The Walkumentary - Southbound on the CDT

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so [Music] the continental divide national scenic trail is a 2800 mile route that runs from canada to mexico through montana idaho wyoming colorado and new mexico large sections of this trail are incomplete yet every year a handful of hikers set out to walk its entire length [Music] [Music] [Music] first birthday [Music] so we're packaging up mail drops here's what we have a lot of pineapple rings various assortment of cliff products mangoes electromix fruit leathers raisins more fruit leathers these are male drops 20 of them basically from mini glacier and then it continues down here and all the way over there there's a box in the bottom of that shelf that is hachita the packing is done and now it's time to head to belco [Music] [Music] so how do you feel oh i can't my hip is completely asleep yeah really it almost went out of socket i never want to ride with seven people in beauty's car again but canada is cool right yes it's the 24 hours of bell cup so on june 14th 2006 the day before we started our continental divide trail hike we found ourselves at the belly river campground in waterton lakes provincial park just north of the canadian border our hope was that this kickoff would rival anything that the pacific crest trail or appalachian trail had ever offered and i think that's exactly what we found in german hitchhiking bag so you keep it up when you're standing next to the road german brand haribo what in the hell it's colorado i like gummy treats huh so what do you think are we gonna do um uh ice axe pole vault or drunken gps we should eliminate one person from the cdt oh we should vote people out like every couple weeks all right every every step of the vote on that i'll be like i'm sorry pie tribal spoken [Applause] i'm a cool oh nice first day on the trail we had about 40 mile per hour winds horizontal rain and luckily enough there's a ranger station six miles in which we just spent about the past seven or eight hours at i think it's 20 chance of rain but about a 90 chance of misery so how do you feel hiking on the cdt it's very good today yesterday not so good there's this pack maddie what are you doing what do you guys think maddie's chances are of actually doing this right now i think he's gonna do it but he's nuts so what did you think today about um your climb up triple divide peak well it was really exposed like the whole uh yellow band you gotta like watch your step every misstep would have lead to certain deaths and i'm not joking like sir you've got to grab like the stone wall with your hands and sometimes go on your knees what did you do on top of triple divide p i did the three most important things took a picture yelled the my love for my girlfriend and uh pete and all the three what are bays doing i'm spying on maddie i'm trying to learn his german ways oh yeah so maybe i'll be able to prance across the snow the way that he can what have you learned so far um he has some pretty cool diaper cream called the pentium cream it's from buyer like aspirin secret weapon from germany you can you can apply it on your lips on your feet and even inside your mouth you can take it right from your feet i will not eat little things ever again okay we gotta explain the situation we gotta explain the situation a little she's like one day out of town yeah and she got a full bear canister of food we're eating half there this is out of control you realize that you can resupply tomorrow [Laughter] no that's either good enough to get all the way across glacier she's good enough to get to idaho [Music] big sky montana yeah it's a really big sky [Music] i jump in all right maddie is it cold man it's good it's too hot here on the cdt okay that's high gone what's for dinner whole wheat pasta some just veggies some just garlic and some powdered milk and i added some olive oil yum and that's about it i was sweating a lot because someone forced me to take a break in the sun it wasn't me my other blister peeled off [Applause] that's nasty it doesn't hurt at all feels good see you can touch it chinese wall haha [Music] skateboard wilderness visitor registration card how did you obtain information about the area jonathan lay [Laughter] hey man is that a bear what yeah somebody put it in my pack i don't know who welcome to the continental divide come on run through it and this is your food bag yeah it's cool does that say a spree that's where it comes from so i close it against the rain i hope the branch doesn't crack this is filled with blood underneath that's a blood blister and it's starting to hurt because there's so much pressure underneath and here's my other toenail that i lost and here's the blister that just healed on the side oh man your feet [Laughter] just like the bear like he was on the trail like ahead of me and like i want to go that way and he was like coming this way so both kind of like about 20 minutes ago um we got to the trail junction right near cottonwood lake at thunderbolt mountain so so i'm just standing and he's looking at me i'm looking at him like oh wait i don't look at him do i then i'm kind of like this you know and then and then i'm looking at him then i like got my camera out i had