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hey gang before we get started in today's video dad and i wanted to share some super awesome news with you guys we are so happy to announce that we have acquired the domain name and we could not have done it without y'all support so thank you so much this is a huge milestone for dad and i so we really appreciate it there are a lot of plans that we have for this website in the future we can't wait to roll those out to you guys we're gonna announce them as we you know continue to build this thing but the first order of business you guys have been asking for it and we finally have it it is merch so before we brought this announcement to y'all we wanted to have all the right pieces in place and we feel like we have almost all the pieces in place we have the shirt they're super comfortable we have the sizes we supported a local business and their printing company that it was that was a big part for us especially during the pandemic so we have that down and we're almost ready to go but there's just a small problem we don't know how many shirts that we need to order initially so if you guys could do us a huge favor and drop us a comment or a like on the video that would be a huge help to us we need to hear y'all's voice and if you would be interested in supporting us through our merchandise that would be a huge help if you guys could just be super vocal down in the comments for us so with all that being said let's hear from dad how he got his worst shock hey gang it's paul with sledpack welcome back to the channel in a previous electrical video i mentioned that the worst i ever got shocked in my life i wasn't even doing electrical work i was hooking up the ice maker on a residential refrigerator just like this one here so this video is for entertainment purposes only electricity is deadly it's dangerous if you ever have any anomalies in your house please call a certified electrician well worth the money your life is not worth you doing it yourself right but we were helping a single mom friend of ours move that day and she had a little girl and if i hadn't gotten shocked that day certainly one of them would have gotten shocked in their bare feet on the wet kitchen floor grabbing something out of the refrigerator so i got shocked and i was able to fix it to make it safe before i left that day so before i recreate that situation where i got shocked let's talk about why a modern electrical system is so safe for us we have a three-prong receptacle here and a grounded house so a grounded house we have a bare ground wire that's connected here our white neutral is on the silver screw and our black hot is on the gold screw that's all buried behind this cover plate we have a receptacle tester here we're going to plug it in and it indicates that it is wired correctly so what will happen if we have a fault a fault means that the hot is actually going to touch the metal case of the refrigerator it's going to travel on this green wire which is bonded to the case right here through the ground through this prong back to the panel on the ground wire and it's going to trip the breaker instantly that's how it should work so before we make this dangerous let's get our ppp on and we'll show you how that refrigerator was wired on the day i got shocked all right guys we've got our refrigerator sitting on some non-conductive plywood i've got on gloves and glasses and i've recreated here in this receptacle the way that it was wired back when i got shot so we have a three-prong receptacle installed in a metal box and this was in an ungrounded house i only had two wires and you'll notice right here i've only got the hot and the neutral going into the box did not use the ground that was a two-wire house there was no ground at all in that house but the black wire was on the gold screw the white wire was on the silver screw and we're going to show you later how the ground on that house got hot so this is plugged in right here i'm going to plug in this tester and we're going to see what it says with a hot ground now it says neutral and hot reversed right well they're not really but the ground is hot and that's how this is interpreting the data it's receiving so let me show you the next thing i had to deal with in addition to the receptacle and that was the water lines so that house we were helping our friends move into that day it had threaded steel water lines this house has copper water lines so i've got my tester set on voltage i've got this one in the hot if i go to the valve i've got 122 volts and that's correct because we know that this is bonded to our electrical service and then i can go to here and also get 122 volts verifying that our ground is working properly so now let's plug that refrigerator in again and show you how it affects the refrigerator all right we've got our refrigerator plugged into this receptacle that is wired with a hot ground now let's power that up i heard the refrigerator come on it's working fine the refrigerator doesn't see that the ground is hot all it sees is the hot and the neutral but this entire back is electrically charged so what i did down here i got the other half of that extension cord with the female plug the black side is attached to the case right there and the white wire is attached to the water line so just like i showed you there's a continuity with the ground i now have a circuit and you may be saying yeah but that's not much that's ghost voltage whatever that is we'll check this out i can power a light bulb between this metal case of the refrigerator and that water line and check this out you think it'll run my circular saw of course it will pretty crazy huh so just like this saw is running because it got in between those two points i got shocked because i got in between those two points the way i look at it is that there is enough electricity to renovate a house going through you yep and like we said before in that other video this metal is a conductor the electrons don't care what the conductor is made of it can be the proper conductor or an improper conductor or you as a conductor so you may be wondering will a non-contact voltage indicator show that that's hot let's check it out look at that this whole refrigerator has 120 volts on it looking for our way out pretty cool huh all right we're back in safe mode this is all off now and you may be wondering well