The Wonders of Unreal Engine 5 - Unreal Insights

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the talker we are going to have today it's not only uh about permanent engine 5 but also um what kind of skills okay um you might need in order to work with um the game's industry okay of course only engine uh not only on range and final engine both 4 and 5 [Music] were used here at scape and most companies and studios are also using a real engine and one of course is an awesome tool as you're going to see boom um i'm quite aware everybody coming here you guys know what is in real engine if you don't please just jump to our engine dot com anyway to find everything you need to know about uh epic and unreal engine okay what's really important for for everybody to understand is that only engine is primarily against engine okay you create games with the engine but along the years let's say probably five years i could give it and our engine is being used for everything you can imagine beyond games if you saw then this is a really good example if you saw i go back to this one mandalorian um i mean is being used for movies televisions architecture um broadcasting live events simulations etc etc anything that needs high fidelity if we can go back here for you um you can use a real engine what are you seeing here in my opinion was on the most groundbreaking crazy stuff that people did with uh the engine okay man delorean the tv show star wars hope you guys saw uh was basically um mo part of this is not to the whole show of course um workshops with amrio engine okay being used as uh the background okay or the shoots like you can see in here amazing it's like oh my god okay so you have the reactor you have this gigantic lcd you can rotate the environment in real time the light that you see has been cast by the lcd or the led televisions and and this is the future basically okay this is what people are going to be using um they are already using and this is going to get more and more common i strongly believe the long your past the days of waiting renders okay to get um i don't know a movie a star wars movie um cartoon anything like that nowadays it's possible to get real-time uh rendering rendering pollutions with a real engine okay which is freaking amazing okay but again like i said if you want to know more about what you can use in real engine for check on their website here and you're going to [Music] understand what i'm talking about also just in case you guys haven't downloaded yet jump to the download page on the real engine you need to create a login and download a real engine i'm quite sure that everybody knows it's free okay both are new engine 427 and unreal engine 5. okay the moment you download you're going to install what we call the epic games launcher and here you can access everything about the engine okay including the versions you're going to be working with as you can see i have a few versions here including rear engine 5 but you can also jump to this really important tab called the learn tab okay so if you want to learn more about the engine understand what possible to do with the engine please go here and you can download samples you can download content examples the metahumans the case destruction audio vr name it you have a bunch of projects in here that you can download as a matter of fact i have i believe i have most of them downloaded already around here somewhere and they are all free for you to use and learn about the engine which is really cool okay the amount of support that you can get from from the community from epic is incredible okay as a matter of fact i basically learned by myself how to use unreal especially if you take into account the internet and amount of tutorials and everything you had 10 years ago so if i can learn i promise you guys can learn now what is the main difference that you're going to get from unreal engine 4 for your engine 5. what do you see right now is a new engine 4. if i'm not mistaken this is 4.27 okay technically is the same engine but if you take a look on the ui you're going to notice that they did a beautiful work here on the ui it's more let's say pleasant to the eyes i particularly love you can see you have less colors the icons are more modern i would say but the essence is the same okay you're going to get the same windows you're going to get to the same details panels content browser everything in real engine 5. which is really cool making the transition really easy [Music] okay this is just aesthetics now what lies behind the scenes is was making everybody go bananas about unreal engine 5. so what i have here let me move this window a little bit to the side it's just something really really simple that i created actually it's not even part of them with something i was play testing i believe on the day they released the new the early access for origin 5. um to understand what is that everybody is talking about these new features and they wait to see something really interesting pay attention when i hit play open my computer doesn't crash there we go and i hit play everything is going to be black and suddenly you're going to see this oops i forgot to take that out i'll show you that in a moment but as you can see as i move the light changes a little bit and it's wait a few moments and the light kicks back in what's happening in reality here and what is the game change ranger about our engine five real time global illumination which was impossible to do up now if you know what is rendering offline ranges basically global elimination is going to calculate the bounces of the indirect light so a quick example imagine this source of light that i have up here the light is going to work into the floor this is the direct hit that you can do no problem the problem is when the light bounces everywhere around the level that was impossible to do unless you written codes you pre-rendered the scene you calculated the lights don't get me wrong was a was and is an amazing system and which provides ability you can scale your level from an android device all the way