He Becomes A Level 1 Undead With The Strongest Cheat Skills

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useless loser becomes a skeleton but starts evolving into a high rank monster rent is an ugly pathetic disgusting loser Adventurer from a small town who dreams about becoming a mitual class Adventurer yet despite working for 10 years rent has been a dumb bronze class Adventurer for eternity he usually wakes up early just like me and all poor people who need to work yet despite having a dream job all he can do are basic missions this is because the adventurer Guild puts ranks on their missions to avoid void unnecessary deaths while checking the current missions rent realizes they're all pretty much trash therefore he decides to explore the Labyrinth however despite the Labyrinth being deserted because everyone already cleared it rent is surprised when he sees a secret passageway he gets hyped thinking he can report this discovery to the guild and become rich however this pathetic excuse of a human decides to explore it hoping to find treasures he manages to enter a room where he sees a huge Dragon he thinks this is the greatest type of monster and according to the Legends they have several forms and this one follows the Rocks workout program the dragon starts to approach him and rent cannot move otherwise he will wet himself in the end this huge dragon with two mouths takes a huge bite on his breakfast however hours later rent manages to get up surprised to be alive however when he looks at his reflection he notices that he has become an uglier skeleton after the shock he wonders if he's truly alive until he realiz realizes that he has become an undead monster he thinks about returning to the town because he still has his human memories however if a bishop or a priest finds him they will destroy him with their magic he realizes the dragon is missing and decides to get out of the room to avoid a potential double kill as he walks Brent explains that nobody knows where the labyrinths come from or how they work they only know there are many around the world with treasures inside rent thinks about waiting for a new Adventurer to come to this Labyrinth and ask ask for help however he's just a pile of bones who cannot talk suddenly another skeleton appears and confronts rent rent wants to defeat it with his sword but recognizes that it's hard to move his body without any muscles he raises his sword to strike this skeleton but he ends up falling behind yet the other skeleton also suffers from calcium deficit as it trips after losing its leg bone rent realizes that it's going to be hard to deal with a monster without sword techniques or muscles he then suddenly finds out that he can still use Spirit energy to buff up his physical attributes despite not being human with this buff he manages to destroy the skull and sees the bone pile glow with some pixie powder he finds out that he just recovered the spirit energy he used and remembers his talk with his friend Lorraine she is a researcher who told him that monsters could evolve into other species at that time she mentioned that skeletons could sometimes evolve into ghouls calling it existential Evolution after this memory rent thinks that if he can evolve into a ghoul he can get some flesh back he then could use some clothes to cover himself and return to the town without any problems therefore rent decides to start defeating monsters in this Labyrinth for a chance to evolve he quickly manages to defeat five skeletons and manages to get some of his Mobility back every time he defeats an enemy he gets healed and that allows him to use his Spirit energy in every battle while looking for more monsters he finds a slime despite being a weak monster there are only two ways to defeat it to pierce its core or beat it up until it cannot regenerate rent manages to dodge the slime's attack encounters however he didn't expect to hit the core on his first try he decides to keep the Magic Stone and collects the Slime fluid to sell it later on as it's used in cosmetics over time rent notices that as an undead he doesn't need to sleep or eat which helps him to focus on fighting to achieve his Evolution however that seems to be taking a long time still he managed to get his physical abilities back and could use mana and divine power again despite being Undead yet he feels down because he spent 10 years as a weak Adventurer and now is dead he's one of the rare adventurers who can use Spirit energy mana and divine power but since he's trash they're all basic he wished he could be strong and Achieve his goal of becoming Mitchell class which is the highest Adventurer class yet he decides that being a skeleton won't stop him from reaching his dream he starts taking out more monsters and realizes he's getting stronger than when he was a human after defeating another slime rent notices the power seems quite different suddenly his body starts to change creating muscles Hair Skin and even eyes he realizes he managed to evolve into a ghoul and he can now make sounds with his mouth he feels happy that he finally has some flesh hugging his bones despite it being pretty dry however this makes him realize that if he keeps working hard he might be able to become a high rank Undead like a vampire he first decides to speak some words but all it comes out is a Roar with some training he manages to say hello and good morning however he still needs to practice to sound less like a zombie rent is fighting off some goblins inside the dungeon he knows that goblins can be dangerous in groups so he uses the dungeon layout to spread them out and force them into a 1 V one he easily defeats them and takes a look at himself he evolved into a ghoul and they meant he could now strengthen his sword as well as himself the Goins decide to attack again but he swings his sword and defeats them easily he hears the clang of swords in the distance and he's not too happy about that in another part of the dungeon a girl is fighting off skeleton monsters but she looks exhausted she strikes at the skeleton three times before she finally defeats it she proceeds deeper into the dungeon and rent watches her it has been long since he saw another human in the dungeon he wants to go and meet her but he reminds himself he can't go out like that because he's a ghoul and she'll either kill him or run away at the sight of him he decides to watch her from a distance as she collects the drop items from the skeleton he doesn't recognize her so he thinks she must be a rookie since he knows most of the adventurers in the city the knowledge rent has about the other adventurers abilities usually comes in handy as the girl goes deeper into the dungeon rent follows her slowly she goes down a corridor and a skeleton monster forms behind her she engages it in combat and rent observes her technique he notices that she has good form but she's weak so she has to land multiple blows on the monster and Dodge a lot of its attacks to defeat it her one flaw is she didn't observe her surroundings and the skeleton monster backs her against the wall she encourages herself and Strikes at the skeleton once again but it grips her sword and pushes her against the wall it is about to attack her and rent has no choice but to step in he comes out screaming to get the skeleton's attention and the skeleton faces him rent was hoping the girl would attack the skeleton from behind but she was too stunned to do so the skeleton tries to attack him but he uses his divinity skill and takes it down in one Fell Swoop he tries to approach her and talk to her but she's horrified by his appearance he tries to introduce himself but his voice just makes her even more horrified she tells him to stay away from her and he tells her he's not her enemy he throws his sword down and raises his arms to assure her she notices he's not a mere ghoul and rent tells her he's an adventurer she asks him if he is disguising for Halloween since he looks like a ghoul he tells her he actually passed away but he's still somehow alive she thanks him for saving her life and he tells her he had to because adventurers look out for each other she still doesn't trust him so she asks him not to take her life away he assures her that he won't do that but he needs her to help him get some clothes he tells her that he wants to go back to the city of malt and she tells him she could get him a robe that hides his body he puts a bag of coins on the ground and tells her to keep the change after getting the clothes he walks back and she moves forward to pick up the bag he begs her to help him and she introduces herself to him as Reena she tells him she's a daughter of a knight and she would repay her debt to him he leads her back to the entrance of the dungeon and she tells him she will be back for him rent notices her cautiousness around him and he thinks she's acting just like a proper Adventurer typically a proper Adventurer would report the sight of a ghoul to the guild for immediate action but he doesn't think she'll betray him rant doesn't want to double her but he thinks if he turns out to be wrong he'll deal with the consequences when they arise he goes back into the dungeon Reena goes back to the city and meets up with Sheila Sheila tells her she's glad she's not hurt and that she was worried about her since she didn't come back after Sunset Reena tells her a lot has happened and she has an urgent question for her meanwhile in the dungeon rent is engaged in combat with a glob monster he can't believe how powerful he has become compared to when he was human the monster throws some Globs at rent but he Dodges it he notices he's not just stronger but his body also moves just as he wants it to he strikes at the moving core of the monster and destroys it easily the monster melts to the ground Ren thinks his combat intuition is also better because he was able to predict the movement of the monster's core this is something that can't be gotten from training or studying and rent is surprised he only got that power after he became a ghoul suddenly he hears reena's voice calling his name he goes out to meet her and he's surprised she actually came back for him she's standing with a sack on the floor in front of her as he approaches him she pulls out her sword and takes a few steps back asking him if he's rent or a random ghoul he tells her he's rent and that ghouls don't show up in the early levels of the dungeon she eases up and she tells rent he has gotten better at talking he tells her he practiced while she was away and she commends him for that she shows him the sack containing his robe and walks towards it to put put down his change he walks towards the sack and she backs up rent looks at her and she apologizes telling him she's still a bit scared she tells him she needs more time to get used to him and he tells her it's fine for her to feel like that he tells her he wants to have a look at the clothes and he opens up the sack he picks up the robe and takes a look at it it was a plain color robe that wouldn't draw a Second Glance from anyone and it would cover his whole body making him look like a mage rent liked the robe and he tells Reena it's perfect she tells him she also bought other things she thought he might need she tells him she just got to Malt so she had to ask someone to show her the best shops rent brings out a pair of gloves and shoes from the sack and some bandages she tells him she bought those to hide his arms and legs from sight rent thinks Reena is very kind and her gesture almost brings him to tears but he's not capable of shedding tears his demeanor worries Reena but he tells her he's fine he tries the clothes on and he immediately gets a glow up it's much easier for rent to move in the clothes than he thought it would be though the hood makes him lose some visibility he has enough to fight off monsters she asks him how the clothes feel and he tells her they're perfect she tells him he looks imposing like a very powerful Mage she holds up a mirror for him to look at his face and he tells her he stands out too much he tries to pull down the hoodie but it's not big enough Reena brings out a mask from the sack and asks rent if he would like to try it he asks her what that is and she tells him she thought it would be a bad idea for him to go into town looking like that so she got the mask he picks it up and observes it she tells him she thought he was a special type monster when she first saw him he tells her she may be right as he holds the mask to his face it attaches itself magically Reena tells him he looks great but he tries to get the mask off and it doesn't come off he tells her he can't get it off and she apologizes she tells him she got it at a market stall and it looked suspicious he asks her if the stall wasn't part of the shops The Guild took her to and she tells him the guild didn't take her to the stall and the mask is the only thing she bought from there she tells him it was shockingly cheap and she checked for curses when she touched it but nothing happened rent figures out that the curse only activates when someone puts the mask on he tells her he wants to try something and he activates his divinity skill Reena is shocked to see he can use Divinity and he tells her he can only use it for a bit he's convinced he can break a basic curse with the skill and he holds up his hand in front of the Mask he runs out of energy and they're both bummed out Reena apologizes once again for bringing him a cursed item but he tells her it's fine since he has to hide his face anyway he tells her the mask responded to Divinity and he just has to hire a cleric to break the curse rent walks up to her trying to reassure her by patting her shoulder but he thinks he may be too intrusive and back up she grabs his hand and tells him he's a good person and she's not scared of him anymore he holds her hand and tells her she doesn't have to force herself to like him till she gets used to him eventually she tells him it won't take long for that to happen she tells him they can now head back to the city and they leave the dungeon they enter a carriage and Reena tells him she registered as a guild in the capital city but there were many popular adventurers there because she was a rookie she didn't get any jobs so someone recommended she go to Malt he tells her he's surprised she came all the way to the countryside and she tells him she wanted to see the outside side world she also tells him she wants to get stronger and become a proper Adventurer in no time rent tells her he understands her point but an adventurer should be cautious because everyone only has one life they finally arrive at the city but rent is reluctant to follow Reena she asks him what's wrong and he tells her a lot of people in the city know him he tells her they'll know something is wrong if he shows them his ID at the gate she asks him if they can go through another gate and he tells her there's one that's not frequently used she tells him they better head for that gate but he thanks her saying he only made it thus far because of her she tells him not to act like that was goodbye because she will keep helping him even after he crosses the gate he tells her though he needs someone to help him if she helps him get inside she would be considered a criminal because he's a monster he tells her she may lose her adventurous license and he doesn't want to cause her any trouble she tells him she'll risk her life for him because without him she won't be alive they go over to the other gate and they ask them to present their IDs one of the guards looks at it and they let Reena pass as rent is about to pass they question his weird appearance they ask him if he's ever been to Malt but he doesn't reply they ask him to take off the mask so they see his face but Reena tells them the mask is cursed and he can't take it off they ask her if that's why he talks weirdly too and she says he was fatally injured while fighting a monster he shows them part of his ears and they're surprised by how scarred it is Reena tells time he bought the mask to hide his scars but the mask turned out to be cursed rent tells them to try to pull the mask off themselves and one of the guards tries but he can't get it off Reena tells them they want to donate some money to a church and get a cleric to help them remove the mask the guards allow rent to pass and rent thanks Reena Reena is distracted by a carriage and rent uses that opportunity to disappear Reena begins looking for him but he hides on the roof rent doesn't want to ruin her Guild life so he decides to stay away from her later at night rent goes to a house in search of a human cooperator since he couldn't work with Reena he had to find someone who could keep secrets it knocks on the door but no one answers so he lets himself in a woman is sleeping on the couch and he tries to wake her up Lorraine tells him to let her sleep ever more but he threatens to drop a book on her head she sits up and is shocked by his weird appearance she thinks it's just a mask but he takes off his glove to show her his ghoul hand she asks him what happened rain is contemplating putting up a search request at the adventurer Guild suddenly she hears a familiar knock on the door and she knows it's rent but rent doesn't enter immediately so she knows something must have happened to him but she's glad he's alive she lies down on the couch and pretends to be asleep rent opens the door and he comes over to the couch to wake her up she tells him to allow her to sleep some more but he threatens to wake her up in a brutal way she finally opens her eyes to look at rent and she realizes he's now a ghoul rent tells her the story of what happened to him but Lorraine doesn't believe him she has been researching Monsters and magic and she had never come across a scenario where someone was turned into an undead after being eaten by a dragon she asks him if the dragon is still in the Labyrinth