BEST GAME OF THRONES GAME EVER (in my opinion) - Realm of Thrones (Bannerlord Mod) - Deus Beus Ep 1

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[Music] hello everybody Welcome to a brand new Mountain Blade series there's a few things that I want to talk about before we get started cuz obviously I have not uploaded in a while and I'll tell you why and I'll tell you what this is as you can tell it's not really Mountain blade but it's a little bit different so um I'll talk about it while I go through the uh the culture and what we're going to play as so as you can tell we are playing realm of Thrones Mountain blade uh mod and it's a it's a total conversion mod so uh it's a few massive kind of things I had to kind of go through to get this to work cuz Mountain blade kept updating and R with Thrones is a little bit behind so we are going to go for the veil uh cuz we are a knight we are going to be Noble we are going to be just and we are going to be a good person unlike that bloke right there little little [ __ ] he's a freaking [ __ ] buddy hell don't want to say anything cuz of spoilers but sure if you haven't seen Game of Thrones yet then something is wrong with you and go watch it right now and your life will be better I promise um so we're going to pick the veil so recruiting and upgrading Mountain troops are 10% cheaper so we are going to host the greatest kned army in the whole entire Kingdom okay so we are going to be Veil uh as you can tell as well I'm playing on a PC I used to be an Xbox player uh now I just play that just just for so um and now the PC is primarily for YouTube and playing kind of big games so uh it is kind of a cheap computer so this this may not go well but uh let's create a character because uh I want to show you the the character that we are going to play he is an absolute God and I'll be right back uh oh look at him look at the man himself okay I will not show you the name until we create the character so as you can tell as we are as we are a knight golly uh we have got some points in endurance and a horse riding so that is going to be our priority for a little bit Athletics will be after that of course uh I added also uh we treated people well and had a little bit uh social of En challenges points Paul arm uh I'd rather be a two-handed so two-handed swordsman but po AR I guess that's where it's at uh and yeah then we're going to be 30 as well cuz 20 we don't have the mustache we don't have the mustache so 30 is where it's going to be okay it's it's a good age we get four Focus points two attribute points we also have honest generous and merciful we are a knight so those three traits are going to be key um he's also a bit of a pleb so that bow I can fish that out of a garbage bin uh that string is made out of his hair um as you can tell it's quite long so and just I can't get out the mustache look at and the arrows clipping through his freaking dress but anyway we are going to create a Benner and because he is a knight oh I got a few more mods installed as well which I'll go over very very soon but as a knight he needs a very very slick looking Banner um and as you can tell we have got uh the CC Banner mod so you can kind of see you can got all the uh the Game of Thrones uh things as well so you got Targaryen what is that is that meant to be Stark that's that's crap got ERS you got the Eerie uh the veil sorry and then you got Helly IR that's pretty I do like their flag ironborn bar in uh what's that to tyell then you got the Dawn and then you got the the hand I don't remember what the hand is I don't what that is um so we are going to be finding a very very sick I did have one in mind but I can't see it uh if we go back up I think a past it yeah it's right here uh where is it I want this one look at it it's a griffin or hippogriff whatever you want to call it and we go that one and then that and then oh actually should we go yeah I that'll do look look at him oh sexy man I can't wait all right his family name his family name Shelby Boo and his first name Shelby deuce deuce boo uh we are going to make the difficulty uh H very very hard but we are going to make it very easy and 10% success bonus because why not makes it a little bit easy for us in the end um we're going to save the death for the player hero cuz dece can't die he is Immortal um but everyone else can die in a birth and death of course realistic and everything else is pretty chill now you guys know what the Buddy deal is with this Auto allocate clan members perk we do want that at the start but uh in the future we will create um or we will take that to automatic and all right let's get it team oh I'm so excited so we have spawned in now the best thing about this R of Thrones mod is that you spawn in your actual cultures kind of area I guess um it's it's great I hated spawning every single time at the training camp on Mountain Blade vord 2 uh but thank God that you spawn in the correct area here uh let's see what the inventory is we have some arrows and Bows we on a shitty little horse that's fantastic character we can upgrade our