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why am I here ladies gentlemen welcome back to another episode of the minecraft falling survival this is episode number 2 so many of you guys left so much support on episode 1 so I could not resist making an episode to a lot of you guys want to see this be a series on the channel so yeah we just had seen that it's your villager does anyone there he's like responding to is so weird hello but to stop behind me where's the stew dad what do you mean uh-huh allow with a flip is this dude maybe he's under man oh oh he just died oh he definitely just died ah nope nope nope he's somewhere over here he's somewhere trapped we must save the villager wow I can hear you you're close I don't know where you are Unspeakables on his way oh hope is he above me always that a monster spawner Oh flip okay that's pretty sick um but we're gonna cover that up because I ain't dealing with that right now I am not dealing with that I'm trying to find this villager there's a lost villager that needs my help he's trapped somewhere in these blocks I don't know where he is honestly it's a lost cause buddy say something if you could hear me yeah no he's gone anyways now that we've dealt with the villager some of you guys that are watching this video are probably like unspeakable I have no idea or watches going on whatsoever and I didn't see episode 1 well we did see episode 1 not much happened other than thousands and thousands of blocks falling on our head and I don't know why I just almost died basically this is a Minecraft world where all of the blocks I just lost all my stuff I definitely just lost everything that I own and now I'm stuck in a hole yeah that's what this Minecraft world is all the blocks you can see them all up there they all fall from the sky things just get worse and worse and worse I'm just waiting for a block to land on my head so I can you know oh wait there's that one right there oh no it's falling next to me come on it looks like a block hasn't dropped in this hole in years ok we're gonna have to find a way out of here we can do this give me a kiss give me that dirt yep adduce yep adduce yep ah deuce just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep digging I almost died by that piece of dirt okay so now the real question is where's my house is this my house is this my that's not my house great now I just dug myself into a deeper hole this is just wonderful everything is just going fantastic I am just so excited for the future of this minecraft survival theory seriously though I do not know where my house is I don't even remember is it on this side oh my gosh it's completely buried in blocks no we are not starting over from square well I don't even know where my stuff is oh my gosh this is not happening no I will find my house I will find my house it's gotta be on this side no what duck flip Oh would you look at this now I'm stuck in a hole another hole fantastic don't you just love life and now it's raining guys we have a like on this video if you're having a good time because I sure AM NOT okay I get it alright so this is definitely my house because this is like the tallest mountain flip okay look my house is right there yeah how do I make a house where I can keep my stuff but it doesn't get covered by thousands of thousands blocks I think it's nearly impossible all right well the good thing is we still have three iron ingots but the bad thing is is we don't have any wood so we can't use them okay that's just great so happy right now for this minecraft series I don't even have a pickaxe I don't have any wood what am I supposed to do with my life oh and now I hear zombies even oh hey hey hey great oh now I'm stuck now I'm stuck uh-huh supposed to go oh my gosh another block just dropped in front of my face now I'm really stuck oh wait here's my house okay alright I want to do one thing and I want to set a spawn point here I think that's fair to be fair I haven't found any wool yet but I'm just gonna set a spawn point I feel like that would make things ten times easier other than when I die it takes me 15 minutes to find my house yeah I'm not dealing with that alright we got some wood things are looking beautiful so excited for the future of this Minecraft series I'm just I just so excited with my ages I can't wait for episode three all right we got a pickaxe now what what do we do I guess we can try to search for like diamonds and stuff because diamonds are cool you guys like diamonds I like diamonds I have not seen a single diamond not one not two not three no not a single diamond Oh up that block almost killed me I think I'm just gonna also go around digging trying to get a lot of resources I know I'm not supposed to dig dirt with the iron pickaxe but I'm doing it and a lot of you guys are probably triggered but it's my life I can do what I was my Minecraft world if I want to dig dirt with an iron pickaxe I can do so because I am a free minecraft player I'm going to thank you and I'm going to use you turn you into a stick thank you how does one find Z diamonds I see iron I've definitely take some iron I will take that iron thank you very much I will take that coal up there's another oh I'm a lucky boy today what give me that wait wait wait do I see do I see on iron block yes I is that a gold I like gold and use all my gravel to get out of here why does it always rain in this world I feel like Minecraft is so much more sad when it rains like if it was sunny right now it'd be so much more like look at this see see look at this look at this look now I'm happy it's not raining that okay okay okay okay I see how it is it's