Engineering Behind Australia's Gigantic Coal Industry | Mega Mechanics | Spark

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across Australia the wheels of Industry turned 24 hours a day seven days a week these machines are tough and the teams of people running them are even tougher from deep underground to high in the sky these heavy metal marbles are essential to our daily lives but what happens when these massive machines break down teams of mechanics engineers fitters and Boilermakers step up to battle against tight deadlines in some of the harshest working environments on the planet doing the vital repair work to keep these heavy-metal wonders of industry alive [Music] on this episode of mega mechanics it's a job high on the bucket list for maintenance supervisor andy schooler managing a busy four days out they get moving parts things wear out fifty men versus five stories of a mighty preparation plan but when the wind picks up so does the danger you just know something's not looking right so you're just going to make the call there's nothing idle about this job hurtling three kilometres over conveyors at port Waratah coal services mechanical fitter Troy Bennis feels the burn base the tinker's have univer hero status sustained effort a long but one misstep could bring this mighty machine to a standstill the potential to damage the conveyor belt a sticky situation that the Rocky Point sugar mill calls for a quick fix from hydraulic specialist Alan Osborne as if you have to make a fitting there's no choice that room fit but will his sugar-coated solution get the mill back online obviously San Diego Sooners began when it comes to burning rubber these metallic Birds take it to a whole new level making sure these flying kangaroos have plenty of spring in their step on landing is what this team specialized in senior lady charles la cena is keeping an eye on the team's progress takes approximately half the weight of the aircraft landing forces mining coal is a tough business and the equipment even tougher but without regular maintenance it will break down 130 kilometres west of Brisbane is the new Ackland coal mine near okie and regional Queensland a 6 a.m. pre start meeting in the maintenance workshop draws together a crew of 50 mechanical fitters and Boilermakers for a marathon 96 hour shut down their mission the annual overhaul of coal handling and preparation plant number one the biggest job over the shutdown is the replacement of the jig elevator buckets spanning three storeys this revolving conveyor removes waste off from the crushed coal after 12 months of continuous operation the buckets are due for replacement and the only way to remove them from the preparation plant is up lifting them five stories high through an open cutout in the roof downs feed a breakup rebuild do you go behind a bucket maintenance improvement coordinator Andy schooler is in charge of this four-day shutdown taking the preparation plant offline means no coal production and with the demand for high-quality coal in Hungary overseas markets afford a shutdown of operations will run into millions of dollars of lost revenue some jobs will take just a few hours but the replacement of the jig elevator buckets is a critical task and will take eight shifts working around the clock for 96 hours you've got the biggest work group of people working on that job and they have to all work together to make sure that that job comes in on time it's a huge operation and with the clock ticking safety checks take up valuable time but they're not negotiable these fellas before they do a job they'll do what we call the risk assessment or a jha a job hazard analysis they go through and at least step by step the parts of the job that they're doing and they identify any hazards that are there work try to match and with a plan of attack in place it's time to pick up tools and take on this enormous project [Music] to remove the jig elevator buckets from deep inside the preparation plant Andy's called in a synthesized machine with a mighty reach throat the jig elevator lift we bring in a hundred ton crane and elevators help not so much because the elevators are heavy way but because we're lifting them so high and under for break from the crane extending the boom to 50 meters the towering crane will thread it's lifting hook and chains through these open cut outs in the preparation plant roof raising the jig elevator buckets over five stories high then ease them down to ground level there's already been a casualty on a previous bucket lift and crane rigger Russell Whitby can see a damaging reminder looks like someone's hit the roof but keeping this job on time will also depend on the weather and a forecast of wind and rain could bring everything to a standstill [Music] from Outback Queensland to the seaside city of Newcastle port Waratah Col Services is the largest coal export facility in the world just 200 kilometres north of the state capital Sydney covering an area the size of 128 football fields these mega machines and the expert mechanics who maintain them are a key part of the Hunter Valley coal chain a 450 kilometre heavy haulage rail network from coal mines across the Hunter region to the Port of Newcastle working in the heavy maintenance industry for 32 years Superintendent of maintenance Ross van Dyck has the responsibility of maintaining the facilities operations 24/7 large breakdown and an effect on the whole hunter belly cult chain potentially a bio break there might be a week's worth of work so we put a lot of effort into eliminating those breakdowns every year the stockyard zacchara gang terminal have the capacity to export 120 million