The World Without the USA | Jayant Bhandari

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[Music] our next speaker giant pandari is the founder of capitalism and morality he likes to speak his mind unn influenced by what others might think about him he has always found those people who abuse them their power repulsive as far back as he can remember he has been a libertarian and got to know the label only after he started writing for the Mises Institute he's a financial analyst investor and writer he's constantly traveling and has been to 80s 80 countries and has lived in six ladies and gentlemen it's my great honor to invite giant my mentor to the podium to talk about the pros and cons of American influence in the world [Applause] so no on March 19 2003 I was walking the streets of Berlin I was trying to convince the people on the street that what America had just started doing which was to start bombing Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do I told them that that was a righteous fight I told them that Saddam Hussein had to be got rid of those were very emotional days for me I was on my way to Canada as a new immigrant in a way leaving India was an easy decision it is a hellhole not just because of its government but because of its people every one of who thinks that he knows how I can live better having worked in India for 10 years after Maya come after the completion of my post graduation in the UK I had realised that my education and his skills had no value in India success at work was solely dependent on one thing bribing around that's what I did for 10 years wining and dining with politicians and bureaucrats in New Delhi I'd come to also realize that this predicament wasn't going to change for Indian society is hinged to expediency a lose/lose paradigm of tribal Asma amply mixed with superstitions with nothing solid to stand on and no concept of reason to accumulate intellectual and financial capital everything in that country had a feral quality when Indians protested about corruption and you sometimes see that on the TV or when people and knew the come out to protest against rape cases the media wants to show you that India is finally waking up the problem is that corruption is a problem for Indians only when they are recipient of a probe of the problem Avandia victim of corruption when their beneficiary of corruption they have absolutely no problems with that with the society missing conspicuously missing rational and small underpinnings it is impossible to wish away social ills corruptions and rapes are not going to go away every sign was that India and its institutions were going to continue to get worse and this had continued since the time the British colonizers had left that country deep in my heart I had a fantasy I wanted America to attack and take over India if that had happened I would have avoided looking for a completely new life in a new country and finding new friends and new relationships and more importantly I would have not had to face my mom to tell her that I was leaving those days walking around in Berlin I was projecting my emotional state on Iraqis why wouldn't they want the same Liberty I was aspiring for after all they lived in was tyranny then I existed in and within days of the u.s. is starting to attack Saddam Hussein and with his regime is starting to fall apart Iraqis were on the road greeting and welcoming US troops statues of Saddam Hussein and hip and his palaces were getting destroyed and demolished it seemed that there was a clear verdict from Iraqis that they had had enough of tyranny and why shouldn't that be the case after all most people virtually everyone I have known from these people places and I go to the Middle East once a year as well they want to move to America obviously they were welcoming American troops but the scene is started to change within a few months Iraqis had grown tired of American troops chaos and fanaticism had been unleashed in Iraq a virulent form of Islam was is starting to his spread in Iraq repression of minorities Christians and other kind of minorities has started to spread internecine violence with insects and between sects is skyrocketed it was as if all of a sudden Iraqis did not want Liberty which I thought they aspired for now there are different kind of views among people particularly in the West about what America should do in the international affairs some people think that America should just completely avoid interfering in other countries because interference leads to more problem in those countries and creates problems for the u.s. there of course are the people who want to want the u.s. to only engage in humanitarian work in these third-world countries and then there's of course a segment of the population in the West who wants to just simply annihilate these drug and violent societies I want to give my perspective on where the balances and I want to for now continue talking about America's influence in the world it is extremely hard actually possible to imagine for anyone who has followed the events in Africa that tyrants would not have tyrants in Africa would not have conducted worst genocides were America not there every country absolutely every country in Africa would have fallen into tribal chaos without the sanity provided by American influence and I almost guarantee that most of you are not aware of a major crisis America recently this made enabled not to happen in 2016 President Kabila of Democratic Republic of Congo had come to the end of his term he decided not to vacate his seat in fact he decided not to even conduct the elections but the international media would have not given you the information that was happening in DRC over the those two years between 2016 and 28 a part of 2018 and then they started writing glorious articles about what's happening in Africa Congo one of the most chaotic countries in their view was finally emerging and that their people had finally started to accept democracy but that's a lie it's a complete lie the reality is that this country DRC with population of 92 million people and a size as big as Western Europe was close to a civil war and the only reason elections were held was because America had applied sanctions on Congo and America had started to threaten Kabila I'm almost sure most people don't know about this now imagine if America had not avoided the civil war there would have a massive genocide in Congo but because genocide did not happen we have no reason to thank America for what it achieves my view is that without the influence that America has on Africa they are at least or at the Western in countries have on Africa there are at least a billion extra Africans were the Western countries not there to provide sanity to these countries they would have slaughtered each other which is what