Protecting Your Innocence - Kris Vallotton | Bethel Church

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well let's pray uh holy spirit we pray for the speaker and for all y'all to be able to receive this word today in jesus name amen well i want to talk about protecting your innocence today i feel like the lord gave me this word about protecting our innocence actually this is a part of this is a repeat from a few years ago i think like 15 years ago i got this prophetic word prophetic word about protecting your innocence but about five days ago i just woke up with this phrase protect your innocence so i want to talk today about actually protecting our innocence years ago danny silk and i i think kathy was with us sherry silk tracy evans you guys know tracy evans there was i think there's five or six of us and we went to morningstar uh rick joyner's morning star for a prophetic conference how many of you know who rick joyner is so we went to the uh the morningstar conference it was pretty pretty amazing actually we get there there's 3 700 people it was done in a hotel uh venue and we're standing in line registering you can imagine how many lines there are and how long the lines are trying to get in to register so we're standing there about the five or six of us and the guy in front of us who well obviously we've never met before turns around goes you guys are from the mountains like yeah he goes you're from weaverville right yeah he goes yep the lord's assigned a great week for you hair sticks up in the back of our heads like oh boy and uh so we uh we had a powerful time uh i think it was day two or day three tracy said why don't we go out to moravian falls during the lunch break and we'll just miss one session because american falls there's a lodge there and it's kind of famous for angel visitations and so she's like let's go out to moravian falls and not only that but the lodge has lots of prophets hang out there paul kane has been there bob jones larry round all these real famous prophets so it's a it's a half an hour drive from the hotel but because tracy was driving it took us four hours she has no sense of direction now i know why she's ministering in africa she's probably sent to asia so i'm the only person i know that has a worse sense of direction to her so then her so we get to the lodge uh obviously we're hours late and by the way we decided to go on a whim so nobody knew we were going except for the five or six of us and we get to the lodge and there's a young man standing on the front deck he's about 65 years old he's getting younger all the time and uh we get to the house and we're in a rented car so you can obviously you can't tell where we're from and we get to the hou the lodge and he's standing on the deck and he goes hey hi you guys are from weirville right we're like yeah he goes you're late it's her fault he goes come in i've been waiting for you i'm like this is right after this is like two days after the guy points us out that we're from the mountains and from so we we come in and he looks at danny and i and he goes yeah i got something to talk to you about and we're like okay so we all sat on uh on couches that were this beautiful um beautiful windows that uh overlooked this uh this this room overlooks this beautiful green valley so the girls kind of sat on one couch there and danny and i sat together and that guy's standing up in front of us and he starts telling us the story have you ever had anyone tell you a story where it goes on and on you have no no idea where it's going some of the guys are like yeah i'm married but no i mean sorry sorry i just thought i just thought i'd be funny it's just funny okay this guy's telling us the story that's going on for like 20 minutes and you know we're like really intently listening because obviously he's told us you know he knew who we were and he has this message for us and he's telling us the story about planting a church he said he planned a church in his house and it grew to i forget two thousand three thousand and it went on for a num numerous years and and he was telling us all about you know how god was pouring out spirit on them and all the salvations they had and he was going on and on and on and like you know i'm like where is this going and then at the end the last two minutes he said and then my heart grew full of uh full of pride and arrogance and i fell into adultery and i lost everything i lost my church i lost my wife i lost my house i lost everything and he looks at both of us and he looks down at us and he goes don't ever let that happen then he turns around goes i gotta go to work guys can stay as long as you want and he walks out and i look to danny go he's talking to you bro i'll never actually forgot that story i have to admit i haven't told that story i don't know if i've ever told that story danny was stayed over my house last monday night and i i was telling i was reminding that story and he's like yeah i remember that i said remember when he told you that you should watch over your heart you both had a good luck a good laugh in my front room proverbs 4 23 says watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow all the issues of life i want to talk about protecting our innocence and watching over our hearts you know i i don't plant gardens what kathy does by the way i don't hunt kathy dez i don't ride horses kathy does i don't shoot guns kathy does pretty much if someone breaks into our house i wake her and i'm like go take care of that i'll call 9-1-1 you know but if you've ever planted a garden before which i've watched from a distance what you do to grow tomatoes and lettuce and squash and so on and so forth when you start cultivating that soil it actually also helps the weeds grow like you can have a pretty i remember we did this one garden catholic this one garden and i remember it was fairly weedless until she cultivated it fertilized it and started growing and watering