The Weird Time When Energy Drinks Fixed My Insomnia

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If you’re interested in the Presenting To The  Emergency Room mug, or other Chubbyemu merch,   link to my store is in the description below. Hello. Doctor Bernard here. I recently made a  video on Chubbyemu about someone who chugged   12 energy drinks in 10 minutes. I remember  this guy coming through the emergency room, and   no one knew that he chugged all those energy  drinks, until he told everyone much later. The pancreatitis was pretty straightforward to  pick out. Severe abdominal pain radiating to   the back, with nausea and vomiting, and just the  most insanely elevated serum lipase level. The   vast majority of acute pancreatitis comes from  gall stones, alcohol, or high triglycerides,   lotta times in the setting of diabetes.  The patient didn’t have any of those,   although he was pre diabetic. There’s not that  many people chugging huge amounts of energy   drinks all the time to give us the same data  that we have for alcoholics and diabetics when   it comes to pancreatitis. But it does appear  there could be association with excess energy   drink consumption and pancreatitis,  which I may have experienced myself. When the patient in the Chubbyemu video came  through, it reminded me of a time in my life,   10 years earlier from that point, where I  chugged 6 energy drinks in 15 minutes. And   while I was making the Chubbyemu video, it  reminded me of a different time, after JS   presented to the emergency room, when energy  drinks cured my insomnia. If you were watching   Chubbyemu back then, you were witness to this  happening, even if you probably didn’t know it. When I was 16, I was working my first job  washing dishes at a restaurant. I remember   the chef paid me less than minimum wage. And his  rationale for that was he wanted me to become a   culinary person. You know you work your way  up from dish washer to bus boy to something   in between all the way up to line cook and  so on. This was a very small restaurant,   they only opened on the weekends. The place sat  like 12 people. It was like a couple hundred   bucks per person for a 5 course meal, and this  was like 20 years ago, it was a lot of money. But restaurant working culture today, is probably  not very different from back then. You see,   the actual line cooks were like 20 something  year old guys. And they thought it would be   funny if they challenged me. “Bernard,  we got 6 cans of this energy drink. And   tonight’s gonna be a really busy night,  some tables are actually double booked,   it’s gonna be a fire hazard in the dining  area, and it’s gonna be an absolute fire   hazard for you washing dishes. We need  you to go double time, and you know what,   we’ll give you 25 bucks for your trouble, you  gotta finish all 6 of these cans in 15 minutes.” And, being 16, thinking it was funny. I did it.  It was awful. I could feel my heart beating in my   neck. And I almost just throw up in the sink every  5 minutes. I had to grip the dishwasher handle and   squeeze as hard as I could so I wouldn’t just  empty out my guts everywhere. They thought it   was funny. Apparently the chef got pissed when he  found out what had happened because my skin was   pale gray, he almost sent me home. He did a load  of dishes on his own in-between reservations. But   for me, I was in a world of hurt. I did have  abdominal pain radiate to my back, so who knows,   maybe that night, I had acute pancreatitis from  those energy drinks. Mild cases self resolve,   so who knows. I didn’t sleep that night either,  cause I was too wired from the caffeine. Basically, after that night, I didn’t touch  any energy drink for like 10 years. There   was a short stint where I had like a can a day  because I could buy the big 24 case from Costco,   but I stopped that pretty quick, actually, because  of patient JS. His situation basically brought   back all the restaurant memories, and I just  never bought another Costco case afterwards. Now fast forward to 2017. I had been on  YouTube for about 2 years at that point.   In the beginning of that year, I did a fat loss  vlog, I lost around 40 pounds. And I kept it off.   I take personal videos where I talk about daily  things happening in my life, and looking back   at my own records, I describe how I ate at that  time. What I had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What I didn’t realize was happening at the time,  but I can see now watching back to those videos,   is that the amount I was eating gradually became  less and less as 2017 went on. I didn’t just   stop at the 40 pounds weight loss, I kept going.  You can kinda see it in the medical videos that   were made that year. I stopped doing cardio,  but I also just didn’t eat as much, because   I just didn’t want to. It wasn’t even really  a conscious effort, I just didn’t eat a lot. And this really became a problem on  the day October 12, 2017. That day,   I had a meeting at the National Institutes of  Health here in DC. I had a colleague from Germany,   who had flown in the day before who was going to  join me at this meeting. Like, I had to be there,   no matter what. I remember I had to get up at  like 5am for this meeting, so the night before   I went to bed early. But no matter what I did, I  couldn’t fall asleep. I was tossing and turning.   I turned on the fan because I thought my legs  were too warm. I moved to the other side of my bed   because I thought the side I was sleeping on was  too warm, but nothing would work. I thought I   was sweating so I went and took a cold shower  to the point where I was shivering. But that   shivering made my body even warmer. I opened up  a book to try to read myself to sleep, but 3 am   rolled around and my eyes were wide open. Nothing  was happening. At 5 am, I got out of bed and I   watched the sun rise. My mind was mush for that  meeting. I don’t remember anything about it. The problem is, this wasn’t a one off. The  next night, I still couldn’t fall asleep. Now,   I had to be on call and do overnights a lot at one  point of my life, but like usually I’ll have some   kind of nap or something to just cover for that  time awake. But it didn’t happen the next day   on October 13. And the 14th. And the 15th.  I could just feel my body wither away, my   heart felt like it was just flapping in my chest,  because I had been up for so many days straight.   