okay to a triple a game or a render for a movie the problem is the holy grail the thing that we want to have is to be able to have the indirect light bounce but have a real-time feedback and this is possible now with unreal engine 5. let me show what i'm talking about but before i do that let's find in here that is going to bring me to my blueprints and let's disconnect this i come back to the blueprints in a moment i just want to yep because i have a ui i was playing around so i don't want to add that in front now if you look inside this particular corridor you're going to notice that i have those kind of things in here that are emitting light is an emissive material it's not a proper light but they're emitting light now take a look what happens when i select those guys those here yep and delete the light is going to adapt in real time everything you see is in real time let's say goodbye to this source of light i have no lights whatsoever the level now i'm going to create a new point light and i'm going to make the light movable let's make this less intense around two let's make one not a left one there we go and let's place this all the way back there if you i hope you can see you have this here surrounding the levels so basically this is how far the lights will travel okay fantastic now let's change look at this a more interesting color there we go okay now pay attention and move the camera away from the light it gets dark and it's back in why is that simply because this new system is calculating the light based on what the camera actually says but this is not ideal because i want the light to be constant so i want to come here play around and i don't have those changes in light but if i go back there i need this to be black the light is still there but now everything is pitch black oh enter a trick here or post process quickly enable my post process and thing enabled go the light is going to kick in now even if i go away from the light the light is going to stay there it's a quick trick i'm not going to waste so much time explaining that okay now yeah but you could do that before right you could have the light and something happening in real time and not quite so here comes the beauty of the system i wanted to pay attention to this really carefully let's select my light i'm going to the properties um both in a range and falling range in five you have intensity the color of the light automation radius so on and so forth now i'm going to make my lights off of the intensity fantastic everything at that what is insane about this new system is the indirect lighting settings the intensive the light is going to remain the same but i can make the light illuminate more my environment by simply dial up this number if you pay attention the intensity of the light didn't change but what's happening is that now the indirect lighting is bouncing over the place creating this effect for us real time look the light adapting let's make it 50 and you can see the effect adapting it's in stain now you have total control about how your light is going to behave real-time shadows with quality and you don't need to think about anything again if i go close here there's the lights there and change the indirect lighting the intensity in here remains the same okay and if i bring this up to let's say 50 you can see that the bounces of that light hitting the wall and everywhere is going to lighten the environment this is insane it's one of the best things i've ever played around okay and this ladies and gentlemen is a game changer because now you can light an environment you can do anything you need and receive that instant feedback on how your light is going to behave i can control now let's say attenuation ranges i want the light to stop around here and have that control on my lighting beautiful it's on the best things that ever happened to us but this is just one part of the story playing with lights in real time just one part of the story i'm going to quickly jump to another project but i need to open the project first because this one's a little bit heavier again running in unreal engine 5 let me show you something really really cool oh and i'm going to show you a few things about the pulse process and how you can control that but i want to show you a little bit more about light i'm into that if my computer can handle that there we go this is a project that i'm working right now and this is a special i think i have too many things open let's close painter i'll show you that later this there you go oh what is this here this is a game that i'm working with some other people and it's basically a dungeon crawler if you're old enough probably played some if beholder or [Music] i got the black crypt and all the games on amiga and commodore 64. anyway let's just say this is a range in five and everything you see in here is being the light has been done in real time okay now i'm going to come over to this corner here that's pitch black i'm going to create another light oh create my point light here let's make it movable and bring this light up there look at the shadows pay attention to the shadows now like i said now i have total control about how much i want to this light flood environment luminosity so i'm not going to go crazy on my intensity intense and let's set this to one look how it adapts in real time let's make this a warmer color so let's go temperature something like that oh more moody look let's go up a little bit there you go now look at this okay the lights not going all the way down you still have this beautiful shadow everything happening but i would like a little bit more but i don't want to make the intensity so high no problem like i showed you before i can simply increase the indirect lighting and look at that this is insane prior to that in a re-engine form after a few i wouldn't say a few years but if you have some experience you'll know how much you're going to crank up your indirect lighting but at the end of the day you still need to wait for a few minutes depending how big and complex your level and for the