The Wild World of Wii Remotes - Cosmiz

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the perfect Nintendo controller a controller that looks weird at first but is perfectly understandable after using it beloved by many this controller cemented itself into history the Wii remote we all know what this thing is it's probably one of the most iconic controllers in history it's basically just a wireless NES controller with an accelerometer a speaker with the highest of quality IR camera a few extra buttons but there's no need to explain everything about it everyone is probably Tangled with the A and B buttons at some point I mean some people hated this thing and acted like motion controls killed their damn grandma what we're here talking about are the variations of the Wii remote the Wii honestly had a ton of variations second only to N64 and joycons I mean the GameCube by the Wario controller so no competing there but the Wii is still where Nintendo went all out I mean we have these Proto Wei remotes here to spice your day up these have about the same layout in gray and black these prototypes really showcase how the Wii is just a Juiced up GameCube with them just being plugged into a GameCube through a cord all these prototypes have the same thing in common not knowing what the hell to call the one and two buttons they went from X and Y to A and B to having the number switched around was it that damn hard to figure the buttons out some prototypes have de as it look like they should be on a damn MP3 player good luck playing games on that but moving on we have the Nintendo Revolution trailer remote which looks about the same but has a rectangular power button and sports some lowercase BNA buttons instead of the two numbered buttons which like before makes no damn sense if you think about it press the A Button which one the B button is also flat instead of the trigger like button on the retail Wei remotes the nun shock Port is is basically just a giant brick for no reason looking like a Wii Motion Plus attachment they also later change it after realizing how stupid it looked but the nunchuk itself is one only thing that mostly stayed the same throughout development I mean there not a lot to the nunchuck so there's not really much that could change throughout development I mean it used to use a GameCube styled analog stick before it changed to the one we know here today there is a lot more prototypes but that's a whole another subject let let's move on to the world of retail Wii [Music] remotes uh editor note this video is supposed to be like haha funny of Animal Crossing wild World I realized that wild world is the DS1 so let's move on to the city Folk of retail Wii remotes so in 2006 the Wii was released to craze across the world it was impossible to find one and they were selling on eBay for billions of dollars it was a craze all around but we all know that but what about the Wii remote colors they released during the first few years of the system's release you'd expect Nintendo have tons of colors because how much of a success the Wii was and the fact that E3 2005 Nintendo Revolution trailer and press images of that showed tons of different colored Wiis and Wii remotes still waiting for my lime green Wii Nintendo but there was absolutely nothing at all we had wrist strap updates which make the shrap better and added things to tighten around your wrist so you don't get disowned for breaking the Family TV an intense game of carnival games right before the Super Bowl like the only color that was available for the Wii and Wii remotes was white for around 3 years all until 2009 where a black Wii was announced for release with the black Wii Remote and nunchuck in it also sold separately I personally have a black Wii and two black Wii remotes and I really don't like it it's like the PS5 middle part where the black glossy part is just prone to smudging and scratches glossy black only looks nice out of the box in a few weeks after you buy it but these are all right but even better colors were released in Japan in December 2009 we have blue and pink which both look great there's also another blue Wii Remote and nun shot combo that was released in a sweep Stak that here but we'll be talking about that later don't you forget there's also a blue nunchuk that was released in the blue Wii Family Edition in late 2011 another Wii that was released in 2010 the 25th anniversary red Wii this one came with a red Wii remote plus and a red nunchuk these were only ever sold in console bundles and a few game bundles I could only find one time they sold it separately in Japan but the nunchuck can be a pain to get because it was only sold in the with the the Wii Mini and the red Mario Edition and in 2010 Nintendo realized that not everyone wanted to buy a $20 marshmallow for their Wii Wii Motion Plus was released in 2009 with Wii Sports Resort which added a gyroscope to the Wii remote which allowed the system to use motion controls how people expected it to work in the first place it was only really used in Wii Sports Resort Red Steel 2 Skyward Sword fling Smash and we play motion over than having to