to use the bathroom so i set my pack right beside a tree and then i went off to do my business it was a black bear it was a busy i don't know you could judge by this side about two minutes later a bear a black bear showed up walking about 50 feet away from me up the trail towards me but it definitely saw you oh yeah it's like we stopped him and he decided to go that way around the trail and i decided to go that way and i'm just like and i can't help but think that if i had been a little bit longer doing my business that the bear would have come right up on my back and then like he stops you looking at me and he starts walking towards me i'm just like i think the lesson that i learned here today on the continental divide trail is that um if you have to step off the woods to do some business it's probably a good idea to take your pack with you especially your bear spray so where are we at um i don't know the day is july 11th and we're here at the four corners we are officially about to step on to the anaconda cut off so it's 20 miles to anaconda if everything goes as planned we might be there tonight like two seconds of happiness and then i tripped over a rock and like fell on my good knee and my meanwhile in my water bottle like flew out of my pack and like i can't believe you guys just found us on the road yeah we were going to go down here and leave a sign for you like you know like a hotel room such and such an anaconda and our good friends pie and nitro just showed up they costed us they costed us on the side of the road with mountain dew and coke it was quite nice it's probably the most exciting thing that's happened on the entire hike so far the 24 hours of nitro are officially over see ya she carries about 110. they carry about a quarter of their body weight like wow it does and then he carries 150 and then one what after we resupply he's carrying 200 but he's an 800 pound animal so jeez oh you can imagine like so if you see the v shape thing right there that's where we came down today we're here at gibbons pass gibby and i'm having a brief trail snack hydration and nutrition all in one tell us what the water report is for the next section there is a gallon right there sweet so i went and sat down and as i'm sitting down i hear this streak and a little bit later another week i wonder what's going on there's like a big jumble of talking so i get out of the outhouse and go check and i guess people can rent this hut and so some people have rented the hud for like three days and lovebirds had gone down there opened the front door and there's a guy in there naked shavings how do you feel ah i'm hot so what do you have here uh this is a dead horse fly that he paid the price he's not quite dead yet he's suffering but i'm enjoying watching him suffer oh man it's a beauty what happened to your knee that's from the disaster that was dana spring that was a long time ago i know it was pretty awful i see you boy don't you be looking at me like that you just go on get out of here and take your youngins with you idaho so the car gets closer and i'm flagging it down he stops his car but he stops far away from me so i start walking up to him and he puts the car in reverse like oh man what's going on you're the first car we've seen in a couple hours we're just looking for a ride to town we're hiking the cdt and then he puts the car back in reverse he's like we just need a ride into town that's all and he thinks about it for a second and he looks at me and he's like nope so we walk over here to the silver dollar cafe and bar and then we walk in okay do you have anything else you got a pizza okay it's a nice little uh 10 inch frozen pizza right on the box very nice yeah look at those tops napoleon give me some thoughts man yellow bottle good red bottle bad this one burns oh it burns it lit our tin foil on fire and pretty much almost caught the entire uh gulch on fire oh look there's more over there there's tons there must be at least 100 or more just because you have a signed trail junction does not necessarily mean that you have a trail continental divide trail this way there's a post and another one but no trail pretty standard really i got these shoes and they've got a lot of mesh you see which is nice they're breathable but this is what happens to the feet if you're where gators like myself you'll notice a tan line it doesn't really bother me but the ladies they don't really seem to like that tan line this is not the best water source some kind of algal sludge it's flowing though it doesn't smell too bad we're gonna go with the the double whammy the pure hiker filter first followed by some aqua mira we'll see if that works our new tradition is to fill our fence full of shoes people that have walked out of their shoes they're good to go or they've flown out or something like that so anybody that wants to donate their shoes to the fence here you will gladly take your shoes you have to write your name on them your trail name your real name how many miles the shoes went and we'll happily put them on the fence what's going on with the hikertan that's that's my pct hypertension it's still there from two years ago i have a really gross infection on my back i think it's from my pack some staph a staff that's a