The Weakest Dummy BOSS BATTLE in The Strongest Battlegrounds

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all right boys so I'm back on Roblox the strongest Battlegrounds and over the last few months I have been warning you guys of something that is slowly starting to happen so about 2 months ago the strongest Battlegrounds had an update where they made the weakest dummy sad and that's obviously because the creator of Goku and Dragon Ball Akira Toriyama sadly passed away which rest in peace Akira Toriyama by the [Music] way but ever since that update every single update the strongest Battlegrounds has had the weak dummy has changed little by little and I don't think a lot of people noticed it but guess who did notice it me and I made a YouTube short where I said the weakest dummy is training because in the last update you can see the weakest dummy went from normal to sad but then something changed and this change was actually very substantial the weakest dummy used to use sad emotes like this umbrella but in the update he started working out training to fight doing sit-ups using weights to work out and more and people just didn't notice this until in the last update he started to power up and uh yeah guess what the weakest dummy I think is planning something big in the next update and that thing might be a weakest dummy or strongest dummy boss battle and to prove it to you look what they just posted in the strongest Battlegrounds Discord server the official Discord server after they announced the update which just happened this weekend they posted a video and you goobers have to see this video check this out but yeah look at this the weakest dummy is going to get revenge the weakest dummy is up to something and I tried to warn everyone I tried to protect the weakest dummy I made a full video just trying to protect the weakest dummy but no everybody kept hitting him and now we're going to get a freaking boss battle or I think we're going to get a boss battle something major is going to happen because the weakest dummy is fed up so in this video I'm going to be making a weakest dummy boss battle against my Discord server which by the way join the Discord the Discord link is Discord . g/ goobers and yeah it's going to be pretty insane but first we have to build this move set so let's go ahead and hop in build mode and start building this Goku weakest dummy move set let's go ahead and place our secret block that is going to have our move set in it right here and we got to make it look like a regular block so other people don't get this overpowered move set as well and then we'll go ahead and make it blend in with the height of the regular uh Mountain all right let me go ahead and change the color of it as well and there we go that is pretty Blended in I'm not going to lie and okay what move am I going to make this give me okay I think I know what move sets I'm going to use all right there we go I went ahead and I gave myself the move so let me go ahead and touch this block and we should get there we go we got the weakest Dy move set so we've got our KEH hameha move right here this was the closest thing to a KEH hameha blast that I can think of we've got our consecutive punches for you know when Goku exchanges blows super quickly with other characters we've got crushed rock which is supposed to mimic dragon fist which is a move where you like lunge forward and then smash players to the ground and then of course we've got our Spirit Bomb okay wait a second that that moved that uh uh that did not work okay I have to think of a different move wait a minute I have an idea instead of giving me a fourth move I'm going to give myself three moves and I'm going to give myself the Instant Transmission move that Goku uses and the way that I'm going to do that is by turning on the teleport Dash so now uh when I Dash I kind of look like Goku when he uses Instant Transmission and that's going to be super overpowered so I don't even need this Sunset move and I'm going to use the base move set of the strongest hero for this character too because it's the best move set in the game but all right now that I've done all that it's time for me to go ahead and get myself a weakest dummy outfit yo I'm just now realizing the weakest dummy has definitely been training bro his clothes are super ripped oh my gosh all right let me go ahead and put on this weakest dummy outfit and while I do that if you like this goober chain right here or this little goober on my shoulder join my Roblox group and check out the store I made a ton of different ugc's that you guys can unlock all right but let me go ahead put on this weakest dummy outfit and boom there we go we actually look very very similar to the weakest dummy I actually want to compare yo no there's no way you'd even be able to tell that there's a difference that's actually insanely close not going to lie I think I did a very good job getting this outfit it's literally the exact same outfit let's go dude okay we is dummy you've served your purpose nobody will hurt you anymore I'm going to delete you from existence and all right time to get this move set that I had activated before but what people don't know is that that when I activate my ultimate I get Ultra Instinct all right but let me go ahead and go back over here and get my weakest dummy move set and then I need to enable teleport Dash as well so I can do my instant transmission and yeah people are not going to stand a chance against the weakest dummy but okay now I'm going to go ahead and post this server Link in my Discord server which if you would to be in videos like this one join the Discord the Discord link is goers but okay let's go ahead and get everybody after me all right I'm going to go ahead and post this in my Discord server joined the weakest duby is attacking now I need to get my ultimate I can't die before I get my ultimate mode okay let's go ahead and I'm going to go over here I'm going to start doing this that's right that's right I'm too fast I'm too fast oh you thought you could hit me I don't think so okay I accidentally gave myself the wrong move I need to fix this quick I need to fix this quick and I also need to move this I'm going to resize this and I'm going to move it so that you can only get it if you're up here all right and the move that I needed was crushed rock all right