tons of thermal and coking coal to destinations around the world we don't actually produce anything here we don't make anything we don't manufacture anything we purely handle call for our customers that's unloading stacking reclining and plating and ships 65 kilometres of conveyors snake their way across the site moving up to 65,000 tons of coal every hour that's a heavy workload for tens of thousands of moving parts regular maintenance is done during shutdown periods and today the task of replacing damaged idlers belongs to Troy Bennis and his crew Troy has been a mechanical fitter at port Waratah for nine years working on these massive machines towering 14 stories high behind me is one of our six stackers that we have on site this is 321 stacker machine then maintenance teams been called out today to do our hard Laberge and I'd like is a rolling component used to support a conveyor belt at kurogane coal terminal there are thousands of idlers operating around the clock idlers fail from excessive she'll wear or cease from dust and grease damaging bearings conveyor and check every oiler Jamie tries working below the stacker from an idler changing platform the crew need to be on their toes hurdling over steel frames spinning idlers for worn bearings and looking for damage or wear yodel is located every few meters that's where the conveyor belt rolls over to make it nice and smooth without the coal falling in between they've got an aluminium shell so they're not too heavy cubby ten kilos get a shaft in the middle with a slot that gets located in the roller frame and it's got a bearing either end missing one damaged idler could mean disaster look good cut a conveyor belt tear the build up which means big downtime and costly repairs and replacing the officer shutting down operations on stacker 321 for up to a week each hour the machine is shut down that's a holdup of eight and a half thousand tons of coal that can't be stockpiled along this road from Newcastle to the sugar fields of yet ler halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast [Music] contract cane harvesters are racing daylight to get the last of the season's crop to the sugar mill before nightfall [Music] once a back-breaking task sugarcane has been harvested in this region for more than a century and crushed at the local Rocky Point sugar mill one of the oldest in Australia this one hundred and thirty year old mill has weathered floods fire and storms over its long history and today Rocky Point sugar mill manager Bruce Tyson is battling his own problems adults come to a stop we've had a finally over one of our oil coolers on the hydraulic drive on number four milk and the factory's got operating now during the harvest the mill operates around the clock processing 4,000 tons of sugarcane each day for Bruce to meet today's target that's 170 tons every hour it's critical to get this plant up and going again next hour we've got trucks backing up outside with cane on them cut sugarcane dries out rapidly and with the crop worth tens of thousands of dollars baking in the afternoon Sun time is critical Rocky Point maintenance supervisor Terry Drury is determined to identify the cause of the breakdown so that's it up in the back looks like whole series of plates up inside here and that's the one that's filed it's ruptured inside that's a heat exchanger exchanger the heat exchanger cools the oil used by the mills large hydraulic motors which drive heavy 20-ton metal rollers crushing cane under tremendous pressure to extract the juice we can't continue to run this because that's not the only hitch the ruptured heat exchanger cannot be repaired without replacement parts ordered from overseas a delivery that will take at least two weeks with the cause of the breakdown identified Terry now has an even bigger problem to find another heat exchanger today at Brisbane Airport hangar number three is all about heavy maintenance when many of the flying kangaroos in this world-famous fleet come to have major service jets [Music] runways around the world where two of the most challenging aviation feats occur on a round-the-clock basis takeoffs and of course landings one of the teams in the landing gear pit is busy installing the brakes wheels and tires on this a330 ready for a gear swing test at the start of the next shift with the protective tape unwrapped from the axle the avionics crew can install speed sensors which send vital information to the cockpit [Music] senior lady Charles lishchyna is keeping an eye on the team's progress but jobs got to be completed before the ship change as this Airbus is booked in for a gear swing test tonight the all-important break units are next to be fitted there's eight of these in total four on each gear and as you can see it's a little bit more than just two Pistons you've got like eight or ten Pistons all the way around two different hydraulic systems so if one system fails you always got a secondary backup system to apply the brakes the most important system to stop the aircraft are the wheel brakes jet aircraft have multiple wheels each wheel containing a set of disc brakes during landing the brakes work hard and therefore more brakes spreads out the workload to quickly slow the aircraft extreme friction from landing creates high temperatures something these hearty units are designed to withstand despite being made from lightweight carbon-fiber they're still heavy enough to need a pallet trolley to move them around the hangar no real surprise as each unit tips the scales at about 100 kilos to get them over to the axles a wheel dolly does the heavy lifting leaving three crew to manhandle the brake units into