The Book Of Daniel Part 11 Chapter 11

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welcome everyone I'm glad you could join us this morning as we continue our journey through the Book of Daniel and we're headed towards the end here this morning and this evening wraps it up but today you're going to be challenged as we look at Daniel chapter 11 but before we get into it I asked you to bow your heads with me if you would and let's pray together father thank you you never fail and thank you for prophecy so that you can reveal to us what we need to know to strengthen our faith so that we wouldn't fail you Lord speak through me now show this difficult book of Daniel 11 more clearly so that we can be sure and be ready for what's coming use me in spite of me Lord so that you may receive the honor and glory in Jesus name Amen alright Daniel chapter 11 first of all I have one fact for you today and I know this will help set the stage for the rest of the presentation and that is chapter 11 is the most detailed and confusing prophecy in the Book of Daniel aren't you glad all right but I provided in your bulletin a help sheet and you got it in your bulletin and I'm going to ask you to pull it out right now and I'm going to ask you to be referring to it I want you to look at this as we review first of all in Daniel chapter 2 we found the very first prophecy and we found four kingdoms and after the fourth Kingdom there'd be no fifth Kingdom there would instead be a division of the of the Roman Empire and there ten toes in the feet of ten toes of clay and iron and that is where the stone strikes the image at the feet and the stone just pulverize as the whole thing and sets up his kingdom that's the second coming to Jesus Christ but friends this was a dream for a heathen King and if you've read it carefully perhaps you've noticed there's one thing mentioned the most times in Daniel chapter 2 you know what it is okay it's the feet of clay and iron six times in that chapter in six verses it mentions the feet cluing us that is we move through the Book of Daniel we will discover for a heathen King this was enough god knows history but for the Christians it's different and so we moved to chapter 7 and we looked at chapter 7 and sure enough we found four kingdoms and then we found a divided Kingdom but all of a sudden in these feet of clay and iron ore the ten horns on the fourth beast we find what was called the what the little horn yes wait a minute that little horn wasn't in Daniel - the little horn come into existence during the divided Kingdom folks now God gave a vision to Daniel for the Christians now okay that there's a power that's going to arise that's going to do devastating things and there are 10 characteristics in chapter 7 so that we can be absolutely sure who that little horn represents and then we found out that every time three times in Chapter seven that the little horn is mentioned every time it's followed by the judgement can you say Amen because after the judgement is the kingdom of God folks and so you see the parallelism but we're not done yet we then move to chapter a pastor walked us through chapter 8 in this very hour last week and we found the same scenario being repeated for the third time only every time it's repeated we get additional information and of course chapter 8 focused very particularly on the little horn and all the characteristics in chapter 8 of the little horn are the same characteristics in chapter 7 of the little horn the devastating work it would do but it would be followed by judgment in chapter 8 the sanctuary will be cleansed God will raise up a people who will begin to preach Daniel and revelation folks that's us then the second coming will come well now we're on the fourth and final prophecy which is Daniel 11 and if any of you have read this you will see how confusing you know how confusing it is but I provided this sheet of paper for you so you can see the parallelism and Daniel 11 follows just like eight did seven did and of course the pattern is Daniel 2 so as we go through the confusing prophecy of Daniel 11 I'm going to give you way marks that you will see clearly make sense and will help to clear up some of the confusion if you ever had any confusion when you read chapter 11 I have so let's get into it folks I think you'll enjoy this first of all verse 2 that's where and by the way this is gabriel dictating the prophecy to samuel daniel daniel Stanny and Gabriel's talking to him gabriel starts out and now i will tell you the truth behold three more kings will arise in persia and the four shall be far shall be far richer than them all he and his strength through his riches he shall stir up against the realm of greece and so we have the the four kings the first four kings of persia cyrus can be seized or iose artaxerxes but the question arises why for when there was actually eleven kings in a row and here's two reasons why first of all zerk see was the king and esther was the queen we're all familiar with the story of Queen Esther correct that's the same King Xerxes but secondly Xerxes as the previous verse told us is attacked Greece and brought them on to the world stage for a 100 years later Greece showed up to pay back the meet of Persians and wipe them out and so as we move through these prophecies you will always see the progression of the kingdoms so let's move on and notice what it says in verse 3 then a mighty king shall rise who shall rule with great Dominion