The Worst Fully Evolved Pokemon of Every Type

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[Music] foreign [Music] good morning everybody good morning it's jpr welcome back to another video ever since the dawn of 1996 there has been one constant rule in this world there will be Pokemon that are broken and there will be Pokemon who suck ah wait I guess it's 72 rules So today we're taking a look at all 18 types to determine who is the worst Pokemon of every type oh who is we you ask well I'll just let the other guy do the talking it's me I'm we in case you haven't seen me around before my name's hoops and Hip-Hop and I do the whole Pokemon YouTube thing just like jpr and well frankly I heard he was going to be talking about sucky Pokemon and I just thought it would be fun to join in we're not going to approach this like animals though because we do actually have some Basic Ground rules that we set up to help us determine who is really the worst of the worst that's exactly right because today we are only considering fully evolved Pokemon to be the worst for instance you may think that the worst water type is magikarpon yeah you aren't wrong but it does evolve into Gyarados so one could argue that it's actually not all that bad so hoops and I are going to take turns presenting our cases for the worst fully evolved Pokemon or Pokemon that just don't evolve at all let's get into it now normal type has a lot of contenders that come to mind so we gotta dig deep on this one I think many people immediately think of Dunsparce for this one but heck even he gets some mileage at a body slam and bite due to his ability Serene Grace which makes paraflinching the opponent an optimal strategy there's also Spinda but it at least has the combo of superpower and its hidden ability contrary so I think the clear answer for this one is delicate it has an abysmal base stat total of 400 and one of the worst assortments of abilities out there sure it has a decent move pool via TMS but most normal types do and all the rest of them can dish out way more damage than Dell caddy this Pokemon appears to be built more for contests than battles but even then its former signature move assist is hardly any good in contests this is just a mediocre Pokemon from every angle the grass type is up next and well let's just cut to the Chase and reveal that Parasect is our pick here as a grass type it doesn't help that Parasect is also a bug type which were absolute garbage in gen 1 so it's honestly just a product of its time basically it's a fully evolved Pokemon with a base stat total of just 405 with six weaknesses and two of those are also quad weaknesses in fact if it has the dry skin ability then it's actually five times weak to fire just in case you might have been thinking that it couldn't get any worse there just isn't much of any reason to use Parasect as a grass type when it's got this much working against it the worst fire type in existence is easily mag Target sorry we're not reading ridiculous Pokedex entries anymore all that matters here is the battlefield this Pokemon is just way too slow with weaknesses that are all too common especially water and ground which he's double weak to colossal is pretty much the strictly better version of this Pokemon since it at least has a high enough HP stat to possibly tank moves its weak too better is being used lightly in this video though for the final starter type we have the Pokemon all about love that everyone ironically hates love disc simply put love disk is a Pokemon with an abysmal bass stat total of 330 and it doesn't evolve it has no forms or anything else of the sort to help out with that it's just stuck being awful it does actually have a decent ability in Swift swim but speed is already love disc's best stat and is its only good stat as it's where almost a third of its base stat total is allocated and therefore this does basically not nothing to actually help the Pokemon who would have thought that the Pokemon centered around love would actually receive the least amount of Love of All both from game freak and the fans alike it's cruel world out there man a cruel world boy Hoenn is on a hot streak here because the worst Electro type is none other than mining now in case you're wondering Minden is basically a slightly more support oriented version of puzzle with lower attack stats but higher defenses the problem is that even in the lowest tiers a competitive play Minden is still a class by other support Pokemon whereas Plusle can at least be a somewhat viable offensive option emphasis on the word somewhat don't get ahead of yourself plus well you did not Escape by much fact of the matter is they are both easily the two worst Electric types out there and the worst peak of clones by extension but I'd say that mining is just slightly worse for the bug type we've got none other than plant cloak wormadam given that it has the same typing as our grass type pick Parasect this form of wormadam also has a lot of the same problems six weaknesses two quad weaknesses two pretty common and accessible types stats that aren't great especially for a fully evolved Pokemon and an ability that is just kind of a slap in the face anticipation lets you know when wormadam is up against a Pokemon with a move that is super effective to it or if it has a one-hit KO move but like with six weaknesses that's basically always going to be the case anyway and can pretty much just be assumed which means that this ability is basically just a reminder of how bad this Pokemon truly is so while I'd like to say that the worst ground type is wormadam Sandy form I think Hoops already summed up a lot of its bad points so I'd like to take the time to talk to you about cantonian Marowak instead believe it or not this Pokemon was considered one of the best attackers in the game in gen 2. if Marowak used Swords Dance while holding a thick Club it's a text that would actually break the game's statcap of 999. unfortunately that's all Marowak is known for aside from its