We were told the map was wrong but didn't listen

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which way do i go i guess this way [Music] i guess this way boy the darkness is persistent in here ah am i lost maybe warning the actions and stunts performed in this video were done so by professionals do not enter a cave without a cave tour guide i don't remember this at all i don't know where i'm at it's been a while since i've been lost [Music] i don't see my footprints okay well i'm gonna let you stay with me since i feel like i'm lost that might be interesting now that goes through but i don't understand i don't understand where i'm at i don't remember anything this tight this is very tight [Applause] it appears to go through but mama mia oh i'm gonna check my map this is happening this is why i have a map this is a very old map it's probably not accurate but old maps are often hand drawn inaccurate or incomplete there are times when the cavern may inadvertently move to a passage that is off the map and not be immediately aware of it if a caver is unaware of their own mistake they will likely not set up guidance markers for exiting the cave without the markers nor the map's guidance there is very little help in terms of what their location is in the cave from this point it is a nervous guessing game based on experience and understanding how caves are formed i don't remember being this crawly at all so i must have taken a wrong way and now i have to suffer the consequences [Music] okay here yeah that's pretty tight that's not gonna be fun can i even fit through that well i don't know what happened okay i took a lot a wrong turn somewhere and now i have to pay the price boy am i glad i don't have my bag with me that'd be tough to bring through here wherever i'm at there i am still not really squeezing but you know it's not my favorite here [Music] [Music] ah i don't know what my phone's always broken that doesn't make no sense [Music] i really don't know what happened here i don't know how i got off this way or anything at all but uh you can see that it's coming open good little squeeze right there it's because i get filming and then i don't pay attention to my roots the way i'm going hopefully i don't have to go back through that if this is not the right way and i do have to go back through it and i don't want to [Music] so a lot of times you don't see us because we'll get where we're a little bit nervous and it's hard to think while we're filming we try to give an accurate portrayal of events that are actually occurring so if we make mistakes stuff like that we actually want to show them we people say oh you cave wrong well sometimes we do we want to show that but there are times when even we get nervous and we uh have to make uh better decisions which means we gotta turn the equipment off and then just give our full concentration to getting out of the cave i don't know where i'm at [Music] this sucks [Music] i'd say i got fully lost [Music] and now i don't know where i'm at at all okay i will get you back out when i make it out i made it out so uh yeah i got a little bit lost i'll explain that when i get out so you know i'd explain it once because dad will be wondering if i lived or died and i lived i usually do sometimes i don't though those are rough days well to be honest i don't know what i did i'm going to take my gear down uh there's a cinders in that thing that will set up on that line no i know the rope's not this isn't a knotted rope yet either so okay now be able to feel sometimes it looks scarier from here it's probably not it might be tall enough okay these seem to be no i mean i they're they're as easy to fall as they are anything yeah that's not very great that's probably the whole of the cave you're not gonna like that either this is a pit how cool is that i'm just making sure you don't stumble too far that's what i got to do all right i wanted to jump on me he was fine i was trying to get him to jump on me that's the way into the game it's not supposed to be a crawly cave but you know whatever there's your draft i suspect it's the same this is pretty cool you're just gonna be able to um crawl down in here yeah and this is uh not a problem because you just lay and then it just goes right to the floor the other way has a bit of a drop down this way is more of a um something else it's a bad dad out of the tube room oh you're going that way and you just slide in here just slides down a little this cave entrance was created when the cooling lava flow was pushing forced air to the surface creating a bubble room and then an exit to the outside this is a nice tight little crawl a little water in the bottom to make it interesting well we found a squeezer he doesn't really appreciate these too much that's his find my carcass orange he is just dying to get in there look at this guy it's a tight one well you're on the tight side too and in the water now the choices you make for your life we just emerged from the small space that is the entrance that little crawl through and uh this is wonderful we got bad dad leading the way look at the ceilings ceiling height is about eight or nine feet look at that isn't that something that is beautiful this is neat a little bit of a side thing over here oh wow look how flat the floor is look how flat the floor is we've come to a a fork in the road only it's a fork in the cave and a huge pillar here behind us yeah it is so one of the things we do when we come to a fork in the road is uh this is what i do when there's a lot of forks is this is the way that we came from so i'd put a pillar there i just take these rocks and make a little rock stack there's a little rock stack right over here i don't like where it's placed i don't think this is going to be too confusing of a cave but i would make a little rock stack like that in the direction of the entrance so that no matter which way i go if i go that way when i come back i could see that the rock stack guides me towards the exit while navigating without a map when the caver comes to an area with two or more passage