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[Music] [Applause] [Music] summertime and still no charlie frizzy here come I'd give Charlie four see plenty business in my turn yes before they take my case you just show them that note that's all the mouthpiece like Percy needs and I don't mind telling you crazy that I'm glad somebody's trying to help West do you think he didn't do it unfortunately what I think doesn't matter but there's something about that fella Westland makes me feel well I hope you can help thanks for your cooperation I think I can come in with no no mr. Prez I know but I feel I should Conners told me a lot about you wait outside though yeah good guy Connor when he isn't back in a rod the boys will listen he says you can get me a reprieve if anyone can if anyone can is right well maybe this will help sit down weapon thank you I don't know who killed your wife but I know you didn't I don't want to take a rap what I was doing in the building that night or I would have alibi'd you before if you can protect me I'll tell the DA what I know see joke petrol in a nightie South Halsted at four mg alibi witnesses are okay when you're building a defense but yeah you guilty Wesley no busy I didn't kill my wife then what about the Dame that the papers mentioned who was she Emily Lou Martin we were to marry as soon as my wife divorced me I remember the prosecution called her motive number one will you handle my case trying to free a man who six days from a hearse isn't the case Weston and will Dean he's dead and unless you can help me in six days I'll be dead for a murder I didn't commit so why did you wait until now to have Connor send for me because that note didn't come until yesterday look crazy if you don't believe I'm innocent what can I have it now keep your shirt on whistling keep your shirt on I'm no different from anybody else I've read about the trial I think a guy that's in love with another Jean isn't likely bird to bump off his brow especially when she left him all she had it was only 30,000 30 only 30 folks think that's peanuts to a $3 a juror to me that's all I charge the save your neck I'll give you 50 if you can sure huh I was going to say that's one of the mountain with the expenses now speaking of wills you're leaving all your money to the Martin girl all except 10,000 yes I remember that goes to your buffer Simmons that's right oh well how about that movie the prosecution main reenacting the discovery of mrs. weston's body have you got a print of that my former attorneys have but aren't you familiar with the details of my case oh I am but crane crane who is he the detective from New York police he says he's detective I think it's a magician is he that good no that bad you can't keep him on the job or out of your head and what's more Joe from a rock covered coast of California to the sunkissed Shore of me there is no other no other scientific crime detector who can perform this little trick hey no trick it's a miracle damn how you do it mr. crane I should be delighted mr. Williams super sexy Chinese development of the olfactory nerves huh you mean he's got a strong smell [Music] and unless those our factory nerves deceive me you you are the only one in his class he'll when they cured one different che palle the Jews sound a slaughterhouse murder where your nose partial only partially financed shields the testimony of five eyewitnesses and a man's confession [Music] I think that will conclude the performance for the day I feel slightly indisposed hello cranes see y'all on the wagon I'm glad one of us can see let's have a drink we're celebrating celebrating what the Westland murder what do you know about it you were at every bar in town today looking for lets out thirty or forty thousand double scotches and give him the check what are they got except a piece of the West when will I got a bit of evidence that changes the whole complexion of this case doesn't take much to fool with that power what is [Music] it's for being quiet so long this little bit of paper [Music] where'd you find that in the warden's wastebasket train if we could find the man who wrote this note you have the burden of questions right and guarantee that but it may prove that Westland is not the murderer [Music] man meet bill crane oh yes I hope you can help crazy prove he's right about western well the best we can there's my pal doc Williams everybody here I'm going for Westland now young people are waiting in their crazy if you want anything else thanks one come on yeah Merman same here I'm bill crane and this is doc Williams crazy tells me we're gathered here for a little game of whodunit I'll bet you're the perfect secretary now I never read the newspaper accounts of murder trials but my barber told me he thought you were guilty little I see you you're the bookkeeper I've kept the books for bolston Westland and Woodbury for eleven years and well so oh I'm sure of that die not now that and you know crane then let me introduce these people who save a lot of time oh let me guess would your question you like a lot of suspect better