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citizens of the reject Nation it is John it is  Tara Erickson back in the saddle once again hi   to check out a classic Adam Sandler joint neither  of us have seen the water boy and that all changes   today Tara how you feeling hi hi excellent  me too listen up if you want more of these   reactions if you want more Terra on the channel  send the love in the form of a like leave that   on the video helps out very much also subscribe  to the channel and when you do ring that Bell most certainly ring the bell for us ring the  bell for Tara Erickson's Channel as well as   La eats and drinks which is her online food  Excursion oh yeah baby I'll take you around   Los Angeles Eaton and drinking La eats and drinks  with me go on the journey absolute vodka and hey   before we hop into this one last thing why don't  you join us over at the patreon if you want to   get the full experience of the water boy see  everything that doesn't make these reaction   highlights it is a blast sync up with your  own copy the real rejects we've   got tons of fun stuff over there so without  further Ado let's watch this [Music] thank   you so much Sean something like that cut you  out just pretend like I did it agua hombre [Music] Bayou Blues I have never been to a  swamp oh you should go seeing a lot   of swamps in movies never been to one a  lot of great swamps across the country   comment below with your favorite tell  me the favorite swamps I'll go oh whoa   damn that is a an aggressive title smash from  the outside it looked like it was run down that's how I like to wake up every morning   I'm gonna get a few good hits in before we  start reacting for the day sure sure he does   you've got a good looking football team  maybe good enough to add another national   championship trophy to the old case the only thing  better than a crawfish dinner is five crawfish   okay I'm gonna try and do the rest of the  reactions in the coral fish it's a gold accent nah he's gonna be a hero just you  watch look at this contraption   a plus it's clean it's cold and  that's what I call high quality all right the highest quality H2O what is  it [ __ ] doing here he does a great job   disrupting my football team you  idiot 18 years of this is enough   18 years yes 50 calls for you you're far  oh pretty sure he has tenure by now yeah Cajun County I love me a Cajun sauce oh yeah oh  my God Kathy Bates is in this all right let's   do this got character actors Galore I bet  oh my God that's where I want to go can you   guys please tag where that building is that's  where I want to go now you'll be able to spend   your days at home where you belong I could  try to to get another water board job for a   different team don't you raise your voice to me  Bobby Boucher I don't like confrontations I'm a   Virgo who told you you was a Virgo that that that  girl who told you Virgo's avoid confrontations [Music] I went down to Georgia Louisiana you  seem to be sweating quite profusely   perhaps you might need this services  and experienced water board yes put   yourself out there how old are  you kid 11 12. I I'm 31 years old I bet that was a trailer moment oh God what  is that guy's name he's huge so this is where   they strip the ball from us whoops he  has time to pick it up and dust it off   and running for a touchdown before our guys  even know what's going on David Spade's voice oh no this is Henry Winkler I am inquiring as  to whether you have the need for an experienced   Waterboy on your upcoming season nice suit  there's a flanker lined up to the left once   the quarterback has the ball he fakes to the  left no fakes to the right he doesn't think he pretends to fake huh I don't know where  I am the same hang on here hey come on Prime Time honor boy delicious water it's good this is much  better than what I serve oh thank you I   will do it for free just promise me that  you will never distribute the content of   that drug to any human poison puts hair  on your chest oh hey oh nice oh God they   have to swap it that's good oh wow hey  you know save some plastic yeah okay uh just have the defense run  sprints I'm trying to decide   oh man now we're with that kind of  [ __ ] where are we going this way I'm determined to be able to decipher what he is  saying I feel like okay it's no way what is better   cold that the H2O is purified it's good to use  the heating Source story no my mama always has   better safety than sorry my mama says that too I  don't know Mama's the same uh-huh cooperation I   need it now used to be an assistant coach at  some big football school but he had a mental   breakdown or something seems like he might still  be having it it's a really prolonged breakdown [Music] all of that precious water you're only  hurting yourselves yeah Jagged is out oh my God you're gonna have to drink  out of that dummy check this out yes he happens to be a finely tuned  athletic machine and I ain't gonna   have him hitting the head by some  idiot water ball do you understand me   oh core memory you gotta defend yourself  here Bobby they didn't find it yeah tune   the athletic machine I'm not telling you to go  on a shooting rampage whoa thank goodness stinky they're all going to laugh at you oh yes oh yeah I would be honored if you if you play football for  this team my mama won't let me play no football   you and I want to talk to Mama mama said my  Mama said Mama said Mama Mama say Mama say   Mama [Music] I just love the Devil Went Down To  Jordan as like their establishing music for home   yeah let's talk about Bobby playing football you  see my boys too delicate to be playing foosball   and whatever you call it with them Gargantuans  Gargantuans my husband Robert he decides he's   gonna go and join the Peace Corps if he got lost  in the middle of the Sahara Desert he died at the   dehydration oh you know when I was your age my  mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison   or is it like on his butt I thought he was  gonna show us but mama don't know won't hurt her   yeah I knew it oh my God I knew it you're a comedy  genius I completely forgot that would be part of   the conceit of this like a few minutes ago I  was like how are they gonna make a whole movie we're getting a little old you can share  mine you try it on man see if it fits all   right okay friend oh a dick don't listen  to him no former Water Boy Bobby Boucher   