The Way of the Prophets by Bilal Philips

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Allah Almighty God and I'm glad he sees what Muhammad he's got father messenger from his time to the enemy behind the money you you Allah the most beneficent the most merciful by the forenoon and by the night when it is still your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hated you and indeed the hereafter is better for you than the present and verily your Lord will give you all so that you shall be well-pleased did he not find you an orphan and gave you a refuge and he found you unaware and guided you and he found you poor and made you rich therefore treat not the orphan with oppression and repulse not the beggar and proclaim the grace of your Lord hamdulillahi rabbil alameen while salat wa salam ala rasulillah kareem voila Annie was hobby woman extendable to nodular Medina all praise is due to Allah meeya lost peace and blessings be on his last prophet mohammad salallahu alayhi wasalam and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day as my brother introduced the topic is the way of the prophets in our previous lecture we looked at the prophethood what constituted the prophethood what constituted revelation etc and we spoke of the prophets who came before Allah chose them sent them to mankind as a blessing as a blessing which was over and above what mankind needed to find the right way we pointed out that Allah had already given mankind a consciousness of God at the time of the creation of Adam all of Adam's descendants were taken out and made to bear witness that Allah God was their Lord furthermore Allah had given each soul a consciousness of right and wrong of piety and corruption we said that this was sufficient these two instruments which God had given human beings was sufficient really to take them to the path of righteousness but due to our own weaknesses very few would manage to overcome their desires and stay on the right path consequently Allah in His infinite mercy added to that revelation and the prophets prophets came from the first human being on the earth Adam until the last of the prophets Muhammad sallallahu wasallam who came approximately 1400 years ago in this segment of the study of the prophets will be focusing on the way of the prophets and in particular the way of Prophet Muhammad may God's peace and mercy be upon him before looking at his way we can look briefly at a statement which is attributed to Prophet Jesus it is a statement which is commonly quoted by those who worship Him this statement is found in the 14th chapter of John verse 6 wherein prophet Jesus was supposed to have said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me in the context in which they look at Jesus as being God incarnate they interpret this to mean that he should be worshipped however if we were to look at this statement in the context of the role of the profits that we spoke of in our previous lecture we would see that what is intended here if this in fact was an actual statement of Prophet Jesus what is intended here when Jesus said I am the way was that he was informing his disciples his followers that he represented the way to God what he did what he said how he lived his instructions his way of life represented the way to God he said that he was the truth that what he spoke was the truth he didn't bring falsehoods and lies etc and corruption no whatever he instructed them which was from God it was in fact the truth and that he was the life that he brought for them eternal life in Paradise if they followed that way in truth this is the essence of that message and this was the message of all of the prophets all of the prophets who came before reiterated the same message they invited people to worship God as Allah tells us in the Quran when he sent the Prophet SWA advaithic oligo matanov sulla an Arab Buddha law watched any buddhahood inviting them all to worship Allah and to avoid the worship of false deities and they also instructed their followers to follow them to follow them because they were sent as guides this is why Prophet Mohammed for example is mentioned in the Quran as being the best of examples so la la la la la and surah ahzaab the 33rd chapter verse 21 Allah says there Nakada Canela comfy rasool allah he who swattin ausrotten hasan Leeman can I or jus in order to law aliawan hacker or thakura law kathira there is in the messenger of allah for you the best of examples for whomsoever among you desires a law in the last day and remembers a law much he was the example and his example is referred to as the Sunna Sunna meaning way the way of the Prophet that way is contained in the statements that he made the actions that he did and the acts which were done in his private presence which he approved of from the point of view of what we are required to follow this represents the Sunnah and the way why were we required to refer to follow this Sunnah in this way because he was chosen by God to convey the message which God wished to reveal to mankind through him it was through him that the message came meaning that his way like the way of Prophet Jesus the way of prophet Moses and all the prophets before was the practical application of the revelation it was the second source of revelation so when we say we believe in the revelation it is not only the revelation which is contained in the scripture but it is also the revelation contained in the lives of the prophets themselves the lives which have been authentically recorded of course as I mentioned in the previous lecture much of the information concerning the lives of the earlier prophets has been distorted we cannot rely on the information found in the Old Testament and some of it in the New Testament so we have to rely on what been confirmed in the Quran being the book of Revelation which has not been changed in any way shape or form the fact that whatever Prophet Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon him said was revelation is confirmed in the Quran itself in surah Najam the 55th chapter verses 3 & 4 we have Allah saying were my Antep one in hawa in Hua Allah WA you knew ha he did not speak from his own desires whatever he said was based on revelation which was revealed to him consequently the very declaration of faith consists of two parts one of bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and the second part of bearing witness that Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon him was a Messenger of Allah this declaration of faith in the time of prophet Jesus would have been that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and that Jesus was the Messenger of Allah and the time of Moses it would have been I just did likewise each prophet invited people to worship Allah and to confirm and to accept the fact that they were the Messenger of Allah because people had to have confidence in them had to accept their way for them to be correctly guided so Prophet Muhammad may God's peace and blessing be upon him like the prophets before conveyed God's word to his followers and to the generations to come Allah refers to it in surah maidah verse 67 ya Uehara soon bell near mountains illa alaykum Arabic o messenger convey