whistling's friends near the helping i'll give them a chance to help them as soon as they all get here who's missing one of the westerns business partners I guess how did you know well if you'll pardon my saying and you don't look like the type who could run a business alone quiet where is it mr. Bolton's on the way he stopped from his mother oh that's the girl he did it for not so fast I I thought we were all here to help food mr. Wesley was innocent Oh can I like them a little bit yourself don't you I miss mom and mr. Bolson and this bill crane how do you do how do you do I hope we're not late oh you're not late whatever a few minutes with a man's life at stake say hey Doc remind me to speak to the warden about this must have a life or cleaning out this office they don't worry about the date good six seven eight tonight we have a pencil back doomsday well ii am [Applause] Oh Bob Emily Lu are you all right yes yes I'm all right but it must have been awful for you all these weeks they wouldn't let me see you no I know but there is a chance now so keep it up part of guard that time mr. Sutton there's a little crane how do you do hey you see you miss Martin and I I know all right many visitors in the death house I guess you'd know her voice all right crazy tells me someone called you that yes yes someone imitated miss Martin's voice and called to say that my wife was abusing it that's why you went to see you - aren't you yes and you didn't call him no no she didn't I realized later it couldn't be miss Martin the person used such bad English well crazy George sent by the curtains Williams please sit down everybody please perhaps I'd better explain that the picture you are going to see was made by the prosecution in order to prove but no one but Westland could have murdered his wife the point being but the door was rough and her key was found on the table the scene that you're about to witness is the discovery of mrs. Weston's body all of which has been admitted by the defense all right William if you please don't anybody take a potshot at me while it's dark in here we're seeing a movie not writing at 9:30 on the morning of April 26 1937 Julie Dave mrs. weston's maid tried to gain access to the apartment she rang the bell failing to get any response she rushed to mr. Wayne the manager who immediately called his friend detective strong and later joined by the janitor hastened to investigate anyone got a key to this joint nobody but mr. and mrs. Weston they had a special lock put on the door couldn't be opened a lock inside or out for that for the vichy homme okay what's going on mrs. Weston does Nansen we have no key to investigate come but I had an appointment with her well the elevator boy says she hasn't left something wrong break the door down go ahead I'll be responsible should I should I call come tomorrow I'll call the Carmen should I go mr. Whitman I'd rather tell him myself did someone say he had the only key beside mrs. Weschler yes he had the only other one is this mrs. weston's key yes well in that case I'd better have a look around and of all the doors and windows are locked things are gonna look bad for mr. Westerland strong didn't find every door and window lock this together with the fact that the only other key to the apartment was still in mr. Weston's possession at the time of his arrest constituted the chief evidence pointing to the guilt of Robert Westland in the murder of his wife and glad to this super epic the prosecution proved that mrs. Wesley was killed with an obsolete Webley pistol mr. Wesson had one but it didn't it missing since the man charming couldn't there but there was somebody who saw him shooting one no but the shuttle's who live next door saw they heard a shot at 1210 I suppose you testified you left about 12:30 no 12:40 that's great you've sure got a lot to work on so I guess we'll take the case right he provided of course you folks like to play games now what are you talking about plain detective after all everyone in this room knows more about this case than I do I hope so well if there's anything I can do you can tell us about that wealthy pistol of yours just like Westlands wasn't it there's but the police checked it against the bullet the cube mrs. Western and the bullets didn't match just thought you might be able to help us find the missing pistol only because you know what well please look like of course miss Martin you might be able to help us find the person who imitated your voice on the telephone after all she must have known you pretty well too a fool mr. Westland why look at me why indeed yes what quiet by the way did you know the elevator boy testified that he heard the Westlands quarreling that night elevator boys always do and don't forget cylinders the butler he's a Westlands will but ten grand that's right and he kept the missing pistol make a note of that dock right cheek here's a note do you wanna think about your mr. Weston's friends you'll have to dig up a murder for the murder of his wife was mrs. westburn murder to get rid of her or to get rid of Westland one of you might have the