pretty serious infection yeah all the doctors are telling me not to hike because um i could be in the hospital for months if it gets any worse so did you go see a doctor i went to the hospital well they gave me some antibiotics and some pork cassettes for the pain i might be able to go back tomorrow and get it cut open and drained and then hopefully my problems will be solved is the cdt right now and you can see that there's kind of a path where people have walked uh but all intensive purposes there's really not much going on here but weeds well basically i'm pretty excited to be done with montana and it had some really great parts but i'm ready to move on i need a little time to process montana and to think about it but all i know is it took us 48 days to get through it and some of those days the only thing that kept me going was knowing that i would never have to walk through montana again also i think it's um kind of sickly humorous that on day one we were freezing cold and it was raining and today when we left montana it was freezing cold and raining and there was no trail today which was an added bonus but it's done so we met this guy coming out of mcdonald pass and uh he was asking us if we'd seen any bears we told him yeah we've seen a couple in glacier and he said he's from helena he said well i've been hiking in these parts for a long time and i've seen one one bear in glacier but i saw 40 grizzlies in yellowstone [Music] come on there's more tourists uh i had a moth fly into my ear and laid there for a day and a half flying around or fluttering around and wouldn't come back out no matter what we did maddie tried to get out with the tweezers a little thing to flush water in there and you couldn't get it out so we had to go to the clinic and they got it out it was in my ear for three days and 70 miles oh and how long was it alive during that the lives for the first day and a half and every now and then you'd feel it flutter you know i got some bug spray in my ear and it just went crazy it says very human waste at least 100 feet from a water source pod and i are about i don't know six feet from this huge water source just on the other side of this tree is a poo i guess the people just couldn't wait you can see this whole area on the side of my toe is swollen and you can't really see very well but it's red and everything around it hurts beauty we've been on the trail 52 days now how many of those 52 days have you had either foot or leg pain a hundred percent embrace the brutality there it is ladies and gentlemen the brutality of the cdt what is the status of your dog bite right now my dog is healed it might be just like you're sunburned a dirty old scar okay so so laundromat i see that you're not hiking with a laundry bag that's like you have a real backpack yeah if you own a real backpack the cdt is your first long trail is that correct yep how's it been going i love it it's great um i think uh the other trails are gonna probably be boring for me [Music] okay so you don't want me moving never cut a woman's hair before but so how many inches are we talking here six seven like maybe like that much so it's about three yeah feeling very excited this is first it's my first beauty salon job here in dubois wyoming do boys oh maddie you should let me cut that chest and i revoke town privileges many many moons ago i can't wear to town i can only wear it like in the middle of nowhere you should bounce it i'm not bouncing it dude you gotta be kidding me come on the moment i bounce is the moment i get eaten by a bear i think you should maybe burn it and retire it you soak it in heat and light it i sell heat the red heat bottle maddie no i always take the yellow one never get with the red what do you think this girl is that good it's eight days carry man what about this item two pounds i'm gonna try it out maybe i got a little bit too much i don't know let me know how it works out man yeah we will see then the fremont county sheriff told us there was a big fire between tuggety pass and union pass on the cdt oh i got him so tonight is august 11th and we're on our first stretch heading into the wind river range [Music] so [Music] those are big freaking packs [Music] 5.7 miles to cattle pool i'd rather drink urine so what do you think are we gonna make it through the basin or what yeah i think it's gonna be fine near lander wyoming the continental divide splits into east and west rims which rejoined south of rollins wyoming and enclose the several million acre area known as the great divide basin hey skills you got some friends man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so disco what are you doing it's cold yeah i'm learning how to use a pump filter okay so you are always filtering water huh no i actually don't even want this on video [Music] oh it stinks that does stink man it's only about a foot deep it won't fill all the way oh do we have a water bottle i could use to fill it i can't get up again we'll pull you up so we're here today at the a m reservoir in the great divide basin and the reservoir is supposed to be fenced off from cows you can see the cows down here outside the fence but then we got the reservoir a couple of cows more cows cows cows cows so i think it's a safe bet to say uh