THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN BANNERLORD?! - Eagle Rising Mod - Part 1

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the Roman Empire meets Mountain blade to Bangalore today we are trying out a mod called Eagle writing as a history geek myself words cannot explain how excited I am for this so I don't want to wait around I am going to create a brand new campaign and take you guys Along on this epic epic journey now before we jump in make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe according to the YouTube statistic only around 85 percent of you guys are actually subscribed to me so if you never want to miss a single Mountain blade video you know what to do hit that little red button and make a viking happy alright we are going to jump straight over to the calandrians which are the Roman Empire the calandarin Empire is in Decline even before the suspicious death of Emperor arches the ones United realm was torn by political Rivals today those factions are an open War yet calandrian's endure their methodical study of defense strategy in which garrison city slowed down invading forces until mobile field arm can come to their rescue helps their neighbors stay at Bay I don't even see a downside to that it doesn't really matter we are gonna be Roman so next I already think that the uh randomly generated character looks like a Roman the only thing that I am going to do is increase his height a little bit we're gonna be a a big tall Roman I don't want to go all the way to the Nativity top though I don't think I'm gonna change anything I think it looks cool the only thing that I'm gonna add oh yes a great score I don't think beards uh would really fit though because as you know the Romans usually kept a clean shaven face so this right here is a Roman chap so instead of actually reading or what I was born into I'm gonna look at my Vigor hair I want to get my two I want to get my one-handed up as much as possible so let's see oh wow look at that look at that though does that just look cool does anything bring that up no it doesn't so I guess yeah we'll do that one because you look cool as a child we were known for our our leadership skill why not so none of this brings up the one-handed though unfortunately although the village Smitty at least it brings up the two-handed and the full arm oh we got this Square Shield though yeah we joined the commander staff yeah I defeated an enemy battle I mean that's any proper Roman citizen should I'm gonna start off at the age of I mean as a 20 year old he just looks like a kid with his dad's armor on ah we gotta be 30. so let's at least try somewhere to recreate the Roman Eagle I think I'm gonna go red and yellow I think that looks cool it even matches what's on my shield all right nice next our family name however is going to be obviously Caesar and our name Julius Caesar the greatest Emperor to ever live oh straight into as well let's go and see if we can educate some troops I have watched a tiny bit of gameplay on this and the only issue that it looks like it's having is that on this page the troops looks quite funny I don't know why they don't load in the correct textures but as you can see on that guy although he's Gray he's just a bunch of lines on his armor but nonetheless doesn't look like they had any available for us I am gonna get some green though uh we have no carrying capacity all right we'll leave it that just stay away from us for a little bit looters well I messed it up some men some great Imperial Roman legionaries oh we even got some legionaries three of those we have enough food to keep us at Bay for 20. wow 20 days all right indeed a week oh now you didn't want to fight all of a sudden fight me if you dare me and scum all right men of Rome forward literally just three nonetheless getting a shield wall ah wait why are you guys all the way all the way there where's the enemy right you know what we'll get closer to him we'll meet him halfway how about that how about that let's meet them halfway meet in the middle right you guys look so cool though look at that and look at me I couldn't even forget myself look at them all right listen lads I know we haven't known each other for a while but this is how we uh creating great Roman Empire all right get in field wall I need to work on that we need to tighten that up don't worry can we tighten that up hey let's go oh dude you see how they switched all right how far away are these idiots here they come oh I can throw it yeah oh God take that yes what did he just throw oh wow that's a nice decoration on it all right Lads this is it this is what we fight this is where they die [ __ ] ready charge [Music] oh no we lost the guy stab him yes ah one lead and we look we did they did actually die as well all right uh we got some uh whatever that is some pants I think I'll skip maybe we can recruit some more you know what we won't be too picky right off the bat there we will actually uh take whatever we can get although I don't like these troops I don't have a round Shield I can't afford that guy and I don't want crossbow men because we don't have the numbers yet so there's no real point to doing it I'm gonna stick with infinity troops unless we have a size you Barbarian scum do you not know who I am I can't even get away we have three wait what oh chicken factory formal wall infantry I'll try and chop them as much as possible come on horsey ah we have to save our men eight and it's not even just looters he's got them Bandits no we took