and do according to his will and no commentator disagrees that this is Alexander the Great and sure enough he took out me to Persia he remembered what Dirk C's had done some years ago and payback time occurred but something very interesting happened at the age of 33 this mighty king died it says and when he has arisen his kingdom shall be broken up and divided towards the four winds of heaven but not among his prosperity and sure enough folks when when Alexandra died at the age of 33 by the way that's the same age Jesus died out the legacy left behind wasn't a son who would take over the kingdom but his four generals received the kingdom and they divvied it up and I don't know how well you can see the map there but you'll see that there's Cassander and there's Lysimachus there Seleucid and there's ptolemy those worse four generals they divvied up the kingdom and but we're gonna particularly notice the king of the north is Syria the Seleucid kingdom the king of the south is Egypt and the king of the south is the Ptolemy or Ptolemaic Kingdom and believe it or not from verse five onto 15 we see war going back and forth between these two kings the others disappear off the stage of history but for up into verse 15 look what I put this up here just to make it simple don't lose sleep over this folks so the founder was Seleucid he was the northern king of the north of Syria then there's king of South Egypt of Ptolemy and Antiochus won fought against ptolemy ii and Antiochus - fought against Ptolemy - again and and Seleucid - fought against Ptolemy three you can see it for yourself so don't lose any sleep over we're already on verse 616 folks and most commentators they they understand this they agree with that but sixteen here's where a divergence takes place and that is this take a look at verse 16 but he who comes against him shall do according to his own will and no one shall stand against him he shall stand in the glorious land with destruction in his power let me take a timeout remember verse 5 to 15 the king of the north the king of the south the king of the north the king and the King of the South came again and the and but all of a sudden in 16 it says but he who comes against him notice the word against don't lose that shall do according to his own will and no one shall stand against him and he shall stand in the glorious land with destruction in his power now I want you to notice four things number one the king of the north is now no longer used in Daniel 11 till the 40th verse telling me that the Syrian identity of the king of the north has now passed away and by the way the modern commentators don't agree with that but when you look at our parallelism you will see that it fits perfectly well who is this first of all the Hebrew verb that was against him is really unto Him it says he came unto Him and did according to his will now that according to his will is a technical term introducing a new player on the stage of action by the way verse 3 it said that the that Alexander the Great after it gave the 4-person case it said he showed up and he did his will and now here it's repeated again indicating that there's a switch here and sure enough the new player is Rome and how do we know this League eight this picture depicts the league a/c Pompilius Linnaeus handed Antiochus and ultimatum in 164 168 BC let me tell you what happened the fall before Antiochus the king of the north came against Egypt the king of the south and he actually defeated him but winter came and believe it or not Antiochus went back north to Syria and rested for the winter the spring of that year he came back to finish off the job and when he arrived there in his army standing behind him one Roman League a walked up with a stick in his hand he drew a circle around Antiochus and said you're not leaving the circle until you tell me you're going home or you'll have Rome to deal with and guess what Antiochus tit folks he went home took his army went home four years later he died but Rome is now on the scene of action this is Imperial Rome or pagan Rome and now look what pagan Rome does verse 17 he shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom and upright ones with him thus shall he do and he shall give him the daughter of women to destroy it but she shall not stand with him or to be with him now we have Julius Caesar and of course Cleopatra and notice it goes on to say after this after he went to the King of the South Egypt and what happened is Julius Caesar propped up Ptolemy six kingdom and made an alliance with him but he went home with somebody named Cleopatra by the way they had a kid but you all know what happened to Julius Caesar well look what it says here after this after he went to Egypt it says that he let's see after this he shall turn his face to the coastlands notice it's plural and and what Julius Caesar did he left Egypt and he took on the Bosphorus and defeated them northern Africa defeated them in Spain and defeated them and then shall take many but a ruler shall bring the reproach against them to the end and with the reproach removed he shall turn back on him and then he shall turn his face towards the fortress of his own hand land Rome but what happens to him there what happens to Alexander to Julius he shall stumble and fall and not be found Ides of March that's where his senators his friends knifed him and notice what happens next which is incredible it says there shall arise in his place Julius Caesar's place one