is going to play some linebacker for  us now I want to work with the offense   I want to work with the defense special  teams go with former Fran do some laps I want that to be my internal monologue just on  a daily basis I want you to tackle Casey like you   did Gee yesterday right now right now go does he  know about this does it matter come on Warrior boy like a like an awkward nice hug you know  a physical sport boxing hockey who's your   favorite wrestler insane I'm gonna have to take  Captain insane I want you to do to Casey what   Captain insano does to the bad guy this  captain and say no A Healer face though come on buddy [Music]   I want you to think about all those mean people  they're going to be your tackling fuel we're   going to use them to play football tackling fuel  I want you to visualize and then attack not to add you having a much better day today coach Mr  coach I feel like you could just yell at him   welcome around stupid to do what  your coach tells you no no what all right there we go all right all right  can you do this for me every single game   can you do this oh not only will I do  it for you I at yes yes I'll do it for   you [Laughter] that was that was very funny now  is there anyone here tell me why most alligators   are abnormally aggressive I know the answer  to this question raise your hand anybody oh   mama says that alligators are ornery because  they got all them teeth but no toothbrush oh wow alligators are an enlarge medulla  oblongata that is correct noted   you can tell me where happiness comes from happiness is from Magic rays of sunshine I  come down when you're feeling blue that's sweet   Mama's wrong again Mama's an idiot Mama's right  something wrong with his medulla oblongata [Music] last demonstration his glasses flew off  his head kick off another year of Mud   Dog football with the weight of a 40-game  losing streak on their back 40. wow see   what's great about going to a school with  no football team is you're never defeated   I feel bad about lying to my mama I  wonder what she doing right now [Music] I'll bet you 50 bucks throws touchdown  pass on the first play Clint Howard [Applause] ah clean interceptions you owe me 50 bucks  you said it was going to be a touchdown pass   you crazy [ __ ] I love that they have  the one guy in fake teeth and I think   those are just Clint Howard's actual teams  yeah yes watch where you're going needle   hmm do you want to win like that guy has a  huge medulla oblongata but a not so huge um [Applause] [Applause]   nice sacking them there we go baby [Applause] first  time they've scored in six years dude like guys uh be nice to him I mean  he's making you win games no one's that   mean that long we're tied at seven  with 30 seconds to go in the fourth   quarter on an upcoming play I'll be  playing with your mama tonight 62. like a screen pass hey thank you what the oh so that he could tackle him  was that his thought are you gonna catch up buddy that's some martial arts right there nice  job [ __ ] you just lost us the game would   you please still be my fan no get away from me  okay okay buddy nice blues music down the mood   oh Fairuza bulk just got out of jail I heard you  were playing football yes well I I we live up by   another day we live up by on our day if we go and  get something to eat and catch up on things Mama's   not a a big fan of restaurants or uh of of me  going to one if you'd like on a Sunday afternoon   there's a a a grill with a charcoal biscuit  you want me to come to a barbecue yes that's it   mm-hmm a grill with a charcoal biscuit I  hope you like what I did to y'all lawnmower she's awesome hell's yeah you need  to come do that to my lawnmower oh my god oh no I don't believe in that sort of thing  personally astronomy is one of the many   tools of the devil yes correct yes thank  you for saying that is in the star foosball oh Bobby yeah Roy Orbison can't   they have a catch that gorilla would escape  from the zoo and punched you in the eye what oh my goodness cover best cover what do you  think if Bobby did play football Mitsubishi   I don't think much of you and all your snotty  questions I'm quite Disturbed to see that you're   so interested in my boy I'm very very interested  in your boy oh okay did he tell you about a little   bedtime problem Mama I'm begging you don't that's  a sheep back there oh excuse me ladies I'm gonna   go hang myself oh no buddy no that that woman is  a devil and I want you to stay away from me you   hear me now you come on inside for that little  witch Castle spell on us oh but she fixed his   lawnmower I'm sorry Mickey Mouse such a cool  name gonna fix his heart by the end and it is no bones no bones in that little alligator  the amazing 31 year old freshman set a new   NCAA record by sacking the quarterback  16 times Bobby Boucher is also the team's   Waterboy what exactly are they putting in  the water down at Jackson's Bayou Louisiana oh yeah I bet you feel real dumb right now look  at you switch that burger out for a big old   plate of crow cut to him crying in the corner  mean old man first string quarterback Tommy   Gardner does not have a broken name excellent  that's great to hear her I forbid you to talk   to that enchantress she's the devil uh oh  she's the most beautiful woman in the world   she was the devil the most beautiful  woman in the world oh please don't hurt me scramble on this quarterback though I love you so much Mom I love you  oh I love you too yes finally a nice   football player it's gonna be a big party tonight baby let's go here we go this is that must have been a popping soundtrack  back in 90 whatever feel looser the pressure is   off and that will lead to a lot more victories  yeah that in a Waterboy getting 20 sacks a game   that too that water Diamond does look good  yeah we still haven't had test on amphibians   and reptiles next Friday yes sir oh my best  regards to your Dear Mama oh I see at this   party yeah what are you doing there buddy  and you are so cute is there a girl you're   seeing I I see a lot of girls I see a lot of  guys too I think that's sexy yeah there we go   it's terrible John the gorilla  they gotta catch that damn gorilla not bad what molecule is that I suppose  I had to be moving on if I get you into   trouble tell Mama Mr coach client said  that what mama don't know won't hurt it   maybe we could ride home together in that Porsche  [Music] feels