The War For The HOLY LAND - Bannerlord Crusader Mod | Part 1

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hey how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel and welcome back to some more mountain blade to a battle Lord today we are diving in with some in the name of Jerusalem too this is a mod set during or just after the third crusade and it is a massive overhaul mod for battlelord changing everything from a campaign map battles Eunice recruitment systems adding in new custom maps and so much more however this mod is still heavily a work in progress and the developers were just kind enough to give me a little bit of access to their build but of course they are still currently working on but I feel like with the introduction of their brand new recruitment system now will be actually a good time to do a bit of a mini let's play on the mods as you can see I'll put my mod list up on your screen as well right now I don't really have anything too crazy just some Banner mods a a few kind of cinematic mods and that's really about it nothing crazy I wanted to kind of keep the experience as in the name of Jerusalem too as I could and today we'll be playing as we Frank Silver Crusaders and not sure if I mentioned this already but we're going to be playing probably around about five six episodes of this which will be our o on the channel over the next week or two and I'll make sure I put a playlist with all of them down below in the description if you're watching this in the far future so we get some really nice cultural bonuses playing as the Crusaders AKA be Franks we get the ability just to go ahead and get more knights in our recruitment system which is very very good we then get the age of the castle which is construction speed plus five percent always nice to build up our castles a little bit quicker as we will be starting with one we then uh also gain a little bit of extra morale and influence from winning tournaments and then finally we can also turn settlements into our culture much quicker than everybody else because in this game you can't recruit soldiers from a different culture you unlock to your own so we'll only be able to recruit soldiers from the kingdom of Jerusalem unless we get some mercenaries however due to all the different factions inside of our kingdom we are going to be actually losing our our armies at a little bit faster and also it's gonna be a little bit more expensive to actually build up and here we go Mr generic uh Crusader man one looking pretty cool uh he's even got a sword on his side ready for action oh and this is actually showing us a little bit new as well as they've actually started adding in a few more flags as well which is cool to see I haven't previously been having had about four or five so it is slowly increasing uh getting more and more of each of the different cultures which is nice yeah adds a nice little Flair to the game if I do say so I mean honestly the fish is just perfect I mean what more could we possibly want maybe let's go for like a white background and a blue fish I like the look of that and here we go me pledging my allegiance to the king of Jerusalem as you can see as well the actual current scene we're looking at is actually a custom keep in the game as well they're going through and then again in custom culture keeps for all the factions right now um so it'll be interesting to see if they've added any more in in this episode uh but again we'll probably find out as we go and Conquer more land there you go I have pledged my Legion and you can see we do start off with a little settlement so we start off with Hebron down down here in the south of the Kingdom basically guarding the southern flank against the ayubid sultanate here again if you have not seen him Eminem too it's a pretty large scale battlelogs but we go all the way up here into the uh the north of the Balkans going all the way through turkey off into the east as well as down the main Coastline down to Jerusalem and then off into Egypt and the map you know is absolutely gorgeous we've done such a great job with all the Aesthetics and yeah it looks really really nice okay so I've just stuck all of my level UPS across via the character itself and I think we've got some Focus points and also an actual point to stick down I definitely want to level up our tactics you might be thinking why I really want to get to this extra horde leader it's that it's just so good 10 plus party size straight away the beginning of the game would be the dream so we're gonna go and leave ourselves with a nice little bit of experience game right there uh we also have an attribute Point as well which is not a ball I did sit down here in Social and then I think of course you have to stick one in leadership you know we do start off as a lord so it makes sense to actually have uh that on our go uh we also can go to our Lance recruitment so how recruitment Works in this game is you have a set amount of soldiers you can drag from they don't replenish until you go and give up the Lance recruitment so again for example I could recruit all of this Lance right here from this guy and he'll give me all of these soldiers I could also I believe just choose