it and started growing tomatoes in it and i remember that the weeds started taking over the garden and if you ever if you ever actually you know care about a garden if you ever cared for a garden you know that you don't like plant the tomatoes and water them you know have a watering system and come back three months later and harvest tomatoes it doesn't work like that i mean literally you have to go if you're if you're doing a good job you go out every day and you just pull the weeds as they're coming up because the weeds actually get bigger than the plants i shared this in second service and the gal came up and said you know why weeds are bigger than get bigger than the plants i said no she said because they have no fruit they're not interested in fruit they just grow up and take up all the sunshine and i that's a good word better than the revelation i had and what i'm getting at is that we have to watch over our heart with diligence and that means we have to daily pull the weeds that are growing when we're cultivating things that are of the kingdom because other stuff is growing in our hearts and if we don't pull those weeds it won't be long before the weeds take over this beautiful vegetable garden you can't go out once a month and pull them you can't go out once a year and pull them you have to go pull them as you see them and make sure that your garden that you give sunshine to the plants that you want sunshine to be on and so i want to talk about watching our hearts i am deeply troubled over what's happening today deeply troubled i'm not deeply troubled about what's happening in the world because i don't have responsibility for the world you know the lord said you know if my people who are called by my name will humble themself and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land i i'm concerned about the world but i know that it's not the world that determines where we're heading i am deeply deeply troubled i am heart sick over the offense that that believers are living in we are being frog boiled in the leaven of the pharisees and the leaven of herod and i'm not even sure that we know it and in my mind we have we are losing quickly our innocence and just learning to love people whom we don't even agree with in second samuel chapter 11 if you'll turn there i want to tell you one of the saddest stories in the bible i'll read you the first few part of this and i'll tell you the rest then it happened in the spring at the time when kings go out to war that david sent job and his servants with him and all of israel and they destroyed the sons of ammon and besieged rafam but david stayed at jerusalem now when the evening came david arose from his bed and walked around on the roof on the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman bathing and the woman was very beautiful in appearance so david sent an inquired about the woman and once said is this not bathsheba the daughter of elim the wife of uriah the headtight the wife of uriah the wife of uriah is this not the wife of uriah hello king by the way uriah is one of your 33 mighty men she's the wife of one of your mighty men and david sent and took her and when she came to him she laid he lay with her when she had purified herself from her uncleanness she returned to her house the woman conceived and she sent and told david and said i am pregnant then david sent to joab say send me uriah the headtight this is a very sad story from so many perspectives but it echoes the concern i have for myself like this is not a message i'm preaching to y'all this is a message i'm preaching to y'all i'm in here with you david when kings go out to war david stayed home you don't want to be on a cruise ship when you're supposed to be on a freaking battleship no one's going to convince me that david had his david's main issue was a problem with his sex drive he had at this time seven wives and his concubines were never numbered but over a hundred how many understand that it's important that you know what season you're in and i'd like to propose to you that we are in a war season it won't be forever hopefully it won't be very long much longer but we are in a war season and there is a war over our hearts hello there is a war over our hearts and i'm going to tell you what happens when you get squeezed and what's in there comes out trials don't make you they reveal you he made me mad mad was in there when you got squeezed mad came out right consider it all joy when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance wait a second testing your faith how many understand that trials test your faith before they test your character oh no here we go the rest of that story david sends for uriah uriah means god's my fire hello he's about to kill the guy named god's my fire calls for uriah uriah comes he's trying to cover up his adultery his goal is to get him obviously to sleep with his wife so that no one knows what happened so he calls uriah uriah shows up to the king's house the king said hey you know stay overnight with your wife and i'll send you back to the battle next morning david gets up early his messengers are already there waiting for david to wake up and he goes the messenger says hey uriah didn't sleep with his wife he slept at the in the king's doorway all night long so david brings uriah in and says yo dude what's happening this is a little amplified version what's happening why didn't you go to your to your house and sleep with your wife he said how can i sleep in my bed when the armies of israel are camped in the field and in at war against their enemies hollow david you just got another prophetic word from your guy how can i a warrior sleep with my wife when i the armies of israel are camped in the open field at war with your enemies so david says well have dinner with me tonight and he gets uriah drunk thinking certainly when he's drunk he will go home and sleep with his wife and he gets him drunk and he does