and he tells her the dragon is probably already gone Lorraine has no choice but to believe his story because of how he now looks rent is surprised by how calm Lorraine is after seeing his body up close but he feels like she'll treat him as a research subject rather than a friend Lorraine Paces for a while thinking and suddenly she asks rent if he still remembers his identity now that he's Undead rent tells her he still has the memories and consciousness of himself before he became an undead but that doesn't change the fact that he's lost his life once he tells her he's not very sure he's still the same person and she tells him that's exactly how the rent she knows would reply though it's still hard to confirm he's the same person she tells him they'll worry about that later she asks him what he plans to do with his life and he tells her he wants to continue living as an adventurer he aims to achieve the highest rank in the guild but he knows he can't go to the guild looking like an undead Lorraine figures out that he needs her to take up Quests for him and he'll have to crash at her place for a while she asks him if that's okay with him and he tells her he's fine with that but she asks for his help with her research she doesn't want to miss the opportunity to examine a subject that underwent an existential evolution rent tells her he's fine with it as long as she doesn't dissect him she tells him she's not Frankenstein but she'll need a little bit of skin once in a while the next day rent is doing some chores when Lorraine comes back to the house she tells him she went to the guild and she gives him the payment for the Slime liquids and magic crystals he got from the Labyrinth rent thinks he was overpaid for the resources but she tells him they were of good quality and the guild will put them to good use he takes the payment and tells her he will be going to see an infamous blacksmith later in the day rent walks through the market district happy his wallet is so full as he walks along the street he draws the Gaze of other people who are shopping he notices their gaze fixed on him and he tries to hide his face better he finally arrives at the blacksmith shop and he's welcomed by the receptionist she notices his outfit and she's a bit surprised rent apologizes for his suspicious look she asks him what he wants and he drops his sword on the counter and tells her he needs a new one she un sheads The Sword and looks at its edges she notices the sword was treated well but it has been overused she asks him if he uses magic or Spirit energy and he tells her he uses Mana spirit and Divinity magic she is surprised he is Thrice blessed because they are very rare she tells him there's only one other customer who is Thrice blessed and rent asks her to keep his a secret he presents her with a bag of coins asking if it would be sufficient she tells him it'll suffice but he only has to pay half for first then pay the balance after the sword is ready but she warns him that her husband is a perfectionist and he would need several days to make the sword she also tells him her husband may call him several times to get his opinions on how he wants his sword to look he tells her he doesn't mind and that they can reach him if they contact Lorraine's Place meanwhile Lorraine is at home reading a book about ghouls she finds out their preferred meals and how they are formed she also finds out that ghouls which are turned by other powerful monsters tend to lose their memories and human emotions she closes the book as she now knows that rent's case is very special she's still not sure he is the same person he was before he was turned but he still feels like the same rent she has always known she remembered when she was younger and she took a quest at the guild a man stopped her and found out her Quest would be taking her to a forest far away from the city he offers up young rent to be her pack Bearer for free so he can gain some experience since he was still a rookie they arrive at the forest and Lorraine is in search of a particular herb but she can't find it she wonders if her Quest description texts were wrong back then the world was boring to Lorraine and though she was the youngest to attain the title of great doctor it didn't mean much to her but the title allowed her to register as a silver rank Adventurer after getting the title she quickly left for the city of yan to gather some herbs since she had nothing better to do she finally found the herb she was looking for and she harvested it carefully to preserve its use usefulness she packed it up and told young rent to put it in her pack he takes the pack to her and she's surprised to find it almost full with the same herbs she had been struggling to find she asks him how he was able to find the Herb and harvest it correctly but rent is distracted by something in the forest she glances at the direction he's looking at to see a goblin notching an arrow into its bow young rent raises his shield to defend her and he tells her to use a spell against the goblin she uses the spell to completely obliterate the Goblin young rent Praises her magic level but she tells him it's nothing special after the battle he offers her some water asking if that was her first battle she tells him it was not but her escorts aren't usually as experienced she realizes that young rent is more than a pack Bearer he tells her the other adventurers were worried she didn't have enough experience for her rank so they told him to follow her she asked him how he knew so much about herbs he told her someone advised him to read about everything he could find concerning herbs and monsters if he wanted to become a good Adventurer this was when they first introduced themselves to each other and they became friends Lorraine asks him to teach her all he knows about herbs and how to fight she noticed he knew exactly how to move through the forest and she asked him for the trick behind it he promised to teach her everything and he worked hard for 10 years since they'd known each other trying to achieve the highest Adventure rank Lorraine stayed by his side doing the research she had loved all this time she now sees why the elders were worried about her years ago she realizes she hasn't been replying to her letter because didn't want some old men to lecture her she gets up from her chair wondering where she kept her unread letters rent meets with the blacksmith and he thanks him for making him a new sword the blacksmith promises to make him something special and they Shake on it his wife presents rent with a temporary sword to use before his own is ready the sword can only use mana and spirit energy he takes the sword and leaves the blacksmith tells his wife rent may be in some trouble and she wonders why he didn't ask for their help the husband tells her he's probably suffering from a curse and he doesn't want it to affect their shop he figured out that rent didn't want to cause trouble for other people he asks his wife for the information rent shared with her and she tells him he tells her they may get him to talk about his curse one day since he will be frequenting their shop rent returns home and he makes dinner for him and Lorraine Lorraine enjoys his cooking and he tells her she can't have seconds if she wants she notices he hasn't touched his dinner and he tells her he doesn't get hungry she takes that as a good sign she tells him she was studying about ghouls while he was away and she tells him he's different from an average ghoul that's the reason he can evolve and she asks him what he will become next he tells her he just wants to be as human as possible so he'll just aim for his next existential Evolution Lorraine figures out he has to return to the Labyrinth and he tells her he has to destroy monsters to evolve faster the next day an adventurer is fighting a slime monster in The Labyrinth but he's no match for it he's about to be completely overwhelmed by the monster but it suddenly melts away rent saves the man and the man thanks him he tells rent he didn't expect the Slime to attack like that and though he got a little cut he'll be fine rent begins to walk away since adventurers are expected to take care of themselves the man tries to stop rent but rent doesn't listen to him rent had heard of people who pretend to be in a sticky situation and then Rob those who help them the man runs in front of rent and asks to join his party he tells him he needs the money because he just registered as an adventurer and can't even fight a slime rent tells him slimes are strong and they always give Swordsmen a tough time the man tells rent he's a chef and he has a restaurant he's in a huge debt that he needs to repay by the next week he told every Adventurer he met he'll do anything they ask as long as they let him join their party but no one gave him a chance he decided to explore the Labyrinth by himself but only strong people can do that and get away with it rent tells him he's too busy and the man watches him walk away rent would have loved to let the man join him but he didn't see him with any useful magic items he suddenly has an idea and he tells the man he can tag along as long as he's okay with carrying a pack the man suddenly rushes to follow rent happy to finally join a party rent doesn't know if the guy is a good or a bad guy but he figures it can't hurt to help someone the man tells rent he will do whatever he commands they keep walking through the Labyrinth and they get to a part that the man thinks is a dead end but rent tells him to trust him the man is surprised to see a corridor that the map says is a dead end they walk through the corridor and arrive at an opening and the man is surprised such a place exists in The Labyrinth rent is even more surprised that there's no dragon in sight they explore the opening and rent is disappointed he didn't find any magic items the man calls out to rent telling him he found a little Gap on the walls they look through the Gap to find a hidden Corridor the man tells rent they can make a fortune if they tell the guild about the secret passage he tells rent he'll tell everyone it was rent who found it but rent tells him he's not interested in glory and the man can take the credit for finding it rent enters the passage and asks the man to follow him they find an empty room and the man enters it he tells rent they can look for another secret passage or a hidden treasure since no one had ever come to that section before rent tells him to wait but he doesn't hear rent over his babling rent enters the room and a teleportation Circle activates at the center of the room he tries to warn the man but the man tells him not to worry because there are no monsters in sight rent realizes the man can't see the circle and he tries to stop him but he steps on it and he's teleported away rent knows a teleportation Circle leads to a room filled with monsters or traps and he considers leaving the man to his fate but he doesn't want to be more of a monster than he already is he he steps on the circle which teleports him to a dark room he sees the man on the floor and he tries to help him but he hears the feet of a monster stomp on the ground a giant skeleton appears from the shadows and rent realizes the skeleton is an area boss rent has no choice but to face the huge Undead skeleton he tries a spirit attack on it but it's ineffective the skeleton tries to strike back but rent Dodges away he decides to try a Mana attack but it's also ineffective against the skeleton the skeleton tries to Counterattack but rent gets out of the way now rent is getting desperate he looks for an Escape Route but the entrance is sealed since he's in a boss room he'll have to defeat the skeleton before he can get out rent curses his bad luck as the skeleton starts approaching him rent remembers the adventurer's code never to give up regardless of the situation though rent is not sure his sword can handle it he decides to use his divinity skill he attacks the skeleton with the skill and he takes out its leg the skeleton loses its balance and falls to the ground and rent uses that opportunity to run up its spine and land a final blow on the skeleton's skull he tends to his followers wounds and the man wakes up he remembers there was a huge skeleton before he passed out and he almost panics rent tells him he can only do basic first aid and can't heal his wounds fully the man looks around and sees the remains of the skeleton he asks rent if he defeated the skeleton alone and Rent shows him the huge magical Crystal the skeleton dropped the man figured out that the monster was very tough for it to drop such a huge Crystal he commends rent for being skillful enough to defeat the monster solo rent tells him it was just luck and he tells the man he'll hand him the crystal if he wants his follower can't believe his ears but rent tells him it'll come at a price his follower asks rent what he wants in return because he feels he can't be of much use to rent after seeing how strong an adventurer he is Rent shows the man he's now a ghoul after being attacked by the dragon in the past he tells the man he can't enter the shops in the guild because of that so he'll need him to do that in his stad the man agrees to it but he feels the deal is too good to be true because he's getting so much out of it for so little rent decided to add one more thing to the deal he asks the man to give him free meals at his restaurant anytime he wants the man is brought to Tears by this request and he tells rent he can eat as much as he wants anytime he wants he promises to work hard to make sure he doesn't go bankrupt he thanks Ren for the opportunity and rent hands him the crystal telling him it's time to go home the man asks rent how they'll get out of the labyrinth and rent points him in a direction the man tells rent he can't see anything and rent is surprised the man can't see the room rent tells his follower that they can return to their former location if they go towards that direction and he believes rent he moves towards it and he's teleported back rent looks back to see another room leading to another room and he decides to come back later to explore it they return into the City and rent's disciple takes him to his restaurant named The Red Dragon Pavilion the places looked better than rent envisioned suddenly the man's wife rushes out and hugs him glad to see him alive and well she notices his wounds and she tells him he needs to go see a doctor asap he tells Isabelle his wife that rent healed him after he was hurt Isabelle didn't notice rent before and she apologizes for being oblivious her husband tells her rent saved his life and he shows her the crystal rent gave him is B tells him he can't take the crystal wondering if he hasn't learned his lesson from his past she tells him they won't be able to foot their bill if they get scammed again he reassures her that rent is too kind a person to pull a scam on them he recounts how he told rent about their debt and he offered to help he tells her rent isn't doing it for free and he'll be offering his services to rent in compensation she asks him if he'll be doing anything dangerous and he tells her it'll just be simple errands he tells her he promised rent free meals at the restaurant and she wonders if all that's enough to make the deal even he tells her it was enough to make the deal and he apologizes for worrying her the man figures out that rent is yet to know his name and he introduces himself as Loris they both thank him for helping them and rent bids them goodbye he turns and starts walking away but Loris doesn't want him to go without telling him his name rent turns back and asks him to promise not to tell anyone Loris promises to keep it a secret and to only call him boss rent tells Loris his name and Loris tells him they'll always give him a warm welcome at their restaurant rent is on his way home and he thinks it was unfortunate that Loris wasn't a liar and a crook his vision starts turning red as he thinks it would have been better for him that way he was hoping to try out something sinister on some bad guys he arrives at their Cottage and his vision gets even more static he wonders what he's thinking as he falls to his knees and calls Lorraine's name in a Sinister voice he walks into the house with his vision completely covered in red Lorraine asks him if he encountered the dragon at the Labyrinth and he tells her he didn't she asks him where he kept the letters from the capital so she can reply to whoever wrote to her rent answers her but she notices he sounds different she asks him if anything happened to him and he tells her he's in a good mood Lorraine is about to ask if something good happened to him but he just hugs her out of the blue she wonders if he's drunk but then she remembers an undead cannot get drunk Lorraine is enjoying the moment when suddenly rent Bears his teeth and sinks them into her neck she pushes him off her wondering if the real rent is still somewhere inside his body rent is surprised by how delicious her juice is but she calls his name and he regains himself she uses her magic to knock him down and put him to sleep she tells him she doesn't mind him eating her as long as he does it when he's sober rent wakes up later at night with a splitting headache he remembers being in The Labyrinth with Loris Lorraine asks him if he feels controlled by any creature or some unnatural impulse he tells her he's not being controlled and Lorraine is relieved he apologizes to Lorain but Lorraine sums it up as an unfortunate accident Ren tries to tell her it's more than that but she stops him from talking she asks him how much he remembers before he blacked out and he tells her he remembers attacking her he tells her he remembers meeting a man at the Labyrinth and then he talked about an appetizing meal that was when he lost control and once he saw line he thought she was too delicious to pass up she tells him it's right