that one guy can I take out this guy too yes okay oh we took out another one come on oh wow this guy's quick oh they took out one more come on if they work together on that guy come on kill him kill him there we go we're nice they all got like big lances and stuff all right that guy's vulnerable oh God damn it come on hey oh no that's gonna take some getting used to we won my brother I will remember you and the down Shields yeah well done oh my days we actually did it all right I thought we were for sure dead there I'm gonna take all that although I can't carry it can I make it to the city though or the village rather and look at that we got some more men and we currently have 17 days until we need uh we need more food I'm gonna make my way straight over to Boston I'm gonna try and set up some of the loot maybe even um catch a deal on a horse hey no troops how's the carrying capacity on one of those you know what I'll skip that one sell all of that you know what I also do no it's only worth 68 okay and then I'm not gonna do it how much is this worth a thousand see what I mean about the textures I don't know why it's so messed up 600 okay so what I have on is not really worth anything Roman bracelets 150. all right we'll get 1200 anyway so we'll see that's a good deal [Music] and why is there no troops come on do you not know who I am prepare your oh my God the women of this world needs to get more birth I need more babies for the great world to come okay at least we got two maybe we can face these about a Betty bye baby I'm right behind you you can't run forever face me I don't want help from you thank you what do you want with us ah not much just uh you know um teach you why you should have never opposed the room Empire soldiers Merry Christmas all right let's see what your Shield will looks like uh could have been better honestly can we do a two-lined shield wall How's that gonna look ah I like what this you guys are working on it I get it oh it's fire oh that's gonna look so cool once we have so many more troops wait you said horses right here oh no it is wait no my horse died I just I just realized I just realized my horse died oh wow George yes at Omen helmet on skilled one of your brothers and sisters no not sisters brothers kill him yes zero casualties well done oh I just cannot wait to get into bigger battles oh even caught ourselves our first prisoner what do these guys turn into what are these guys do they have shields no they don't all right we're going with shielded troops one thing I do want to check out of it however is which other kingdoms do we have here kingdoms uh batana so they're all supposed to represent different you know factions or different kingdoms obviously from uh Roman times these are the barbari oh that looks cool that looks really cool oh Northern Imperium oh wow the northern Imperium what am I currently I don't know I don't think I'm anything really he doesn't load up sometimes with his mods the uh they take a while to load in oh Southern impedium all right not Marion wait hours because I haven't met her no it's not it's a cool looking armor you guys back gotta teach me how to get one of those but in the meantime I'll go and recruit more troops that's exactly what we're gonna do I haven't even filled in my rack set I have 22 troops and I have nine [Music] 12 days left of food as well I need a new horse I need some oh we're dropping by a horse City though A Horse Village I dearly need some horses to carry my stuff as well oh we got some men buy products stamp there there you go [Music] uh we have 1400 I'm gonna buy two of those and then maybe I can have one of these thank you ah you know you guys don't have Saddles though that sucks [Music] I guess I'll head over to the city here see if they have any light saddles for me and some men I would appreciate some men thank you thank you look at that we just gained the level light harness I'll take that we'll take the cheapest thing how about that Started From The Bottom still at the bottom we're gonna make our way to the top you believe me mark my words are they gonna face us 4.9 we're at 5.1 come on you can't run forever uh I don't want to face all these guys so get away looks like we're gonna sandwich though can we hunt down these looters please or these bada baddies sorry oh come on just face us you're just arm let's try yay no man I'm taking all your stuff then if you're just harmless Travelers give me all of your stuff and get on your knees Infantry Merry Christmas let's see if you guys have learned anything Infantry two large ah look how cool that looks already though you're kidding me what bird hold fire all right and never mind fire also the way my dagger works right now were my sword it only um it only like pokes but other swords will slash properly so don't worry it's really hard to get used to those just in poking but it's really powerful yes oh really dude how could you fall to the last guy [Applause] four and three of them actually died as well come on oh well we got a little bit of loot worth a little bit of loose we'll see how much is actually worth once we get into the village oh I forgot about all these bashes yes let's get into Steward see the ship charm Athletics and we'll put two into this so we get some more into writing this it looks like they've changed some of the names of the Cities as well the southern Imperium can I sell off okay it wasn't worth as much but it's worth something I guess 480. so we're keeping afloat right now they they'll all know the great