Keeping Trains On Tracks: Shaving Wheels Back Into Shape | Mega Mechanics | Spark

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across Australia the wheels of Industry turned 24 hours a day seven days a week these machines are tough and the teams of people running them are even tougher from deep underground to high in the sky these heavy metal marbles are essential to our daily lives but what happens when these massive machines break down teams of mechanics engineers fitters and Boilermakers step up to battle against tight deadlines in some of the harshest working environments on the planet doing the vital repair work to keep these heavy-metal wonders of industry alive [Music] on this episode of mega mechanics truck out back to the new Ackland coal mine where temperatures are soaring and an old hand on the tools steve frosty frost is faced with a new challenge then a bigger truck everything's a bit bigger and heavier a huge engine needs a change out but an unscheduled delay means it will take more than just manpower to move this massive horsepower big crane we're expecting this afternoon the stakes are even higher or rather heavier at the Broadwater sugar mill we're lead fitter Peter Hewitt is guiding his team through a dangerous lift if one of a fell with only a few days remaining to strip the mill he's feeling the crush under a freshman alignment senior licensed aircraft maintenance engineer Patrick Donohue must restrain the full power of an a330 Airbus to test the engines both jets must pass strict engine run procedures and the teams in for a bumpy ride from planes to trains meet the spin-doctors of Queensland Rail like rolling stock technical adviser Ben notes there's the book and then there's experience shaving steel wheels into shape under 45 tons of rail car is how the city network rolling stock maintenance team roll ensuring the safety of thousands of commuters if we can't provide the train people don't move [Music] 160 kilometres west of Brisbane near okie in regional Queensland is the new Ackland coal mine here the largest truck in the fleet is the caterpillar 793 weighing in at 380 tons with a top speed of 60 kilometres an hour when one of these yellow beasts is fully loaded it's like driving a two-story apartment down the road keeping a fleet of mine trucks running like clockwork is a constant challenge and relies on a team of mechanics to maintain these mighty machines seven days a week Steve frost known to the crew as frosty has been working on heavy machinery most of his life he's an old hand on the tools around here but that doesn't mean he's not up for a new challenge so it's a little bit new and exciting few different things to the other trucks of course being a bigger truck everything's a bit bigger and heavier so some challenges there as well this caterpillar 7 9 3 mine truck has come in for an engine replacement a new low compression engine is on standby for the swap Oh offering improved fuel consumption and lower noise levels this Katzie 175 engine is a 16 cylinder 4-stroke quad turbocharged diesel engine packing gross power of 1976 kilowatts for two thousand six hundred and fifty horsepower driving a six-speed Automatic transmission weighing in at 12 tonnes this massive engine will haul 200 tonnes fully loaded but there's no time to boast over impressive specs frosty has to have this truck back in the pit hauling overburden and coal then just three days [Music] it's pretty crucial we we stick to the timetable field servers fitter Joel oxen bridge is on site to handle the changeover of this massive 16 cylinder engine this is one of the bigger challenges ever had in this district for you the engine of this size rounding out the workload is Harry Mitchell a specialist mining engineer working on an engine this size can be an intimidating task [Music] experienced as the caterpillar specialist Joel is the leading hand preparing the engine for removal lines we're just gonna take off anything that's so we're gonna hold it hold us in a job that requires disconnecting the radiator fan and hoses to drain the coolant and engine oil also loosening and unfastening hundreds of electrical wires attached to the chassis rails and if it's gonna hold us back from the backside in before they can finally remove larger components such as steering pumps exhaust manifold and transmission Joel's taking the practical approach so the top and work our way down and down is where you'll find frosty working underneath the engine experience tells frosty if it's rust that just calls for a new bolt but if the threads are damaged that could mean an expensive replacement pump pumps probably right into a bet 10 or $15,000 hopefully it'll come veteran with the costly pump motor hanging on the turn of a thread frosty carefully shifts the spanner above his head with so many moving parts even the smallest bolts could bring the entire job to a standstill weighing in at 12 tons and about the size of a small family car it's going to take more than manpower to move this mighty horsepower free of the truck chassis to remove the