for a ghoul to crave a human she asks him if he remained unhe hurt after she hit him with her magic and he tells her he's all right she tells him to get some rest and she tells him she'll also get some rest she's walking to her room but he tells her he wants to see where he hurt her she draws back her cloth to reveal the bite mark she tells him she's out healing potions but she'll make one the following day rent heals the wound and she's surprised to see he can use his divinity skill to that extent he tells her he can heal minor injuries and she tells him the healing sensation is very pleasant rent finishes healing her and she takes off the bandage rent can still see some bite marks and he decides to heal her even more Lorraine notices he's looking different he takes off his clothes to look at himself and she tells him he can tell people the scars on his body are from old battles he looks at his face in the mirror and he's surprised to see his mask has also changed the lower half of his face is is showing and rent tells Lorraine that part should remain hidden The Mask responds by hiding the power part of his face and showing just the upper part of his face Lorraine wonders if the mask is reacting to his will and rent changes the mask to show his lower face Lorraine asks him if he can remove the mask now that it follows his will rent tries removing it but it remains stuck Lorraine also tries pulling it off his face but it doesn't budge she's confused by this but since he still looks like an undead she figures it's best The Mask stays on the mask changes back to cover his lower face and rent tells her he would leave it like that for the time being Lorraine also notices that rent's voice is much clearer now and he wonders if he went through an existential Evolution he's confused about why his Evolution was delayed because the last time he evolved was right after he defeated a monster Lorraine wonders if his Evolution was caused by the consumption of her Flesh and Blood she tells him the idea isn't so farfetched because he now looks more like a thall than a ghoul THS are monsters who are Servants of vampires they're ranked lower than vampires and Lorraine tells rent he looks very similar to one rent wonders why he would evolve into a thrall and Lorraine tells him the concept of existential evolution is still a mystery to Scholars she tells him she has a hypothesis and tells him not to fall asleep while she explains it to him she follows his Evolution from a skeleton to a ghoul and asks him if it wasn't a weird change rent is lost and and she explains that existential Evolution involves a monster turning into a higher rank of itself she wonders if the ghoul is the only higher ranking version of a skeleton Ren tells her there are skeleton Knights and skeleton soldiers which are higher versions of the skeleton Lorraine tells him that there have been stories of skeletons changing to ghouls but nobody knows if it was by chance or for a certain reason she tells him her theory is he wanted to become a particular monster and he was thinking in that direction during his evolution rent realized that he wanted to become something more human like during his latest transformation he wonders why he turned into a ghoul instead of a vampire which looks closer to a human Lorraine tells him it could be similar to The Guild system rank and he has to meet certain criteria to evolve Lorraine explains that when they carried out experiments on lesser animals it was determined that their evolution was determined by their environment she tells him it may not have been the environment of the creatures but the creatures themselves that caused their evolution she tells him that maybe the ability he has he understands that if he tries hard enough he can become a vampire and eventually become a human again she tells him she's not sure he can become a human again she tells him he may need to do more than slay monsters to achieve his next existential Evolution he understands that he would need to meet many more conditions to become a vampire he tells Lorraine there is a lot they don't know about his Evolution and she tells him their discussion was just a hypothesis because they're not even sure of all they said she tells him the best bet is to take things step by step and she offers to help him through his journey he thanks her for offering her help she tells him it's time for him to become a lab rat and she tells him to take off his clothes she tells him all she'll do to him to find out all she needs to know about him rent is horrified by the thought of it all but she tells him they'll start the experiment the following day rent is surprised by this and Lorraine tells him it's common sense to know he's already tired the next day Lorraine is still sleeping but rent is already outside swinging his sword to find out how his body feels he's convinced he feels fine but he looks at his sword to see its Edge Jagged he can't go into the Labyrinth with such a sword and he knows clo would be upset when he takes it to him he takes it to clo and clo tells him the sword is irreparable rent apologizes for infusing the sword with divinity clo now understands why the sword was so battered he tells rent there shouldn't be any monsters nearby that require Divinity to be defeated and rent tells him he encountered a giant skeleton in an Uncharted Territory clo can't believe his ears and now he understands why rent has such a weird equipment set he asks rent if he fully explored the territory and rent tells him he's yet to do that he asks clo if he can finish his sword as soon as possible clo was already expecting his request and he tells rent his sword is not even close to being finished he gives him a replacement for his battered sword but this one is slightly better rent leaves the shop half happy he got a replacement as rent is walking down the street he spots Isabelle and Loris buying food stuff to prepare meals at their restaurant Loris announces to everyone that the red dragon Pavilion would be reopening that day rent is happy to hear this and he walks away silently Lorraine explains to rent how Alchemy can make things which are naturally harmless to humans fatal not just to them but to larger animals as well rent is intrigued by the principal of alchemy and though he previously agreed to go along with Lorraine's EXP experiment he begins to reconsider for fear of his life Lorraine mixes up a poison that rent tries out he begins to make guttural sounds and Lorraine asks if she should cast the antidote spell he tells her the poison didn't harm him but its taste was awful she tells him he's probably the only one who's lived to complain of the taste of the poison Lorraine can now conclude that rent is immune to poison but somehow he can still make use of herbs and Potions she envies his body but she's getting sleepy she asks rent if he would need to get some sleep now that he's a thw he tells her he's fine with very little sleep and Lorraine envies his body even more she asks him how his appetite is and he tells her that he still faintly craves human meat and Juice she hands him a vial and he asks if it's another kind of poison she tells him to open it and find out rent opens it and sniffs its contents and he's surprised to smell human juice Lorraine tells him it's her juice which she kept put into the vial and preserved with magic though she she knows rent is opposed to consuming human juice she tells him he has to consume it regularly so he doesn't go berserk rent pours a drop on his finger and he locks it off he's surprised by how sweet it tastes and Lorraine asks him if he's satisfied with just one drop he tells her that drop was enough to quench his thirst and he'll save her the rest bit by bit rent tells Lorraine he wants to head out and he advises her to get some sleep she asks him if he's going back to the Labyrinth and he tells her he'll go there but he will stop by The Guild first Lorraine wonders what he's going to be doing at the guild and he tells her he's going there to take a request she tells him if he's going there to take a request he has to show his adventurous certificate which contains his name she tells him his look will cause chaos in the guilt rent tells her though he looks a lot different than he used to nobody would pay him much attention since he's just a bronze rank Adventurer she tells him his rank is irrelevant because the guild thinks too highly of him because of what he has done for them she sure they will surely notice a change in his appearance rent tries to downplay it as minor errands but she tells him he's thinking too low of himself she tells him there have been rumors that the guild wants to recruit him as a staffer renter tells her the rumors didn't reach his ears he wonders why they want to pick him instead of an accomplished Adventurer she tells him they probably didn't tell him because he wasn't planning to retire just yet rent asks her how she knows so much about that and she tells him she has several acquaintances in the guild rent tells tells her he would be thankful for such an offer from The Guild but he has no interest in retiring and becoming a staffer Lorraine knew that was going to be his answer and she wondered what their next step should be for rent to rank up he needs to pass the rank promotional exam but to do that he needs to attain some achievements before he can take the exam the achievement requires him to take requests in his name but if the guild finds out about his current state that would be the end of his Adventure life Lorraine gets an idea and she tells rent to change his identity and rent is shocked by her idea the next day rent Walks Into The Guild wearing his full costume and looking quite mysterious he draws the glances of some adventurers as he enters he looks around and he feels nostalgic remembering the last time he entered the guild he spots Sheila and he's glad to see she's doing well she notices him and asks him if he's new to the guild he approaches her and tells her he wants to register as a new Adventurer she hands him a form to fill and she tells him she can fill the other information save for his name he tells her he can write and she apologizes for Assuming he's illiterate she tells him he only needs to fill in the needed information and he can leave the other parts empty she tells him to write his specialities and the kind of magic so they can give him more requests rent remembers when he first filled out the form 10 years ago back then he didn't even know what his specialty was and he ended up writing only his name and age but since then his convictions haven't changed he recalls the previous night night when Lorraine suggested he register under a different name and he told her double registration is against the rules she told him that there's no way for the guild to confirm that he's the same person and even if they found out it won't be a big deal she told him if he told them his name they would want to find out why he looked so different she told him if he goes as a Wanderer that wants to become an adventurer they won't ask about his suspicious Outlook rent agreed with her and she told him it was too bad he couldn't transfer his previous achievements she told told him he would have to start as an iron rank Adventurer rent told her he didn't mind because his goal remained the same his goal is to One Day become a mithil rank Adventurer he submits the form to Sheila who looks at his name and she's surprised he's named rent Vivy he asks her why she's surprised and she tells him an adventurer named recently went missing he asks her if she's talking about rent FAA and she tells him that's who she's talking about she asks him how he knows about rent and he tells her he heard it from Lorraine she asks him if he's related to Lorraine and he tells her they are related and he's lodging with her she tells him she heard a strange person was visiting Lorraine regularly and she secretly hoped it was rent she tells rent he filled out the form properly she tells him to wait for her while she handles the registration procedure rent is glad he told her he was related to Lorraine he didn't want the rumors to ruin her reputation rent is positive he can start aresh since his name is very common and it's not strange to see adventurers with a weird get up Sheila comes back and hands him his ID card telling him he's now an iron rank Adventurer she tells him to take care of himself and he takes his ID card and walks away he goes to the Labyrinth and he hears a screech somewhere in The Labyrinth he wonders if it's a goblin then he hears the voices of some adventurers engaged in a battle close by the voice sounds like a young person and rent moves to the direction it's coming from he finds the two adventurers battling a goblin the male Adventurer is a swordsman and the female Is A Healer judging by their looks he figures out that they are novices rent can see they work well together so he decides to leave them be and walk away rent used to help greenhorns around the Labyrinth but he can't anymore because his current appearance would scare them rent decides to go back to the hidden room before someone else finds it rent knows information about undiscovered parts of the labyrinth is valuable so he wants to explore the hidden area and report it to the guild this would be an achievement especially for someone with such a low rank he walks to the teleportation circle on the other side of the room and he's teleported to another room he walks into the room and looks around to see children's toys on the floor he tries to pick up a teddy bear but it scatters in his hands he walks further into the room and goes through some curtains he sees a skeleton lying on the bed but it doesn't look like an undead he's surprised to find out someone is living inside the Labyrinth he tries to pick up the flower beside the skeleton when someone suddenly speaks up behind him him the lady asks him what he's doing and he doesn't like his chances with her he tells her he was searching the room for something valuable since he's an adventurer she tells him he was searching for something to steal and she asks him if he's willing to lose his life for it she tells him there are some things she can't forgive and one of those is having her place Disturbed she attacks rent and he tries to use his divinity to block it but the attack is too powerful and pushed back into the wall his clothes disintegrate and he's hurt by her attack but manages to get back on his feet the lady is surprised by how his body looks and he tells her didn't end up like that of his own bition though she wanted to attack again she now understands how rent managed to enter the room and she relaxes she apologizes to him for misunderstanding him and burning his clothes she gives him her coat to compensate and she tells him to keep the place a secret because it's special she tells him no other person can enter the room unless he's with them and she gives him an ACAA map so he doesn't return empty-handed Ren opens the map but it's empty she tells him the map magically records anywhere where its owner has traveled through she tells him their trade is complete and she will be sending him back to the entrance she tells him she would wish him good health but it won't be of any use to him in his current condition rent's Vision becomes fuzzy and he wakes up at the entrance of the labyrinth he returns to Lorraine and explains everything to her she asks him if he's under some kind of curse because of the things that happened to him he tells her it's not his fault he's running into them and she tells him that's why she said he's cursed she looks at the map and she tells him it's safe to use he asks her how to use it and she tells him it didn't react to her magic she tells him to try his magic and when he does the map becomes filled rent recognizes it as the Labyrinth of the moon's reflection and Lorraine is amazed she notices a mark and asks rent what it is but rent doesn't know he points at it and it shows names and rent recognizes the names as a pair of new adventure ERS he saw in The Labyrinth Lorraine figures out that the map is showing the names of people in The Labyrinth and their positions Lorraine can't believe how valuable the map is she asks rent if he can bring up the path of other labyrinths and he tries bringing up the map of another Labyrinth the map changes but it's not complete and rent remembers the lady said the map only records places he has been to rent asks her to take a look at the robe to make sure it's not cursed and she tells him he would know if it's cursed since he already has it equipped she tells him the robe is of good quality with high magic resistance and good defense she tells him its defense is more than regular armor and he tells her he got a good deal out of his expedition she tells him he should be more worried about the identity of the woman who almost sent him to meet his ancestors he tells her he doesn't know the lady's identity but she is very powerful he thinks she would be stronger than a gold class Adventurer she tells him she's curious about the room he found because it means someone can make Living Spaces in a labyrinth rent tells her he would visit the Labyrinth the next day and she commends him for being brave despite him almost losing his life he tells her the lady didn't tell him not to return she only told him not to tell the guild about the room Lorraine tells him it seems the lady wants to be left alone and he tells her he'll just go back to talk he goes to the Labyrinth the next day and he reflects on Lorraine's words about him being cursed he remembers the day he met the dragon and got cursed and how he can't take off the cursed mask he knows most people would pity him but he sees his situation as an opportunity to get stronger and get the highest Adventurer rank he arrives at the entrance but the entrance is gone he looks at the map but that area is empty and he figures