what has been revealed to you from your Lord it was his duty to convey the message completely and in this regard there is a statement made by Aisha his third wife in which she said man had better come and know Muhammad and sallalaho aleyh wassallam katha mache and Amira beat up Lily for called album alone or in Faria she said that whoever tells you that Muhammad sallallahu wasallam hid anything any knowledge that he was commanded to convey has made a great lie against Allah and then she quoted the same verse yeah you are resolved and Edmonds inner awakening optic why is she saying this she's saying this to emphasize to people that there is no secret knowledge that the Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon brought which he did not convey to everybody and this is very important because there is an element an evil element which existed from the early times who would seek to undermine the message of the messengers by claiming that they had special access to knowledge from the messenger which no one else had this is not something new in the time of Prophet mom's assalam the time coming after him but from the previous messengers if you read the the teachings that are found in the various religions whether in Judaism or Christianity you find those for example Paul and Christianity he had a special claim to knowledge Jesus appeared to him after his quote-unquote death according to them he appeared to him and communicated to him and that put him in a special place similarly there were those who claimed to have special books than what they call the fifth book of Moses and in this book it had teachings of magic and mysticism etc the Kabbalah which is their mystical system is based on this secret knowledge and after prophet muhammad's allah wa sallam the devils the evil one sought to do the same thing to undermine that message by claiming there was special knowledge which was revealed only to a small segment which is only known to them and they will trace it back to a time you know to back to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah when usually they will say you know when Prophet Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon him was leaving Mecca going to Medina and he hid in the cave with Abu Bakr there in the cave he revealed the secret knowledge to Abu Bakr nobody else knows about it and Abu Bakr he revealed it to so and so and so on so revealed it to so and so to so on so - so on so - so and so till it was revealed to my Sheikh he and only he knows it this is that secret knowledge and if you want to know come into this knowledge then you must submit yourself to my share you must become his murid submit your will totally to him and you'll come into that special knowledge but this is a lie this is a devilish lie and it is the basis of misguidance because prophet muhammad saw sallam said in no uncertain terms direct to tarik - Kamala Mahad jatin Veda lelou hak Anna hurry her lies Ivana Allah holic I have left you on a clear white plane whose day is like it's night anyone who deviates from it creates into destruction what he left was clear it's day is like it's night meaning there's no nothing hidden there's no dark part the dark side no it's all clear so anyone who claims the secret knowledge is a liar this is fundamental to believe if you believe that there is secret knowledge you are denying the text of the Quran you're denying the understandings of his companions so Prophet Muhammad like the prophets before him may God's peace and blessings be upon them conveyed the message to their followers completely and to understand the Quran itself which is the scripture remaining in our hands we have to come to the Sunnah we cannot understand the scripture in its totality without depending on the explanations given by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this was the duties of the prophets before that they would explain the scripture why because the scripture is concise it would deal with the problems the needs of the society but in a concise fashion and the details and the clarifications were left up to the prophets Allah says in the Quran and Sunnah sixteenth chapter verse 44 ones and awaken a naked eye Cara Lee - virginal in a semen Rosina alayhim wala Elohim defer Karuna and we have revealed to you the reminder the Quran in order that you make clear to the people what was revealed to them for them that perhaps they would reflect it was the duty of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam to explain to clarify the text of the Quran he would clarify it in his statements require fide in his actions and he would clarify it also in a combination of statements and actions for example Allah says in the Quran optimists Allah Allah decree established the prayer for my remembrance then we have statements for example so he had Buhari where problems assalam said pray as you have seen me prayed Allah says pray established the prayer and he the prophets wasallam says pray as you have seen me pray he is clarified how that prayer should be and in his actions on one occasion the Companions noted him in the Masjid walking up the member and beginning to pray on top of the member and they were surprised what in the world is he doing it's a strange had never done this before and it is obvious on top of the minbar there's not enough place to make sujood etc so they're all watching him he stood up on there he started his prayer he bowed stood back up and then when the time came to make sujood he backed down the stairs made sujood at the base sat up made sujood and then walk stood up and walked back up the stairs and continued the prayer when he finished and he turned to his turn to those people in the master to his companions every eye was glued to him they're all wondering what has he done what is this and he said to them I only did this so that you would learn the manner of my prayer and he's not saying this go ahead and do this now everybody should go climbing up members and walking back don't know he only did this to demonstrate to them so that they were observing carefully because he could have told him as he told prayers you've seen me pray but this would have a even more deeper effect on them by observing him do this this would mean that that concept would be deeply rooted in their minds that they should pray as he prayed and as such you will find when you look through the Sunna different descriptions of his prayer which is important when we're going to learn the prayer for to pray as he prayed we should read the completeness of the Sunna which describe the various things that he did in his prayer for example in one narration found in Abu Dawood authentic narration a man greeted him whilst he was in prayer gave salams to him said salam alikoum whilst he was in prayer and his response was to raise his hand he responded most of us wouldn't even know about that in the early days when the salah was first thought when people used to give salams wealth people were praying people would respond walaikum A'Salam but then later the command came that this was not befitting that salah there should be no communication in salah in terms of word communication etc so this was the correction which was given by