answer to that one meaning one of us murdered mr. Weston's wife of course that's what he means but I'm not going to stay to hear it we're all friends of mr. Weston's friends do you hear why what for espavo before him I love it as we all do do you love him now Amos listen to me mr. crane doesn't suspect any of it he simply thinks that he has nothing to take wait he's a fool you hear me young man I got a fool oh thanks you got something there pop I've suspected as much for years young lady you and I this plastic beauty and my bloodhound all going to have dinner over Joe Petros Palace Gardens that's a diet sure but we're gonna make old Joe tell us who mg is mg he said Mr Weston an alibi note one take miss Martin to a place like that I think both these young ladies may be very useful if they can't charm it out of him doc has other methods your Senate chief as for the rest of you there are five more nights till doomsday remember that you forget it my hat duck all right [Music] you know something terrible they're gonna happen don't worry just remember when we meet petrol that turn it on [Music] Martini's yeah six martinis anything else yeah a large portion of the pro pratik yeah Joey scram anything the matter gentlemen are you mr. petrol I am we're looking for a friend of yours Oh every night this place is filled with my friends which one mg or you mean Manny Grande [Music] so don't you think you could sign it for me it means everything many the hard sell ago find how do I know you ain't she men well I tell you what you stick around we got a good food man you'll be here for dinner tonight he'll see you maybe you'll talk to you brandy maybe he won't but if he don't I will as well give us a chance to relax sure I'll tell him you here everything will be hunky Dooley sprinklers in the port [Music] you think that's grand I certainly could be his old army or head of this right why that dirty yellow baggage I want to get mowed down better get the girls out of here shot that sank Manny grant rep is behind the Abel I'm late but I've been busy did you ask me to help I have been what air guards break I can't tell you now but it's vital they save the boy's life there is much time that day was if there's anything I even got to be sure but tomorrow I'll tell you everything yeah you didn't have to drive all the way out here so there was that relax will ya I don't trust phones I had to tell Robert there is hope and to tell us anything further than that only this it involves millions millions do you hear that's a lot of dough break it up you're a shuttle missus Westland live next to you yes and doctor shuttle if you don't mind I don't mind if your patients don't speaking of patience cream mine's about exhausting a man comes here with evidence and evidence that might save Bob's life if you hadn't left for a guy shoot Manny grant I admit it was careless of me to let him splatter Manny around darling that must have been terrible for you there's a right guy four days from the grave and he's worrying about the gal he's a fool what carrying the torch for though huh well doctor now maybe I'd better explain oh well oh this is very embarrassing it's all right doctor you had to testify against me yes I should have remembered that I didn't set my clock ahead and kill we went to bed what's that certainly I remember that on April 25th Chicago changes from Central Standard Time to daylight saving time that night Oh locks are supposed to be turned ahead shuttle didn't turn his head until he retired then it was 10:00 after 1:00 when you heard that shot a UF mrs. Westland at 12:40 approximately it was just one o'clock when I got home Oh Bob that film you didn't do it but you know that all the time didn't you miss Martin Oh God what do you mean by that ladies please there are gentlemen present now the fact that dr. shuttle heard the shot at 1:10 is only important if we can prove that westland left when he says he did that's where many great when it come in handy when your horse doctor we're gonna find out about this locked door please miss how the murderer got out of mrs. weston's apartment I almost forgot today is the 6th hey don't you think we had to take along a perfect secretarial mr. Brent Tina what for well she Technic tation yup follow me she doesn't take it she gives it really gentlemen don't you think this is all pretty hopeless personally I believe with the jury that Westland shot his wife locked the door himself if you don't mind my saying so we don't mind cause we ain't listen you're not we can't afford to we're being paid to prove wetlands innocence you're not gonna be any help we'll go up to mrs. Weston the department and have a look well I'm I'm sorry gentlemen but I don't think this Hogan would like that miss Alden isn't the Western a partner privately owned it is but I rented it you ripped a private apartment he rented it but gentlemen I thought there with what tell me lady we're on the way up and we'll deal with you right there get miss Hagen dear oh dear hello Agatha summer mr. Westlands lawyers want to come up and look at the apartment well I'm sorry but