Mazda Just Changed the Game with This New Engine

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Scotty has changed his mind quite a bit about Mazda recently (last year or two). I watch his channel quite a bit for practical advice, and it was actually one of the reasons that helped me decide on Mazda as a brand, instead of the other more popular, mainstream ones (Toyota, Honda, VW, etc).

Automatic transmission designed and built in-house instead of another Jatco monstrosity? Check.

Well built, fuel efficient, NA engine? Check.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MDK1980 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah....I really wouldn't take any praise this guy gives to heart. Aside from normally being a complete Toyota shill, Scotty is wildly inconsistent in his opinions. In one video, he said the current production of the Miata was one of the best roadsters in the world. In another, he said the Miata was trash because of its transmission and engine.

About a year ago, somebody asked him in one of his Q&A videos what his thoughts were about the SkyActiv-X engine that Mazda was making. He responded very dismissively, saying it would never work and that Mazda needs to stop making new types of engines that would break in 50,000 miles.

Just because he praises something one day doesn't mean he'll continue to do so. He'll have something negative to say about Mazda in about a week after someone points out that they're undermining Toyota.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kent_Knifen 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] not quite ready to give up on the internal combustion engine yet to stay tuned well most car companies are racing to get hybrids and electric vehicles to market one company hasn't given up on the internal combustion engine quite yet its lofty goal create the ideal internal combustion engine that company is Mazda and what they achieve will make a lot of internal combustion fans like me very happy mazda has developed a new engine that combines the best of a traditional gas engine with the best of a diesel engine the result is SKYACTIV X which is quite possibly the most eco-friendly internal combustion engine ever made Top Gear said that this could well be the most advanced petrol engine this side of the new Ferrari v8 this new engine as the result of a path Mazda started taking back in 2014 their thinking was that while electric vehicles may be the future of cars internal combustion engines aren't going anywhere real soon so they look for low-hanging fruit this idea is to set goals that are easier to achieve and which will give faster results so instead of climbing really high to reach the apples at the very top of the tree they look for apples that were hanging close to the ground and therefore easier to reach in this case the apples at the top of the tree represent vehicles with better fuel emissions like electric cars these apples might seem bigger and juicier but they're also much harder to reach and will take a lot longer to pick meanwhile at the bottom of the tree are the apples which represent more efficient gasoline cars maybe these apples aren't as big but they're a lot easier to reach and if you collect enough of them you can have a big impact so how did all of this start well back in 2007 car companies were under pressure to increase their global fuel economy Mazda set a goal of 30% increase by 2015 then they considered all the ways they could achieve this goal scenario one they could make hybrids but this would mean they would have to make hybrids with 50% fewer emissions than their gasoline cars it also means that in eight years half of the cars he would sell would have to be hybrid not likely scenario two they could make electric vehicles say evey cars had no emission for the purpose of this example this meant they would have to develop an e V car within eight years that a quarter of the cars they were selling they would need to be evey cars both of these scenarios were unlikely so they chose a third scenario start with the idea of the ideal combustion engine what a great idea let's make the perfect internal combustion engine before we give up on it and maybe you won't even have to give up on it anyway just my thoughts let's get back to Mazda they called the project sky active which is derived from a Japanese phrase meaning the sky's the limit they said a bunch of smaller goals on their path to the ideal engine these included improving gasoline engines by 15% diesel engines by 20% and reducing the weight of all the vehicles when you add these all together improving the efficiency of gasoline cars could have a big impact it did and now they have the results to prove it SKYACTIV X technology results in 30% lower emissions and importantly it does this without sacrificing performance let's take a look at how the SKYACTIV X engine works to do this we'll look at the basic operation of traditional gas and diesel engines then we'll see how SKYACTIV X combines the best of both to get better performance in a traditional gasoline engine air is pulled into the combustion chamber a fine spray of fuel is injected and the mixture is compressed within the chamber and ignited by a spark diesel engines are called compression ignition systems because they don't use a spark instead the air inside the chamber is compressed at much higher ratios causing more heat and pressure the fuel is a headed right at the end of the compression cycle and then boom it spontaneously ignites because the air is so compressed it takes less fuel to make the boom this is why the diesel gives you better fuel economy so why not just use gasoline and a compression ignition engine wouldn't this give you the economy of a diesel formitz of a gas car unfortunately gasoline is more volatile than diesel so if you compress it the same as diesel