out that the lady doesn't want him coming back just yet back at the guild Sheila is discussing with an adventurer who asks her if she's heard from rent she tells him she doesn't have any news and the adventurer tells her to keep him posted she can see that a lot of adventurers are worried about him because he inspired them he also inspired her to be a good build employee and she remembers when she first met him rent suddenly appears in front of her and she apologizes for being lost in thought he hands her a request and tells her he wants to take it up she sees that he needs to fight off three strong Orcs And she tells him she can't recommend the request for an iron rank Adventurer he tells her he has defeated Orcs before and she grants him the request she tells him not to do anything Reckless and he tells her he understands because he has just one life he tells her he understands the fact more than anyone else Lorraine is still contemplating how rent would take the promotional exam with his current looks she suggests he register at the guild under a different name and rent protests telling her it's against the rules to register twice she tells him the guild can't confirm he's the same person and it won't be a big deal if he's eventually found out she tells him if they find out his true identity they will want to know how he ended up as an undead but if he registers as a random Trav looking to become an adventurer no one would pay attention to his suspicious look the only downside is that he'll have to start from the lowest Adventurer rank since he can't transfer his previous achievements rent tells her he doesn't mind that because his goal is to One Day become the highest ranking Adventurer rent returns to the guild after completing his first request and Sheila is shocked by how quickly he completed it he brings out his magic bag and hands over the orc meat she commends how well the meat was cut and preserved telling him the request Giver would be pleased rent notices something is a miss and he asks her what's wrong she tells him to wait for a moment she walks away and some adventurers who overheard rent saying he slayed three Orcs wonder how he was able to do it since he's a low rank Adventurer rent overhears them and he understands that he completed a request that was beyond his rank Sheila comes back with a scroll that she hands over to rent she tells him she spoke with the higher up at the guild she asks him if he would like to participate in the bronze rank Ascension exam The Guild usually doesn't allow newly registered adventurers to partake in the exam but the higher-ups were convinced of rent's capabilities rent accepts the offer later at night Lorraine is surprised rent was already asked to participate in the bronze rank Ascension exam but she thinks he deserves it given his skills she asks him what name he used to register at the guild and he tells her he used rent Vivy Lorraine almost chokes on her tea and asks him why he chose to use vivvy as his last name she tells him the guild officials are familiar with her family name and they may get suspicious of him he tells her he didn't want people to think that a weird man was staying over at her house so he named himself as a relative she understands his perspective but she tells him she doesn't care about her Public Image everyone already thinks of her as a worthless scholar who couldn't make it to Capital she doesn't care if people look at her weirdly anymore rent tells her she's helped him too much already and he didn't want to cause her more trouble on the topic of helping she tells him he does so many chores in the house that she may end up being indebted to her rent tells her that can never be possible because he only retained his sense of humanity because of her Lorraine tells him he can be her roommate for eternity without paying rent she tells him since they're now relatives he doesn't have to be so reserved around her rent is even more grateful to her now the next day rent goes into the guild and a guild official asks him who he is rent introduces himself and tells the man he's there for the Ascension exam the man now recognizes him and Sheila calls out to him telling him she didn't expect him to come to the guild that day she thought he would be studying to take part in the next exam since he didn't have time to prepare for it rent tells her the next exam is months away and he can't wait an adventurer comes late happy to have made it but rent knows he will have some points deducted for being late The Guild official calls the attention of all the iron rank adventurers he tells them the bronze rank Ascension exam is about to begin the first exam will test the adventurer's knowledge about Guild regulations monster materials and everything in between those who pass the knowledge exam will be allowed to partake in the Practical exam the Practical exam always changes with each set of adventurers Brent remembers he was asked to pick up some herbs when he first did the exam the official asks the adventurers to follow him and Sheila wishes rent good luck the adventurers sit in a room to take the written exam and rent looks around more adventurers are taking the exam than he expected he recognizes a girl as one of the duo adventurers he stumbled upon in The Labyrinth he figures out that her partner will be participating in the exam there aren't many commoners in the town who can write rent was lucky to study writing and Herb language back when he was still in his village he thought that the knowledge would be vital to his dream to become an adventurer that was why that kind of exam was a piece of cake for him coupled with the fact that he had previously taken it after the exam some adventurers aren't happy with their score Sheila congratulates rent for getting a perfect score because not many people can achieve that rent tells her he's just happy he passed the exam and he asks her what the Practical exam will be she tells him he'll form a party and perform a guild request she pairs him with Ray and Lola the duo adventurers and they form a party Ray tells him he's a swordsman who fights using Spirit to raise his stamina and he'll be the Vanguard Lola tells him she's a mage who can also use Healing Arts so she'll be the support rent tells them he's also a swordsman who uses mana and spirit and he's glad to be working with them the guild official comes to address the adventurers telling them they'll be performing a guild request he tells them the location is at the Labyrinth of the new moon and he hands them a map he tells them their objective is to reach the designated point on the map and they have until sunset to achieve this one Adventurer asks if they'll all be going to the same location and he tells them they'll complete the same request he tells them the first party to complete the Quest will be rewarded they all understand it'll be a competition to be the first party to complete the request they arrive at the Labyrinth and the other adventurers Rush inside La asks rent if he's ever been to the Labyrinth and rent tells him he has Ray tells him he has also been to the Labyrinth and Lola tells him they didn't get very far Ray tells her they'll go deeper when they earn their bronze rank they are about to go inside but rent stops them he tells them they need to purchase a map and Lola asks him why they can't use the map from The Guild rent tells her the map was printed 15 years ago and ller realizes the map could be unreliable rent walks over to a stall and he tells the vendor he wants to buy a map the vendor tells him the price and they're shocked by the amount rent tells him he just needs the map for the first floor and he makes a good bargain the vendor agrees to it and he hands rent the map Ray wonders if the vendor's map would be accurate and rent asks him to compare it with the one from the guild they compare them and they can spot some differences the new map also shows the location of the traps in The Labyrinth and they are happy they can make their way through the Labyrinth without worry the vendor advises them to follow rent closely if they want to pass the exam Lola wonders why the maps are so different and rent tells him the guild May intentionally mislead them he tells them to never let their guard down because the exam was designed to test their metal as adventurers Grace isn't too happy about this and rent tells him the guild can be nasty sometimes they enter the labor and they're soon intercepted by some skeletons rent tells them not to let up their guard against the skeleton and raay heeds his advice Lola uses her magic to enhance his skills and he charges at the skeleton they defeat them easily and rent is impressed with their capabilities despite their young age Ray is having some problems with one skeleton but rent comes to his Aid Lola is worried about the unusual number of monsters they had to face Brent thinks something must have attracted them and he walks up to a pouch on the ground Ray wonders how skeletons can be lured and Rent shows him the pouch of incense Ray takes a sniff of it wondering why it was in The Labyrinth rent tells him he will soon find out because there's an ambush laid for them around the corner Lola tells him the monster shouldn't be that smart and rent tells her the monsters aren't he tells her it's other adventurers trying to Ambush them Ray is scared of fighting other adventurers rent decides to go on First and he tells them to be prepared to back him up rent walks up to the corner CAU iously and swiftly turns around it an adventurer tries to attack him but he blocks it rays and ller run up to him and rent leaves the first Adventurer to raise since he's the Vanguard he rushes to the other adventurers in the Ambush party the Archer of the Ambush party tries to bring him down with an arrow but he Dodges it the Archer tries to notch another arrow but rent knocks him down before he can the Mage tries to take rent down with a fire spell but rent cuts through it which scares the daylight out of the Mage rent breaks his staff and knocks him out Ray is having some trouble with the swordsman and Lola comes to his Aid she casts a bright light to distract The Swordsman and raise uses that opportunity to launch his attack Brent can see they're doing well so he decides to leave them to it they take down the Swordsmen with some teamwork and they capture the adventurers Lola wonders why fellow participants would Ambush them Ray tells her they did it because they want them to fail since the examiner told all adventurers to do whatever they want rent tells tells them monsters aren't the only harmful thing in The Labyrinth they Now understand why adventurers should never let their guard down rais tells rent he would follow his lead from then on and rent tells them they have to proceed carefully after they leave another Adventurer comes out of the Shadows impressed that rent was able to predict the Ambush he frees the Ambush party and he tells them rent noticed they work for the guild they wonder who he is and the shadow Adventurer tells them he reminds him of someone else he thinks his sister's information was accurate Sheila goes into the guild Master's office and he sternly tells her he heard a rumor about rent Vivy she asks him what he heard and he tells her people think he may be a culprit he tells her he doesn't have a previous record and he came out of nowhere which makes him very suspicious he tells her to report back to him if she finds out anything about him rent and his party arrive at a door and Lola figures out that a labyrinth boss is behind the door rent asks Ray if they've ever fought a boss and he tells him they have never be two iron rank adventurers won't survive it suddenly a party comes up behind them and they're surprised they didn't get their first rent is relieved that more adventurers have arrived the leader of the party makes fun of rent's party and asks Lola to join their party since she's cute but Ray tells them to back off they're about to pick a fight but rent points his sword at the party leader the leader tells him he was just joking and rent tells him he doesn't take jokes well the leader tells rent they weren't trying to go in before them but rent tells him they can go in because they want to take a break they apologize to rent and they go in they think rent is stupid for giving up his spot and letting them go in first Ray thinks they'll lose because they let another party in first but Lola notices that rent has a plan Ray thinks that rent wants them to see what a boss fight is like and rent tells him it's not only that the rude party cries out in pain and they run out carrying the injured member ller recognizes some of the guild staff and rent tells them they won't be ice gued even if they lose the boss fight Ray motivates himself to enter the boss's room rent is glad that Ray was able to strengthen his resolve and they walk into the boss room Ray wonders if rent just wanted them to see how a boss fight would go but rent tells him he also wants him to know that he won't lose his life if he loses rent tells him he can turn back from a fight he knows he can't win but Ray knows that if he walks away from this fight he won't be able to ever return if that happens Ray knows he won't ever become a true Adventurer and Lola is moved by his resolve rent can see that he has made his resolve and they walk into the boss room they look around the room watching out for the boss so it doesn't take them by surprise suddenly a huge transparent slime with a crystal at its core rises from the ground before them they all get ready to battle the grand slime and Ray is confident they won't lose like the previous party of adventurers Ray thinks it would be a good idea to write in their report that they defeated the boss after the first party lost to it but rent thinks they are getting the wrong idea because the request didn't ask them to defeat the boss it would have been easier for them if the previous party defeated the boss but Ren sees it as an opportunity to learn about the hardships of Life Ray rushes at the Grand slime and it's about to attack him by he predicts it and Dodges perfectly rent tells him to aim for the slime's core but as soon as Ray sinks his sword into the Slime he can't drive it any further the Slime knocks him to the ground but he gets up and Dodges its next series of attacks Lola is about to help him with her magic but rent tells her to focus on Gathering her Mana rent is confident that they would be able to take down the grand slime with their capabilities if they work together efficiently before they entered the room rent told Ray that physical attacks don't work against the Slime he told him they would have to use magic attacks against it and he asked Lola if she could cast a strong fire spell Lola told him she could but it would take time for her to finish casting it Ren told her he would handle the Slim's attack while she was testing it but Ray told him he'd like to handle that Ray is barely holding his own against the Slime so Lola asks rent to give him a hand the Slime is about to overwhelm Ray with its attacks but rent steps on and fends it off he keeps slicing through the blobs the Slime throws at them and Ray does the same as well Lola finally gathers enough Mana to cast her spell and she informs them of this she casts her fire spell at the Slime and it melts Lola is Happy her spell worked well against it and rent tells Ray to finish off the Slime before it regenerates Ray cuts through the slime's core and they're glad they were able to defeat a boss rent brings out a bottle and tells them they need to gather the Slime fluid because it can fetch them a handful of money they begin filling their bottles with the Slime fluid but some adventurers use that opportunity to run past them and head for the Finish Line Ray is about to go after them but Lola tells him to let them go forward rent knew that Lola would notice that there was a trap ahead a sleeping gas is suddenly released and the adventurers pass out rent expected the Trap because people tend to let their guard down just before they reach their goal rent tells them even if the adventurers reached the goal before them it wouldn't be a problem Lola figures out that the test isn't about finishing at first she reminds Ray that the Guild Master never said the party who finishes first is the one that passed the test he only said the first party to finish would receive a perk everyone misunderstood that as the party who finished first would win the test because they LED them to believe that Ray now realizes he shouldn't have been worried about finishing first all this time rent tells him they just have to complete the test within the time limit and Ray tells him he would have appreciated the information a lot sooner rent tells him he has to be able to think for himself as a First Rate Adventurer they get to the Final Destination and open the door to the room a guild official welcomes them telling them they are the first ones to reach the destination they don't trust him and they demand he shows them proof of his IDE identity as a guild official he shows them His official letter and they now believe him he hands them bronze crests and he tells them once they present the crests to the receptionist they would be confirmed as bronze rank adventurers Ray asks him about the perks The Guild Master said the first party will get the official gives them some potions as their gifts for being first and Ray is so happy to take them rent asks them to escort him through a detour on the way back they go down a flight of stairs and Ray thinks they'll get to the second level when they go through the door rent tells him the Labyrinth is a place that defies human understanding and he's about to witness that firsthand they go through the door and find themselves in a huge Serene Lush with Greenery and a sun overhead Ray is amazed and he wonders how the sun is shining underground Lola heard