the prophet sallallaahu it was on them similarly Aisha for example on one occasion when she went looking for the Prophet so I said let me had been in a room and he left went into the master she went looking for him she woke up it's at night looking for him she came in the masculine saw him on the ground in frustration with his heels together so this tells us that in the form in the form of frustration the heels should be together so like this one studies the Sunnah and determines annex and a neck strap extracts from it how the prayer should be furthermore we find that the sunnah clarified generalities in the Quran as well as specified intended meanings we have Anna supply Malik narrating to us one of the companions of the prophet sallallaahu salem that during the battle of Khaybar prophet mohammed salah salem informed that donkeys what was informed that donkeys were being eaten the people were cooking him up and eating them they rode them there they ran out of food and they start to eat the donkeys so he sent Paul haa to announce the prohibition of eating the flesh of domesticated donkeys as being bad or impure so he made this prohibition wild donkeys it is permissible but domesticated not also we have for example in the Quran where Allah forbids the marrying of a woman and her daughter or two sisters at one time right a woman and her daughter or two sisters at one time and in the verse Allah goes on to say well hidden alaykum muara add a legume and whatever is after that whatever beyond this is permissible to you however Abu Huraira informs us that Prophet Muhammad's assalam said do not marry a woman and her father sister or her mother's sister that is the paternal aunt and the maternal aunt so though the quran in general said ok after that it is not permissible anything else is permissible from homs assalam clarified that the maternal and paternal aunt is included in the woman and her close relatives because he explained in one of the earth narrations that it will break family ties because this act the sanctity of relationship between two sisters and mother and her daughter a woman and her aunt is destroyed by the rivalry which naturally comes out of a circumstance of plural marriage wherein co-wives naturally have jealousies with each other so to prevent the breaking of family ties as a result of jealousies when this were this was prohibited so the Sunnah being the second source of revelation reflected in the Shahada is the clarifying principle for the Quan as such love of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam becomes a part of faith and a sublime alloc quoted that he heard from Homs assalam say live in Oaxaca Dooku had a ah hubba alayhi in Mali he were ugly when nasiha join no one has truly believed none of you has truly believed until I Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam becomes more beloved to him than his wealth his family and all of mankind that love has to be there because if we do not have the love of the Prophet SAW why assalam then it is very easy for us to neglect his way because when we love somebody and we love them dearly we love the things they do so it is a part and parcel of faith to love the Prophet Muhammad from Allahu alayhi wa sallam and whatever he has done in the Sunnah is found in the Quran either by direct reference or by indirect reference there was an occasion when AB divided Masood when the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim was prohibiting for people the plucking of eyebrows women specifically so a woman questioned this she came and she said well I've looked all the way through the Quran and I didn't find this anywhere of the live master look again it is in the quad she said I've been through the whole clan not a single verse addressing the plucking of eyebrows and he said didn't you read my otaku more Rasul for Hulu oh man how come - to who that Allah said whatever the prophet has instructed you you should take it and do it and whatever he has prohibited you you should abandon and Prophet Muhammad said that Allah curses the woman who plucks her eyebrows and the woman who has her eyebrows plucked the one who does the plucking as well as the one who's a browser plant so all of the commandments of the Prophet so Louis alum are included by inference in the scripture itself in the Quran as such Allah says in the Quran o my uka rasool for Kadapa Allah in the fourth chapter verse 80 whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah because what he taught but he instructed was based on revelation so obedience to him is obedience to Allah consequently we are instructed as believers whenever there are disagreements amongst us these disagreements should be resolved by way of the Sunnah the Quran and the Sunnah in surah nisa same chapter verse 59 we have Allah saying Fenton Isaiah tuna fish a for a duel Illinois were rasool in kuntum to me no Nabila he will Yamanaka if you fall into disagreement about anything then take it back to Allah and His Messenger if you truly believe in Allah and the last day the resolution of our conflicts should be by way of the Quran and the Sunnah furthermore after a decision has been made in the Quran or in the Sunnah with regards to any issue we must accept it without any hesitation it is compulsory for us to accept that ruling as Allah said in verse 65 of the same chapter philau arabic la manana hot air hockey mukha fema shadow ravana home somalia g du fee and foo see him Raja mimic of eight or you sell limit as Lima no by a lord they do not truly believe until they make you Mohammed Salim the judge in the things in which they differ then they do not find in themselves any resistance to what you have judged what decision you have made but instead accepted submit to it totally so not only do we are we obliged to accept the ruling of the Prophet some of our assalam but it should be one without hesitation we should not do it begrudgingly somebody comes and tells us something of the Sunnah that we were not doing correctly and they inform us that the Prophet Muhammad assalam said this it's how he said do not do that we should not do it because this person has said to us and we do it you know but inside ourselves we feel why did he go and tell me this for I wish he hadn't told me no no we hear that as part of faith we should we should thank that person hamdulillah thank you for guiding me to the way of the prophet sallallaahu I leave us alone our hearts should be open furthermore Allah didn't leave us with this instruction he went on to warn us that if we in fact disobey the messenger after that message has been given to us right after the knowledge has come to us you find some people when you bring to them the Quran or this one now that's been made clear to them their response will be we don't do it in our village that way you know in our country we Lebanese or we Egyptians or we whatever is you know we don't do this this is their response or they will say we're hanafis this is the response to Rasool Allah saws all of them said this or did this I mean this kind of response is despised by Allah it is despised by Allah I mean if a person follows a particular school of Islamic law and there's nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with