The World Economy is on the Edge of Crisis - Robert Kiyosaki, @GeorgeGammon

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this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's robert kiyosaki hello hello hello robert kiyosaki the richter ready to show the good news and bad news about money now we're having a very very special friend he used to be a neighbor right next door over there it's one of the smartest young men i know is george gammon and we're going to have a very exciting show today because i've been on this may 23rd 2022 that wasn't yesterday that was yesterday the imf at davos switzerland said the world economy is going to hit the biggest financial headwinds since world war ii yeah yeah what does that mean you know what i mean that's what we want to talk about but more importantly what can you do so george welcome back you have fantastic fantastic fantastic i mean event in in in dallas the collective yeah and we talked about it is you know when you think about what are your assets today if you're hanging out with idiots you're probably an idiot yeah and so when you put on you and kenny put on the collective i'm just blown away at the quality of people that showed up they're already wealthy and they're proactive moving forward and and then i'm in walmart looking at another breed of character running around there they're clueless yeah yeah so anyway thanks for doing great job at the collective you know fantastic thanks for coming and uh you know it's the same thing with uh rebel capitals live at the end of june and that's a another investment conference we do you're going to be speaking and uh people like snyder and joseph you know we were talking the other day about how you're kind of the average of the five people that you surround yourself yeah high and i think that's extremely true so if you can continue to grow your network and and always strive to be around smarter and smarter people i think that's going to bring you up and you're going to see the world in a much different way and it's going to increase the probabilities that you achieve what you want to achieve in life right and you know what i was talking about is who who are your teachers right right and what i found overall because you know my whole fascination is why are some people rich and why are some people poor but in 2022 the gap between rich and poor is now accelerating it's getting wider than the grand canyon but a lot of the times the people they're getting poor is simply because they had poor teachers yeah their parents are poor or they come from a poor background or like in my case they're all school teachers who think you've got a phd that's all you need yeah and unfortunately too they if they don't see the world the way it really is they assume that this they assume the solution or the solutions that are presented to them by the central planners and the politicians correct they just take that at face value is that though oh well the solution for bridging the inequality gap if you will is just to tax the rich we'll just take everything from the rich and we'll just let the politicians take what they want and then just give the table scraps to the poor and somehow that will reduce the the wealth gap but as margaret thatcher said uh that'll just make everyone equally poor you know what we want to do is we want to make the poor and middle class we want to make them richer correct and for whatever reason well it's because those people don't have that financial education that you've been talking about for the last 30 or 40 years you don't get it at school yeah they assume that the way that you you know again bridge that gap is is by taking from one group as so somehow there's like this fixed pie and we have to realize that in free market capitalism you know that pie continues to grow and grow and grow and that brings up the quality of life for the the people at the bottom and that's we're going to the infinite conference with kenny yeah yeah because it's infinite yeah money is infinite i think another thing is about the media is so biased today i can't stand it yeah like 60 minutes this sun past sunday just as imf is making their announcement this billionaire young entrepreneur he's giving every kid a free college education with their parents i said well it's good they're going to college but what do they learn about money yeah nothing or what do they learn to learn about marxism yeah everything yeah exactly that's my point that's my book that's that's the capitalist manifesto you know if you want to be a marx go to school yeah especially college yeah oh it's horrible so george how did you get so smart at such a young age tell us about your background well i mean i retired in 2012 and i didn't know anything about the fed i didn't even know what the federal reserve was where'd you grow up portland oregon yeah and uh i but back in 2012 at the time i was in las vegas and uh i was fortunate enough to retire with a little bit of money but i needed to make a five or six percent return to make sure that i didn't have to go back to work right and uh so you're an entrepreneur yeah i was an entrepreneur for many many years right and i i knew how to make money but as far as investing that's a completely different skill set and did you go to real estate what happened yeah i went into real estate because i was trying to find something that was cheap and cash flow that's right and back in 2012 that was all of the above yeah and that was a good time to buy so i went into real estate but i really wanted to learn kind of how things work yeah and that took me down the path of milton friedman and thomas soule and people like yourself and jim rogers and doug casey and rick rule and jim rickards and peter schiff and all these people and that's where i really got the bug that's when you get educated yeah that's right that's right and the funny thing is you know um kim met my rich dad you know she's going what is real estate what is real estate so we moved to portland yeah and she cut her teeth on a little place called sell um east marlin yeah there's a golf course a great golf course east marlin country club my east martin golf course and so we she started buying her first little house there the mark interest rates were like nine nine or ten percent okay and she bought a little two-bedroom one-bath house she put almost nothing down and she got 25 bucks a month or 50 bucks a month it changed her life yeah she says i can make money with nothing you're right and now you know becomes a freaking monster in a good way but it changes your mind you go i don't