slip on something but they're in a hurry oh well suit yourself but open the door there be right up I'm beginning to feel like one of the whole room boys house dick this must be the Hogan hang up push it on Ted you're always tired already the apartment [Music] we must have come to the wrong apartment of three girls and for a welcome sorry they were by the assisted but this is the final investigation of the Western case never might burn that guy yet no no you see me yes we have that Anjali look through the apart as I always say not a bad life for policemen's [Music] lovely there [Music] I couldn't get thrown out I don't know Santa Claus does it the lady is lovely but we're supposed to be working I can stop any time any other door into this place except that one yeah there's an opening in the kitchen packages but only a monkey could get through it doc have a look in the bedroom see if anybody could get out of there right better go with them and make sure I don't fall down no rattles the lady is lovely but we're supposed to be working I go for a girl like that you always know where you stand sure go gotta sleep with one eye open to keep him getting your throat cut do you think a girl maybe Bren Tina gust up West food I don't know she's been Woodberry secretary ever since a murder she could have gotten in and swiped westerns granted she was in cahoots with a butler that's an expert we got a c7 fleshlings Butler you should spread good look deeper knows anything or is he just its name find out come on any luck no [Music] obviously it new sweetheart not from this life I hope there's anything I can do for you mr. Charlie that they must have read your mind oh I get around I hope she didn't read mine can I drop you boys anywhere now I'm gonna walk and think let's just walk just go with us he ain't far behind this is where we ditch in this is western department what is it you Simmons I am I'm detective crane mr. Frazee's come in just wanted to ask a couple questions Simmons nice fact yeah not bad we're interested in mr. Westlands gun where does he keep it in the drawer of that cabinet sir when did you last see it on the afternoon of the murder sir did you tell the police well I'm sorry he's not a copper he's trying to help your boss no I didn't say I thought it would hurt mr. Westen's case boy it sure would help the living you stayed in the apartment the rest of that day and evening yes sir mr. Weston I did it alone but mr. woodruf came through he was Woodberry here only just for a moment see faint horn powers Woodberry ever in this room alone I don't think so sir I guess he was I'd gone to bed and I heard Mr Weston come out into the kitchen but you don't take the door no no just checking out they didn't crowd and they oh no sir they were the best offense is to have to give it in the Great War was any way anybody could've gotten into this joint swipe mr. Westland gun well I don't see how sir anybody have a key except the boss nobody over except Miss Martin he she dropped in to rest when she been shopping Oh where's Westland pinched in here no sir trovich club be paid squash every day at 11:00 squash swell and you stayed here until 11:30 when mr. Bolson telephoned me to bring some things to the jail mr. Westland whoever he was in that cabinet but I don't believe it but don't member to mr. Woodbury oh not a word sir hey hmm what Barry likes happened we're getting more don't break out and a heat rash yet remember that say it's ten grand from Westlands we'll catch up a friend waiting for us nope I think he gave us up taxi not tonight Joseph yeah you all right yeah okay cut let's go out in this tough hard amateurs the mom never misses thanks you win that's one way to promote business whacked it any good saloon make it the first way morning Oh mr. Sprague with your voice sounded different funny thing are just thinking about your boss everybody thinks he's guilty he is it and today I'm gonna prove that he isn't to you yes he is fridge do you see that headline no of course you can't but tomorrow my name is going to be there as big as life you look tomorrow's paper darling I wish I could he'll nothing seems to help look crazy if you know they quit me why don't you say so take it easy when they haven't got you that fugly on a hot lead yes and cooling it off with a drink that's encouraging well for Bob here thank heaven you'd come you think I wouldn't know where have you been and what have you found out well I found out a-cryin here is innocent which is something even though we can't prove it yet where is that spray search me said that he's going to be here this morning that's cute I'm staying right here oh he shows up all right tired come on get up get up now look here is he this man hasn't accomplished a thing he's absolutely working now cool off bongs been cool helps praise get one and I have what he gets here yeah and if he hadn't no I have to find a person that made that call imitating miss Martin's voice if there was such a call well of course there was taken strong what's the matter she passed out although worked so what do we owe your official visit