like one of those quintessential   like 90s yeah like her look yeah yes and just  I don't know that like energy it's a Vibe yeah   the 90s vibe that you're like I want to hang out  with her yeah she's got like you know obviously   you got like the craft like she can be the the bad  girl or you know like a formidable character but   you also can just fall in love She's sweet too  yeah because you're interested in astrology and   mystical stuff like that you might appreciate this  water from a glacier in Alaska wow blessed by a an   Eskimo medicine man it's cold yes it's always cold  that that's why it's so special wow that's cool okay becoming a man today it would do I never  did that before that was your first kiss   and I bet it's the first time you've  seen a pair of these oh my oh my   goodness that is another voice for me and I  I appreciate what what you show me right now the devil devil [Laughter] I mean sometimes I just don't know why I'm bother  with you you ain't even a man ah Bobby Boucher is   doing great on the field not great in the bedroom  it's okay by the end water sucks [Applause] now you've done it uh oh he's mad now better not  see one cup of Gatorade Gatorade is the devil   tastes better too idiot you're you're  drinking the wrong water Gatorade H2O it really really sucks [Music]   dude there we go you're learning boy yes he saw  boobs and now he's a winner there is a direct   correlation between the two absolutely it reminds  me just about how special this season really was   you [Applause] you we've got a young man who  has been so vital to our success and a wonderful   friend oh Bobby Boucher hey all right he gets  a little party was this the first Rob Schneider   you can do it thank you so much for being my  friends oh I just want a button that plays that   you fixing to tackle all of us can't get water  love and ask Greg I asked you a question dumbass whoa whoa I saw your head off you can do it  God just head off yes we don't want this to   get physical right client this is not  how ambassadors for the University of   Louisiana's supposed to die so now you just  get back on the bus oh he damaged the coach too   assault with a deadly weapon get her a little  country ass out of here oh dang he's ready   Mickey's the best this is a transcript  South Lafayette High School and Cherokee   Place Louisiana it ain't no South Lafayette High  School in Cherokee Plains Louisiana this is a fake   oh my this is from the NCAA they don't think you  ought to play football no more damn it if you   didn't go to high school Bobby I was homeschooled  I didn't know I needed for as a fake transcript if the water boy's a cheetah don't  change the fact that the real mud   dogs are gonna kick some cougar ass my  dog my dog my dogs my dogs my dogs okay [Applause]   let's go let's go team I also like that the coach  smelt off to Waterboy dressed like a Dixie cup oh he just has to stand there and watch yeah  sad the NCAA is going to allow you to play in   The Bourbon Bowl yes you just have to pass  the high school equivalency test everybody   hates me that's not true oh no that hurt  somebody made me look like a cheater I did it   I did it I did it I did it I did it  what he forged it why because it was   the only way to get you in I came into  my office I went under my desk I cried oh oh boy he's not gonna be cooking chicken anytime   soon 20 years ago we were assistants  to coach Kavanaugh boy was I good   I would write these foolproof plays in my little  green notebook that I had [Music] him look at him   go coach Kavanaugh was going to retire me and  red we just knew that one of us was going to be   a successful splash of color Schindler's  Waterboy that was his green book [Music] filthy Rock stealer are we in all that green  notebook you use right on him football plays   man well I need to show Kavanaugh that  I can come up with some good play ideas through my place I need them [Music] [Laughter]   don't forget to hit that notification Bell friends next day fired me once he had my notebook he  didn't need me anymore and that's breakdown   happened I can't believe it myself I'm so oh  oh god oh I just hate him I hate him I hate him   a little uh Norman batesy over here okay  well you're gonna show him yeah you're a   man on Saturday and I'm gonna show everybody  that I'm not a dummy you got this you both   got this come on now what you reading  for because sitting there all grouchy   mama I gotta read this book and six other  books tonight or else I can't play foot   up toe you planned a foosball behind my back so  I can go to school school you going to school ugh   you gonna lose all your Fenty foosball games and  you're gonna fail your big exam because school   is the devil oh well I like school and I like  football and I'm gonna keep doing a boat because   they make me feel good there you go and by the  way Mama alligators are ornery because [Laughter]   see you learned something and I  like Vicky and she likes me back   and she showed me her boobies and I like them too much but it's good it's all on the table it's  just a 300 multiple choice questions you have   three hours good luck to you sir I remember  scansron's boy there's a small town [Laughter]   that's what the meme is from seeing that as a gift  with no context a thousand times Vicky is the best   dude she's got she's got a memes  under her belt too yeah [Music] come on Bobby oh what your mama got sick this  morning oh she's in the hospital what have I done slowed down version [Music]   she got broken heart because of me everybody else  in this town trying to meet at the job of a hat   mama is the only one who really cares if I live  or die oh she's a faker what hospital allowed this oh my goodness that's a great cut too you got  the house to yourself no you made the hospital   look like home [Laughter] too because  he's like made it look like yeah insane [Music] oh [Music] assemble the Avengers  yeah get them together wow wow yes all right best lives over here getting it [Applause]   wish we had little candles in  plastic cups however they're   actually just shoved through plastic  cups all these folks are here tonight   to tell you that they're sorry and one  of them wants to say something come on   oh okay you're an inspiration to all of us  who who weren't born handsome and Charming it's okay you're doing great [Music] and how much you're playing football  means to this town