have to spend the rest of my life working and interesting her father was a mr stocks and bonds guy he goes what are you doing you're investing in real estate and she had to fight her dad and thank god she had met my rich dad and my poor dad and so she had three dads to contend with yeah and she she today i mean like you know we we bought the biggest we invited you to come kenny and i are in the biggest gold mine in the world yeah we paid nothing for it yeah we get in for nothing but that's the infinite return which kenny's having a couple of weeks from now yeah what was fascinating going back to that last event that we did in dallas that you referenced is we did a property tour and we saw a lot of kenny's properties there in the dallas fort worth area some of those apartment complexes and after he took the group around 100 percent debt well he went he actually had a white board did he tell you that no no no yeah so he had a white board we did a tour and he took that whiteboard and he put it in the office and then he had all of our the people in our mastermind group he walked through the numbers you know when he bought it how much he paid for it how he paid for it and then all the refinances that he's done through that forced appreciation and that how that equals these infinite returns yeah we have no money in the deals yeah yeah that's right and it's hundreds of thousands a month in income tax-free yeah right because of depreciation amortization yeah but that's what we teach but our schools to go to school get a job and get a 401k i'm going oh gag me i mean i would never do that yeah but if you had bad teachers or poor teachers or your pastor your parents said that's what you do yeah but even that in and of itself is a horrible argument it's you just invest in the stock market your 401k because what happens is these financial planning i'm sure you know this you know yeah exactly my 401k but see this is very important because what the the game these financial planners play is they only show you charts going back to 1981 and this is when paul volcker raised rates so since then we've been in a down cycle in interest rates and and you sure you can say the stock market always goes up right if interest rates are always going down but what happens when interest rates start going back up and usually this cycle is about 30 40 years so if you look at charts of the stock market going back to 1927 to 1980 or 81 adjusted for inflation it was pretty much flat but see they don't tell you that right they just they just cherry pick the data of course they want to give to you in order for them to collect their fees but something even worse happening is the last crash was let's say 2008 when the repo market reversed and all this stuff and most of these financial planners and real estate brokers all they know is a rising market yeah that's right all you know since 2008 we've been nothing and happy days are here again because they kept dropping interest rates real estate went up uh stock market went up bond markets went up yeah and we were just talking to ralph powell and he said the problem with that is that the and the bull goes up the stairs yeah the bear comes out the window or the i've heard the wind or the elevator right the other window that's a little bit more dramatic well says when it comes is four months that's how fast this bear was going to go out the window so so anyway so you you got so you invested in property where was your property in kansas city perfect place yeah you know and my objective might help some people kind of think about real estate or assets in a different way the first goal that i had when i retired is just to look at my monthly expenses and say how can i get my money to cover those expenses yeah yeah you see and so how can i get my cash flow to cover these things so then i know that i'm never drawing my savings down right and i think it sounds easy and it sounds common sensical but very few people just kind of connect those dots and realize that if they can create enough cash flow with their portfolio their portfolio to cover their monthly expenses that is when you're financially free yeah that's a cash flow game out of the rat race all this stuff you know you got 10 000 a month coming in you got 7 000 expenses 3 000 net you're free yeah and there's tax breaks for it mm-hmm i and that but in school i get a 401k i'm going are you kidding me right but this is the this is the challenge for that company like let's listen to dalio and all the very smart guys but they're all stock guys they always say get a diversified portfolio stock spas mutual funds i don't have any i mean i have companies i took public myself right i own the stocks like silver companies that took public my stocks i control and then we make most of our money from kenny not most of it but you know we get income from 13 000 or 14 000 rental units with no no equity right pure debt and we pay no taxes and then you know we invest in oil wells right and uh we don't invest in oil companies well wells and so when biden took the um the keystone xl pipeline they cut that project oil went from thirty dollars a barrel to a hundred thirty dollars a barrel four hundred percent raised in one day i actually liked biden for about 20 minutes yeah but unfortunately as you know george the problem is higher oil prices cause higher fuel prices higher food prices which is going to wipe out the poor and middle class yeah because they're the people that get disproportionately affected because a higher percentage of their income goes to those things that are going up in price and they want to tax the risk but there's too few rich yeah well what they don't yeah we don't pay taxes anyway yeah the problem with that argument i've been hearing that a lot lately i've been hearing that in davos all the time yeah we talked about that prior to recording is the cure for inflation is not more money that that's usually the the cause of inflation or consumer price inflation the the cure for consumer price inflation is more stuff yes produce more you gotta produce more stuff yeah produce more oil guess what yeah so if you're just taxing the people who are producing that that defeats the purpose that's going to create most likely higher consumers that's what sarah's complaining about is the the baby formula it's it's they've got so many regulations they can't produce it here yeah everybody's blaming this baby formula regulation on supply chain but that's not actually what's happening it's over regulation yeah right so we just imported how many millions of cases of baby food the