riding we always want maneuverability that's even a word so I put that in uh we're going to put a point in the bow we're going to put two points into two-handed and then another Point into riding going to kind of max out our endurance if we can press done all right and then I want to collect as many kind of kns cuz I just want to show you real quick our Veil where are they my god look how many bloody I definitely went over it didn't I where is it I want to show you there it is I just want oh God I want to show you the Knights of the veil that we want um keep in mind I am running it on a pretty medium to shitty computer so give it a bit of time give it a bit of time it's coming 3 2 [Applause] 1 okay I'll be right back with you when it is open the hilarious thing is that it was kind of Frozen for 2 seconds and when I was moving this mouse I could see it on the OBS but I can't see it on the actual game which is hilarious look at the night of the veil look how sexy he is a that guy would rival dece boo in The Bachelor he would rival him okay uh but let's go back to the actual Veil kind of trip tree now the only bad thing about the veil is that the arch just kind of a bit AIDS look how kind of derpy they look look at look at that look at the helmet but look at the house guards oh holy doly they are just they are just just they are just they are just that it's insane the annoying thing about the veil as well that the house Roy uh kind of line is much better than everyone else stop freezing anyway I am going to collect when this say it's happening again I can see the mouse on The OBS actually I'm going to click up to the right and I'm going to get Ahad of it but okay when this unfreezes I'm going to collect a full party full of pages which is the noble Troop One move there we go okay I'm going to collect a full party of pages I'm going to upgrade them as much as I can and we are going to absolutely destroy it and um being this oh this being my first playthrough on a PC excited um I'm going to try and show you a bit of Arena play as well so uh wish me luck and uh let's get straight into it shall we guys C anyone guys we're kind of screwed um we have 18 broken men running after us let's do it they have not got a chance against Deuce not a bloody chance um we leveled up as well let's level up our bow that's it this is going to be the biggest battle of De Korea cuz it is the only one oh I'm scared 18 broken men so they some of them have shields some of them don't I'm not sure if they throw anything I can't remember Deuce is ready for this oh [ __ ] look at them actually I might just even I wonder if I can how do I there we go bring this down a little bit all the way down cuz I feel like the sensitivity is insane all right I'm actually don't I don't want to fire just yet I'll try and get the oh dear okay none of them none of them throw try and Whittle down the um oh jeez 28 want will down the shields one first so in there in this awkward that was close they're in this awkward kind of run phase where they're running after us but they don't have their Shields up is a bit awkward 28 on the shoulder so if we keep it this distance we should be okay oh can can you just aim for the heads that fantastic okay that's not good we may have to also don't want to get stuck on the anything so I'm bit scared of that if I do this horse will not help us at all there we go shot in the nose somehow survived 81 there we go so if we can use these 12 arrows sorry need do 12 arrows to actually kill as many as we can so we'll try and aim for the ones who already have arrows in their face because if we if we restart we lose they kind of gain their health back which is kind of annoying but that's what you get for kind of cheesing it I guess I go on the rights right there there we go any rocks no so that guy there all 78 damage so we only got four left so let's try and a damn it trying to aim for the ones we have no Health two left or just hit a shield that's fine okay so let's uh let's retreat or not how do we how do we Retreat okay let's just let's just run to the side and um I'll be back when we kind of almost killed him I guess oh all right guys this should be the last one I've done I've retreated about three times I need to get more arrows I need a better horse and I need a better board I need to get some pages oh split the difference I that was harder to do actually shooting the guys themselves so 24 hours left if this is a fool to get his shield out I need to get the shield guys first there you go oh my poor horsey sorry it's just a mule 28 get the shield guys what no no no no no no no no no ah why did I do that accidentally pressed Z okay that was pretty [ __ ] that was a very [ __ ] aim come on Deuce you can do better there we go one of the shield guys I did say this is the last one but if I absolutely sh it there we go if I just choke and then just like Miss all 13 shots here we go and then B lovely and then bang guys this is it okay what are you doing guys I am the best Deuce has earned his name as the best warrior as you can clearly tell right what I level