but she can't hear   you cause she's unconscious oh go to  the window mama do the right thing   mama I was so bad mama you were right about  everything I've been a real knucklehead baby   you should have seen this a long time  ago daddy is that my daddy no no this   guy I dated before I met your father oh  you get on a shirt on his stomach Daddy so handsome who's Helen that's my first name Bobby   oh oh my goodness I'm sure I had no problem  finding work so you can expect my next letter   to contain lots of money oh but sorry no  money yet Nolan's is an expensive city   to whom it may concern oh geez we have Grown Apart  over these last six weeks two loves in my life   big city living and a voodoo woman named  Phyllis oh ciao Roberto ciao I was so   scared you'd abandoned me too I've made  you abandon all those people who depend   on you but I can't hug you to myself no more  because everyone's seen how wonderful you are you're not the devil after all  you go play foosball with your   friends yes yeah Red's got a couple  of solid early rounders out there hey [Music] I know their names they're just not right now   I Sports sometimes Madden no that was not John man  at least I would at least a name better than me kickoff is a beauty [Music] oh you're gonna  run it okay nine yards deep come on [Applause]   damn they're showing no respect  for this team whoa oh boy oh boy   okay touchdown cougars they strike first  all right damn it off to a great start yes yes wow that's awesome yeah where can I  go on one of those Remember the Time   Bobby tackled the referee by mistake about  the time we tackle the guy from Louisville   and threw him into the stance is he supposed  to be like a sling blade parody I don't know harder showed up at halftime minute my  dog's won the bourbon ball you yeah in a dramatic turn of events Bobby Boucher  just arrived at halftime and on a fan boat   Brett his mother drove right into the  stadium that's great right to the stadium   if only we could have seen that water  boy water or boy Rudy Rudy Sports chant it's a reverse nice yeah there we go fumble recovered that's  what I like to see knocked the Boop out of him poop [Music]   oh he's gonna do some play from the green book and  maybe the Henry Winkler will see it and it will   bring him back to life it'll like awaken he'll be  like that's my old play from 1972. [Music] what   is red bow you doing refusing to play offensive  yeah this is bizarre oh red is taking the water   boy out of the game by kneeling down three times  in punting he's going to make the mud offense try   to beat him the way they're playing today that's  impossible ugh that means coach Klein will have   to find another way to out Fox red please come  on think of that green book are you afraid of   Red Bull you [Applause] damn book yeah somebody  not a fatal and then attack that you told me come on get your fawns on that's terrifying oh now this is what we're gonna do he's gonna come  here yes all right we've unlocked it let's go   do this [Music] trick plays going let's get them shovel passes [Applause] [Music] that's what I like to see red  is sending his best defender in as a running back   okay no no sir I'm gonna take matters into  my own hands you'll see bring it to the hole meanie with an ey oh boy sound like a big  choo-choo train he does kind of sound like a train [Applause] compliment of Captain insano yes yeah wrestling  nice call back wrestling saves lives visualize   the ball kick it [Music]   oh yes yes oh my goodness clear out of the stadium  foreign [Applause] yeah live your best life Oh weird play what are they doing  love it dang switching it up [Music] yeah there we go battering around that was awesome [Music]  Red Bull you is steaming there Brad he sees   his perfect season slipping away [Music]  it's called karma Bobby Boucher is now on   the kickoff team last game of the year Brent  can't hold anything back now I know [Laughter] [Music] that was a cheap shot flag I'm not sure  the Boucher is able to get back up no Bobby   he just needs some water oh yes the Glacier  Glacier Water that's gonna save him [Music] that's high quality H2O has a whole ass  Kip up it's gonna be hard to do in football   gear oh boy just need just needed some water  [Applause] you think that up all by yourself oh man oh man back and forth I have an idea  for the last play the offense is going to line   up like this yeah you're gonna be right here  there'll be no tie here today coach Klein is   sending his offense back he's got a new green  book now buddy yours is outdated Bobby Boucher   is back on the field he is now playing offense  we know it's the last game of the season okay   do not bet him get away do you  understand me do you understand   me get in there I'm ready friend  let's do it Bobby all right [Music] cool not Vangelis but but same Vibe  yeah Vangelis circus Sports Center [Music] love it love it is he gonna  make it easy gonna make it it's a cool shot come out [Music]   get them Sticky Fingers well done I do love the commentary there's so much  commentary on Sports is like pretty obvious Professor colonel iest [Applause] he loves his mama [Music] oh all right well deserved you're gonna become  a man good night this is the best day of my life what was gonna happen tonight  you'll see you can do it   you can do it all night long I'm sorry you can Daddy oh he was talking about you being  drafted by the NFL not going to the NFL   I'm going to stay in school and graduate the  hell with school don't be take the money you   and me could be oh she's gonna tackle him that's  great [Music] I hope he gets it from his mama   love it get him and you go on  have some fun becoming a man oh that's sweet crazy belly they  got on his daddy there all right come on you got all the extra horsepower  floor of that thing yeah come on now ah that was cute that was cute that was  that was fun also what happened to uh   the guy in the beginning who was the first guy on  the team to befriend him and be nice to him he we   heard like two things from him in the beginning  he was like here you can share my helmet and then   like he wasn't he didn't say anything at all like  I thought I thought it's going to be yeah but like   why did it later why were they like friends I mean  like he's not like a huge character but he's there   throughout being like yeah you were still like  friends but I was like Oh I thought that he would   