they were doing before Europeans arrived or they would have fallen to famine and prep and and disease or more likely most of them would have never been born in families suffering from famine and disease without the Western society Africa would never have been let go by Malthusian equilibrium let's talk about the Middle East without the presence of the Middle East without the presence of America sorry the Middle East would have fallen into much worse civil war than it currently has a plethora of their leaders are fighting among each other right now and this would have been much worse without American influence the Middle East started to get a huge amount of easy money in the 1970s and 60s from oil the reality is that war America not there to dictate these dictators in the Middle East what to do with that money that money would have got a squandered much faster than it got is squandered look at the GDP numbers of the Middle East on per capita basis most middle eastern countries all producing middle eastern countries had GDP per capita twice as much in 1970s than what it is today in real terms so as if most people people in the Middle East have destroyed half of their wealth generating capacity and as if the technological revolution that has happened in the last 50 years just went by without making any influence on the Middle East without the US influence Bashar al-assad the dictator of Syria would have killed a lot more people but much worse Isis would have still continued to spread and become a much worse fanatic organization but the story of America trying to save Muslim lives and beat lives of third world goes on and on America was the country that saved lives of Muslims in Kosovo and elsewhere in what was Yugoslavia in 98 80s and early 90s without America the slaughter would have been much much worse even today the biggest protector of Muslim lives is actually America although it gets blamed all the time currently they are supposedly between 1 to 2 million people in re-education camps in cynjohn the Muslim province of China Muslim countries the Arabic countries have completely ignored the existence of those reeducation camps where people are arrested and kept in camps because the Chinese government wants to remove the concept of Islam from their minds Saudi Arabia recently gave China a stamp of approval for his human rights as if China was doing nothing wrong Imran Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan was recently interviewed on TV and you can watch it on YouTube Shin John the Muslim province is Julie borders China Pakistan imran khan completely ignored the existence of reeducation camp and he actually said he had no clue about the existence of these camps everyone else knows about it the question of course comes up isn't it that America supports dictator of Saudi Arabia and some other countries of course it does and the world is not a perfect place ironically world Saudi Arabia to become more free it would actually become much much more fanatic anyone who remembers the sea the seizure of Grand Mosque of 1979 knows that Saudi Arabia needs to be a dictatorial country or it would actually become less free but moreover keeping Saudi Arabia's stable and saying has a huge purpose for America because if Saudi Arabia was not is stable Iran the nasty regime of Iran would get a free hand in the affairs of the Middle East you simply don't have a third choice you can blame America as much as you want you just don't have a third choice the story goes on and on America was the country that is stopped the spread of or controlled the spread of Communists in Brazil and Chile in fact war America not there my guess is that whole of Latin America would have gone communist and USSR would have actually taken over influence on the Middle East in the last one century depending on who you ask as many as 40 times or more America directly or indirectly changed the government in Latin America of course I'm not denying the existence of the military-industrial complex however as banach as barnacles go with the ship military-industrial complex always of course goes for its own profits the fact remains that while you can blame America as much as you can and as Fergus was alluding to earlier the fact remains that the third world is incapable of a staying stable without Western health this is a creaky principle let's move on to East Asia it is hard to imagine what Japan South Korea Taiwan and Singapore would have been like war America not there to protect them and to let them grow economically the interesting thing is that quite in contrast to the disrespect that America gets elsewhere in the world where it influences the local society Koreans and Japanese actually have a favorable view of America and I will come back later on what what this means for what America should actually do in world affairs but let's move on to something else without the u.s. I'm sure everyone is would agree that North Korea would have developed fully operational nuclear weapons and why just North Korea Saudi Arabia Brazil Libya Iraq Iran there were many many countries that were trying to build nuclear weapons America I stopped it my guess is that had this proliferation allowed to continue the world would have become a big Chernobyl because we are not suffering we don't have a reason to thank America for a dead but besides contributing in terms of establishing political stability the u.s. does far more girls than any other country on the planet most of which goes unrecognized seen and unappreciated one of the distinct memories I have as a team is of a bunch of men women and children died through a row being led to a construction site in India I asked my parents who they were and they said they were bonded Labor's that's a euphemism for slaves and as Team India has more slaves than any other country on the planet by the way an estimated 20 to 65 million Indians are directly or indirectly directly victims of human trafficking girls are forced into prostitution and brought in from Nepal and Bangladesh to be sold and traded in India of course they get traded in Nepal and Bangladesh as well boys and girls used to get trafficked and this I'm sure they still get trafficked in the Middle East for use on camel race purposes it isn't this got reduced not because people of these countries found some empathy in their heart it happened because of pressure from the US as a kid force whatever reason I was always following news on what was happening with human rights abuses trafficking and slavery in the country and I always wanted to see how the Indian government reacted to that and how the Indian population reacted to that none of them cared a damn there was hardly any whimper of protest from the middle class of India or the intelligence II of India against the human rights abuses in that country in