Hearthstone Cards That Were Extremely Overrated

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each time a new hearthstone expansion comes out  we get to see the cards before we actually get to   play with them and a lot of people start reviewing  cards thinking that they're going to be extremely   strong and some of them are extremely overrated  some people will claim that this is going to   be the best card of all time due to something  specific maybe it's stats or effect but it makes   you think on what is the most overrated cards when  it comes to hearthstone when we go to gvg we might   see what is the most overrated card of all time  which is trogzor the earthinator this was a 7 mana   66 neutral legendary whenever your opponent cast  a spell summon a burly rock jaw trog this card was   extremely overhyped because it seemed like if you  got to play this card the game was virtually over   because how was your opponent supposed to deal  with all of these burly rock jawed frogs every   single time you casted a spell to deal with  one other ones would get stronger and you had   to focus on troxor first otherwise the generation  would just keep on continuing there were a couple   problems with this one if your opponent had any  form of minion that could deal with troggs or   the card was absolutely useless and often it felt  like you could just play one spell to deal with   trogzor and then the generation just completely  stopped and quite early on in the expansion we saw   that this card was not nearly as strong as people  thought it was going to be where dr boom was the   premier 7 drop in the expansion now this kind of  set a trend for a lot of people over hyping cards   and multiple expansion and we definitely saw a lot  of people get a lot of cards wrong we actually got   to play with them another great example of this is  from descent of dragons with frizz kindle roost a   four mana five four neutral legendary battlecry  reduced the cost of dragons in your deck by two   the idea of this card was simple you play it on  turn four it has decent stats and the rest of the   game you're basically mana cheating dragons out  but here's the problem if you didn't draw this   exactly on turn four this card felt like  it was way too slow and quite often just   literally useless it also kind of forced you to  play dragons in your deck and sometimes you were   playing too many which means your deck was too  slow and therefore you would just lose because   you just didn't do anything in the early game  another great example of an overrated card was   from angoro with likari sacrifice which was the  warlock quest this card looked to be the best   quest from angoro due to the fact that warlock  had good discard cards and the effect that you   got from this was a never ending onslaught of  imps this card looks really good on paper but   in actual practice the biggest problem with this  quest was how late you actually got it finished   usually you would get it at turn seven at the  earliest and even then you have to spend five mana   to play the portal which means you had to run a  bunch of discard cards in your deck to finish this   quest as fast as possible which already made your  deck worse and the effect was so lackluster that   it made the quest not even worth it and when you  compare this quest to a lot of the other quests   that ended up seeing a lot of play it just makes  kind of a lot of sense that this quest was just   not that great another great example of quests  was with jungle giants which was the druid quest   which was to summon five minions with five or more  attack the reward for this was barnabas which made   every one of your minions in your deck cost zero  mana and with druid having a ton of ramp in the   early game to get to a mana point where you could  start playing these five mana minions this seemed   like it was gonna be rather strong but here's the  problem with quests you basically start with one   less card in your hand because you need to keep  the quest in order to use it on turn one but   obviously if you're starting with one less card in  your hand it means you have one less chance to get   ramp which means your deck is gonna be that much  slower and because you have to play a bunch of big   minions to complete this quest you probably die  and that's where a lot of the overrated cards come   from is the effect of the card seems like it's a  bigger deal than it actually will be in the game   in other words a more flashy effect feels like  it's gonna be stronger than it actually will be   speaking of a flashy effect madden lazula is a  perfect example of this madame lazul is a 3-mana   3-2 priest legendary that had the battlecry to  discover a copy of a card in your opponent's hand   madame lazul had a really cool effect where you  got to see information of your opponent's hand and   a lot of people thought this was going to be an  extremely powerful effect and not only did you get   the information of your opponent's hand you also  got a copy of a card in your opponent's hand which   could be pretty great it was also not that bad of  a minion but it turns out getting the knowledge of   your opponent's hand is not that great and getting  a card from your opponent's deck doesn't really   help you because they're putting it into their  deck because it's good where you're just getting   an extra card camelios was also another card just  like this a one mana one one priest legendary   minion each turn this is in your hand