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the other day my good old friend Euclid EES sent me a map and he said here once you record and play this and I load up the map and this is what I see I have no idea what to expect I have no idea what the purpose of this map is I don't know if we're about to do parkour I don't know if it's a redstone house I don't know if it's literally nothing and he is just rolling me that's here use adventure mode let's go inside oh yeah this is definitely a troll okay Wow ukuleles I would have to say that was pretty cool but uh unfortunately I'm still alive so what'd you troll didn't go as planned did it good try though buddy good a try I will say that was a nice attempt there's an another house over here let's go check out this one oh my gosh it's huge it's like a whole ladder going up doing everything guys Evan needs you to leave a big old like on this video cuz I don't know what's about to happen can I even go inside here oh okay there's a crafting table I guess we're not going up what is this wait where did I just spawned pet zombie check his name I can't see your name you're in glass there we go no sleep for you ah I see okay alright thank you thank you Euclid is the best house you ever made me wait where'd you go Oh Oh flip oh yeah I'm definitely sleeping now because he's not gonna be in there anymore private armor collection no peeking or else what do you mean no peeking hey buddy I'm gonna need you to chill okay nothing here no there's definitely something here what does flip what is this a bunch of trolls it's literally a house full of trolls what is your problem great buddy I'm I need you to choke I need you to chill or get back in your cage I don't want to hurt you I'm asleep I need to sleep stop stop stop hey baby zombies with a burning passion oh my gosh come on thank you finally got some food there's a bolt here wait what I mean I mean I mean let me know okay no stealing or else that's a bunch of TP o diamond IRA don't mind if I do oh yes stay here and press the button to die I don't want to do that wait how do I get out Oh flip it's just a lot to be in the vault okay well I guess I have to die wonderful alright well I guess since that thing took on my armor I really need some new armor so I'm gonna take this I guess wait can the cycle through I want some diamond on there you cookies is the ultimate trol master what can I say oh my gosh we haven't even made it off the first Oh what the flip happened here okay well now I cannot select my my other armor and I guess I can try maybe I can get some leggings out of it already got all the helmets and everything and this is just great what role dude this whole map is nothing but a troll there's nothing here but a bunch trolls you know what maybe there's some good in this map maybe there's something good like this fish tank look at that isn't that cool as a flipped or you out of here auction at $48,000 with a painting $48,000 how do I get out of here someone decided to teleport myself up to the top of the house so we got a nice bedroom over here fancy we got an enchanting table I'm surprised it didn't blow up we got some chests here nothing in them but now there's gonna be some armor in them because I definitely don't need this many types of leather armor and 18 picture frames and a couple arrows and then over here looks like we got stairs going down there nice nice nice we got a ladder that leads up to a brewing stand beautiful this is actually a pretty cool house like the concept of it it's really cool and that is where I died last time I don't want to talk about it let's head down a little bit more and see if we can find anything else really fancy oh wait this is the entrance of the house did that thing just tried to kill me that definitely tried to kill me good thing I went out of the house instead of inside the house this is nice dude look at the design of this like anyone would walk up to this and be like oh yeah this is my new home I'm taking it over I'm raiding it and then they walk in and they see all the traps and they're just like nevermind that jeez oh my gosh that is savage look that trap sends you right into the end you're gonna fight the indoor dragon to get out of that or just jump off the cliff oh my gosh this man is a savage what does this do I'm scared hello I feel like I definitely should not have jumped down here I feel like that was not the best decision excuse me I'm gonna take all your arrows I'm gonna take what I can I want to definitely go ahh moment of silence please I just took a big L what I was saying is that what we're gonna be here for a little bit is this is definitely the most protective red stone house I have ever seen would you look at that would you look at that I'm jumping right off the edge yep not fighting the ender dragon not today I don't even have a pickaxe dude how about you supposed to like get some blocks let's grab a minecart and let's head down to wherever the heck we're about to go which is probably a place it's about to kill me I'm going to be surprised automatic miner system that's a great American system probably some of the best of its kind absolutely beautiful I'm going back up there was no point of than coming down here trying to figure out where the rest is house is I feel like there's more to it wait what's your system it doesn't work the security system isn't active that would thing would be glowing if the security system was active right all right I got a plan here I got a plan all right here here my plan