up as so I got four bow and three riding that's not bad that is not bad oh and I got more arrows I will take that thank you very much okay and we can sell this as soon as we get to a town which hopefully will be in like I don't know 10 seconds you know maybe an hour depending on how my PC goes here we go here we go come on SO guys if you want to donate a a decent computer uh that'll be much helpful 66 Pirates I didn't even see that before how does that even why should we oh 45 what is going on oh here we go three pages now uh train troops do we want to do that oh let's fine let's do it I am Deuce you need help Deuce can help uh how many men I don't know who knows uh let's uh oh oh let's get a mule actually want a mule and we can sell all of our crap we don't need let's uh save the grain save the food sell these and then lovely okay so we got a little bit of money and they have no more troops so we could uh they're all heart Z that's unfortunate so what we need we need to come down here cuz you can tell we got the red Village we got the horse Valley Merlin's Cliff New cap keep bronstone and finger Market they're all uh they all sell pages but uh oh baish Village that's cool and but only these two sell them up here so we're going to come down here we're going to go past Shady Glenn and then we're going to go to the horse Valley actually are they part of the veil these guys oh they are oh I didn't know these guys were what about these guys no okay we'll head down to Driftwood and then go down past Shady Glen and such and such so we got a few Veil uh Veil Pages now These Guys these are one of the worst I'll show you how bad these guys are in this battle okay so obviously they have eight we have nine if we capture these fools just harmless Travers oh damn it guys it is night time um what happens if we watch I've never tried the RTS camera before so if we watch the battle oh this could be interesting so we have nine okay keep that in mind oh no eight sorry eight so it's an even battle let's see oh no it crashed okay so one of my mods does not want to work so I will be right back all right team we are back after that I'll tell you what happened uh we went to this fight and I have a mod I did have a mod I was going to I was going to show you guys I was going to surprise you guys but it was a perfect fire arrows mod so when we fight in the dark the arrows turn a flame and it is a beautiful site but unfortunately the stupid mod does not want us to uh have it so we actually going to attack I'm a bit scared of doing the RTS camera so um actually screw it let's do it yolo thing is cu it works if it doesn't work then I might just cry and delete the entire mod again why not sick sick of not having it all right how does this actually work oh they're coming how do I a deuce who's that guy oh he's a page go deuce yes look at him oh yes get him oh who's that okay we have two pages fighting oh that page is going to get oh see how they are so crap go young son oh Deuce you're screwed Deuce you're SC oh player agent is dead all right so see how [ __ ] they are they are the worst unit in the game they are worse than the broken men like I I 20 pages won't be able to kill five broken men they are that bad um we're actually I am going to carry back to the last save um oh I also got a you keep what you kill mod because hear me out I think in a real life scenario so we're keeping it realistic with the realm of Thrones mod with dragons with with dead people you keep what you kill so whenever you fight someone all their loot is on the ground you obviously get the cream of the crop what you pick okay so I have decided to to put that mod in I think I have made modifications if not I'll quickly change it but um I reckon that's a perfect kind of mod that I I like so um it is what it is so if you don't like it then freaking grow up GR up grow up right guys we are back um we have now 15 troops 14 infantry a few of them are recruit um we're fighting as 27 broken men so what I might do might cheese it just a little bit oh God there's 37 there as well I wasn't really watching so uh what we might do is we actually might just um not give any of our troops a chance to come in okay we might do that because without fail they're going to charge in and um I'm not that fast at moving the troops around so uh in the future I will I'll let them come in and they can have at it but for now they are restricted by my skill level this is nothing that dece boo cannot achieve by himself anyway 81 arrows what is the key behind for looking at the oh 27 I can do this D can do this easily need to pick off some of the go they're pretty close oh and I gain a level we also need to make sure we don't run into trees or hit their bloody Shields really oh had I missed that okay so they're at that awkward running stage again which is good which is good we really need a new bow so as soon as we get to the Eerie uh hopefully after this get new bow and we also did level up I didn't didn't look at what we leveled that probably should have looked at it maybe we should have upgraded our force or archery