The West Nile Delta Project in Egypt | bp

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[Music] we've been in Egypt for almost fifty four years West Nile Delta is a very important pillar to underpin another 50 years for us in Egypt for the future Egypt now imports energy worse than Delta will produce 25% of what it produces now so it's efficient cheap energy at the time where the demand for energy is glowing in the country because of the uniqueness we agreed with the government that it requires a different operation setup so this will be the first concession in Egypt that will be operated by BP versus using the joint venture it's a development of five subsea fields time by the shore at the HQ gas shop which is just the 85 kilometers east of Alexandria the development image the region's critical gas demand at the gas entities domestic grid and most importantly gave new gas oh and before the peak demand is summer 2017 in building a puja we're using this the best of the Jeffrey capabilities or the best of VPS global capability we're leading them through our global projects organization we're really making big improvements around efficiency is relativity and that means better cost better cycle time regular liability regime course and I apply 30% what's now that is unique because of its concept and this project actually consists of two main projects one in the first track is to sleep and the other one is actually discipline Raven after we finish the two projects actually this would be considered the biggest facilities in demented Indian monotonously bruh we are on track for a 21 day execute from the DNA agreements were signed to grantee production the Taurus Libra fields are deep water developments nine wells which are tied back to two manifolds one on each field and then those in turn are connected both to the cp1 platform which provides the power and control V umbilicals and the pipeline system which then goes and joins the barillaz existing export system so the subsidy insulation infrastructure has been installed by six main construction vessels supported by tugs barges etcetera given our fill fleet of 22 marine units the time scale was hugely ambitious twelve months from contract water to the first baseline field we've achieved that and safely the most complex part of the brownfield scope is unsure where we've got over 60 times to complete several hundred meters of pipe to route through a live plant and a total time shutdown which has been completed successfully so the Taurus Libra project is a very fast track project and as a result we have to find a new way of working in our contractor subsea seven we actually took a step back and trusted them to deliver their scope and we provided oversight to make sure that they were keeping to the plan one of the key to the success to Turkey bruh has been the performance of a global subsea systems they're using standard designs and it can deliver much faster nobec because they are very much integrated they've done three big structures for medea petrol jet yard in Egypt we are currently and ahmadiya fabrication yard public eighteen three manuals and the pipeline structures for the velocity produces around 2,000 workers and about 99% are national we have achieved new million hours without any lost time injuries and we are really in line with the quality contractual requirements so it really pays great we're also executing Jesus I dream in foil at the same time the Giza phylum Raven deepwater scope includes about 350 kilometers in my mind an additional three manifold and four subsea centers along with additional go up to water depth of over 650 meters and OBU blade from deep water to the shallow water and then ultimately to the landfall the 2017 landfill scope is you construct 500 meters long cofferdam this will enable us to put the feejee of our pipelines as part of our commitments to Egypt we would have to reinstate the BT to its original condition after we complete all the work well the onshore facility likely the fluids from the the offshore development by coming to the former rosetta plants which should be renamed cases are you we work very very closely with reticles you understand the scope of what we might need to do to this facility to make it fit with the III you service up to the next three years there was a lot of very good teamwork which enabled us to successfully complete the handover in July with how to work very closely with a jmeter apply the best lessons from GPO but also leave it to Jamie's experience of extensive work in the basin which showed we can work through complex situations be very open-minded about how we do business next door to Giza phione will be building a new plan call right now we're really well set up we have over 2,000 people every day on that site rocky contractile mech tail Patrick Jensen and this great energy in the team safety is our number one priority we are using the key parts of this state 50 leaders at each of our state's st. Nick to and from the top using readiness reviews to make sure we're planning and we're ready to start work safely and efficiently also he was looking factory so far it's going really well but we will need continued vigilance attended every day as we move forward to stay safe we're on track to deliver two great projects and meet you know Egypt's critical gas needs ahead of plan for the way we're doing West Nile Delta is just as important as what we're doing one of the objectives sin Delta project is to be a good neighbor to our surrounding communities that's why we listen to people needs and to actually develop the biggest social investment program have been ever done look at Camille's we've done some stuff around education which was important and micro-financing also around health hospitals that needed equipment it was not available for the communities there the mirror that we are looking for are free it's the people not only accepting us and the neighborhood but also you need to take the pride of the business of austenite Delta and in this area like the thick drive and there's local heritage when you go for a walk of life and we speak to all the Egyptians working in and that bill they are really proud that they are helping the country they are securing the natural gas for the upcoming few years in Egypt so if the only one for everyone we've made the commitment that we're going to bring 800 thousand dollars of new oil and gas by 2020 West Nile Delta is about 25% amis there is more resources there and more exploration potential in this area that we believe will sustain this production for many years to come you
Channel: bp
Views: 17,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The West Nile Delta Project in Egypt, West Nile Delta, Taurus, Libra, Giza, Fayoum, Raven, egypt, bp, British Petroleum, energy, energy company, energy impact, energy innovation, fuel, gas, international oil company, oil, oil company, renewable energy, renewable fuel, oil and gas, gasoline, sustainability, international oil, energy technology, energy transition, fossil fuels, bioenergy, biofuels, hydrogen, mobility, CCS, convenience, ampm, Aral, pulse, lightsource, bpme, fleet, airbp, EV, bp in action
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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