united states the greatest nation in the world how to import baby food something's wrong yeah well look at our trade deficit i mean we're importing everything we're consuming so much more than we produce but we've been doing that for decades to pay for it right but but we can't print food we can't print energy and at a certain point if those countries that we're getting that from say you know what it's it's it's you're you we're not going there anymore we're not playing your game you know isn't that what's happening yeah so a great example is let's look at china starting to do deals with saudi arabia yeah and i think most likely russia and yuan okay so what most people just see that they say oh it's kind of the deterioration of the dollar but no there's far more to it than that so before that happened the china would need dollars to buy the food or the commodities the energy they needed oil that's right so they needed to earn those dollars so that's why they would export all these items that we buy at walmart because they want our dollars so they can go and buy the oil so they're they're in a very difficult position there but if they start doing these deals in yuan for oil now all of a sudden they can print the currency to buy the oil they don't have to earn it you see smoke for them but yeah but what that means is now they the united states doesn't have as much leverage over china as it once did right so the united are so china can start gradually it doesn't happen overnight but they can start to tell the united states to pound sand and if we can't get our stuff from china where are we going to get it we're not producing it here internally in our domestic economy so then you know where do we get it we get it somewhere else at a much much higher price if we can get it at all well i just you know i'm a macro guy too but there was a guy named marmar gaddafi and he told the u.s pound said also we're going to shift we're going to sell our oil and dinars yeah not dollars and he disappeared yeah yeah i guess you don't mess with the us yeah but but i don't know that you can compare libya to china it's a it's a different ballgame you don't mess with the money yeah you know and that's that's when we come back we're gonna be talking more about this because you were talking about the crypto and the central bank digital currency central bank and the imf sdrs and all this stuff they're playing games with money big time right now well they're current trying to control it you know it reminds me of the quote uh that we were discussing actually the other day from kissinger remember who was the main influence on klaus schwab who runs the world economic forum i didn't know that yeah we could tell that story when we get back from break if you want me to but the but his quote was if you control the food you control the money or excuse me if you control the food you control the people if you control the energy you control countries and if you control money you control the world that's right and that was what uh rothschild said i care not make who makes the rules right as long as i control the money yeah and i think that's part of their objective and we hear them out just explicitly talking about it in davos this week that's real gold and that's real silver this is 2 000 that's concentrated money yeah and this here is about 35 yeah but more importantly this has maintained its purchasing power over the last 5 000 years so you can buy just as much stuff today with this little gold coin as you could have 5 000 years ago and that's why i invited you to come to our gold mine that we bought for nothing down in utah yeah yeah but it's because we're taught to think differently and that's what we teach yeah so we come back we're going more with george my friend george gammon here and all these young guys get so smart you know i'm flying over to miami your show with a rebel capitalist show but who is it ben shapiro yeah ben shapiro another smart young guy it's amazing old guys are getting taught by young guys [Music] what would you do if someone handed you 100 000 right now trick question nobody knows that's why people are sitting on more cash now than in the past 20 years according to bank of america and with every major index headed to bear territory and the crypto market losing 1 trillion the wall street journal says the options are shrinking but that doesn't mean that they're not out there because get this bloomberg recently asked some financial experts the same question and they overwhelmingly recommended this particular safe haven asset it's outpaced as s p 500 for the last 25 years by a whopping 164 percent and has the lowest correlation to public equities of nearly any asset class the market for this asset remains strong even during the inflationary period of the 70s the 2008 crash and kovitz shutdowns and for the first time it's available to retail investors thanks to masterworks although the demand is through the roof so there is a wait list but our listeners get a skip ahead at rich dad that's rich dad see important regulations disclosures at masterworks dot io slash c d [Music] welcome back robert here secretary radio show the good news and bad news about money our guest today is very dear friend he used to be a neighbor right behind this wall here yes george gammon but he found religion and moved back to colombia and uh they he puts on the most spectacular and kenny mcelroy put on the specular spectacular i don't know what you call it but it's a magical informational prop group called the collective yeah i go to it i'm going blown away i'm blown away the point here is this is that you are who you hang out with absolutely and we talked about the gap gets wider and wider depending on who you hang out with do you know and uh if you're hanging out with village idiots guess what you're falling behind big time yeah and you know i'm a perfect example of that because like we were saying earlier i retired in 2012 but i didn't start my podcast or my youtube channel until 2019 the podcast not till 2020. and in the interim you know when you're retiring everyone thinks that life on the beach just sipping pina coladas is going to be great but that gets old after about two weeks and you can feel yourself deteriorate mentally and i was saying to you from portland and kim bought her first rental property in portland by east moreland and she found religion she could buy something for nothing yeah in the worst economy ever yeah interest rates were nine percent and people are crying the blues at five percent yeah and once you understand that it's all in your