following school of Islamic law one should still say okay I'm not aware of this let me check it out find out get some further clarification try to get to the bottom of it and confirm not the first response should not be I'm a Hanafi or I am an Erie trillion or I am and this or am i that no this is not the response when the truth comes to us otherwise we will be coming under the curse of Allah will be subject to punishment as allah said in surah noor verse 64 philosopher and levena Ujala funa and Amory and to see ba whom fitna ton are you see ba Hamada boon aleem let those who would go against his ruling the ruling of the Prophet saws Allah beware of a calamity a fit night trial D falling them or a terrible punishment in the next life this is the warning of God not to disobey when the message comes not to allow our cultural understandings of Islam to blind us to the way of the Prophet from Alliance under Allah further says o McAnally movement in will amok mina Yaakov allah wa rasuluh Umrah an akuna Lajamanu hara minim rahim o my Allah Rasool Allah Vardhan lavalla Mabini it is not befitting for a male believer or female believer normally Allah makes general statements using the male form of the Arabic al mu'minin alladhina amanu 'no which male which is including males and females but when he separates it talks about the male believers and the female believers this separation is for further emphasis of how serious and important despite is that it is not befitting for a male believer or a female believer if Allah and His Messenger have decided an affair that there be any choice in the matter in this matter there should be no choice for them for whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has strayed far away from the path so this cultural approach to Islam where in what we do what my family did but my great-grandparents did etc this is more important this is misguidance the essence of misguidance this is the same attitude which was held by the pagans when Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah and the prophets before him came to the people and invited them to the way of allah as allah said why the appeal Allah whom to Allah in a man's Allah Allahu Allah and if you say to them come to what Allah has revealed and to His Messenger halu hasbunallah wa inna ilayhi Havana they will say it is sufficient for us what we found our four parents doing that was the answer of the pagans what is the difference between that answer and saying today we Lebanese don't do it that way we shall fires don't do this what is the difference much of what is said when people say we shall fires don't do it if you go back and look to see what is really in the shaft we must have the school of Islamic law known as the shaft for a school it's not even there but people have been doing it they've been told you're Shah phrase and you know so there are a response your natural responses we shall face don't do this without really even knowing what Imam Shafi and his students etc actually said or did so the warning is there that we should not disobey the messenger some of our assembly furthermore to shun the COS concessions which the prophets are salam has given is considered an error where the problems are Salaam has have has given us certain concessions in the religion you may don't have to do this and so on so on so for us to insist on doing it when he has given us concessions this is something displeasing to Allah because it's like you were saying I know better I don't need this you know my faith is such and such and such why did Allah give us this if we are rejecting the gifts of Allah you know then this is something is a kind of a haughtiness so I should reported that the prophets are salam on one occasion he did something which had a concession in it when some people shunned it he got angry until it showed on his face he praised the law and said what is wrong with people who keep themselves aloof from what I have done by Allah I know Allah better than them and I fear him more than them this was the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salem's attitude towards the avoidance or shunning the concessions which he did and there's a last principle that I'd like to mention with regards to the Prophet SAW solemn Sunnah and that there is a sunnah of avoidance meaning the things which the prophets are solemn didn't do this is also sunnah meaning he did certain things this is the sunnah he did these things and then there are certain things which he didn't do we should understand that it is also the son not to do it if we didn't do it meaning Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam instructed those who fast right that if their parents missed fasting for example they died and they had fasting remaining which they old Ramadan your mother or your father miss days they died without doing them he instructed us to do it for them to fast those days and ask Allah that the reward be given to them furthermore parents who didn't pay zakah if we know that we have parents own zakah we can give that zakah for them we should give it for them and connected to zakah is sadhana that we are allowed to give sadaqa or charity general charity can be given and the reward for it go to our parents this he did this he told us to do and he also told us hatch hatch that we can make Hajj on behalf of our parents relatives and others who didn't make much this is a part of the religion so of the five pillars of Islam he gave us the permission to do three on behalf of our close relatives and others three he didn't give us permission to do the other two which is the Shahada and the Salah that is if for some reason our parents you know we come from Albania and our parents were atheists for example they got caught up in the communist thing and they died communist we cannot make sure harder for them and say I shadow Allah Allah Allah and Mohammad Rasool Allah oh Allah give this jihad to my parents they died in a state of disbelief that's it you cannot pray for them finish say personally argue but you know we were able to do that car for them we're able to do Hajj for them we're able to fast for them why not Sharda ma'am assalam did not give us permission to do Shahada for them so we cannot similarly Salah our parents they didn't pray so many years of their life or whatever or they didn't care at all we cannot now take it upon ourselves with every prayer that we do compulsory prayer will also do another you know Roger another the another after another a mother another Asia every day we do extra prayers and say oh Allah give this to my parents because they didn't break not acceptable Allah will not accept it Mohammed Salim didn't do it similar to this is a common practice amongst ignorant Muslims when a person dies this is mostly in the Indian subcontinent when a person dies they get all these people together and they divide up the Quran into little pieces and they have them all read this Quran they call it Hut Milgram they all read the Quran together each one reading voices on top of other voices you know nobody can you can't even make out what is being said and they get the fastest readers right because I want to finish it off quickly