who imposes taxes waymark waymark he imposes taxes on the glorious land who is that come on how did Jesus end up being born in Bethlehem because a Caesar Augustus ordered that everybody go to their hometown so he could take a record and get their taxes and so we have Caesar Augustus look at Luke 2:1 it tells you about this but notice what happened they will do the taxes against the glorious Kingdom and by the way of the glorious Kingdom at this point would be Jerusalem in Israel but within a few days he shall be destroyed but not in anger or embattled Caesar Augustus was not in battle when he died Caesar Augustus died of natural causes a disease just like it says in the prophecy but after him and in his place shall arise a vile person to whom there shall not they shall not give honor of royalty but he shall come in peaceably and seize the kingdom by his intrigue and that is Tiberius Caesar Tiberius Caesar was not natural born son of Augustus he actually was an interruption in his household and but he was very pushy I guess and he ended up being the Emperor but he wasn't the son of Augustus and when it says a vile person listen with the force of a flood they shall be swept away before him be broken Tiberius was a brutal and a successful general but look what it says next way mark and it says with the force oh and also the prints of the Covenant whose the prints of the Covenant Jesus hope you're following this simple history well maybe it isn't so simple the words aren't simple the history simple folks Tiberius was the Emperor when Jesus was crucified and notice how it says here that he he would seize the kingdom by intrigue and with the force he will go out and to destroy many defeat many but be broken and also the prince the Covenant so we know that this is Tiberius he was Emperor when Jesus was crucified we continue now we get to verse 23 and another transition takes place and this is from Imperial Rome pagan Rome - papal Rome and I'm suggesting to you that verses 23 to 30 are talking about the Crusades of the 11th 12th 13th century in which Rome sponsored these wars against the Muslims they went back and forth over and over do you remember that when when Gabriel showed up the Daniel he told him that this vision is about a great conflict remember that and so the prophecy has to reflect this and notice from the very beginning the king of the north the king of the south fighting it out then comes the Imperial Rome and there you know warring everybody and now we come to papal Rome when we get to verse 30 look what it says and Force's shall be mustered by him and that would be the papacy because they shall do what defile the sanctuary fortress then they shall take away the daily by the way you see that word sacrifice get rid of that that's not in the Hebrew it literally says take away the daily and the place and places there the abomination of desolation in the sanctuary fortress this is what took place when the papacy came to force came into being now notice this as we move through because we wanna see the relationship and the parallelism so we can be sure of how we're looking at this so we go and we now look back at chapter 8 and look what chapter 8 said about the little horn the little horn that exactly parallels the little Horn of Daniel 7 which we identified as the papal si notice what 8 says it says he even exalts himself as high as who the Prince of Hosts mm-hmm reminds me of Lucifer I want to be God be by him that daily forget the word sacrifices it's not in the Hebrew that daily were taken away and then we get to see the place of the sanctuary was cast down and because of transgression D an army was given to the horn and notice it now uses the word horn to oppose the daily forget the word sacrifices and he casts true to the ground folks that was the work of the papacy from day one and so what we just read in Chapter 12 we already read in chapter 8 and notice the same words are being used here the daily the abomination of desolation the sanctuary verse 13 then I heard a Holy One speaking and another Holy One said to this certain one who he was speaking how long now I got to show you this to heighten the incredibleness of this chapter this is still chapter 8 now let me show you this notice that Daniel is still in vision when he's in the versus it's the end of his vision but not there yet while he's envisioned trying to ponder this all of a sudden it says here notice it says verse 13 then I heard a Holy One speaking and another Holy One said and most commentators agree that that's a reference Holy One two angels and notice what they do it says here and I heard the Holy One speaking and another Holy One said to that certain one who was speaking now there's a third person I want you to know who that third person is by the way I did some research on this to make sure it wasn't just something I wished was true and I found out that many commentators understood this the certain one is in Hebrew Belmonte which is a compound word that means the wonderful number earth see there were two angels and they were watching all this and one of them interrupted the vision that Daniel was having turned to this certain one called the wonderful number or the number of Secrets and said how long are you gonna let this go on that's what it says in the Hebrew that word is the number of Secrets the wonderful number remember it says God reveals to his prophets his secrets so the prophets can reveal to the people the wonderful number