render to finish it for the last calculation to finish and sometimes you need to go a little bit faster calculate the like i need to go back and change a little bit now i can simply come here 50 is too much 25. look at that it's in stain being able to do this in real time and now i have an instant feedback on how much i want my light to look and me bear in mind i'm using a point light you can do that with any power lights in here which is really cool okay now light in my opinion is the thing that i like most okay about the main engine 5 having this real time feedback is fantastic i want to point something really important this is an enclosed environment okay there is no sunlight there is no skylight in here all the lights that you see right now are being done by lumens in by pointy lights i think it only points lights maybe i have one rectangular light somewhere okay everything is done by lumens here so this amount of light that you see this is just a test light okay you shouldn't be here bye everything that is seen here is by point lights okay it's not the final passage it's just a play error to test game logic and stuff like that nevertheless i still need some lights and to see the environment let's go over here more and this really red color that you're seeing here now lumens is one of the key elements about unreal engine 5. the second key element that i want to share with you is this when you look at those assets that i have in here i think this is just a regular mesh right this is a pillar this is a wall another column but in reality this is insanely high polycarbonate all those tiny triangles that you've seen here okay are being rendered in real time okay i'm not sure how many polygons i have on the scene but they can give it every single modular piece on this level has between 400 and 500 000 polygons and this is what the engine is rendering the fact about this is it's an automatic lod system if you look here this thing here is far away from the camera but this section here is really close when i move far away or close to something you can see the triangles adapting in real time look at that okay i still can't believe we can play for this hey this go to unleash so you guys can see that you see here everything is real geometry there is not a single normal map being used in here or everything has real geometry okay and millions and millions of polygons take a look on this thing here this a few let's say a few months ago those details that you see here the ladders this pattern here would have been baked into a normal map now this is real geometry i'm not going to even comment how insane this is look at the amount of polygons on this thing here okay let's show you the clusters this is how the engine is based calculating this we call clusters and basically he calculates based on those smoke lessons you can see the difference between this wall here and that guy there as i approach you're going to see the classes get smaller and smaller and so on and so forth okay this is nanites okay the engine doing they have work for you if you go back in here you have this oh i have no idea how many problems i swear probably probably should be around 500 million polygons okay probably then again i'm sorry i was thinking for this probably someone is going to ask on the q a later so i'm going to save the time yes but you need a really powerful computer to run this not quite so delivered or not my machine right now has a gtx 980 with only four gigabytes of memory okay and i can reach uh 30 frames per second in here the only reason that this thing is slowing down because i have so many things open at the same time and i'm also streaming but this is without rtx cards this is the three thousand generation okay the calculation of the lights is being done using the system that enrollment to the lumen system without using hardware acceleration and as you saw amazing it's beautiful don't mind the lights this is just because i have fog in here forgot to turn off that okay oh this is what's making the world go bananas and crazy about under engine 5. okay it's in my opinion it's a game changer it's not the final release yet the epic did a quick um update now this is version two if i'm not mistaken and and they're doing the the final touches when they're going to release hard to say i would bet probably summer next year but um whatever they have already here is fantastic and i can live with this but from what i'm seeing on the forums and folks around the world a lot um more features are going to be introduced boom to the engine which brings me to what kind of skills what we need now because if you can use billions of polygons okay like you saw probably on the [Music] on the demos that epic played a few weeks ago what are the new skills that he would be using on this generation at the end of the day people think that everything changes oh we need to change the pipeline it's completely different it didn't change that much okay you have a little bit more freedom yes but you're going to still be modeling using a software of your choice blender maya model cinema 4d hotzini uh what's the other one 3ds okay and it's still going to be bringing your assets the usual way you would the only difference now is that you can be a little bit more relaxed with your poly count okay because now our engine 5 can simply be with that as a matter of fact this let's go back here to lit those machines that you seen here that i did sorry that i created in blender because i was learning blender a really low poly like really really low poly we go to face mode you can see there is no polygons in here but that doesn't mean i cannot use the knight inside the wheel okay this is still being knighted i prefer okay the engine is still going to calculate to the triangles if needed based on the distance okay there are a few limitations with the knights you cannot vertex paint you cannot do any word position animation but i heard that something that's coming okay oh you're still going to be modeling your assets nothing's going to change you're going to have a little bit more