go to sleep again at the king's door and then the messengers report uriah didn't go home he slept again at the king's door how many know uriah's got better character drunk than david has silver david writes a note to joab the commander-in-chief here's what the note says take take uriah put him at the most intense place in the battle and when you're in the midst of the battle withdrawal from him and let him fall let him die uriah is carrying his own death note and doesn't even know it he doesn't send why doesn't david send the messenger ahead of him with a note because he knows uriah's got such great character he's not even going to open that note and read his own death letter and that's exactly what happens he puts him on the front line just as david has ordered he's withdrew with withdrew the troops in the midst of a fierce battle and uriah dies a few months later before the child was born in second samuel 12 1 the lord sends nathan the prophet who's also david's cousin i want to read you the beginning of this encounter then the lord sent nathan to david and he came to him and said there were two men in one city and one was rich and the other was poor the rich man had great many flocks and herds and the poor man had nothing except for one little ew lamb which he had bought and nourished and it grew up together with him and his children and it would eat of his bread and drink of his cup and lie in his bosom and it was like a daughter to him now a traveler came to the rich man he was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd to prepare for the guy who had come to him rather he took the poor man's you lamb and prepared it for the man who'd come to him then david's anger burned greatly against the man and he said to to nathan as the lord lives surely the man who has done this deserves to die and he must make restitution for the lamb fourfold because he's done this thing and he had no compassion and here's the next verse and nathan said to him you are the guy you are the guy the lord goes on to say to him what have you done i chose you from falling sheep to be king i brought israel to be under you and judah to be under you i gave you wives concubines i made you rich i gave you great favor and here's the last line that the lord says to him and i would have done more if you would have only asked but what have you done but taken this man's wife and the scariest thing about it is that david has no idea that nathan is talking about him have you ever had someone tell you a story and you know you're the character in the story before they get to the end i have and there's this guy that i'm like this sounds very familiar to me david has no idea that he's the guy in the story innocence isn't lost in one virtuous act it's rather death by a thousand paper cuts it starts with an attitude long before it ever becomes an action arrogance entitlement offense bitterness disillusion unforgiveness lack of gratitude self-will are some of the pathways to the pitfalls of lost innocence and i am so concerned i am heart sick over what i see happening in the in in the church not just way out there with all of us i am very concerned that we are being frog boiled in the hot water of 11 of the pharisees and the leaven of herod that we are judging making our attitudes are growing the media is teaching us how to respond to people and how to make judgments people you know what's interesting to me that's funny alarm went off i got it i got in my car to drive from twin view back here and i had the 60s on and it was singing ding dong the witch is dead not this is going to be a good message haven't heard that song in a long time but i'll take it it's interesting to me that 12 disciples are living together in community for three and a half years with jesus and at the end of that ministry jesus said to them one of you are going to betray me and john who lays on the breast of jesus turns to jesus and said who is it lord is it me and i'm saying judas is with them he's the biggest betrayer in human history betraying the christ himself and the 11 disciples don't even know it's him but we are convinced we know people's hearts who we never even met you have no idea how troubling this system i'm not saying you i'm saying us we are convinced that we know people's motives their hearts their judgments and 12 11 disciples didn't even know that judas was a betrayer and he lived with them for freaking three and a half years and yet our sermon is so good that we know politicians and leaders and pastors and we just we're convinced that we know people's hearts and this is a decree we make when we've never been in a room with most of these people i can't even tell you how troubling this is it has become the culture everybody's offended where are we going what happened to loving people i remember when i met jesus at 18 i for the first time i was so in love with everybody i mean felt love for everybody i remember two jehovah's witness came to my house the third day i received christ they came in they had the watchtower the like there's two young guys in white shirts you know on bicycles and they're like we want to tell you about the kingdom i'm like come in and i gave them both a hug it's before kobe i think i kissed him on the forehead like so excited the lord sent me two people already and i told him what jesus did for me and how he'd save me and like before they could like even say anything and they're so they were like oh that's good that's good brother yeah that's a good start oh here and they got so nervous to just hand me the watchtower and turn around left and i said to my mom mom the lord sent me two christians i've only been a christian and she looked at the watchtower said those aren't christians those are jehovah's witnesses i don't know i just love people i just love everybody i don't even know what people's doctrine was that was just like everyone's so offended and like we live in a democracy so it's beautiful