right maybe they are placed on people like me and at the end of this reading they say oh Allah give this reward to my parents I'll give it to this dead person this is nonsense this is nonsense this is not from the way of the proper homes are Salaam and it is an affront to Quran it is an affront to the Quran Allah says no Quran either Korea al-quran trust them francy - first a meoli once you do that if the Quran is recited you should listen to it and be quiet so what is this each one on top of the other is this obeying the Quran they're supposed to be reading the card and asking the blessings to go to this person and they are contre mounting a commandment in the Quran itself this is nonsense so it's very important for us when we look at the various acts which have now become a part of cultural Islam celebrating the birthday of the prophet sallallaahu I am celebrating is Ryan Maharaj celebrating the Battle of butter all kinds of celebrations people have invented started doing prop Mohammed Salim didn't do them and if he didn't do them it is his Sunnah not to do them so it is very important for us to understand that the Sunna of the Prophet SAW solemn are the things that he did he said and things which were done in his presence which he permitted as well as the things that he didn't do as he told us matter dr. shealynn you can rebuke him in Allah in lower amar to convey I did not leave anything which will bring you closer to Allah except that I commanded you to do it so following the Sunnah is following it closely in what the problems are send them did and approved and said as well as in the things that he did not do that he left undone we should also leave them undone on the basis of that our faith is not only belief in Allah knowing who he is knowing him as he is and worshiping him but in following the way of the prophet mohammed salah salem the last of the messengers of allah to mankind Salam alaikum warahmatullahi okay there's a number of questions here about reading the Quran for the dead and what can be done for the dead I'll just deal with this together it's permissible for you to read Quran for your own dead relatives and ask Allah to bless them so as I said this is not amongst the acts which the problem of Czar Salim sanctioned see because when I said that what the problem didn't do we also not do this is in reference to religious acts acts which are purely religious because of course there are many things that he didn't do there are many many things that he didn't do which are from our own social interactions etc you know which is permissible to us because there's a general principle in Islamic law with regards to religious acts and social acts social interactions right religious acts they call ibadat social interactions they call Mohammed in the case of Mohammed with general actions social actions all of the various acts this is the foods you eat etcetera etcetera are all considered to be halal except those that have been specifically prohibited whereas in the case of a bada the acts of worship all of these are forbidden except those which have been specifically permitted this is a principle principle deduced which is used as a general guideline in terms of when we're making choices how should we approach them its deduced from the fact that the Prophet assalam said when Akkad sfe am reena male salmon who for harada whoever in something new in this affair of ours in Islam which is not a part of it it is not acceptable to Allah it is not acceptable to Allah so he warned against innovation in religious matters so to avoid innovation then we only do what he did and as he said if there was nothing which would bring us closer to Allah except that he told us to do it so we're talking about specifically religious acts whereas the other acts the general foods and things like this Allah in the Quran has given us of general permission for these things Allah has submitted the creation and society and everything to us so it is all permissible except for those things that have been specifically prohibited otherwise if we didn't follow that principle then you would have to be straight struggling through the Sunnah trying to find for every little thing that you did can you sleep on a bed can you take a shower because they had no showers in those days you know where do you stop can you sit eat at a table can you use a knife and fork you know can you drive a car can you a you would be you'd be lost life would become so so the principle is that for non-religious acts acts which are not specifically religious acts these things are all permitted except those which have been specifically prohibited meaning if you hear a rumor now most people drink coca-cola and there are rumors around there somewhere that the people in making coca-cola use intoxicants until clear evidence comes you are not required to listen to these rumors because there are no end of rumors out there in terms of the things that are available in the society like for example wearing a tie this is an issue which came up in one of the sessions that I had here with some of the brothers you know it is said somebody said sometimes somewhere who we don't know but somebody said that the tie is the symbol of the cross you bring evidence until we we don't accept that line of argument until somebody brings clear evidence historic evidence showing that the tie evolved out of the cross until such time ignore it and be certain there isn't any evidence like that it's just a rumor which goes around from time to time and all such this is the principle that we apply when dealing with these different acts so Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam did not read the Quran and asked that it will its reward be given to anyone he didn't sanction this act nobody did it this is a religious act so our principle is as a religious act if we don't have the approval of the prophets our Salam for it then we leave it we don't do it there are other ways for the dead performance assalam said when a person dies their deeds are cut off they can no longer benefit from the things of this world except in three cases in the case of knowledge which has been left behind which people continue to be a benefit from charity which he is given which or she has given which continues to benefit people and a child a righteous child who prays for them so you want to do something for relative pray for them similar question is it authentic for Muslims to read Fatiha on behalf of the Prophet soul or even reading surah yaseen on the dead in janazah you know reading Fatiha for the Prophet SAW salon soul you know where does this come from where does this come from it is not from the Sun night is not acceptable even reading of Fatiha for the dead this is not from the Sunnah the principles in dealing with the dead etc are clear defined in the Sunnah and readings waria scene is not authentic there's not a part of the authentic sooner with regards to the dead it is a common practice in India some people say Fatiha in front of food for a dead person in the Fatiha they read three times the rude three times so a class Werfel ox or an ass this is permissible in Islam this is not again from Sunnah this is not acceptable practice because