I thought you might like to know a fella named Sprague was killed by a hit-and-run driver great sure it was a hit-and-run driver it looks like it except for a couple of witnesses who saw a guy get out of the car and run over to spray make sure he was dead you think he was murdered sure by the same party that had our witness many grant killed yeah try and prove it I'll prove it if your check on the whereabouts of our friends here at the time Sprague was killed and if somebody will please fix that calendar mr. Woodbury would you mind I'm really worn out why pick on me you said you wanted to help I gotta find out play me the money yeah like voila to find the person who did it miss Martin's boys imitate a person's voice better than the person their self think you got something why didn't you tell me we're coming here surprise mr. Woodbury could have given you a lift - I have to pick up taozi here I'd like to have a look at your phone wires if you don't mind oh no mom listen mr. crane Oh mr. Williams detective how do you do hello mom well won't you come in Thanks I'm sorry to bother you but I can't help feeling that anybody were cold mr. Westerland imitated your daughter's voice would have tapped the telephone wires why so mr. Westman couldn't check back on the call tap word that sounds like detectives how could anybody get in here to tell our word that's what we came out here to find out where is the telephone right have a look at it but the night of the murder we set here all evening and Miss Martin didn't call mr. Westland she certainly did not didn't you read the testimony of the trial yeah but I didn't think so much of the dialogue you were in your own room at the time Mr Westland was called oh yes that was doc have a look at miss Martin's room and see if she could have been watching in the back of the house where all the wires were being kept where is pardon baby I'm awfully tired she can be watched alright so they can live next door than a YMCA I don't look at that why hot-diggity that wires been cut and spliced yeah fiddlesticks the telephone men did that when we complained about the service he said someone must have cut the wire accidentally when was it fixed by the day before mrs. Weston was founded nonsense it was a dreary day they found us oh no mother that was that Monday make up your minds well the man I'm thinking I became on Sunday but the day before that I was here alone there were two repairmen I suppose there must have been mmm the person was a funny about first man cut it and second one face it what's in there let's have a look there's no wires running here come on where's your head time I've seen everything I want let's go mr. crane Misner any chance of saving him well there's still two days left for something to turn up today keep in there pitching by the way did miss Brent Eno know your voice well enough to imitate it well she certainly heard it enough when she was mr. wetlands secretary I just remembered something dad thanks very much let's go and what was it you just remembered that probation has been repealed we're waiting for word what was the last cat builtin left bucks living bollocks to solve a crime that the guy dies in a were the DA is a minute this is mrs. Weston's apartment what are we doing here I thought we wanted to find Percy to see if he had some news and so we do and solar will ring the bell brother ring the bell what'd I tell you hi pop now with you where's love his landlady won't take a shower he wants to take a shower drunk no just dusty oh you see it's that confidence or cock-up complex right chief every time he sees a glass-enclosed shower he fairly waters it's about where have you been not where we've been but do we commit get him out of the hall the manager think it's Bank nut that master's voice a lot of tops I like you Davenport later your shower and one more thing would you get the gentleman a drink [Music] well what's the idea the ideas did you find out any more about Springs death and the great drum talk no I checked on everybody they all have alibis except Simmons yeah you got a please read No honest I didn't what about grunty no I don't like that Dame she's swell nice figure those are the names to look out those are the names of always looking out oh thank you what am i stepchildren you said that get the gentleman a drink please [Music] Oh remember your high blood pressure pop well what did you find out three things I'm no channel a mortar students repair um very one of the lawyers told me that when mrs. weston's a steak was probated they found folks Turner Woodbury no I checked and all of those phony secures is were listed as having been bought for mrs. Westland while her husband was still handling her account sorry thank you there's guilty baby do you want hold this or do I have to pour it in your mouth for you I love it okay you asked for it now I gotta stay here and dry out goodnight everybody [Music] water water water wonder what it tastes like hey landlady up been up for hours what dynamism Friday here getting late anything else yeah yeah [Applause] [Applause] nothing well that's