles, is the Chrysler Aspen, now yes they don't make them anymore and for many good reasons, they were horrible SUVs, they were based on a Dodge Durango really, and not only do they not make the Dodge Aspen they even shut down the factory that made them, that said something you know it's bad enough when they stopped making a model, but when they shut the entire factory down, that tells you there's problems going on here, I had customers with Aspen's every time it rained it seemed the car wouldn't start they had electric problems and rain would get inside the electronics and they wouldn't run, they're supposed to be sealed for rain, my Toyotas start in the rain and never have any problems with that and all kinds of problems, some of them you'd fill them up and the evap system would be messed up so it would shoot raw vapor and the engine would stall out or jerky after you fill up and drive around, I mean that's just the tip of the iceberg basically they were poorly made vehicles, that just did not hold up over time and no big surprise there that had to on my list of five SUVs that won't go a hundred thousand miles are sold by Fiat Chrysler, and that two of them are basically Italian cars, the Lamborghini and the Jeep renegade a Fiat in disguise, but at least now you know five SUVs that you should stay far away from if you value your money because certainly SUV seemed to be the future of cars in the world, don't have a nightmarish future and buy one of these five SUVs, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 725,209
Rating: 4.8670869 out of 5
Keywords: 100000 mile, 100000 mile suvs, 5 suvs, 5 suvs that won't last 100000 miles, 5 suvs you should never buy, auto, auto repair, bad suvs, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, car review, cars, diy, least reliable suvs, least reliable used suvs, low mileage suv, mechanic, most unreliable suv, reliable, reliable suv, repair, scotty kilmer, suv, suv review, suvs, suvs that break, suvs that won't last, the worst suvs to buy, unreliable suvs, worst suv, worst suvs, worst used suv to buy
Id: dgXxPm9DHSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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