engine a large slew crane is scheduled to arrive on site to lift the load clear of the truck knowing this frosty and the crew are under pressure to ensure all parts are unfastened and will clear the engine bay [Music] but Frosty's plan for a punctual engine lift could be left swinging in the breeze the crew has received a message from the crane company they let sort of talk that they could have been allowing a driver so he wasn't gonna be enough Tranter to pull this engine out this afternoon to stay on track with the schedule this massive engine has to come out of the truck before the end of this shift pushing the deadline it's not an option that crew wants to face but ever-resourceful frosty has an idea that may just save the day sometimes it's the little things that can make a huge difference [Music] over 300 kilometers southeast of new a clone the Broadwater sugar mill has been crushing sugarcane since opening in 1881 during harvest from June to December the mill operates around the plot to produce over 1 million kilograms of sugar every year there's a lot of load on machinery there's a lot of moving parts and a lot that can go wrong something engineering manager Steven Wagner has had to deal with throughout his extensive career been working on this site for 37 years most of my working career Steven knows the mill has taken a battery from six months of crushing sugarcane around the clock the process is basically very simple but there's a lot of complexities that sit behind it milling is the process of squeezing juice from sugarcane between heavy cast-iron rollers under high pressure in a set of mills there's four Mills with six rollers in each mill each roller weighs about 20 tons and then we have two hydraulic cylinders on the top roller and we actually load it up about 1700 tons of hydraulic force to squeeze the juice out of the cane the mill rollers are made of a 2 meter long solid steel shaft covered by a one point one meter cast iron shell with deep grooves sugarcane is crushed between the grooves to extract juice every hour 250 tons of cane is processed through the mill in and around the clock operation so the cast iron shell is a consumable where she wear it away 25 to 35 millimeters each year it actually gets smaller and smaller and then after six or seven years we take it out we'll send that away for repair the sugarcane season might be over but work doesn't stop the mill is now in a period known as the slack each year in December we completely dismantle the mills and then we we rebuild or replace the componentry that needs doing for each of the four mills Stevens workforce and his pre planning for the slack is about to be put to the test the plane today is for leap fitter Peter Hewitt and his team to remove one of the 20-ton crushing rollers from the mill big challenge is heavy liftings not much room to move it to get it out you've got crushing and pinching you can catch on the things so you just got to watch the bottom you're lifting out and make sure no one's underneath while you're lifting and we've stand clear the live islets up in the air the on-site gantry crane is working overtime as equipment weighing tons is shuffled around to clear the way for the enormous rollers to be removed Sonia lifts things by getting your weight make you don't think off and you just got to work around it we've got to go through head on meanwhile preparation to remove the roller has begun and years of bearing grease is scraped away the 30 tonne gantry crane is prepped for the lift and the rigging procedure is carefully planned to ensure the roller will be properly balanced when the lift commences if one of these fell there'd be a hell of a lot of damage to plant equipment as well as defense someone's underneath it there's not much chance for finally the gantry crane is rigged and in position above the 20 tonne roller with the load secured the lift is underway it's a weight similar to a double-decker bus and the task Peter faces is just as difficult as reverse parking one [Music] Peters quick to spire Chaim butts caught one quick flick and it's free but he's not clear of the mill yet it's a slow precision task one slip of a chain or tight corner brush too closely could be disastrous the headquarters for Qantas a330 and 737 heavy maintenance is at Brisbane Airport hangar 2 & 3 this custom-built facility can Park 3 aircraft wing to wing work here is run with meticulous precision by dedicated team members like senior licenced aircraft maintenance engineer Patrick Donohue I have been working on aircraft in corners for 28 years I can always think that there's thousands of people flowing into aircraft that were comin know got from a - is eight safely it's just personal really I make sure everything is done correctly Patrick's job today has him preparing to run the jet engines of this a330 Airbus the aircraft cannot be cleared to fly until engine performance is thoroughly checked while it's safely on the ground equivalent to restraining the combined horsepower of more than 20 Formula one cars at full throttle but there's a