what I thought what's that that's my merit right she spent the night for what Prez it's under his no fool Oh get me the warden State Penitentiary right quick what's the matter mister day for xx and volts under the seat nope tomorrow night but a lot of things can happen hello warden this is cream get ahold of Westland right away for me will you please he's right here crane trying to get you hello crane I've been trying to locate you don't tell me you've got something several things a Rolo that could belong to you or look when you get that phone call you thought came from Emily Lou was there anything peculiar about the connection well you mean weather is local or long-distance yes and were there any funny noises it did like what Niagara Falls listen kid don't start a jailbreak but I think I can spring you goodbye oh I love the whole world even you Aunt Mary and as for gorgeous here oh hey judgments not so good this morning hearings alright though think I can find the door swell assignment for a big detective well you notice that left Aunt Mary my company yeah no biggie not Aunt Mary you know telling me Ron and Vogel did he behave himself well I didn't find any clues well I can tell you who murdered mrs. Wesson yeah it's tell me more what I'll ask you more where is that new phenom I'm William yeah he's chicken Stevens prison record by I'm about to go into what I laughingly call action and I'm going to need a couple of things well I'll get him for you what on it well first hop in well I checked up on that guy Samantha's record and the guy is who is that that's Maya Mary listen I want you to pick me up in front of Westlands apartment in an hour but first get me a stopwatch and a deep-sea diver got it I have the case but too much farm oh now we're even and a price bring Westland by tomorrow night you and I are gonna have a date without Aunt Mary and we won't date you either ha ha hiya chief how do you do what did you have to go to contact that deep-sea diver at the bottom here's your stopwatch you know you don't look nuts there's a corner of LaSalle and Adams over the Michigan Bridge the quickest way get ready to go when I say go you ready all ready go they really get that diver where we can get him yeah he's waiting with a boat who wouldn't for 500 bucks they let me in on this footage chief relax [Music] well here we are boss as well don't go right it took 27 minutes and 40 seconds now let's go back a quicker way I mean where we just come from that's right alright no quicker way except underground across the river why sure it crosses the river it's taken when I say go go are you ready yes I'm ready go that's more like it 22 minutes and 18 seconds yeah look pal why didn't you tell me you wanted me to take you on the ground I could have taken you before I'm a stranger in town now that I've tried the underground I kind of like it let's do it again what I say go go you ready yes I'm ready go look we came this way once if I see the corner lasalle and enemies again I left Chuck honest I'm getting seasick all the driver this is it this is what what I've been looking for you got a monkey wrench keep it yeah I got one around here somewhere why will you sell it to me I don't know I think a lot of that wrench it's the best one I ever had I see how much I don't know I might not be able to get another one just like that for less than five bucks five bucks Branka buy a dustman for five bucks Louie is probably very attached to his wrench you know they're funny that way they grow on you hello hey come on key wrench and throw it in the river now wait a minute let me get this straight you want to give me five bucks that's wrong my monkey wrench in the river don't take you long to catch on throw it in the river and be sure it goes in maybe I'm nuts but what your mind telling me why because right here there's a nice big opening and that symphony of steel mesh so what so that's where I would have thrown out the monkey wrench it would been speeding through here yeah which we ate so go ahead and throw it [Music] we'll get your driver push it out again huh boys don't mind we can get started now look bill I know money's no ivy to a guy what can't spend it after midnight tomorrow but five towards a nineteen times I'm paying 500 bucks to get that wrench back here I stand loaded with news that might help Westland you know what ma'am you wouldn't like it it makes sense well it well when I goes to get father Neptune I calls frizzy so he won't think we'd that pan and he's wormed some hot information out of Simmons the butter now the night before he got is Sprague the bookkeeper was up to CSUN so what while it was there he phoned Woodberry and made an appointment to see him the next marked which he was on his way to keep when he got bumped off right Woodberry say why he thought Sprague wanted to see him yeah he said he thought it was on business [Applause] [Applause] here's your rent that's fine I want you to go down again yeah what's this time screwdriver no it's another little object about the same size as the wrench oh I guess huh well animal vegetable mineral it's