we get to make choices and i love it and i i believe you know i started moral revolution i do believe there are truths that we should stand by i do but when our truth keeps us from loving people i'm not sure we understand what truth's about you got people that want to put people in prison and remove people from office because the group of you believe they're guilty and you're so concerned that we're becoming like the nazis of germany and i'm like can you imagine what kind of country puts people in prison takes removes them from office without a trial can you imagine if a muslim nation was putting a christian in prison without any trial what you would think about that nation and yet we're becoming the very thing we're afraid of our offenses blind us to our own judgments well what if they're guilty then then they should be tried and like all of us we're innocent until we're proven guilty can you imagine living in a country where you're guilty until you're proven innocent i'm pointing out that listen i know much of you are offended right now i'm like you're the people i'm talking to just offended about everything a lady wrote me yesterday on she wrote on my facebook page to you know 379 000 people bethel church is part of the apostate they didn't even pray for afghanistan and chris valetin's one of their leaders not my page i'm just like we sent missionaries to afghanistan what are you talking about we we have prayer meetings for afghanistan and i just wrote back and said have you even been here i guess because you don't post about afghanistan every every day but i don't know if the lord reads the post but i know he answers prayer just people offended anti-vax people pro-vax people anti-biden people pro-trump people it's like kids like it's like can you imagine well just just i know you feel the ants go up when i just said names can you feel that i bet you at home you can just say the names and already it's like you know what that is that's what i'm talking about that's the spirit of the age that's guilty guilty guilty judgments guilty and i am sick of it i'm so sick of it what happened to loving people well i love them i love them i remember walking through my shop i was going to say i was praying but i wasn't i was walking through my shop one day and i was really frustrated with one of my grandkids and i was just thinking about you know how frustrated i am and i just said out loud lord give me patience and the lord said to me you don't need patience you need love love is patient your problem is you don't love your grandkids the way i do and if you did you'd be patient and i realized i was asking for an attribute of love when what i actually needed was love matthew 5 23 okay i'm gonna use the bible now better use the right version don't use that panzer pass that passion translation that's diary of people just offended what even what brand the bible you you quote the bible like what version is that i don't know it's the bible stupid and the challenges we don't even know we're doing it because everybody's doing it i got vaccinated people are mad cause i got vaccine i'm not the pro vax guy just got vaccinated there's a risk i know there's a risk i know i'm gonna die someday i'm gonna die so are you you're all terminal i'm not trying to get anyone else to do it i just did it cause i felt i was supposed to all right you don't have to be mad about it if you don't think you should don't good we got it i love you wow you really love people you get max i'm like don't just stop stop stop it you have an opinion i have opinions paul said that we are a body with many members the hand can't say to the foot i don't need you the foot can't say the eye got no need of you but how do you know if you're a foot you you're having a very different experience than the hand you might be walking on hot hard soil the hands are not experiencing that i'm pointing out that that we all have experiences in the part of the body we play which gives us different perspectives and the beauty of that if we can actually love one another is we actually have collective intelligence because it's we who have the mind of christ but we have to actually value other people's experience i sat with um some of our black staff this year dan and i at six or seven times a very very hard time for them very very tough time for them they were explaining how they were experiencing culture in their pain i could be like that's not the way it is that's not what we believe it's not helpful it's not helpful they're experiencing something i'm not experiencing i don't need to shame them or guilt them or you know try to defend myself it's like be quiet and listen be patient have compassion for people who are experiencing life very differently than you are well if they just read the documentary they would know but you oh in other words if i read the same stuff you read then i'm going to come to the same conclusion you do that's absolutely not true we read the same bible and don't agree well i read the passion translation whatever whatever uh do you am i talking to anyone [Applause] in matthew 5 verse 23 24 jesus says therefore if you're presenting your offering to altar and you remember your brother has something against you leave your offering there before the altar and go and first be reconciled to your brother then come back and present your offering this is i'm trying to show you how important relationships are to jesus he didn't say if you have something against your brother he says they have something against you you're like not my problem it's not my fault it may not be your fault but it's your responsibility and how big is it the lord's like hey i love worship but i want you to get along i said in post that got corrected the lord loves reconciliation more than he loves worship and someone said well that's not biblically christ okay well you're probably reading the passion translation but anyway that was a joke i'm just being funny i'm