just to recruit a couple of them even though I think historically Lance crewman was like you had to get all or nothing so maybe that's something and they will add later on uh down the line uh but yeah as of right now I can recruit all of these guys to my Army which would be nice I'll be super cheap I'd have to pay the upkeep of course but actually getting them I don't really have to pay uh whatsoever and you can see right here the Hearth of the settlement has been reduced so this is how kind of wealthy this settlement is has been brought down because we've taken uh oh do we take all of them or did it just give me uh oh it took all of them okay so as they were saying uh yeah okay I like that I like but I was just saying yeah you used to you know historically if you were to recruit a lance recruitment you would take everybody and yeah that makes sense when you'd have to disband them right here as well okay cool we'll take that we'll take that I also probably wouldn't mind a little bit of water as well seems like yeah we'll grab a couple uh barrels or I guess blast of water we'll stick our European Standard down as a well increased damage against mounted troops that's actually very nice because a heavy Cavalry in this game is like King is Godlike oh we also need to make sure we change a bit difficulty as well it doesn't let you choose at the beginning so we'll change over to battle Lord difficulty right there and then we'll head our way northwards I definitely want to take a look at my settlement see what we can do there um you can see our party fatigue down here in the bottom left as well so that's yeah our party is going to get tied and we're gonna have to rest up here to boost that up and you can see that we also only have two days of water left as well uh so let's head over to our city let's see uh what we can get on so we can hold a feast we could hold a launch uh yeah fulfill our lordship is basically like hearing the problems of a people which is cool again we actually get some Lance recruitment roller Castle which is always nice but I want to come down here into the management I definitely want to probably stick down uh a companion set to sign who's with my sister uh to the the settlement I don't really have much food or anything else we're currently upgrading our Granary let's work on the gardens to so that we can produce more food in general uh then we can add this uh to it later on down the line because that should not take that long loyalty is increasing feed is decreasing but we're helping out there and let's focus on irrigation to try and improve some of the uh the Huff we took away by taking all the farmers next I think we need to head to Jerusalem quickly and buy some food our army is going to be starving very soon hopefully we can get that in time we might have said let's just water here again and we're gonna need more water regardless let's maybe spend I mean it's actually really cheap as well I can't buy it or I can't carry it all um but let's either though we need to buy food as well let's carry I don't know like 44 barrels of water that should be enough to uh Traverse the desert we're five days worth of that left and we'll pop in here and buy some food from Jerusalem okay okay okay okay good this place has food I was looking around uh MBA in Jerusalem and yeah the food hasn't been like generated yet I guess these Villages haven't produced it to then give it to the cities uh so we managed to actually pick that up and actually give us what 19 days of food okay we are we are very good right now so we have a few things we can do right up the bat we can head northwards enjoy that with some of our armies we're of course a war with Saladin and the Ayub insulting it who is by far the strongest action in the game uh they have the 12 000 and then we have about 8 000 however I believe Saladin is finding a few more people not just us which is nice for us even though we are just focusing all on him the byzantines also are an extremely strong faction in the game they have yeah 10 000 so not quite saladin's level uh but you can see how many people they are fighting as well truly up against it uh that is for sure but yeah let's head maybe head north we'll participate in one of the tournaments tournaments and win ourselves a little bit of extra money uh maybe kill some lumos just to warm up and then yeah it's just straight away off to war against Saladin I think another thing we can do as well is we can actually rest up as well um resting up is always a great idea when you do enter a city especially because we have to wait for daytime you'd also see some of the custom events as well so this is currently going on inside the Byzantine Empire there's a whole little struggle for power and you can see some of the cool cutscenes coming into effect which is always yeah a very very pleasant site so uh yeah we're gonna go ahead and wait up here there's a Cuban tribes doing their stuff in bizardium of Bulgaria not really something but I'm too worried about let's get involved in the tournament that is a handful of other stuff you can actually uh fight for as well none of that really uh enjoys it I just want to go ahead and the women be tournament itself because