head and you can adjust the dials in your brain yeah you'll see a different world and and it's all about that knowledge yeah and so we have ralph powell on just now there's more opportunity today but people are committing suicide so what were you saying sarah what's happening with that during break during break we were talking about the future of digital assets yeah and i was asking george about luna this big crash of stable coins millions of dollars were lost now did i get into an argument on that one it was civil no no this is george george it's a rich dad radio show you know i'm known for my tact and discipline and all this stuff my silver tongue and this every time i hear it from the you know the experts fngs f and you guys this will never go down i mean how many times have you heard that one and you know i'm older i hear it all the time so he's yelling about this will never go down and i go why it's got algorithms i went oh god so i started screaming at him i said don't give me that crap you know and all this stuff and then two days later boom goes to zero almost right yeah and so sent to shockwave i guess is what i was trying to say earlier and you know so does that you know are we seeing this trembling of you know maybe this isn't the future and you had a great comment about the dot-com era yeah well i think that it'll be the real estate area too the same thing happened yeah i mean i think it'll be similar in the sense that uh you know back in the late 90s everything was dot-com and they were getting these billion dollar evaluations and it is true that the internet was the future yeah it is true that the internet was the future but not all those companies you know 99 of them go bust and i think it'll most likely be the same with crypto there will come you know maybe bitcoin ethereum will come out winners in the long run and will be here i don't know what purpose they'll serve uh you know i don't know if they'll be transactional in the case of bitcoin or be more of a digital reserve asset store value i'm not quite sure you know what what place it'll play but uh i think it'll most likely play out the same way the dot-com bubble burst in the 1990s but i didn't know this they're committing suicide oh yeah there's a whole like reddit is going crazy over this crash in fact um reddit it's another like social club okay so they're they're talking you know friends of theirs committed suicide they lost millions millions in this stable you know what was fascinating is i did the the fresh and fit podcast you know those two young guys out in miami i think you know and i was talking i was talking to them off offline about cryptocurrency and they said that their friends you know this 20 year old age group are so into crypto that they that's all they have and to to the point where excuse me a lot of times the fresh and fit guys will have to lend them money for lunch not because they don't have money but all their money is encrypted one hundred percent of it and not just billionaires but no cash yeah or or millionaires or thousand errors maybe in this case but you know it's not in bitcoin and ethereum it's in all these uh lesser-known alt coins that they think are gonna or have the potential to go up a thousand x and they're trying to be the next uh you know superstar on instagram billionaire or whatever that gets rich in crypto and then they're they just get completely wiped out and it gives them that very very difficult lesson that uh you know young investors have had to learn throughout the ages that it's not different this time you know to your earlier points we've been through this before yeah but i've heard that no it'll never go down and going moment i hear that i know it's going down yeah and there's always uh you know jim rogers i think articulated it beautifully in the market wizards books where he says you've just got to buy panic and sell hysteria and sometimes you know you can tell when there's hysteria and when bitcoin was at 65 000 and i'm long-term bullish on bitcoin me too but you got to pick and choose when you buy based on that panic and hysteria and there was just i was seeing it on twitter non-stop i was seeing it in social media i was seeing all these like chat rooms like clubhouse where the hysteria was just mind-boggling and uh that's something that i think people can sense uh but they need to make sure they're not getting caught up in that emotional frenzy they're going to make bad decisions i have a great story so you know how you say when um you get out of real estate when like the everybody becomes a realtor you know like the cashier gives you you know okay here's how i know i i can't trust crypto yet is my mother-in-law who's 75 sent my husband a text saying i think i want to get into crypto yeah right okay yeah or at least that tells you now's not the right yeah now's not the right time to buy and then what we were saying yesterday is that the problem with bull markets it makes stupid people look smart yeah and the saying is the bull goes up the stairs bear goes out the window and when it comes down it comes down fast my question is though i don't know people are committing suicide wow i mean these are 20 year olds that probably didn't have anything really to start in got lucky shoot go to the moon or whatever the phrase is and then they lost it all well and until the point they don't have any cash this is deja vu all over again because in 1929 the saying was watch out for falling bankers because they were coming out of the window killing people on the street below yeah but at the end of the day who do you blame the fed it's the fed because this is all just pushing people out to the risk curve well it's pushing people out the risk curve because you keep the interest rates artificially low do you listen to the fed there you go good point so the the whole thing here is you know get smarter that's why we're talking about at least hang around smart people yeah i mean oh my god you know it's going to be the as the ralpal was saying man we're going to make so much money because we have we have um what's that thing called green you deal stuff carbon credits and we have biotech coming online and all that there's more opportunity today yeah but not if you hang out with idiots yeah and i would actually look at it from a different perspective than raoul i do think there's incredible opportunities but i think it would come in it could come there but i think it will also come in pretty much the opposite arena and that's just old school commodities i think we're going into a long-term super cycle absolutely i think