stories about the scenery of the labyrinth changing with each floor but she never expected it to be this breathtaking rent tells them this is the kind of world that they would be facing henceforth and they're both hyped up ra wants to explore the forest a bit but rent tells him they have to return to the guild to complete the test and he's bummed out by this they make their way back to the guild and when they get there both Ray and Lola are exhausted because of the traps they had to go through they now fully understand why rent said the guild can be very nasty sometimes they submit the crests to Sheila at the reception desk and she confirms the end of their bronze rank Ascension exam Ray asks her if they're now bronze rank adventurers but she seems skeptical a guild official gives her a report and tells her she can confirm them as bronze rank adventurers Ray asks her what is happening and rent tells him the official was watching them the entire time during the exam but the others didn't realize it the official tells them an adventurous personality becomes more apparent during the exam and they can't promote anyone with an unfit personality Lola asks him how they did and Sheila tells her they did well and are now officially bronze rank adventurers Ray and Lola are Overjoyed that they passed they are glad they left the village against the advice of their parents to become adventurers rent is glad he has achieved his bronze rank once again they leave the guild and he thanks Ray and Lola for their assistance Ray tells him they should be the ones thanking him and he promises they won't forget the lessons he taught them he tells rent he feels like a proper Adventurer for the first time thanks to him Lola would have loved for them to stay together but she can tell that rent has a different goal she knows that he taught them different things during the test so they would be able to fight on their own they tell him he'll always be their friend and they hope they'll meet again someday they get on their carriage and leave the city Sheila thinks they are nice kids and rent tells her that though he was guiding them they also helped him realize some things Sheila tells rent she would like to ask him a question and rent realizes that she has figured out his true identity he asks her if the guild will punish him for what he did but Sheila tells him she's the one who will be asking the questions Brent tells her he won't show him himself at the guild again if they've discovered his secret he's about to walk away but Sheila holds him back and tells him she just wants to know what happened to his body they decide to go somewhere private and though rent wanted to run away he heard the worry in Sheila's voice and he knew he had to answer her they enter a private room and rent tells her he's in some deep trouble but he doesn't want anyone to intervene including the guild she tells him she hasn't informed The Guild about him and he wonders why she's keeping it a secret she tells him she's not sure he's the same rent and she wants to confirm his identity herself she tells him she told the official who watched them during the exam a little about him but he's her brother so she assures him that he won't leak his secret she asks him to tell her what happened to his body she knows rent won't trust her easily so she presents him with a magic contract she had made whoever signs a magic contract and breaks their oath will incur a penalty enforced by Magic Sheila promises to resign from The Guild and register as a slave in a country if she leaks his secret rent tells her she's doing way too much and he asks her why she's going to such lengths for him she tells him she just wants to help him because she only got so far because of him she tells him there are many people indebted to him though he may not realize it rent decides to sign the contract and explain everything to Sheila after signing he wonders how he'll tells her the story but he decides to just show her to save time he takes off his hood and tweaks his mask to reveal his eyes Sheila gets a glimpse of his face face and she looks frightened rent sees that his face scares her and he tells her it may be better she doesn't know more about what happened to him she tells him she doesn't want to remain ignorant about his situation she asks him how it happened and he tells her he turned into an undead Sheila tells him that's impossible and he can understand her confusion rent tells her to have a rethink to see if she can actually help him he tells her he has no intention of hurting anyone but he knows she can't easily trust him in his current state he gets up to leave the room but Sheila stops him she tells him she believes that he won't attack anyone even if he's an undead because he's still the same kind person he's always been she tells him she will help him because he has helped a lot of people before including her she takes his hand and she assures him she'll help him if it's a matter relating to the guild they both go to Lorraine's house and she's surprised to see Sheila with rent Sheila tells her she has something to discuss with her and Sheila is surprised she's paying her a visit so late Lorraine asks rent if he laid his hands on Sheila but Sheila tells her he only relayed some information to her Lorraine invites her into the house and she apologizes that her place is messy rent knows the place isn't messy because he cleaned up before leaving Lorraine asks Sheila what she knows and she tells her rent told her he was turned into a monster but he doesn't attack people Lorraine is surprised Sheila still decided to pay her a visit after hearing that she tells her she's like a young girl going into the house of a witch and a monster and she shouldn't be surprised if she getss boiled to be used as dinner Sheila tells her she's nothing but a scholar but Lorraine tells her she's just using that title as a cover to perpetrate her evil Deeds she tells Sheila she hunts for young girls during the night to help keep her skin smooth Sheila laughs it off but Lorraine tells her that is the monster rent currently is and the smile disappears off Sheila's face rent knows that if Sheila says the wrong thing Lorraine would take her out without hesitation Sheila tells Lorraine she knows that's what rent is and Lorraine is satisfied with her answer she tells Sheila she wasn't being mean to her and they decide to have dinner together after having dinner Sheila Praises rent's cooking skills and he tells her he learned it from his hometown Sheila gives rent the payment for all the housework he does and he takes a drop from the bottle Sheila realizes that rent is a lesser vampire Lorraine asks about the magic contract and rent tells her the contract entails that Sheila won't reveal his identity Sheila tells her rent has been catching the attention of a lot of people she tells them there have been many cases of novice adventurers going missing all over the kingdom Lorraine asks her how they know it wasn't done by monster and Sheila tells her they don't find the adventurer's belongings The Guild thinks it's a mass kidnapping and because of rent's sudden appearance and suspicious look they think he's The Mastermind behind it Sheila tells them rent is too good to be a novice and other adventurers are spreading rumors about him out of jealousy rent is happy he's good enough to make people jealous but Lorraine tells him it's nothing to joke about Sheila tells him he's in a sticky situation and he decides to lay off Labyrinth exploration for a while Sheila asks him to be more specific and he decides to stay away from labyrinths for about 4 days Ray and Lola are at the guild looking for a third Adventurer to join their party so they can explore the second floor The Guild Master can see that the new adventurers are enthusiastic he asks Sheila about rent Vivy who participated in the exams and she tells him he has a suitable personality he asks her for an update on rent FAA because they wanted him to become a guild staff when he retired a little commotion catches his attention and he tells Sheila to take care of it Sheila tells him the new rent is also a wonderful Adventure Lorraine is still in bed but the sound of rent leaving the house wakes her up she thinks he's off to the Labyrinth but she remembers he can't go to the Labyrinth until he's cleared of the kidnapping suspicions she thinks he should take things easy but she knows that it's beyond him to do that rent tests out his new sword and he's impressed with Clo's work Klo tells him he tuned it to his taste because he knows how he tends to do things rent realizes Klo knows his real identity Klo tells him to try out the sword's abilities rent decides to test his mana ability and he easily splits a log of wood clo can see that he has gotten a lot better at handling a sword and his Mana is much stronger rent decides to try controlling the sword's strength with his Spirit ability he splits a log of wood by just piercing through it he decides to test out his divinity ability and he cuts through the wood logs easily rent is impressed with the sword because it doesn't budge even when he infuses it with divinity clo notices that new Sprouts are growing from the wood pieces rent cut rent figures out that it's the power of divinity clo wonders how he can use the power of divinity because a person needs to be blessed by a God to use it rent tells him he repaired a small Shrine a long time ago on a whim clo is surprised rent is religious but rent tells him he didn't even know the God but he thinks it's a low-ranking god clo decides to keep a piece of wood because he thinks it'll contain Divinity if he nurtures it rent tells clo he wants to keep practicing with his sword and clo is surprised because he has tested his three abilities rent tells him he wants to try using the three abilities at once and clo provides him with a huge log of wood clo asks him if he knows about monos Spirit Fusion art rent tells him he has heard rumors about it clo explains that the technique entails the activation of the Mana and spirit abilities to increase power exponentially rent realizes it's a technique only Masters can use clo tells him that if a person fails to perform it properly their body will explode clo thinks that rent is deterred but rent decides to try it out because he knows he'll survive even if his body explodes clo gives rent his sword so he doesn't have to use his new sword in case the technique is too powerful powerful for it he tells rent his sword can't use Divinity rent takes his sword and he gets ready to try out the technique he infuses the sword with Mana and he assembles Spirit on his other hand rent tries to fuse both techniques but he's having a hard time putting them together he decides to quickly strike the wood down before he loses control clo could see that he had a hard time controlling it and he wondered if rent would still add Divinity to the fusion because he thinks it'll be too dangerous rent tells him he'll do it anyway he does the spirit Mona fusion and he triggers his divinity as well rent realizes he has the power to perform the fusion he decides to do it so he can achieve his dreams of becoming the highest ranking Adventurer he uses all his might to infuse his sword with the three techniques and Klo wonders if he's okay because things weren't looking good from his point of view rent keeps trying to infuse the sword with the technique but Klo notices the sword is about to break and he warns rent rent decides to strike out with the sword but after the strike the sword crumbles into dust the log of wood turns into a ball and clo is surprised rent apologizes for destroying his sword and clo tells him the Divinity technique is too powerful to be used on just any weapon because it can undo the weapon's forging he tells rent he forged his sword to handle a good amount of divinity but it won't be able to withstand the new technique he's trying to learn he tells him not to use anything more than the magic Fusion art rent remembers the wizard who cursed him and he wonders what he'll do when he meets an opponent that cannot be defeated with the technique clo suggests that he makes more swords for rent but rent tells him he doesn't have the money to pay for that clo tells rent he's aware rent walks down an alley realizing he'll need good equipment to achieve the highest rank he decides to start saving for them but he hears a quarrel somewhere in the alley a boy asks an adventurer for a request but the adventurer tells him he can't take a request outside the guild because it'll come back to bite him the boy begs the adventurer but the adventurer is getting pissed at the man for begging so much rent steps in and the adventurer wonders who he is rent tells the adventurer he'll take care of the boy's request they're surprised but rent offers the adventurer a bride and he leaves the boy is scared to be left alone with rent rent tells him he's an adventurer and he wants to hear his request the boy is surprised but he tells rent to exterminate the master of the lake rent is surprised by the title given to a monster they head out on a carriage and rent doesn't like the request or the reward the boy introduced himself to rent as Rus and he told rent he came from a village called Todds rent knows about the village and its unique Festival Rus told rent they had a tradition to offer beautiful maidens capable of using Mana to the master of the lake so that it would keep the village safe according to Legend he told rent they still performed the festival once a year to honor the legend but during the festival the master of the lake ate the maiden both Lorraine and rent were surprised surprised by this rayu told them that the master of the lake began demanding sacrifices more frequently and the village maidens were used as its victims Rus begs rent to help him because his little sister is the next victim rent realizes that rus' request isn't to defeat the master of the lake but to save his sister he thinks that he may not have to fight but he still feels like something is a Miss they arrive at the village and rent notices that the place is quiet Rus tells him the village used to be more lively but the chos brought by the master of the lake took the villagers energy rent looks around to see people hiding in their houses yunus calls out to him and he walks over to see a door with a mark on it he asks Rus about the mark and Rus tells him the house with that Mark must offer their girl to the master of the lake rent asks him if the master of the lake made the mark But Rus tells him the master of the lake lives in the lake and nobody has seen its true form he tells rent The Mark was made by The Kelpies rent tells him Kelpies are really strong monsters which surprises Rus rus' sister amoris opens the door and he introduces rent to her he tells her rent will save her but she drags him into the house and locks the door she scolds him for being deceived by a suspicious person from the city Rus tries to explain to her that rent is a nice person but she doesn't believe him she tells him rent looks very suspicious rent could hear their conversation because he's now a monster and he thinks amaris is very mean amaris opens the door and thanks him for listening to her brother she tells him the festival is a tradition The Village has engaged in for ages and she can't be selfish now that it's her turn she tells rent to forget everything Rus told him and return home rent tells her only Rus has the right to cancel his request Rus is happy about this but amoris tries to Goat him into canceling the request he tells her he would never cancel it amaris tells rent he can stay in their house if he wants to stay in the village but warns him not to interfere with at the festival she tells him she wants to fulfill her role as a sacrifice later Rus apologizes for his sister's hardheadedness rent knows the festival is the next day and he tells Rus she won't listen if they tell her to run away rent wonders what Rus wants to do and ruus begs him to do everything he can to save his sister the next day rent is on his way back from the lake when he comes up on some traveling Merchants one of the merchants gives some kids freebies in exchange for getting their parents to buy something from them because business hasn't been good the children agree and they take the freebies but as they turn to leave they look up to see rent rent wants to ask them for a favor but they run away because they're scared of him the merchant notices he hasn't seen rent in the village before he asks him if he's there for the festival and rent tells him that's what he's in the village for the merchant tells rent he can't at a bad time because the master of the lake has been angered he tells rent that's why the villagers aren't too Keen about buying things yunus and informs him that Lunch is ready and rent tells him he'll join them soon he apologizes to the merchant for hindering his business and the merchant tells him it's better he avoids the festival and leaves the village he wonders if the merchants visit the village often and Rus tells him they do later that day amaris is about to be offered as a sacrifice and the woman grooming her tells her they thought of taking her and running away Rus convinced them the festival should have been stopped a long time ago but amaris knows this will anger the master the woman knows that Rus was thinking about the future of the village this brings emiris to tears after everyone leaves rent comes to talk to her but she tells him not to enter her tent because she's not allowed to make contact with others unnecessarily rent decides to talk to her from outside he tells her he'll do something about it and he tells her he wants her to fight back she tells him she can't fight back because humans can't fight against Monsters rent tells her he will fight the master alongside Rus and he tells her not to do anything to make him sad because he's her only family he