lot to do before Patrick can unleash the power of these Jets have 6:00 in the morning on a turn up to go over an area of my responsibility and check to make sure that's safe quaters is very very strict here on safety every 18 months to sixty years an aircraft will be taken out of service for heavy maintenance checks this work is imperative to assure the safety of passengers and crew and meticulous planning is required to ensure it happens within strict schedules obviously just a mechanical issue we have to fix it we can't let it out without fixing the defects but passengers will be waiting for this aircraft tomorrow morning at quarter past 7:00 one final box to tick in the maintenance schedule will test the performance of the a330s two general electric cf6 jet engines at full thrust weighing in at two times and costing millions of dollars the jet engine is what keeps a plane flying air is sucked into the engine through the fan blades been into a compressor the compressed air is mixed with fuel and ignited in the combustion chamber hot exhaust gas comes out of a nozzle thrusting the engine and the aircraft forward Patrick must sign off on these engines being fit for service and meet the strict criteria set by the airline safety is priority and the crew run through the procedures in the event of an emergency is everybody aware of the processes in the event of a fire etc now mark you're in charge down there can you tell me who's on the aircraft must remain Calvin writes ball cutter so any any issues with sulfon I'll give instructions on what to do you got a familiarize yourself with the concrete you got to read up on the instructions there's various scenarios can happen up there you could have an engine fire you could have an APU fire you could have a fuel spill you've got to know what to do for this test Patrick might be in the captain's seat but he's not alone on the flight deck thank you I have an experienced engine runner all of us on the right-hand side I've also got an avionics technician with us who is a properly trained and combined at Rivas we have enough knowledge to whatever happens are you ready for heroics it okay clearly with his team assemble and initial checks completed the aircraft is ready to move to a safe location outside the hangar to be powered up outside the aircraft is Mick little licensed aircraft maintenance engineer in charge of ground operations for the engine tests in constant communication with the flight deck and spotters on the ground it's got a lot of momentum yeah no man if you do rolling would you accidentally hit something we're very very quick you know I mean with grabbing and stopping his first challenge is to safely maneuver this huge aircraft out of the hangar it's a crucial few minutes and slowly but surely the aircraft is pushed out onto the tarmac and Mick's taking no chances spotters are on hand to ensure no part of the aircraft will impact any of the hangars structure on exit [Music] the tug moves the plane to an area clear of the workshop so we've got some quite substantial big strong chocks in there to stop it from jumping but um there has been situations over the world where other airlines of unfortunately you know during engine runs jump chocks with 180 tons of Airbus to hold back these chocks along with the brakes have their work cut out for them safety always comes first the aircraft might be due back in service tomorrow but it's a job that can't be rushed as always berries the risks could be unknown we could have a fire on the engine the possibility of an engine fire is never ruled out but the slightest indication of trouble would immediately have make contact the flight deck see the throttle pulled down and the test crews safely evacuated the question still lose will these engines pass or fail [Music] twelve kilometers southwest of Brisbane Airport is an equally busy transport hub Queensland rails main maintenance workshops to keep the trains running on time this place runs 24/7 maintaining a huge fleet with more than 200 of these 72 metre long rail cars on the books the rolling stock maintenance team are always on the go just like the 45-ton carriages they regularly service after a stint in the Navy technical adviser Benjamin Noakes swapped to the high seas for solid ground riding the rails comes very naturally in fact it's something that runs in the family I'm second slash third-generation railway my father's been F close on 40 years I've been here for eight years with that kind of pedigree Ben knows only too well the daily pressure that comes with keeping trains literally on track keeping the wheels in motion is what Ben and the maintenance team specialise in we've got a set amount of trains we need to provide each day it's been able to run the peak so in the our great machine you've got drivers that expect to train to be there people expect to train to be there inside this shed is the machine in charge of delivering a smooth safe ride an underfloor wheel lathe that accurately shaves steel rail wheels back into shape a train wheel is beveled to make it wider on