fact there's a common saying among the middle class in India and the intellectuals in India that prostitutes get what they deserve now for the rich and well placed people the lower caste and lower class people are invisible their sufferings don't matter you ask an average Indian middle-class person and he will tell you with a straight face how high the standard of his life is completely forgetful about the fact that he has a fleet of maids servants and chauffeurs to make his lifestyle for him in his imagination they probably don't even exist as human beings there's a big irony here though and the irony is that when the lower caste and lower-class people of India get into power the lack of empathy the exhibit is much worse than the lack of empathy that the middle class and the intelligentsia project has I'm going to come back to that towards in very soon but let me just and hear about what good America does in the world in terms of humanitarian work that America does there are at least a couple of billion not million couple of billion more human beings on the planet because of an American agronomist Norman Borlaug who started what came to be known as Green Revolution and he started that in 1960s in the 1965 and 66 monsoon rain failed in India monsoon rain is the most important thing for agricultural production in that country surprisingly Indian government had no clue that a famine was approached approaching it was the US consulate in New Delhi that communicated to the Washington that India was heading towards a famine America had to ship so much of grain that the grain prices America actually started to go up an American government had to hide this information from from Americans they averted the famine what Indians remember and Indians do remember about this famine and the grains that was supplied by the US but what Indians remember is that these grains were of lower quality and were adulterated with weed and insects now what you can be sure of is that there was no sign and there is no sign of gratitude for America dead in terms of saving hundreds of millions of lives in India what happened at the same time was that American government negotiated with India that they had to free up the agricultural sector or from on a relative basis make it more free to make it more free market oriented which also of course became the background for Green Revolution in India and as a result population of population growth of India is spiked up so as you look at the graph in the 60s and 80s it just went straight up the population growth rate now what remember what Indians remember about that even a event is that the u.s. subjugated India now Norman Borlaug was quite rightly given the Nobel Prize but he made one huge mistake he did not know about Malthusian equilibrium or at least he did not take that into account which must continuously operate among people who are irrational and tribal let me unpack whatever I have said so far and isolate what I think the u.s. does that is clearly good and what the u.s. does that is clearly unsustainable or even harmful and I'm going to conclude with that most of the work that America does outside America is actually harmful for those people and for America let's start let's dissect these issues removing dictators and imposing democracy simply does not work it is the simplistic bureaucrat sitting in Washington who think that removing dictators and democracy would somehow improve these societies Saddam Hussein's tyranny was the only and the only stabilizing force in Iraq an ex tyrant must come back in Iraq before Iraq becames sane and stable on relative basis removing dictators and changing the form of the government outside the Western society and ystos Asian society leads to an immediate decay case after case in the society is affected and then worsening continues this is exactly what happened when democracy was forced on countries like Pakistan and Iraq and Myanmar they are much worse because of democracy here is a principle countries like Libya and Iraq are stable only under the heavy hand and ruthless ruthless dictatorship democracies of course not a magic wand which simplistic people of and some people in America Northam in the Western societies today think and it does not work even in the West what happens in democracy is that the least competent and the most tribal people and those people who are most desirous of bread and circuses decide who runs societies institutions democracy is anti reason it's anti progress it's anti civilization India was an unmanageable country when in the British rule dead India's population is now four times larger than when the British were running it now here is the problem with India the best people of India has left the country the people who now and that is why allowing good immigrants is actually make make things worse for everyone not better and now because of democracy not just crooks but brain-dead irrational Psychopaths rule that country India my guess is that India has at least a billion people over its Malthusian equilibrium and this will kick in as soon as the the force of sanity that u.s. imposes on that region goes away but really what I said about India is just one example that is exactly the case with the whole third world which represents five billion out of seven and half billion human beings on the planet so what this American influence on the third world achieved it only achieved a temporary loosening of Malthusian equilibrium which allowed for populations to become larger which means that the humanitarian crisis will be much worse when the equilibrium kicks in again here's a problem with the Christian ethic and the Christian ethic from what I understand is that Christians want to give without expecting in return the problem is you must expect gratitude in return because by not expecting gratitude there's no feedback mechanism which means that the receiver doesn't get it that he's getting charity and the giver keeps giving until the time the problem keeps increasing to a situation where the giver can no longer give this leads me to make a decision on what I think is a massive problem that the US has created intervention is a thankless job and attracts disrespect of those helped and the only countries that I would have that we are America does not get disrespect is East Asia the third-world countries actively destroy any benefits that accrues to them through war active destruction of capital hiddenness population growth in whatever way they can destroy all the value all the benefit that accrues to them is what they choose because among irrational people Malthusian equilibrium is the dominating force when the third world does not accept changing its culture the u.s. mainly subsidized increasing the problems of the third world however sad this may be ladies and gentlemen there's