you're gonna see prices of things like coal uranium and i think the the the overarching theme and pretty much everything that you've said for the last 30 or 40 years is if you're going into an investment and everyone else is doing it and that's what they're teaching you in school you're probably not going to make money you're probably going to lose money but if you're going into an investment and every single person is telling you robert you're crazy what are you talking about you're absolutely out of your mind don't do that those are the investments where you've made the most money and it's been the exact same thing in my life in jim rogers life and probably in ralph paul's life yeah and what but you know like we have no stocks bonds or mutual funds because my rich dad taught me differently so today you know like i was saying i said this all the time we own oil wells we don't oil oil companies we don't own stocks so again when biden cut the xl pipeline off well went from 30 to 130. holy mackerel we got we're making so much money today the dangerous thing is people are being wiped out inflation's killing them food and fuel that's right that's what scares me yeah you know yeah and that's the moral of the story and that's the way these things always play out is when the central planners try to uh or who knows if they're trying to do good they might be trying to do bad you know going back to machiavelli we had that conversation the other day yeah the prince that's right i think differently than we do yeah but any intervention they have in a free market economy it's always going to make things worse for the poor and middle class whether it's through the insidious invisible tax of inflation or whether it's just you know propping up uh assets that are creating uh you know these bubbles where people get completely wiped out and misallocation of resources and malinvestment i mean we've got to understand that central planning or marxism as you always say this is a very very slippery slope this is the road to ruin whereas jim rogers says you know this is the quick path to the poor house we need to understand that free market capitalism is not perfect but it's the best system we have to raise this standard of living for the poor and middle class and we're going so marxist that's why i'm so many kids oh if i go to college i'll be fine this week got taught marxism mm-hmm you know they talk about you know tax to rich and all these other things they teach but they think that's frightening today is what claus schwab is saying someday you'll own nothing yeah and you'll be happy right that's the app the abolition of private property which is marx yeah and that's what they're teaching the kids absolutely and and the crazy thing is they're trying to use inflation as a reason to tax the rich and it's just completely perverse because the way you solve consumer price inflation is but like we're saying by producing more stuff and uh you know if you're taxing all the people that are producing are we going to have less stuff in the future we're going to have more stuff no as you said the money just moves yeah right we moved to where we're treated the best yeah well and as tom will write sorry to interject but tom miller always says you can't tax the rich because the rich have it right they earn their money in assets so you're only taxing the poor and middle class so it's a solution that will never work and inflation is the worst tax of all yeah and it just causes more people and what ralph paul is saying is we're going to shift to you you be our universal base with them and remember which is marxism yeah someday you'll own nothing and you'll be happy the government will give you your money yeah and i just want your audience to think about this for a moment because i really want to beat this dead horse because i think it's important uh you know we are experiencing global consumer price inflation right right not just in the this is a huge huge problem a problem that we haven't seen since the 1970s global crisis since world war ii yeah absolutely that was just today that's right keep going and their and their solution is to do what ubi let's give people more money and let's restrict the the supply of goods and services even further by making it harder for the producers to actually produce so what they're doing by they're trying to sell this to the general public the way we solve consumer price inflation is by creating more money and producing less stuff it's it's the complete opposite yeah we need less money and we need more stuff i'm asking this question when you when you give people money does it increase the debt well it it it depends on how that money is generated but i understand but somebody somebody's gonna pay the piper in there yeah usually it's going to be produced through the issuance of new debt so if it's the government issuing new debt for that deficit spending or if it's a bank issuing new consumer debt then you've got a debt you've got a loan to match up with that new money that was created yeah so is there any money in a credit card is there any money yeah a credit card increases the money supply no but is there any money in it oh no it's debt yeah and that's how money is created yeah you have to borrow it into existence yeah that's right that was 71. you have to borrow the money and money is created that was a fractional reserve system fraction reserve system says you put your savings in a bank let's say a hundred dollars the bank can lend out a thousand ten to one leverage in there and now they don't even need that no and they they don't really need reserves at all to lend they can just create money out of nowhere and that goes back to the central bank digital currency and them trying to ban cash and i think that's why so many young people are in crypto they know something's wrong they just don't have the big macro picture of it and they get caught up in all these swings so you were talking about cbdc central bank digital currency what does that mean to you george well a central bank digital currency simply means that we all all the average joes and genes in society including the businesses and corporations now have an account with the central bank in our case it would be the federal reserve but isn't that marxism central banking it's it's absolutely 100 central planning uh because what happens now is the banking system is in charge of creating most of the new money now it's a little bit different with these deficits and quantitative easing whatnot but usually it's the banking system so if they keep that loan on their bound if