calibrated quite a few times it's implemented really well into the games that use it and we had standard white and black and one other color included with a combo we'll be talking about soon but $2 was a bit too much for an accessory only a few games use and it got really expensive if you wanted to play four player basketball on Wii Sports Resort it was really expensive like you need to buy a Wii remote for around $40 and then a $20 marshmallow for it so in 2010 Nintendo decided to be civil and release the Wei remote plus which was the same size as a standard Wii remote but with a gyroscope inside instead of an attachment I personally like the longer we remote with the attachment attach it feels better to play table tennis and sword fight with it in my opinion I mean I can always buy these cheap plastic that invaded bargain bins and Costco bundles but let's not go that far all previous Wii remote colors were updated with this with it being signified by the label below the weave logo the next weave remote color was the golden Skyward Sword bundle this might be one of the best colors but honestly I wish it was just pure gold and I'd buy it immediately it to go well with the golden ey Classic Controller Pro and the golden Club Nintendo nun shock and we will we do have a 24 karat gold that THQ of all companies tried to give to the queen yeah I'm sure making a 24 garat gold wheat and making million of you draws will work out for them then Nintendo up and release the Wii U a great system but we're not here to talk about the failures and the faults of the Wii U we're here to talk about Wii remotes so when the Wii U was coming out Nintendo rebranded their Wii remote boxes look like accessories for the Wii U which did not help in their brand image problems but did introduce a new design for Wii remotes there's also a little stamp saying also compatible with Wii which probably confused a ton of gramas buying presents everywhere but they have these really Nifty feature introduced on the B cover there's a little button that presses down on the sink button which the Wii remote jacket has a hole for now so you see the little nipple that the wrist strap has you just have to use that to press down in it and you don't have to remove the Wii condom and battery cover to resync some people say this is stupid and superflous but I welcome this change in Open Arms I sink my Wii remotes to Dolphin to my Wii U to my Wii so much that it's a welcome change later Wii U Wii remote removed the clear a button and just give it a solid color for some reason they reissued all the standard four Wii remote colors with the Wii U branding then they did something random they made a whole ass Mario line we had a club Nintendo Mario line of GameCube controllers but randomly spread out between 2013 to 2015 they periodically release weave remotes of different Mario characters you know what I'll rank them for worst to best I have nothing else to do we start off with the worst which is Bowser this disgusting thing tries to have the colors of Bowser but I didn't realize that dehydrated piss yellow mold green and orange do not look great together as flat colors on a controller the Black 1 and two buttons are weird considered the other buttons are the same as the Shell's color overall this is genuinely disgusting then we have the Mario Wii remote plus this one's a lot nicer than the Bowser remote I like how each button's color represents the Mario clothes the back is his overalls the plus and minus button being the same yellow as Mario's buttons the brown one and two buttons for his boots and the red is the same as the blood stains overall this one looks quite nice a great Improvement the next one I personally use and it's the Luigi Wii remote it's basically the same thing but in green and it's a Luigi remote so it's automatically better then we have the Yoshi remote this one looks really good with its lime white and orange design it's actually pretty good I actually get it then we have the toad remote which is my second favorite Mario seeg remote it honestly reminds me of fire Mario and I love the red and white color combination and being a white shell with red buttons fits Toad and just looks nice no other way to put it and then my favorite is the Princess Peach one we already have a pink Wii remote but having this pink instead the hot pink ones which were everywhere is probably why it's my favorite the blue home button and plus and minus are also great and yellow d-pad looks all right that's it for the Mario series Wii remotes and that's basically it for first party Wii remotes I really thought there were way more than I found now that I think about it both the N64 and GameCube had more colors than this it's a bit sad that we didn't have as much as I remembered their Bean but that's where third party [Music] controllers so when Nintendo all their Wii remotes were basically what you respect but with third parties the gates were open to hell we have these shitty looking old third party remotes which is what you give little Timmy during multiplayer we have the funny ones like the Lego one with detachable pieces and the beef