then leaves and she silently thanks him the villagers begin the rituals for the festival the Elder recites the festival rights and they offer amaris and an orb as sacrifices to the master he apologizes to amoris and she tells him she understands it's for the benefit of the village she walks down the pier where she joins Rus and rent they all get in a boat and row out into the lake a Mist suddenly covers the lake and rent thinks it's a bit too convenient unst thinks they should head back because visibility is so low but the orb starts glowing rent tells them the master is appearing and a giant cren suddenly appears amiris offers the orb to the kren and she pleads with it to have mercy on the village rent stops her because it's pointless he knocks the orb out of her hands into the water and he tells them to hold on tight to the boat rent steps out of the boat onto the lake and they're surprised he can walk on it rent draws his sword ready to unveil the identity of the monster Fireballs shoot out of the kren but rent knows krens can only be found in the sea and they don't shoot Fireballs he rushes at it but he passes through the kren and he lands on the other side where a huge boat is docked rent realizes that the Mages on the boat put up the Illusions and shot the Fireballs the merchant tells rent he was better off leaving the village and rent tells him he didn't expect the master of the lake to look so ugly the other Merchants try to attack him but he blocks their attacks and deals with them Rus and amaris row through the Mist calling out to rent and he answers them they're surprised to see the merchant boat the next day amaris tells the village Chief what happened amiris wonders how rent knew and he tells her master of an area don't just go on a rampage unprovoked the Elder wonders what happened to the other girls and the merchant tells him they were planning to sell them in another kingdom for a high price the Elder is glad they are alive the merchant tells them the location of the maidens and the Elder orders the villagers to get them Rus tells rent he considers his request fulfilled by amoris doesn't look happy about this rent is about to leave and they try to convince him to stay for the festival but he tells them someone is waiting for him back home they bid him farewell and he accepts their thanks rent gets on his carriage and he's disappointed because the merchants weren't behind the missing adventurers since they only kidnap girls he returns home and tells Lorraine the story and she's glad the girls are safe rent is thankful for her gift that lets him walk on water Lorraine is sad she didn't get to meet the master of the lake Lorraine tells him Amorous will always remember him but rent thinks she'll forget because that's the life of an adventurer rent walks into the guild and looks through the requests on the board the rewards aren't appealing but rent knows adventurers aren't in the profession for money adventurers complete requests to help people whose requests typically won't be accepted who the guild Sheila wonders if rent is interested in any of the requests but he tells her he's keeping his promise of not visiting labyrinths anytime soon Sheila wanted to help him find a request he can complete easily and he wonders if anybody has taken up the bronze coin request Sheila tells him the task is a pretty difficult one and he realizes the task is to gather Dragon Blood blossoms it is a plant that grows near a poisonous swamp with a legend behind its Origins a dragon fell in love with a human girl and its blood turned into a crimson flower which earned the plant its name rent doesn't like the lore of the story but Sheila tells him there are rumors that girls will eternally love whoever presents them with the flower rent wonders if the plant can be used as medicine and Sheila tells him the client plans to use it for its medicine the children in an orphanage were the ones who put up the request and they said they need to plant to save someone important to them rent decides to take up the request to the surprise of Sheila rent arrives at the orphanage and he didn't expect the place to be as run down as it is he tries to use the door knocker but it comes off the door he decides to try and glue it back to the door using some slime fluid he considers using the knockers again but he decides to knock with his knuckles a little girl answers the door and she mistakes him for a debt collector she tells him their chairman lilan is currently absent from the orphanage she tells rent he'll have to come back another day but she can't finish her sentence because she looks up at rent's face rent tells her he's an adventurer that took up their request from The Guild the girl apologizes for her misconception and ushers him into the orphanage he enters the or Ag and the children wonder who he is the girl introduces him to everyone as an adventurer and they all rush to greet him they ask him different questions but the girl reminds them not to approach adventurers without caution because they are dangerous they apologize to her for their behavior she tells rent she wasn't referring to him as a dangerous Adventurer but he's glad she's cautious of adventurers he tells her there are unsavory adventurers out there and she's right to be cautious of them he tells the children not to approach any suspicion ious looking Adventurer and they take his advice to Heart he's glad they are very honest which shows how happy they are to be at the orphanage the girl tells him Lillian is a wonderful person who's very nice to them rent tells her she doesn't have to be polite to him because he doesn't mind the girl wonders if he'll get angry at her later but he promises not to he introduces himself as a bronze rank Adventurer and the girl is surprised because she thought only an iron rank Adventurer would accept their request rent realizes she knows a lot about adventurers and he wonders if she's the one who put up the request she tells him she put it up and she introduces herself to him as a li rent decides to talk to her about the request he tells her the plant can't be gotten easily elies tells him she knows that because the plant is rarely in shops and even if she finds it in a shop it's usually very pricey rent can see she really needs the plant and he asks her for details she tells him she needs him to play along but he doesn't understand what she wants she takes him into Lillian's room and lilan apologizes for how messy her room is she tells him she's the administrator of the orphanage and she introduces herself as the Priestess of the Church of the Eastern Sky rent introduces himself to her and she apologizes for the meager reward on the request she thanks him for taking up the job to clean the cellar since she can't get the children to do it because monsters spawn in the cellar she gets into a coughing fit and El Li tells her to get some rest while she fills rent in on the rest of the details they leave the room and a li tells rent Lillian's illness is called accumulated malice disease she tells him Lillian is a Divinity user but because she isn't strong enough every time she uses her powers it causes harm to her body rent didn't know such a condition existed Eli tells him a Healer looked at lilan and told her she would need a Saints purification or a special medicine to get cured Rent Now understands that they need the Dragon Blood Blossom to make the medicine rent realizes that Lillian doesn't know about her illness and Elias tells him if she knew she would have another priest take over her position rent realizes if that happened Lillian would accept her fate with her illness and he decides to help elies get the plant before that happens elies thought that no one would accept the request so she thought of becoming an adventurer and trying to get the plant herself rent is surprised by this she tells him she's Adept with Mana abilities but he can see she doesn't have time to train rent promises to obtain the flower and she thanks him but he decides to clean out the seller first he walks into the cellar and Elias follows him he tells her she doesn't have to follow him but she wants to watch him take out monsters he decides to give her a dagger so she can protect herself rent tells her there are monsters in the cellar and she's surprised by this the monster rats are larger than their usual size rent uses his divinity ability and the leader of the rats orders the rest of the rats to run away he rushes at rent but rent swats him away he rushes once again but this time he bites rent's arm rent peels him off his arm and throws him on the ground the rat suddenly comes under a spell and its color changes rent realizes the rat is now under his control and he orders it around which surprised Elias rent takes the rat back with him and Lorraine is surprised to see a rat sitting on his shoulder he tells her the rat is now his Ally and Lorraine realizes rent has the ability to create manipulative servants just like a vampire Lorraine previously didn't think about giving his blood to living creatures to test this Theory rent decides to keep the rat and Lorraine decides to take specimens from the rat as payment for its rent she decides to test it and do some observation she wonders what the rat would eat but it immediately puts its mouth on her finger and she realizes it craves her human juice just like rent rent decides to name the rat black but Lorraine decides to name it edel and the rat agrees with her Lorraine wonders if rent can communicate with it but he tells her he can only feel its emotions at night rent is restless because he can't sleep he thought of wandering a labyrinth non-stop but he knew an adventurer who doesn't rest would draw the suspicions of the guild Lorraine comes into the room and offers him some food since he'll leave early the next day rent is surprised by Lorraine cooking but she scolds him for thinking so little of her she warns him that swamp is dangerous and rent is surprised she knows where he'll be going she asks him if he'll go there alone and he tells her he has to because the poison won't affect him she reminds him that he'll need a party to defeat a dragon subspecies living in the swamp he tells her he's not planning to fight it and he shows her holy water he bought from a stall Lorraine remembers there are rumors that holy water stops the monster from approaching someone but she tells him it's not a guarantee rent tells her he would figure something out if it doesn't work rent decides to dig into the meal and he's surprised by how good it tastes in his mouth it has been a while since he was able to savor the taste of food and Lorraine tells him she put a drop of her human juice in the food she promises to make more for him when he gets back back rent takes a carriage out to the swamp and the driver informs him of their arrival rent comes down from the carriage and the driver tells him he'll come back to pick him up later in the day rent walks into the swamp and he wonders if Adel can handle the poison he knows he'll be able to use his divinity to purify edel if he's affected by poison so he decides not to worry about it rent follows the path put by other adventurers who didn't want to take a step into the swamp since it's full of poison suddenly several goblins Notch arrows and fire at rent but blocks them rent knows that monsters in the wild are much stronger than those in The Labyrinth these wild monsters tend to attack in packs and have knowledge about weapons but rent is much stronger and he's convinced he can take them down he rushes at them and takes down a group with one single swipe of his sword he takes down the other group with another swipe to defeat all the Goblins rent walks further into the swamp and he's happy to be an undead because he's resistant to poison he thinks he would not mind living as an undead for the rest of his life if he can bear with his new appearance the wooden path suddenly breaks and rent falls into the poisonous swamp a swamp shark uses that opportunity to rush at him and he fights them off while eel spectates while relaxing rent defeats the Sharks and he decides to keep his guard up from then on rent pick up edel disappointed in him for being so nonchalant Sheila thanks Lorraine for the food because it was delicious and Lorraine tells her rent said the same thing Sheila is surprised rent is eating normal food since he's an undead but Lorraine tells her he mixed her human juice with his meal Lorraine was surprised the guild caught up to what happened at Todd's Village Sheila tells her the villagers were grateful to the adventurer who helped them but they refused to divulge his name to the guild Lorraine realizes she came to ask rent directly if he was the one who helped the village Lorraine tells her he won't reveal the truth because being involved in a kidnapping situation would make him more suspicious Sheila is surprised by how much Lorraine knows about rent and she tells her she's known rent for a long time she wonders why rent wants to become the highest ranking Adventurer but even Lorraine doesn't know his reason Lorraine tells Sheila she has never asked him about it because adventurers don't like people prying into their past she didn't want to force an answer out of him Sheila asks Lorraine if she isn't worried about the monsters he'll face in the swamp she tells Sheila she's not worried because the guild gives out requests according to the adventurer's capabilities Sheila tells her she only assigned the request to rent because she knew he would be able to complete it Lorraine tells her she believes in her judgment and she's convinced rent would be able to find a way out if he got into trouble rent is being pursued by the dragons of the swamp and he regrets buying cheap holy water he gets to a dead end and he decides to take the monster headon he jumps off a tree to attack the monster but it shoots out poison rent cuts through the poison and he strikes at the monster with his Mana infused sword though poison doesn't work on him rent isn't convinced he can defeat the monster with just his Mana he decides to use the Mana Spirit Fusion technique but it doesn't work on the monster edel rushes at the monster and he uses Divinity and rent is shocked that edel can use his divinity Powers the Monster eats up edel and rent is about to save him but the monster starts choking and he spits out edel rent catches edel and he's glad edel gave him an idea of how to defeat the monster he infuses his sword with divinity and rushes at the monster the monster spits more poison globes at him but he Dodges them all he strikes the monster with his sword and he defeats it easily he realizes that the monster's weakness is Divinity since he can't dress the monster because it's so huge he decides to store it in his magic pouch rent was sure he'll have to fight the monster because he has such bad luck but he's grateful edel showed him how to defeat the monster he decides to come back eventually to get rare materials from the swamp he arrives at a huge cluster of the Dragon Blood Blossom plants and he can see their power purifies the air around them he decides to take more than he initially came for but a man approaches him behind the man is is surprised to see someone else in the swamp a strange man approaches rent making him cautious rent wonders what a human is doing alone in the swamp and the man tells him he has a magic tool that nullifies the poison from the swamp the man also shows rent some holy water to repel the monster and an accurate map to navigate the swamp he tells rent he's there for the Dragon Blood Blossom and he asks for his permission to gather them rent lets him buy and the man proceeds to gather the plant the man gathers some plants and rent wonders if it'll be enough the man tells rent his mistress wants him to gather the plants so she can turn them into medicine since they don't last long in their plant State rent wonders if his mistress is sick and he tells rent his mistress is a bit sick rent wishes her a speedy recovery and the man is thankful to be acquainted with rent they had always been looking for someone who could procure the plants for them in place of the man the man wonders if rent is an adventurer and rent introduces himself as a bronze rank Adventurer the man is sure rent would be suitable for the EST because of his rank he tells rent that if he accepts the terms of his request he would be quite grateful the man tells rent he will draft the request once he returns and he introduces himself as Isaac Hart he tells rent his mistress's identity would be made to him through the official request he'll submit at the guild rent returns to his carriage and the driver is impressed that he came out of the swamp unscathed the man thinks rent must be a very skilled Adventurer and rent confesses that he uses his mask to hide his identity because he's a Mythril rank Adventurer the driver offers to give him discounts on his next trip out of the castle rent returns to the guild and Sheila welcomes him back he hands over his magic bag to her and asks for her help with dissection Sheila figures out that he defeated the monster and she's so surprised rent tells her to be quiet so she doesn't attract other adventurers attention he tells her there's a lot of work to be done and she leads him to the Guild's dissection area as they make their way over rent tells Sheila that monsters drop materials other than magic crystals when they are defeated rent tells her he learned how to dissect from hunters in his village but he sometimes paid experts to help him with the ones he couldn't dissect they arrive at the dissection area and the caretaker of the place named Dario is about to close up the place Sheila introduces rent to him and she tells him rent has something rare to dissect she tells him rent defeated a terask and Dario opens up the place again the man prepares the place and he tells rent to release the teras from the Magic