the inside this means that when the train shifts left or right on the track the diameter of the wheels can change but because the wheels are connected by an axle they still spin at the same rate effectively this means that when turning the wheels will travel different distances per revolution rolling along 850 kilometers of suburban tracks means these steel wheels are subjected to constant wear and tear over time metal on metal contact results in wear so you need to bring the wheel back to a profile to enable it to continue running on the track to go through things like points and around curves on the Brisbane suburban fleet each three-car train has 12 wheel sets supporting up to 150 tons ensuring they're in prime condition is a top priority this grooves cut into the wheel this is about the the condemning mark on the wheel which is about the minimum size so the life your wheel is that much metal the next train to rollover the underfloor wheel Lane has a wheel set displaying symptoms of thermal cracking as the maintenance crews set up the machine deadlines are tight and this train is required back in service later today the pressure is pretty constant so if they got to be maintained well [Music] trains and timetables go hand in hand keeping hundreds of thousands of commuters happy and on time is a daily challenge a challenge the maintenance team must meet between the morning and afternoon rush hours so racing the clock is a daily battle for the crew with rush hour approaching it's a job that can't run over schedule at the new Auckland coal mine a mighty cat 793 mine truck is in the workshop for an engine replacement and some disappointing news puts frosty into trouble shooting mode the big crane we were expecting this afternoon got double-booked apparently and and we're not getting it then won't be available till the morning we'll try and use our little trains to do it but will his optimism pay off can a smaller crane handled the low Dave Sippel drives it over to the site to find out the crane positions the boom directly above the engine it's a cautious time as distance and load capabilities must be precisely calculated the crane has limits and further you telescope the boom out the less you can lift you know you don't want the crane to counterbalance on the front wheels and do a nosedive or anything so we'll just have to test and see if we can carry the load at the distance we have to safety on site is a high priority while the crane might have the muscle to handle the weight it's the outstretched boom arm that's worrying day there's no room for guessing with machines and loads this large throwing the crane off-balance would do some serious damage to equipment and to potentially injure the workers to fire for us make the engine isn't going anywhere today as much as Frosty wants the job to keep moving so this truck can be back in the pit earning its people safety is more important thought we might have gone close but its bit further reach then then we'd hopeful to say it's just not gonna work for us [Music] I was looking forward to lifting it out today it's not to be suck it up have it on the go tomorrow who knows what can go wrong big lifts are also on the cards at the Broadwater sugar mill the crushing season is over and as part of the site's annual overhaul LEED fitter Peter Hewitt is supervising the intricate removal of some of the heaviest mill equipment the risks and responsibilities of the job sit firmly on his shoulders so he's constantly checking for pinch points and anything protruding that could catch the 20-ton roller throwing it off balance and crashing into the middle below it's a tight squeeze and Peter knows this is the point in the lift where rollers can become stuck BMA one false move by the crane operator on the controller could be disastrous and with one final lift it scrapes through within millimeters [Music] slowly the 20-ton mill roller travels across the mill below the gantry crane and down to a safe resting position this roller needs to be loaded on a truck this afternoon heading north to a foundry to be reshelve with new grooves but there are more tasks to complete before this massive roller is moving anywhere these grasses which the bearings have got to come off and so we'll use a crane to drop them to the ground and we'll strip the roller completely some of these wear rings need to come off there's some lip seals under here that they do come off and we'll clean it up now go better the journal's underneath the brass get the diameters on that measure the diameter of the roller and the width a roller just so we know how it's born from just beginning the season to the end of season once that's done we're going to send it away to get Rachelle get an ear roller the bearings may not look like they require a crane lift but being made of solid brass these pieces weigh hundreds of kilograms for a mega mechanic a crane is just another tool in their repertoire these rollers are the workhorses of the mill and are often where breakdowns will occur they break under fatigue in operation so the that causes