have a conversation with him that he would like  he would go hey man like listen like it's gonna   be fine like do this I got you yeah yeah you  know I think he will be like his his prominent   male buddy male buddy that we kind of didn't see  except I guess it was the coach like he serves   he does yeah I guess I just wanted to see that  a little bit you were in the relationship yeah   I just really liked how it was in the beginning  how nice he was he was like the only one that was   like it's fine man we can share my helmet like  I thought that was so sweet and I wanted them   I wanted to see more of their friendship yeah  yeah no I would agree with that for sure I mean   I I appreciated the the various relationships but  like yeah yeah there was a lot I know I don't know yeah Vicki and the coach and everything so yeah  I think like a different version of the script or   blah blah blah whatever but I would have enjoyed  that too so right because I like that guy like   and I I know I've seen him before and I thought  he you know had a lovely presence yeah and he   had one gold tooth which I have always wanted  in my life why don't you get a little tooth I   I haven't I don't feel like I've earned it yet  yeah I feel like I have to reach a point where   I'm like you know like killing the game and I got  like independent wealth to the point where making   a choice like that it doesn't really matter to  the bottom line right you know so right give it   give it five ten years okay and then I'll go gold  I'll give it 20. thank you yeah for handicapping   me yeah yeah but yeah this was a delight like I I  you know like we've said you know what I realized   we made it through this whole reaction with Mary  a a drink of water I feel like we we failed we   should have happened here the whole time I have  my water in my shoe and I didn't drink and there   you go you go you got to make up for the both  of us now but like I missed a good amount of   like the Adam Sandler Classics growing up we just  weren't like a Sandler house and there's always   that debate going back for these movies of what  did you have to be there for at the time and what   just holds up anyway and I feel like there are two  lanes like sometimes they're Adam Sandler things   where I see him and I'm like I feel like I'm  just aware that it's you and it's and then it's   you doing your kind of stick or whatever whereas  I like a movie like this where he is committed to   a character and just you know sort of earnestly  playing the character yeah and uh and so yeah I   appreciate just the kind of yeah just earnestness  he he brings to something like this anyway yeah   I liked also the casting of Vicky I forget our  name but I really like her yeah she's great like   what happened to her where is she yeah I feel  like she still pops up and stuff but there was   that period of time where she was huge right yeah  she was like one of those like it girl like so in   so many things and two with that like edgy Vibe  and everything and I feel like Kathy excuse him   off I didn't get enough sleep dude and I  feel like Kathy Bates was also brainwaters   we're dehydrated we're dehydrated that's yes  dehydrated reaction and Kathy Bates was like also   huge at this during this time oh yeah I feel like  my bra was showing the entire reaction not like a   lot but a little so you know if you saw a bra it's  just I didn't know it was out yeah I didn't know   um it's okay yeah be a very innocent uh viewers  here oh really yes huh they don't even know what   a bra is I feel like they're gonna get mad at  you for calling them innocent uh you know they   can come at me in the comments we're making  it what are the Innocents gonna do apologize run rings around you logically oh yeah yeah it's  one of those movies that kind of lived up to about   you know the expectation I would have had but uh  it achieved its goal it's fun it was delightful   it's got its raunchy elements and sometimes that's  not my favorite kind of Comedy it never really   bothered me here though like you know there there  are moments like oh you got the donkey drinking   out of the toilet that are like a little bit  obvious a little bit like you know haha you know   vague poop joke or whatever but for the most part  like I appreciated the earnestness yeah that's   kind of the word I come back to do you have all  these absurdly mean characters around him and just   like the sweetest ever guy in Bobby and and I mean  part of me got curious cause I'm like you know   they do address at least with him like you don't  have all like the you don't know social cues very   well and things like that and he's got the stutter  and he's got you know his specific demeanor and at   the time I'm like you know I'm sure this is just  like a character that he cooked up but two like   now that we're more aware of psychology I'm just  like curious as to like what people's thoughts are   you know on just the Aging of this character  because again it is played so earnestly and   he is so committed to it right doesn't seem like  it's some kind of flippant like I'm gonna create   this caricature even though there is certainly  height to it yes um so yeah it's like you know I   feel like this a movie like this can exist on a  slippery slope but it didn't feel too tasteless   in being that right like I mean today he wouldn't  be able to make it but like looking at it now it's   I agree with the earnestness yeah right yeah and  like it's there's so many characters laughing at   him but I feel like the movie itself isn't and I  think that's kind of the key like I feel like you   you might be able to but I feel like if you did  try to make this now there would be sort of a   different feeling or a different conversation  to have before clearing this to be what it is   you know yeah yeah a much bigger conversation  versus I think back in the the 90s was this   made yeah right really yeah it's got to be yeah  I mean I don't what is it is this 1998 that's all   it's been a lot of time in 1998 ladies yeah dang  yeah okay and I'm looking here and it says Bobby   Boucher is a socially inept stuttering and  somewhat mentally challenged 31 year old man   and it's like I am fascinated to on just to hear  how people think this has aged certainly given   just again yeah the way the conversation shifts  I and I do think that it avoids being tasteless   because the core of the movie