I think what finally put me to sleep, even if  just for a few hours was the fact that I ate   a few pieces of chicken and then took a nap  in my office chair. It went on like this for   more than a year. Originally I thought it was  stress. Chubbyemu was breaking out in a way I   had never seen in the 2 years prior on YouTube.  I had a video front page, to the top of Reddit,   and there was this constant buzzing at the back of  my head about making a better video than my last. I remember some time that fall in 2017, I went to  a Center for Sleep Disorders here in DC because I   couldn’t take it anymore. I talked to the fellow  who was finishing up his program in neurology,   and we were trying to hypothesize what the  problem could be. Sometimes in Chubbyemu videos,   I’ve made fun of suggesting cognitive behavioral  therapy, in times when it’s not appropriate.   And that comes from this encounter with the  neurology fellow. Because that was what he   suggested. In fact, he was convinced that  was the only thing that was going to help.   Now this is where I become the problem  patient, because I know in my life,   nothing about my behavior had changed. The  routine in my life by that time, had largely   been the same for about 5 years.  CBT wasn’t going to do jack shit. I’ll be honest, in my entire  life, I have never experienced   that level of insomnia. And when you have  something like that, you just become stressed   when night falls. Because you know you’re going  to be miserable and frustrated and angry that   you won’t be able to fall asleep. And the dread of  knowing that you will lay in bed, eyes wide open,   and you will see the sun rise in the same  way you saw the sun set 12 hours earlier,   drains you in a way that I never want  to experience ever again in my life. And throughout all this frustration and dread  and stress for months of not being able to sleep,   and then not being able to function  the next day because I couldn’t sleep,   I finally just cracked. I remember going  to buy groceries one night and seeing the 4   pack of monster energy drink. And I thought, you  know what? I’m just gonna drink one for dinner.   It’s not like im gonna sleep anyways, so might  as well drink one as a screw you to my body.   That way at least I can sit up at my computer to  write the next video. And so actually that night,   I remember drinking 2 of those cans. And lo  and behold, I didn’t fall asleep that night. But, what I did do, was fall asleep in the  day time the next day. And it wasn’t just   a little nap. It was full on like 6 hours,  I was completely knocked out, to the point   I couldn’t remember that I had fallen asleep so  I woke up confused. That was the first time I   actually slept decently since October 11th 2017.  I didnt really know what had happened, so at night   time again, I had another can of Monster because I  expected that I’d stay up and watch the sun rise. Now, here’s the part that confused me. The Walmart  here in DC where I did my grocery shopping ran   out of the sugar free monsters, so I just stopped  having the energy drinks for like a month.   Within a couple of weeks, my insomnia came  back. When the stock of energy drink came back,   I started drinking them again, and I could sleep  again. This made no sense to me at all. Because   energy drinks are what college kids use  to pull all-nighters and stuff like that.   You’re wired when you drink them, that’s the  point. Falling asleep after you drink one,   shouldn’t be happening, but it was  happening to me. None of it made any sense. Until, I looked at the nutrition facts,  and then, it all started to click. You see,   B vitamins are something you can become deficient  in pretty quickly if your diet keeps becoming more   and more scarce, especially in animal proteins,  like mine did. Vegans know this very well,   because at least in the past, they needed to  make sure they supplemented with Vitamin B12.   One of the big reasons why I was able to slim  down so quickly was that I drastically cut out   my protein intake. I realized I miscalculated  the protein content of chicken in March of 2017,   so I swung the pendulum the other way  and under consumed, by a lot. And you   often seen on these energy drinks that B  vitamins are a way to supply more energy   for you. That’s a weird marketing tactic,  because B vitamins do help with ATP pathways,   which are for cell energy, but you’re not going  to feel more perked up because of B vitamins. Severe B12 deficiency does cause neurologic  problems. It’s called subacute combined   degeneration. This includes things like psychosis  and blindness in extreme cases. I’ve described   these on Chubbyemu. I’ve seen these before with  my own eyes, but it didnt click in my head that it   was happening to me. At the time I was figuring  this out, I ordered a blood test for myself,   I did have really low methylmalonic acid and  homocysteine levels, which are Vitamin B12   deficiency. Direct vitamin B12 levels you can do  but the assays have high rates of false negatives,   false positives and individual variability,  so you get the intermediates instead. So there it is. I had developed a vitamin B12  deficiency because of my self imposed dietary   restrictions in 2017. From those restrictions,  I probably depleted my liver’s stores of vitamin   B12, and humans don’t make B12 on their  own. And as a “screw you” to my own body,   I started drinking energy drinks at night,  which happen to be rich in Vitamin B12,   and accidentally cured my own insomnia that  way. It’s funny how even having this knowledge,   and having the clinical know how and experience  of treating the deficiency, it hits different when   it is happening to you. If you don’t have a  B12 deficiency, which you probably don’t in   the way that I did at least, this worked  for my freak accident situation. I now   supplement my B12 with a multivitamin, and  I dont drink any energy drinks currently. If you want more of an explainer on vitamin B12,  I talk about it on Chubbyemu in the video about   the boy who ate only chips and French fries for 10  years, and with the mom who ate 5 day old sushi,   links in the description below. Thanks for  watching. Take care of yourself. And be well.
Channel: Heme Review
Views: 612,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: energy drink
Id: d_qKA6KTvs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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