pointing out that the lord cares a lot about our relationships if you offend it with someone he didn't say go tell 10 other people he didn't even say go pray about it oh i got this problem this person told my whole family why don't you go talk to them well you know what's going to happen is i'm going to talk to them they're going to say this i'm saying you have it all worked out you think you know what they're going to say but you don't neither do i i'm not saying you i'm saying all of us all y'all i've done the same thing get frustrated with someone you're like i'll talk to you and i'll talk to you and i'll talk to you like have you talked to him no why not well i know what he's gonna say you're just a genius such a prophet you even know what other people are thinking and why they're doing it in matthew 18 jesus is talking about the fact that someone sinned against you so matthew 5 is about someone has something against you matthew 18 is you have something against someone else i i love this part let me read to you if your brother sins go and show him his fault in private in private if he listens to you you've won your brother but if he doesn't listen and take two or three with you so that the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed if he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church if he refuses to listen to him to the church uh tell it to the church if you refuse to listen even to the church then let him be like a gentile or tax collector very next verse truly i say to you who whatever you shall bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven again i say to you if two of you agree upon anything that may ask it shall be done for them by my father who's in heaven for where two or three are gathered in my name there i am in their midst very next verse then peter said how many lord how many times do i have to forgive these people which i think is a little funny since he's the most offensive person in the bible okay follow me what i'm getting at is how important are relationships to jesus he said someone sins against you you go talk to him have a conversation with him if he works out you want a brother it's cool but if it doesn't work out you're like okay i'm done i tried the lord's like oh no no no no we're just getting started here we're just getting started here see if you if we actually walked out the protocol of the bible in relationship i bet we wouldn't have very many judgments because we'd just be busy all week long just going with people he said now i want you to bring a brother or sister one or two and listen when you bring someone else it's not your mother or your attorney this is someone you know this is somebody that we both like are you with me if if we have a problem if tom and i have a problem i'm not bringing my attorney to meet with tom we're bringing someone that we both mutually respect and what that person is doing is he's helping me to see tom's side he's helping tom to see my side and the goal is reconciliation not crucifixion are you with me okay and that doesn't work you're like okay lord i've tried it all the lord's oh no now i want you to bring him before someone who has authority your boss the church do you get the pattern what i'm getting at is the lord's really serious about you and i not living in a fence with one another it's not just it's not just massive like i don't like him because of his doctrine i don't like him he should be removed from office i don't like that guy and you know what they're trying to do and the lord's like you're going to be very busy trying to reconcile with all these people that you just let offense just flow from your life like a fountain that's polluted and this is how important relationships are to jesus you got a problem he goes oh no you're not getting off that easy wow and then he goes okay you can't reconcile whatever for whatever reason you can't reconcile then he goes okay i want you to cheat him like i want you to treat him like a gentile how do i treat gentiles well he says get two or three people together where two or three agree upon earth is to touch anything shall be done for them you know what he's still talking about forgiveness how do i treat gentiles who refuse to repent i give them grace and i forgive them even though they don't deserve it jesus on the cross forgive them father for they don't know what they're doing what do i do when you when you refuse to repent for the sins against me i treat you the way i treat an unbeliever how do i treat unbelievers i just i forgive them even though they don't deserve it and i get some brothers around to say hey let's agree with god hey lord this sin that he said against me the three of us agree on earth to forgive him even though he doesn't deserve it because i can't live in a fence no matter what you do well you don't know what he's done to me i know what bitterness does to you though i know what unforgiveness does to you i know what judgment does to you fault-finding just i've never been in a season where people just spew stuff about anyone christians believers you're like they shut down my facebook account and i think the lord did i think i'm joking a little bit the beauty of bethel has always been in the diversity of the apostleship which allows people of very different perspectives to bond in the love of jesus and walk together in the unity of the spirit this is the beauty of bethel that we have democrats and republicans white people black people asia people anti-vax people provacs people pro pro football people we got people who know what football is we have others who think it's soccer we you know just [Applause] we have old people we have young people and the newspaper wants us to make a statement hey what is your stand on vax what is your stand on like we don't have a stand we have a stand on the kingdom and loving jesus this is what we think about jesus i don't want to be a political movement i'm going to be a kingdom