metal but I'd rather you found it without my saying anymore and it ain't that pile of junk I brought up no it's something like that yeah mommy that's it how great mother Methuselah how'd you know that was down there Jordan touching my dear doctor when did you find this chefs I found that the first time I went down you said a monkey wrench say could you let me keep that to give him a little boy to play with but what's the idea of going to Peoria the day before Westland home get excited I'm going for West [Music] does this mean the answer to 50 or 60,000 wires I sent out to armament firms what's the idea if whistling's gun killer is right that as soon as williams digs up some bullets to fit Weston's gun but how easy majorly the ballistics expert will put the bullets in Weston's gun and shoot wait haven't you made the plan is missing I found it this afternoon in the Chicago River you found it congratulations now westland sure to crow for it I spent part of the day going through his accounts twisting which is enough stolen bonds in his name the floated government loan yeah I bet Paul's Briggs knew about it that's bad the Western still didn't kill his wife then who did barred anyone I get back from Peoria this isn't mr. have my Oh mr. crane how are you mister watching the trophies of the PT Brown of st. Louis what a Webley pistol from you yes he bought two Lugar's than an old-style coal at the same time he's a collector would you recognize this picture well I'm sure I could get one of these yes that's the man you sure positive was this mr. Brown particular about buying a Webley well he insisted on making sure of its accuracy so I got some bullets and took him out to the target race well can I see the target range yes right this way mr. Franks what's back of those targets earth aren't we clay do you remove the bullets after you shoot him into the bank when we have him for a couple of years have any other wartime webley's been fired into they're all they're pretty rare in American in fact the one we sold Brown was the only one we had did you get those lovely bullets out for me I think so you see there were jacketed bullets we don't use many of them but we'd have to dig away about six feet of bank take a man half the day dig in the bank and screen the lad are you mr. crane yeah I haven't told any answer sir you better wait I'd hide the men to dig for the bullets and I give $100 for every bullet they found give me a blank and round part is six times Britain's hasn't been so good I could do a little digging myself everybody including murder in warden's office at 9:00 p.m. train including them right here at 9:00 p.m. it's 18 minutes at 12:00 now and no crane where is your mr. crane so that right now why are you waiting out here maybe I'm going to guess that great big detective hello listen at a time like this don't do anything too disconcerting in seventeen and a half minutes it'll be midnight and two minutes after that did I ever tell you what happened to me 17 you have minutes to say that a true story you're ready crane where've you been the state's attorneys waiting you state's attorney boss that's right how to meet you later the governor's agreed to accept mr. Alsup recommendation on or at 3:00 did he get me the real murderer that's easy the murderer is in this room did you know that the accounts of Weston's clients are loaded with Pony bun we learned it today for chip so that proves he's innocent then whether it help me now let's reconstruct it remember you've only had 16 minutes that hardly seems enough as I see it Westland was lured to his wife's apartment by a phone cord he thought came from Miss Martin and if there was a call you've had your chance let him talk the police concede that he left at 12:40 but we can't prove it without granting engage day so are you from the neck up here the found out the same as bolted that April 25th is the day that daylight saving starts in Chicago so the shuttle didn't hit that shot until 1:10 not 12:10 we know that mrs. Westland was killed with a Webley and we've known all along that it wasn't mr. wood berries as majorly as proven with a ballistic test now we know it was mr. Westlands that's right my test shows that well mr. Westlands gun could not have killed his wife just a minute mr. Westlands gun was missing all during the trial when was it found yesterday at the bottom of the Chicago River and how did you know it was there West we'll probably gave at home and he put it there himself and I had to do that five months ago right major Lee as far as I could judge it or in the water at least that law how did you come to find it Trevor deduction the magazine's call it the morning that mrs. weston's body was discovered mr. Bolton called Simmons the Butler and told him to come down to the jail is that right mr. Bolton that's right is that right yes sir and where Simmons was out of the apartment Folkston slipped in and stole Westlands gun that's not true why would I steal my partner's gun after his wife was dead and how would I get into his apartment I'll answer your second question first you got into the