name of yulu sees it eventually though you mark my words mark them down on a piece of paper one more or maybe yeah we'll just go through this Village in Northern Imperium oh that looks so cool though that looks so cool thank you all right 22 troops we also have some upgrades available that by the baddies come once you join our party that's not gonna happen I wonder oh no surrender wow they're strong looking to balance of power hopefully they'll drop us some well-earned loot ah finally I'm able to put them into affirmation before doing anything in fact I like that they spin it around that's so cool hey didn't like that Ninja yeah right in the leg you imbecile oh you stolen the Roman Shields huh foreign oh we didn't lose a single troop I've never been prouder in my life and look at that we got some nice loot as well thank you very much and I'll I'll hang on that on to that for you we got another upgrade in writing full speed increase your charge damage by 20 mounted troops in the information and 10 charge damage increase maneuvering by ten percent we'll do that one these guys face us come on you got no choice all right I guess they had a choice there was like a bunch and I mean a bunch of Bandits out here though so hopefully they're still around now that I am strong man I guess these guys are kind of just like out there we might as well hunt them down problems foreign business with you what was that was that a I couldn't see was that the southern Empire oh 19 by the Betty hey oh I'm gonna test our strength what what looks like the Mountain Spirits have answered our prayers who granted a success in the hunt yeah yeah well guess what you you are gonna die I am quite confident thinking about the fact that we've had such success with our earlier encounters nothing can beat the Imperial Legion once it starts marching oh [ __ ] did you see that oh my God charge kill them all no mercy for these Burberry scum I didn't better it took out a couple of us but not enough that Omen Eagle still flies High among you Wilderness mystery from Rome we lost eight troops though all right we got five Renown oh and we get some nice prisoners and some nice upgrades oh dang it that's actually a lot all right I'm taking all of it and I'm taking it straight to the nearest city unless somebody else wants to face us there's also a completely open possibility but before you do please let me regain my strength don't have to worry about food yet we have 13 days until we run out let's see give me a little bit of a boost oh yes 4.8k [Music] I won't have as many square Shields as possible why just because they look cooler [Music] oh they should band together right come come on you were so close I'm going in and doing this personally I'm a man man on foot forward side by side the wrong way yeah there they are see we can take out another one let's see if we can send them into a goddamn spider oh no it's just insane oh my God that is so broken hold [Applause] I need to get a proper sword hunt them down boys yeah let's go ah we lost four more come on stop dying you imbeciles I pay I paid good money for you oh but nice look at that I'm Gonna Get Rich baby I think I'm gonna hang on to that cheese though man certain oh fresh cheese and beer now my men can't complain surely got another one ooh we wanted to leadership skill another one there we are going to do this one I didn't feel like reading I'm sorry it was right by the village get some more men and then we'll head on over to the city 21 we're almost full we didn't lose four people right I think I had a full Army facing those guys didn't have like 18 I don't think I lost the thing if I did I don't want to know about it look at that 2.7 k what is that visit the smithing Guild no thanks yeah I'll pass that's okay hey I want to hunt down this guy I wanna hunt down this NBC thinking he can just run up on my villages on a Roman village and get away for free 4.7 why am I slowed down prisoners oh I forgot how much is getting me see the prisoners are not even worth it oh there's a tournament going on yes I'd love to do the tournament I want to try out all the weapons all right if we win this tournament we get a white top out of the over mail okay I don't know sounds cool I am just gonna bet like half my fortune on it oh I just forgot I'm not even full health all days [Music] right in the leg right in the shield wait he had more than me what wow you have cool armor dude that cool armor didn't save you though you Noble scum oh dude look at their helmets come on you got this buddy [Music] all right last one what what kind of work is that a one kind of someone with that come on charge can do the couch lands no I can't ah oh come on you're gonna let her back come the horse which help does she have [Music] my days why is there so many Nobles here as well I'm not complaining that just means that winning price is going to be better so wait why did I get the tiny Shield I'm so scared all right when we won situation is you where's me now pal dude who gave me this blunt spear are you kidding me doesn't even have a tip on it yeah that's right you learned your list now didn't you yeah sit down we won look at that let's see how much that is worth though or if I should keep it wait is that the vladian one um we're just gonna sell it yeah it doesn't exist remember all right we can't have any more troops so we do have a lot more money they're already 15K I'm not complaining Athletics we are going to increase your movement speed by three percent and then up that as well what