not raining it's sunny it's a good whoa calm down bro calm down bro no but I'm just I'm just saying minecraft is really sad when it's rainy and how the flip how I not found a diamond yet Wow Wow who you think you are boy yeah stay under that Oh mom man's skeleton thinks he can do whatever he wants that's not how this world works my dude whoa hello buddy how does one work you um okay I'm about to die I'm about to die from blocks dropping on my head I'm gonna grab this last piece iron and I'm gonna go back into my house I'm gonna sit there and cry until I regenerate all my health which I don't know how I'm gonna regenerate my health because I don't have any food so ya haven't really figured that one out yet and I'm almost dead please do not die I have so much stuff on me right now I think the partly this is the most Lu I've ever gotten oh my gosh I have eleven I oh all right now I'm back in my house Bob what do we do now you can't even make a wooden pickaxe are you serious literally back to square one I hate this minecraft world are you supposed to make progress how am I supposed to go fight the ender dragon it's gonna take years I still hear that flippin villager he's probably above me why I found some wood all right so my goal is to put this oak log in here turn it into planks and then make more sticks out of it and then grab this wood and then do this and then that and then use one of these birch planks to make a wooden pickaxe then go over here and mine not one not two but three cobblestone blocks go back over here use these two sticks that I just had and make a stone pickaxe and go get all my stuff and then put this stuff in here because I'm probably gonna die on the way over there but now let's go get my stuff I feel like I made that a lot more complicated than it need to be yes I am using my stone pickaxe to break dirt are you triggered or no wait wait wait wait wait is that my stuff I think I just got some of my stuff I just picked up a piece of oh oh I did there's the 11 ah Wow I was right next to my house no way dude who would have ever guessed alright alright alright there we are uh-huh uh-huh looking fancy looking nice okay there's another ironing it right here do I have my own pickaxe yes I do let's go we're back in business we are back in business now what I probably do is put blocks over my head so I don't die again probably a smart move from its people I should also probably get some more wood because I seem to run out of that more than anything I want you guys to comment in the comment section below what are some things that I could do to help me survive in this crazy ridiculous Minecraft world like how can I live and survive I don't even know how to get food yet like I haven't seen a single a food source other than jumping off the edge of the map and dying that I mean that that that works I mean it regenerates your your health so you know other than that I haven't seen a single source of nutrition and I'm not hungry right now but they will be in about three minutes maybe four and look at that it's raining again what's new okay so if we go down here this is our house Wow fancy oh my gosh it's so beautiful look at this beautiful place oh my gosh okay back to the caves okay let me pick up these blocks that I missed at least we have a nice bamboo tree I got another piece of bamboo maybe I should plant it maybe they can be friends here you go buddy you want to okay I'm just gonna build back up and act like that never happened do you want a friend in me you know maybe we should make this place a little bit nicer maybe we should like redo all the walls you know make it make it a little nice you know like we got blocks now you know we're we're balling I mean we're a lot better off than we were when we started this episode but I mean we're definitely not balling by any means no no no oh righty whoa excuse me sir you do not belong there all right swap we've patched up our house a little bit we've gotten some stuff but I need you guys to calm in the comment section below holy mac and cheese I actually have to make a double chest this is rare all right so here's a wow wow wow wow gosh what a rude person okay so wait weird all I would go I'm gonna drop it gonna have enough wood now oh wait there's some right there that there we go now we got a chair all right now I'm gonna put all this stuff in here because if I walk outside of my home I might lose all of it I would say that we've made some pretty solid progress this episode I mean we literally had to make a double chest so we doubled our progress how much you guys to cop in the comment section below how you think I can survive this absolutely ridiculous Minecraft world I'll be reading through your comments hopefully getting some tips from you guys I appreciate it and thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you want me to continue this series all I need you guys to do is leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button you're leaving a like on the video because that's letting me know that hey you like the video you'll want to see another one and you're clicking that subscribe button so you can be notified when I upload the next episode because if you don't click the subscribe button then you're never gonna be notified and you'll never see my videos again and it's just a sad time man so yes so much for watching I'll see you guys soon in a brand new video [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,062,098
Rating: 4.9285359 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 7EVrnQuYK6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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