position a few minor adjustments and it's home with the clock ticking closer to the night shift that's one down three to go [Music] back at the new Eckland coal mine near okie in regional Queensland and eSchool or his boss of a four-day maintenance shutdown responsible for keeping a team of mechanics on track on time and on budget the best laid plans lasted until the first shots fired and then everything goes a little bit different there you think it room during the shutdown there are over 140 jobs that need to be done wash plants made up of about a thousand bits of individual equipment be they pumps conveys crushers electric motors there's lots of bits that go on in there that all have to work for the wash plant to work so apart from you made your job do you do have lots of those other smaller jobs such as pump rebuilds electric motor change out repairs to screens lot of other stuff goes on apart from the big jobs [Music] while Andy supervises the overall operation the biggest job on site is the removal and replacement of the jig elevator buckets and falls firmly on the shoulders of contractor Darren McGrath we got a ship and nice ship on the job it's a busy work site with many jobs sharing the same equipment Darren's already concerned about ongoing delays we can't do anything after this trial the crane gets on the right so the first days always the same everyone wants to give and get we're all getting backlog and the choice is one little area which is like this one that one and those pipe work but this cart doors are still right the jig elevator buckets stretch out 20 meters when fully extended that's longer than a bowling alley the problem Darrin faces is the crane to lift the buckets can't extend its boom to over 20 meters above the preparation plant so a plan is devised to shorten the bucket length we cut it in half and then I come up through the roof one section at a time already behind schedule the crew and now under pressure to get the job done to get their rigging right weighing in at ten tons that's a lot of heavy metal to lift all eyes are on the sky as the 100-ton crane swings into action being as possibly forget about without any any too much driving too much wind block good weather plays a critical role in this tricky operation and just like threading a needle the lifting hook lowers through this two meter cut out in the preparation plant roof and the crane comes in well he's booked one to it you'll take the weight then we'll take these off so then he'll I be able to wait there the first of the 10 meter buckets grinds its way out of the jig elevator shaft [Music] it's a slow operation and the fact that it's running behind schedule is having a knock-on effect delaying other jobs on site which also need the crane people going [Music] [Music] finally the first half of the jig elevator buckets are clear of the roof [Music] good news but not soon enough with another lift to go this morning's delays have cost Darren and his team valuable time 170 kilometers to the east the temperatures still rising at the Rocky Point sugar mill ruptured heat exchanger has brought the site to a standstill Bruce Tyson has been rocky point mill manager since 2006 and were the customers came cooking in the afternoons son he needs a fix fast so an external service technician is called in this should be here in the next hour so we can get the factory going again maintenance supervisor Terry Drury has been working at the mill for 10 years he knows farmers will be harvesting cane into the night and with a growing backlog of trucks outside it will be difficult to catch up the lost time traveling from Brisbane Rexroth external service technician Alan Osborne is responding to the emergency call a highly experienced hydraulics specialist he's no stranger to Rocky Point sugar mill [Music] at the end of a busy harvest season the mill can't afford to be out of production Terry's hopes now lie in Alan to solve the problem the replacement parts he needs to repair the ruptured heat exchanger are weeks away Alan will need to think on his feet and come up with a fix to get the mill back up and running as soon as possible working under pressure Alan's hoping his idea for a makeshift solution will get the job done a heat exchanger transfers heat between fluids hot hydraulic oil from the mills motors enters the heat exchanger tubes cold water circulates around the tubes transferring heat from the hydraulic oil to the water without the two fluids having to mix together in direct contact every hour the mills not operational is $10,000 in lost production Terry's hope for allen's workaround to solve the problem is critical 7 trucks they're waiting to dump cane so dollar to stay on hold down time is ticking before Alan arrived the mill had already been offline for almost an hour moving quickly the maintenance team carried the replacement heat exchanger into position behind the hydraulics cabinet it's a tight squeeze as Alan works between hydraulic hoses and water pipes the mills obviously stopped so they came together going since possibly attaching hydraulic hoses from oil cooling tanks to the replacement heat exchanger Allen knows his temporary fix will have to hold until new parts arrive the other one wrapped it internally so the oil from my assistant thanks of going into the cooling they can't believe back on the tank struggling to get connecting pipes to line up however Allen's sugar-coated idea might need a rethink heading south to the port city of Newcastle Troy and his team have reached the halfway point checking idlers along a three-kilometer conveyer around 3:21 stuck on machine accepts coal from the dump stations of the trains