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all right I know you're all sick of hearing about graphics cards and stuff especially with how much of a show this particular launch is turning out to be from Nvidia so to hold us over until we have our AMD cards to kind of start testing we'll look at some normal components and stuff that people might be interested in using for their computers and this right here we're a little late to the to the party but late nonetheless or arrived nonetheless this is the land cool 216. a case that actually got some praise out of Steve so that right there should be the end of the video there you go guys Steve likes it move on today's video is brought to you by the Jason's merch store we got t-shirts and gaming mats and mugs and all that kind of stuff so whenever you go buy our stuff we don't have to put other ads here and other annoying crap so go buy our stuff you know for the record I think one man is starting to have too much power in this industry and I think it's time somebody uh somebody do something about that maybe a mysterious package arrive in the mail or something but anyway moving forward this is the land cool 216. we've actually had some pretty good success with the land cool products in the past both small form factor mid Tower uh and this sort of builds upon that success it doesn't carry the cost of like the lean Lee 011 dynamic or EVO or anything like that got some thick cardboard but it definitely carries the uh extreme cooling that you would expect especially with today's high power components both CPUs and gpus but it doesn't break the bank which is one of the things that we love about the land cool graphic or I would say Graphics they land cool lineup of cases from Lee and Lee so the one we have here is the White Edition it's also an RGB case which means it's got some lighting already pre-built into it okay so as you can see this is a fairly standard size chassis which means a fair amount of uh well there's another Old Land cool rig right here you can see size wise it's a little bit a little bit wider in terms of depth it's a little bit deeper and so we might be able to actually fit a strict card in there I feel like that should be the latest you know will it fit a strix I think one of the things I love most about the Lee and Lee lineup of case especially the land cool is the fact that they don't really scrimp on the little things for instance you'll notice as I take the side panel off here [Music] all the screws are just like these are these are kind of a steel machined look to them they don't have to go to this level of detail on the captive screws but they do so anyway take the top off to access everything else this is a design they kind of carried over from the uh the 011 where the top panel comes off and then it kind of gives you you know full access to the top side glass panel I'm Gonna Leave the plastic on it right now but as you can see it's got a single captive thumb screw and then it's got a ball nubbins on there to attach it to the side in fact I need to get my screwdriver because this has a lot of accessibility if you will to the way that you can build in it no insulation material on here no sound deadening material which isn't really going to change a whole lot when it comes to sound in your system a lot of case manufacturers like to really load it up and all that really ends up doing is making it heavier Without Really changing any of the sounds I kind of wish they had gone with white cables here they do exist the white USB 3.0 the white USBC because it just would have been it just would look nicer as you're kind of cable routing it but you can see up here the 216 has a built-in RGB controller slash Fan Hub this is nice because it kind of allows you to have a singular point to connect your fans and your lighting especially if you're using uh other landly products that can allow you to be able to keep all your wiring mess on the back side without having to wire in extra controllers and stuff which means a tidier build on the business end So speaking of the business end you can see in here it's just a big open layout and because the motherboard tray is flat it's a flat plane means that it will support eatx motherboards which is kind of becoming more and more normal these days especially with your big motherboards with big vrms big coolers you know four slots for Ram um they they just they're not quite eatx but they're definitely wider than a standard ATX but if you look at the motherboard tray on the 205 mesh you'll notice it's eatx wide and then it's got this kind of a pop out sort of a ridge that comes up and then the cables come through that so that doesn't allow you to go with any sort of wide motherboard but now you have all this width right here for a wide motherboard and you still have all the past two grommets over here plenty of room still for a front AIO or even a custom Loop if you wanted so you can see right here too on the I guess we'd call this the Shroud you do have some Grillage here so if you put your power supply in there either fan intaking from the bottom or fan intaking from the main component of the chassis you're gonna have proper adequate airflow you can also Mount ssds to this if you want you get your mount mount holes right there and technically it even has what appears to be fan mounts so if you wanted to put fans on this side of it pulling air through you could do that so you could create this sort of an updraft if you wanted intakes on the front intakes on the bottom because you do even have intake grilles on the bottom right here this is specifically for your power supply so if it's feeding air from the bottom like I said but then you can have it pulling air through the bottom up through the mid plate up through the chassis