apartment with a key giving you by Emily Liu how dare you do you think I'd give Roberts Caye to your husband no this is ridiculous d realize whistling's to die every minute counts and you're talking if I'm talking about the woman that owns this bracelet with an inscription on the inside that says to my wife Omar be Richard Bolton and if we are married is that proof I stole graphics gun or kill his wife no but it helps ELISA shows us how you get into Westlands apartment Wine Train you say bowls install the Westlands gun at 11:30 that's right then he had an appointment with mr. Woodbury his partner in their office at 12 o'clock and he arrived at 12 - that's right that's quick work unless you drive underground and dispose of the gun on the way to that nice big opening in the bridge so that's the reason for all those rides tell us South Street right through trial and error we found the only way that takes less than half an hour and crosses the river hit from you will he make it that strong sounds swell but mrs. Weston was already dead who killed her I regret very much to say that Robert Weston's wife was murdered by his partner yeah which one mr. Bolton that's a lie look not true where - did he grandstand play of a cheap detective Westland dies in a few minutes and you stand here making ridiculous accusations come on we're ready [Music] it's as simple as this miss Martin did call West on the night of the murder I didn't I didn't sit down a keep quiet how do you know Westland said the town over that fall was like Niagara Falls proving what she took the telephone in the shower with her called Westland and disguised her voice then for fear that he might call back she cut the telephone wires and her mother didn't hear she cut a night's ride it I think succeeded in getting Westland to go to his wife she called bolston he waited for Weston to leave at 12:40 then he called on mrs. Westland and killed her at 1:10 the time the shuttle's heard the shot then he stole the key and left but I found her key on the table next morning sure while you were examining mrs. Weston's body bolston slipped the key back on the table by golly he could have you've reconstructed the murder magnificent plate frame let me amend her agreed there's only two minutes left you say bolts some new Westland had a Webley and use another Webley himself to kill mrs. Weston and installed restaurants to make Westland Virgilia I'm sorry this is all circumstantial you can't produce the weapon you say Poston use can you know I can I hope to do something just as good with my witnesses trouble with air sickness periods for rate for the US Marines this is hammer Meyer the writing in Arms Company on April 25th a certain PT Brown born a Webley automatic from them look around have a Myers is the man in the room quick that's the man then you produce the gun no but I can prove it the one that killed mrs. Westland without producing it yes Tom bass early hurry up it's quite simple in this envelope of the bullets as mr. half a liar dug up at the target range in Peoria mr. Bolton fired them before he bought the gun in this envelope is the bullet that killed mrs. Westland the ballistic markings on both bullets are identical therefore the same gun killed mrs. West would major lease evidence stand up in court it always has don't sit there like a stuffed duck answer them yes warden just a minute I'll call him mr. Ross wetson come here they want to upstairs do you mind letting us in on the motive bond business hasn't been so good lately has it mr. Woodbury hey oh no not so good mostl must have been buying hot buns switching in for Westlands good ones and then when it came to involved with his pilfering he'll mrs. Wesson and try to hang it on her husband you can pick it up yourself you and spray that spread the poor guy he knew too much being your bookkeeper and we found out the money grant was mixed up in a phony bomb deal maybe Manning was gonna double-cross you with that alibi no I suppose I killed many grant and spray to know but I think you'll tell us who did come on both of you what's happened you're a free man yes but Emily will wasn't of ranty know she'll tell you everything but what she won't I knew with it that she helped a lot thank you but I still don't understand what what's happened huh come on don't please there's a miss Hogan waiting ah success at last see mr. Brady there'll be a check waiting for you at my office in the morning you've done right well I'm detecting thanks a million I won't be seeing you again no no I guess and I are taking the night plane for Miami hi there hello get to the airport quick we go in someplace hello you got a seat on the night plane for Miami good save it for William Crane right what are you going to Miami for I'm not well who is Aunt Mary [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: evanlewis1836
Views: 161,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jonathan Latimer, Headed for a Hearse, Mystery films, Mystery fiction
Id: cUWZhohOnGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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