as you guys saw we got a massive morale bonus by doing so we can also uh choose to team up so I can't actually see uh Milo or this other guy right now because of the fog of War system inside of a battle Lord I could team up with my ally or I could try and make sure friends with other Nobles I love this feature in in my name Jerusalem too but I can actually team up with local Lords as well so I can actually start to make a a friendship with another law but in the Kingdom but not necessarily in my armies let's do that let me and Milo we're gonna go for the dub and we're gonna try and uh you know take down the enemy I'll actually get a nice European uh horse farting as well I wouldn't mind but I wouldn't mind bats there's 2v2s right now uh you do get to keep your equipment in the game so you actually start off with your equipment you can also see as well the uh the custom uh the Custom Scenery as well the custom map was very very cool let's head our way down here let's see if we can slice him off we hit him off his horse nice uh however he's gonna get back up I need to avoid that I'm actually not great at dealing with them let's wrap around here see if we can take him off we bounce off his Shields yeah I'm awful at actually dealing with uh dismounted guys so what I might do is avoid him try and maybe Dismount them both and then pull out the mace or we can do this I missed let's see if we can catch for that oh we just came off okay okay that's fine unless one of our allies taken care of yeah I've been knocked down okay it's a 2V1 unless I can get back up they're gonna steal my horse managed to hit him for 12. oh he's gonna just get on my horse that's actually fine because I can hit him again I hit him again and again nice and we took him off so why would I rather would I rather Dismount and take this guy out or would I rather stand and fight also look how cool we are oh god let's block that quickly yeah I think what I'm gonna do because I like Auntie Cavalry this or not no I can't we hit him for 75 though yeah I feel like being dismounted against Cavalry a lot of the time is actually pretty good and if we do Dismount him we can always or we can always uh pull out the old mace and break his armor because swords won't really do great against this uh chain armor yeah oh okay I thought I killed him then but 99 survived one here by there you go we smashed him down Macy's are you know very deadly they tried to kind of balance weapons and the armors as effectively as they can oh and now we get a bit of a group fight as well look at this we've all teamed up in the next round so everybody's part of it it seems like there's like a couple armored guys having a bunch of lowly armor dudes are using our swords against these lowly armored guys it's gonna be the way forward gang it up because you can see look at all the little damage we're doing on this guy we're doing like six damage for free whereas if we whip out our mace and then we're gonna really start doing a bunch more damage double the damage basically yeah and 37 on that guy again choosing your damage is gonna be really important I like this a few other battle on mods have also started to do this as well but they've been adding in like little battle rounds I really hope uh and to see later on down below I'm gonna get a bit of like a War of Nations Clash of Nations I can't remember what it's called but you actually get to like command soldiers basically like a a mini battle or battle that'd be so much fun right if you guys you get to like Commander mini battle inside of an arena they either form shieldable yet the command soldiers I don't have models to be able to make that happen but that would be really fun all 51 damage right there okay me and Milo now in the final round of the tournament this is gonna be glorious let's make our way out they're gonna pay defensive so I'm gonna hit his horse actually managed to hit him as well dude they're a decent amount of damage can get back on his horse of course uh we just ran into him with 71 damage yeah I try to spec my character as well for like heavy nights just to be really good because as I mentioned Cavalry in this game is yeah is beyond beyond strong and I say you go that was a nice not a bad little tournament to go ahead and win up very nice indeed we'll we'll take those we will take those what ourselves a nice little horse but I think which we need a horse uh that's a big upgrade for us and because of my heroic performance at the uh tournament the opinion of uh Ammon has increased as well nice is he the owner of this maybe no that's balen okay uh is Amon the king maybe no no that's not him okay cool I don't know who am on is maybe he was the person I fought against in the tournament because Milo was the other guy uh he was alongside of uh so yeah we also managed to pick up this new horse bonding uh which is better so let's grab that let's grab the horse farting it should load momentarily and nice that looks very very cool indeed uh we can then sell our our uh yeah we don't need bats we can sell up our previous barding could just get two grand but I do also want some horses both are very expensive oh we also leveled up as well from autonomous we've got three more