out the top all right so on the build side of the PC here let's go and talk about um storage so you can mount a it's not even in there properly whenever they put that in together that wasn't even tabbed in at the bottom like it's supposed to be and those are not captive so geez see why captive would be nice so you got these two tabs right here they tab in there and then you can screw it down so I just want to kind of point out that they didn't install that right at the factory but anyway I digress so you could fit two and a half inch drive two and a half inch drive or like an argb controller or a fan controller or something here you could take them out entirely if you don't want to use it right here we've got this cover that covers the back side of the motherboard tray theoretically this is where you would have access to the back side of the CPU socket if you have to install a water block or bracketry for any sort of air cooler AIO pump these two screws will that screw that screw are not a thumb screw but you remove those this comes out have a couple cable ties right here you have this interesting sort of a spring channel that would allow you to run cables down through here theoretically your 8-pin EPS or dual APN EPS depending on your CPU that you've got already showed you up here you have your argb controller and it doesn't just have to work with the jst plug that you would find with uh you know the the Lee and Lee fans and whatnot they have standard argb the three pin that's horizontal has kind of been the adopted standard for motherboards and stuff and you have multiple places where you can use those and another fan header right here and another one right here so it does come with three pre-installed fans the rear is a solid white fan the front are RGB fans and now that's what's that's what actually denotes this case as the RGB however there isn't an additional piece that you can add to this if you want and this is the argb controller USB module so you have a couple different controls on here it adds two more USB 3.0 you have The Fan Hub mode and color so mode is like the Blinky effects and such and then C is for color and then this would be the edge lighting of the fans uh right here and then this replaces so this front panel just it's tool-less it pops right off it gives you access to the fan filter and such which is actually just the mesh but then this actually installs right here like it replaces this piece right here in fact I can just do that for you right now and you'd have to be running a kind of a specific fan set for this to work with um you know obviously because of the fact that it's talking about Rim lighting and blade lighting but we can replace this piece right here do this bundle so it adds a bit more cable to your case and another USB 3.0 a lot of headers uh for motherboards do a lot of motherboards do at least have two headers now for USB 3.0 but just thought I'd point that out so this can route in like right underneath the fan that this will go this way there's a snug fit there he goes put this back on so I'm just showing you how quick and easy this actually is to install I like the fact that this is separated it's not cost it's going to be added to the case because this is about 100 USD case which gives you a lot of features technically for the price so there you go two more USB on the side sort of facing you if it's a right side PC because the window's on the left which means easy access to buttons you're not up here fumbling around trying to change your colors but the USB faces directly towards you so if you have a USB headset or something you can plug it in there you can see the controls and then when you put this back on it's pretty seamless the only downside to it honestly like I said you're adding this much more wiring to it now for additional hard drive storage on the bottom here you do have a sled that has two or a tray that has two sleds that can mat amount two three and a half inch drives so like spinning hard drives or two two and a half inch drives or eight two and a half inch drives if you like double-sided tape like I do or you can put controllers on here whatever now the nice thing about this typically to get these off you have to flip the case upside down undo some screws to pull it out not this one this one is just a tab and it's just a locking mechanism with this tab and you do have multiple positions here as you can see you have sort of a left and a right so there's two positions if you don't use these I pretty much take these out of every single build that I do because I would much rather have the space this gives you now all this space down here to Cable manage your stuff even gives you some areas that you could technically tape down some cable tie hold downs and then you have plenty of room now for all your cables and your power supply and if you look at it from the front side you can see they're not going to really show now this is right here this is fully mesh so this is another place where you'd be able to pull in air so in the beginning of this video when I said if you put a fan facing up on this side blowing up towards your graphics card which would be nice cool air it will be feeding it not only from the bottom you know the power supply is going to be taking up most of that space anyway it will pull in entirely through right here and then you can just pop this off which is working as your dust filter and your mesh intake I like when companies just go let's find the right balance of mesh density so that we don't have to put a filter behind it blocking even more airflow but the holes aren't so big that dust just flows right through it so this is actually a kind of a middle ground so that it provides filtration and airflow at the same time but as you can see look at