The Witcher & Its Childish Writers

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okay let's discuss you see on this channel I usually like to contain my topic solely on TV shows and movies I usually try to avoid addressing the creators Behind these creations because I am a firm believer in separating the art from the artist with the witchers where I just cannot ignore the artists if you can call them that because somehow The Witcher universe is one of the most childish things ever put out in modern television both on screen and outside of it it is extremely rare to see the creatives behind the show keep fumbling the back to this magnitude and quite frankly I do not even understand how Netflix keeps them around it appears that their main marketing strategy is Epsom salt absolutely everyone we can and I truly mean it no one and I mean no one is protected from their nonsense so first they insult the audience so what triggered this video into existence is this article from Kotaku titled Witcher producer blames Young American audience for viewership decline producer Tomic baginski had some Choice words about the discourse over the show's simplified politics and low viewership and this is exactly where you knew you were in for a ride because the Witcher producers commenting on viewership always goes historically great so the article states that while Babinski says he understands why viewers who read the books would be heard by Sudden Change in the show the decision to simplify plot points like the witcher's expansive geopolitics is often necessary where a series is made for a huge mass of viewers with different experiences from different parts of the world and in large part of them are Americans I am sorry but are you for [ __ ] real right now Game of Thrones a show that featured a lot of complexity and plot in its earlier seasons is literally one of the most popular TV shows across the world even Americans which you assume are incapable of comprehending Nuance devoured that show and what is interesting is that if you read further into the article the mech cites another example of this allegedly being the case he tried to pitch a never made variation on the Warsaw Uprising but says that for Americans it was completely incomprehensible too complicated because they grew up in a different historical context where everything was arranged what is interesting is that this man seems to be completely incapable of any self-reflection if you tried to pitch it and failed maybe it is not the fault of those who he pitched too but his own I mean sure there's a chance that he is right I wasn't there in the room but from what he produced on The Witcher can you really blame someone for turning him down and also are we going to ignore the blatant hypocrisy here because here he sits and generalizes Americans as a whole as these allegedly Knuckleheads incapable of understanding Nuance but Mr tamek isn't that what you're doing right now you accuse Americans of not understanding Nuance yet you base this idea of Americans as being Dum Dums only after your experience and they are the ones incapable of understanding nuance and the fact that he blamed the lower viewership on season 2 on YouTube and Tick Tock is hilarious because that is basically being a professional Boomer of course let's deflect all of the blame it is never us known we're too amazing for that and you see this would not be that big of a deal to me if this sort of attitude wasn't as obvious in the show itself the signs of this were always and I mean always there right from the very first episode in fact because here they have the scene she gave us a message to pass on to you you have to choose the Lesser evil it's an ultimatum get it yeah get it write that down you stupid viewer because the show assumes that you are an idiot and don't know what an ultimatum is yeah might as well slap us on the ass and call us honey if you're in the mood to be this patronizing and we have a few other scenes where they are either trying to pretend they are better than they actually are and are actively gaslighting you into thinking that their stories are good or they are petulant enough to carry over Twitter arguments into the actual show but then they not only insult the audience they also are insulting their actors so we have an article from with the title being the witcher's Jennifer casting was intended to challenge beauty standards with diversity so the casting director Sophie Holland proceeds to State this in the book he Anna first described as the most beautiful woman in the world this was a few years ago and I'd like to think that things have changed but when you think about people's unconscious bias especially in the fantasy world it felt like these worlds were predominantly white and I remember saying I feel like we need to challenge what people think of as the standard of the beauty and having a woman of color in this world has incredibly powerful things to the people watching so we have the actress who plays Jennifer who is a very beautiful magnificent Woman by the way I have to ask whose beauty standards are you challenging because sure there might have been some hate towards disgusting but everyone seemed ultimately very pleased with her so are you truly challenging the viewers perspective or yours I have to ask why does this article even exist honestly is nothing secret to these people anymore and you know what all of this just reeks of childishness I do not remember when was the last time the creatives behind the show were this Petty and plainly arrogant they not only talk down to their viewers repeatedly they also shift blame everywhere else because no none of this is their fault and they are the victims actually in the first article mentioned baginski says that simplifications of plot points are just as painful for the Riders as it is for viewers oh painful you say I do not see any pain coming from you when it comes to producing apps garbage it really is hilarious that their show keeps talking about people being better about how toxicity spreads but they the writers themselves proceed to live in this bubble of toxicity where they themselves facilitated with their snarky responses and blaming everyone else they themselves are extremely toxic literally like children they refuse to take a step back and re-evaluate their behavior and their creation all of this would be fine if they tried to do better if they tried to look back on themselves but you can repeatedly say they refuse to but why why do you refuse to do that and then proceed to blame everyone else for your detriments so that is about it for today thank you for being here and I will see you next time foreign
Channel: Andrew Reviews
Views: 60,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X__9xq0VKE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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