is our Renown oh wow we're almost already clearly taped one which means we can come become a mercenary oh barbari come here you imbeciles back off stranger no I'm not backing off I'm back I'm stepping forward all right romance Egg Factory I know we're missing a couple of people for this too though but nice try Shield wall instead footbed move double time prepare your Spears yeah throw up charge I want to see no casualties yeah yeah nice well done by Kush I was like that's a cool name thank you I'll take all that too thank you still have nine days left of food before we have to worry about that I should probably look for another tournament shouldn't I the tournaments are a good source of money and a good source of fine especially until we can get more people to join us because we are currently stuck at 22. can't all you guys like band together maybe if it posts a small small threat or something we're just armless ah no you're not definitely not just harmless you're not very good at being harmful doesn't mean you're harmless though simple spear Emperor Colossus that's the one I have all right this is all worse give me back my clothes thank you can I hunt these fools down oh come on if you all band together you can annihilate me don't you guys want to do that domestic Raiders come on surely you wouldn't mind a little bit of a fun fight right I don't think their friends wants to join them to be honest man of Rome for oh wow oh wow I missed well I didn't miss but it didn't go through his shield s [Applause] [Music] yeah what you can do huh cute spear yeah come on keep doing it then yeah yep yep yep well done all right nice ah whoopsy Daisy all right one guy was wounded that's not too bad we'll take all their prisoners thank you and all you lose wait what was that nice night I'm happy what I have we'll make our way over to your Miriam hmm can that have been yell Maris before I don't know please have a turn oh come on don't be so boring we saved everything olives I'm gonna keep that oh we can have another Troop thank you I guess Klingons are battered Hideout would also be a good way to go but it's also a very tedious way to go and I don't want to do the TV stuff I've done it too many times why are we so slow get out of here today we increase our speed oh well we're in barbadi territory I wonder what their tournaments are like come on how long have you been chasing these guys are you kidding me how are we even catching up I cannot be bothered to have oh look at that I have those prisoners thank you all right I heard there was a tournament there and I said Roman citizen I feel obliged to spread the good words of the empire nice helmet bro hmm all right one way wants it oh big swords all right it's been a while but not long enough for you guys hey nice skirt bro ain't gonna help me though all right a 2v2 situation I hate these because if my AI friend sucks then I'm doomed luckily he did not well done all right another 2v2 oh nay nay nay yeah let's go the final already we're speed running this oh no I gotta face my friend ah let's see if we're gonna keep the helmet or not where is it here it is trying not to laugh because I don't want to disrespect any cultures but why does it look like a Teletubby I'm I'm selling I'm selling it thanks though oh these guys here are not cool too though not these kids though I mean imagine if there was a lightning strike my guy looks like a lightning rod strong grip we're just gonna go from town to town and see if there's some Gideon tournaments happening because these barbari are way too easy to beat in the tournament they're just too stupid they aren't as smart as us Romans which is why it's like taking candy from a kid there you go another tournament we just need one more influence all right Arena join yes oh oh no I thought it'd be for the situation all right taking out the Archer all right one team out yellow versus blue baby we were outnumbered we were still kicking better be quick with that bow you better be quick here ah you cannot defeat me oh no I don't like the 2b2b2v2 situations how much health does he have oh I like your helmet though bro I got to say one team left where's my friend ah that was way too close I was holding my breath to E2 again oh no my guys got the blue pants on [Music] all right now I gotta fight my friend nice I'll win the a one-handed ax wow I'll be rich after that oh come on come on all right 900 not too bad but that also means that we can have twice the amount of troops thank you we'll head on over back to dome and we'll officially become a mercenary that is my grand plan oh who are you yours is not a face I know what is your name stranger my my name Julius Caesar mark it down I'll see you later I want to make sure that I recruit as many troops as possible though so that's my um my great migrated home in the country man think of me as a strong addition to the ranks and not just as an imposter they'll eventually know my name my name will be written down in history books and talked about over 10 000 years later two thousand years later but for right now we're a bunch of weak in BCS some Roman Cavalry all right well I guess we'll take some of them too and then we're gonna find out where our King is or should we declare for the certain Imperium ah we'll declare for the certain appear so I can marry Eda she's currently in urnia oh no I hope you're not fighting I guess that would make sense but still [Music] thank you thank you she's all the way over there come on come on give me some troops at least wait I