How to Make an Energy Drink Like Red Bull, Prime or Monster

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making an energy drink like Red Bull prime or even monster is fairly easy and I'm going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to make it and it actually tastes pretty much like Red Bull or Monster so let me show you how to do it because once you figure out how easy it is and how cheap it is you're probably gonna be really irritated that you're paying three dollars a can for it I'm Doris O'Neil this is Art of drink energy drinks aren't much different than your regular soda though they do have functional ingredients in it the primary one being caffeine and one thing to note about energy drinks is that there's a difference between energy and motivation most of the marketing for energy drinks is towards motivation though there's only one maybe two ingredients that may improve motivation the other ingredients are more cellular energy ingredients they don't actually make you motivated so they're just put in there for the marketing but what's my relationship with caffeine well I'll show you I've had this for 10 years uh or I've had this for 20 years actually it's 25 kilos of caffeine a long time 20 years ago I was working on a project to make a Time release caffeine pill and so I've done a lot of research with caffeine I spent a year working on this but the idea is that I know a lot about caffeine it does work it's motivating I'm a fan of caffeine I know it works so now another common ingredient in energy drinks is the B vitamins now there's a differentiation between energy and motivation B vitamins help cells break down carbohydrates to produce energy at the cellular level they do not provide motivation an excess of them in your body they just pass through your kidneys and into the toilet there is your body only needs so much of these B vitamins one of the key reasons we're not putting them in is that they're used in such small amounts that we won't be able to accurately measure them even with a two digit two-digit scale we won't be able to make these small amounts of B vitamins in our one liter of syrup and our one liter syrup is going to make 32 drinks so a month supply if you drink one a day and we can't actually get that in properly if you really if somebody comes to you and says but B vitamins actually give me motivation anybody who's tried cocaine like the old days when Coca-Cola had it it was the original energy drink by the way they called it brain tonics but they had nine milligrams of cocaine anybody who's done cocaine will know that B vitamins are nothing in the motivation Department that's why this sold so well for so many years there are a whole bunch of miscellaneous ingredients in energy drinks most of that's just a shotgun approach and I don't know if there's any clinical information as to whether those things work or not we're just going to do taurine and caffeine and we're gonna make a 32 drinks it's really easy takes about 15 minutes so stick around and I'm going to give you a key reason why you should stick around to make this drink each drink it costs 11 cents and I'm not joking about that the if you go to my patreon I have this worksheet here that will give you all the information all the ingredients all the pricing all the instructions to make it though I will show you how to do it in a second but this patreon's five bucks to join the art of drink one you'll get this it basically details everything you need to know including the costs so to make a one month supply of syrup only costs three dollars and 62 cents that's cheap compared to if you're buying this by the case two dollars a can if you're buying it at a gas station four dollars a can and if you're buying Prime I've seen that stuff going for ten dollars a can it's ridiculous you can make this stuff so easy and the flavor compounds that I use in this basically makes it some very similar to this and it also allows you to adjust things so it's got that kind of cotton candy strawberry flavor so if you want to save a lot of money again if you have a one can a day habit that's gonna at two dollars and fifty cents a can that's 75 dollars per month if you make this it's going to put seventy dollars back in your pocket and it's gonna taste basically the same and you're going to have more control over how you make it and everything's laid out for getting ingredients where to order them how to order them basically supplier information is included in that so you have nothing to lose it's five bucks join the patreon if you want to save 70 bucks a month doing this and if you drink like three cans a day you're gonna be you know upwards of 200 a month in savings so that's real money in your pocket so let me show you how to make your own homemade energy drink that tastes just like Red Bull so the first step to making your energy drink is to make a syrup and we're basically just going to make a simple syrup but we're gonna add the functional ingredients including the caffeine and the taurine now so this is warm water it's probably about 50 60 degrees just hot enough that you can touch it but any hotter and you might not be able to the idea is that you just want everything to dissolve fairly quickly and cold water doesn't do a great job so just turn on your plate you can do this by hand if you want to stir a lot but these stirring plates make a big difference they're only about 30 bucks the first thing we're going to add is our caffeine powder and the caffeine dissolves in this quantity and this amount of water will dissolve perfectly fine and well usually you can weigh it just into the Container but if not if you're pre-weighing everything into little containers Little Brush helps clean everything up so that's your caffeine powder it will dissolve just give it a couple seconds you can do it concurrently with your taurine powder our other functional ingredient so we can just add that and taurine dissolves really quickly