it combust before compression is complete so how did SKYACTIV ex solve these challenges well you start with a few layer mix that's so lean that even when it's highly compressed it doesn't ignite then you add a small dense amount of fuel near the spark plug just as it fires this doesn't actually start combustion because the air fuel mix is too low but what it does is raise the temperature and pressure inside the chamber the pressure becomes so high the compression ignition occurs exactly the same way that it happens in a diesel engine the result is more power with better fuel efficiency SKYACTIV x gives the engine the low end torque of a diesel engine without losing the high horsepower of a standard gasoline engine this new technology is called spark controlled compression ignition that's CCI engineers have been trying to invent the gasoline compression ignition engine for many years compression ignition technology has existed almost as long as spark ignition technology let's take a look back to see how these two technologies were developed closely together and then existed side-by-side as competitors for so long if you really want to trace the origin of the engine you'd have to go back to 200 BC when the earliest hand operated cranks appeared in China during the Han Dynasty they also had the wheel back then we know that since they left a bunch of joints and men pushing wheelbarrows actually the wheel had already been around for a very very very long time it was invented in ancient Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago but those guys really didn't know how to have fun what do you think they did with the wheel the one cool thing they'd invented they used it to make pottery yeah a pottery wheel it was another three hundred years before someone figured you could use it for a chariot about time I'd say but then again in North America they used the circle as a calendar and they never even invented wheels so they're a little bit behind them too anyway let's move on in 1826 an American named Samuel Morey received the patent for the first known carburetor then sparks really began to fly as things heated up all over the world patent after patent was filed for various versions of the internal combustion engine that were being fired up names like Daimler Benz and diesel appeared on these patents as the first compressed charged four-stroke cycle engine 1876 first reliable two-stroke gas engine 1879 and first compression ignition engine were invented 1892 Scientific American reported in September 1860 that the Parisian newspaper cosmos had pronounced the steam engine age over today you can just read it on Twitter the Golden Age of internal combustion had begun the impact of the internal combustion engine was huge it changed the world completely it freed men from the hardest manual labor made possible all forms of transportation and revolutionized power generation within another 50 years jet aircrafts were taken off in Rockets launching in fact the inventor of the diesel engine Rudolf diesel died in 1913 the same year the Ford Motor Company began developing the moving assembly line Rudolf diesel never lived to see how much his invention would impact the world his death is mysterious it was only 55 and onboard a steamboat on his way to a meeting in London after dinner he went to his cabin he has to be woken at 6:15 a.m. the next morning the crew found his bed had never been slept in and his watch was left in a spot where it could be seen from the bed he found his hat and overcoat folded beneath the afterdeck railing ten days later a dutch boat found his floating courts identifying him by an ID card some people thought it was suicide there were rumours that he was murdered because he refused to get German forces exclusive rights to his invention who or one started the following year his death was never solved his invention continued to be doubt in the 1920s and 30s in Germany and diesel engines were used widely and commercial vehicles but it didn't really take off in the passenger I earn till the development of turbocharged direct-injection in the 1990s this made cars with diesel engines more drivable higher efficiency and also the ability to use petroleum or biofuel made diesel cars more competitive conventional gas motors governments have also started subsidizing diesel fuel to encourage people to switch to reduce overall emissions and Europe diesel cars slowly began to dominate the market they were less popular in the US where the price of gasoline was cheap then cracks started to appear the World Health Organization was concerned about fumes and huge irregularities in emission reporting were exposed so the world made a u-turn back to petrol cards now the best to both have finally been combined into a passenger car the Mazda 3 has three modes of operation which includes a conventional gasoline engine mode and an ultra lean diesel mode the results are impressive the new Mazda 3 has excellent fuel economy low NOx emission and more power than the normal Mazda 3 this could well be the future forward for the internal combustion engine we have more exciting car content coming very soon so subscribe below and ring that bell to get notified of our next video
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 961,752
Rating: 4.836411 out of 5
Keywords: mazda car, mazda review, mazda, mazdas, auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, new mazda, should I buy a mazda, buying a mazda, buying a used mazda, buying a new mazda, here's why, here's why mazda, 2020 mazda, this changes everything, new, new car, new cars, new engine, mazda just changed the game with this new engine, engine, engines, new engine for car, mazda engine, mazda engines, game changer
Id: F_7J3W97d20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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