seems like it's  trying to be compassionate towards Bobby and to   lift him up so you know and clearly he's capable  and can learn but also yeah it's one of those   things that makes me curious yeah and two like  I'm thinking back because a lot of these I feel   like I I wish I had my sports brain on better  because like Lynn Swann was in here and uh a   number of other like famous commentators and stuff  like that many of whom are still you know active   and and commentating and whatever today who you  know when I do catch football uh you know sort of   passing through rooms during the season you know  I will see those faces still and hear those voices   so I feel bad if I didn't catch you know this is  one of those movies where I think yeah even partly   through the reaction I was like I bet there are a  lot of like random Sports cameos in here because   obviously there should there must be oh yeah yeah  Adam Sandler had could get whoever he wanted in   the 90s early 2000s to be in whatever movie he  made through that I mean he got Jennifer Aniston   when she was on friends she did not need to be in  any movies oh dang right I mean she didn't I mean   Adam Sandler's great but I'm saying whoever  he wanted to choose from he could get yeah like they dated heck yeah well she was she was  in that the movie and like the uh early 2000s   with him and recently last year she was in another  one for him there they've definitely been friends   since yeah but she's been in a lot of projects  with Adam Sandler he knows how to get the cool   peeps that's right you know people must like  working with the Sandman yeah and I mean too   you got I really enjoyed Henry Winkler in this  I thought he did a nice job straddling the line   again between earnestness and silliness giving  this guy such like a a Sad Sack genuine quality   to so many of the like goofy things they have him  do but also enough that you buy it when he's like   you know kind of getting over this hump with the  other coach that Kathy Bates did a really nice job   and and two like holding down that accent and and  making this character that's like an antagonist   but that you don't fully hate and yeah the way  she comes around like you know there's a lot   of stuff that you could yeah you can predict  about how the movie is going to go it's it's   classic in a lot of ways just the various sort  of random recurring characters Clint Howard uh   you got your Rob Schneider you can do it which uh  which this has to be one of the early instances   of that of them trading that Cameo back and  forth I don't know if it's the first one but   but yeah this is it's a fun time capsule because  I remember people when this came out being just   so much about it and kids quoting it and doing  the Bobby Boucher voice and stuff like that   it's filling in this this part of my my you know  memory that's been echoing for so long you know   yeah I feel like the only character that wasn't as  so corny and classic that you could see it coming   was Vicki's character because she could have  easily been a blonde hot girl that have been   that in my brain I'm I don't know what movie I'm  thinking but just like blonde hot fit girl in any   Adam Sandler movie that's like yay and she's just  like really cute and dumb uh except Vicky had some   like she's like I fixed your lawnmower to have a  V12 engine in it and also I'll kill these people   for you because I just got out of jail which  I adore like I love her character when we look   at it because it could very have easily gone the  other way and not have had as much of an impact   in the storyline like you could have easily just  gone I don't want her to be a cool badass girl   with like dark hair and just out of jail they  could go great we'll just supplement her with   like a blonde girl who's nice and sweet and it's  not gonna change the storyline as much right yeah   um so I like what they gave to Vicky like she  whips out a knife and is about to kill the   coach I just I love that all of those those parts  with her unpredictable for me I did not see those   coming the rest of it was like oh all right once  I realized I can't be playing this like they're   mean to him as a water boy for an hour and a half  right then I was like oh he's gonna play football   yeah after that you're like okay I get I get what  this is gonna be with him and Mom and stuff like   that but Vicky was the one that I was like oh the  stuff that's coming up for her character I did not   predict and I very much enjoyed it yeah they make  you like her and she is distinct from so many of   this so much of the status quo around him and  it has a very different attitude from all the   people around him so yeah it's like even though  she is edgy they do kind of make like an actual   character out of her yeah somebody that you do  want to see open up his world a little bit you   do want yeah it's like you know that could easily  just be requisite and like you only care so much   as like the the immediate moment of the movie  requires hopefully and achieves it was one of   those elements that had a little more flavor and  personality than I was maybe expecting it's like   they're both oddballs but in a in a Charming  way yeah he's so innocent he's so sweet and   naive and and you know he doesn't he's you know  clearly acquiring knowledge and I like that too   it's like clearly he's capable you know clearly  he's intelligent he just needs to be given the   opportunity to learn and uh and so yeah you have  his innate sweetness and then her innate edginess   but still that good nature between them and like  that was yeah that was like a character thing   that was interesting as well as amusing yeah it's  very much like elf except elf I think was executed   uh I lost you know I get where you're coming and  elf was like executed in a totally different way   um but it's very much like you know it's the same  character thing of like he needed some guidance   he wasn't all there right he's like elf and I live  in with Santa and then he meets uh Zoe does Chanel   who's a little harsher and then brings him to  the light and they get married and live a great   life it's like it's a lot like elf which I and I  love Elf so much that's one of my favorite movies it is terrific it is it's probably the  most recent sidebar of all the crew   I can think of maybe one other but like you  know how like in the Canon of