Focus points this is another one in leadership for sure um and I guess I don't really like doing combat stats that much because you don't really need them unless you're gonna be commanding your soldiers and it's not that necessary trade can be interesting getting a point in medicine just to get the first extra you know hit points and also recovering HP so if you win battles you can fight multiple is always good and then are we gonna be our own Steward sure let's be our own story about give us a few extra men in order to start to see a few of the large-scale enemy armies uh we we are gonna need to rest soon um yeah very soon actually there are some more tournaments around I think as well I remember there being one up here in the north uh there are also 25 leaders there but they're gonna immediately set sail so yeah Naval travel is in the game as well I'm gonna tie the need to rest okay so we're just gonna hold up here we're gonna make Camp uh and rest up and and hopefully get our party fatigue back up to full stack and then maybe try and hunt down uh a group of looters because yeah as you can see like we have some decent soldiers uobs are invisible now we have some decent soldiers who aren't really gonna level up much but my lower tiers I would like to uh increase up to the the next rank because they do get a little bit better armor nothing crazy unless that's too dramatically increase as well so I would I would like to uh yeah get that infantry of it to be that little bit stronger uh would be nice let's set by tier really quickly and then by type and then flip that and there you go yeah so these first sergeants again don't really upgrade massively but they do get a bit better armor you know they do improve and they have better morale and stuff oh a newer a new battle right there so his German allies and Kinsmen have governed the provinces uh have headed for great church yeah I think there's a new emperor on the Byzantine Pro with very nice new armor as well I haven't seen my armor before uh so cool another little event popping off I do wish as our our position is now made clear to us I do wish they could make it so oh it's a nice Army let's go join up with that I do wish they could move a lot of these notifications over to the quest log like you used to have in warband it'd be really nice to have another like information thing and I think maybe we will get better because if adding in all these cool animations and events that are happening I think I'd be a great place for it so yeah let's join up we have a 700 man army here moving deep into Anita territory and one of the good advantages of fighting the IU with Sultan in the early periods is that Saladin struggles to mobilize his forces quickly so the Crusaders can normally pick up a few settlements down here in the South a few castles um and before 17 can really mobilize his forces and bring them down and even then he does kind of get picked up around about Tripoli and the other settlements up there to the north however it's only a matter of time until Saturday does start to cut make his way down south and hit us and hit us hard so The Siege is ready sieges actually do take a reasonably long time in this to actually start up the uh besiege Camp Robert gets a lot of artillery I'm not feeling too happy about this assault but we outnumber them so heavily so it shouldn't actually be that difficult okay let's set ourselves up we have a pretty heavy Advantage when it comes to um Manpower we outnumber the AI massively yeah 700 to bed 200 they're not gonna fare too well let's head our way up here as quickly as possible we want to get the ladders up so the men have a bit of an easier time and we can maybe try and hit them before they can even set themselves up thing is the main thing that can do damage and you're seeing in the top right hand corner of your screen right now is going to be that artillery the fact that they microwave just pushed back down God damn it all right let's get on this ladder so they can't push it down yeah sorry uh and correct yeah hurt that hurt that's a lot of damage I also don't want to be the first one up here but the arrows come flying in uh yeah it's gonna be their artillery we need to get on these walls as quickly as possible before they can really do damage oh they're gonna push this down again let's get on it quickly before they can yeah let's just stand until the boys are up here and then as soon as we're up here I can jump off and they can start climbing up I do however have to prove myself to the uh the king of Jerusalem before I can really start to claim myself a member so let's actually maybe go up in the for the first wave and look at the cloth physics and some of these uh these bits of armor they look really really nice I mean we've done such a good job with this mod aesthetically uh you definitely can't uh can't complain whatsoever there's a lot of Sword as well we know that they are you know a lot of lightly armored soldiers not many heavily armored so we're gonna we're gonna obviously find the weapon the best suited to that ouch that hurt dagger able to find the the holes in my armor and yeah right upper back you can see we are doing a lot of damage the nice thing