it's a religious act that the person is engaged in now reading this over the food and then the food being shared with others expecting that the blessings of this food somehow is going to benefit that dead person this is a religious act is it known or it is known that Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom had many wives is there any justification in my future has husband in having another wife or for my future husband to have another wife than me how can men these days follow Muhammad SAW Sullins way when Muhammad SAW salaam was the chosen one well Allah has told us in the Quran clearly Frankie homophobe Allah cumin and Nyssa he must now also love aruba marry of the women who please you two three or four and if you are not able to be just with them than one so Allah has given this permission the permission for polygamy now Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam demonstrated how it should be performed of course he had more than four wives and that's not permitted for us that is special part of the Sunnah which is limited to himself but in terms of how wives should be treated responsibilities time should be divided and economics etc in all of the different things concerning a plural marriage situation the prophet Moses Alam and his wives have relayed to us how it should be conducted so as long as a person can fulfill those requirements then it is permissible to them now there was another question here which is related to that I should just tackle at the same time the person asked concerning Muslims in a non Muslim state that we are obliged to follow these laws the laws of those in authority over us so in this state polygamy is prohibited so then shouldn't Muslims not practice polygamy well the point of the matter is that we are obliged to follow the laws as long as they don't go against the laws of a lot where they go against what Allah has permitted then we are not obliged to follow them just as we're not obliged to follow our parents our own parents who would command us to do certain things but if these Commandments go against the laws of Allah then we don't obey similarly a wife is obliged according to Islamic law to follow to obey her husband but if her husband instructs her to do something which is against the laws of Allah then she should not obey it is not permissible for her to obey and the only time that a person may submit to these laws whether it's in the family as children obeying parents wife obeying husband or Muslims in a non-muslim state almost times even in a Muslim state obeying laws which are not according to the laws of Allah is if their own survival depends on it if in breaking those laws we would suffer bigger consequences then the benefit we would gain in doing or applying the law meaning for example it is compulsory on the Muslim community here to set up is La Mexicana re-watching foreign key fire if Muslims from the community do not set up proper Islamic schools here then the whole community carries the sin of every child who goes into the public school system and leaves Islam because Islam is destroyed in that system because we as parents we as adults will be held responsible for the children under our care so if we are to stay here if we are living here we have a duty to ensure that Islam is conveyed to our children so they get a proper education Islamic Lee as well as academically this is a requirement this is a compulsory duty on Muslims here now to set up a school if the state here required that that school has fire insurance fire insurance which according to Islamic law insurance is prohibited it involves RIBA etc so it's prohibited now the school the school is compulsory for us to do it is necessary so in that case we will take insurance in order to fulfill the greater need of the computer community this is pressure on us now if in the case for example of polygamy where this society holds that it is perfectly okay for you to have four girlfriends ten mistresses and one wife but if you decide to marry another wife that you are now a criminal committing the crime of bigamy for which you may be jailed and whatever if this society has made this ruling then as Muslims we in order to avoid the problems which will come by registering both marriages legally we would only marry register one marriage the other marriage which should be done publicly in the Masjid known to the community because we're not talking about secret marriages would then be done to avoid the problems the legal problems which would come from two registered marriages this would be permissible for Muslims to do that because it's the right which Allah has permitted and if there is a need in the community especially then Muslims should take up that responsibility because Allah permitted polygamy based on a societal need which will remain until the last day of Moses a lama told us in the in the last days the number of women were far out exceed the number of men and that that state of affairs is gradually developing tariqa or Sufism has been a popular way in the Muslim society are they the way of our prophet muhammad's wasallam what do you think about Sufism another Sufism as it is known today I'm not speaking of those people in the early generation after the time of problems assalam students of the Companions etc who were known for their aesthetics ISM that they used to avoid accumulation of wealth and live very simple lives etc etc who some people have identified and used this name Sufi to apply to them I'm not speaking of these people other who lived aesthetic lives to whom this label has been placed I'm talking about those people today and those who are a product of the period of time in which Greek philosophy philosophical ideas about mysticism etc became incorporated in Islamic teachings and cloaked by Islamic terminology and presented to people as the mystical way this mystical way for the most part is not in keeping with the way of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu solemn the most glaring example to me is that of the whirling dervishes you know of Turkey they're very famous they perform on stages in Europe and you know European non-muslims clapping for them everything else they claim wearing a big long turbo Shin men wearing skirts like women and putting one hand down one hand up and spinning in circles right you know that this is a form of remembrance of Allah no we say where did this come from there is no record of Prophet Muhammad SAW sallam doing this spinning around in circles him and his companions this is it is done it's really absurd really but this is a classical example you know of what Sufism represents today and this has nothing to do with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad's assalam at all yes there is a stress on the remembrance of Allah it is the essence the foundation of taqwa and you know proverbs assalam said that the whole of this world is cursed at dunya maluna mother who non mafia allah the cruel law the whole of this world is cursed except for the remembrance of Allah well my Allah whatever helps us in that remembrance well I lament elimi the scholar and the student so remembrance of Allah great stress is placed on it we know that the teachings of