maybe it was our archery I think it's a little bit all right team I will Fast for this battle cuz I doubt that you guys want to watch me run in circles popping off at bloody 833 hit points kit so I will see you guys when I'm down to like the last probably three all right team we're down to our last four these all all of these guys have had arrows in either their faces neck or oh my head that went through his head all their cavities any any kind of cavity I've got six arrows left so surely oh unless that stuff happens we should be good to finish this off very very soon there we go one more head shot or not this one there we go look at that de booze cannot be stopped not even 27 broken men can defeat dece Bru give me four of you boys thank you very much all right and this is what I was talking about with the you keep what your kill so we have 21 makeshift cart Shields I did turn down a little bit uh cuz it does get a little bit op uh it's default is set to like 100% you get what you kill but I've turned it down to around 70 75% and around the same for Noble and um hero loot so let's take all that stuff um and then we can sell it all at the Eerie and then we can hopefully get a new bow and a new horse and just new everything cuz Deuce is not Ked out and he's not what he is meant to be so heading over to the Eerie wonder if I can click on it can I click on it there we go there it is all right we'll head on over here go to the trade option uh have we locked in all of our stuff that we need we have Okay so let's sell everything that we need we get $14,000 um we are going to give oursel a better Mount cuz that's something the horse is just not it at all we also I actually like our um our saddle it's nice and cozy look at cozy looks so if we give ourselves a li that looks like an absolute ass to Buddy ride on so uh we're giving oursel our better simple bow uh we'll actually we'll sell that and we don't need oh do we give ourselves better arrows as well I think we do oh we got oh we got eight grand I reckon we need a better we need better armor so if we can give it give Deuce here we go give him a bit of a thick scarf I hate that freaking hat we are not going to give him this hat whenever it loads um look at that even the even the bloody game doesn't want him to have this hat stupid how does a bandit Cat by the way have 24 head armor that makes no sense there he is there look how much of a Derpy looks he looks like an absolute just idiot uh ooh Royal female puldon you know what Deuce is all about that equality so let's stuff the scarf off let's give him that and let's also give him a leather tunic why the hell not okay so we've got a mounted Desta that's a lot better we still have these arrows we're still going to get 1500 which is awesome and we are going to be done right there okay let's go to the tavern there is no um companions here so one of the one of the mods that I have is that we can we can uh recruit as many companions as we want cuz I want all of them all of them uh cool that's that uh let's head over to all these houses over here so let's see if we can upgrade our troops a little bit ooh broken men here they are you can't run away from De not looking for a fight oh sorry guys it is a night battle and it's only four bre men so I'm actually oh what it would do is I will attack and I'm going to send in my pages I'm going to send in my troops and watch all the pages die and everyone else just survive so it's going to be one hell of a battle okay let's do that and that get them boys I do have bodyguards as well look at this oh that's sick an Aaron Soldier so I want to upgrade all the pages into Knights and then I want the knights to be my bodyguards that's going to be get them boys okay dude if you can't run up that little incline you need to get sent back to the stable son okay so we have a Bor troop let's even get one shot in let's get one shot oh yeah that's one all right I'm sure they're not going to die yeah look at that look at that love to see it love to see it okay and a page leveled up too that's good think they level up into squ yeah they do cool another B troop and let's put them all into house Aaron soldiers cuz they just look the best they look the best I don't care see that's so we didn't get much loot there so it's good I don't care how good the troops are they just have to look just Exquisite we are the most well equipped goodlooking oh yeah look at that Army in the realm Okay so 30% accuracy penalty while moving uh yeah let's do that and then we need 50% movement speed penalty while reloading I don't think we need I think that's more for uh Athletics so if we're on the ground but I think we're going to get to a point where our bows will just be insane so let's go movement speed penalty uh riding and we're also going to do veterinar cuz I'd rather I'd rather do a preventative measure than a Band-Aid cuz that's just a Band-Aid measure so if they die just in case but if you have higher hit points they're less likely to die so we'll put that in let's max out our bow and our horse riding and then let's put two more into