boss one if you've been to any Retro Game Store you've probably seen tons of those third party companies like old school TTX retr bit and more usually have to have like third party controllers cords and accessories because they're either dog or there's better options to get so I just never get them but these are just miserable they're the banquet meals of Wii remotes $299 for $29.99 for a shitty off-brand Wii remote in nunchuk no thanks you could probably buy a first party one for way cheaper these are just whatever in my book not too offensive I don't suggest buying them but they're clearly labeled as third party and don't masquerade as official remotes but if you ever taken a trip to Amazon or some eBay listings you see these frauds generally these things if you see text on your Wii Remote that says stuff like motion 2 and one or it doesn't have le weave logo I have bad news you have terminal cancer also your Wii Remote is fake please don't buy these they're awful quality and just terrible but the last third party Wei remote I care to talk about has to be the one for Tron evolution the most five out of 10 game of all time it actually had a Wii remote 20,000 produced all numbered I believe since it's supposed to be cyber Punk the thing lights up with blue lights in a black shell it's probably the most expensive third party remote but we can find a lot of them on sites like eBay so I wouldn't really call it rare and that's all for third party ones I personally wouldn't be getting any of these the Wii is just one of those consoles where third party accessories and Wii remotes were just made for money and they're pretty just stick with the OEM stuff and don't even stick for that for Christ's sake and now we're at our final controller which is the rarest one that ever [Music] released back in 2009 Nintendo was working on a sequel to their most beloved launch title wi Sports announced 2018 it would use a new accessory wi Motion Plus taking place in an island resort woohoo Island would be the great evolution of the original Wii Sports but we all know that we've all played table tennis and Air Sports enough to know how great it turned out before the game came out there was a sweep Stakes if you pre-order the game when you decided you truly needed to pre-order a master produced Wii game you can enter a club Nintendo giveaway and the prize was a custom baby blue Wii remote nunchuck and Motion Plus accessory in this beautiful box there were only 5,000 these sets produced making it the most least produced Wii remote in existence every part of this is a masterpiece down to the Box and a little slip congratulating on you on winning the beaches in the sky on the box are so nice and here in Club Nintendo America the stuff was mostly just some plastic bags and cardboard boxes the Japanese Club Nintendo rewards felt like something you'd actually buy in a store here in America it look like stuff you're trying to hide for your parents in some sort of unmarked package a lot of this video was talking about VAR oans I don't own but I just had to buy this one this is my favorite part of my collection I'm assuming it was also a sweep Stak promoted by these two Japanese comedians when I turn over the back of the box there are two meis on the back at first I thought they were like Nintendo devs or something then I found this awesome resource that documents me merchandise by the awesome zoru they turned out to be hero Yuki yab and tekashi okamura which are two actors and comedians in Japan this seems to be the only time Nintendo's actually included M on the Wii remote itself using the 16 KOB of storage that the Wii remote had inside which is really interesting Nintendo didn't really like using it after like the first few years of the systems released they actually removed it from the virtual Wii and the Wii U and other updates for the Wii I was hoping Nintendo would be a cheap and didn't include batteries to be corroded in my Wii remote that I got but thankfully they were Frugal about their doublea inclusion here but Nintendo did give us a shorter Wii condom if you weren't planning on using the motion Plus at this point you might be thinking Cosmos we already have a blue Wei remote in nunchuk this isn't new but this is a lighter blue than the standard blue one and this is the only way to get a blue Motion Plus attachment so I guess I'm one in 5,000 people with one of those but that's really it on the controller it's my favorite of all time and if you have a chance to get one at a reasonable price go ahead overall at the end of the day I love the Wii the wi remote was so intuitive Sleek modern and fun it have a lot of great colors and really evolved over the years but looking back to every Wii rem remote since the Prototype is making me think one thing where the is my lime green Wii [Music] [Music] Nintendo
Channel: Cosmiz
Views: 41,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wii, wii u, wiimote, wii remote, joycon, switch, Nintendo wii, how to sync wii remote, wii controllers
Id: G5lWum5AqOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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