holiday songs   it's like you know after a certain point in time  there aren't really that many Classics yeah it's   like with Christmas with holiday movies there  aren't really a lot of like no this is one for the   all-time Hall of Famers you know like the Pilates  here and Elvis elf is one of them one and elf is   maybe not the most recent one I could think of but  it's damn near close it's stinking it's close and   even the other ones I'm thinking of I'm like I  don't know if everyone would agree with me where   I feel like most people would be like yeah elf is  a holiday classic elf Jim carries the Grinch and   um oh what's my other one oh then The Nightmare  Before Christmas is pretty cool yes yeah that   was a sidebar but we went there it's okay I'm  resisting Christmas in July but it's June it's   fine we're like 20 days early John it's okay it'll  be Chris we can do a whole Christmas reaction   can we do it in July sure sure definitely  maybe that'll work better than when we did and I'm like I hope this picks up around  Christmas you know or maybe we can promote   it again in July oh my gosh but yeah Christmas  is July you should wait till the holidays John   I just couldn't wait I just I just could not wait  that's a great movie yeah yeah that's a super fun   movie David Harbor Santa all day every day um but  yeah I want to look out I want to get a list of   of all the the like famous uh players yeah the  Cameo appearances Lynn Swann Lawrence Taylor   Jimmy Johnson Bill coward coward coward Dan Fouts  Brent Musburger Chris Fowler Lee Corso Dan Patrick   Lawrence Taylor Paul that was the Big Show too  was insano I knew I recognized him and I've seen   him since then couldn't draw it to name but yeah I  appreciated that the film was extremely profitable   I mean it seemed like I mean Adam Sandler at  the time certainly seemed like yeah wow one   of the key you know certainly it was like his own  cottage industry him and Jim Carrey I guess maybe   like a Martin Lawrence or something like that  like you know guys who were like always coming   out with these big old comedies and everybody  around me three times a year right like crazy   yeah and everybody all the kids around we're all  seeing them you know it's like it's weird I have   the association just because everyone I know was  watching these movies when I wasn't so I I had to   be part of many conversations of people talking  about the movies and not really participating   because I was just like I can't I don't know what  you're talking about I have not seen such a thing   you know what's funny is that I was in this movie  in 2012 it's a feature film called waking except   Adam Sandler wanted to buy waking he liked the  script a lot and he was like but I can't go like   it's gonna have to be me and whoever I cast right  and uh luckily my my friend who wrote it and then   produced it Skyler Caleb um was like nope sorry  and so it's it's me and and Skyler and magsione   and a bunch of other people Tim Daley's in it  Sam Daly's and Jean Smart is in it hey uh and   uh every time I guess waking comes up I always  just think like Adam Sandler liked that movie he   wanted to make that movie but Skyler was like no  this is my movie like we want to make it but he   went to the the production company that Adam was  with I mean I guess it's Sony and something else   um but happy Madison a thing oh yeah  it does a happy Madison ding ding ding   ding ding to see this is where I don't  come from and Adam Sandler household or   where I'm like oh right yeah yeah  yeah uh yeah it's all good anywho   dang Sandler watches the movie and cries  yeah just once that could have been me yeah yeah yep that's the thing that's happened  crazy story but we still got to do ADR at Sony   Studios because I think Adam was still like nice  well he's obviously nice but I think they still   were able to go through a different maybe an  indie production company maybe through Adam I   don't know but I got to go into a Sony studio  thing to do ADR and that like that bro they're   huge they're so big John it was so cool I bet I  felt super cool then I was like wow I would wow   you are accepted I hated ADR it's the worst ADR  does seem quite difficult yeah and uh it seems   like they didn't have to use too much of it here  there were times where I could hear the digits in the background yeah but but matching lips and  then matching the the tonality of the scene like   yeah I do not I've done a little bit of ADR and  it is a it is it's a beast boy you're like I know   it's me and it's my mouth moving I cannot this  is I don't I can't redo it I can't can't do it   I'm trying and it's never perfect and it bugs  the s-h-i-t out of me I'm like I convinced one   director not to use a Dr one movie with the  scene that was outside and he's like you're   right we're just gonna do the regular we'll  just Juice It Up and I was like thank you so   dude you direct you slightly directed I slightly  did it because I was like listen to the difference   it's not that big of a deal this one is so  much better the fact that you get a little   environment in the background doesn't bother  me that much versus me doing ADR I was like   I'm trying to give you the juice here man I can't  do it the juice Kim couldn't do it John it's okay   because it's okay you tried I tried just like  the water boy he tried he tried all you can   do is try all you can do is try and every time  we cut back to your house Play Devil Went Down   this is an odd show I was like you've got other  music in this way like I I am obviously it amused   me I found it Charming but I was also like did  you run out of music button until you're like   we should just make this yeah just use the [ __ ]  out of this queue that we bought what would your   song be if we went to your house ooh yeah John  give it to us or you could give like two options   yeah it's like what would you choose versus  what would it for like truly be yeah I guess   uh uh for whatever reason we are family comes to  mind if I if I imagine what it might actually be   uh uh if it was me and I was just wanting  my own home establishing music um let's see   um dang that's hard right really hard I wouldn't  know how to because there's every song at your   disposal and you're like I don't want to go with  something like heavy and badass because like   that's not what being at home is like you know  I'm like what's