how much of this is open space right here so if you did have any sort of lighting on your power supply or you have like a Thor power supply like we have on our test rig that shows you actual system wattage from the wall you'd be able to see all that at least through the mesh so there's another test that we have to perform here in a second and that is oh actually before we do that I need to show you the top because when it comes to installing aios and stuff it's often a pain in the butt to install it outside the chassis there's a screw here and a screw here I'm doing those two screws you can now take this out now check this out it's got these built-in kind of a cable routing slash hold down tab so these are also removable so if you decide you don't need these you just want these to be open so you can put the wires right through there you can do that now there is a gap small enough to allow you to run like fan cables through there but if you decide you want more open space because you have more cables for whatever reason just undo these two screws per tab those come off and then this will be the full opening but this will allow you to take the bracket out install it onto your AIO and then when you're ready to put the whole thing in you can attach it to your motherboard right have it kind of sitting out here and then when you're done just take it put it in there and then off you go so nice simple easy design so the front fans are 160 millimeters which are really interesting they're odd size the rear is a 140 the front are 160s which is it's not the like it's not very common size you can buy them but if you want to route or mount a front radiator there's some bracketry here that you have to sort of move and I'm going to show you how this works real quick which I think is really kind of innovative it doesn't I like the way they designed this so it's a downside about that putting that front thing in there is now it it's holding on to the fan because of the way that I have the cable routed these are the kinds of things that you learn as you build or start to mock up in a case so you see this these are just brackets one bracket there and one bracket there that mounts into the fan so if you want to use a 360 or you want to use a four a 280 or 140 millimeter fans or whatever you just attach them to your fan right and it'll pull them in depending on like obviously if you went from 16 to 140 it would pull them in a little bit or if we went to 120 is to pull them in even more if you look on the front of the chassis right there it's got pre-drilled holes that are threaded to fit with the widths of those particular fans I think realistically I would probably leave these fans in here and then I would go with maybe like a IO mounted to the top because there's so much fresh air that's going to make its way in here with the these particular fans being a 160s means more CFM but less noise and less RPM to do it and they're pretty good fans when it comes to the blade count blade pitch and shape to overcome the amount of mesh that's in the front of it but still give you a ton of airflow leading to again modern componentry uses a crap ton of power which means cooling is extremely important I think personally I would just leave these because they're already tied into the case so it's one of those like why change it kind of a deal but then again you know if you're like me you probably like to really Tinker with stuff and make it your own anyway but this is a lot this is a lot that comes in a hundred dollar case so I personally would just leave it because it's part of what you're paying for so why change that out but the last thing we need to test here is like we showed with the 205 you are not fitting a 40 90 strix in there will this fit a 490 sticks dude if they had a white one that would look really sick but that you know what though it it might it might even fit a rat in there in between barely but it might it'd be it'd be a tight fit you'd have to have the fans on this side and the right on this side but that's the way it's designed to go but check that out it actually I love when cases are filled up with components it's one of the things I love most about water cooling is this sort of filled it up but all you gotta do now is just throw a 40 90 rack even a 4080 in there it's the exact same size so if you're finding yourself in the position of going man I bought myself a 40 90 or even a 4080 and you're like it won't fit in my case like we showed with the two the 205 it is it is not fit at all for a hundred bucks you get a case that allows eatx AIO or open loop water cooling plenty of ventilation easy access to everything modular design where you can add RGB controller to it or plenty of space to have a long power supply because that's the other thing you might be having a big power supply with a power draw of current components plenty of cable management plenty of Drive expansion I mean how many more check boxes do you have to tick on a hundred dollar case to get this level of modularity and component fitment capability all right guys there you go sign off down below I know there's already been reviews out on this we're a little late to the party it seems like over overall it's pretty well received so I'm curious has anyone bought one and built in it yet selling off Down Below guys thanks for watching I'll put a link to where you guys can find it down in the description see you guys in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 787,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lian li, computer case, cheap computer case, best computer case, $100 case, pc case, gaming pc case, lancool, lancool 216, lancool 205
Id: 5nZhqlO8-ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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