two-handed and one more into endurance love it right let's head back on over recruit more pages oh or we can mess up some broken men let's do that and it's in the daylight look at that okay let's attack these fools they have no idea that deu is in this party they're just like oh no it's a Lord but these guys have no idea I'm actually going to go and soften these boys up wherever they are there they are let's soften them up oh damn oh my God we one SH now oh my God yes okay let's take out a few for our boys and soften them up a little bit there we go if they go one at a time that's perfect and then I can help out of boys just oh [ __ ] what about doing that okay I bet they pages I bet the pages died who died yeah two two pages oh freaking Aaron sld okay what oh no no paes died how could that uh B troop I don't give a [ __ ] about that veteran troop no all the all the Bor troops are dying that's not my fault they're [ __ ] a no archers we can get the archers out of the um out of the house Aron soldiers but we don't want to recruit the baren man okay so still we got that and oh iron arming sword that's not bad that sells for a lot all right let's see if we can go find some more B troops oh not B troops screw the B troops and Breen men oh and some oh man one page really um actually let's get some recruits as well why not and we can buy some horses so 1 2 3 all that and then let's sell off our stuff so it's a little bit cheaper I have to sell our iron sword that sucks maybe one more just because all right we actually have to pay that time so that's not good oh here we go 12 brok men let's go get these guys over here hello there all right let's follow these fools back off attack you guys are dead you guys are dead Deuce is going to rip your insides out your [ __ ] and feed them to you okay so same same um let's go soften these boys up actually get them to charge in that's not good come on SO kill kill a little bit and hopefully they trickle off and I can down oh I did not want to do that just don't die don't die just don't die and you'll be fine yes oh we got three pages leveled up and a score guys guys guys guys guys we have our first Veil Knight oh that's exciting that is extremely exciting um splinted arrows that do that does nothing okay we got we got some pretty decent loot there we got some pretty decent loot that's not bad look at our leadership skill now it's eight we also leveled up uh we've got a focus Point let's put that into we're we're actually leveling up in leadership so let's level put the focus point to leadership and we're over here so let's might as well go to new cap oh look at the pirate oh look at what is this all right let's see if we can uh oh Eustace Hunter what are you doing you're letting your entire area just go to Absolute waste for these Pirates that's ridiculous oh it's a there because you have no troops dude why do you have no troops that's crazy that is absolutely crazy there's that many parts in there I might not go down there for a little bit scary let's go to mer cliff and I got nothing oh you douchebags are stealing everything let's head over to finger Market oh that was 20 broken men what are these boys doing patrolling so they're not going after these guyss let's take out these broken men we're not looking for a fight and they joined oh that's terrific uh wa so same deal same deal uh we actually might get our boys to stay back a little bit and I think the bodyguards are actually going to stay with me so that's not good um oh look at him so if we get our boys get all them everyone there we go um forward move over there okay go back a little bit I'll take out a fury is that bodyguard with us oh God that bodyguard is with us oh that's okay so we can just little lays down even if we take out some of that health Shields not what we want not move what are you doing nice move no ask is going to die oh and of course he died oh my God that's so annoying I might I might change it so the bodyguards actually oh de body guards listen to what I say cuz they just don't give a [ __ ] they just like we must protect Deuce little do they know that I do not need protecting Deuce is his own man Deuce is his own Army okay so we're getting nothing but Shield it's kind of annoying I don't want that Knight to die either cuz he's my first Knight I've also got distinguished uh distinguished soldiers as well so if they survive long enough if they get enough kills they can become a uh companion I think it is or Lord companion or Lord I think it's a companion oh I did not mean to kill that guy but I will take it all right I reckon we can get three more so three more kills and then we might charge our boys in One two oh yeah that's not good come on one more there we go okay let's charge our boys in not can you please not do that please and thank you be terrific okay actually let's see if we can split them up a bit so if we do this excellent okay we lost two two troops that's fantastic three troops lost three troops oh I got that went through his huh oh that guy got him okay there we go uh what did we lose we lost two oh we