about a lot of the low tier uh Saladin uh units is that they get a little mace weapons a lot of blunt weapons obviously tailored to deal with us Crusaders the soldiers in this keeper it's all low-tier Garrison so nothing to worry about uh at all let's just make our way up here clear out what uh remnants they have here of soldiers help support the men on the ground and deal with that artillery piece that's up here oh my God that guy uh got a shot and almost fell forward luckily being kept in by the battlements I say luckily he's uh he's no longer in this world so that's fine the men are already being pushed back to the keep itself and now we'll make sure we silence this one because you have a custom Shields as well munas which look great keep that Shield up trying that your 2V1 here is not going to be the easiest in the world but luckily we can swing our sword out a little bit faster block that try and go maybe try and hit him with our shield and then stab down okay we'll let him go we'll let him go and we'll come up to deal with this guy I'm actually interested to see how much for mace is going to do on this guy yeah you can see how little the mace does uh hold on he doesn't do end nothing but it does a lot less damage on these lightly armored targets right there compared to our saw blades and there we go Victory Is Ours and settlement has been taken you'd love to see it hard for a battle indeed we end up losing 80 you know 86 men not too bad considering to be militia we're fighting and now we can push them back to the key now I don't think the I even saw has a custom keypad actually can't run yeah no this does look Banner Lord s like azer is I don't know that looks unique and interesting oh yeah again I'm not 100 sure who has custom keeps in the mods so far and who doesn't um because they are you know constantly adding them in yeah I don't know it's hard to say this does look vanilla with some like asset symbol uh which is cool so hopefully we get a proper keep uh for the IU bids later on and I'm sure the developers will let me know if this is or is not uh yeah a custom-made go up we go let's see what's up this all looks pretty unique and interesting to me this is all custom made I actually yeah don't know the delivers will have to let us know in the comments uh up here looks a lot more like yeah unique than the bottom part Let's uh push this guy down the tight corridors getting turned around stab him his dagger actually hitting me I guess you're being a dagger probably a little bit quicker and you'd be a little bit careful here there you go able to bring them down nice good job and the defenses down there we've cleared out the key pretty much now uh they have a couple soldiers you know kind of stationed back there but Victory should be ours into the final stand there will probably hit him back wow he got hit with some pretty big balls we need to be careful though we are kind of low I don't wanna uh go down in this battle if I can help it even though by winning it will remain with 30 because of our Athletics perk and the boys should be enough to just push him there clear out the remnants and fully take these settlement for our own I mean that is a bed Fit For A King I might just take a little a little nappy right here and here we go we also get to meet a few of the Lords as well in the Army so these are also gonna be nice Templars that are in the game as well so they're friending him is never a bad idea we could actually go and I think recruit some nice Templar as well and we took a ton of equipment oh actually I'm interested to see what a lot I mean we can't see that in battle I'm actually interested to see what a lot of the new weapons are as well they added in a whole wealth of extra weapons to make sure water and we also took in uh and and are you insulting at Banner which we can't actually use these are culture specific stuff as well so we can't actually put this Banner on unfortunately uh which you know which kind of does suck okay so the settlement has been taken by us now uh one of the interesting things is you would not be able to recruit from this settlement if I got maybe given it I wouldn't then be able to then recruit from it you can see the Army's moving off now I'm Gonna Leave we're gonna head back to uh to Naples Napolis let's go and then I'm gonna probably head back to my settlement to give off some money yeah I mean this Banner is worth a lot of cash do keep in mind that of course you know item balancing and stuff hasn't uh been done uh at all so far in the mods so yeah just keep that in mind I'm gonna equip this weapon I'm Gonna Keep My Spear and we'll also get rid of that as well have any mules yet no it doesn't seem like it you must only get some more equipment though and other stuff is Villages come in and sell them but we'll take the 9k and then we'll head back down south and maybe recruit some more soldiers our fatigue is dropping pretty low so let's just quickly rush into our settlement you have a minute I need to rest we're gonna head over here and uh and rest up yeah you can also see as well the uh Saladin is focusing heavily in the north staging two of our castles currently up here uh you know kind of really trying to push