Old School (2003) Movie Reaction- First Time Watching

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teach a [ __ ] class she he said God's teaching a [ __ ] oh my God come on come on he better not hit them what are you gonna do hey ladies [Music] yo what's going on it's your boy WG watches at all and as you guys can see I am back with another reaction but this time I don't know she reaction but my boy Doug so he recommended a movie called Old School um he said this is a comedy I think Vince Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell is in this movie and both of them guys are absolutely hilarious so I'm expecting a laughing to my damn stomach hurt man so anyway before I get started a few guys that knew that go ahead subscribe everybody smash that thumbs up Doug thank you thank you for your donation I'm looking forward to watch this movie I hope you guys are ready let's get to it I'm gonna drive a smack man [ __ ] boy I gotta eat y'all probably like all I do is eat [Music] I got me some this is uh chicken green beans and I put a little bit of hot sauce in it I hope I don't chuck wood these dudes would be hilarious as hell um hell no hell no you can't go if I gotta stay you gotta stay seminar people are playing that too that's why you bring a state recorder [Music] he leaving town that's a suitcase kind of in a hurry too I feel like it's a damn suitcase so he'll be right back okay what do you recommends to your [ __ ] you know what let me out bro let me out as if you can get hurt from the back seat hell with that take your seatbelt off man take your seatbelt off you ain't gonna make it bro now [Music] damn what's this guy name I know he kind of funny he has his moments in movies it's like something to happen that was wine down there I saw that wine down there stuff what are you doing I scared you keep doing what you're doing yeah dude join in pretty hardcore don't be embarrassed teach your turn on I'm so like bruh is this what you there we go there we go but myself every once what the [ __ ] going on what the [ __ ] is this talk hello what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] well do you want me to be honest or do you want what the hell is the time Jesus I'm with you nothing is wrong what was she doing to tell you about this when you're just talking dirty that's being serious what have she been doing what was she doing having a threesome exciting lives in the world wow different kind of sound it's really sexual I'm really sorry I'm surprised he's still there wow he a clown I'm surprised he still are what now okay oh my God you look a little pale Mitch you need to breathe [Laughter] he married a whole Atlanta grows a sexually enlightened as hideous they're a girl like that or Columbus hey I just wanna I just wanna think but she's gonna train ran on her being here it's the best it's not a celebration Franklin okay that's the wedding why would you tell him that after whether he's the best man [Music] do I sound like a happy guy to you Frankie [Music] congratulations to you right now beautiful to join Franklin oh my God he got to see it he got his head he couldn't say it you would think it would be the other guy who killed him don't do it because he got his wife having a goddamn not a threesome but a gangbang to the sound of my Tears look in your right what's wrong with this song [Music] I believe it's you oh I was invited the boy slopped I heard oh the Sun the worst I even say something crazy he look like it tell me about your girlfriend I'm very sorry damn the thing about things uh we had a dog you know what just stop talking please oh my God oh my God oh my God stop it stop it got it listen you know what is he serious inappropriate stop it he's trying to put his hands up like a goddamn dress I knew it he gonna blow it I knew it I called it wait a second yeah if she was being nice he [ __ ] it up how does that still here look that's probably his band he probably brought the band [Applause] oh [ __ ] yeah his emotional asking to speak proud to be here tonight cheers that's great congratulations sometimes you think you have true love and then you oh [ __ ] at home from San Diego oh [ __ ] he used to start venting damn magic show ready to double because I think what my friend Mitch is trying to sell us salute health and happiness at least she was only his girlfriend that's the bright side about that I love it [Music] that boy free is a mess [Music] so he's a double team so what what was up with the wife well the guys girl that came out of the thing blindfolded what was up with that for like 30 years and then wow wow it's awesome damn actually what the hell is that a toaster this model I'm embarrassed thank you this giveaway is good then gonna win gifts he is he got the chill house now a lot of fun but break it they finna live because they've lived through him really adamant about me I have a situation who who's only going to be