lost two squ oh gosh but we one leveled up lost a b troop and we lost we have any borrow troops anymore I don't think we do yeah you guys it's not my fault that your troops suck dude okay squ all of that we got another we got two more archers we got a knight and another Veil so we don't need to up we don't need to BU recruit the broken men cuz they just [ __ ] oh we got 12 swords that was a good battle that was good okay you can see we leveled up we got two levels in leadership which is awesome uh let's see if we leveled up our borrow I think we we should have here yeah bow and riding so rotating reload speed with bow that's what we want riding we also have party speed bonus from Mountain troops or 20% carry capacity to pack emeralds um student nomadic Traditions I feel like party speed is very important and we're going to have a lot of uh kns as well so let's put a little bit more into leadership we are getting a lot more points than that all right and let's continue on shall we nobody triops it who what is happening all right so 19 Mountain Raiders there that's that is very juicy one Cavalry uh let's also buy oh look at that much more charge speed or damage sorry and a little bit more speed oh not not a lot charge damage actually so only one damage and a little bit more speed we don't really need to upgrade that re let's get we can't really get oh actually we can cuz we got a lot of things to sell so let's get a few more we need to uh start um all this actually let's do this need to start stockpiling our war mounts because that's where we're going to get bottlenecked cuz once our KN start upgrading oh we need to sell those prisoners once our kns start upgrading we will start to struggle with the warms so these guys need to hunt down two bands of brigin these aren't brigin oh yeah they are okay let's s down these guys oh it's night time okay um I might just what do they got I got C okay so let's we'll join we'll quickly join I might even skip over this battle who knows Let's uh oh no that's not what I wanted infantry foral wall let's take out this Cal cuz that C's going to cause a bit of problems oh head shot you know you want this arrow in your face you know you want it come on you know you want it in your face okay so treat doing well there we go H Man Down are these guys just the Ares are are they're coming in clutch I don't know what you boys are doing but I know I'll take it the bman just wrecked them don't give a [ __ ] okay let's upgrade these guys and we don't need bre we need to sell those guys off okay sorry ooh we got oh Northern power free that's good did we get an upgrade on any of oh we did look at that I don't know what the [ __ ] of rocking with this type of armor but let's take it loving it okay we hunted one gang of brins that's one down and um I can can we do this hide out I can we can do it oh maybe not we haven't got any Shields yes we do Lally we literally got tons of shields splinted arrows thick there we go lordly so that and we need a decent onehanded sword so what's that swing damage 57 58 48 okay so let's add in a FAL Falon Falon Falon Falcon Falon I don't even know okay let's put a little bit more oh yeah we need that and we need that and we might as well might as well give our horse a little bit more armor okay so we're a little bit rugged up all right let's go do this head it then head it let's do it let's do it uh we will take the archers we'll leave at the page cuz they they'll just die and we'll take the recruit yes we'll take the recruit y boys all righty so we are going to fire will which one's that it is oh four this is four move to oh no it's not INF archers fire uh hows follow me follow me oh yeah here we go here we go okay so doesn't seem to be that many troops really ha that doesn't seem to be that many troops here at the the hi out oh almost that was scary aim for the fet or aim for when they're throwing oh perfect okay come on come on oh I might ran into that there we go there we go all right so let's head down uh I actually might just I might just skip this until the final battle uh and I'll see you guys there all righty guys we are at the end battle and there's only three of them they're highly decked out that guy they are the same they are twins how come this guy isn't talking huh how come you're the one talking uh anyway so we are going to make our whole party fight them because one this guy didn't stand a chance look at that and oh my God we lost two of them uh we lost oh my God what we lose we lost our it looks like a recruit and a Bowman which kind of sucks but bards uh yeah we did but we got two level UPS in our kns and two squ oh look at that and we got a master Archer too that fantastic so we got two more knights we got a house Aron Archer look that we' got an elite Knight and we got a master Archer oh these boys are getting quite sexy look at that you night so I'm pretty sure these two guys will be our bodyguards um we don't want to recruit the prisoners again we need to sell them off I keep saying it and O don't mind that um infantry axe don't need that are any of these upgrade