paul how did you get in between there we understand how the saw worked and everything but what happened to you so we had moved them in and they had asked me can you hook up the ice maker i said sure so i ran down to the hardware store i hooked it up to the refrigerator just like this one here and this was a hot day in august southern louisiana the doors were open we weren't running the air conditioner because we were moving in i was covered in sweat so i had this line over here at the valve and the space i was in was much more cramped than this but i had my crescent wrench on there and i was tightening it and that last little push i put this hand on the refrigerator to get some leverage and then 120 volts went from this hand to this hand and it threw me back against the wall i was probably near my let go threshold if you haven't heard that term before be sure you check it out after this video mike holt has a great video about let go threshold my wife must have heard that i said something happened because she came running and said what happened and i said well i think i got shocked but i don't know how so i went outside i got everybody out of the house and i turned off the main breaker for the whole house and i came inside and i took this apart and let me show you what i found now remember all this was behind the wall when i took the cover plate off we just set this up here we screw that to the cabinet so you can see we're talking about so i took the receptacle out and that's when i realized this house only has two wires a hot and a neutral no ground that was the first problem the second problem was it was a metal box without a connector in the back so you can see here i've got my two wires right here and they had stripped the seething way back so it was just the wires going into the metal box and you can come around and check the back jordan you can see what i was dealing with and this was old wire i think it's called uh dbrc double braid rubber coated the insulation on modern romex is pretty tough but that old rubber insulation was easily nicked by the sharp edge on the back of the box and when that hot wire got nicked it energized the box which energized the ground let me show you over here what i'm talking about so here's a grounded receptacle and when it's installed in a metal box this part right here that wraps around the back of this one that's called the yoke so now it's touching the metal box so whatever potential the metal box is at whether it's hot whether it's grounded so is this yolk and that yolk is attached to the ground by this little rivet right here so i've got my tester set on continuity put it in the ground boom on the ground screw of course and also on the screw for the cover plate it's all bonded together so when that black wire nicked the metal box it made the ground hot because the yoke is touching that hot box so it makes i hope that makes sense all right so if you're wondering how i duplicated that hot ground via that nicked wire we're all safe here we're unplugged i actually put a jumper between the hot and the ground i've never done that in my life and it really hurt me to do that my anxiety level was way off the charts so let's get rid of this and i'm going to show you how we fixed it i was able to find one of these connectors a connector is a device made to fill in this knockout in the back of a box or the side of a box that's a sharp edge and a connector protects the wire from that sharp edge and anchors the wire this one's actually made by rayco we'll put a link in the description below and it can it installs from the inside of the box in fact it says on there if you can get it jordan this this end inside box so i was able to put it in just like that and then the nicked wire honestly i don't remember what i did i either put a piece of heat shrink tubing over it or i got a piece of sheathing from some romex and slid it over it and i was able to put it through that new connector and that was the best i could do so i put them through there like that and then i put on a non-grounded receptacle just like that and then of course to plug in the three-prong refrigerator plug i had to put on one of these and did i put the screw there no i did not and i'll show you why so remember i showed you on this grounded receptacle how the threaded insert for the cover plate screw is bonded to the yoke and to the ground it's the same thing on this ungrounded receptacle that threaded insert in there is bonded to the yoke so if this box ever became hot again with a three-prong adapter with the screw in the middle that screw is going to energize the hot again and that's why i didn't put that screw in there i didn't want there to be any chance of another hot ground alrighty gang so that was my experience that day i was the victim of a three-prong receptacle and a two-wire system without a ground it was installed in a metal box without a connector and i had a water line to complete the circuit for me my main takeaway from that whole experience was proper wiring techniques and to always use connectors on metal boxes you have to it's not an option these are these are a variety of them there's different kinds these all install from the back obviously i couldn't get to the back of the box in that house so that's why i use the one from the front any of these will work they all do the same thing and i even keep some of these grommets in my electrical supplies we put up a lot of fluorescent lights and there's just a little knockout the same size as this in that light and then the wires come through that well that's a sharp metal edge so i put that there to protect the wire so we really hope that you like this video smash that like button if you like the video leave us a comment below ask a question and subscribe if you haven't already we would really appreciate that and we will see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 151,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studpack, stud pack, electrocute, the worst shock, deadly shock, electrician, the worst shock i ever got, the worst shock i ever recieved, kitchen, kitchen renovation, diy refrigerator, diy kitchen, diy, how to hook up an ice maker, yoke, outlet, grounded house, non grounded house, non grounded outlet, gcfi, energized ground
Id: lH8g3_a6HuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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