like a pleasant but upbeat song yeah yeah I don't know see the thing is when people ask  you to like name songs then you don't know of   any songs you can that me they're like what are  the I can hear the elements of what the song would   be then I'll get in my car to go home and I'll be  like oh it's these 10 songs yeah exactly you know   it'll just be five four by by gorillas what's your  what's your what's your home music oh I don't know   is there's a song that's like Witchy Woman right  how does it go Joan woman ah you're guessing yeah   I was trying to do like is there like a black  velvet song I love the color black except my   house is very vibrant John I don't know this game  is this question this song and we could Corner the   K-pop boom baby he's got it that's that's the tag  right there that's the Zinger yep but uh I like   the Louisiana Vibes the Bayou Vibes that was also  one of those things where it's like okay we got   this like just because they chose to set it here  we have all these random sort of Bayou flavored   gags and things and all the like alligators  they're eating like they really went to town   on making living in Louisiana it seemed like a a  real back woodsy experience yeah and uh it's funny   because also too talking to to friends of mine who  like live in areas of the South uh I also wonder   how like if somebody from there was to hear like  you know a Cajun accent or you know that that uh   you know that Lou that that that drone that like  very sugary kind of drop oh that's good John ah   dude I do appreciate Joel I don't think I could  do it you got you're halfway there though I'm   trying to I could maybe do Southern but it doesn't  sound like your drawl that you're doing so I can't   I can't do it it's okay study up come back yeah  but I always wonder what people who are like from   around there think when they hear these accents  and if anybody's like really like I bet Kathy   Bates probably like did her homework yeah because  she had like a real again like a real great grip   on that point she also won an Oscar sure right  yeah and I love that she's like game for yeah   for like yeah she's you know she's I mean before  we had character actress Margo Martindale we Kathy   Bates all right we still got Kathy baseball  we're lucky to live on a Kathy Bates timeline   hallelujah oh getting my hands on some nice  glacial water that's right someone's like what   is in that glacier water other than the the  innate chill yeah which alone I mean I love   that that came back I thought that was a fun like  McGuffin thing and two like the whole like yeah   the the the notebook they they threw down on the  Schindler's List slash later on Sin City effective   like we're doing the black and white with the  color yep um but I like the way they used it even   just as a visual joke and you got the afros and  everything using that tool of visualization you   know as something that the whole team can get into  in some ways like he empowers Bobby that way then   he starts telling other players to use that and  then finally Bobby comes around is like you should   use this visualization technique as well it seemed  like something that is it was nicely tied around   for this movie story but also felt like a vague  kind of thing that you might be able to apply to   an actual sport yeah yeah right or speaking event  yeah imagine them all in their underwear that   never works but like in this movie it would it  would it would yeah and uh and water always works   water always good for you the Lord's uh the Lords  yes wine I thought right he's um he turned water   to wine though John I feel like he was just he's  knocking him back and you know that's how he can   I guess he'll Heal the World heal in the  world yeah well guys we are healed by your   presence joining us for this reaction and  yeah leave us your thoughts on the movie   any other movies you would like to see us  check out certainly any other Adam Sandler   joints you might want to see us react to If  we haven't seen him yet uh leave that like   on the video subscribe to the channel and hey  last but not least let's do a little picture Daniel the Gallagher Daniel now  look I know we usually talk about   your pharmaceutical background wow  and whatnot but if there's drugs that's where I was going and I set you up and  you just you just sailed that ball through that   through the field goal yes yeah you saved  it we did it yeah I did it John started a   sports metaphor got lost in the basketball and you  brought it back to football yeah and I appreciate   that and hey I mean I I'm sure being from Scotland  you appreciate American football uh as much as we   do but I'm also sure that aside from all your drug  dealings yeah uh you probably know to appreciate   Nature's Most Bountiful medicine right because  you need that to knock down the drugs water   I mean you've got to put those you don't  want to put dry drug they need to be you know   um hydrated before they go in or after they go  in you wanna that way they're just like moving   through the bloodstream faster that's what  we want with drugs right that's how we do   the drugs I'm taking your advice yeah I am yeah  glacial water I am the water soul for this yeah   definitely and you and Daniel are going to guide  me into a a life of junkitude yeah so hey man   keep drinking that water with your drugs yeah and  stay pledged to the patreon it's important if you   if you run out of you know money for if you have  to choose between drugs and the patreon we hope   you choose the patreon oh oh oh right I meant  of patreon I meant the patreon buddy I meant   either way yeah he's drinking water totally  water I meant to actually say water [Music]
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 134,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the waterboy, the waterboy reaction, first time watching, reel rejects, first time watching the waterboy, waterboy reaction, the waterboy 1998, the waterboy best moments, the waterboy funniest scenes, the waterboy scene, adam sandler, grown ups, grown ups 2, grown ups 3, movie reaction first time watching, movie reactions, movie reaction, adam sandler movie reaction, try not to laugh, comedy, hilarious
Id: bBW1Zz6QOho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 52sec (4132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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