nothing that can be done those of us and there are many people from the third world countries here when we walk around our societies we left behind when we see starving people we don't feed every starving person when we see human rights abuses happening we don't help out every single person there simply aren't enough resources so in conclusion as the US influence receives or gets tapped out the world will become an extremely unstable place the third world particularly in my view there's only one thing America should do which is to protect itself and its cultural allies and who are the cultural allies the other Western countries and East Asia but as Trump insists helping out these European and East Asian countries must require gratitude in return they should learn to say thank you and they must learn to pull their own weight such a policy of self-protection for America will always mean that America will need to support dictators like those in Saudi Arabia because we don't live in a perfect world without keeping control of proliferation of nuclear and biological weapons we will become a big Chernobyl and every person on the planet owes gratitude to America for avoiding that there will be a massive humanitarian crisis in the third world as America will no longer be influenced at third world hundreds of millions perhaps billions will perish from the third world but any intervention can merely delay and worsen the problems so it is best for America to stop interfering in countries where it does not affect the interests of America and its allies ladies and gentlemen thank you very much five minutes sir yes sir you may have her thinking that India would eventually replace China as an economic power do you feel knowing the mentality in India that exists do you think this is possible I can bet a million dollars it's not going to I can bet a billion dollars it's not going to happen not in my grandchildren's grandchildren's lifetime China is just a completely different country to India those people who compare China with India or bookish people who sit in front of their spreadsheets and they try to project the growth rates of China and imagine that India would grow at the same rate at China at some point of time the world doesn't work that way cultures are complex societies are complex and anyone absolutely anyone I was talking with an Indian gentleman earlier he said India will always be a chaotic country that is the nature of the society so sorry so it will always be a tribal country and don't people should stop comparing China with India yes sir yeah you talk about tribal that is in the genes just because you come here and you become American that's another tribe everybody supports their own team that's one thing the second thing is about the Malthus equilibrium Malthus has been totally discredited by a person called Julian Simon I have a list of 30 commodities over here but no fifty maybe from aluminium banana can we just confess one question at a time because otherwise I'll lose track of it only this question this question everything has become more abundant in terms of human labour not one commodity has increased in price in the last thirty years and I have the list right okay I understand that understand it let me respond to it and then you can ask more questions firstly tribal yes we are all tribal and as I said nothing is perfect that degrees of tribal asthma and compared to with North European people these countries in Africa are extraordinarily tribal there is such a difference in tribalism that there's actually no comparison now Julian Simon was wrong sir I know that it's politically correct to accept both by the left and the right that Julian Simon was correct but population is not a resource because you can cut a cow use its meat and skin you can't cut human beings and and eat their meat so the Malthusian equilibrium will work on human beings if they consume more than they can produce unless you are allowed to cut them out when they are not productive now I agree I agree that prices of everything has fallen over the last 200 years prosperity has increased over the last 200 years but listen 200 years is not even noise in human affairs humanity has existed for depending on how you can't account it fifty thousand hundred thousand or a million years over over that period two hundred years is not even a noise in that ratio in that calculation so you can't except what happened in those 200 years to continue to happen in the future yes sir Rakesh yep nothing I think it's only economic freedom and rule of law which works you come back your article China is concerned the policy of having one child is going to be a big problem as their problem as it starts to age and if China has a kid India has economic freedom I will take that bet okay I just don't know what the economics of the whole situation will be so I'm saying that but if India does what it should be doing it as far as economic freedom is concerned I'll be happy to take that bet with you thank you now this might sound like a totally flippant and ridiculous question but think about it for a few seconds please what third-world countries eventually become better if they were to legalize magic mushrooms well Rakesh it's actually not going to work and I have given a you know it's I take it very seriously I have always thought for a long time I thought that instead of America is spending two or three trillion dollars on Afghanistan they should have just loaded hookers on on a plane from somewhere some other countries and sent them to Afghanistan to help them these people ease up a bit okay there's a problem there's a problem with that hedonism is just the other side of the same coin that Savitri is you have to base the society on reason and rationality otherwise it does not work hedonist does no good to you and it is no better than savagery all hedonistic society must immediately must sooner or later become Savage let's look at Latin America Latin America is not a fanatic and area it's a hedonistic area and that is the reason why it is in a way a reflection of what the Middle East is like probably more savage than the Middle East is not a question I just wanted to make a slight variant on what you said sending a plane load of hookers to Afghanistan no sir it's much cheaper and more effective to drop millions of Playboy magazines well you know a pornography frank is watched more in the Middle East and Pakistan on per capita basis than any other country on the planet but I've come to the end of my time so thank you very much and we'll break for coffee [Applause]
Channel: CapitalismAndMorality
Views: 4,456
Rating: 4.5443039 out of 5
Id: vZFgCQZWl88
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Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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