as you can see now we have citric acid and a little bit of sodium citrate we're going to save this to the end and it's kind of important it may seem intuitive to actually dissolve the acid now but once we work with the flavors and we try to incorporate our flavors into the syrup if it's acidified you might have some problems dissolving some flavor compounds into acidified Solutions so it's always best to add your acid at the end so we're just going to set this over here and save it for the end these are two of our flavor compounds so they'll go with the flavor group now that you can see most of the caffeine is dissolved already so we can just start adding our sugar those last few little particles floating around will dissolve you don't want to dump all of this in you'll kind of mess up your stir you'll end up with a Big Blob of sugar at the bottom so you just want to add a little bit at a time and give your stirring plate a chance to get this all in the solution [Music] now that took just about a minute now most of this will dissolve fairly quickly this is still kind of slightly warmer than body temperature you know warm enough to warm up your hands but not much hotter so this will take another minute for it to dissolve and then we can take that off the stirring plate set it to the side and then we're going to work on our flavor in step two so let's do that now now step two is to make our flavor compound and it's pretty simple 100 ml Beaker stick your magnetic stirrer in there again you can do this by hand but it's a pain if you're going to do this a lot definitely invest in one of these but I preheat my propylene glycol it's just kind of cold in here so I just heat it up to about body temperature it's just going to help things dissolve quicker so we need about 30 mils just above 30 mils because the magnetic stir takes up a little bit of space so let's set that to the side now you can turn this on just on low and we're going to add our ethyl maltol now ethyl maltol is not really soluble sparingly soluble in water but it is soluble in propylene glycol so that's why we're using propylene glycol and all the components in here are soluble in this solution if you haven't seen my video on the difference between glycerin and propylene glycol I'll link it below it'll help you understand why we're using this and propylene glycol is perfectly safe to use it just turns your body uses it much like sugar and it eventually becomes lactate which uses fuel for your cells it's almost like sugar in the metabolic process now you want to let this fully dissolve because it does take a little bit but let it dissolve and then we're going to add ethyl vanillin so we'll just give this a minute and then we'll get it started on the next part so now that the ethyl maltol is mostly dissolved for expediency I'm just going to add the ethylmanolin right now and this stuff does it's winter so it is a little bit staticky you're going to lose a little bit but again for this volume it's not so important to be perfect if you're to do this commercially you would do it in a different method but you can get all the flavor even if a few milligrams of the powders kind of disappear off the side so again we're going to just give this some time to dissolve and then we'll start adding our flavor compounds mostly dissolved there's a few little particles but they'll continue to dissolve as we do this step the first thing to add is what's called strawberry aldehyde it's aldehyde c16 sometimes we're going to add three drops of this and it does have a strawberry flavor it's quite fruity and a kind of red fruit again it's really hard to identify strawberry unless you're using like a specific strawberry flavor which we will be using in a minute the next ingredient is methyl cinnamate now I've used this before in a the video on flavoring for coca leaf but it's solid at room temperature so you do have to kind of melt it so that's why it's in a cup of warm water and it has melted enough disposable pipettes are your friend and we're going to add three drops of this now if you go up or down a drop like four drops it's not going to make a big difference so don't worry about it again we're gonna all of this once the syrup is done is going to be diluted out to eight liters in drinks so we're using very small quantities of this so that was methyl cinnamate and then we're going to add Alpha iono now this comes from Florals and it does have a very kind of berry flavor and floral Aroma but it has kind of a red fruit raspberry ish flavor and we're just going to add two drops now always use a separate pipette don't cross contaminate your flavors so disposable pipettes are good you can get reusable ones you just rinse them out with isopropyl alcohol and they'll be clean for the next round or you can just you know but these disposable pipe bets are quite cheap now the next step is to add beta ion now this one still has it's similar to this one but it has more of a red fruit flavor and this is a secret ingredient in another video that I have to do in the future but we're going to add three drops of this now this is ethyl acetate this is actually an ester a very common Ester and we're going to add three drops of this and when you smell this it has a very it's very light and almost has an acetone Aroma in full concentration but within the actual flavor it's going to be very fruity and you have to remember that there is a tendency for people thinking you if you add more flavor compounds you're going to get a stronger flavor that's not the case sometimes it's a single drop that really brings out the fruitiness because again we're trying to taste natural levels and once you go above those natural levels it becomes an unnatural flavor now the last thing is strawberry Flavor now I tried to get strawberry furinone I wasn't able to get it in time to do this video and it has a strawberry Aroma but these strawberry flavors work really well they're basically probably strawberry