re-released into them he gonna [ __ ] his house up oh my God dude why are you walking on the goddamn hockey stick you know I think we should probably go Tropical with this thing foam whatever something in here you I'm good either way just need to run them it's not funny I don't know who's worse him or Will Ferrell I got a fresh beer wow damn she's skinny took the restrictor plate off give the ready the damn thing how could junk hey Mike right oh my God nothing much but get rid of it oh honey um I can skip it you changing your whole life whole life but you know what I'll get you're the best exactly what I mean oh with them coming back now do we honey Frank the Tank that part of me is over it's water let's break the tank oh Frank the take huh it must have been a mess God that's so dual crib this is oh my God how did you do this without the speakers I I thought I would be pissed if I was his damn neighbors together that's why he got the house brother eight times a great time good that's horrible there's something yeah he's that stupid phonics up there than a damn KISS concert for a [ __ ] marching you can see the states through there he gonna get plenty of ass that's for show boy but man yo what's up man what is it oh crap so is this what his wife meant about the tank slapped he's gonna get [ __ ] up he Finnegan stopped no self-control I'm at this house all years or just I want to thank you very much for coming he say all your friends oh we we don't know who Mitch Martin is standing by the mini bar you say disease free Now DVD players give a warm Harrison University dog no he don't he got Snoop Dogg though oh damn what oh he got connections so why dig into my pockets on my mind so why start my mission that's uh damn what's his name the guy in the green suit I forgot his name um the Blanket's [ __ ] up oh my God how is he still standing oh my God [Music] [Laughter] Play-Doh what what guy that's me this party's yeah dead boy Nick he [ __ ] naked oh my God so this is Frank the Tank give him come on everybody come on oh my God bro he's so embarrassing look at your bags back get your ass back wheel Farrow is a mess perfect wedding present come on you teach a [ __ ] class what what should I go to a clearly challenge she he said God's teaching a blow job quest get the [ __ ] right oh my God what the hell are you doing streaky we're going up everyone did a sweet naked dude bro get in the car everybody get look she real calm about this she is so calm about this oh my God hey ladies hey oh my God looks like it's a little cold honey do you think KFC's still open oh my God just talking normal damn ah good morning get the hell out of here what the f uck I'm not I just uh did I swear he don't remember I don't think so who we about last night it happened why is she laughing weird place right now bro it's too late for that not a big deal right um it's too late brother thing to worry yeah you're right and uh I'm a real life screwed already he ain't been outside how old is she bye do you say I love you everything from DVD players the camcorders damn they spray paint this crib literally so come on down I see the kid after five great really so he owned his own speaker Store electronic store I mean I still haven't heard hello fire hazards who the hell is he what are you doing man oh he's an inspector he's a house inspector he's so you guys haven't changed much it's Gordon Pritchard oh hey cheese cheese poster one time I got out cool man of course he even get they ass tic-tac-toe something lying around if you want what are you a Jehovah's Witness nope he's a home inspector you can't just do that I've already paid last month's rent what you have a week to vacate the price you live on campus guys it looks like you're doing great I'm confused then he just get the house so I guess the house was in a on a campus think of my office as a nest anything in therapy already I'm feeling a little confused different guy I don't I don't feel for dinner which would see a waitress taking an order and and I found myself wondering uh what oh my God oh my God dude you should have kept that [ __ ] to yourself Underpants panties maybe maybe it's maybe it's a whole body language changed all the good feeling we are okay we are it's okay [Laughter] continue [Laughter] is that that now that I'm married sex with only one person oh [ __ ] almost tells me your San Diego trip was a black look and keep it honest he kept it honest Eddie he tells me that your sunshine and Square from it violates the zoning restrictions was four damn don't throw [ __ ] at me oh that's a girl daughter Darcy this is Mitch Martin oh my God hi nice oh my God it was the slumber party great he banged them balls daughter he's an angel [ __ ] but I can't believe how fast she's growing up we're going to be graduating from high school what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I thought you said High School yes [Music] oh my God that's not