they are not so let's take them all we head to the Eerie and we'll do a big sell off I reckon big big sell off let's see if there's a a companion actually we won't go to Eerie let's go to gold gold town all right so do a big big sell off uh everything should be okay actually let's first see oh shagger and Maya I don't know who Maya is but know who shagger is I like shager he's like a he does not sound like that in the show at all that's quite funny uh yeah so he is part if you don't remember Shag he is part of the mountain tribes who who capture Tyrion and Brun and then they start the fight in the um I think it's the battle against the north I think yeah where they kill uh Rob Starks kind of diverse diverse diversion I guess all right so we're going to oh yes we are going to take him into our let's sell those prison take him into our party and let's deck him out out so Deuce is already decked out he actually needs a better hat I don't want an Archer helmet that's that's gross none of those in upgrade so let's go shager he yeah he is got the most disgusting armor ever he's also got a really crappy sword so let's put that on that suits him that's what he wears in the show I'm pretty sure that's quite funny give him a good pair of mittens and Boots what's the best armor for him is a little tunic put that on that's kind of what he wears in the show no that is but anyway we'll give him the best and that is oh he just needs a decent cap oh yes right so we can sell those off he doesn't have thick Shield oh no he has a two-handed uh weapon no he has he holds like two two-handed weapons in each hand it's quite ridiculous what he does um I'm going to give myself that sword actually I'm going to put that there and I'm going to sell the rest at 12,000 sell that too I'm going to lock the all power free okay lock the fish okay think that's it so let's see they got a I got a po which isn't good at all um a scthe is that two-handed that is two-handed okay so let's give him let's give him a scythe not good at all but uh it'll have to do for our good mate shager and do they have a better bow they do not what are arrows they have better arrows o I do have better arrows that is amazing okay so let's do do that sell off our arrows stack bod can arrows as well uh we'll actually lock those so those are those done um do we give ourselves a spear as well so toall tip speed 199 length 162 can we give ourselves a spear let's do that we'll quickly lock that in okay we'll pay $600 so not bad not bad okay let's see if we can take out these Mountain Raiders I reckon yeah let's do it see if our party is up to the challenge so I've got a few more Knights now a few more Cav and I didn't I didn't unclick the bodyguards so damn it so these two guys will follow me wherever um let's put the archers archers up there infantry put the Infantry there okay so these boys are going to be an annoying so let's uh why is I don't know I don't know why these guys are put Eng Gage let's put in Gage all right these guys are annoying these guys are very very annoying that that no what are you doing dude I must save the knights no you died God damn it a damn it we lost a bloody oh we lost two I'm very slow at these guys see I will get better I promise it'll become more instinctual that's the word hey one that okay so we are Awakening him we lost one oh getting messed up H who's left this hman awesome okay we lost what did we lose two pages in a night that kind of sucks uh shagger got knocked out oh we got two medicine 12 P arm and six riding not bad not bad that that was three that was kind of big that was three big parties oh we got another night though got another a lot of pages leveled up that's good oh chain fur cloak oh that's a better spear no what am I doing well they must have just taken out a caravan that's better for shager look at him all right so we take the rest of the loot um we might give him a sword and shield if he got knocked out if he got knocked out it means the the two-handed is not for him yet all right let's head over to recruit more pages all right team we are back with another battle it is only six I am going to send in my troops hopefully they don't die if they if one of them dies I swear I swear they all pretty boys they're all pretty boys they're all looks and they have no oh it's not again I'm so sorry guys uh I might even turn the this turning is up a bit actually I C follow me these are on me wonder if I can Whittle them down a little bit oh de we them down the spear is on okay that's good get him boys 52 love it love to say it good okay we got more level up we got one more oh guys quickly we have our first night of the veil yes o this is awesome team this is good this is big how come we couldn't upgrade him yes nice the veil what an absolute sexy man oh awesome absolutely love it all let's head back on over to go down do a little bit more oh and a oh there an freaking battle no there's a tournament that's what I was meant to say tournament on here all right let's uh let's complete this tournament and then we will finish the episode I reckon see if