if you're known in propylene glycol and this smells exactly like Fresh Field warm strawberries so we have to add more of this than normal because it is diluted already in propylene glycol but it's the it's the flavor that's going to give that cotton candy type flavor along with the ethyl maltol those are the two key ingredients everything else I've added is just kinda to make it not so artificial so it just kind of spreads out the fruit flavors a bit and that is basically going to be our flavor so all we have to do is let this stir for a bit until everything comes in this is the point where you want everything to stir and combine and make sure it's all liquid so give it five minutes and then we'll go to step three which is actually making the flavor syrup so step three is to combine your simple syrup with your functional ingredients with your flavor compound now I often reserve a little bit of this syrup we're just going to use this to rinse out this because when you pour this out it's not going to all come out so you want to collect as much flavor as possible this is not a strainer to remove any clumps it's just to actually catch the magnetic stirrer because if you get too many magnetic stirrers in there it's going to create problems now you want to get a good vortexing going on that so that we could get good mixing now you just want to mix it up and you can see it's slightly hazy that means you're just getting flavors combined and now you actually have your flavor syrup and we just have to add the acid at this point I usually just dump it in it doesn't cause any other problems it will change the color a bit so if you watch closely foreign so the color goes from a yellow color to pretty much water white and let that stir it'll take a couple minutes for the citric acid to dissolve but basically at this point we have our syrup it already smells like energy drink soda it's quite potent if you get it on your hands you're going to smell like it all day which is fine it's actually a pretty decent smell but that is your flavor syrup and we'll just let this stir for 5-10 minutes we want to make sure this is really Incorporated nicely you know five minutes is probably long enough and then I will show you how to make a drink so let me show you how to make a drink out of this it's really simple you're just going to need some soda water SodaStream works really well you're going to need an eight ounce glass and you're going to roughly fill it up seven ounces and then you're going to take your syrup and you get one ounce and that is your energy drink that is basically how easy it is to make I made that in probably 15 minutes you know maybe 20 minutes including pre-weighing out everything uh I didn't have a recipe to work off of so this is just basically a little trial and error so I have my previous batch this is my first batch this is my second batch and I've made a few modifications of the drinks and if you end up joining my patreon you'll get this worksheet with all of the instructions and all the ingredients and where to get them you're looking at 11 cents a glass to make this so compared to Red Bull if you're paying 250 or three dollars a can so let me tell you how this tastes it tastes like energy drink it tastes like that cotton candy kind of flavor or the you know Red Bull monster and you can see how clear it is it's actually clearer than a lot of other any drink energy drinks when you pour them out of the can again your syrup may always be a little bit hazy but that's because you're dissolving all of these flavors in a very small amount of water but they are soluble in water so what happens is you get this pretty much a perfectly clear drink it's refreshing it's not very sweet because I've kept the sugar down pretty low probably about I think I believe it's 20 grams per serving which is just over a tablespoon about half or a third of what Coca-Cola has so this rocks about 45 grams so less than half you can adjust the sugar you can adjust the caffeine levels you can adjust the touring levels you can make modifications to however you want what I like about this is there's so much to play around with and you can create so many unique drinks but if you're an energy drink consumer and you want to save 70 at least 75 bucks a month if you drink a can a day if you're at three cans a day you know that's a lot of money in your pocket so and it's beautiful it's like perfectly clear if you want to serve them at the bar it's perfectly it's a great you know great way to make money everybody complains about inflation but you can actually make your own energy drink and all of this syrup in total costs three dollars and 60 cents to make so each component drops obviously your initial output is going to be around a hundred dollars to buy all the the ingredients these ingredients are only I think this one's 12 or 14 dollars for a 30 mil or this is 80 mils but some of the volumes are 15 mils for like 12 and you're only using one to three drops in them so they will go a long way and these things are very shelf stable so the last years so if you're really interested in making saving some money or making money if you work at a bar or if you ever wanted to commercialize an energy drink of your own here's the starting point and again you can play with all the different ingredients incorporate other things and even change the flavor however you want but if you go to the patreon five dollars will get you this formula sheet to work on with all the instructions how to adjust the caffeine levels Etc nutrition information and it's a good drink I quite like it so thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Art of Drink
Views: 79,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soda, energy drink, diy energy drink, energy drink recipe, red bull, monster energy, prime energy, how to, recipe, formula, diy
Id: _sYBfkpQBiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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