in his uh his Pro s along here and of course trying to make his way across the Jordan River later on I'm sure jump up a little bit of money here now we have 23k so I can drop 10K here it's gonna really speed up our garden and everything else I might then look to maybe improve the garrisons this was the thing I was actually meant oh God I didn't want me to do that this is something I was actually meaning to uh to mention so we'll give back 11 days and then it was what The Granary which I think has basically done like right if I just do that there's 40 days okay let's do that let's uh do that yeah okay that value some good that looks good yeah so something I was uh was gonna say is I I hope that they do later on down the line add in better Garrison units I feel like for Garrison militia pretty much like as soon as you hit mid to late game it's just so useless and I think having like higher tier militia units would be really cool like giving you the ability to maybe upgrade them or you know go to like proper soldiers and not just militia but actual like proper night units they have to be necessarily as good but still you know kind of at least can kind of go Toe to Toe a little bit with the higher tier units of the game so it doesn't seem like they do slowly replenish as well I guess it does make sense okay just recruit that is that gonna work or is that gonna okay so I can just recruit some soldiers from Milan okay interesting cool then I'll just take a bit of all of this I guess maybe because I already have like bare lances out so I can replenish them that actually does make sense however we are losing Hearth as we do this which isn't good yeah the more about we lose uh the worse it is can we yeah I mean hopefully we add in some more building mechanics here as well so you can actually upgrade these Villages that'd be cool let's can we fulfill yeah let's let's fulfill our lordly duty here and listen to the the problems of the people okay so we have a uh little interesting wandering cattle so it seems like a storm has knocked down a fence and the cannon have gone across to a different farm and we have to go ahead and uh yeah pick on who we want to do we could we could be a bit of a dick and pick the ruling in the neighbor's favor which is where the cows are now because of the destroyed uh fence and he would pay me some overdue taxes uh in quotation marks We're Gonna Roll in the herders favor though they're his cows and I am a just Lord and you can see we improve our relations a little bit the next one we have okay so the next one we can choose a little bit of a kind of campaign to do inside the village I think we're gonna go with labor right that's gonna help out a bit and you can see the number of militia uh has been reduced but we should get more production in the settlement and then we have the oh just the same one again okay let's do more labor I don't think militia is going to be that important again as I mentioned earlier having militia here isn't going to be great but I hope that will help help the Hearth out uh do we have any other ones to do we have another three here so if we click on this oh okay okay so it's kind of cool that the castles provide you with a very interesting and different petitions then say The Villages the villagers are about cattle and labor and stuff like that whereas this is more about the noble causes of the uh the realm so right now we have a uh currently a young lady in our in our service I guess learning the ways of military Affairs and her mother wants her to come home and you know become a lady marry a knight and move on and she doesn't want to and we have a decision to make we can say she can continue on and you'll serve me as a a loyal Knight we can send our home uh to her mother uh or we could obviously say come with me instead but I don't have quite enough charm I love that we have skill checks here for special abilities that's really cool I guess we're gonna send her home uh her apparently her mother is gonna you know use her influence to get at me and I can't afford to ruin my military career for this so we'll send her home she's not gonna happy Prosperity has increased by 400. um that seems quite a lot yeah I mean it basically just doubled it okay my militia has been reduced unfortunately but hey as long as nobody attacks me we'll be okay okay the next one is that we've got a massive Harvest and the soldiers in the Garrison need to go back and help out I think I said we're free to go apparently if we let them go we'll leave them you know we'll reap the benefits of the works just really bump up our settlement yeah you can see our Hearth is uh yeah sorry it's only increased by two not by that much okay cool yeah so the villages are increasing half as well which just means more money more men in the Lance recruitment that seems all good okay but we're losing militia and stuff which you know definitely does suck uh we fully rested okay we could probably rest up a little bit we have enough food to last us and enough water to last us as well seeing the upgrade as well to having some of them decisions you know benefit from good charm and we live up my charm I think it's gonna be a very very good little bonus uh there's