and stacks it into the yard weighing in at a massive 600 tons and as tall as a nine-story building this metal monster stockpiles coal at an impressive eight and a half thousand tons an hour it's not long before a broken idler is discovered this is one of the damaged rollers that the boys have found in there pretty extremely badly damaged so yeah that's what we're looking for women walk along the conveyor fatigue is a challenge on a 12-hour maintenance shift I used to think oh there's a bit of a hero status down here for too long but we're in the game for a long time so we're going to feed fresh and just about regularly say thank you bones each idler weighs 9 kilograms dropping into a slot on the conveyor frame if you sponsor a big issue I'm changing out the idlers you've gotta keep your fingers out of the pinch points so you don't drop the oil on your finger and crush your penis hands it's gonna be aware big quick communications in the driver if you're going to need job any issues at this traffic stops machine passing the halfway point Troy and his crew are on a roll but could the next hurdle spell disaster the moment of touchdown when landing gear flaps and engine thrust reversers work together in mechanical harmony to bring one of these massive machines quickly and safely down to a taxi speed of 20 knots roughly 40 kilometres an hour to the east of the runways at Brisbane Airport is hangar number 3 a place that specializes in heavy maintenance looking after some of the largest aircraft that make up one of the most famous airlines in the world inside this 160 meter long hangar up to 3 aircraft can be undergoing extensive checks and servicing at any one time like this a 330 in preparation of having its brakes and wheels serviced these are the brake units charged with the enormous task of helping to bring 187,000 kilograms worth of Airbus to a stop out on the runway when the team have all four brake units in place the wheel and tire assemblies can roll out into position [Music] while they continued their work on the landing gear team leader charles la cena prepares the enormous wheels for refitting these are the likes that drive have been pads themselves so the pads rotate with the wheels the whole brake unit slots inside here this part of the wheel drives the brake units as the brake is engaged the pads tend to slow down which then slow the wheel down slows aircraft down these are heat shields here to reduce the amount of heat going into the room in the time for additional safety these massive tires are inflated with nitrogen gas to about 200 psi far greater than the pressure used to fill tires on a family car which makes sense considering the much larger number of passengers and cargo and Airbus can haul in total an a330 has four of these 220 kilogram tires on two sets of landing gear plus two smaller tires on the nose gear watching aircraft land at the moment of touchdown it's normal to see that telltale plume of smoke from the tires these are the initial point of impact all these little Chevron's there are pneumatic tire so they've got a bit of flex flexibility so they can absorb a fair amount of impact to go with that flexibility these aviation tires also have plenty of grip meanwhile the brake installation is almost complete the team's got to push on and get the wheel and tire assemblies on in time for a vital landing gear swing tests back at the new Ackland call preparation plant after a lengthy delay the first bucket is out safely and on the ground first topic look out coming out molestation despite high hopes we do have problems with the second Liberty it's pulling out a little angle it's coming out and then it's not look straight up so it's it's sort of pulling back on itself and already supervisor Andy schooler has his concerns at a cost of $42,000 every hour the cold preparation plant is not in operation he can't afford this shutdown to go over time behind schedule at this stage a couple of July's with getting these jig elevator buckets out and that's impacted on a couple other jobs that we need to lift out with the overhead crane hoping for the pace to pick up the buckets are jammed in the sure [Music] eight hours after the job started finally the jig elevator buckets come free from coal handling and preparation plant number one [Music] the second live had a few dramas which was the drive gears were actions boiling up on the actual China salt so we just have to like paint the chine [Music] time is money with over 50 contractors on site a delay during these early stages of the shutdown is cause for concern with the buckets safely on the ground the jig elevator shaft is finally ready to be refurbished we'll have a night shift come on at 6 o'clock and on some of the key key job to GE elevator buckets here are one [Music] overnight a 12-hour shift has worked inside the jig elevator shaft removing steel plates now on day shift the job has been handed over to Boilermaker will Hayes his job is to weld the metal ware place which guide the revolving jig elevator buckets [Music] it's a physically demanding task just an annual job a job done in challenging conditions its confined space and working at Heights about ten meters up from the ground Martin look like it in the founder it's quite a long way with safety the key priority will is equipped with the body harness back up your account just get on the ladder will say I risk them the atmosphere in there with all the welding and fumes so we're constantly testing the atmosphere in there make sure it's good for human environment and also running a well we know that puts breathable air down on your face another safety measure a spotter above the shoot