there's a very strong likelihood there's giardia in the water so hopefully our filter works so speedo what's for breakfast today it's like every morning oatmeal an instant pudding it looks a little green man this pistachio [Applause] welcome to breakfast ladies and gentlemen that country carry this special tool to get it all in my water bottle oh boy good luck bon appetit [Applause] come on what do we got man we got to film this it's beautiful so what's pretty surprising you americans engineered like this cool water system but then you got these two pit toilets it's like full of dead moth oh whoa like a whole population it's extincted here man because you have a tire you should carry one on your back it's a new lightweight item i'm doing a little front packing today my friend speedo highly recommends it and i don't think it'd be a good thing to do with a heavy pack but it's nice to change it up a little bit he's going in that hole look at that rattle does this work oh that way so it's kind of hard to navigate on these highways yes yes yes there's water in there what do you think man bottled water or this well when i was head up upside down in there it just didn't really look that good i think this stuff from uh from costco would do quite nicely and happy meals if you were to win the useless gear award what item in your pack would qualify and then we're going to run probably the purell because no matter what we do out here we're always going to stink and be his hygienic and i've never seen him oh really he's never used things i do you're not around to say basically i had to shut the side of the nail to get out the piece that was sticking into my tongue so i cut that out and i'm just trimming away excess skin she told me not to cut off that part right bottom of the there so what is turbo loading you have an interesting way of eating come on man where's your manners in germany 25.8 miles it's raining i have no pans but i have ty back gimpy likes to play a little game with this squeaky toy usually when i get close enough he grabs it and then i come after him and he takes off [Applause] come on guys and they're off [Applause] oh embrace the brutality because that's what it is that's what it's all about if he's dead he's definitely recently dead it's like the crab crawl this is why you had to do crab crawling elementary school gymps oh oh oh sidewinder what would your mom say right now did you shake her go ahead and go what's missing doing [Applause] sidewinder what do you have for dinner totally rice knows i like to say orange orange rice yum a mcdonald pass going into helena yeah this other guy comes by so i get in the car look over and i introduced myself to him and i notice there's blood like coming from the back of his head oh rough night he goes yeah i was partying with some friends and i apparently i just fell over oh how much you have to drink he goes uh i don't know i had a liter of vodka with cranberries but i don't think that's what did it i think it was the um the oxycotin and the vicodin i took two sentences after that he's like you want to get high [Music] happy trails my friend congratulations happy trails to you you got the best part of the hike coming up 1200 miles worth later so we're sitting here at devil's thumb park today and as you can see by pods chattering teeth it's a little windy at the moment all i can say is that i hope any hikers up on the divide right now above treeline and the wind and the rain are safe because i wouldn't want to be up there right now um yeah no i don't want to be up there so we're going to commence our bail to the roads at this moment just making some dinner in the rain yeah we've got our patented two umbrella vestibule system and we got the stove right out out front here even though we're feeling the push to get through colorado there's really nothing we can do at this point because of the weather i got it all want me to talk to you yeah we'll do a quick interview okay so how far did you come to visit me on the continental divide today must have come all the way around the world i mean this is a nightmare continental divide trail show it to me what do you think our chances are of actually making it to the mexican please i don't know i don't do mortuary statistics [Applause] don't go over don't go over we should add a few and make it taller it's a lot taller now we had a little option today coming out of silverthorne we could do 5400 feet of elevation gain over 21 miles or we could walk this lovely bike path from silverthorne through frisco to copper mountain so we opted for the more scenic walk uh probably not really but um it's a lot flatter when my the inside of my cap gets mold on it that's usually when it's time to replace it he wants to eat my food hey so we're here today at camp hill an area where the 10th mountain division trained during world war ii before they were sent to italy for combat it's pretty run down [Applause] so i guess a couple years back you couldn't even really hike through this area because there were a lot of um duds and land mines and unexploded ordnance it says dear crew we're going into leadville to stuff our faces shower and lay around we're spending the night and hiking out mid-morning tomorrow come join us at the hostel do you