a local tournament in the North and then also this is on The Siege we have two armies here so I think what we want to do is we might head up try and join up with one of these armies and engage with Force besieging us over there in the north just past the Jordan seems like the band Lord AI is before going this settlement using it to bait the enemy down as they head back up north I guess to probably try and reclaim the two settlements if they have lost the Saladin already okay here we go able to beat up with the Army is just camping in the north oh my Lord uh Saladin is pushing hard okay we're gonna have to find his army and engage him one of the great benefits of saladin's forces is that he gets like much larger armies than everybody else in the game and that's one of their cultural benefits so you have to be very careful is this Saladin himself sieging this I mean we should have enough men to her to capture him and take care of him no it's not Society is probably a minor Fair holding the line so that's I guess wait up here and we'll just rest up get as much energy as possible and then we'll move in I'm gonna wait for our other armies to arrive as well and obviously rest up as I said and then there's a few Beasts going on as well so I might look to engage that we'll wait till daytime hey well the battle was already over I apologize okay my bad um I was hoping that the battle wouldn't be over and I'd be able to join I still want to fight a night battle so maybe we can take on this Army I doubt if I honestly there's uh yeah there's a lot of soldiers there's probably more soldiers than we can muster and remember the AI can only recruit soldiers in the same way we can so they have to go all the way back to Bear Brown settlements especially recruit them okay let's pull back a little bit however we could maybe double team this 100 stack if uh the Lord outside of the settlement wants to come in uh this could be a pretty good battle for us if we could catch that oh and we caught him as well so one of the reasons we actually caught him because his party fatigue was too high so he couldn't escape us that's awesome I get us fight alongside our new soldiers I kind of do like the idea of discovering people in this game I think it is quite a an intro I mean it's an okay mechanic it can be pretty super but I don't know a lot of Lords but it is also very cool kind of discovering them along the way also as you can see we have some custom maps as well so this is um something they are planning on doing in this mob they're planning on adding in a whole wealth of custom maps to represent the actual tiles of the battles that you're fighting on me campaign map so I'm just gonna try my best to like support my ally in any way I can because we're going to need all our soldiers to in we also have a lot of archers as well so I guess we're gonna fall back and take The High Ground oh my God I gotta say as well this map is just beautiful look at it I really love what they're doing here it's going to create some very interesting scenarios if they keep on uh with this my own Cavalry is back here how much cavity so they have a lot of horse archers and a decent amount of Cavalry as well of their own okay okay let's push up here I think protecting our Arch is going to be a good idea that's going to be a good way to thin out their infantry and then our own cavalry's gonna have to follow me into battle I kind of wish as well I didn't keep kind of my uh my proper weapon now as well I'm not sure how much damage it's gonna do against heavily armored horse archers or 52 not bad not bad a lance probably with a one shot it though if I'm honest maybe try and go in for the kill now every Soldier we take down is gonna be big they are gonna fall back though 2019 but yeah we're glancing up for more heavily armored targets we can probably pursue him a little bit though trying to get some of these they'll probably do a lot more damage against these lightly armored guys yeah there you go we one shot the lightly armored guys The Heavy Armor guys are a little bit more uh tanky than I'm used to but yeah we can really thin out their missile Force here a bit of a horse melee here as it seems like both sides are clashing my Cavalry in their horses I'll take that they want to engage me with their horse arches I'm okay with that we need to be careful not to die and weapons aren't great let's pull out our big old uh slicy slice weapon obviously the speed is gonna be a problem block battle try and get out of here we're actually in a bad situation here might not be losing my Knights as we are getting bogged down we don't have that one shotting power but our arches are raining in as well so hopefully an arrow or two will help out okay let's pull back now there are actually a few horse arches actually in our lands as well okay cool um in our room she should be insured we'll just kind of help prevent that Cavalry from charging in seems that they are harassing us pretty heavily back here let's maybe see if we can get a nice little kill on him only 67 damage that sucks yeah I think the spear would have been a better idea to keep let's move up here bro try and only 71 yeah I mean we've got a lot of wounded enemies I