watching wills every move type of work but not everyone does the work itself snot hard it's just the environment that it's in which makes it harder after a 12-hour shift the metal where plates are installed and the jig elevator buckets are on schedule to cope back in tomorrow but will changing weather conditions have everybody looking to the sky instead at the rocky point sugar mill service technician alan osborne has been called in to help with an emergency breakdown maintenance supervisor Terry Drury of a one hour turnaround are quickly fading he's actually been gone about almost 45 minutes so it'll get us goin it'll do the job but it's not a proper installation it's going to sit out the back of the cabinet there and be suspended on a wooden pallet and will stay that way I can we get to get the right part it's a practical but not so pretty solution as the minutes tick by Alan looks like he might be getting close to a test run yeah he's got a couple of hydraulic pipes just to tighten up and then just one water pipe you're doing that's it Clinic mom stuff we've run that and make sure it doesn't leak that's gonna be the most important thing as long as we got no leaks when it joins at last Alan gives the nod it's time to test the temporary heat exchanger don't secret stock we'll run these hydraulics just check that all right as the pressure builds [Music] looks like the mill isn't going to be back online anytime soon back at Port warrant our coal surfaces stacker 321 is shut down for essential maintenance with a window of only a few hours this mighty machine is required back in service to unload a continuous stream of coal trains for Troy and his crew finding more damaged idlers is holding up the pace damaged as well what's our fear the shell on that one I near the sharp shards that do have the potential to cut the bill you got to be pretty careful changing amount that you can get cut yourself and the gloves and moving at a constant speed of three kilometres an hour inspecting the conveyer belt it's like being on a treadmill with the added bonus of hurdles yes a walk on the return side and you get damage both sides I'm very psyched for the coals you Troy's team has done this job many times but it doesn't mean the risks are any less there's a high exposure to potential injuries in sight we have a lot of controls in place to eliminate that it is the utmost importance that we protect our employees and also contractors and visitors in Johnson after safely hurtling the conveyor belt for six hours and replacing 20 damaged idlers it's the end of the line for Troy and the crew it's essential maintenance on these mighty machines that saves millions of dollars in lost productivity during the shutdown the maintenance team's progress has been constantly monitored by the busy operations control room and with the job complete the operator has the go-ahead to bring stacker 321 back into service one of Brisbane airports largest neighbors stands to the east of the runways heavy maintenance hangar number three and getting the aircraft serviced under its massive ceilings back in the skies is what this place and its staff are all about heavy maintenance is their specialty like complete overhauls of Airbus landing gear with its brake units in place the team is pushing to get the wheels on before the shift change as this a330 is scheduled for a vital gear swing test tonight with each one weighing about 220 kilograms their installation will not be as zippy as a pit crew working the Grand Prix circuit lining up the slots of the brake pads with the lugs inside the wheel rim takes time patience and expertise damnit it's not something they're caught on right there bit by bit the wheel is eased into place next the wheel nut [Music] time to put a torque wrench to work with three more wheels to fit under the guidance of experienced Lanie's practice definitely makes perfect a couple of luck bolts and go through here we just line up the hole so once we got to twelve we tighten it up line up this lock box with the brake units and wheel assemblies installed the team have met their deadline ready for the night shift to carry out that all-important gear swing test just one of the many work assignments to be successfully and professionally completed under the towering ceilings of hangar number three at a worksite that never sleeps a new day has dawned under grey skies and a weather forecast of wind and rain has ante concerned all the planning in the world you can't always say these unforeseen weather events and you throw people into the mix too sometimes and you always get these challenges and there's always that constant reminder of what can go wrong I wasn't actually here at that that time but I think you'll find it was probably the wind picked up then and blew the load but a bit of a dent in the guttering on the player in the cold preparation plant final work is underway for the replacement of the jig elevator buckets I guess we're getting to the pointy end of the shop if you like the ends in sight and the fellas probably got a bit more emphasis on getting in and getting a job [Music] the first of the new buckets Rises into a threatening sky all eyes are on the Weber as they pass the damaged gutter weighing in at 10 tons the buckets thread through the rooftop hanging from chains they are slowly lowered by the crane gradually the buckets are carefully guided into the open chute [Music] probably talking Aaron h1 this well playing on the narrow makes one though [Music] but there's a problem something has stopped for buckets aware the wind could pick up this afternoon an hour is too long for Andy to wait would have liked to have seen the buckets