transform  it into a card your opponent is holding just like   madame lazul this card was overvalued because a  lot of people thought getting information about   your opponent's hand was going to be an extremely  big deal but this card was over hyped just as much   as mount lazul because it turned out that holding  a card in your hand just to get information of   what your opponent has which extremely lackluster  another thing people seem to over hype is the   amount of value a single card can get and revenge  of the wild is an absolutely perfect example of   this revenge of the wild was the highest rated  card from rostagon's rumble solely due to the   fact that it would be an extremely powerful car  to trade into a bunch of minions and getting all   your beasts back but the issue with this card is  that you needed a big board of beasts to do so   and a lot of the time you just couldn't get that  with hunter now this isn't to say that this card   is bad but it definitely was overhyped because  everyone wanted this card to be this insane   tempo swing and you can clear boards with it  but this card ended up being pretty mediocre   not insane like everyone envisioned speaking of a  card that everyone thought was going to be insane   the marsh queen quest from angoro for hunter fun  fact about this card is that its single handily   made life coach ate x pro hearthstone player  quit hearthstone this quest gave you the reward   of queen carnassa which shuffled 15 raptors into  your deck which each of them were one mana 3-2   and draw a card the reward for this quest  obviously seemed insane on paper but the biggest   issue with this quest is that you had to play a  bunch of one drops to finish it this kind of had   the reverse effect of the druid quest where your  deck was just so low value that it didn't really   matter if you got a bunch of one cost three  two draw a card when your deck just didn't   really do anything in the late game that's another  thing a lot of people overvalue is just strictly   tempo and no better card showcases this than scabs  cutter butter scabs cutter butter was a 4 mana 3   3 row card which had a combo the next two cards  you play this turn cost three less people were   absolutely losing their minds because they thought  that rogue could cheat out a bunch of cards and do   insane things all with this one card but it turned  out that this was actually not nearly as good   as people thought it was because this car just  felt so awkward to play in a lot of rogue decks   a lot of rogue decks run a lot of low-cost cards  because rogue wants to be efficient in doing what   it wants to do that means that scabs at most  was discounting six mana but that never really   happened and you also have to take in the fact  that not only do you have to spend four mana to   make scabs effect work but you also have to combo  with it so it's almost like you weren't really   cheating any mana to begin with this card also  wasn't bad but extremely overhyped and just was   not the monster that everyone thought it was gonna  be now som etimes a card looks extremely strong   but the meta doesn't allow it to see play no card  showcases this better than cornelius rome a 6 mana   4 5 minion at the end and start of both players  turn you draw a card now this card in my opinion   is still extremely good but the issue was in the  meta of united in the stormwind the game was just   too fast and there was no need to draw cards  because you would have just died now a lot of   people expected this card to be extremely strong  me included and the reason for this is because the   effect for six mana was extremely powerful and  it can snowball a game out of control in your   favor but there's no need to draw cards when you  just end up dying to a bunch of nonsense another   effect that people really over hype is discounts  and mana cheating and don't get me wrong manage   heating is a huge part of hearthstone right now  and it is usually really good but sometimes people   overvalue it just a little bit and a great example  of this is dragon consort from blackrock mountain   at the time a five mana 5 5 dragon that discounts  the nest dragon by 2 mana looked like it was going   to be an extremely powerful effect now this card  seems really good because if you discount a early   user it could be game-winning but it turns  out when you're discounting a late game card   it doesn't really matter because removal always  costs the same thing and the later the game goes   the more likely they are to have the removal  so getting an early big dragon didn't actually   matter at all let me know what you think are some  extremely overrated cards and if you want me to do   underrated i could do that as well thank you so  much for watching if you enjoyed this video make   sure you subscribe and like it and i'll see  you guys in the next one you look fantastic
Channel: Rarran
Views: 161,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hearthstone gameplay, hearthstone united in stormwind, hs, hs gameplay, best hearthstone deck, hearthstone mercenaries, hearthstone new, hs new, hearthstone expansion, The Worst Card From Each Hearthstone Expansion, alterac valley hearthstone, hearthstone expansion trailer, hs expansion, worst card in hearthstone, worst cards in hearthstone, best card hearthstone, best card hs, Hearthstone Cards That Were Extremely Overrated, overated hs cards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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