want to see one thing first though armor oh oh I want that but I can't afford it [Music] um I wonder if these are even added oh yeah they are okay cool is it better than what I have no it's not so what I have is actually quite good though I mean you have to get quite quite far up here for it to even matter [Music] we also have another upgrade available in scouting add more here to one-handed I really really want a new sword though [Music] that's a dagger we'll take that Gladius I'd say Gladius sword is is cool and it's very powerful but you know it can only stab her or hack with it can't really slash because I want something else at least on the side how far away is wooden now oh my days it's all the way over there oh come on right we have full troops our journey goes on let's see because that's in there has been admit is okay I don't know who they're fighting uh I guess we'll find out who they're fighting eventually let's just get our asses over there real quick we'll be like hey yo hey yo you want to pay me to kill your enemy I'll do it gladly I really want to make some money fast though so I can buy that cool helmet I want that you know that helmet with the feathers on top can you just imagine like I don't know two 300 legionaries just readying up you got the archers behind the Cavalry charging him from the Franks I I am literally so hyped this is so cool such a well-made mod as well and apparently they are coming out with a big big big update very soon so uh we'll see what more they add I think they're adding more even more cultures all right let's see if she's still here though [Music] uh we'll leave first and then check all right shows that scene there so I guess we gotta bribe our way in she's not even here I've been scam Boozled so yeah so you look like you want to be Roman but you're not and how would you serve us wait can he do it too 170 all right I'll accept that all right so I guess he could do the the deed as well which means that we are officially a mercenary look at that making 170 bucks a day and who are we at war with so we are a war with these with this faction okay they're the only ones who are at war with that's good let's make our way over there see if we can take it on maybe a small Noble you know just get just get a little bit of a taste for a for the battle I want to see my 48th men in Full full display look like it looks like there's a village being Raider here maybe we can stop some Raiders but nope we're not we're not no that we're not doing that unless this guy joins me I'm gonna take out some villagers oh whoa surrounded by big armies can I rate a village perhaps I only wait in the daytime though you guys know you guys know me yes we can all right we'll see the horses get him to a nice Shield wall [Music] right man this is it no man of Rome you know what you can escape I heard something in my throat I'm sorry oh what you can expect from these barbarians they are rabbit beasts and they'll fight us to the nail but we we are Rome Rome is power Rome is civilization Rome is order and out here you are Rome now men cook me some nice stew off this battle I'm going to bed just kidding I'm going to the back of the line I'll stand with my man as one of them who are you are you ready no oh damn charge everyone charge a Roman citizen I am Union Caesar today today I make a name for myself running away you cowards hunt them down cavalry well done well done what a glorious first fight 5.9 for now 8.7 influence that's nice I'm gonna make some money off of that I'm not gonna take the prisoners I just cannot be bothered made some nice sweet coin we got some nice sweet Loot and we'll end the ratings we can get out of here before we get overrun and have to eat all our words gonna make my way around there look at that I'm gonna make 340. we're just gonna keep doing this until eventually we can become a vassal for the Roman and then it's just you know a domino effect from there we'll be able to call in Bannerman we'll be able to wreak havoc nay why is he so quick wait can I join your army please let me join your army I want to join a big big battle 457 that's a good army I'll run with you if it's okay onwards to the next fight oh we're gonna Siege all right I never say no to a good old sweet little Siege oh looks like they're gonna do something better though oh yes they are 555 Romans versus 368. anyways [Music] all right let's see if I can even control any of my troops they've been placed out on the battlefield yet or if they're back in the Edison ranks I promise you though my men are worthy to fight on this field uh well I guess they don't really take my word for it do they all right I gotta prove myself oh for Rome ah wow that'd be cool though look at him oh oh wow I don't know why we're so uncohesive oh right in the ass of my horse really why are we in a circle formation boys what the hell this is an abomination oh hold your ground not a single step backwards lads hold the line it's not gonna end well oh you're breaking through Hold the Line fall back we organize do not lose cohesion freezer back up I see way too much death and calamity well my men hey I got killed by a horse are you kidding me oh wow the Romans absolutely got slaughtered this time why can't I remember is it the Byzantine Empire I'm having a brain fart naming these guys let me know down below oh look how cool they look though oh my days look at this guy he's pimped out yeah they annihilated us we've killed a hundred of our troops we had 500 where's like the rest of our men [Music] oh