in by now that's for sure they need a solution and fast well the way of strips didn't quite have enough chamfer on the leading edge so the buckets were catching on finally eventually with some persuasion the buckets finally lower into the chute [Music] and while the pace has picked up [Music] so has the wind [Music] five stories up the crane is struggling to lower the jig elevator buckets through the accessport in the preparation plant arrived with strong wind gusts risking the safety of his team Andy has made the call to halt the install of the jig elevator buckets it looks like the weather has won the battle this time once that load started swaying from side to side fellows didn't have control of it with the guy rope I didn't want that to keep going with the job at that stage crane operator Trevor sharply and rigger Russell would be agree with the call Russell said it's pretty windy at the top for you you don't know till you get that past the building there and then agustin we just couldn't hold it still enough to get it to feed into the hole there's an antenna and some aircraft lights up there but yeah they're pretty close so you've just got to be careful you don't hit into them so I'll just worried and Augusta taken [Music] with the continuation of the job now relying on a break in the weather some serious decisions have to be made if Andy is to continue past the shutdown deadline so that look at weather and we probably expect these winds to hang around for the rest of the afternoon pushing one day past the deadline means over 1 million dollars in lost production but there is a back-up plan if we can't lift these up today we'll look at coming in at 4 o'clock in the morning daylight generally get a couple of hours period there where there's no wind a good solution but one that creates I'm up a problem there's a lot of these people have got other jobs they go to after this one now you go on camera we've only had them booked for the four days so they make other arrangements and I'll have to do a ring around and and see who I can get to stay back and work on the job running over schedule and battling the elements will be a costly delay but will Andy find the manpower he needs to get the job done at Rocky Point the sugar mill is still offline hydraulic specialist Allen Osbourne is desperately trying to stop a leaking water pipe on his temporary heat exchanger bit of a warning follow these simple sort of now replacing a rubber washer has fixed the water leak and the pipe is reconnected to the cooling tank with hydraulic hoses checked and water pipes securely tightened Terry can finally restart the mill so Paige can hear now that pump started up so then we'll start to use that system straight away so we'll check that for leaks now around the back up to you oh let's go down Terri's happy at last the large hydraulic motors which drive the crush power up side no leaks are preliminary stock so now will up start up the milling train so we can start crushing gain that will call it on a full load will recheck it again before Alan can leave the mill has to be working at full operation this shatters you when these rollers Anna let's not outside ones down their side of the green ones yeah this is the bill over standing out disco he's such a bad stock as he brings the mill back on line Terry is on the lookout for problems this is a bill we replace the oil cooler on it's now working under four loads over love protect their mill boss Bruce is keen to get a report [Music] other two colleagues looking from this song now all these stones from that sonnet ostinato they should all son mortal it's gone it's like Robert Collier [Music] allons temporary heat exchanger has saved the day hoping to be back online in one hour Terry delivers Allen his report card but when we shut the build out when we got gone and was just die every hour 15 minutes that really it's pretty good I didn't really always have a better than what you can actually do I realized up the middle the middle water lakes a 20 minute really good job [Music] one day over the schedule for days shutdown and Andy has managed to gather enough men to continue the job high winds yesterday delayed the lift of the last jig elevated bucket yes boys came in at 4 o'clock windows died down by that stage now as day breaks the final bucket is safely lowered through the coal processing plant roof [Music] obviously we've overrun our schedule time we were hoping I'd be up and running this morning around 6 o'clock but if we had a had the elevators in it by 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon we would have achieved that one day over schedule and with a handful of contractors on site coal handling and preparation plant number one is back in production to have a successful outcome for a shutdown you rely on your people you have working here with abl mine employees orell contracting companies that come in and and do the work we're very fortunate we have some really good people I get in and have a go and they care at pride in their work Andy and the new Eklund coal handling and processing plant team have managed a challenging operation risking an expensive overrun Andy's focus is safety first they battled the elements to get millions of dollars of machinery back online with the expertise and coordination of a team of experienced mega mechanics [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Spark
Views: 153,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, 2017, 2016, 2015, full, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary
Id: nkEu_5VG2pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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