Bag rent releases it and Dario can see the monster is a huge one he's impressed it still in such good condition since people usually weaken the monster with projectiles which damage its shell Dario figures out that rent took it out with a single strike and rent confesses he didn't have the opportunity for multiple attacks rent wonders if it'll fetch a good price and Dario assures him it'll fetch a heavy price rent decides to leave Dario to do the dissection and they leave the dissection area rent can see it's late and he decides to go to the orphanage the next day he apologizes for taking so long to complete the quest and Sheila tells him it's all good she's impressed with how much stronger he is gotten since he defeated a teras easily she tells him he's good enough to be a silver rank Adventurer and she advises him not to sell himself short rent knows that he has gotten stronger but he knows it's not because his skills increased he thinks he got stronger because he's exploiting his Undead body though rent knows he only became stronger after he turned into a monster he knows things will go back to being the way they once were if he goes back to being a human he remembers when he was a human and he could only make progress by pure effort alone he wonders if he'll be able to achieve the highest Adventurer rank if he goes back to being human the next day rent returns to the orphanage and he's about to use the door knocker but it breaks off again he quickly repairs it and a li suddenly appears behind it wondering why he's around he tells her he has completed the request and she's shocked he completed it so fast a herbalist looks at the plant and he so surprised by how pretty the plant is he commends rent for handling the plant so carefully because he hasn't seen one in such good condition rent tells him the adventurers who go to the swamp to harvest the plant are high ranking adventurers and they should know how to handle the plant and herbalist tells him the adventurers can't afford to take their time Gathering the plant in such a dangerous place and they may also get attacked by monsters on their way back which can ruin the plant the Healer tells rent he will be able to heal Vivien once the herbalist makes the med medicine the herbalist is sure he would be able to make the medicine since the plant is in such a good condition the herbalist begs to use the leftovers for other people who may need them and a li permits him rent wonders if they'll want some more and they tell him they'll be grateful to get some more rent presents them with a magic bag containing more of the plant he tells them not to bother paying him but to use the medicine to help people the Healer tells him he can make a fortune from selling the medicine but rent tells him he just wants to help people the herbalist thanks him because the lives of so many people will be saved by his kind gesture since they don't have anything to repay him the Healer tells rent to come to them if he ever needs anything in the future meanwhile edel goes back to assume command of his subordinates in the cellar and he gives them some orders allies signs on the request to show it has been completed and rent thanks her for it she tells rent she should be the one to thank him and she tells him she can't thank him enough she had made up her mind to become an adventurer and get the plant herself if no Adventurer took up the request she tells him it would have been impossible for her to get it and rent wonders if she would still like to become an adventurer she tells him she wants to become an adventurer now more than ever because he has inspired her she wants to become an adventurer like him who works to make people happy she hopes she'll be able to repay him someday but she doesn't think he'll ever need help he tells her he could need help someday and that he would be counting on her when he does she promises to help him if he ever needs her help edel returns to give rent his report and rent to tells allies that edel's henchmen will protect the Sellar from the little monsters that usually appear there allies thanks eel for his help she wonders if she'll also be able to tame monsters like that when she becomes an adventurer rent suggests she starts training early if she wants to become an adventurer he tells her about the Guild's training courses and he offers to teach her when he has some free time he tells her to learn magic as well since she has Mana she tells him she doesn't have any money to pay for the courses to teach her magic and sword training rent tell tells her he has an acquaintance that can teach her for free but she tells him she can't accept his offer because he'll be spoiling her too much rent tells her to pay him back without any interest when she eventually becomes an adventurer allies agrees to the deal if she gets to pay it back with interest and they Shake on it rent returns to Lorraine's house and he tells her about the deal she tells him she can teach magic but she's pissed because he said she always has free time which makes her look jobless rent apologizes to her and she tells him to choose his words better next time so he doesn't hurt her feelings rent tells her hardly meets with young ladies so he can't understand their feelings line tries to tell him she's a young lady but doesn't see her as a young lady she's so pissed she remembers a curse she has been working on to hurt rent she decided to test the limit of his immortality and rent became scared rent confesses that she's a young lady in his eyes and he showers her with so many compliments to calm her down Lorraine wonders where he got his sweet tongue from and she thinks he flirts with every woman he meets rent denies the allegations and he tells her he was just saying things that came to his mind this makes Lorraine blush and she offers him seconds she quickly runs into her room to hide her embarrassment the next day rent wakes up early and heads for the Gill while Adel is still sleeping he wonders why he's working and his servant gets to rest he arrives at the guild to meet Sheila on duty and she wants to have a word with him she takes him aside and wonders if he's acquainted with the lateral family rent tells her he has never heard about them and she's surprised because they received a request personally for him she hands him the letter and he realizes it's a request from Isaac and Sheila thinks he knows the family rent tells her the person he knows is probably the servant of the family and he wonders if the family is famous rent can't believe he doesn't know about a famous family since he knows almost everything about the city Sheila tells him she doesn't know much about the family either she knows they have existed for a long time and has been involved in the workings of magic that was all she was told as a guild staff and rent realizes the family is very secretive she tells rent that every generation of Guild Masters has always been instructed to respect the family she tells rent he can't refuse a request from the family if he wants to keep living in the city and rent tells her he wasn't going to refuse it she wonders if he'll be all right since he's now an undead and rent tells her he knows he'll be in danger if they find out Sheila thinks everything is so complicated but rent tells her Isaac wasn't suspicious of his appearance when they met he tells her they wouldn't have sent him a request personally if they had problems with him Sheila tells him to reach out to her if anything bad happens and rent decides to visit the latal family house meanwhile the Healer and the herbalist pay a visit to lilan in the orphanage they inform her that she's inflicted with accumulated malice disease she tells them she always had her suspicions she decides to inform the church so they can get a new priest to take over her role but the herbalist tells her there's no need for that he hands s her the medicine he made for the plant and she's surprised he gives her the dosage to make the malice building up inside her disperse slowly over time lilan tells them they can't afford the medicine but a li tells her she doesn't have to worry about the money because it has been paid for she begs her to get better soon lilan wonders if the Healer was the one who went to get the plant but he tells her though he's a former Adventurer he couldn't achieve that with his skills the herbalist tells her a bronze rank Adventurer took up a request that a li put up to get the plant Lillian realizes it was rent who got the plant rent arrives at the family home and he asks a guard at the gate if Isaac is around the guard tells him Isaac is in a mansion inside the compound and he welcomes him in rent sees the path leading to the mansion as a maze and the guard tells him to be careful rent tells him he's there to honor the family's request and he wonders why he has to pass through the maze he asks the guard if he needs to pay for the map but the guard tells him there's no map because the maze Garden has a magic tool that can make its pattern change rent is impressed by the power of such a magic tool and the guard tells him the family has had a hobby of collecting magic tools for Generations he tells him the maze was probably created by one of such magic tools rent realizes he has no choice but to pass through the maze the guard tells him there's a reward for going through the maze he tells him he'll be rewarded with a magic tool from the family head if he's able to go through the maze he tells rent the entrance to the maze is only opened if the family head gives his approval and he's sure rent would be rewarded rent thanks him for the information and he asks him for advice since he's passed the Maze Before the guard tells him his only advice is not to rely on the son rent thanks him and walks into the maze he couldn't pass on an opportunity to get a magic tool he's sure he'll get enough money to achieve the highest Adventurer rank if he gets a valuable Magic tool he keeps walking through the Maze and tries to open his map which shows where he's been through but the map doesn't show anything because it doesn't consider the garden as a maze rent keeps moving since he's confident in his sense of direction but he soon realizes he's completely lost Sheila tells rent he can't refuse a request from the liol family and he tells her he wants planning to she wonders if he'll be fine since he's now an undead but rent assures her that Isaac didn't have any suspicions regarding his appearance when they met he's convinced they wouldn't have asked him for a request if they had a problem but Sheila tells him to call on on her if something happens he assures her he will and he heads over to the latle family house he walks through the maze leading to the main house and he is astounded by how confusing it is he keeps moving through it confident that he's good with directions he remembers the guard's advice telling him not to rely on the sun and he knows adventurers don't usually see the sky in a proper maze he knows an adventurer should be able to map a maze in their head without the help of the sun he know knows he should have cleared the maze already if the map in his head was correct he finally arrives at an end of the maze but it doesn't look like the exit but a little Garden in the middle of the maze a lady sitting in the garden asks if he wants to give up but he tells her he's going to try a bit more she points him in the direction to take and she warns him that he still has a long way to go she welcomes him to have some tea with her for a bit if he wants to take a break Brent decides to take up her offer and he figures out that she's part of the ladle family she pours him some tea and rent realizes that the teapot and the Pitcher are both magical tools he asks her about the tree leaves she's supposed to use but the lady tells him the teapot can recreate any tea it had poured before even without the leaves rent wonders where she got such an amazing magical tool and she tells him it was found in a labyrinth over 300 years ago she tells him it's worth over 300 Platinum Co coins and rent is so surprised because just one platinum coin is enough to live a lavish life he can't believe the family has a single magic tool worth 300 Platinum coins he realizes the latle family is on a whole different level compared to other Nobles the lady tells him the teapot is only worth that much because it can only be found by adventurers risking their lives in labyrinths rent tells her some adventurers still find junk in labyrinths despite risk their lives to get it as he's about to take a sip of tea his mask reveals the lower part of his face and the lady notices this he takes a sip of the tea and he tells the lady it's delicious she appreciates his comment and she tells him she recreated the most delicious tea she once had sometime in the past he tells her he's never had anything so delicious and he proceeds to take another sip the lady asks him if his mask is a magic tool and he tells her it is she's is curious about where he found the mask and he tells her an acquaintance of his bought it in malt the lady is amazed that such an interesting thing can be found in malt and she asks him if he can hand The Mask over to her rent knows about her family's occupation of collecting magic tools and he wonders if she's also into that the lady apologizes because she thinks the mask is very important to him since he's hesitant she offers to pay him handsomely for the mask and rent immediately thinks about selling in it if only he could get it off his face but he remembers he is only able to hide his face thanks to the mask and he tells her he can't sell it to her the lady realizes he has a deep attachment to the mask and she apologizes for asking him rent finishes off his tea and he thanks her for the treat he gets up to leave and she bids him farewell she decides to give him a hint which surprises him she tells him it's better not to see the son and rent is surprised he's hearing something about the son again he tells her he'll remember her hint and he leaves the place as the lady Smiles secretly rent keeps walking through the Maze and he looks up at the sun suddenly the sun disappears and rent looks around wondering what happened he throws a pebble upwards and it teleports he wonders if he'll be able to go back but he realizes some teleportations are one way rent is frustrated that he has to deal with teleportation even when he's not in a real Labyrinth he can't believe he has to start traversing the maze from the beginning he keeps walking through the Labyrinth and he finally arrives at the end of the maze later in the day the garden lady welcomes him and congratulates him for figuring out the maze secret he tells her it was thanks to her advice the lady introduces herself as Laura the head of the LL family Isaac is also out waiting to welcome him rent is surprised she is the head of the family he tells them he's an adventurer named rent Vivy and he came to ask about their request he asks her if she'll also reward him for clearing the Maze and she tells him she will reward him because not many people have managed to clear the maze she takes him inside and she tells him he can choose any magic tool he likes from their household he wonders if she can give him the magic tool that created the maze but she tells him she can't give it out he quickly tells her it was a joke as payback for making him suffer through the maze Laura finds him interesting as Isaac leads them through a door they go down a flight of stairs with several self-lighting lanterns and Laura tells him that man-made magic tools are more stable in their performance Laura tells him the magic tools are just simple constructs but rent thinks magic tools are full of mysteries they enter a hallway and Laura signals the lights to come on rent is impressed with the quality and number of magic tools the family has Laura tells him they went through great pain to sort out the magic tools she wonders why labyrinths spawn all over the world and she tells rent no one has ever found the answer she tells him no one also knows why magic tools exist since they are just junk with unclear purposes she throws a ball on the ground that keeps bouncing endlessly and rent wonders what use the magic tool will be rent asks her why she collected such a magic tool and she tells him she wanted it because she's a collector rent asks her about a warship hanging on a stand and she tells him about the warships from the West she tells him the warship was modeled after those ships which run on stream and can carry people on board she tells him it runs on mana and she gives him the controller rent starts behaving like a 5-year-old as he controls the ship and Laura wonders if he's having fun he tells her he may even want the ship and she wonders if that's his final Choice rent realizes it's just a toy and he would need something more useful but Laura tells him to focus his mana on the warship he does so and his Consciousness suddenly transfers to it which amazes him rent tells her the Mana consumption is too harsh she tells him the warship was found in a labyrinth and the warships if the West Was modeled after it but they used a different source to make it work since they couldn't use Mana rent thinks the warship can be good for scouting but he realizes he can't fly it far because of his his Mana limit rent decides to keep looking and as they move through the hallway of magic tools one tool lights up that catches renai Laura tells him the tool lights up whenever something approaches and rent thinks it's both a useful tool and An Inconvenient one he picks up a picture frame that looks normal and Laura tells him to press the button on the frame he presses the button and the images on the picture come alive which makes rent drop it rent touches a magic tool by accident accient that absorbs his mana and begins to Glow Laura tells him to be careful as the surroundings begin to tremble she beacons