Helideck Management

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the following video is a representation of the key elements and processes engaged when conducting helicopter operations to offshore holodecks with the aim to promote safe and efficient turnaround operations the video has been the outcome of an industry collaboration between members of both I owe GP and heli offshore and is intended as an aide memoire to personnel engaged in offshore helideck operations it is not a replacement or substitute for formal national or company training requirements prior to the helicopter arriving the helicopter landing officer hlo will meet with the helideck assistance h das and fire guard and will conduct a toolbox talk or safety briefing ensuring that the following checks and tasks have been completed area clear of obstructions in the 210 degree obstacle-free sector OFS area clear of obstructions or vessels in the 180 degree falling gradient sector rotor downwash hazard areas no loose items on or in the vicinity of the helideck detailed foreign object debris fod check of helideck ensure radio room has alerted standby vessel [Music] no unauthorized personnel in the vicinity of the holodeck handrails down perimeter nets are secured emergency access points are clear firefighting equipment is checked serviceable and readily available this includes items such as the crash box primary and complementary media etc hot work suspended cranes in rest position and secured present weather confirmed and report issued to inbound flight pitch roll Heath helideck inclination and significant wave height should also be provided for mobile installations and vessels inbound passenger or cargo manifest received handheld radio communications checked between radio room or bridge and if fitted with headsets h das and fireteam holodeck lighting confirmed switched on and serviceable floodlights off if refueling is required ensure daily inspection or quality checks have been completed with a satisfactory result when the pilots make the initial contact approximately 20 minutes out the radio operator will inform the helicopter of any vessels within 1,000 meters from the installation the radio operator will receive the following information from the arriving helicopter estimated time of arrival location and amount of cargo number of passengers and any fuel requirements in difficult weather conditions or special cargo evaluate the need for and requisition extra personnel this is an example of a radio transmission between the helicopter and the installation CHP probe trouble one is blinking when it's out with a pro chopper one this is stage pro copy twenty minutes up winds are 230 degrees at five bucks you have eight packs in them no fuel required report five minutes out the a cello or radio operator will advise the approaching helicopter to either continue or hold at a safe distance and altitude away from the facility and will also provide any additional information that was not related ray a O'Call this is an example of a radio transmission between the helicopter and the installation when the helicopter is five minutes out th be proved couple one is part of an attempt confirm panting get down on the commence Greenbank 40 HP pro chopper one th pro top five minutes out weather update from center of the holiday when 230 degrees at five knots altimeter to nine or nine or eight continue approach and over to a cello for deck availability th pro the HL low will move off the helideck to a position where the helicopter and helideck operations can be positively controlled all collapsible handrails are lowered when leaving the helideck helideck status lights are managed differently by offshore operators so review your own operational procedures as applicable thb from chopper 1 is on final approach for DSP prefer one th bro a cello Dec is available for lending after the helicopter has landed do not enter the helideck until the anti-collision lights have been turned off if the aircraft is shutting down wait for the pilot to signal shut down either via hand signal or radio do not enter the holodeck until blades have completely stopped and the anti-collision lights have been turned off when the hlo has received a thumbs-up from the pilots the helideck ratings will be raised and locked into position the helideck crew will enter the helideck via the safe cells for that specific type of helicopter the s-92 is used in this scenario the HBAs will either place a set of sandbags or wheel chocks around the main undercarriage the type of chalk will depend if a helideck net is fitted or not as a minimum one of the main wheels must be chocked the HMO will take up a position that is safe and that will provide clear visual contact with the pilots and is supervised the turnaround procedure the h das will manage the offloading of bags and cargo and will secure the inbound mode in a safe area clear of the helideck this is to prevent any loose articles or items being displaced by the rotor downwash once the bags and cargo have been unloaded one of the H das will open the cabin door and with permission from the pilot via the hlo signal to the passengers that it is now clear to disembark passengers are now allowed to undo their seat belts and proceed to the closest and safest exit the second HDA will position 90 degrees to the cabin door and stand in a position just clear of the rotor disk to direct passengers via the safe zones passengers must follow the directions of the deck crew at all times passengers must always ensure to have three points of contact when descending down any stairs from the helideck to the heli lounge or waiting area the hlo will provide the pilots with the returned passenger and cargo manifest and will also collect the incoming manifest at the same time when all the arriving passengers have cleared the deck the deck crew will start to load any return cargo in the baggage compartment and prepare the aircraft cabin on completion of loading the cargo the hlo will signal to the deck crew that it is clear to start boarding one HDA will escort passengers in the single-file via the safe zones passengers will be instructed to drop their bags in the designated safe area clear of the helideck and continue to aboard the helicopter the HDA s will manage the carriage and loading of the bags and securing it in the baggage compartment as soon as the passengers are on board and the bags are loaded one of the HP aides will close and secure the baggage compartment the other HDA or sometimes the non handling pilot will do another headcount and ensure passengers have their lifejackets and seat belts on properly and secured the hlo should maintain his position throughout the turn around or refuel as much as possible to maintain full control of the helideck an adequate situational awareness the HMO will do a final check of all fuel caps if the helicopter was refueled and ensure that all doors and panels are secured the hlo will return to his position in front of the helicopter whilst each of the HTA's will wait near the main undercarriage to remove the chocks when instructed to do so when the pilots have concluded their pre takeoff checks they will use this hand signal to inform the hlo to remove the chocks once removed the hlo will show the pilots to remove chalks the helideck crew will vacate the helideck and collapse the Rayleigh's the hlo will inform the pilots that the deck is clear and that all doors are secured via a thumbs up or via radio once the helicopter is ready to depart the pilots will switch on the anti-collision lights the helicopter will lift off into the hover turn into wind and then continue to take off after the products have completed the required checks the a cello and helideck team will remain in position until the helicopter is airborne has completed the safe departure the a cello in holodeck team that complete the post departure checks securely stole all equipment carry out a check of the holodeck to ensure the area has no loose articles than they have fallen from the aircraft on departure and is free from fod the hlo will conduct a debrief with his team he'll deck management and the diligence of key trained personnel are key to safe helicopter operations to and from offshore hella decks the maintenance of the hella deck installation and associated equipment together with the upkeep of recurring training for the h ellos h das and radio operators represent a major contribution to continued safe operations thank you for your attention [Music]
Channel: bp
Views: 47,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U9l9hZmBHUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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