promise to give peod and disco ride to tennessee pass tomorrow morning you produce a car i will give you a ride to tennessee pass you don't have a car man that's it i'm on his bike yeah and lakes you know there's that remember because the actual trail comes out here this is a underpass okay the highway walk back here and then yeah we walked back to twin lakes when we were on the car look what you guys have done to this this shop you hiker trashed it up this isn't for you to spread out your things and your items because you're homeless guys girls we're comfortable you know it started raining at about five a.m and it's changed over to freezing rain the problem is that we're only at nine thousand feet elevation and hope pass is it 12 500 feet if it's freezing rain down here it's definitely snowing up there and i'm also worried about the snow issue because we don't have ice axes or anything yeah the skiing is great hiking not so great we've decided to take a low route today so low that it's going to take us into buena vista to the hot springs burr last night it got down to about 25 or so in our tent i'm thinking that maybe i'll get a zero degree bag you got toothpaste it's winter up here at 12 000 feet september 18th and we came below tree line no snow last night and this snow here is from about three days ago and there's at least six inches in some places surprised brother what do you guys think that the air temperature is right now oh it's about freezing with your temperatures yeah all right this sandwich this is the official mars organic ice cream bars margaritas or maybe the water room uh there's a vodka right come on man vodka right right maddie yeah you can tell how you what the cooler a cooler of sodas right yeah in coachella hills just past 114. i'm on it are you snowboarding are you hiking man hiking come on man it's closer to mountaineering we're back on the trail again after three zeros in crested butte walked into a winter wonderland my gator's frozen solid so it only took us about 1700 miles to get to our first shelter on the cdt it took us over three months mexican rise and uh seven ounce tuna fish in sunflower oil then i got these uh little fish oil pills and some vitamins and then i'm gonna snack on my other stuff i've got chicken and broccoli and a tuna fish what's what flavor tuna it's the only way to rock man sweet spicy i've never had that i've never tried any of this oh sure i'll try bike what are you guys back there doing trail maintenance or something what's going on i'm here in the cochitopa hills searching for a soda cache found nothing so far is there anything in it yes yeah i opened it up and wow oh pod just came over the rise don't let him beat you man he's coming he's coming like a freight train up man oh man what are you doing getting ready for the summit lightening my pack weight what about water man what if a marmot comes and eats all that bad luck yeah what did skittles do what does his note say says hey all i'm watching out and taking the creed cut off i have to come back and do the bloody one bj trail trade just know it says they're definitely considering the san juan route depending on how the next 15 miles go don't mess out what's a few more miles what are you out here for anyway the creed cut off is for dweebs dorks and jerks puds being harassed by a civilian [Music] what do you think about the creek cut off [Music] i think i can speak louder than words at this point we're supposed to meet peod's friend the professor at wolf creek pass by six normally this wouldn't be too tough the problem is this and our trail is there we've been walking through snow and mud and slop i'm freaking exhausted beauties exhausted come on look what i found on the trail i'm a real american now it's an algae whoa let me tell you uh 07 cdt hikers if you're not prepared to walk in a super zombie fight state shouldn't be out here did you think you're going to get interviewed on our 959 kcr now the princess of darkness and disco are actually filming a documentary on their walk and they're still waiting for that ride down to the diner down there hi guys what we're gonna do we're gonna play a little bit of cinderella a little gypsy road in honor of these guys we can't get a ride anywhere and we've got a sign we need to go 12 miles look at that it's even cheerful and no one will pick us up watch this guy he would [Applause] come on pick us up it's been like this all day new mexico is cold and wet and muddy yeah am i still muddy on the back i know it was hot and dry whoa we're just kind of walking a gully and then all of a sudden i came to the edge [Music] well it's definitely not a wolf style map it's not detailed enough oh let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] beauty how many trail miles do you have right now total how many how many trail miles do you think you have right now um how many are the three together about 7 600 so i got about 7 000. it's eight a.m on october 13th and i'm about to badah skittles and the princess i think the phantom is a crowd pleaser [Applause] the phantom of the wilderness did i scare you guys cool [Applause] oh it didn't work man what up whoa dude you scared the out of me it says it's 3 100 miles what do you guys think that's maybe for maddie