the bank continues to own the loan they want to lend to someone who's going to pay them back right really so hopefully they're going to lend it for productive purposes meaning the majority of money that's being created is going to create more goods and services right and that's why you don't have the inflation even though the money supply increases now what happens capitalism yeah yeah and that's why the free market works right so and that's by the way why the free market creates deflation right not influencing price is going down capitalism actually brings prices down yeah because you can't compete otherwise yeah which brings the standard of living for the poor and middle class yes but they're teaching marxism in school that's my book you know capitalist manifesto that whole thing is so backwards run by school teachers oh my god yeah exactly so if we move into the system with a central bank digital currency then all the bank accounts go to the fed and then the fed determines who gets the loan and why and the the big key there is the fed doesn't have a profit and loss they can lose money so where a bank has to lend productively the fed can lend in a way that isn't productive they can lend to whomever they want they don't have to worry about being paid back so that's centrally controlled money supply debt creation and that to your point is marxism but it's also a massive control it's orwell big brother is watching yeah they can tell exactly where you're spending your money what are you spending on and where is it yeah so going back to the imf and this gal that's in charge that was speaking at davos she was saying how we need a central bank digital currency and the the the global governments need to come together and of course the imf would manage this in the world economic forum but they need to come together to create a solution for cross-border payments this is how she's selling it is that all these poor people have to pay western union you know 20 percent fee or whatever and she's right but she doesn't care about that she just cares about the solution which is the global government's coming together with this payment system for cross-border that's seamless and free but of course we're using a central bank digital currency and then the reserve asset becomes the sdr which is the currency of the imf they have control over the money supply and it's it's not as it's not the system we have now with the united states having the global reserve asset or the global reserve currency and the banking system creating that uh currency globally right the biggest thing with i'm with central bank that i'm not you know not financial i mean not crypto smart or anything is this but it's orwell's big brother is watching they can track you and the reason i like this stuff here it's real gold this has been here since the earth was formed this is silver been here the earth has formed i can run with this and spend that anywhere in the world they can't track me yeah and so when bitcoin came out remember that they were saying oh they're going to use it for the drug trade and all that well you think dollars aren't yeah exactly i mean how can people be that stupid and drink the kool-aid from the fed well not not everybody is i i was i was in the airport yesterday and i was going through the line at the security line i actually saw someone wearing a shirt that said make 1984 fiction again what does 84 mean to you because that's a really interesting book you know well it's it's pretty much what we're seeing play out right in front of our own eyes i mean it was supposed to be fiction but uh in my opinion this is the objective of these davos types you know the global elite and i don't think it's a conspiracy theory i think they're coming right out and saying that hey we want the world to consume less energy we want to reduce the population or the birth rate they'll say and we want to you know gain we want power and control because it's in your best interest look at what the who came out with this this uh health treaty did you see that the world health organization yeah they came out with this uh opinion i don't know if it was this proposal for a treaty where basically they control in the future every country's uh position on lockdowns on mask wearing on all of these things that we've seen play out in 2020 and 2021 the the who wants to be in charge of all that so all these countries sign treaties that say yes we're giving our health sovereignty over to you global elite but that's the world health organs in the world bank everything is world yeah there's no sovereign yeah yeah you know no national world that's right well there's they they so you've got these two opposing forces going on right now most of us in the real economy and i think the people listening to this show they want decentralization they they want control of their own destiny where they want privacy and privacy freedom yeah privacy freedom you know a few words like that that's and they want it for their children right where these davos types they want the opposite they want complete centralization because they think that all of us are inferior stupid dumb rubes and you know we're only going to make things worse so we need to give them all of our freedoms all of our liberties they need to have complete control to be able to micromanage our life and that's the only way that you know their minds that we're going to survive that's that's what rich dad poor dad is my poor dad brilliant brilliant academic but flat broke you know but he thought all he needed was his phd and in stanford and northwestern university chicago and he just thrived on that and my rich ted who never went to school goes is it your father's an idiot but they think they're superior yeah that's right they think they're above the law some of them the other thing too the thing about you know like the reason we like macro is history does repeat you know as jim rogers says one thing history teaches you that people don't learn from history yeah and so when i read anne ran an atlas shrugged yeah i said where did where did john gal go hiding i went do i have to hide i mean i was you know she's a she was she just came from russia yeah so when i read that book where's you know where is john galt hiding i went looking for a place to hide and so that's why kim today is on i won't say it in south carolina on a private island hiding with people who subscribe to anne ran yeah where are you hiding today yeah yeah i mean you look at books like 1984 and atlas shrugged and you see my gosh how on earth could they have seen this coming you