funny but it is for at the same day of time [Music] I'm not surprised she kicked his ass out you have a good day not too bad yeah oh uh that's all right everything else oh stuff like you uh run into and uh some other stuff no problem you know what she forgave me about the running through the neighborhood naked it's the talking about having sex with other women ready to look at a return in other words what the [ __ ] apply to both college and Society thinking about a non-exclusive he got what Brotherhood are you serious have no bearing whatsoever yeah from the guy who probably won't he gonna shush him in his own crib and well I was just curious what sort of uh well legally speak to the academic Community as well get nothing big Godfather himself has been coming he sleep 20 feet away dude bro no no yes quick immediately you said good for me that's his house now that's his house nobody how well she didn't he got kicked out too hey that party that we had last night has given us that's genius do not have a good time at the party I had a two awesome time okay I think he had too good of a time he just lost his wife sometimes yeah I had a good time okay that's I don't understand it I don't know why Wow he said we could party every night and even worse month he's get some [ __ ] sleep gotta do it in front of the kid [Laughter] [ __ ] whatever you want [ __ ] balls take them off don't say sorry to me and then he just had a he had six with a [ __ ] a minor man a hard time trying to figure out why I take time wanna go out see the other guys bro no you're not that's not for him that is not for him yes what the hell what the hell all together we picked 14 who's this guy oh that's blue what the hell are you doing are they doing like the initiation thing for the goddamn oh man River won't shut up about it they whipping oh my God and they on campus this is horrible tell anyone about this I'll [ __ ] kill you crazy they no they not it's a goddamn bus stop and every one of you has been hand-picked 21 days but don't you have to be a part of the college strain at this point you mans what the [ __ ] you might also ask yourself is it tattooed dick I have a long piece why is the other end of this string purely to your penis [Laughter] oh my God is your first test Spanish oh [Laughter] sir drop the brick there I want to see you die here tonight thank you sir this is a whole mess bro oh [ __ ] oh my God laughs [Laughter] oh my God [Laughter] damn cream hold up that's Jail uh attire Patricia a permit what uh call them again not the people but the vehicle he's so confusing uh as stupid as they appear they're actually paperwork it's a stupid example I'm sorry is that funny are you are you stand up cop first chapter meeting wow all this for what there he is so you have a putty every single day just making some copies so listen I heard you guys are starting up a fraternity well it sounds cool man can I join I knew it I hate golf makes work with whatever it is I do at home what's up with Goldberg's daughter oh that's all I'm saying is think of think about it he may be loyal he may be loyal killing me you really need to start embracing you got more but you have six with us minor brother I mean hello for me yeah for you girls all day yeah well I don't man chicken dancing at the wedding actually about the wedding I I hope I didn't guess oh that is what is it yeah no that thing's a piece of crap Thomas six months ago please hey thanks that's a nice gesture I think oh wait you're joking around or something he got a damn reputation with my dad for a while until I find something on Sunday we're having a birthday party for him you know just like okay what do you guys like better nurse get the [ __ ] Dolly I have there yeah yeah it was fun oh we awkward I forgot to get a divorce okay bye oh so she ain't changed the voicemail that's surprising it's me uh unless for uh frozen yogurt sometime right bro you blew it brother just stop hey Marissa to a good BJ is folk oh Jesus or just some hot sailor you met it oh my God you're here now there [Music] okay ladies our thumbs ready well she got a big boys and mine the step children oh my god dog this is so embarrassing they need me why do you show up dude [Music] oh my God the goddamn wig on though bro like you will really think that I call Crouching Tiger Hidden penis oh my God see that movie I really like it because of the my video I know this person I am so sorry are you hurt she's smacked the [ __ ] out of him you showed up on the nose boy [Music] it's nice right oh he got that bread I'm sorry me baby he's living by curious to him huh he gets who he got that bread so listen uh somebody told me I mean no it's it's more kind of damn well working out hang out hang out and spank each other I'm gonna put you in the face I have to punch him in the face you shouldn't be disrespectful she's making me dope you drop down why he got on the god boy my work phone and call