an operational shutdown of about two days or the maintenance crew will come in and work around the clock to change those roles out to get us going the constant workload the mill is subjected to means serious maintenance but if Peter can't get this roller stripped before the truck arrives in the next hour this enormous roller won't be going anywhere [Music] at the heavy maintenance hangar in Brisbane senior licenced aircraft maintenance engineer Patrick Donohue has the equivalent power of more than 20 Formula one cars at his fingertips he's preparing to put an a330 through its paces with a final engine assurance run at the end of a 21-day maintenance service on the ground below mick little acts as the eyes and ears for the crew on the flight deck its patrick's responsibility to ensure everything is checked and checked again mandatory processes and lists of more than 100 procedures are in place to ensure nothing's missed the take-off thrust of one of these aircraft could propel the plane to speeds of more than 580 kilometres per hour for more than 160 metres per second so paddy thoroughly cross-checks procedures pre-start checklist complete tick wrong turns we've cleared or starting number one engine ignition start are we ok mark keep their eyes out confirm in one rotation out in one rotation start a code out at 50% confirm beginning on the left engine n 1 means the rotation of the fan blades as engine speed increases the wheels are firmly secured with chocks and the brakes enabled to prevent the plane moving forward starting number two engine guys the right soon follows and both engines are left idling for five minutes [Music] engine parameters must be checked before the engines can be pushed to full thrust [Music] 22 pi/3 and 22.4 GGG three six zero three six zero to sixty one five six sixty one five six if you floated five five zero five four zero [Music] or movie 18.5 17.4 it's a passing grade the first hurdle cleared but that was the easy one after being inactive for 21 days it's time for this airbus jet to do what it does best roar into action time for Patrick to push the throttle and run the engine all the way to 100% to ensure the maintenance teams hard work has paid off at Queensland rails main yard in Brisbane the underfloor wheel lathe crew are preparing to put the wheel set under the nine a four millimeter metal alloy cutting tool designed to precisely shave solid steel train wheels back into shape is the same no defect is ever the same a lot of experience required the operators to know how to deal with the with the defect how much material to take off the wheel and your jobs trying to get as much life out of the wheels and get the best operating cost out of it as its name suggests the underfloor wheel lathe is housed down in what looks like a mechanic's pit to get the job started the operators wrangle the carriage into place they first have to move the train to the right position on top of the cutting tool align it do scan of the wheel so to figure out how much where it actually has so they're actually physically beneath the rails the and working underneath the Train machining the wheels whilst they're in the Train with 45 tons of train car directly above them safety is always a high priority there's always risk in operating heavy machinery but it's all about how they managed specifically over here you've got the swarf or the machine bits that come off the wheel they're razor-sharp for safety ironed hand protection is worn as is hearing protection when the machine is leading the wheels with everything set but team can now start the process of scanning pair there's a very sensors in the lathe they'll actually take a scan of the wheel and it's open the wheel is of an expected shape so it'll take a scan of that and then compare it to the required shape and it'll give you a difference and it will calculate how much it needs to take off the wheel turn able to get back to the correct shape just a small amount of tread wear is discovered on this set only fractions of a millimeter difference is a good result some thermal cracking is discovered which is commonly caused from friction left unchecked thermal cracking can cause the formation of holes in a wheel and defective wheels mean a rough ride for passengers that's where the Atlas rail lathe intervenes it's technology designed and built in Australia precisely shaving mere millimeters that make a huge difference on the tracks the team have decades of experience and they agree with the computers findings so it's time to put the lathe to work it's a big job and this is just one of 12 wheel sets to get through will the team be able to stay on schedule and get this three-car train out on the tracks for the afternoon rush [Music] it's a new day at the new aklan coal mine in regional Queensland after yesterday's disappointments the large crane that was due to turn up has finally arrived on site at 7:00 a.m. this morning with a load capacity of 40 tons this crane has enough lifting power to remove the trucks 12 ton diesel engine with everything disconnected the