know these were supposed to be fictional books but they predicted the future and what we're living through now i think it's just because to your earlier point history repeats or if it doesn't repeat exactly it rhymes i mean i was doing a lot of research just over the last couple days on world war one and how world war one started and it is eerily similar to the white well that was world war ii and as far as the hyperinflation but world war one was really the the it was reparations world war one that set up i mean that that's what the it was a train chain react quite keep going yeah but the duke gets shot right and uh wherever he was in slovenia or something like that uh i can't recall where he was but basically then you have the two groups you know austria and then the the yeah austrian hungary and then the other group you have all of these larger countries that back one of the smaller countries that that hate each other and you know then the world gets kind of separated into two groups and then they go to war and you see the same thing happening today with russia you've got larger countries that are siding with them and then you've got other countries that are siding with the west so you have two economies especially ukraine that are are relatively small now they're wildly important because they provide a lot of the food and energy for the world that's for sure i'm not saying they're not important ukraine is the bread basket to so many countries throughout the world yeah right you got natural gas you got you got potash you've got fertilizer you've got lumber you've got a lot a lot of stuff there in russia and ukraine but my point is you've got from from a standpoint of gdp you've got two countries that are relatively small compared to the japans and the china's in the united states but yet they're in this conflict you know everyone all these huge countries that do have uh you know a lot of economic power and huge militaries are picking sides and it's you can see it escalate and it's just feels the same obviously i hope it's not and there are no certainties there are only probabilities but the point there is if you look at history like world war one world war ii uh you know all of these wars uh they they usually start the same way right so let's get into education because i think that's one of the most important things who are your friends you're hanging out with as we you know we talked about here is if you're hanging out with the village idiots you're falling behind right yeah and i know a lot of village idiots all hanging out together and going holy moly so what's happening with the rebel capitalist show in florida yeah robocapitalist live so live when is what's the date that's going to be june 24th through the 26th where we've got some incredible speakers yourself we've got doug casey jesus who i just spoke with yesterday that'll [Laughter] right right then we got joseph wang who actually used to work at the fed really yeah he used to be in charge of the new york fed's trading death so he actually did quantitative easing wow he was the one that had to buy the treasuries and the mortgage-backed securities from the bank so he'll be there brent johnson uh you know our good friends leona zhang mark moss uh kenny mcelroy uh hartman dr chris martinson wow we'll be there as well so yeah it's going to be a great event we're looking forward to what city is in miami miami and how do people get tickets rebel capitalist how much hey boy you guys make this easy [Laughter] we had a politician on yesterday and even robert let it get it let him get in his url every couple times right that was a really good show man my neighbor was running for um attorney general okay i didn't know anything i had no idea what attorney general did oh it was a fascinating wasn't it fascinating it was i learned a lot actually i learned more than i did in school mackerel it's not an ordinary position because they enforce the law but most attorney generals are left yeah oh big time big time and then most of them have never had a job you know they haven't government employment they grew up in the government you know it's just you know so this guy rodney glassman i mean he's running his own law firm because the attorney general runs the biggest law firm in the state and they affect the department of education transportation and all this so when you get these left-leaning attorney generals we just get more of the same all right it's the most amazing time there he the thing i like that he said was he attorney generals are really the only ones to be able to tell the governor no so when mandates were happening and they were shutting down restaurants the attorney general was is really the only one that could have stopped that yeah the counterbalance exactly and the sheriffs are very important too absolutely that's another rich dad radio show please listen to it because it's not about the arizona attorney general it's about who enforces the laws and as we know we're going very woke in the laws yeah i won't say anything more because i'll be yanked off as a racist but isn't that brilliant marketing you say anything today you're a racist or a homophobe yeah they've really said or or a domestic terrorist yeah yeah if a parent that questions the schools yeah holy mackerel yeah it it but that goes back to orwell in 1984. it's double speak it's that it's you know we just biden just came out with uh or tried to come out with the disinformation governance board i think it was it's already disbanded the ministry of truth from 1984. anyway you know what an exciting time huh yeah it is i think it goes back to that lenin quote that you and i have discussed extensively that where he said there's decades that go by where nothing happens and then there's weeks that go by when decades happen yeah and i think i said this yeah yeah yeah let me clarify there yeah yeah the beatles are pretty profound yeah and i think that we were in 2020 in 2021 i said this on my channel many times i i used that phrase to describe what we are going with from a standpoint of our personal freedoms and liberties in 2022 i think you've got to look at uh the economy and you've got to look at censorship you've got through that land you've got to go macro yeah but you've got to look at it through that lens of understanding that we're going through weeks where decades are going to happen but this has happened before that's the worst thing as actually roger says history proves people don't learn from history yeah you know i'm going holy mackerel yeah and you know there's no excuse you were talking about how