think a spear would have been enough to kill a few of them or we're in a bad situation here I love our shield now we're gonna fall back I think we are very low we've been engaging bear soldiers a little bit too much but as you can see like the green is coming in as they harass us some more and that is going going to encourage them to actually come at us let's just fall back I don't want to go down in this battle Yeah you can see we've got a decent position we've dealt 22 casualties two bum that's fine let's just pull back now there are just kind of you know Levy their arrows at the enemy try and harass them as they come at us I mean obviously getting a BMC is going to be big I'm sure if I will bait them in a little bit as well I'm sure a lot more of them will now come in and try and actually harass us properly uh which is actually fine okay we just lost a very good horse there but I managed to get a nice little uh Revenge kill right there yeah I have a sphere now we should be able to do a lot more damage we are closing in on us as well yeah look at that we're able to like One-Shot their elite soldiers if we end up speed on our horse and we hit him in the head of course okay so they are actually coming at us now their armies have arrived uh so let's kind of fall back a little bit I don't want to be the the brunt of the assault of course let's fall back a little bit in the hill we're gonna obviously utilize our forces as best as we can so let's Retreat up the uh the Eastern country line keep it in our Shield we'll get the archers in a better position to fire down Kelly finally forced the enemy into an assault okay we need to push up our forces uh quite quickly get him out of Shield Wallace push push push arches need to go up I doubt a lot of damage to their Cavalry but our energy needs to get involved in there to help support our main battle Line This is not looking great let's dig down our Lance maybe we can try and pick up a few of them there I think there's another Cavalry down charger infant Gene now I dealt with a lot of vocabulary I've killed I don't know about 10 20 of them but yeah winning the actual overall battle is going to be important over their reinforcements can help out obviously we'll block any assault and it looks like I'll running already that's not good my mg are now just entering The Fray I don't know if there's going to be enough but they still have plenty of infantry make our way through here that's my horse down that's not good I'm being surrounded okay it is this and that ladies and gentlemen is what I like to call a good old tactical crash right there uh yeah we got lucky the game crashed uh in the midst of battle I wanted to leave that invo because it was a pretty cool battle to kind of lead up to it unfortunately my bacon was absolutely saved by that so I'm gonna take it uh we had a little bit more recruitment so yeah we're a bit further back I think we're back here just after we've finished up the uh the the petitions for the lordship down here so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna recruit up some more uh soldiers though I want definitely want some more nights so we'll grab them and the Falcons as well now the question is is it gonna recruit everybody no it doesn't okay good interesting I can choose what I picked uh we probably also want we want some more mounted Sergeant to go into that I mean the Cavalry is so good also some more crossbows it's not a bad idea uh we have yeah we'll just recruit that we're a little bit over our limit but temporary keep your troops but after some time they'll quickly abandon your party uh you'll also be slowing down okay and that's fine again hurling behalf of the settlement but that's not too bad there's still plenty of farmers there ready to do their thing and now we're up to full strength our army is actually still worship still making money okay good okay good I guess we're gonna head back North but for now that is where we're gonna end the episode again we'll utilize that crash to uh in our advantage I guess and we'll head north and hopefully I should get involved in this battle as they do see just over here uh for some interesting engagements so yeah if you guys are enjoying this please do drop a like and a comment down below it really does help out a ton so we know you guys want to see more of this on the channel again of course go check out the mod itself I'll leave a link to my Discord Down Below in the description and let me know if there's anything else you want to specifically see from the mod whilst we play and yeah I'll see you guys in the next one thank you guys so much for watching and fish out
Channel: Jackie Fish
Views: 110,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord, in the name of jerusalem 2, bannerlord mod 2023, jackie fish bannerlord mods, mount and blade, bannerlord update, bannerlord mod, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord mods, bannerlord best mods, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, jackie fish bannerlord, best bannerlord mods, bannerlord gameplay, jackie fish bannerlord mod
Id: LviQz5IfgxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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