engine is ready to take flight rigging the lifting hook with heavy chains rigger Russell Whitby and crane driver trevor sharply a regularly called in for the big lift set new Ashland with the chains attached Joel prepares to undo the engine bolts that hold this heavy metal beast to the chest frosty is desperate to make up for lost time cranes hooked up we've got the engine mounts undone so we've got to you know lift the front of the engine first so that we got clearance at the back to lift the whole thing out as one piece without fouling on anything so were pretty much ready to go now with the boom position directly above the engine Russell makes a final check of the rigging Trevor is responsible for operating the crane and works closely with rigger Russell to guide him through the lift yeah just making sure that now that nothing's gonna get pulled up break anything off or yeah the all the bolts are out everything's loose just everyone eyes on the task the lift begins with caution but there's a problem the engines not moving free of the chassis crane operator Trevor lowers the engine releasing the load the men are frantically looking for a hose a vault a clam anything still attached to the engine bay joel spotted the problem a small hose clamp weighing less than a few grams has caught up a mighty 12 ton engine slow and steady the lift is on again it's all eyes to the sky as 12 tons of cat power rises into the air this is where the crime really shows off its lifting power [Music] we're gonna set the engine up on stands ready to go and Rob them from under the toes or in the workshop Carmela notices we got here the engine is finally out of the truck and on the ground now a full day behind schedule frosty in the team have no more time to lose the train will be back on site tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. racing the clock the new engine must be prepped and ready in time to go back in the truck the pressure is on for this job to be as efficient as possible to get the truck back in the pit and back into production but right now it's going nowhere without an engine the team at the Broadwater sugar mill are in the process of dismantling the four on site mills in order to completely overhaul the facility ready for next season's crush the maintenance work is integral to the functioning of the mill and countless tasks need to be done from pulling down overhead platforms to dismantling drive shafts it's dirty and strenuous work and there's always a multitude of jobs to be done very interesting industry very good training ground for young engineers young trades people and process operators meanwhile on the other side of the mill young apprentice Caitlin Vlahos is busy preparing for more roller removals high wind drives and blanking them off so they don't get contaminated so later on we'll take these hagglunds off the mills so we can take the rollers out we're under a bit of pressure to get it done safely and efficiently for Peter and the team the day has had its challenges running to schedule Stephen Wagner knows from years of experience exactly what makes this mill run the most important thing is to have the right people in the right places and they all do their jobs and they know their jobs that's what's really important because at the end of the day we're a team and the team needs everybody to do their bit to make the place function Peter made his truck delivery on time and the roller was ready to be sent north to be rachelle over the next six months the mill is completely disassembled for maintenance and the entire operation reassembled once again for the new seasons crush a routine at Broadwater sugar mill for over a hundred and thirty five years the a330 jet engines have passed their idling check and are ready to be pushed to maximum power the left engine is the first to roar into action okay okay guys we're going hopefully power [Music] take a pig's ear Maki rice oh yeah 99 I don't know coming in figures again and gone open the right engine first the balance engine 83.4 tree by this report filters so what we do is go slowly 83.4 we get that setting first I do for you wanna do maybe treat us okay but in limits there yeah now time to really push them 99 5:07 here we go on the tarmac the chalks have got their work cut out on the flight tip they're really feeling the vibrations getting more intense with every second that one engine is really shaking things up as it winds up to full thrust the immense power rocks the plane letting the engineers know who's boss at full throttle these two turbulent minutes seem endless for the testing crew coming back on power guys settle down we do the same on the right engine Michael any leaks okay success we got to do the same in the right engine within a minute are you okay one engine down and one to go time to check procedures and prepare for a second engine room will this one have the right stuff and pass with flying colors as well meanwhile at the Queensland Rail workshop the maintenance team are putting the underfloor wheel lathe through its paces the lathe guides