Islam all strive to establish in us that consciousness of Allah because it's the essence of righteousness but the way of remembrance of Allah has been defined for us by Prophet Muhammad SAS Allah and it is our responsibility to stay within the bounds that he showed us now we have in the writings this is particular particular of particular significance to me because of the fact that I've come in contact with this particular movement there is movement led by Sher nauseum you know who claims to be the head of the Naqshbandi Sufi Tadeo he's based in Cyprus and he has a lot of followers in Europe in night and America England and also followers in Malaysia the Sultan of Brunei just built for him a 25 million pound Centre in England you know now when we read the teachings of this man contained it is mercy oceans etc his books we find him making claims for himself and for others of being able to be in different locations at different at the same time that he can be in 14 different locations around the world at the same time he can be with you and being in Mecca for from performing Hajj at the same time we find him saying that if you become a true follower of his when the time to die comes and the angel of death comes to take your soul will not be allowed he will be there to take your soul and pass it on to the angels of the next life and when you are in your grave and this is in his writings when you are in your grave when the angels one current nakir come and questioned you in the grave who is your Lord what is your religion who was your prophet he will be there to answer for you and when you stand before a lawn that they have judgment he will be there prompting you giving you the answers what is this what is this but deviation misguidance so all of these systems that incorporate these kinds of ideas we will say is a harm to Islam and Muslims those who claim that the goal of human being is to become one with Allah like a lodge you know who claimed annal haq is one of the major saints in the hierarchy of Sufi Saints who claimed an Ahok I am the ultimate reality and Allah says wahoo al haq and reference to himself virtually pleased claiming he's allah and when he was tried it was put before judges and tried and told to disclaim to take this back he stood up and he opened up his cloak and said there's nothing inside of this cloak except allah and his writings in his poetry at awasum he says that his teachers was a bliss and Pharaoh these were his teachers and he admires it bliss because when he bliss was told to bow to Adam he refused he was a true Morehead the true whole upholder of tawheed because he wouldn't bow to other than Allah and that pharaoh and pharaoh said I'm a rod bukuvu Nala I am your God Most High he was confirming towhee the oneness that there's nothing but a lot so such who would hold these kind of beliefs and all these people have Saints this such have deviated whatever name they called themselves or people called us that whole body is the body of daeviation but as I said there are people and there have been people throughout history who have been labeled and called Sufis or so maybe in their times it was common to use that terminology but when you look into their lives they are not involved in these things those people were in the right path you know we don't deny those who were in the right path whether they were labeled or not when speaking of prophet the prophet you say Mohammed you always say sallallahu wasallam you have to say so lorry will seldom when you mention the names of other prophets it's not a must one may do so commonly it is said alayhi wa salam or alayhis-salam you know may god's peace be on them the Quran instructs us particularly to ask Allah is peace and blessings on Prophet Muhammad's Allah Himself and we are informed by the prophets a loyal Salim that whoever asks Allah's peace and blessings on him Allah will have ten rewards for him there by giving peace and blessings ten times to that particular individual so it is specifically recommended as an act of worship worship to pray for the Prophet some loyal Salaam in this way why as a reminder to us of the central role that he has in our lives not that he is an object of worship because we're not worshipping Him the prayer is for him not to him it is a prayer giving thanks to Allah for the guidance which he brought which he gave us through the prophet sallallaahu summer reminding us of the central role that he has and should have in our lives that he should be the most beloved beloved in that his way is the way which should be most beloved to us as he said for manraja by insanity Felisa Meany and whoever loves a way other than my way is not a true follower of mine so one may also ask a lot peace and blessings on the other prophets it is perfectly permissible acceptable why do muslims pray in different ways to some degree the differences in ways of prayer is attributable to the fact that the Prophet may God's peace and lesson be upon him had different ways of praying in terms of some forms that he did how he placed his feet and things like this at different times which gives us a certain amount of flexibility to some degree it is because of that and that is acceptable one may choose whichever way is easiest or comfortable and do it but there are some differences which are based on practices which don't have a basis in the authentic Sunnah and in such cases those things should be corrected so really one should when one's learning prayer learn on the basis of authentic traditions or narrations which come from Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam how is our time ten minutes well we have many many questions I believe in the Quran as being from Allah the traditions of Prophet of the prophets are assalam I believed to be from men not divine and because of this I choose not to follow them this is misguidance it is true that the traditions of the prophets are a solemn were conveyed to us by human beings but a science evolved to ensure that what was conveyed to us was authentic those same human beings who conveyed to us the Sunnah of the Prophet saws convey to us the Koran so if one is going to reject the Sunnah then that is the first step to rejecting the Quran because it was the same people the Sunnah cannot be separated from the Quran as I pointed out in the very beginning Allah explains that the prophets Muhammad SAW Solomon's duty was to clarify for us the meanings of the Quran if we reject the Sunna then we are lost like Rashad Khalifa for example in America you know who claimed that he was a prophet and he had some followers out there in Tucson Arizona he rejected this ooh nice it was all fabricated from there he started to claim that there were some verses in the Quran which were also fabricated and his wife used to lead the community in Salah and the women and men is to stand side-by-side in prayer you know women uncovered wearing short skirts and because there was no no guidelines anymore you could do what you want to do you know and that's the reality if a person wanted this is the way one of the ways in which Shaitaan the evil forces seek to misguide people by cutting them off from revelation because revelation was both the Quran and the