freedom on your poly accounts [Music] you're going to have more freedom to work with somebody modeling without having to bake it would probably be reducing the amount of baking high to low okay now i think one of the key aspects to work not only from rail engine fly button wheel gen 4 is also texturing and one thing that really surprised me recently i was doing tests and just showing the same assets so you can understand where is this coming from um what's mixer quicksome mixer from epic as well this is a detection software just in case you don't know okay and you can see that i use this for a text text test boom to texture this machine really cool using the calls fantastic layers all that what really shocked me was this because i wasn't expecting group to be thought let's get something that's not totally crazy it's fun what i'm going to see now is the result of my project this particular dungeon daddy working here okay on built on lit computers there we go so let's take a look on this like i said this is real geometry even the letters you see here carved on the on the structure is really geometric there is no normal map i swear this is a result of this software here called reality capture everything that you saw on that dungeon is photogrammetry okay myself and another person who went to some places here in london and start taking pictures make some medieval pictures so on and so forth so this that you're seeing here is the result of a small section okay you know not that big it's not that big it's only 25 million triangles it's not that much i'm joking okay but the end result of this okay you see inside the game of course what you have in here is not 25 million polygons because doing newbies would be insane it's around 500 000 i guess this one i i don't remember to be honest but what really surprised me is that quicksome mixer can actually handle pretty well high poly count meshes this guy here has 1.5 million polygons coming straight not straight but ralph's capture zbrush and now it's in here and this is something that you see on the lab it's like a kind of tombstone or something like that everything is real geometry in all normal maps as usual besides the material using okay and you can see look at this no problems blender cannot handle this as well as quicksome mixer can so this opens at least for us on our project a huge huge opportunity okay to get higher quality meshes into quicksome mixer to texture them or but i would say texture because you still using photogrammetry but to give a layer of interest using moss and [Music] other stuff that you're going to have on our level something like that friends can remove the mouse from below on and so forth it's fantastic i swear 1.5 million polygons on my computer with only four gigabytes of memory it's fantastic okay so this is one of the workflows that is going to get more and more common in the future photogrammetry okay using real capture another software that belongs now to the epic family i can simply go outside i can take as many pictures i want of something sent inside reality capture after a few moments depending on how many pictures i have and how powerful is your computer and get an amazing and asset okay after that it's just a matter of sending this to zbrush i can show you in the brush and do a few operations here and there to do this again i would like to emphasize that i don't have a powerful computer because i couldn't gain at a new gpu in the last six months and i lost my mind of opportunity and i'm not going to pay 2 000 pounds for a 3 000 card but anyway um wait open again so can i open all right might i need to open and open that's really really cool this is pillar here i don't remember there we go what do you see right now you're not the best it's one 1.7 million volumes this is a result delivered or not coming from an iphone okay and and this is a column that you're basically using inside our pet projects okay this is coming from reality capture it was a little bit high i think yeah it was four million polygons that i cleaned up and basically this is not the end result i still need to clean up a few areas but this is going to go into unreal after we do do this in here i'm not going to explain the whole process because that would take probably one hour how to do the projections but the cool thing is and rearranging five and you i think i have the column here somewhere and deal with that here's the column excuse me you can see that column that i just showed you in the brush in here and if i go to a night you can see the thing is a little bit too high i should have went lower but i don't care we can now in reality five i think this is half a million polygons i gotta give it i don't recall okay but proves my point you can work with as many polygons as you want which is insane okay one final thing that i want to show you before i open some time for q a oh i showed you the light right who is having the light over there doing its work it's a beautiful way of lighting environment and i can simply i don't like the light there move down here look at the shadows it's same but behind the scenes this is what's happening this is the global illumination this is how the gi is being calculated you can see it's not quite there yet to have a few a little bit of noise this is because it's a close environment i give you that but once you have textures and materials of light it's something that you don't notice but if you look here how cool is that the gi happening in real time this is real time global image fantastic amazing stuff okay and go back to user defaults everything can be controlled let's post before post process one besides what you could do before the post-process volumes regarding bloom exposure etc etc now you have in here the option to play around with limits so if i want i could for instance increase the quality or decrease the quality of final gathering i'm not sure if it's possible to see on this particular level able yeah if i go and bring this down the lower the quality of course is going to be a little bit faster on your gpu you're