on Isaac and she asks him about the deactivation device for the magic tool and Isaac tells her they stored it in a separate place for safety a huge hand shoots out from among the magic tools and several body parts join up with a hand to form a huge body armor rent can't believe his eyes and he unsh his sword ready to face the armor Golem the Golem forms fully and rent wonders why there's a Golem in the magic tool hallway the golum attacks rent but he Dodges out of the way on time he realizes one of the gollum's punches can take him out Isaac searches for the deactivation device and Laura urges him to hurry up rent tells them they should organize their magic tool but the gollum fires a beam which makes him wonder how long the gollum is going to remain active since it only absorbed small Mana from him Lord tells him the gollum only needs the Mana to activate but it absorbs Mana from the surroundings to get stronger the gollum fires another Beam at rent but he Dodges again he has had enough with the golum and he asks Laura if he can damage the gollum she gives him to go ahead but she tells him he can't win against the gollum rent tells her he wasn't planning to win against it the gollum tries to stomp him but he gets out of the way which makes the Golem strike out at him rent uses this opport opportunity to cut off its arm and he lunges at the gollum's head he remembers when Lorraine told him about the magic word truth which is written on a gollum's head she told him to just add one character to the word and it would change to death which would cause the gollum to self-destruct rent looks at the gollum's head and he can't see anything written in it the gollum grabs him and slams him into the ground Lorraine was only talking about the Primitive golems and she told him they should have an external deactivation device rent wondered what to do if the device wasn't accessible and she told him to either run or defeat it rent asks Isaac if he still hasn't found the deactivation device but isaka can't find it anywhere on the Shelf rent realizes he has no choice but to defeat the Golem he has to use his magic Spirit Fusion technique though he would have preferred if he didn't show his secret technique to anyone the monster lunges at him but Laura stops the gollum with a single word and rent thinks it was deactivated just in time Isaac apologizes for putting him in danger because of their negligence but rent tells them it was caused by his carelessness he hopes they won't charge him for the damages and Laura tells him their servants will clean it up Laura wonders if rent would like to keep looking at the magic tool and he tells her he would like to do that they keep walking and something catches Ren eyes he asks Laura about them and she tells him they are materials gotten from monsters which can be used to make medicine or weapons rent gets close to the materials and he spots a vial of human juice which makes him thirsty Laura wonders if he's interested in it and she tells him it's a vile of vampire body juice she tells him consumption of the content would turn the person into a vampire and rent wonders if it's true but she tells him it's just rumors rent wonders if no one turned into a vampire after drinking it and Laura tells him nobody would confess to being a vampire if they get turned she tells him with the rumors people would want it to get a chance at immortality and rent makes his choice on the magic tool he wants rent returns home and Lorraine can see that took the model warship as his reward just like every man in their right senses would because of how cool it is rent starts operating it and Lorraine tells him she had no idea the Western airships were modeled after the magic tool she realizes he can also transfer his Consciousness through it Lorraine wonders why the ladle family are so free with gifts and he tells her it's because there aren't many adventurers who can Journey to the teras swamp regularly Isaac gave rent an extra gift before he left as compensation for accepting the request and he tells rent he'll always be paid each time he completes the request task Isaac was glad he could now devote himself fully to caring for Laura rent asks Lorraine if she wants to try the magic tool but she tells him it's time to face reality and stop playing with tools meanwhile Isaac crushes the dragon blossoms to made medicine and he presents it to Laura he wonders if she liked rent and she tells him rent was a rare sort of guest but Isaac tells her to get some rest Lorraine wonders if the vampire body juice is authentic and he tells her that it's authentic because he felt that something will change within him him if he drank it she reminds him that people who consumed vampire body juice met a Bitter End Lorraine notices he's hesitant and he tells her he's scared but he knows he needs it to evolve he tells her his body wants but she tells him it may be too dangerous for him despite having an undead body Lorraine tells him to avoid drinking it if he can because she won't mind him remaining as an undead as long as he can spend his life as an adventurer but Lorraine realizes he'll do anything possible to become a mithil rank Adventurer Lorraine tells rent to refrain from taking in the vampire juice if he can do without it because she doesn't mind if he remains an undead but she realizes he'll do anything to achieve the highest Adventurer rank she knew he would not hesitate to do whatever he must to achieve his dreams and he tells her he has been dreaming about becoming the highest ranked Adventurer since he was a kid Lorraine suddenly recalls Sheila asking her about something previously and rent wonders what Sheila asked her she she tells rent not to worry about it because it's not important but he tells her she's just making him more Curious he tries to press her to tell him and she finally gives in but she tells him he doesn't have to answer the question if he doesn't want to rent is surprised because he thought Lorraine already knew all about him but Lorraine tells him she's yet to uncover a lot of mysteries about him she turns to him and in all seriousness asks him what he wants to become a mythal rank Adventurer which surprises him rent wonders if he hasn't told her in the past and she tells him she somewhat knows the answer to the question since they've been together for a long time she decides to forget about the question and she tells him to drink the vampire juice already so he can evolve because she doesn't care anymore rent tells her she's being mean but she reminds him of when he told her that adventurers don't ask about the past of other adventurers though Lorraine is convinced that rent doesn't have a shady past she decided to hold back a bit after she told him that rent tells her there's nothing interesting about his ambition but he's never had the time to tell her about it he sits on the couch and he solemnly tells her his ambition is for Revenge he tells her it's not all about revenge because he once wanted to become an adventurer who could prevent tragedies he tells her he comes from haara which is a village located deep in the mountains on the frontier his father was tasked with doing the trades and the errands of the village they first took rent out of the village on a carriage when he was only five rent was intrigued by the outside world and he loved looking at animals moving across the fields as they passed by with their Carriage jinlin wondered what kind of place the town they were going to will be because there were a lot of things they were yet to see she expressed her optimism to see the village but rent told her he was scared because the town would hold a lot of people and they could be cowards jinlin was disappointed he was such a coward and she told him he won't become an adventurer if he remains in a state of cowardice she told him she wanted to see everything the world had to offer when she became older she was eager to see a waterfall a city surrounded by water or a castle that can disappear just like a mirage she told him the Earth was home of many interesting places but rent told her the places she mentioned sounded dangerous she promised to become strong and protect rent he tells Lorraine he was very reserved when he was younger and she surprised because she thought he was training every day with a wooden sword when he was younger he tells her it was jinlin who was doing that jinlin took him all over the town and they always got scolded by the different grandmas who lived in the town rent confesses that those were fun times in retrospect which surprises Lorraine he tells her they were attacked by a monster on their way back from their Journey outside the village the monster destroyed their carriage and their grandma was hurt she told them to run to safety so they don't get hurt but jinlin just keeps shouting her name rent looked over at his unmoving parents as they lay in the ground and this brought tears to his eyes the monster came out of the forest in front of rent but he was too terrified to do anything jinlin quickly grabbed him and they ran away from the scene the monster moved in a different direction and though rent knew it was cold to leave everyone else behind he was sure it was just both of them left alive they kept running till they were exhausted and jinlin was convinced they were safe they suddenly heard some footsteps and the monster appeared on a Ledge above them the huge wolf Monster leapt off the ledge and rent could tell the monster was cruy toying with them the wolf turned towards them and lunged at rent but jinlin pushed him away just in time to save him rent watched as the wolf took down jinlin and he wondered why she took a hit for him she reminded him that she said she would always protect him and she told him to become stronger the monster was about to take rent down also but an adventurer appears out of nowhere to protect him rent watched with awe as the adventurer told him to stay back while he took down the monster the adventurer rushed at the monster and a fierce battle commenced between the two the adventurer tried to take the monster down with one clean swipe of his sword but the monster evaded his strike he decided to change tactics and stab at the monster monster but the monster caught his sword with its teeth and threw him off balance the adventurer then jumps into the air and lands a powerful attack in the ground but the monster junks to dodge it the adventurer was surprised the monster was still looking for a fight even though it was hurt the monster then suddenly turned back and ran away the adventurer walked up to rent wondering if he was okay but rent wondered why the adventurer didn't come sooner the adventurer admitted his fault and he apologized to rent but rent was too overcome with grief to accept his apology rent tells Lorraine the adventurer helped him bring back the bodies of his family to the Village after the incident rent began training under a tree and the adventurer paid him a visit one day he took the opportunity to ask the adventurer how he could become one which surprises the adventurer the adventurer wondered why he wanted to know and he told the adventurer he wanted to carry on the dream of his friend the adventurer asked him his age and rent told the adventurer he was 5 years old the adventurer told him he could only register at the adventurer's gu when he turns 15 and he urged rent to train hard in the village before then he told rent to lent now to fight monsters and study he also told him to study herbs and plants while also learning some survival skills he told rent to convince the village herbalist and Warrior to take him as their Apprentice rent was surprised that the adventurers didn't just wish him good luck and leave him to his fate rent wondered if he would become an adventurer if he did all the adventurer asked him to do and the adventurer told him it's not a guarantee but it's a starting point he told him the rest would depend on his effort the adventurer told him his name was Wilfried Rucker a mithil rank Adventurer and told Ren to remember that the adventurer told him to look for him once he became an adventurer and though the adventurer wasn't sure where he would be in 10 years he was sure he'd still be an adventurer if he was alive he told rent not to lose his life until he achieved his dream Lorraine is surprised rent went through all that as a kid but rent tells her it's a common story in Frontier Villages Lorraine isn't sure if rent is lucky because being saved by a mythro rank Adventurer is very rare Lorraine realizes his kindness was influenced by the adventure rent tells Lorraine the adventurer was King because he realized rent had a goal and the will to achieve that goal Lorraine now understands why the adventurer gave him intrinsic details about becoming an adventurer rent promises to defeat the monster who took the lives of his family and friends and to become a mythal rank Adventurer just like Wilfried Lorraine realizes it has been 20 years since encounter with the adventurer and rent is disappointed that he's still stuck in the bronze rank though rent was scared of losing his life he was even more scared of giving up Lorraine realizes his hesitation was an act but she promises to give him a befitting burial if he loses his life he tells her to incinerate him if he starts acting weird but Lorraine prays she doesn't have to resort to that rent uncaps the bottle and his mask automatically changes to reveal his mouth he empties the bottle into his mouth and Lorraine stands waiting anxiously he tells her he's all right for the meantime and she's relieved she thinks the vampire juice may be fake but suddenly rent begins to have a serious mental attack he screams while clawing at his head and then throws up a purple liquid Lorraine begs him to land on but he suddenly screams with chilling Agony mentally rent couldn't understand why his body felt like it was being recreated from scratch and he hoped he wouldn't become a monster he suddenly hears Lorraine's voice calling out to him and she reminds him of his goal she begs him to come back alive and rent struggles to free himself from his mental bondage clo is making a sword on his Anvil but he realizes it won't be worth much without some Ora chalum his wife tells him he doesn't have to work so early in the morning but she figures out the sword he's working on is for rent she's confused because clo recently gave rent a new sword but she figures out that rent has gotten a lot stronger she encourages her husband to make a befitting sword for rent the children at the orphanage play a game outside while elies is doing some cleaning she practices her sword movement with her mop and Lillian teases her about being a strong Knight Elias tells her she needs to be in bed resting but lilan tells her she's feeling better she decides to have breakfast with the children and the LI is sure everyone will be overjoyed to have her at the table Lillian thanks elies for her efforts to make her healthy but elies tells her everyone contributed to make sure she became well rise Lura and Reena are the first adventurers to enter the guild early in the morning and Sheila welcomes them rise looks through the open job requests and he thinks about taking one on the second floor of the labyrinth but Reena tells him it would be too difficult for them they decide to go for another request but Sheila advises them to be careful while they're in the Labyrinth she tells them to turn back if they feel anything is a miss and they promise to heed her warnings rent gains Consciousness in a mental plane lying in a huge sea with the blue sky above him he feels so sleepy and he realizes it has been so long since he felt the need to sleep since he became an undead dead his body and his heart always felt empty but he felt more Humane with each Evolution he underwent he began to lose all the fear and despair that engulfed him after he became an undead he figures out that he was only able to endure it because he was Immortal he finally gains physical Consciousness and he wakes up to see Lorraine reading by his side he wonders what she's reading but she's surprised he's awake she tells him she was reading about the classification of vampires she tells him it's rare to see powerful vampires which makes it harder to classify them rent wonders why she's reading the book but he figures it out after she congratulates him on his successful Evolution rent looks at his skin and he wonders what he has become Lorraine tells him she can run tests to confirm and she tells him to take off his clothes rent takes them off and Lorraine studies his physical appearance she notices Wings on his back which surprises rent but they suddenly shrink and Lorraine realizes he can change their size if he focuses on them rent wonders what he has become but Lorraine tells him she's not sure she tells him he's a weaker vampire but she has never seen one with wings so she decides to look it up later she tells him to show her his face and open his mouth she notices small fangs and she tells him he's like a vampire she tells him to reveal the upper part of his face and open his eyes rent doeses this and Lorraine notices his eyes are red she tells him vampires are known to have red eyes but humans do too so he won't stand out so much she's glad to see his face again and she tells him she has been been yearning to say something to his face which makes rent wonder what she has to say she touches his face and welcomes back rent FAA emotionally rent tells her he's glad to be back to a semblance of his old self watch this next video see you on the next one
Channel: Aniplot
Views: 464,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recaps, anime recap, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap
Id: QzOJ2izpGGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 38sec (8018 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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