the machines metal alloy cutting blade to precisely shave away defects from the wheel like those caused by thermal cracks with the operator on standby to clear out the razor-sharp curls of swarf bore filing shaved off by belay means a more comfortable ride for commuters wheel machining on trains experience there's a the book and then there's experience using a profile gauge the lathes progress is checked with the machining on this wheel set nearing completion the maintenance team trained their sights on the next pair [Music] thanks to their work passengers are in for a smooth ride which gives the team at City Network rolling stock maintenance something to be proud of the challenge every day at turning those trains out skill tryout and professionalism really at this pace the team will have this 150 ton train ready to roll right on scheduled for the PMP back at new Ackland a costly delay has the team running one day behind schedule final preparations are underway to get the new engine ready for the lift mechanical fitter frosty is keen to get the truck operational to avoid further delays so it can get back to the pit and into production where it's urgently needed with the 40-ton crane back on site everything must run smoothly to get the new engine into the truck [Music] it's a balancing act between frosty and Russell yeah I've got about a foot we can go down as frosty carefully maneuvers 12 tons of engine into the chassis [Music] [Music] happy she's in Indian then just a matter of doing up the mounds now and tighten everything up plumbing it all up hooking up all the talking bird and everything frosty might be able to breathe a bit easy but he's not out of the woods yet there are many hours of work ahead reconnecting hydraulics electrical and piecing the truck back together before it's ready to start hauling loads been a bit of a hectic week had a few delays crane not turning up on Tuesday blew the whole schedule really but we got the engine back in now pretty happy with that it's a tough job with a lot of pressure but Frosty's not the kind of guy to let it weigh him down it's pretty good it's good fun makes people laugh if you'd have a laugh and still get stuff doughnuts thanks for a good week but when it's all said and done with hoses reconnected and connections tighten will the new engine start and run pretty confident when they go to push the button now I'll be priestly making this cat seven nine three mine truck set to roar back into production in the pit [Music] outside the heavy maintenance hangars in Brisbane Patrick Donohue is about to push the throttle on a second engine run up to full thrust okay to me we're going up on number two Incheon all clear [Music] once again the engineers feel the raw power of just one a330 jet engine shaking not just the cockpit but the entire 60 meter long aircraft another excellent result [Music] and begins in assurance test is over Brisbane ground this is echo Bravo Victor we've completed our high power runs on my crew thank you everything checked out okay boat engines past we're underway back to the hangar now [Applause] we are ready to move when you are with both jet engine runs a success Patrick can now sign off on this component of the aircraft being ready for service but the job is not over on completion of engine runs plane comes back to the hangar and we open all the cows and the fan cows and we'll get the guys in to just quickly have a look at all the fronts of the motors for any sort of debris and stuff like that the backs of the motors we check all oils fluids and also anything that we change on routine maintenance and non-routine maintenance mr. Sears everything's intact not only enormous in scale detail and technology the hundreds of thousands of moving parts in this a330 is staggering and Patrick Mick and the team check tests and maintain every square centimeter of it which ensures passengers stay safe while flying every day we do this sort of thing and it's very second nature to us and we do a lot of training to ensure we're up to date with everything and also working with our Brisbane Airport corporation as well make sure we view - all the rules and regulations yeah get out there and do our stuff and bring it back in safely I'm very very honored very very proud to work for now nationally along [Music] true to shed your there were no delays getting this a330 back to its gate thanks to this highly skilled team of mega mechanics passengers can once again take to the skies on board this Airbus and safely travel the globe
Channel: Spark
Views: 167,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, 2017, 2016, 2015, full, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary, mega mechanics, mega mechanics episode 6, mechanical engineering documentary, engineering documentary, mechanical engineering day in the life, mechanical engineering projects, mechanical engineering jobs, mechanical engineering basics, mechanical engineering technology
Id: yi126_xbQPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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