me come on in here you got a goddamn bathroom and everything but what a day like just uncle Frank's what we got what is it could it be I don't trust it I know it's not that God dang on toaster it's the same damn toaster [Laughter] the same damn toaster nice meeting you here you know what he um seems like a interesting guy he's harmless well and I think I got him a little jealous I mean not in a dangerous way you know you're always with older guys that white snake jeans he's a small ball Reds I'm still pretty intimidated she like him he like her I guess we're not knocking huh what are you gonna do telling me guys don't tell another guys that's uh shut the [ __ ] up punk what the hell are you doing not at all good talk I'll see you out there oh that punch him in the face I don't like him he goes just let it go friend yeah me too what is it what the [ __ ] wow a tranquilizer the beauty ain't you yeah oh my god oh this dude her lies are gone that's what I thought powerful trunk gun on the market huh puncture the skin of a Rhino from a heart I wow wow what D2 deep [Laughter] oh my God I did is this [ __ ] is not cool drugged up wait wait it took a little second for him to fill it though you're crazy [Music] oh my God [Music] he's a clown oh he's a damn clown what is this in a closet somewhere here from the ruin that kids party he gonna ruin it oh what laughs he knocking over the kids and everything who gonna get him they gonna watch him drill dog [Music] is he dying right now you're sweet kiss me we're back in one oh my God bring back the drowning I'm quite an inconvenience for us so bone have the ability to revoke it so the sickest parties I mean Columbia Law School wow oh my God definitely threaten her are you it's Huang I made some um I said I thought it was blackmail army stuff always confusing in together yeah oh wait snitch okay I think you should ain't no code to him well internships are a lot of work you ain't gonna loyalty to him shoot y'all ain't friends yeah listen up yeah if that's okay with you bruh she obviously liked you yeah wait until you she wanna kiss him bad and um call me about dinner I knew it bro dude what the [ __ ] on here I said never we can only buy KY Jelly in the foreign what's all that for it's blue you know what can we talk about this uh k y daily wrestling match this is the home so that's all KY Jelly God damn sexy about that three nothing sexy about that [Laughter] he having the time of his life boy usually I am I sleep at home pulls out you know [Laughter] bro and I can't do yeah right dude you don't care about that that's why you want that's why you're there but uh this way if something happens to my wife I can give you feel stupid bro that's why you were there that's why you're doing what you're doing now the secondary ring off oh my god dude plastic yeah you just got a brand new hip huh people have a good old time boy look at the old man like come on come on [Laughter] I'm okay with it he better not hit them what are you gonna do what what are you doing did he just died [Music] get stuff [Laughter] I just had a goddamn heart attack only for a moment that's ridiculous that is ridiculous before my curiosity at least in his damn funeral that's what old people do they die [Music] oh my God hey on your birthday well you forgot your birthday every day's birthday have you been doing I well she's getting drunk I mean I think we should yeah actually I gotta run um keep trucking you know they're straight strange what he expect I'm surprised she even put out this [ __ ] as long as she did wow last week I stopped by oh something I saw last week the birthday part oh my God well I don't want a young girl oh my God grabbing her and stuff it was disgusting hello uh thinking if you're not too busy wow brother well now it's not really a Time awesome that's hard this has that's his goddamn fault he should have been snitched on a chump it's been why don't you say wrong dude y'all ain't [ __ ] cool I'm buying and took office I Know Who You Are I Am Avi he is the king you are taking okay your pledge has died is that true [Laughter] probably of natural cause wow bro I didn't want to say anything look who it is hey I'm gonna call you I just I didn't want you to worry oh my God I think so it's totally oh [ __ ] yeah yeah really I mean they shut up um we gotta run because we got this prom committee bye this is just a mess committee thing this is a mess that's his goddamn fault though being loyal to the person you don't even cool with I wonder if love oh look now it's locked up he couldn't get to his own house where's somebody's house cause it's on campus put that bad boy up will be expelled from the University for your person he ain't join every moment of that he enjoying that I gotta say a serious situation he got kicked out of school that it is the rest of them are grown is they on the first one sup I kill you take care of this thing okay [Music] he was