movement and the beauty of our movement has been we have people you know we have we have people that we've graduated 13 000 people from over a hundred countries we had 30 people from iceland we emptied the country one year [Applause] kind of joking no but we did we had 122 germans two years ago i mean they you know the things that americans are anxious about they're anxious about very different things i mean their their political system things are different what i'm getting at is the beauty of bethel has been in the gathering of diversity that we are a covenant people bonded by love not by agreement and we are unified in the spirit not necessarily in doctrine and we have people in our own teams that think differently about all those subjects i mentioned today beautifully dream differently and have passionate dialogues in love we have passionate dialogues in our slt you would love to be a fly on the wall when we're talking about things that we don't agree about but it's fun when you're learning from each other and you're listening and you're honoring one another and you can see things very differently i was in the political world for 14 years ministering you guys know this most of it's a secret but just in this behind the scenes in the uk and in in brazil and in dc and in russia in russia i fell in love with putin i know now you're mad at me i'm i mean daniel fell in love with nebuchadnezzar and like the lord said if you love these people i will let you influence them but if you were angst i won't and the lord told me i want you to fall in love with putin it's not a it's not a it's not a commentary on his on his personhood i don't know him are you with me and just loving people well you know if you love him because my love isn't conditional my love's not conditional i love president biden i love president obama i love president trump president bush i am commanded to love people and i'm also praying for them because i'm commanded to pray for them this is what the bible i don't care what the media says or fox news or cnn i don't care what they say they're not dictating my attitude towards my leaders i am commanded to love these people and pray for them and romans 13 and even honor them yes i know how that feels in the room i feel it too and that's the problem it is time for us to actually be christians and behave like christians jesus said if you love people who love you this is matthew 5. if you love people who love you what have you done any different than the gentiles then he goes on to say i want you to love your enemies i want you to pray for those who persecute well i love you but i just treat you like crap no please then stop loving me and treat me kindly i mean love should feel like something and by the way i'm not saying don't have stances i'm not saying don't believe in truth i'm not saying don't stand for truth but i'm saying stay inside your core values when you have a disagreement with somebody and don't become god to them because you don't know people's hearts only god does stan please i'm done ranting i have to tell you though it felt really good to get this out i want more yeah well i have 14 more pages if you'd like to stay longer the lord has given us second corinthians 5 17 18 and 19 the lord has given us the ministry of reconciliation that is our ministry what is the ministry of reconciliation it says right there this it says that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself listen to the final part not counting their trespasses against them and then the next verse says and we've been given the ministry of reconciliation as if god is begging through us be reconciled to god what is our best weapon it is the fact that we get to forgive people who don't deserve it we get to love people who are unlovable this is what sets us apart from other people we can't get frog boiled in the spirit of the age which is angst at everybody are you following me lord i just pray for us me i've prayed for myself twice so i'm really prayed in now i probably have a pure heart already but lord i just pray for us that we would actually love people like you do that we will love the world lord that we would stand for truth but we'd find a way to do it like daniel did in that we could be truth to people but we speak truth in love and that we earnestly honestly love people and lord teach us how to walk together when we don't have the same view on many things help us to be unified in the spirit of god and help us to have open ears and open hearts and lord help us to actually count relationships as wealth that our relationships are so valuable that i wouldn't want to lose a relationship any more than i would want to lose what's everything that's in my bank account lose my home lord let us desperately and passionately stay connected to one another and wherever we have offense i feel like there's several people in here as i'm talking the holy spirit's actually convicting you i know he was me i got this for myself a week ago and i laid on the bed and and asked god to forgive me for many many people many things that i've held judgments i this word was to me before it's ever to you i am not an innocent party in this room by any means and i pray that if god convicts you that you would go make it right with people that you would go fix that relationship but you don't know i don't know what they're going to say i understand it's really risky but as far as it depends on you the lord wrote be at peace with all men lord i just bless every single person in here in jesus name
Channel: Kris Vallotton
Views: 26,931
Rating: 4.8089032 out of 5
Keywords: kris vallotton, bethel church, bethel church redding, prophet, prophetic ministry, bethel redding, bethel sermon, kris vallotton sermon, protecting your innocence, kingdom mindset, kris vallotton sermon 2021, bethel church sermon
Id: nnB3PNHz1qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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