is to take out all the arrows from the dispensers yep this is my elaborate plan that will probably work very very well there we go all right we should be good some what never mind never mind we're not good we're not good we're not flippin good oh my gosh I missed some no the lamp is broken you know that would have been nice to know um back on the other side first disable the security system I can definitely run through this I guess I'll go in here I shouldn't know I shut down all right well I guess I guess I'm just uh walking through Wow well that was easy okay what's not here for us if you want to live a press if you want to die well knowing you Cadiz he's probably gonna think Oh Unspeakables gonna think this is opposite so he is going to press this one but no I'm actually gonna press that one did I live nope I died I died I died I died I'm getting out there nope I guess okay yeah it was completely wrong I should have pressed the other one okay well I might still die from fire uh okay let's wait for the Salama to calm down then I'm gonna press the other one that was a nice trap though you know I really really did not see that coming all right let's press the other one and hopefully not die really come on come on what the flick bro really what is going down they're both they're both do the lava something opened but do you very end I don't know what it was let's go back let's go back and figure it out what is this oh it's still open hello what is this place honestly what is this place nothing here yeah don't believe that one bit don't believe okay okay for once you were right oh maybe it opened this one what about this one ah I see I see yeah makes a lot more sense okay I am pickaxe why you give me an iron pickaxe if I can't break anything doesn't make any wait a second I was here I was here I well yeah I've been in this room look all everything's gone and this thing opens and it's a bunch of TNT yep I have been to this room I wonder why I was all the way down here that's so weird so I've been in the house the whole time well not the whole time but like well I mean I have but but anyways okay so this is a brewing station I'm not even gonna try this I know this is gonna draw me I'm not even look how many barrels are on the roof is that really necessary oh my gosh 3d printer food steak Apple think you got your calculations a little wrong buddy you probably need to go double-check that let's see if this thing will at least cook me some food because while I am starving so you put the coal in here put the UPS the raw whatever you want in there you can even put like iron ingots like anything and then it's going to come out in here as poisonous potatoes and rotten flesh I am just getting trolled left and right and left and right and left and right seriously though what is this place can i press this button again is it gonna set the lava oh yeh yeah bring it on just let it yep this just right on my face yep come on uh-uh-uh-uh-uh and everything that's exactly what I need right now I can't figure out what this one is though I went into survival mode there we go what is like rebuild itself I mean nice try it's a little slow but I still made it in okay what is this what the flip is this I rotate this I know these these things are pretty easy so not the combination what is this Shammi cable oh wow that's pretty sick that's really sick I love all the crafting tables too totally unnecessary it's not like you need multiple crafting tables but like you know whatever maybe since this map is full of trolls the torches are opposite did I know that oh look at this Blin steel all right I will light the portal don't mind if I do there we go let's go into the nether maybe there is something good in the nether I mean to be honest there's really not but it's probably better than this house what what Bob wood just fell on my head so here's the deal this house is full trolls literally everything you do in this house is troll I'm surprised this this thing of water doesn't trap me and right when I walk inside of it and kill me well you know it's a great house it's a great place to live in slightly used you know just got done renovating it the beautiful plays you know I would let people living here these things gonna blow up I want to see these things blow up they don't blow up that's lame all right all right all right let's get the flip out of here how do I even get out of here I don't think there's a button to like make that lever thingy bobert oh no no no no never never never never never no no how did they refill the arrows I am getting out of this house yep it's happening I am leaving and I'm not coming back and why can't i you've got to be kidding me na na na dun dun no yeah it's done thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoy ukuleles you know honestly you're great at making Maps you always are but that was just something else I appreciate your effort on trying to troll me so hard but uh yeah thank you thank you I appreciate Yap thank you yeah it was good time create time good talk to you thank you guys so much for watching let me know in the comment section below which troll was your favorite but obviously you guys seen it a brand new video so stay safe stay awesome and of course stay unspeakable and I'll see you guys soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 704,288
Rating: 4.9016662 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: uWJR22sAtwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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