Jesus was there in Chapter eight folks and Jesus is the one who said unto 2300 days and then the sanctuary shall be cleansed in answer to the Angels question while Daniels standing there just like this but notice the parallelism that little horn is doing this back to 31 and forces shall be mustered by him the Pope they shall defile the sanctuary fortress by the way you might ask logically the question huh how do they defile the sanctuary I'll tell you how when the priesthood here's your confession when you're told to go to the priest instead of going to Jesus you see Jesus is our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary am i right the book of Hebrews the book of Revelation but when I was a kid I was told to go to the priests they're replacing the sanctuary they're taking away the daily which is the Ministry of Jesus Christ and they are setting up the abomination of desolation by the way they run their organization because it obliterates Jesus so I repeated that again but let's go on and notice that in the same book but this time the last chapter and we'll be covering chapter 12 tonight at 6 o'clock and from the time that the daily forget the word sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up there shall be 1290 days that's what it says there in Daniel 12 it gives us a time frame verse 32 those who do wickedly against the Covenant he shall corrupt with flattery but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits now folks keep it in context so those who are wick do wickedly the papacy they'll go against the Covenant and he will corrupt and flatter but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits can you say amen to that folks and those of the people who understand shall instruct many yet by many days and notice this by many days they shall fall by the sword and the flame by captivity and plunder there's the persecution of the church during the Dark Ages by the papacy and some of those of understanding shall fall to refine and purify them and make them white until the time of the end because it is still for the appointed time and sure enough for you history buffs that have gone on in history and looked into what they called that Dark Ages when millions of Christians were martyred because they refused to follow the church the medieval church the papal si they were killed wholesale but notice God is telling us because it is still for the appointed time God has a plan folks he wins the battle we must not be stressed out over these thoughts well what a Daniel 721 say I was watching and the same horn was making what war against the Saints and prevailing against them and then in that same chapter two verses four verses later he shall speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High then we go back to Daniel 8 it told us that a little horn his power shall be mighty but not by his own power you know that comes straight out of Daniel or revelation 13 not by his own power remember it says a lamb like two horn lamb that was cute and cuddly but it spoke like a dragon yeah not by his own power that power comes from underneath that's Satan and so that verse 24 his power shall be mighty but not by his own power he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people and then we get to Revelation 13:7 tells us it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and the authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation so what am i doing I'm showing you the parallelism I'm showing you that starting in Chapter 7 of Daniel is being pinpointed who the Antichrist is Daniel 8 embellished it and Jan you'll 11 is repeating and enlarging it and Revelation enlarges it even more by the way I want to tell you something though I'll no I won't tell you yet I'll tell you in a second so notice how they all agree we moved verse 36 then the King shall do according to his own will he shall here we go exalt and magnify himself above every what every God shall speak blasphemy against the God of gods deep but I tell you this you know in Chapter 7 and the little horn four times not one not two not three four times as said he speaks pompous words against the Most High one chapter repeating four times he exalts himself folks above every God shall speak blasphemy against the God of gods that's our God and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined there's that word determined God has an end point coming folks and shall be done he shall regard neither God of his father nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall exalt who himself above them all but in their place he shall honor the God of fortresses in the and the God which his fathers did not know he shall be honored with gold and silver and boy ambulance folks precious stones Pleasant things can you clearly see who this is referring to the same power introduced in chapter 7 introduced in chapter 2 no why because that was a heathen King that had a dream and God was showing him he knows the end from the beginning but when he gets to our Christians he gave Daniel a vision so we would know what would happen in the feet and toes of clay and iron he will exalt himself we'll check this out here we go back to Daniel 7 he shall speak pompous words against the Most High he shall persecute the Saints and he shall intend to change time in law Daniel 8:11 he shalt exalt himself as high as the Prince of hosts and I like that notice it says as high as the Prince of hosts why you can't go any higher than the Prince