The start of Clair Ridge | bp

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[Music] it's one of the largest projects that BP has in its portfolio massively important a lot of hard work on many different people generations have led to this amazing milestone it's an absolute privilege to work on Claridge project this scale when construction work and commissioning work finished and we took away the scaffolding you really saw what an amazing facility Claridge is going to be I'm honored privileged to have been part of the team and have worked with so many very skilled highly professional hugely passionate people we've invested a lot into clearance project we've know taken it to a place to start this next 40 years we've got such a strong safety culture and Claridge people genuinely care for each other and I really have pride on what's been achieved towards first oil so many years and so much effort from so many people and actually to see that start up and and produce oil and safely and in a sustainable way is fantastic the future is fantastic for 4gw and fodder for BP on Claridge we have a fantastic opportunity here for a long-term program we have an energized team onboard really enthusiastic really keen to get on the operations support in the hook up has been good but this is what we're really looking forward to we're really looking forward to operate in the plant and producing oil and gas because that's what we enjoy doing Claire field was discovered in 1977 the first development for the class filled with the cliches one project and first oil was in 2005 [Music] Claire Ridge followed the successful production and from the first few years of phase one and it was sanctioned in 2011 which is probably going to be the biggest development on the Claire field and the marker of the successes Claire field as a whole VP are very committed to the North Sea and Claridge is one of the main big projects that we've been bringing on and working on in their recent years were partners ConocoPhillips Chevron and Shell we have 120 thousand barrels a day when we reach the plateau on this project and bringing in 10% of the UK production [Applause] we followed a detailed contract and strategy since we kicked off the project in 2011 it encompassed a lot of international and national companies the engineering on here in the UK combination through emic word unknown Worley Parsons it's moved into construction in 2012 at our Korea fabrication yard we built for fifty three thousand tons of other modules eight large modules for Hyundai Heavy Industries and we also work with CAF earner in Norway for the construction of the two large jackets the scale of the project has been a differentiator over other types of project for me it's been the tightest one team approach that I've seen you walk into the project and you can't differentiate everyone is invested in the success of project you just feel it everyone wants to do the best for that project and in 2013 being first construction in the field took place with the installation of the two jackets [Music] it was 91 thousand nautical miles of transportation to get those eight modules over from Korea to the North Sea and installed the heavy-lift contractor for Claridge was hirama one of the biggest heavy lift vessels in the world the harem idea was used to do the installation we stole the qu modules in 2015 and the DP modules part of the platform that connects us up to the reservoir installed in the summer of 2016 really quick installation for such a huge structure just 95 errors it's almost on president and it was the start for me of the last the last part of the journey with those modules in place we could get to work for the hook-up and commissioning phase [Music] it's probably one of the biggest campaigns in the North Sea in the past 20 years 10 million workers 750 people on the platform's every day we've involved over 6,000 people as part of making up not 750 through the course of the last three years [Music] full days and flights in order to get those people to work and in order to give those people and materials that they need we've had to ship 35,000 tonnes of materials in over ten thousand containers huge amount of effort from BP and all their contractors we've had over six thousand people through induction so that's up mounds and diamonds right throughout the three years and we've been able to maintain a strong safety culture safety zone quality builds as the philosophy that drives us through GPO and everything that we do our quality build as a safe operation claire ridge is here for 40 years and we've driven quality into it and i think for me one protoboys we've done it in a manner that's respectful and integrated and I think we'll all leave here and have memories of what we've actually left by one of the standard highlights for me in this project was the s8 integrated test that was the first time that we ran the other drilling equipment as an integrated piece it really began to feel like an operating rig it's good state of the art drawing a lot of automation it's a very advanced drill rig when most modern and in our seat has been designed to drill I extend the drilling program over the next 20 to 30 years the rig has been developed over many years a lot of good work has gone into it into the design into the commissioning it's a really good Rick Claire is a massive field lots of oil seven billion barrels of oil in place the challenges are extracting it in an economic way so Ridge is all about trying to get the wells in the right place access fractures in the rock which help give us higher production rates and making sure we get enough water in the ground to support that and keep our production up for the long term who our history and our track record is taking very complex problems and solving them and Claire represents that we actually have a very complex reservoir from a rock perspective and that's one of the reasons why we have put a o our lows are in place we've got the first offshore low self-esteem anywhere in the world and that's going to enhance the recovery of oil and gas from the reservoir and bring value to be paid we don't do projects of this scale offshore very often you can see the smile on everyone's faces they finally had the start of that Claridge operations the oim was just delighted I've been on the Claridge project for nearly four years day and I've loved every minute of offshore yes it's been challenging there's been problems and issues and that we've all got together and actually you know got through those issues and I actually feel really proud of the facility that's been handed over to us from their projects I mean the accommodation facilities are second to none that are really good and that all of the team appreciate that and that makes a big big difference Claridge it's a mammoth platform and you really feel proud when you're both landing or leaving the platform to look back and see this great feat that we have delivered performance levels on the project has set a new benchmark for working at this scale in the offshore environment our ambition as a leadership team as everybody goes home that's been done and engaged through the entire workforce and through the project lifecycle it just feels fantastic I'm so proud of everybody to be drilling wells that people have planned as well it's fantastic there's nothing like seeing the results of what you did by watching a well being drilled and see them see the outcome for the next six years they'll be about 160 people every day out there as part of the core crew drilling wells producing the oil and gas we still got a rough ride up to full throughput enough that's gonna be a great great journey we're gonna really enjoy it it's taken 40 years to get here from Discovery in 1977 going forward now that we've had startup it is even more exciting because effectively were the custodians of six hundred and fourteen million barrels and we're responsible for making sure that we maximize the recovery of those bounds and maximize value as quickly as possible from that we've taken an approach a phased approach with Ridge will go after multiple sands and horizons and that will lead into the future of Clair Grid project it's deployed really well and we just see ways of continuously making it better it's the beginning and so with that for the people that have been involved they are leaving an amazing legacy they are part of something so special relative to value not only for the b.p and our partners but for one maybe two generations to come they've made decisions that will impact value people's lives employment that will be resilient for decades [Music]
Channel: bp
Views: 31,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clair ridge, clair field, shetland, animation platform construction, scotland, oil platform, offshore, oil, gas, oil rig construction, offshore oil and gas, platform installation, deepwater construction, petroleum engineering, oil industry, gas industry, drilling platform, oil engineering, bp, british petroleum, energy, energy company, oil company, oil and gas, fuel, energy innovation, energy transition, fossil fuels, bp in action, energy impact, international oil, north sea
Id: 5lezG1YlnCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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