they got any better twoand nope nope all looking pretty crappy to be honest oh light saddle that looks pretty sick pretty slick if I don't mind same okay let's uh put that back okay 1,800 uh party what have a got no we don't want you guys in our party we are pure and we are amazing five hit points movement speed I want hit points cuz Knights can be tanky um inurance again let's Max this out okay we are going to wait some time so we're 100% hopefully the tournament stays stop waiting so is she still here is she good at anything no just riding should be good night actually okay into the arena what are we going to get oh Veil Knight boots this would be huge for dece he needs these boots unfortunately dece isn't at his Peak yet he's still training he's still learning but if if he wins this his confidence will sky rocket oh shag is in as well let's bet screw it if shag's in surely Shaga is going to win oh you bastard why did you do that for get out of here good oh okay that's good so we need a red where's Red is that it is that red as if he turned oh this crossbowman oh God good okay we're in we're no we're not guys I'm scared I'm scared okay we need to kill one of these guys to begin Sur I got one there we go don't come towards me you will what ah that actually scared me okay go son go Elite Lancer there we go I had oh he got messed up okay if we just stay here and look pretty reckon they're going to kill each other and then uh we'll keep taking HT shots and keep missing and we should be fine they going to run in circles aren't they I got seven more oh I can get on that I can pick up some stuff and okay I'm going to go pick up a spear going mess these guys up if they kill me I swear to God give me a spear wrong one there we go you guys asked for it oh there we go and come on come on Deuce this guy doesn't know what's going to hit him oh Deuce rain Supreme love it okay so this is a 1 V1 V1 V1 so what we're going to do is actually just we're going to keep running around we're going to aim for the higher armored troops well they're actually all pretty high to be honest there 72 I think where're the lowest armor I'll split your how how dare you attack my horse leave my ni alone okay get this green guy there we go these guys are no match for Deuce there we go head shot there we go love it okay we're betting again this one's going to be quite the um so we versing a soldier and of course we get the rider of course oh it's good it's very good yeah that guy standing no I actually shot him oh my God I shot him come on come on come on come on come come come come come okay oh god oh yes yes oh I didn't even say anything that was intense oh dude oh I've never been soed to scared of my life okay surely surely surely D got this in the bag oh that last one 2v one scared the oh that was shocking that was absolutely shocking dude should be ashamed of himself oh there we go oh boys that was intense Veil Knight boots and did I remind you that this is my first playthrough I am not skilled at this at all Veil KN boots are in my inventory that is going straight in my basket okay and I reckon we'll equip the boots and we are going to call that episode there guys that was intense I'm sweating from that it may not seem much to you but that was a lot for me that was quite a lot where are they here they are look at that give me the no oh where my legs going anyway well they can't hit what they can't see so um I have no legs that means they can't hit my legs surely that works um is that an upgrade for suar no that is the same and we're actually going to put that in there cuz I don't really need uh a shield cuz we are just going to be absolutely Ked need any hopefully we can get a better uh actual helmet I don't want that I don't want that out that looks just gross cool guys I reckon that will do us for this episode um it was that was actually very very exciting well I've also got a smithing uh mod as you can see down here it is 1,000% so um I don't want oh that's it so I don't want to be waiting all the time for smithing so I just made that 1,000% and oh let's actually okay if I go in here I'm going to be here forever so I'm actually not going to go through all this 200 P arm yeah ning look at that that is sick two-handed swords oh we can already make something what is that a white cross Katana heart span Blackfire a valan steel sick that looks anyway all right guys so that will do this for this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed uh if you do want to watch more please subscribe and like and comment do all those good things I will reply to every single comment that I see I swear to God um and yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed I will see you in the next episode guys peace
Channel: THE SIR BOB
Views: 1,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountandblade, bannerlord, GOT, Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones Game, GOT Game, RPG, Strategy, Conquer, Mount & Blade Bannerlord
Id: Vsmf83_xg00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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