choices they can leave a rock stack or other indicator in the passage they are leaving using this simple principle if the caver ever feels or becomes lost they can turn around and leave the cave by following the rock stacks which they had previously placed using string or other methods of navigation are not recommended having a good map is the best tool however a seasoned caver can learn to navigate a cave mostly by memory so we can always get out of a cave no matter how lost you get obviously this rock when it flowed through here lava was so liquid it sloshed upon the side and uh really made an interesting form came around this corner and oh yeah i see so lava comes around so fast it's like a river that just pops up on there [Music] nice cave yeah a little bit look at that upper passage up there yeah i'm going to climb this while holding my light my camera and walking up grandpa's back ready see what i'm doing here one more got it shouldn't go too far no i don't this kind of crawl is like a low well we would call it a crawl but as you can see i'm not scraping so it's not a squeeze the squeeze when you literally scrape and i'm not literally scraping here i'm just scooching my body with my toes and my elbows and that works pretty good for me it's a good core workout and some of these passages get pretty long but uh this one's not too bad so it's also not that grabby i have a good tight shirt on so it doesn't grab too much and i shouldn't get too scraped up this is the formation room this is after a really long crawl and look at these beautiful formations lava does this and as long as it doesn't get bumped which it shouldn't because you know who comes to a place like this most people that's just a good strong no so it's up to us to show them to you look at that beautiful that was once fiery lava to the ground where these beautiful formations are these get high sometimes these are very small but interesting got some on the wall over here that's neat sales a different color it's a different kind of lava that comes on top of the original lava here's a big blob that slops and drops itself right down through there like that just beautiful that that is a neat one right there i can get myself to here like this [Music] so this is pumice and this is likely an event unrelated to the origination of the cave because the cave would have been lava but pumice is a rock that is super light and i think i can show you that oh yeah it's a super light rock this weighs like a feather this stuff is really light it does it's not like regular rock so it's a very light rock and it's likely from again the volcanic explosion that happened here in the early 80s and this is nice i'm walking on here is called a lava tongue and you can see that because it rises a little bit above the floor and uh if they get real precise we call them dragon's tongues because they look like an actual tongue yeah the volcano shoved it in [Music] there's an ant down here and i'd say he's fairly lost it's a warm draft because it's warmer outside than it is in here [Music] let me get all the way up in here with my gear in what we call the twilight room it's always twilight in here because it's always just this glowing green area the twilight zone as it is called is the part of a cave that receives a small amount of sunlight since it is not too far from the entrance this zone is cool damp and its temperature is usually constant resulting in lush green mosses and ferns uh it's always a little bit of daytime in here but not fully daytime because above us is the entrance the twilight zone is shared by both outside organisms and cave dwellers resulting in the transfer of energy in the form of nutrients from outside the cave to inside animals that live in the twilight zone are spiders bats moths cave crickets frogs cave beetles and mellow peas so we're here caving today out hiking and we're going to a pretty interesting area of caves it really hasn't been explored for 50 years or so well since [Music] pre-volcanic explosion here filled a lot of these caves with sand so we're going to go exploring a real supposed to be a really beautiful cave but no one's been there since the 70s we've got our maps with us and we're checking it out but i'm with bad dad today that's sand that uh developed from the ashes and everything from the big volcanic explosion can you see the volcano you kind of can it's there uh yeah there it is that's the volcano you'll be able to see in a second it may not focus on it but anyways we wanted to answer the question a lot of people ask is why or when did you get started caving when did you what makes you want to do this or go out in the outdoors and i always say or i often say in reply well we've always done this we were born doing this and then dad started telling me the story about uh how long he's been doing it so i wanted him to tell a story i used to climb up into the mountains to go fishing up creeks that were just just brush and rough terrain and i was started about five years old and sometime when i was about eight i got lost and had to figure out how to find my way out which took me all day but it was so interesting that my i told my parents i had been lost they didn't get it get angry they said what did you learn and what i learned is that the the out of doors is for exploring and there are challenges to exploring but if you meet those challenges the earth is yours for the rest of your life how close do you got to get to that hill to be able to figure out what's going on the ants of fires [Music] put your face in that whoa [Laughter] that's probably a pine need it's the pine needle is poking you i was watching it gives specifically the cave entrance i bet that's it pit entrance that thing's been there yeah that's that's as old as the 70s yeah look at it this is the entrance yes sir you walked right to it yeah i nailed it on the first try
Channel: Caveman Hikes
Views: 214,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kidVpeWz6aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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