going under a fence oh that's the proper technique what would your mom say right now pod i should say that i'm foolish yeah yeah so would it the first that that really i we we know about came this spring 1 don't mess up and this is sketchy damn cdta we're about to die of thirst any minute now because there's no water it's been 14 miles since our last water and it's 15 miles to our next water it's bone dry nothing there is [Laughter] this water [Music] it doesn't matter that we just got fresh water because we're gonna die anyways it's treacherous out there we're going to be in the snow and some hunters are going to walk by and shoot us i predict that i'm going to be sitting outside the tt tonight cooking dinner in the pouring rain you don't want to drink out of there i think i'm good yeah i'm all right i think i'll pass too there's a prison right behind you man oh that's why you're not getting a ride just all walk into town then mags is about four days ahead of us but we think we figured out where he camped coming into town hello what in the hell are you doing hiking the continental divide trail hiking you mean you're doing it look at this guy [Applause] our friends make susan and joe hikers sorry didn't realize we only had one beer left but go ahead and drink it and have a soda or gatorade we should be back about 12 or 12 to 30. what advice do you have for 2007 hikers don't do it because you want a loose grip on the boat you don't want to real tight just like do like this oh hey speedo what's going on with the knife man well for the fin the knife is a lifelong companion and as with any relationship proper care has to be taken left and narrow for you so you can follow our footprints on the road [Applause] so i think there's a through hiker in these bushes let's see we can find oh yeah it's skittles so gotta hold your country slack high man you're flying the colors man what are you doing there disco front packing the latest craze in long distance hiking it looks crazy for sure ready to hike there you try six more days you gonna wear the pumpkin head the whole way no sure okay buddy you gotta go halloween's over [Music] hello be prepared to get the windmill going and i worry about the little cowboys [Applause] i think this is a good stretch for your calf muscles [Music] big little little cowboys on the big white plane where do they stay on the big plane 28 mile day into the cheetah for no good there were air brakes too an air brake yeah and everyone said they were done pushing they were lying you're not done pushing fast [Applause] [Applause] but the average hike good how are you great [Applause] i want to see what i have left to drink do you have anything left that's my own urine right there sweet man half liter of my own urine you know yeah here here love it love it hikers um urine it's great what would you do if you had a gun with one bullet right now uh shoot a rabbit for dinner wow man that is gross we just talked to border patrol they're gonna give us a ride back to ichida in the cage all we got to do is finish whoa where's mexico guy mexico's there gotta push we're gonna push into the desert night to finish our hike in 145 days the new record it's a new record for southbound hikers except for a few exceptions here we go canada to mexico canada to mexico i think we just found the border [Applause] we're in mexico right now scared you ever been to mexico before i have not hey hey come check this out here's the sign about the axe murderer 2700 miles 145 days four of the six of us that finished would become triple crowners [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and um for being the most athletic by running five miles with your shirt off i pronounce you you're almost your pants for an entire month and forgetting trail tail [Applause] we're simultaneously heating and scenting the tents documentarian and our own little princess oh wow um for having the worst trail diet ever and for taking the most zeros no but yeah i beat me insane also get your triple crown award yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] last night we've been sleeping underneath this tree then therefore these little bits it's caterpillar shits it's green it's brown it's red it falls down on you it's caterpillar poo my friends they won't believe me before it's taken in a lap they won't trust my knowledge about caterpillar crap it's green it's brown it's red it falls down on you it's caterpillar poo early in the morning the shit's all over me but i don't really care cause it's just process tree it's green it's brown it's red it falls down on you it's caterpillar poo some call it condensation but i know what it is it's caterpillar piss it's green it's brown it's red it falls down on you it's caterpillar poo and if you don't believe me and you don't think i'm right then leave your mouth wide open and grab a tasty bite yeah and no chorus it's over no you have to do the ending like you did last time when i read that uh-huh grow a high school
Channel: HikeDiscoHike
Views: 6,740
Rating: 4.9325843 out of 5
Keywords: Walkumentary, CDT, Continental Divide Trail, Hiking, Southbound, SOBO, POD, Disco
Id: 4UOuA6Yi_SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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