immense attack stat when holding the thick Club it has nothing else to write home about its abilities aren't particularly impressive it has low speed and HP and wildlife's defenses are okay it's still getting too big hailed by most offensive threats and in the main story Marowak isn't even really worth using due to how difficult it is just to get a Fit club sword and shield is the only game where you can just pick one up out of the blue in every other game you had to rely on a five percent chance of snagging it from a wild Cubone which is a pretty rare Pokemon in itself honestly not worth the effort at all but yeah wherever dam is still worse don't get it twisted for our rock type pick we had to give it to jotonian corsola corsola as a rock type has a lot of similar problems that lovedisk had as a water type but also just as a Pokemon in general I'm sorry love disk it doesn't evolve or have any other forms at least not that this version of corsola can take advantage of and that pretty much just leaves it too thin for itself with its not great stats decent amount of weaknesses and it's pretty terrible stat distribution all of its stats other than defense and special defense are pretty terrible meaning that you would basically have to use this Pokemon to take a hit if you were gonna use it at all and no one is gonna be using a corsola as their designated bulky wall type of Pokemon so yeah overall corsola just isn't the best oh boy there are tons of terrible flying types out there chatot lydian cantonian far-fetched how am I supposed to chill oh wait it's definitely just jelly room he must be on game freak's Eternal naughty list because not only does Delhi bird boast horrid defensive typing some of the worst stats in the game only two moves it can learn via level up but also these abilities insomnia is a hidden ability this has to be a joke they just give it vital Spirit a second time maybe he's just waiting up all night hoping that Santa will bring him some Buffs but honestly Delhi bird is just a lump of coal sitting on your team he's doing nothing for you you know for our fighting type selection I felt I hadn't hated on this Pokemon enough already so I figured I would come over to jpr's channel to do it because the worst fighting type in our minds is none other than crab Bominable however for as much as I disliked this Pokemon personally it's for no other reason than irony that I had to talk about it today because opinions aside this Pokemon just isn't good especially amongst the fighting type the fighting ice type combo gives it six weaknesses which is definitely gonna be up there for fighting types if it's not the most weaknesses for a fighting type already it definitely doesn't have the best stats for a fully evolved Pokemon either and since this Pokemon didn't make it into any of the Gen 8 games your only option to use it at this point is in gen 7 where it can only be accessed right at the end of the game by leveling up your crab brawler at what is basically Victory Road in Mount hokulani that leaves you having to deal with crab brawler basically for the entire game who is cool but also considerably weaker and due to crab vomitable's weaknesses and let's be honest its appearance it certainly isn't worth all all of that trouble with all of the other fighting types that are out there for psychic say with me unknown okay now that we got the Don fan out of the room let's discuss the second worst psychic type because other than unknown the bar for this type is incredibly High there are not a lot of bad psychotypes out there but I'd say the next worst one is Hitler it's just another mediocre support Pokemon with subpar stats and new abilities that actively make it better I would say girafforig is lucky to be getting an evolution very soon to exclude it from this conversation but honestly I'd even say that giraffarig is more usable than Hypno is especially in the main story where a lot of hypnos best tools are typically locked behind late game move tutors Hypno is pretty much never going to be in a situation where he's not outclassed by every other psyche type even when it comes to scaring small children in the forest I'd argue Mr Mom does that better poison type is next and honestly it's a toss-up for us between death stocks and aryados similar to Parasect once again from the grass type entry a lot of what makes these Pokemon bad as poison types has to do with the fact that they are also bug types and Bug types that were introduced when bugs sucked a lot more than they do today additionally poison wasn't the greatest back in the day either meaning that these Pokemon had basically the two worst types in existence at the time they were introduced even with the modern Buffs to these types though these Pokemon just don't quite stack up with their peers and ultimately if we had to go with just one of these Pokemon as the definitive worst it would probably have to be ariados since with dust stocks you can at least access it pretty early on in the Hoenn games since it evolves at level 10 and at such an early point in the game dustox as a fully evolved Pokemon would be good for at least a little bit whereas you can't get Ari dose until Level 22 and at that point in the game there's pretty much no hope of this Pokemon being very useful at all the worst Ghost type I would say is cursor if it wasn't sad enough that this Pokemon is literally dead its stats and abilities will certainly make you depressed at a glance it's incredibly High special attack and special offense seems promising but the abilities do not work with this Pokemon in the slightest weak armor will just make Ursula even more frail assuming it's even able to take a single physical move to begin with and the speed boost is doing almost nothing for it with its awful base 30 speed perish body is more of an annoyance than something you'd actually use reliably as it activates the Paris song effect for both cursilla and the attacker you can certainly argue that bayonets is in contention for the worst