Sunnah asalaam told us Tariq to become a Marine intimacy to Mahima length of the loja bada kitab Allah also nati I've left with you two things if you hold on firmly to them you'll never go astray the Book of Allah and my Sunnah this is critical when a person rejects the Quran allege actually the Sunnah then ultimately what they do to themselves is that they leave themselves open to miss guidance and in fact there's a particular hadith which is found in the sunan of abu dawud responsible solomon said that they would soon come a time when a man from among you will recline on a crown and say what is between me and you all is the Book of Allah so whatever I find in there halal I considered to be halal whatever I find in there Haram I considered to be Haram but the problems are Selim said in the Muharram Rasool Allah and seldom , Haram Allah but whatever the prophets are sallam has made Haram sorry yeah whatever the problems made a Haram is what Allah has made haha why because Allah said my Rasool Fukuyama whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah we cannot make the separation and those who want to hold on to the Quran alone are in fact deviating and heading out of Islam there was a question if a person chooses from different schools of thought is here as he or she wishes choosing the easiest solutions in all cases is this acceptable no we're not obliged to follow any single particular school of thought and we may follow any school on any given issue where it is the most accurate where it is supported most accurately by evidence to choose the school on the basis of what is pleasing to us then this is following our own desires this is not following the school in other words you have something you want to do go looking around through the schools till you find somebody who says ok this is not following the truth anymore not seeking guidance this is a means of misguidance can you please give proofs from each of the four Imams that blind following of the schools of thought is an innovation well actually is a big topic in and of itself because we have narrations you know from both abu hanifa Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi saying Saahil hadith Muhammad's hobby you know if you find the authentic tradition then it is in fact our ways our method and bouhanni if I told his companions not to record his rulings told Abu Yussef don't write down my rulings because today I have a ruling tomorrow I change it you know he was telling them that they should not blindly follow him and imam ahmed maher malik have said similar things now Malik had said for example when he was asked if a person were to follow his hobby in everything that he did would he be on the correct path him a Malik said no unless the companion was on the correct path that is if one were to follow a companion of the prophet sallallaahu is Allah about whom the prophets are Salim said Haruna's Harney the best of mankind is my generation from melody Nia you know then those following them to melody know you do know and those following them he specified that those were the best of generations his own companions were the best they're the ones whose understanding of Islam we should give precedence to however to follow any one of them blindly in everything that he did or she did is miss guidance because they were not perfect they committed errors so we are only allowed to follow them in that which is correct as Imam Malik said you know the truth is one we only follow them in that which is correct oh so many questions and it was about the sahaba well prophet ISA returned we'll cover this on the day of judgment when we talk about features such a session on the day of judgment but the fact is just briefly saying that prophet Jesus I didn't die he was raised up and will return as one of the signs of the last day he will descend and he will be seen descending from the sky and he would lead Muslims defeat the Antichrist and rule the earth and die on earth the word Sunnah has various meetings for example Farb and sunnah from a legal point of view sunnah when when referring to what is compulsory what is recommended and what is disliked what is prohibited the term Sunnah is also used to indicate what is recommended or mustahab man dude these are other terms in Arabic for it which is different from Sunnah by itself which means the way of the Prophet because so our solemn the of the things that he did of his Sunnah are things which are followed for example one other question came here why do muslims grow beard do we have to grow a beard we could include that in this question that the prophets are assalam instructed in no uncertain terms that we should grow our beards men any women who are growing beards are allowed to remove it men are instructed to grow their beards distinguishing themselves from the pagans and the Jews etc now some people refer to this as being Sunnah yes it is Sunnah but it is a commanded Sunnah and since the Prophet SAW solemn commanded it and he didn't give any exception in that command he didn't make any any exceptions wherein he allowed some people not to do so etc then it means that for men it is compulsory for them to grow their beards there are some things for example what she commanded which were compulsory but then he modified it you know with exceptions to make it recommend it for example mento of the iron will do MA for Bahamut woman is Kassala from the slough off but is an explanation which she gave whoever makes wudu and Juma Rama do MA it is sufficient it is acceptable pleasing but if one makes also the complete bath then it is better this hadith clarifies another statement of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon which he said hosts lumati Rajab ala kulli must tell him making also the complete bath on Friday is compulsory for every male or female who has reached puberty so that general command which would normally say is forward from the Sunnah of the Prophet assalam is modified to something which is recommended by the other statement clarified where there are no clarifying statements when a commandment is given by the Prophet some of our assalam we have to take that commandment as being a commode compulsory commandment so the Sunnah includes things which are compulsory things which are recommended even things which I disliked meaning that the problems are Salome informed us of certain things from his Sunnah which disliked as well as informed as things which are forbidden the T sign is up so inshallah we have quite a load of questions we'll try to deal with them in our coming sessions Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh this middle man in LA he was also in Santa Fe Horsham 11 am and where I mean who's oli happy whatever for will be happy whatever song will slaughter her you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 12,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Way, Prophets, muhammad, moses, jesus, noah, abraham, ambiya, messengers, god, qur'an, sunnah, hadith, bible, isa, allah, muslim, bidaah
Id: aVqRgAdzleY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 9sec (5229 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2007
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