they killed 500 of our troops never mind we're all right here uh that wasn't a that was I don't want to talk about what that was Oh my days really and just let me know I'm just a poor mercenary all right I didn't know what I was doing I was young and stupid and naive I'm still making money though we got our asses whooped quite frankly but then again what was I supposed to do upgrade my stuff maybe infiniments are for 10 less damage that sounds good me deuce Army they look so cool oh all their horse armor looks the same they look so pimped out you can let me go though I'm just a poor mercenary I don't have any money come on I mean the positive side is that I'm still earning money from a mercenary contract although I don't have any men so I don't have to pay anybody you know wait do I actually why does it say one who's that one is that just me oh yeah all right we'll come back stronger you know what the mistake was that I had round shielded troops that was my grave mistake oh wow we actually got away with uh some of our loot though uh can I set that off real quick I don't feel like sticking onto the loot for too long with three men in my Army look at that 25 grain with my troops will last me 172 days damn that's a long time do you have any more Square shielded troops yes you do thank you some legionaries come here wait what was that I thought I thought it thought I saw like an Allegiant epic Legion here we go another one thank you and then we'll do the trade ah 1.9k not too bad I'm gonna take a horse and I'm Gonna Leave You to it yeah no troops to me so I'll just you know make my way downtown I guess I could recruit some of these as well some Cavs but you know what I just want infantry man right now I'm just one infantry man I don't feel like paying 250. per calorie unit knowing that I'm quite vulnerable to just lose all my men anyways wait what are these how much was that oh a T4 the legionary evil cactus yes I know it's not the right way to say it but let me see it I make my own words up sometimes if I don't know how to read it all right 23 out of 48 we're almost halfway there I think we need to buy some more food though but now with more men we have more carrying capacity so it's no problem mate you buy some butter fresh and some grain some Chase there we go we need some veteran case we encounter the butter Lords we need uh we need something to bribe them with we all know they don't need money all they want is butter here we go I mean a good thing about being at work is that they spawn a lot more soldiers Constantine Republic yeah wow they're strong look at that 6 000 Northern impedium Western Imperium is the strongest obviously we might join them later I'm not gonna lie I'm just gonna marry Eda first okay this is my uh my pickup line hey Eda you like uh guys with square Shields okay guess what I got 48 of them yeah I know they're not too like brag or anything I'm just saying I didn't say it was anything uh special I'm just saying that you know I got 48 of them oh come on I need two more you know what I really want to encounter now either a super small Lord or a band of uh overly Brave looters so you can actually see my men in action one more come on yes name but now I can have one more oh my God don't you you're not gonna beat me to it I'm gonna be first yes yes wait [Music] here's where are ya where are you now there I need you [Music] so typical when you actually want the looters they're never here but when you don't want them they're always there [Music] oh here we go there's a couple looters now they're too quick why am I so slow am I overburdened or something I shouldn't be come on oh there we go 36. a lot more yeah hi they joined nice what what were you I want a big Grand battle for tree see this forward oh somebody the team four have golden armor oh look at this you can't be serious and then watch this [Music] oh get it again someone get ready hold fire all right March oh they're even synchronized marching I love how they automatically almost do the studio formation imagine if you have like a lot more troops in uh Shield wall Very thickly American make it to sudo oh we might not have oh just doodle okay that take some time to get into it but nonetheless they did they actually do the testudo that's cool [Applause] so let's see let's see how well the shield works though [Applause] oh you're gonna Escape huh oh you're not no we're not celebrating yet you're not dead [Music] damn son oh wait we got two more oh come on guys don't let him go yes that's what I'm talking about all right they took out 12 we oh we actually lost 10 of our troops uh oh all right not overly impressed but nonetheless that looked very very very cool if you want to see more of Eagle racing right here on this channel you know what to do hit that subscription button and leave lots of love with a like and maybe even a comment thank you so much I do a lot of bad Lord we do a lot of battle Lord mods nonetheless Eminem blink like always I love you thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one bye Roman Vikings
Channel: Petaaz
Views: 121,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord playthrough, mount and blade 2 bannerlord 2022, gameplay, reaction, react, reacting, first playthrough, playthrough, epic, battle, huge, viking, vikings, norwegian, norway, bannerlord, mount and balde, firsttime, 2023, the roman empire, Eagle Rising, mod, modding
Id: OO4Qkk5nE9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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