Those who speak against Innovations - Uthman Farooq

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people who speak against Buddha or shirk or other evils will face trials and tribulations this is the Sunnah of the ambiya when you don't do when you don't stop evil everybody will love you if you just sit somewhere and make your Salah and make your Dicker and read the Quran everybody will like you you let people do whatever evil they want you sit somewhere in a corner you don't say anything about them everybody will like you but this is not the way of the Ambia Ibrahim he didn't just sit and make of Allah he even with his own father his own Community stood up against shirk and wherever he went throughout his life he was onto him calling towards the pure monotheism huh now if you look at our examples in the Quran when he when he was living before in the house of Iran he had no problem he could have worshiped Allah all day long he would have no problem but when he stood against Iran then he saw the problems come and he had a life of hardships and struggles before rasala before the prophethood he used to worship Allah he never worshiped idols he was not Christian or Jew he was he was upon the the pure dean of Ibrahim al-islam in the sense that he worshiped none but Allah but when he worshiped Allah by itself go to the Lord pray nobody said anything to him they called him and ameen and they loved him but when the responsibility to tell the quraish that what the Sheikh they're doing what they're doing is wrong came and he started to call them towards to read and forbid what they were doing that that tribe that loved him turned against him and we know what happened in Taif and why he had to make so this is the Sunnah if you want to be upon the way of mustafalaya then be prepared for hardships and then the most pious so this is something you have to be ready for but to me and and alhamdulillah as we've been active in dawa in America we've faced everything we Face everything from physical attacks to verbal attacks to online smear campaigns all of that doesn't matter what are they going to do um you know when he was told to be afraid he said what can they do to me if they kill me I'm Shaheed I get to Jannah what's better than that if they put me in jail this is Allah this is my time to make my brother you know most of the writings that were collected in the majawah but when he was in jail those writings were smuggled out and things and if they were to Exile me they kicked me out they take my Visa they deport me Allah sightseeing it's my vacation you go see the world right so in reality we have no fear if somebody beats you and hits you and you break because of that then you were you were not firm to begin with for us no matter what comes we ask Allah foreign but we as Muslims have to make the intention that we will fear none but Allah people will blame you in the time of sufyan authori one of the people he was mentioning of some of the people of Hadith I mean people who used to narrate Hadith and he said about one of them that everybody loves him everybody in the whole town loves him everybody loves him people of it everybody loves him he said then he is somebody who's never spoken the truth because when you speak the truth and somebody is not going to like you know so what let them not like you let them do what they want we have to think just one thing what does Allah want from me that's it and then we ask Allah we ask Allah for the ability we have to be firm on the dawah and not leave the Quran and the Sunnah and the way of the Salah not for anybody even if your own Community attacks you move to another community if people physically hit you shed blood follow the Sunnah if they kill you alhamdulillah you'll be in Jannah what more Allah may Allah we strive to be upon the right path and call people towards the peace and towards the the Tranquility that Islam gives us in our daily lives and in society and we are firm upon the Quran and Sunnah and we should never let anything else distract us just always think what does Allah want from me that's it
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 2,861
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, AlHikmah Project Keighley, Uthman Farooq, Innovations, bida, shirk, kufr, non believer, mushrik, grave worship
Id: DrDvkrd5z9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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