of hosts that's as high as you can get and second Thessalonians 2:3 says the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God and that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God there's three direct references to the Almighty father in heaven he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God but then revelation says he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies verse 6 then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God and blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven we're talking about the same power now let me tell you a quick aside I got a move here quick the vast majority of Christians do not believe that's the people see and they miss the parallelism that you have in your hand folks you can see with your own eyes and you can read these verses yourself and see how they fit together God did that so that we wouldn't be confused well let's go on the time of the end verse 40 this is my favorite at the time of the end the king of the north shall attack him and the King of the South shall attack him in the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots Horse and with many ships and he will enter the countries overwhelm them and pass through now here's the first time since verse 15 the king of the north is mentioned again and I want you to know that the king of the north now is not Syria Antiochus Epiphanes or one of the Seleucid Kings it is the papacy and the papacy will come into conflict with the king of the south the king of the south consistently throughout is Egypt so how does this fit I want you to check this up number one two powers exist in this world religious and secular number two the king of the north is religious but the King of the South is secular why how Exodus 5 verse 2 Pharaoh said who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go I know not your God folks that's the majority of people in this world secularism evolution atheism materialism and all of this stuff is inside the church on top of that you'll see that in the next slide and so these two forces come into combat but notice the religious king of the north overwhelms the king of the south which is secularism that's starting to happen right now but it goes on the next verse says this verse 41 it tells us this he shall also enter the glorious land the glorious land right now the key here is what time is this in history the time of the end the time of the end the glorious land is now the church he will even enter the church and many shall be overthrown that's exactly what say oh you say but pastor you skip that country uh-huh the word country is not in the Hebrew it was added so let's read it literally he the king of the north the papacy shall enter into the glorious land and many shall be overthrown how are you faring in your batter battle with secularism with the culture of our day but notice that these shall escape from his hand Edom Moab and Ammon three heathen countries by the way all related to Israel that Israel looked down upon in fact Israel and the time of David defeated all three of those nations but notice what it says there's hope for you if you feel alienated folks he it goes on verse 42 shall stretch out his hand against the countries now not just the glorious land the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape and he shall have the power over the treasures of gold and silver and all of the precious things of Egypt into the also the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall follow in his heels now I just a brief explanation you see these terms notice how Daniel wrote in the frame of mind these were the powers at that time and he wrote down but for you and I today we understand this not to be literal Egypt but spiritual Egypt atheism secularism and notice well notice this number one the king of the north comes against the glorious land that's the church number two the king of the north has all the power in number three the king of the north has all the resources now you see why we need the Holy Spirit yeah now you see why we need the Holy Spirit and then we go to 44 and this is where it turns this is where I get excited folks but tidings out of the east and the North shall trouble him who's him the king of the north therefore he the king of the north shall go forth with great fury to do what to destroy and utterly to make away many destroyed obliviate something made the king of the north really angry tidings out of the east and out of the north hmm tidings out of the east and the north east Matthew 24:27 is the direction from which Jesus returns and north in Isaiah 14:13 says I will also sit on the Mount of the congregation on the far sides of the North you know who that is who said Satan he wanted to sit on the far sides of the north north is where judgment comes from but this judgment is from the direction of the east which is the direction God comes from here folks we see this message is a loud cry the three angels message it infuriates the king of the north and he passes a death decree that's what it says therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy an utterly make away many whoever stands in his way of disagrees with this opinion and so here we get a clear vision of this this loud try will just infuriate the king of the north and it will cause there to be a death decree in Revelation 13 15 says causing as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be what killed and boy how close it comes