The World's Fastest Car

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foreign what's up guys it's Supercar Blondie now this right here is the world's fastest accelerating car now you might be thinking well hang on a minute there are lots of really really quick cars what about like for example the Tesla plaque I almost snap my neck doing that oh my God that's like zero to 60 and under two seconds this guess just guess just just think about it for one second it's 1.4 seconds it's actually so insane they tested it next to a La Ferrari yesterday you're going to see that footage in just a second now we're also going to be speaking to an xf1 driver he is here with us today he's going to explain exactly how this feels right what is this you're thinking well hang on a minute this is the McMurtry spilling now this is a UK designed and built car and you're going to have a little bit of a UK flag action here just to remind you of that this is their first ever car going into production they've been working on this for years and years now this is track only but there is a road legal version coming as well there's a secret right here how on Earth do you have a car this quick and this light that doesn't actually just like take off like it would literally just fly into the sky I've got to trick up their sleeve and it's something that is banned in Formula One underneath this panel are two fans and what that does is when you turn it on you can literally turn it on it's instant down Force for the car it creates this incredible suction underneath the car they even said to me I said can I turn it on here and they said oh those bricks I'd actually be worried that the bricks would be suctioned off the ground and he was like I don't want that to happen to your driveway are you serious like that is some pretty hardcore suction it's 2 000 kilos of downforce just with these two fans the fans are in here right so you can't see them and what happens is these two flaps are connected to the fans right what it's there for is a safety precaution you can actually run this on one fan say for example the right hand fan goes out it'll be suctioned closed so this one will stay open and basically nothing will happen you'll still have just as much downforce it's quite cool actually look at this when do you actually get to see the tire from above like that look you can see all the little stones in it this has been tested this has been driving around the track I just think that is a really cool like peekaboo feature now only room for one person we're going to have a look inside in just a sec look how streamlined it is it's very cool looking what do you guys think just pop your comment down below the video do you like the initial look of this car let me know I'd be interested this is basically for telecommunications so what you can do if you and your mate buy one for example you can be driving together and you're just like talking to each other in the car this is actually a feature for the track cars right but it will be an option for the road legal cars as well just for something fun now this is super super cool look how you get in ah ready you push this you need two hands really push this this comes out you know like a Lamborghini Huracan door handle and then this opens look how tiny it is it's tiny the cool thing is it only has one door around this side look what happens you think it's a door but it's not push there we go ah it's a safety hatch the whole thing comes off that is super cool look kind of looks like a helmet from the side doesn't it all right I'm gonna this is exactly not the thing I'm usually good at but here we go oh I did it all right now we have Max Chilton here come on in Max how are you man hi there yeah good to see you thanks for joining me my pleasure former F1 driver and race seeing drivers still racing right uh I've actually just stopped now so this is my this is the only driving part I do now that we've got you here how does that feel compared to an F1 car this thing is nearly double the speed on acceleration it when I first did the launch with the fans on and full power 1000 horsepower it took my breath away so now when I do it again I have to pre-empt it and hold my breath and just hold it for that first couple of seconds because it just keeps going and it doesn't just get to 60 and then sort of slow down yeah it gets to naught to 150 under five seconds so it's the rate of acceleration because it's electric and there's no gears it really hits you and it just keep being sucked down in the city can you breathe I've learned to hold my breath the first time I did it I was a bit like taken away and I was trying to get my breath back so yeah I now sort of yeah what I would like to do is get in and I would like you to show me the best way so there's it's like anything in life this technique it it looks challenging yeah but if there is a bit of a technique so I'll try and guide you through it so make sure the door's fully up I'll take the wheel off because it's a removable wheel great the way I do it is I sit my bum on there okay and then swing both feet into the bottom of the seat okay you make it sound so easy it is easy if you nice and relaxed bum on there swing both feet at the same time into the bottom of the seat so you're stable that's it you've done it you've done it so and now you can just sort of like slide yourself down and as you slide down slide your feet down oh my God you've done that look it looks like you've done it before look at this this is now you're making it look difficult yeah it's such a good job what is so cool you guys is look look how low you are and look how high your feet are oh my God this is like full F1 position huh yeah it's a full-on racing position so I feel right at home there so your knees are just below your chin level wow but you've still got good visibility every customer gets a full custom seat yeah you're molding into it so you can really take the g-force because this car cornering it sort of Corners under 120 miles an hour the g-force is far more than an F1 car it's really really it's it's mind-blowingly so you've got loads of leg room wow I think you'll probably find it's fairly spacious in there than more than oh you've got the pedals down there there we go you can kind of move them back and forth this is very much like an F1 steering wheel on the back you've got multiple different paddles luckily in this car there's no gears so you've just got drive neutral and then reverse and then you've got all these different dials we'll talk about later on um and then you just push it on there you go done so there's a big red button what's that one uh that's uh emergency stop that will just kill the power kill the red one on the opposite side though is the fire extinguisher don't want to use that by pressing that unless there is actually a fart because you might get covered in phone okay okay I'll avoid that one all right let's take it for a drive [Music] all right Max we ready we're ready let's do this now what's cool is you see the flashing lights that's like in pounce mode it's ready wait until it goes full on red all right we're ready bring her out see full red now here we go the world's fastest accelerating car on the world's slowest Street damn it we couldn't or organize it any other way but we're going to make it work somehow and Max has already driven it to its Max so we're gonna oh I like it see what I just did double entender and so we're going to get that footage because that's the kind of stuff we really want to see like you know speed thank you all right so we're going to put the battery on yeah battery on all right come over here guys check this out all right this one we go this way it's on now over here we go like this switch it to one watch screen turns on we've got to wait until this goes green the magic go light there we go and we switch this over to two now okay live we're live [Music] oh you are now completely live it's really easy to drive like two pedals yeah then we're awake [Music] oh my God it's quite loud wow sounds like a proper race car and it's fully electric that is so strange that is pretty damn cool let me see I even got mirrors oh we're going all the way up there that's fun oh here we go here we go he's loud that is epic holy moly all right we're gonna do a little bit of a turn oh listen to that [Music] holy moly wow [Music] oh Souls [Music] freaking cool
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 1,079,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oje38PLDQmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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