people need to educate themselves and to really reevaluate their own personal network and start hanging out with people where they're the dumbest one in the room so that's why i go the rebel capital is live yeah but but also with the internet there is just there's no excuse i mean going back to when i retired i didn't know anything about macro i've never taken an economics class i've never taken a finance class completely self-taught and it's just from listening to people like you and jim rogers and jim rickards and schiff the old guys that's right on podcasts and on youtube and just educating myself i didn't have a network back then but i kind of in a way made you guys my online network correct just by listening to all of your content and that's something that anybody can do today but there's one more step which is a video i'll send you this video it's on loneliness and uh he's saying that you know the screen is one thing but it just causes a huge demand to reconnect with human beings in person so that's what rebel capitalist live is doing that's what kenny's doing with the infinite and it was a book by alvin toffler called future shock he called it high tech high touch that the more high tech things got the more demand for high touch in face to face person to person and with that is why we created the cash flow board game so people could interface with each other and discuss and play games and get to know each other face to face because loneliness is one of the biggest growing problems in the world today oh absolutely and it's going to get worse yeah people are highly connected but lonely yeah that's right yeah so yes it is and at the end of the day to your point social media cannot give you that connection what human beings instinctively need and the way we're hardwired to have that uh communication and interaction with other human beings and we want a spiritual connection yeah and that's what's missing but so what's happening people in gangs like forming and all this stuff murder rates are going up yeah you know the wrong guy there you know what i mean yeah yeah and or women but anyway you know george thank you thank you thank you um i look forward to seeing you at rebel capitalist live in miami what's the dates again june 24th through the 26th and they can see it at please go there for high touch yeah you can you can watch it on the video and all this stuff but you come to meet people who are there yeah people who show up just like we were in dallas a couple of weeks ago yeah i think that's really part of the value if not the biggest value is it yes it's great to hear people like you speak live or on tube but but it's even better to go there and and interact with other rebel capitalists you know other people that value freedom liberty and free market capitalism i think uh again the speakers are great but the real value of the pizza is meeting other people there and that's when i was was at the collective in dallas you know you meet some great great great real people who are breathing and talking get to know them personally yeah all very successful and all trying to solve the same problems that you're trying to solve with a similar world view yeah because that this is that's this guy this video i'll send you on on loneliness says we want to go back to our tribe yeah right it's just a human touch they want to go back so anyway thank you george thanks for keeping the great work my friend thanks for inviting me always a pleasure again nice to learn from younger guys we'll be right back welcome back rich dad radio show really old friend a young young old friend or whatever it is george cameron who lives next door here goes to the richard radio show anytime anywhere on itunes android on youtube please leave a little comment and all of our programs are archived at richdad we archive them for one reason we don't make any recommendations you know it's up to you to decide what you want to do and um the most important thing is if you have a friend or family member or somebody who needs to hear the show go to and listen to this program together and then discuss it you know we talked about high tech high touch you know get to know the people you're talking to so with that said sarah final words for you what do you think final words i thought it was a great conversation thank you again for your time um it's always awesome to have you around the biggest thing that i kind of miss them i know i do i look at the dark office [Laughter] the interesting most thing interesting thing i'm taking away is the bipanic cell hysteria i mean i feel like we're in a biggest opportunity of our lifetime right now and so and that applies to all asset classes yeah absolutely so i think now more than ever financial education is is important and listening to shows like this and like rebel capitalists like there's no excuse not to survive or thrive during these economic turmoil tests this is the most exciting time but if you hang on to old ideas right and um bert dolman said that you know they're the people who are going to get killed are the buy hold prey yeah crowd um yeah yeah i mean he's a big he's he wants to teach robert how to sell you know what is it short short the market or something that went over well um he you know shorter market i want to learn how to buy a bar because i think drink is going to go up yeah yeah right anyway so thank you for your time it was a great show fantastic final words it's always nice to have george around it's like i said we miss you here next door you know it's really yeah it was nice it was really really nice well it's great to be back and i really appreciate you guys inviting me on it's always a pleasure it's always a fascinating conversation that i i truly value and every time uh you know we get to speak it's it's just something that i'll remember for a long long time well let us learn something from each other yeah we do don't we yeah it's changing so fast okay let's do this yeah so anyways a lot of magic going on but i think always remember this the bull goes up the stairs and the bear comes out the window yeah and i think the bear is about to jump thanks george thank you and thank you for listening to the rich dad radio show you
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 1,359,109
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Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, world economy, inflation, recession, cryptocurrency, financial edcuation, financial freedom
Id: SQovD-LFrM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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