verse 45 and he shall plant the king of the north shall plant his tents of his palace between the sea and the glorious mountain that means that literally he will come right to the door of the church to kill everybody in sight that's what that means that when it says the the tents of they're talking about bivouac folks the Army's going out and they're going to besiege and in the death decree we know that we have to flee because when the implementation comes they have permission to kill us without without any kind of impunity no what's the word without being prosecuted but look at the promise God puts in there at this time of heightened Christ's that we are coming up to folks when they will pass a decree to kill us look what God said yet he the king of the north shall come to his end and no one will help him but Jesus will help us in fact oh look at this a precedes to implement the death decree in the time of the end the glorious holy mountain is not Jerusalem but the Church did you hear me and notice the glamorous promise the glorious promise and the second half of this text that he Satan the papal si apostate Protestant does not succeed and notice what happens next okay there it is and at that time shall Michael stand up Michael's gonna stand up and he's gonna say that's it I've had it no more of this in fact there are those that understand when he stands up meaning he's beginning to rain now when they pass that death decree Michael stands up Michael begins to rain and look what it says at that time Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of his of your people standing watch he's not off somewhere having a good time and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people Daniel shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book written in the book so notice Michael does three things Michael stands up and puts an end to persecution probation closes two pours out the seven last plagues the time of trouble such as never was and three delivers his people who are written in the book of life the second coming of Jesus and this cool and by the way notice we're in Chapter 12 now the first four verses chapter twelve really belong to chapter eleven Michael stands up folks and by the way last night we looked at Michael and found out that the Bible proves that Michael is Jesus battle named whenever he is fighting against Satan that was last night if you weren't here you'll have to get that tape we've got them on the internet you can watch it for yourself Michael is not an angel it is Jesus because when he gets to this point only Jesus can stand up because it's his kingdom now and he puts his foot down and He pours out the seven last plagues distracting the the people the wicked who are trying to kill the righteous and when the implementation of the death three decree comes well that's in the book revelation we're gonna do that next you'll have to come in here for yourself it is it's in the book of Revelation but we got to finish the eleven here twelve verse two and many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the Stars forever and ever amen wow what a thoughtful and what a beautiful scene so if somebody you love is in the grave and they love Jesus they're not going to stay there and that's the hope of the Christian and Jesus paid the price so this would be the case and so many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame as Jesus said in John 5 there's two resurrections the good and later on the bad I know which one I want to be in well the last verse of this vision is but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end and many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase and this will be further explained tonight when we finish chapter 12 and look at what God was saying to us and he said to Daniel about shutting up the word well there you got chapter 2 11 includes the first four verses of 12 and you have this beautiful important piece of paper which shows you the parallelism of how we can be sure of what we're teaching so my friends I plead with you if you haven't accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior you would do that and by the way if you do that right now tonight or this morning when I say men and we seen the closing hymn come up and tell us so we can pray with you and seal that but don't hesitate because time is short and not not so that's that's a fear tactic here's a better one Jesus deserves to have your allegiance and the longer you wait the less he has your allegiance father I want to thank you for prophecy the Book of Daniel I want to thank you for all these wonderful people here those that are watching online those that we'll watch later that they would understand that our God is so great he deserves sacrifices from us in order to follow him even if it means making our own family members angry help us not to hesitate you didn't and Luke it says you firmly set your face towards Jerusalem and went there knowing exactly what was going to happen to you why because if you didn't do that Peter Neary would not be here neither would anybody else and thank you for your commitment lord help us to make that commitment in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Paradise SDA Church
Views: 12,552
Rating: 4.8117647 out of 5
Keywords: paradise sda church, sda, seventh-day adventist, adventist, paradise, Las Vegas, Nevada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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