there we go I've got my crushed rock now yep that's the move that I wanted that's the move that I wanted all right let's go all right here watch this watch this watch this watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out boom you guys are going to think it's crazy what I'm going to do with my ultimate mode all right ow ow ow ow okay they're all teaming on me I'm going to go over here I'm going to go over here with the flame wave Cannon come on yes yes die dude there's no way they could even kill me dude I can literally just Instant Transmission all around them this isn't even fair I'm too fast ah get over here get over here get over here flame wave Cannon come on come on yes he ran into my move as long as I hit somebody with the move people can't hit me okay okay okay okay let's go ahead and use Crush rock on this goober right here and boom I thought I would need to have my health multiplier up but I I I probably need to turn it down I I'm way too overpowered all right Crush Rock get over here get over here get over you think you're safe you think you're safe with this yeah that's right that's right that's right ah all right Crush Rock get out of here get out of here goober boom and then we're going to go over here go ahead and boost this way use it keha get out of here and all right you know what I think it's it's time I think I think it might be time Hey ow ow ow it's time it's time for me to go Ultra Instinct the weakest dummy's been trading for this moment for this moment let's activate our Ultra Instinct I I don't know if you guys saw that or not but uh you know the weakest dummy is not playing around today all right come on come on come on come on table flip table flip bro how did it only hit that one person how did it only hit that one person oh God and now I don't even have my regular moves anymore now I only have saitas moves am I just dude my my ultra Instinct went away already are you joking I can't even get my move set cuz it's up there okay this is not going well this is not going well oh no dude I think I'm going to die I think I might be dead here I'm not going to lie I might be cooked wait if I could get back on top of the map then I can get my custom move set again if I could just get enough hits on somebody that I can get on top of the map I can get my custom move set again come on let me get one hit come on let me get one hit all right there we go I'm just going to hit I'm going to hit no no no stop stop stop stop stop if I can omnidirectional punch myself on top of this trash can I can get back to my move set I can't run away from tatsumaki users it's so hard okay tatsumaki users are the most annoying things in all of the strongest Battlegrounds oh my gosh much how am I still alive how am I still alive right now oh no oh I could have gotten up there right there dang it if I could just survive a little bit longer I'm half Health if I could just survive a little bit longer I just need to keep Instant Transmission in away and I should be able to get my move set back on top of the map D the whole server is behind me the whole server oh no that's not good what just happened what just happened what is happening to me right now what is happening to me right now come on I just got my ultimate mode to come on all right come on come on come on Ultra Instinct Ultra Instinct come on I need to trick them into thinking I'm going over here and then I need to go back that way cuz that's where my move set is yeah guys come over here look I'm over here guys I'm I'm over here come over here I'm totally not trying to Juke you out or anything by the way rate my weakest dummy Ultra Instinct outfit all right here we go here we go all right now I'm do I'm making my I'm making my Escape making my Escape make my Escape come on here we go all right I'm going to try to do it right here come on work please I'm going dral punch on this trash can please work go yes yes it worked okay we made our way back on top of the map this this is exactly what we needed to do that's right you little goobers I'm getting my mve set back now all right now I just have to run way over there dang it hey while I'm running over there you guys should hit that subscribe button and join the Discord what are they saying in chat stud come down he's up there 1 hour later look at up everybody's freaking out in chat nah bro that's cheating they're saying to let the Sait cook so that they can get up here too look at up they're still trying to get me way over there but little do they know I'm over here getting my uh weakest dummy or strongest tell me move set back that's right I'm not done with you yet I wonder if I can hit some with a flame wave cannon from across the map let's see oh God this guy sees me okay we're using my flame skin here we go come on yes I'm hitting somebody oh wait this guy wants to hug a this guy's nice to the weakest Dum oh okay all right bet Crush Rock to this guy though oh crap I messed that up never mind ah I'm tired of tatsumaki move sets I can't do anything flame move Cannon flame move Cannon come on come on hit somebody please no no just when I got my ultimate no just when I got my move set back oh my gosh bro I'm such a goober this guy was waiting for me someone said blood got death countered all right okay time for the true power of the weakest dummy to come out all right sorcerer move set Infinity on that's right guys I'm just a wee little goober there's nothing bad about me or anything yeah guys I totally don't have Infinity on or anything uh yeah I totally wouldn't do that but boys if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like And subscribe join the Discord and I will see you boys in the next video and adios
Channel: STUD
Views: 522,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, saitama battlegrounds, saitama battle grounds, gojo, saitama, roblox, stud, roblox saitama battlegrounds, strongest battlegrounds trolling, the strongest battlegrounds, the strongest battleground, gaming, stud 2, blox fruit, roblox anime games, roblox games, death counter, the strongest battlegrounds update, tatsumaki moveset, tatsumaki ultimate, tatsumaki, tatsumaki ultimate mode, tatsumaki update, update, tatsumaki passive, the weakest dummy, the weakest dummy boss
Id: O2ryTNMWd9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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