going to get this noise like this kind of cloudy effect but if i crank this up to two look at that i still can't believe every time i showcase this i still cannot believe that it's possible see let's take a look there go back to point five 0.25 something like that it's noisy usually one does a pretty good job then i order um also comma i'm not going to play around you can play with great racing globe illumination you can play around with your reflections okay all being taken care of by lumens i don't have any reflection because there's nothing shiny to play around here nevertheless it's fantastic like it's unbelievable what this thing can do really cool now final thoughts um like you saw lumens uh it's running on a gtx 980 okay of course it would be more than happy to have a more powerful gpu to play around but it's working really well okay and nanite is just a matter when you import your mesh pack one single button so if i can find this guy here let's show you the mesh okay so this is the nanited mesh okay you can see here that you have the option too enable the knight so any part it's going to take a little bit longer to import especially if the mesh is really high poly but at the end of the day once it's done you're going to get an amazing result inside this is a proxy it's not the the original mesh the end result of the knight but nevertheless a little bit high quality for just a wall okay um one thing that i like to tell my students that my students they come to escape to start games and how to create beautiful environments to to run inside the engine is it doesn't matter what you're going to be doing okay it's most certain that the end result is going to be running inside the rear engine and if you have the knowledge of working and knowing how to use the ring engine it's not only the games industry can work you can work on the moves in industry archives vr you name it i have students that graduated in games that are now working at frame store double negative uh for the moves industry okay using them real for like memory and stuff like that this is the new i don't say the holy grail but this is the new cool thing to do before real engine games of course my passion is games but creating um this type of experience for movies and having the possibility of doing lighting in real time like you just saw today is it's something that's going to change the industry or the foreseeable future that's for sure okay and knowing how to use unreal engine is going to be a big big plus um on anyone cv anyone that wants work with creativity industry um me show you one final thing you need to see this because i'm going to shut down this level and bye bye z brush thank you mixer also welcome you need to see one cool thing and i'm going to show down blender this this is something this is running unreal engine 4 but i did a rather test in origin five and it's from what i saw most of things are working there a few other poetry things that's an orc are not working yet but it will eventually this is something that you can get for free as a student okay if you find uh if you follow the the website of this guy fluid ninja okay you can use that um to learn how to use this particular project but it's not expensive i think it's 65 or 70 uh 75 dollars or pounds and it's worth every single our pounds or paints that are going to pay take a look at this this is one of the most insane things i ever saw running in unreal this is a fluid simulation running in unreal look at that boring right this is not cool okay take a look at this one it's unbelievable i can't believe that something like this exists i can even use my mouse look at that to do the the simulation i can push those boxes and the finger at that look here now i like this one kind of it's really cool it's insane now you don't know what about this you think ah this is pretty mesh or something like that this is a plane okay this is a plane a plane a plane a food plane with this applied it's like really epc needs to hire this guy because this is really really insane look at that well then whatever you want you could spend a whole night the whole talk talking about this i just want to show it because look at that chocolate okay and yes this is just the tip of the iceberg in unreal i don't have any other ones to show you here but this is one cool thing i could spend the whole night but i'm running out of time i don't want to go to extend too much oh uh what's the name of the simulation again is this thing here let me show you you can get on the market place to go here on epic games launcher type uh i think it's fluid ninja or ninja fluid i never remember how to there you go well it helps if i can type properly no why it's not do it this fluid ninja life is 65 pounds if you're in here but but but but take a look here you can get a free copy for testing on the discord community as a student version of course it is just for learning purpose you cannot have any projects with this thing but i believe this is one of those it's unbelievable everything that you see in here this look at this seriously it's insane okay but this is a cool thing about the new engine if you go to the market place you can find so many things in here that you can buy or download and use on your projects even for free there's this this is the best area of this thing free you have every month epic between something for free something that's forever free of course make scans and epic game contents i highly recommend even if you're not going to use it though look at this you want some trucks i do i'm going to get this later when i finish the talk put on the cart and i can get to those guys for free
Channel: Escape Studios
Views: 72
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape Studios, Escape, studios, VFX, Visual Effects, CGI, Maya, Autodesk, Nuke, Foundry, I want to learn, tutorial, modelling, rendering, dynamics, texturing, animation, renderman, compositing, ncloth, motion graphics, design
Id: RlBl0Y1Im34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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