Ghost type but at least bayonet had its moment in the sun with its Mega Evolution well kursula is unlikely to ever see the light of day now there were some options when it came to the ice type due to how frail they are but when it came down to it since crab vomitable is already representing the fighting types I Gotta Give it to avalog and I'm actually going to give the honor to hisuian avalug more specifically the regular and hissuian forms of this Pokemon are pretty similar in terms of their stats but his sui and avalog has two more weaknesses including two of those being quad weaknesses which makes it a lot less likely to be able to stay on the battlefield on top of that those weaknesses kind of put a bit of a dent in its super high defense stat and due to its speed being terrible it's gonna be hard for it to even take advantage of one of the only other good stats it has which is its high attack stat overall there are just too many glaring flaws amongst tasumi and avalog's offerings which is why it's probably best to go with some other ice type instead the worst dragon type is surprisingly not dritican not only does Jordan have access to decent support moves like Stealth Rock and glare but with sheer force it's also capable of dishing out some decent damage even in gen 5's main story while it certainly doesn't have the ridiculous ceiling of Haxorus or high Dragon it's definitely the easiest Dragon to pick up and use off the bat unfortunately I can't say the same about Turtle this Pokemon appears to be built as a tanky support mod but between its subparability shell armor and the lack of good status moves it gets access to this Pokemon is pretty much forced to act as an attacker with shell smash but as with a lot of other shell Smashers Terminator speed is still way too low and it already has subpar HP as is so it can't really afford to sacrifice its bulk even in the context of alola's main story by the time you're able to get turtonator all the trials and significant fights ahead are ones that turtonator is going to struggle in do yourself a favor and steer clear the dark type is a pretty interesting case but at the end of the day feeble takes the crown here simply due to context I was initially considering cacturn for this spot due to the fact that it has seven weaknesses but it does have some utility both as a Pokemon who can put down some entry hazards and as a solid main story Pokemon since in Hoenn games it has an advantage against both of hohen's final two gems meanwhile thieval is just kinda in all categories it's not terrible but it's definitely not going to be a Pokemon that you would use in a competitive setting like you might with cacturn and its entry hazards but it's also not going to be a Pokemon you would use in the main story of A game either there are just better options out there in sword and shield and it doesn't really give you an advantage against much of anything in the Galler games other than Alistar but that's only if you're playing Shield if you're playing sword you're gonna get bodied by B and her fighting times it's definitely not the worst of the Pokemon we've talked about today but amongst other dark types it's definitely not a standout either the worst Steel type is well don't get me wrong warmerdam trash is pretty well trash but surprisingly bug steel is actually a really good defensive typing it's only weak to fire granted it's really weak to fire but it can at least function as a wall which is high praise for a video that's been so negative so I'd say since it no longer has the Mega Evolution mod wild is probably the worst Steel type at this current moment and that's even considering this Pokemon has the best typing in the game and one of the best abilities with intimidate it's bad enough to wear these amazing tools literally do nothing to improve its standing can this Pokemon attack no can this Pokemon tank no can it play support no without the Mega Evolution this Pokemon is completely hopeless even warmerdam has a niche it's a terribly tiny one but it has one well Hoops I'm sorry to take your easy one away but what's another bad fairy type well it's actually not hard at all to find another bad fairy type because that is very clearly going to be shinatic as a fully of evolved Pokemon with a base stat total of just 405 it's definitely not off to a great start and then that is compounded by the fact that it also has five weaknesses and to add insult to injury one of this Pokemon's abilities illuminate literally does nothing whatsoever in battle and in fact it also makes it twice as likely to encounter wild Pokemon outside of battle which would not only be incredibly annoying but that's also just bringing twice as many Pokemon to you that shinatic is going to have to deal with with its bad stats five weaknesses and ability that literally does nothing to help it in battle as we said so it's pretty much just asking anyone who is willing to end its misery and that is pretty much as sad as it gets almost as sad as this video being over but don't fret because if you missed it hoops and I actually did another collab on his channel last week where we discussed censored Pokemon content so be sure to watch that one if you haven't already and check out some of hoops's other videos in the meantime he makes some awesome stuff but before that be sure to leave a like on this video it really helps me out then subscribe for more videos just like this one I'll see you guys next time
Channel: JPR
Views: 423,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, JPRPT98, JPRPokeTrainer98, Worst Pokemon, Worst Pokemon of Every Type, Best to Worst, Scarlet and Violet, HoopsandHipHop, Koraidon, Miraidon, Ash vs Leon, Ash-Greninja, Grass Type, Dragon Type, Water Type, Fire Type, Starter Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, Fairy Type, Pokemon that suck, Pokemon TCG, Anipoke, Paldea Region, Gen 9, Paldean
Id: 1dYcJpdfCOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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