supposed to be with the adulterer before this is just a a good time for them waiting all semester for you to ask us that off the Record you do this you need code 7A and then facts to this note [Music] and then I need message Donald shine Square Deal yesterday so now I'm trying to do something check them check them sure you're on top of it yeah well I am he liked it carry on see he respect that he don't know he hit his daughter though God damn academics Athletics it was nice to know y'all and I'm not even in school it's in the SE I'm just there for fun I mean what happened in eating built speaker City from the ground up I can barely read look look at him he changed up and you're not even gonna help him out he is he good he's good I guess you're never too old for college huh hit him with some of their tests it should make for a very welcome everyone unfortunately the cat will bring someone else in to fill in for this event well you play a good [ __ ] that's for sure the co-host of CNN's the Raging Cajun Mr James thank you who the hell is it mission of corporate Innovation is very limited America to provide systematic research grants [Music] Innovation human resource development God damn what the hell what the hell what the hell was that [Applause] Mr Carville oh that was perfect got him got him blacked out [Music] what is he doing cheat the following technique bro you reading out loud right in the front row hey Harriet's method of songs oh that's his team Harry's method of such the answer is look they never guessed that though all right Frank let's do it now [Music] I'm impressed they've made this damn far [Music] they look whack though damn Ring of Fire let's go cougars now you're on fire she ain't done brother probably brought the wrong one sorry guys I I lost my damn that boy body red I promise you that your Skin's gonna grow back oh [ __ ] and so we actually have left here they set us back but if we pass six we're in so there we go third with a third degree burn or whatever it is great efforts so far that's right can't have any let me cut that all-around competition and uh rings old folks The Vault competition of course [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you sound like elegant [Music] watch smoking a cigarette or I smoking a cigarette huh hahaha oh my God ghoul's here to spot you oh we we're waiting gentlemen giddy up he was in that move with the uh Jim Carrey is one of the sons full of [ __ ] I love it Pulaski it's listed right here on your official chapter Ross wow it's to a 58 get the hell out of here you serious oh I'm gonna be on now big cat I have no reason because it's a guy who did it bro now you have to how stupid is bird dog and Frankie and look dawg she's smart as hell check it to law school you can't get over on her Bing he supposed to hit him man he even hit him we'll spread out B he slept like a little [ __ ] [Laughter] damn oh my God he is Billy flapped on top of him you're all Witnesses here Crossing me all right I think I see blue Oreos with me it was extra I did good somebody clapping oh he got the tape [Music] I still got it [Music] put this on the front paper too apartment oh good for you oh well let's just say I change you know daddy could change so she knew this I do have show you around really well she wants she wants some pipe you all remember that crazy house for some chips sup yeah that's good enough that's a new thing huh that damn [ __ ] crooked as hell wash thanks well why don't you give me fresh beer also that's the upgrade now yo Doug this is funny dog this was funny man so old girl she said I thought he could change so she knew he was a [ __ ] bag is is that what she meant man because because she did say I thought he could change you know I don't understand why why did he snitch on the other guy because you don't have any loyalty to him like y'all ain't Brothers y'all ain't friends but it's got cold but then you go around and he think he snitched on you and then lie like man that's his fault I don't blame him uh damn uh Will Ferrell dog was hilarious bro he gonna actually tell his wife in a meeting that he think about other women in front of this movie was hilarious man but anyway I hope you guys enjoy my reaction give your boy a thumbs up like share and comment if you're not subscribed subscribe check out my Links at the bottom and I'll catch you guys next time peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Devin G
Views: 20,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old School 2003, Old School Movie Reaction, First Time Watching, Comedy Movie Review, Movie Reaction, Classic Films, Movie Commentary, Old School Comedy, Film Reaction, Movie Review, Entertainment Reactions, Reaction Video, Movie Enthusiast, Comedy Reaction, Movie Critique, Film Discussion, New Viewer, Movie Experience, DevinG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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